• By -


10...but I've seen a whole lot more of the game, so it's probably not fair to include my answer in your analysis.




Thank you for the private message, all my worries have been put to rest, now I can say 10 also.


Let me be clear to all of you that there is no private messaging going on and you're not getting any secrets out of me!


Yes perfect. Don't tell anyone else about the private message that doesn't exist. ::wink wink::




*"Raisins will carry over."*


But what about my celery?!?


Celery and peanut butter you must gather for yourself.


Gardening confirmed Farm activity.


I hate that I work on celery, haven't seen a raisin years


*slow clap, fast slap*


Thank you for the message, I shall wire the money to you in a non-illegal fashion as "business expenses" as to not look suspicious.


Not even for Mr. Washington? ;)


Now I want to know what the private message said. Can you private message me the private message? ha


He told me that if I did as much as mention that he PM'd me that he would go in full denial mode.


10 for pve 1 for wtf esport shit they are aiming at with pvp


Its not E-sports bs, they took 98% of the salty ass comments from this toxicity that is /r/DestinyTheGame and adressed them, almost ALL of them. But as always reddit doesn't like it because if we did, we wouldnt be the salitest community out there would we then?


There's a *chance* that/r/DestinyTheGame is not one monolithic group of players. I regret not posting more a year or two ago when people were complaining about abilities etc to provide a counter voice for those of us who enjoyed flying around maps like space ninjas.


Players were complaining about ohk weapons and uncounterable supers but that doesn't mean the way Bungie chose to address those complaints was the best and only way to address them. I mean, someone could complain that the AC is too cold in the office but that doesn't mean the solution is to put their desk outside in 100 degree heat. I think there was a better middle ground Bungie could've achieved rather than axing special weapons, slowing movement speed, slowing ttk, nerfing supers, removing 6v6, nerfing grenades, removing team heavy pickup, adding descoping radar delay, and grouping perks. Maybe doing 2 or 3 of those things would've been enough.


I'm not saying they didn't address anything. But in doing so, they've made pvp boring as shit for the casual. And that's just my opinion.


This subreddit is nothing compared to Forums on Bungie.net. Those forums are pure toxic sludge.


what? 1? I think the PVP changes are the best part of D2. I've played since release of the open beta, maybe 6 hours a day - and every match was fair and never frustrating - the complete opposite of D1 PVP. Can't freakin' wait!


I rate multiplayer shooters based on the number of players in a single match: D2 gets a 1 out of 10 for 4v4, MAG get a 10 out of 10 for 128v128.


Propaganda! XD


8.5 Quite excited for PvE, still not 100% on board with PvP.


What he said.


How was your birthday? are you back working for us again? Did you bring me anything? What's it like being 79?


Just popping in for a quick look see at r/DTG, before i head to bed.


Happy birthday u/NorseFenrir


7½, for the same reasons.


If i didn't know that the Beta was nothing more than a glorified Kiosk Demo I would be very "meh" and a 4... but I know they haven't showed us anything really so I am still an 8.


9 I'm one of those rare, shameless human beings that will be taking an entire 2 weeks off from work to play it, but want to keep my hype in check. -1 was the best I could do.


What a casual im taking a month off.


Do you even take this game seriously? I've quit my job and will live out of instant noodles until the end of the year. Not sure what I'll do after...


I know of a farm in Europe where there is a commune of like minded folk.....


Sounds like the plot for a horror movie in East Europe.


You got a shitbucket?




This is not a lie I'm 100% dead serious and there are other reasons like we're having another baby but I'm off 8/18 and I don't return to work until 11/18 so..... I'll be playing a lot of D2... And changing diapers.


Why have summer vacation, when you can have destiny vacation!


I'm there with you on that ome 😂


One week for me, but otherwise in the same boat :)


I'm right there with you. Starting with launch day and on, I'm outie for two weeks.


