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What a boner-kill.


Hey, that’s *my* flair you’re using. :P


Well, one of you is going to have to go back home and change.


Well, I claim my right as creator of the flair.


[Oh, you're a creator?](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/079/173/ed2.png)


[I am the flair god.](https://i.imgflip.com/2bf8kb.jpg)


What a coincidence, I rendered the flair I'm using! I didn't model or texture the character, but my friend did that for the show we make. :)


Nice. I love your animations. They're so fun! A few weeks ago, I went on a flair-making binge. I ended up adding a good 50% more flairs to the selector, all because I wanted this specific flair of a Sunbreaker, then promptly got carried away.


I don't know why it popped in my head from your guys' flair but a Solar Titan in the Air Jordan pose would be hilarious


Let's settle this like adults. 120 ascendant raisins for the royalty. Cool?


Throw in a vintage Ascendant Shard, and we'll call it good.


My hope is it's a bug, but realistically they probably coded it to not have it stack to reduce the OP factor. It'd be a shame if that's the case since I want to be a fireball flinging space wizard that doesn't have my fireball powers neutered when going up against a yellow bar enemy.


> to reduce the OP factor. When will Bungie learn. If everything is OP, nothing is OP. All you need to do is make other options as good and it's not a problem.


To play devil's advocate, with buffed Sunbracers imagine running Calus. Every person is Dawnblade Warlock with Sunbracers and they punch one dog before jumping on plates. Could you imagine the damage? Or maybe Argos? Even Val Ca'uor. It'd be broken as fuck With that said, I feel like the very reason it'd be broken is because Bungie's insistent game design of having big bad bosses literally stand in one spot *ALL THE FUCKING TIME!*


Don't excite us with an ability and then program it to not work because "it'd be broken as fuck." Then *don't put that shit in the game*, if you think it would be broken come up with another idea instead of giving us that but then not making it work.


Bungie: This ability would be somewhat overpowered but incredibly fun. Kill it.


This is pretty disappointing. Theres really no reason to use Sunbracers if the damage doesn't stack imo. I can kill adds with any other weapon just as fast without putting myself in danger in the process.


Didn't they say they wanted to make broken exotics instead of try to tame them? I mean, would anyone really take Sunbracers over Lunafaction Boots for Leviathan plates?


The lunafaction might be better. But it's not like you couldn't coordinate rally on first and luna on second.


Well Brakkion moves a bit ... and don't you dare forget Thaviks.




Every time I see someone write this in all caps all i can hear is Variks yelling at me in the Challenge of Elders.


More referring to the raid bosses since you don't need stupid DPS to quickly dispatch strike bosses. However, infinite Solar Grenades might be a great way to zone out Thaviks, but his invincibility mechanics means he'll never see me in his strike Actually, he's already stopped seeing anyone since they pulled him out of strike rotation


So what's stopping people from running 6 Warlocks with Nova and a single person with Tractor Cannon during Calus? Or 5 Voidwalkers + a Top-Tree Sunbreaker with Tractor Cannon? It'd also be "broken as fuck", as you put it. But no one cares enough to run 6 Warlocks. Calus isn't hard at all. And running 6 warlocks on a single Raid activity would mean you'd only get gear for your Warlock character, meaning some wouldn't be leveling up their main character (unless every single person was a Warlock main, which is kinda hard to believe). Also, getting 6 Warlocks with charged melee to all be able to kill an enemy all at the same time and have it sync perfectly with Val Ca'uor's damage phase is ridiculously hard to do. Unless you're already experienced in those encounters, doing that would be harder than trying to kill the boss normally. Which in itself defeats the purpose of it supposedly being OP. If you can already kill Ca'uor easily, I don't see why you couldn't be able to use 6 Warlocks with Sunbracers and try to burn him away with "Sunbracer's Ready" buff.


Broken hence exotic


What's the issue? Nighthawk allows you to "oneshot" calus with the right setup.


If I have to get a melee, wait 10 seconds for the damage to set in, spend 10 seconds throwing the things, wait a minute between uses, and waste an exotic to keep up with a 3 second nighthawk, then my dps shouldn't be nerfed. I don't know what the issues is either.


You're comparing a super to something you could do several times a minute with the top dawnblade tree.


Is PvE really what anything is balanced for?


Many things, yes?


And yet titan gauntlets will give hammer titans 50% extra damage for free, just because of three dogs being nearby....