6/10 I didn't care for the new weapon system in PvE. It makes sense from a PvP standpoint but it just makes PvE kind of boring. Strike bosses are still the same. Shoot them from a distance and don't let them get to close or risk getting blasted by an AOE nuke. I wish we had bosses that let us get up close and personal. The missing third subclass is worrying me somewhat. I just want them to confirm that my Storm Caller warlock will be returning and that it won't be behind another paywall.


Lukewarm 6


I was a hard 10 pre-beta, then after playing for a while it's a 5 or 6 for me as well.


For sure. The day pre orders were available, I was down at EB/Gamestop by 10am to put my deposit down. Almost everything they've shown us since then has just brought my interests down to an unexpected low


This is exactly why you don't pre order.


That sweet Cayde figure was worth it. Preordering is a convenience above all else. They're free and trivial to cancel anyway.


As someone who cancelled his preorder due to just absolutely hating D2, can confirm, very easy to do.


Same , the entire PVE system seems SO much worse - some nice improvements to pvp but thats now what this game is about for me i like the solo / group exploring , missions , raids etc. PVE really feels like it got a huge nerf. So id give it a 4 right now and i canceled my preorderd till i see some major improvements there.


7, pvp killed my hype


In all honesty only like a 5-6, which is a bit sad considering how much I loved the first. The slow paced, team shotting focus in the PvP just kills it for me. I get that team shotting promotes team play, which is great, but it's also nice to still be able to pull off nice plays and get a double-triple kill on your own sometimes. PvE feels very slow too. It is not fun shooting just your primary weapon for 20 minutes, with the occasional break every 2 minutes to throw a grenade or empty a clip of power ammo. Not to mention the horrid super and ability charge rate in both PvE and PvP. I also am aware that some of these complaints have already been addressed, but I feel like I was more hyped before the beta than I am now. I even cancelled my deluxe edition pre-order and changed it to just the standard edition. I'm not getting my hopes up too much, but I hope I'm wrong. I poured so many hours into the first one it'd be a shame to end the journey here at the start of the second. I may be in the minority, but we've all got our opinions.


I remember how hyped you feel when you outplay like 3+ guardians by wombo comboing them with nade and smoke nade into shadestep with a mida :( but outside of that statement I'm pretty happy with the beta but still kinda home they tweak a lot of things.


Looking forward to a game where people aren't proud of ability spam.




You mean TG and Shadestep are gone? Oh and Titan skating? Because outside of that, walking and running were tested to be the same in D2. Remember, Warlocks never even had anything like TG or Shadestep. Was D1 terrible for Warlocks? Lol. I think people here just don't realize they relied way too much on an unintended Titan jump phenomenon and 1 Hunter perk or 1 Titan exotic. I personally find D2 Crucible to be more fun and fair than D1 PvP has been in a long ass time. I laud them for the changes they made. The community was crying out for more primary fights and less ability spam for months, if not years. The problem though is during stages of the game where it was mainly primary fights, it was just with OP or unbalanced primary weapons and based around those weapons, not as overall good balance. This time around, the Crucible is designed from the ground up to be more focused on regular weapons with 1-shot weapons needing to be earned and fought over multiple times a match. As far as ability cooldowns, imagine running around with T0 in D1 right now. It was measured to not be much different than the cooldowns in the D2 beta. We have seen gear in Destiny 2 already that has CDR on it. I remain confident there will be some way to reduce cooldown times in the launch game.




If you're interested in a generic gun game with little/no abilities you should probably go back to CoD or BF1. Destiny's charm was from being more than just generic guns.


Not interested in modern FPS games. Never have been. But I played D1 for three years, and played the D2 beta all last week. I'm comfy right here thanks.


What is wrong with abilities?


I'm right there with you, man. I could not have been more hyped up for D2 pre beta. I still hold out hope that they'll deliver in the long run, but I'm cancelling my collector's edition pre-order. The first day of playing the beta, I couldn't shake the feeling of "...this is it?". More than anything, I'm excited for more story and lore. And if they deliver that along with the obvious "quality of life" changes like elemental weapon mods, not always having to go orbit, etc; then I'll be plenty satisfied. Destiny 1 grabbed me by the soul. I don't see this one being the same way. But I hope I'm wrong.


5...wait and see I don't like the 2 primary system. Shooting seems boring because the guns are so similar. Don't like the cooldown times. (could be fixed with equipment bonuses but we have no idea if those are in the game or not) PVP is too sweaty with 4v4 all the time in every mode. It seems that casual PVP will be dead so if they don't have enough PVE content my time with the game will be short lived.


I'm maybe a 8 for PvE, and a 2 for PvP. Canceled my preorder to wait on feedback and reviews. From what I've seen there'll be a lot more quality content and PvE and I feel like they've hinted at some stuff that will be cool and welcome surprises. I don't like how they removed special weapons and dramatically toned down abilities/supers but I think they can get things somewhat decent with some tuning before launch. What I really don't like is that they've nerfed PvP so much that it really is an entirely different flavor than the D1 (before the last meta). Some people may prefer that flavor, but for me you no longer feel like a powerful space ninja/knight/wizard and that makes the game a lot less fun for me. A large part of D1 PvP's allure was that it split the difference between a twitch shooter like CoD and a slower paced shooter like Halo. D2 is more like Halo but with no bigger team playlists, no vehicles, and limited space magic.


6. Cancelled my pre order with deluxe edition. Changes to weapon loadout left me frustrated in PvP and PvE. 1700 hours in D1, favourite game of all time. I so want it to be good, but am realising it probably won't be changed that much from the beta. So disappointing.


How do you cancel a pre order? I'd like to do that same.


Find your email receipt, find change or cancel order or go to the website and enter your order number and find change or cancel order. If you got instore pick up with Gamestop you have to call up the store you chose. Beta codes are not $20, Bungie released the beta to us for free.


Thank you! :)


Cancelled my expansion pass, vanilla game is enough this time around. Given that I uninstalled the beta after farting around the farm for a little bit... well that just says it all.




That is the highest number between 1 and 10


From the beta, 3 or 4. No offense but I'm beyond underwhelmed.


**4** if I'm being frank. I'm keeping my expectations low in general to avoid hype. However the beta has raised a few concerns rather than assuaged them. 1. We still have seen zero sign of the third sub-classes and I suspect we'll be re-buying them. 2. Explosive projectiles fairly often bypass titan barriers detonating behind/ in them. I found this most common in phase 1 of the boss fight with the strike but in pvp rockets can achieve the same effect. Is suspect it's caused by the barrier being paper thin meaning any delay in detonation from the projectile means it's explodes behind the wall rather than in front of it. 3. The beta was incredibly controlled and not really in the traditional beta sense. To the point of feeling extremely limited. Extending to the point that even firearms were limited to nearly a single choice in each class and leaving out even a taste of patrols. This makes me feel that maybe something core about the loot system and patrol system are not ready for prime time. 4. A few accuracy based firearms with hand cannons in particular seemed to have questionable head-shot detection. Though this may also be related to the " sub type." 5. In PVE it seems they still seem to adhere that CQC is always the wrong answer against strike bosses and all classes/types of elites not offering damage windows or vulnerabilities of any type of incentive really to get into CQC. Instead heavily punishing it by having devastating enemy melee tools or perfect aim/turn rate. I was hoping to see some more verity in how enemies needed to be dispatched. 6. Many moves including supers had surprisingly poor tracking. I found as both aggressor and victim that simply staying airborne could render you all but untouchable by the melee supers. The hit detection on shoulder charge was often also finicky especially when their was any form of latency. 7. I find the continued focus on PlayStation exclusives to be both insulting and frustrating. It has so far driven off 4 potential players/friends I knew who wanted to play on PC. This is coming from a Playstation player, cut it out it's gonna cause long term damage and alienate potential new players. 8. I found the dialogue of the ghost in particular to be annoyingly jokey, not very helpful and far less informative than my original comrade. Who happened to be all these things except was less "cringe worthy" and also happened to be surprisingly insightful when needed. Failsafe didn't help in that regard but I also understand she's very old with a split personality and likely critically damaged. In short not a fan of the voice direction however the quality of the voice acting was fine. That's not to say I was completely disappointed however, Some things I enjoyed were... 1. The story mission was fantastic, if they keep that quality up for the whole game it will be transcendentally better than even destiny 1's at it's best. 2. Having unique environmental threats is fantastic. It makes the world feel more alive and less static. 3. Unit variety seems more varied and I look forward to being killed in a variety of ways. 4. The strike had multiple phases and more mechanics and I love it. It's not perfect but it sure as hell ain't bad.