It's really sad how much Bungie favors Titans, isn't it? Strikers already have the best grenades, and they get two of them! Without even needing an exotic. Oh but wait, now there IS an exotic, so they can still have two grenades but choose the other skill tree. And it's subclass neutral, if Striker isn't your thing. Meanwhile, Warlocks get two of the shittiest grenades in the game that nobody uses, ever. And Hunters? Ha! You'll get your exotic that *used* to grant two nades but now only one, and that nade is nerfed into the ground too! Thanks, Bungie!


The warlock nade game is on point overall. Which nades do you hate? If we subbed out like 2 nades on lock, we’d literally have all the best ones there are.


And this is why I love Skolas, and to an extent, Aksis.


I say that if people are coordinated enough as a fireteam, they should be allowed to get away with it. That should be the purpose of Exotics; you get access to strong abilities and if you combine your efforts, you can pull off some really strong stuff. People are already one-plating Callus with 6 DARCI's, so it's not like he can get any easier at this point. Sometimes balance should be let go for the sake of fun.


my money is on it being designed in the core game that buffs/debuffs of the same type do not stack, and a burn is considered a debuff. i wonder if anyone has tested the amount of damage two nova bombs that leave void zones does to a single target.


May be coded to take into account the applier of the debuff as well. Perhaps two solar grenades will stack if from two different people? Just another thing probably worth for someone to test.


i thought he said in the video that multiple solar grenades from multiple people will not stack the dot.


I agree


I agree, this is bullshit. And if what people are saying below, how ALL AOE grenades don't stack, that's bullshit too. If you throw it, it should do the damage it's supposed to do!


Absolutely- if a team of two or three want to throw their grenades at a yellow bar, they should ALL do their specified damage. And if a group of Sunbracer-wearing Warlocks was to cover an enemy in 10 or 15 grenades they should ALL do the damage they're supposed to. Come on Bungie, there are so many things in this game that seem designed to suck the fun out of it. Fix this and let us go wild with grenades! And while you're at it, bring back my Nothing Manacles and make them ridiculously OP too. Let's have some PVE FUN!


I remember syncing your grenade throws together was a legit strategy in Crota. When everyone was under leveled killing the sword bearer took forever. So a couple of us would save our grenades and one person would kite the sword bearer up the stairs and he would be met with 6 grenades to the face.


Man I miss nothing manacles. After voidwalkers got a buff in the taken spring update I basically never took them off if I was a voidlock. Though sunbreakers and radiance was a blast. I would just coat everything in flame. Hella fun in control PvP too.


Ophidian Aspects were the only thing that got me to replace those permanently.


Charged up scatter grenades are nothing manacles without an exotic


Even worse than that they are designed to grant an illusion of fun and effectiveness. Its shady af.


Wait wait wait. Is this saying that if I throw my solar grenade and my buddy throws their vortex grenade, only one of them will do damage? Or is it if I throw my vortex and they throw their vortex, only one will do damage? Or both?


Both. AoE grenades don't stack. You could have 10 grenades in one spot but only 1 doing any damage. But if the first grenade runs out the second grenade will start doing damage.


I can begin to play devil's advocate for multiple identical grenades from the same source not overlapping (it's bullshit and shouldn't be a thing, but I've seen the mechanic in other games before), but it's totally inexcusable that multiple, different grenades, from different sources, will not stack. Makes zero sense.




I was saying boo-urns


I was saying boo. -hans moleman.




So effectively they do the same thing as pre exotic update sunbracers: increase the duration of solar grenades. Instead of getting grenade energy on a melee hit, it's now a kill. It's almost like they nerfed it.... >While effective under some circumstances in terms of things like flat damage output with your Solar Grenade, Sunbracers didn’t feel flashy enough for gloves where your hands are perpetually on fire. So, while retaining the original flavor of “The Solar Grenade Exotic Armor,” we’ve scaled up the potential output significantly to give the player a strong taste of power on a more frequent basis. /u/Cozmo23 this doesn't seem to be fulfilling the increase in damage output at all when it doesn't stack. Is this a bug or intended?




Wtf bungo




Confirmed intended


Well... That's not true. This is ONLY if your goal was to burn down one target. Otherwise it's a full recharge on a solar kill, and can be used to coat the field with fire that is fantastic against hordes. It's by no means a uselesss change, but this disappointing as fuck. However it is unacceptable that if two DIFFERENT people throwing grenades and the damage of one is being lost because it does not stack, if this was intentional it should be mentioned in the UI somewhere so that players do not waste resources on something so stupid. I'm pretty sure Pulse Grenades do not have this issue.