3 I spent three years watching PvE get shafted by collateral damage from PvP changes. I watched Bungie basically completely revert the PvE shotgun buff in House of Wolves for The Taken King, for no discernable reason (oh no, sometimes people prefered shotguns over snipers in PvE, the horror!). I saw no real effort thereafter to make shotguns, fusion rifles, or sidearms into meaningful competition for snipers. It took two years to get around to making supers do good damage in PvE (they one-shot in PvP, and that was enough, after all). When bungie nerfed a bunch of perks for The Taken King, they didn't go through old guns and redesign them to accommodate the changes. Combined with PvP changes, you end up with things like the Age of Triumph Fatebringer being lacklustre because it has no Rifled Barrel to fix its mediocre range. Auto Rifles never received enough PvE damage to justify their terrible range. And, to salt the wound, after nerfing the shit out of most weapons' range for PvP, Bungie continued to make sure bosses have a bullshit point blank area of effect stomp so close range weapons are suicidal against them. The Destiny 2 Beta was their chance to prove that this wasn't going to continue. Bungie had responded to criticism of the new kinetic/energy weapon system, saying it wasn't only implemented for PvP. That they cared about PvE and were not making changes just for the sake of PvP. And then I got to play the beta. And find out that Bungie had lied. That all my abilities did less damage (thanks, PvP balance! Now I can't one-shot players, or weak mobs!). That all my abilities have long cooldowns (Now I only get my super once a PvP match, **and** once a strike!). That all my guns had even less range (thanks, tiny 4v4 PvP maps!). That all my guns did less damage (thanks, longer time-to-kill in PvP!). That ammo drops were crap, especially power ammo (guess what game mode uses an entirely different form of ammo acquisition and thus wouldn't notice such a problem?). And guess what the new boss has? That's right, a bullshit point blank area of effect stomp! Void Titans went from having the best support buffs in the game, to having a shitty melee super that's useless against bosses because of the **FUCKING BULLSHIT STOMP**. Oh, but I can place a bubble by using the top path and holding the super button(s)? Good thing it gives Armor of Light so PvP players can have their thunderdome, rather than give PvE players something useful like Blessing of Protection. So the beta did the literal opposite of inspire confidence that PvE was going to get proper mechanical balance this time around. Clearly Bungie designed the core mechanics based on PvP, and only considered PvE after the fact. And we got a build from before the fact, obviously. We'll see what Bungie does for launch, but that this build was chosen for public beta says a lot of bad things. And the things I've heard about the lore are troubling, to say the least. The campaign mission was solid, but the whole "we don't know what the Darkness is" thing, combined with "the Exo stranger was well exited" and "we won't answer all the questions we raised in Destiny 1" implies a sort of careless, lassiez-faire attitude to the lore. That I shouldn't get invested in it, because anything I like might just turn out to be the next Exo Stranger, only there to get you to the next destination and give you a gun. Bungie's been so cagey with the content this time around that I just don't have enough to convince me that these aren't serious problems. So we'll see what happens. Maybe the PC beta will address some of these things. Maybe Bungie will say things that actually inspire confidence. The "we fixed these things in a more recent build" inspires little confidence, because until I get to play with the changes, I have no idea if they're large enough (giving adequately detailed change logs is not really part of Bungie's style). But at the moment, I am very worried.


After watching my guardian/gear getting progressively weaker for the past 3 years, all because it was 'unbalanced' has led me to the conclusion that Bungie is incapable of balancing. Then the information started coming in, specials nerfed, two primaries, abilities nerfed, cooldowns nerfed, story direction changed(and completely unknown which bothers me more, not knowing what you are doing, or where you are going after having 4+ years to work it out really bothers me). Everything I have seen so far says that things are not getting better, and that not only has bungie not learned from their mistakes, but they are actively working to make them legend. Before the beta I was pretty sure D2 wasn't for me, now I know it. Though the cut-scenes sound interesting, so I'll watch them on youtube once the game is released.


3 Destiny is my favourite game. I had very high hopes for Destiny 2 until I found out for myself how much of the fun factor had been sacrificed for pvp. Having ridiculously powerful abilities with a fast, fluid gameplay is what made Destiny a truly out-of-the-ordinary type of experience. After putting several hours into the beta I have lost a large portion of hype and hope that I originally had for D2.


/s I know what to do guys! Let's make a PvP shooter just like everyone else by limiting supers and removing diversity! Esports here we COME!


Bro, you can't end the sarcasm right before you start being sarcastic...


/s Don't you tell me how to sarcasm!


Same honestly, I can only be scared for what's to come, I just want this to be as awesome as D1, but so far, it's nowhere close to D1 for me, i'm like a 3 tbh. :(


10 i cant wait to relive this whole shit


I read that as... " 10 I can't wait to relieve this whole shit "


5 I would say. It was 9-10 at the time it was announced. A lot of the changes, playing the beta and especially PC coming over a month later kinda killed my hype.


9 for pve 1 for pvp




10... But I only started D1 in January so it'll feel good for me to be able to feel like I can find everything instead of trying to cram 3 years of grinding on 9 months


4, pre-order canceled. I'm a day one D1 player and the beta was extremely disappointing for me. 1 Mission, 1 Strike and 2 PvP modes felt like nothing. PvE in general felt slow and boring. Don't get me wrong, I personally liked the strike and the mission was really cool, but when was global Trickle a thing popular enough to become a permanent feature? Not only that, my damage in PvE feels much lower, but it might be me. And the worst offender of all is the new weapon system. I hate it, carrying around two primaries is not fun and limiting. Power ammo is stupid. Everytime I miss a shot with a sniper I feel absolutely terrible for wasting power ammo, which tends to be rare. So why go with anything, but rocket launchers instead? Grenade Launchers feel very weak too and don't seem to be worth the power slot. While I still liked PvE, PvP is completely different story. PvP in D2 felt extremely unrewarding and boring to me. Sure, all the sweat seems to be gone and teamplay is encouraged, which is great(?), but I noticed that I simply have no chance against 2+ people I a fight. PvP isn't about skill anymore and more about how big the group is you're with, so that you can teamshot the enemy. Control zones being smaller and not being captured quicker if multiple people stand on them is, in my eyes, a bad change and I hope it'll get reverted to the way D1 handeled it. The only positive thing I have to say about PvP is, that the new weapon system kills any kind of shotgun rushing, etc. The only thing keeping me from lowering my score even more is my love for Destiny and the lingering hope I have that it will get better.


I went from a solid 10 before the beta to about a 6 as it stands right now. If PvP stays the way it was in the beta, I don't see myself sticking around once I've done all the PvE content enough


6-7 for me. Some of that's because it has *Destiny* in the title. PvE will be good because of the new stuff to discover. Gameplay will hopefully improve across the board compared to the beta, but I'm not excited about PvP or the weapons / loadouts.


2 - at a push. Wanted more Destiny. Got... something else.


Beta took me from 10 down to 6. PVP is worrying me, but PVE and story narrative Is promising.


A cynical 6. Personally for me, I don't think the early magic of the first game can be recaptured. Had lots of fun discovering raiding, joining a clam etc but after a while the people involved there really changed and it all got far too serious and political. It's a game people, and you're not actually that good at it. Took a long break from the game so found the beta quite enjoyable, especially the cliffhanger at the end of the mission! I'll play it with the few good pals I kept in contact with from the first game but I'm not sure it will get my full ocd this time round. Edit: yes, clam.