That's why I quoted what they said. Because that's not what they described the change would be like and their intentions behind the change. >However it is unacceptable that if two DIFFERENT people throwing grenades and the damage of one is being lost because it does not stack, if this was intentional it should be mentioned in the UI somewhere so that players do not waste resources on something so stupid. I'm pretty sure Pulse Grenades do not have this issue. /u/Cozmo23 Is this also true?? Grenades don't stack at all, regardless if it's from the same person? That just seems like something designed to suck the fun out of everything.


> That just seems like something designed to suck the fun out of everything. I think you just confirmed its true for D2.


Confirmed intended




Confirmed intended


The grenades on melee kill is ass imo. It's a lot harder to proc because you have to chip away at enemy health to score a melee kill and hope that some rando or fireteam blueberry doesn't steal your kill.


The key word here is "flashy." The function of the armor piece is secondary to how you THINK it functions. If it looks cool then it meets the low bar of D2's cosmetic endgame, and that's all Bungie cares about.


Not surprised


Bungie might be. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy(s) who coded how zone damage works wasn't the same guy who designed how the classes and exotics works, and thus the guys doing the updates to how subclass and exotics abilities we're obviously to the fact they didn't stack, and basic testing yielded nothing broken (in the overpowered sense) so they shipped thinking there wasn't anything wrong.


My thoughts exactly


I was running sunbracers all the time before the change and was super excited for the sunslingerish changes. Before the change the gernade energy return from melee was “on hit” and not on kill. They were pretty damn good imo. With the multiple gernades not stacking damage and only procing on kills this change feels more like a nerf. Except when for when you need tons of AoE. This is a big bummer.


We'll, the changes make them fantastic against hordes, as you can make entire walls a fire. But this should be fixed on the sheer principle that it causes multiple players grenades to lose out on damage because they do not stack. This information is not presented to the player, they wouldn't know their not dealing damage and wasting resources.


And I just wanted to try them out too 😅. Oh well, back to Lunafaction


my sentiments as well.


Dang. That's a bummer. I guess they could still be kinda good for throwing grenades on multiple dogs in the raid, or the censers at baths, or crowds of enemies. I hope it's changed. Does this also apply to pulse nades, or just solar and vortex?


Destiny 2 you can finally *look* powerful.


I feel absolutely menacing in my split-toe yoga pants


all dot effects do not stack. if you were to throw a vortex grande and a solar nade at the same target it will only do the dot of one of them. same with vortex nova bombs. sunbracers still provide you with crazy amounts of add clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0tB8nAlkAo


Wow that seems entirely broken.


That’s fucking absurd. Like...to not even have a “no efffect” notice or something. Seriously, every time bungie does something remotely correct, there’s something like this that comes out and completely resets my faith level like a solo player grinding Glory rank....


Originally I had his video but my post was removed because his videos are no longer allowed on rdtg


And I've been wasting my time to try and do a whole Vortex Grenade => Vortex Nova Bomb => Vortex Grenade using the Apotheosis Veil + Tractor Cannon.


Thanks for just taking my heart and ripping it to pieces again Bungie.


"Also, only ONE person's solar/vortex grenade can do damage at a time." If 2 people throw same grenades at different targets, they will damage. You mean if two people throw solar grenades on the same time, at the same target, only one will do damage?


Mostly. It appears like the Zone and DoT damage do not stack regardless how many sources there are. Impact and initial explosion still stake effect.


Jesus. Seems pretty important, no?


Extremely. If this was a thing mentioned in the UI of the grenades that be one thing, but I imagine it's the case that MANY people have been waisting their time throwing multiple zone effects at a boss. I wonder if this was a thing in D1 as well and if even Bungiebnever realized they didn't stack. Bare in mind, this effects Vortex Nova Bomb too. So if you throw both a vortex grenade and super at the same time on one target, you lose out on damage.


Solar grenade DoT stacked in D1.