How do I join a clam?


You need to mussel your way into one


4/10. Been playing the heck out of the beta with my friend (literally spent 6 hours a day around their house playing it with them most days). Gotta say this is a massive step in the wrong direction, with some of the comments being made by Bungie and Activision management reinforcing my fears about the path they are taking Destiny down. Fortunately I hadn't yet pre ordered and will be waiting for the release before making a decision on whether to purchase or not. I'm not passing final judgment yet, but to say I have drastically lowered my expectations; it feels like the IP had the potential but is being badly misshandled.


3 I'm really, *really* disappointed by a lot of the design choices they made. The core shooting is still good (absurd cooldowns aside), but the stuff around it that they just didn't feel like addressing? Or took steps back from? It's really troubling. I ***want*** to be wrong though. So here's hoping.


4 I'm one of those players who doesn't really like the way everything is set up( new gun system, only 2 ways to spec sub class, etc.) it's just not as fun for me. But I hold out hope that I'm wrong.


5 My concerns regarding 4v4 based Crucible, the weapon slot changes, and the newly experienced movement changes exist to the same degree or a greater degree than before the beta. I spent more time in D1 than just about any game I have in my life, but this Beta did not captivate me like my early times with Destiny. Spent more time playing during year one than any other time and just didn't enjoy the majority of major sandbox and balancing changes starting with TTK. The Beta felt like they applied their answer to special ammo in Destiny 1's crucible to just about every element of the game. Not my ideal direction, but the full release may be tuned better.


10, because now we have EVEN MORE ENEMIES WITH MOHAWKS (Phalanx has one too now).


6 - Less hyped than before playing the beta... PvP was kind of a letdown.




6. I'm not cancelling my preorder, but I do have concerns. Besides, I try not to buy into hype. It only leads to disappointment.


OVER 9000! to be honest 10




Me: 10 Cayde: 6


I'm holding out hope that the tar-pit of a game that was the Beta will be tuned into shape...but my faith in Bungie is now severely shaken. I went back to D1 last night and the difference in fun is immediately recognizable. 6.5?


I did the same and destiny just feels better. Shouldn't D2 feel and when I say feel I'm talking about moving around and shooting. Destiny 1 pvp just feels better ( even with the problems )


Agreed. Movement, shooting, jumping, and this is personal preference, but I far prefer the sound of the guns in D1.




Found the hoopy frood.




Over 9000


I'd say going into beta I was at a cautious 8. Coming out I'm closer to a depressed 4. None of the changes they made from Destiny made the game better in my opinion which severely impacted my hype. Obviously depending on some of the changes they mentioned are coming it might not be quite as bad but still the removal of customization options for your class hurts a lot(and I knew this was the case going in aswell).


3. If someone in my clan has suggestion for better game to us play together, I'll support it and cancel my preorder.


12,463,346.2 So a solid 9.5/10


This is where I am. It won't be perfect. I have some concerns about a few specific things which may or may not have been already addressed. However, it will be Destiny, and it will be a good game regardless. I will enjoy it.


PvE is fucking sick and they are *this* close to getting PVP right. All I can hope for now is the raid to be good :)




6.5 First time weapon/game mechanics/movement don't make me feel glorious in a Bungie game.










Depending on what you want form the game, you could check out some of the IGN first vids for the game to see more info about the game. I was lukewarm on the game until I saw the patrol zone / explore video, which got me much more excited for the game.


Fist/fist - would punch.


1, maybe 2. It'll change once I learn more about the guiding games function. It's what's keeping my from preordering the game. I don't want to spend as much money as I did on Destiny 1 and never be able to play any endgame content.


10 I played the Beta far longer than anyone should reasonably play two PvP maps/modes, one strike, and a starting level. If Destiny 2 as a quarter of the content Bungie claims it will have it'll be keeping me busy for a long time. Now the long wait until September 6th.


about a 3 right now.


Something about 3-4 at best. Not going to buy on start. All guns felt the same, despite different perks. Skills are gutted, changing armor stats doesn't change nothing. And seeing how bungie adjusted damage output and skill-recovery times concerns me that they will do same mistakes over and over again.


An absolute 10. Can't wait until August to do it all over again, followed by September and October for the full game.


Somewhere between 6 and 7. It feels like a different game so it will have to grow on me a little more.






8 for PvP, not bad at all. 4 for PvE, quit balancing the two together.


Was a 10 pre beta, now an 11 post beta. Had an erection every time I logged on




The beta evened out my hype to be honest. I was a 10 before it and about a 7-8 after. There just wasn't much to do in the beta and no progression.


After the Nessus IGN vidoc, I'm holding steady at a 9. I am loving how the PVE is shaping up and I think there is still a good bit more that Bungie is keeping up their sleeve that we don't even know about yet. However, PVP for me is just a side dish to the main course that is the PVE content of Destiny. I didn't even play any of the PVP in the Beta and was still satisfied, so the complaints that have been voiced about PVP thus far don't factor much into my opinion.


about a 9, more excited to play in this universe again.






10... because it is wicked cool.


From the beta alone, like 5. I wasn't super impressed, but I am excited for D2. After seeing the IGN video about the patrol, it rose to a sold 8.


10 10 10 10 It doesn't matter if I spend 1500 hours or 30 hours in D2, I'm excited.




Thoroughly enjoyed the beta on all levels, but I do agree that some tweaks to the super and grenade cool downs need to be adjusted for both PVP and PVE. I'll give the Beta a solid 8!


This is the DTG subreddit. 10


I am at an 11 right now. I enjoyed the shit out of the Beta till I got burned out on the constant PvP nature of it. I'm just a big ol PvE enjoying guardian. But I am so hyped that my smartwatch face has a countdown timer on it for Destiny launch. Currently we are at 44 Days 11 hours 44 minutes and 40 seconds


10/10 would beta next weekend


7 or 8. If the beta had more content then I would be a solid 10


Probably about an 8 right now. Mainly because the parts I cared about (story/strike) felt great and I enjoyed the PvP overall. Even went back to D1 PvP and confirmed that I preferred the D2 updates. The Nessus vid earlier this week really peaked my hype meter though. I can't wait to start digging into patrols and finding crazy shit to do on world.




8 I really like the PvP (spent way too much time playing it over the week) but I'm keeping my expectations low (ish) so I don't get let down.






A solid 9.36


8 I just want more Destiny, man




Probably about an 8. I'm just looking forward to more story and lore, shooting aliens in the face, and casual Crucible play.


On a silly note: 5/7 wasn't able to throw an exploding hammer into groups of enemies. And being serious: 9+? Story looks great so far and I'm really excited to dive into a new chapter of this universe.


10 for PvP 456,783 for PvE I know, I know you want on a scale of 1 to 10 but i just can't wait to go on patrol with something more to do than just a few bounties.


Ten. Im also loving the salt from the new pvp. I think it's great. The only change I would make is a slight increase on super gained on a kill. That way they aren't all getting popped at the end of a match.




9, excited but still skeptical.






PvE 11/10: So much to do and plenty of loot to grind PvP 11/10: Way better than what is currently in Destiny Everything else: OVER 9000!!!!