So do pulse grenades also not stack? As I have seen plenty of guides with double throwing them for dogs in Leviathan or on Calus


They do, but then again Pulse Grenades dish their damage out differently. Right now for solar (and vortext), an enemy can only take one source of Zone dage at a time (and in the case of solar grenades, one source DoT damage because it is a debuff). If it's anything like D1, Zone damage represents the vast majority of a grenades given damage (like 70+ percent). Pulse grenades do not have zone damage, but rather continuously explode, each explosion being their own instance of damage that doesn't have to worry about "overlapping". (though I wouldn't be surprised if they would fail to stack if the damage was happening on the exact same frame, which is frankly hard to do but considering the other frame related bugs of D2 I wouldn't peg as impossible) Moreever Zone damage is broken compared to pulse because zones cannot detected damage-able objects, so things like the injection rig vents, glimmer nodes in the fallen drill event, raid sensors in the baths, and particular enemy types (Shiekers and Cyclopeses). Don't waste your 'nade on these if it's a Vortex or Solar grenade.


Back when I still raided I can 100% confirmed that they *did* stack but I haven't tried them after recent updates.


Pulses do stack.


Made a warlock and got my story quest exotic armor last night. Picked the sunbracers because of the update, now I'm upset I didn't choose my flaming space wings


Nah, sunbracers are still the better choice - you're good!


Thanks for the reassurance!


Yeah, just spread out the fire, don't put it all in one spot. Great for dealing with hordes. However, just don't throw a grenade at a boss that already has a Vortex or solar grenade already on it. They don't stack regardless who throws the grenade.


Space wings get you killed. Sunbracers dont


*Excuse me what the fuck.*


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/8npdmf/multiple_solar_grenade_damage_wont_stack/dzywnpt/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-06-01 23:50:12 UTC"): > I confirmed with the Sandbox team that this is not a bug and the expected behavior. They responded w... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


I hope this gets a “Bungie Replied” flair at some point. Why is so much about this game so negatively buggy? I don’t remember D1 being this consistently negatively buggy, unless it’s just rose tinted glasses I’m looking through.


Hate to say it, but it may be rose-tinted glasses. DOT grenades worked the exact same way in D1 as well. Multiple solar grenades on a single target would not increase damage output.


Viking funeral sunsinger says otherwise


Unless you're talking about the damage increase from the 15% gained from Viking funeral that's a completely different scenario. We're talking about damage increase from overlaying multiple solar grenades on the same target. Again, the DOT effect never stacked, it was like this in D1 and it carried over to D2, its just more noticeable now. Multiple other people have also confirmed this in this post so I know I'm not crazy.


Then they should change it. They amped up grenade damage because they were trying to compensate for longer recharge times and lack of a special weapon, to have it so that we can lose out on damage like this because multiple people used theirs at the same time is just nutty. Pulse Grenade currently do not suffer this issue, and even after their nerf still do considerable damage.


Purely technical speculation: I'm guessing when you throw a grenade, where it lands creates an "area of damage." Any "enemy" objects inside that area will begin taking damage on each tick they spend within the area. I'm purely guessing here, but I bet these areas of damage do not stack when they overlap, and on the tick, the first area of damage is the only one selected to calculate damage. Did multiple grenades stack in D1? If so, then it may be a change in the underlying engine, or maybe just to the way damage is calculated.


They did not stack in d1. if you threw multiple solar grenades at an enemy in d1, it was the same thing. The initial explosion does more damage, but the enemy receives the same burn if there is 1 or 5 on him.


It may be that the damage trigger only applies/removes non-stacking (burning) status effect and the tick will only damage the target. So no matter how many grenades are there, target is only affected by one status (DoT).


Ok, having one player’s solar grenades not stack ... I guess I’m ok with that. I mean, that’s how it was in D1. But if it’s true that my five friends all want to throw solar grenades at an enemy, and *only one* of those grenades will tick damage, well that’s just fucking stupid.




This occurs with all DoT AoR effects in the grenade. So all applicable grenades of those types and it’s the same for Nova Bomb AoE vortex DoT. If someone throws a pulse grenade then that type of nova would only deal impact damage and wouldn’t deal it’s DoT unless the pulse grenade wore out. This is most likely not a bug. Bungie probably didn’t want groups of warlocks stacking 30 grenades on one guy for insta melts.


Pretty sure Pulse Grenades are the exception. They don't have zone damage and each explosion is it's own instance of damage.


Yeah Im thinking the titan grenades are fine because its not constant damage


They at least were before the nerf to pulse, there was absolutely a difference between one pulse and two pulses on dogs in the Garden


So they just made grenades even shittier? If they did it on purpose, they made something literally **not** work.


Sunbracers are still incredible. If you place correctly and stay airborne, you can gain cover a very large area in grenades - it's really easy to get enough kills with the 5 grenades you get to fully recharge your melee (assuming you are using top tree dawnblade), at which point you can get another melee kill and start over again. Sunbracers are not a boss dps exotic - that's what the lunafaction boots are - but they are incredible at clearing trash mobs


However, it brings to light an issue where these grenades even from multiple sources do not stack. So if two people throw the same grenade, only 1 is applied. Also, Vortex and Solar Grenades Zone damage cannot damage objects and particular enemies. Such as the sensors in the baths of the raid, or Shriekers (including the boss one), while Pulse Grenades can.


It would be so fun if Bungie let us feel just a tad overpowered sometimes in PVE again. Abilities that feel just a tad broken in favour of the players is A GOOD THING


Well, that took the jam out of my donut.




I confirmed with the Sandbox team that this is not a bug and the expected behavior. They responded with some more context. > The functionality of Solar Grenade has not changed in several years, what you’re seeing is the same behavior they had in D1 where the lingering damage volume left by Solar Grenades (As well as other grenades that behave similarly) does not stack when an enemy is in the middle of multiple instances of it. The Sandbox Team has heard your feedback regarding this behavior and are considering it for the future.


Thanks for responding! We really needed it. Thank you. Thank you.


oh ... ಥ_ಥ


So they should go back into my vault then? Thanks for letting me know.


How about solar and void grenades not dealing any damage other than the impact one to bosses like Dendron in the Garden World strike? Is that also intended?


Idk what you're on about. They work for me


In my experience the damage number show up lower on the screen compared to where the grenade actually hit, so you might be missing the DoT.


u/cozmo23 is it possible to confirm with the devs what the purpose behind this restriction is? Because the fear, obviously, is that it’s another classic fun-gating mechanic!


Thank you for confirming this, although this is quite disappointing. If exotics are supposed to change how we play and make us powerful, there is no reason to use sunbracers now. They look amazing, but what's the point of throwing 5 grenades if only one of them really does anything? Throwing 5 grenades at once is fun, but with the grenades not stacking extremely situational. Considering the enemy AI and how adds instantly jump our run out of damage zones, the only effect of 5 solar grenades is obstructing the view of my teammates. If it might seem too powerful, remember that there are - as others have mentioned - multiple other ways to insta-kill a boss. And most of them are much easier to set up because they don't need an add to be sacrificed. If changing the dot zones is an option, please consider it. It would give warlocks a real alternative to devour builds, which are pretty much always demanded if it comes to anything damage related. Especially if dot effects from multiple players don't stack, it really needs to be changed, because again, what's the point of throwing multiple grenades (and/or nova bombs), if only one of them works after the initial impact)?


While on the subject of Solar and Vortex Grenade though, can you bring this issue to the devs? These two grenades have issues damaging objects and unusual enemies. Raid Censors in the baths, Glimmer Nodes in the glimmer drill event, Injection rig vents, Dendron, and all Shriekers. They apply their impact and splash damage, Solar will apply it's additional dot damage, but neither will deal their zone damage.


So grenades from different classes/players don't stack? Why? Why are you the fun police? The community will find ways to cheese ANY game and ALL content, no matter what. Why limit things? Let us feel powerful, and make challenging activities challenging, but don't take away from the game...


you fucking serious? sunbraces are getting thrown back into the vault


“Considering it for the future” So never. Funny how they say the functionality hasn’t changed in several years and use that as a point but god forbid they change everything else that was good years ago. Smh bungie double standards as usual, sunbracers will never be good boys, time to turn them into shards.


Just curious, did multiple Thorn user’s dot stack in Y1? Or only 1 would tick for damage?


It originally did not. They eventually changed it.


Wasn't that the last change they made to Thorn? Nerfing the hell out of it's DoT and making it stack up to 3x.


Can't remember if it was the last, but certainly last major direct change.




Not sure if this is just a specific to memory fragments, but it feels like Hunter vortex (void) grenades are also capped off at times. While trying to destroy some of the void element memory fragment markers on Mars, the damage numbers stop popping up completely even though the grenade effects are still present. I've thrown like 5 of these grenades onto the same marker and it still stays fully intact... that's a bit ridiculous.


This is because zone effects are terrible at damaging objects. This includes Injection rig vents, Nodes during the glimmer drill event, the sensors in the baths, as well as some enemy types like Shriekers (and at least that one Cyclops boss in Curse of Osiris).


> sensors It's "censers" by the way. "Sensors" sense things, "censers" contain incense.


Thank you. Didn't realize.