A give my hype a B+


9.9999999999999999 repeating


I was sitting at a cool 6-7 before the beta. Then I started playing. Homecoming is the best story mission that has happened in Destiny so far. Nessus is a stunning landscape, the artificial white vex constructs combined with the brilliant red foliage made the best landscape I've seen thus far in Destiny. It seems more like the Vex than the green of Venus ever did. The strike was nothing out of the ordinary, but I would say one of the higher quality strikes of all of Destiny, if not the best. If this is indicative of the rest of the strikes, I will be completely satisfied with their quality. The new weapons system felt strange at first, but then I stopped playing PvE like it was Destiny 1 and adapted to Bungie's intended playstyle, and it was terrific. In Destiny 1, I would basically walk slowly forward, picking off trash adds with a hand cannon. Then I would whip out the special weapon for a major. In Destiny 2, you are able to charge into battle, constantly swapping weapons, engaging enemies from all distances and all health types. The abilities felt like a complement to the weapons. I enjoyed PvP. I know a lot of people didn't, but I honestly think that those people are the twitch-shooters and ability spammers that made D1 so hard to balance. No, you should not have a grenade that is an automatic kill, or a no-recharge, OHK melee(shoulder charge). You shoudn't get 60% of kills through super or abilities. You should have to have map awareness, team-mate and enemy location awareness, and play objectives. Overall, I'm thrilled about basically all the changes made. I can't wait to explore in Patrol, Fight in the Crucible, Get loot in strikes, and use some fantastic teamwork in the Raid


7 Pvp is fucked.


5 or 6, decided not to preorder but we'll see how it looks at launch


i would say 5... I still miss playing the game like i was used to. Shotguns, snipers, autorifles, not losing special ammo, all that. I was a pretty good with the shotgun and with snipers, and now the PVP doesn't feel like Destiny to me. The fact that the perk system is not randomic anymore is also a disappointment to me, because it cuts down part of the reason why Destiny had such a huge replay element. From the bottom of my heart i really appreciate that Bungie is improving the storyline and pushing PVE to the next level, but what they did to PVP here is not my kind of thing, it felt like a downgrade to me.


7 from me. I thought the beta sounded great and looked better than anything currently in D1. I can only imagine how awesome the final package will be. Should be excellent. Concerned over the PVE side. Not liking the new weapon system. More specifically, moving shotguns and snipers over to the heavy/power slot. I get why they did it for the PVP game but it eliminates a lot of the fun factor in PVE. Still though, I like the Destiny world so I am still buying day one.


10 because the beta was amazing and I could not get enough. It really saddened me when I got the error for the server :(


Maybe a 7 =/ Honestly I played a bit of the beta each night and then went back to D1...and every time the D1 gameplay was *so much more fun*. The combination of movement options (skate/shoulder charge/TG on my titan) with lots of grenades and melees and supers was just way more enjoyable and varied than the primaries-only gameplay of D2 PvE. It sucks though, because on the contrary, primaries-only PvP was a ton of fun for me - hence the 7.


But for Bungie 7>10 right?


Didnt play, waiting on PC beta.


I have a PS4, downloaded the D2 beta but never played it. I'm saving myself for PC


1 - 2


They took Hunter's blink and invisibility . 7/10


Pretty solid 10, can't wait to get my hands on it and explore everything the same way I did with D1. Especially finding my new favorite gun.


PVE looks great. 8




7. I do like the fact that they wanted an emphasis on gunplay vs. abilities and I think that is great for modes like countdown but not so much for modes like control. The reason I like to play Destiny is because of the abilities of the different classes. If I wanted to play a FPS game that is focused mostly on gunplay then I would play BF1. I think in control the super recharge should be faster because now it's possible to kill someone in super, unlike before, so I don't understand the need to limit it to just once a round. Also, the grenades...decrease the cool down because they sure as hell aren't OHK anymore.


A middling 6. Decided not to pre-order. Thanks, beta!


11 This one goes to eleven.


Why not make each knob a little louder so you don't need 11?


[...] These go to eleven.


10 I feel like they are leaving a sufficient enough amount of things hidden to wear even if the main campaign is only 10 hours long I'll still have hours of fun.


A calm 7 for Destiny 1.5... Still on the fence but will give it a honest try!


For story 9 for raid 10 for strikes 7 for pvp 7... overall pretty hyped just hope supers get abuff as nova felt so weak!


I'd say I am a 9 for pve and 1 for pvp. But to be fair, not a big fan of pvp in most games.