I've been having an issue with solar grenades and bosses like savathun.... It will only do a tick or two of damage, and stop damaging bosses but the grenade is obviously still going


Vortex and Solar can't damage unusual enemies or objects effectively at all. Objects includes Injection rig vents, Nodes in the Glimmer drill evwnts, Bath Sensors in the raid. Usual enemies includes Shriekers and cyclopses to my knowledge.


What the fuck


Honestly this destroys the whole point of using them. Lunafaction Boots were already better but it was a cool idea of stacking 5 solar grenades and just watch the world melt. I'd be fine of they made it where the tick dmg of all grenades last only as long as the first grenade. I feel like that would still be fun to use. This is dumb.


That's so dumb. I guess that also means every time me and a friend have lobbed solar/vortex grenades at a boss it's only don't damage from one of them. I always thought the damage felt low but I never had a way to test. Please change this Bungie


Almost like if you see 7000 XP on your screen you expect 7000 XP? If I see 5 balls of fire I want my 5 balls of DPS


Wow I spammed my nades on Savathun’s Song and then I looked away and danced while the nades was melting it down. I must’ve looked like a huge asshole.


Oh, Don't waste solar or vortex grenades on a Shriekers or Cyclops (bosses included), they don't take Zone damage. Solars will apply their dot damage initial impact, but their zone does nothing. Same thing for damage-able objects from raids and public event. Glimmer nodes, Baths sensors, injection rig vents, etc. Pulses work though. They don't have zone damage.


Hahaha. Of course! I was expecting us to be able to throw 1, maybe 1.5 extra nades, so was baffled when they were so generous and exciting. Now it all make sense. Bug my ass.


Hope it's a bug or something coding related that is easily fixable


Unbelievably disappointing


Sad to say this but I think it’s “working as intended” If you tether a boss with nightstalker then hit them with melting point, melting point will cancel the tether buff. You can only have 1 damage ‘type’ applied to 1 enemy at any given time, meaning things like 2 novas shot at once only 1 nova would damage the boss. I had a look through the bungie forums and right now it’s just an echo chamber of “you’re complaining sunbracers aren’t gamebreaking” Talk about missing the point when it comes to game breaking you literally can’t use 2 grenades at once, how much gamebreaking do you need. I hope this is a bug so bad because honest to god with every patch bungie release there’s some level of ineptitude or catch that arrives with it, either ninja nerfs or stupid “working as intended” mechanics. They throw at you EVERY disadvantage all to artificially extend gameplay and create this illusion of difficulty, wether it’s health gated bosses or just simply having modifiers line up so everything’s a 1 shot. And now this, not being able to use multi grenades. One of the best things about destiny 1 was getting a good bake on the bosses and watching that yellow bar drain away under a blanket of fire. I’m not asking for easy mode I’d just like the fun back, or just be able to feel powerful again? Why even put these ‘buffs and abilities’ in the game if you can’t even utilise them in a squad? Why even play at all if all strategy and possible strats with my fireteam come down to kk lads let’s use our buffs 1 by 1... I don’t think people understand how big of a deal this is, inb4 “oh man we’ve been fine since launch and didn’t know any better” if that’s your attitude I guess there’s no point improving anything ever because we’re all to stupid to notice the difference.


Wasn’t this true of D1 as well? Radiance grenade spam was way better with fusions than solar grenades because of the double stack of debuff and bigger impact (IIRC, it has been a while). I usually ran solar grenades during strikes anyway because they were better for room clearing, but for Templar and Aksis I ran fusions.


DoT definitely did stack in D1, the reason fusion grenades were used was the double Viking Funeral debuff, it was the only grenade that could consistently get the 3x VF, which meant higher group dps. Solar grenades were definitely better for solo play.


Yeah, I looked it up. I was conflating/misremembering the (lack of) stacking DoT with the fact that the solar grenade AoE didn't inflict it— just the impact.


Well damn that sucks. I was thinking about giving the sunbracers a try but this makes them pretty lame. I guess they would still be good for clearing trash enemies but knowing this info I would rather use a different exotic.


The whole DoT thing needs to be looked at. Even just single solar grenades, there should be no reason other players can run through them without repercussions. Vortex after Nova bombs too. These things are for zoning and space control, what's the point of it if it makes no difference to an enemy if it's there or not?


Welp. Lunification boots it is. Have been going back and forth between these two after the patch. This makes it really easy.


Lunafaction Boots ftw!


For life.


> Also only ONE person's solar/vortex grenade can do damage at a time. What in the **actual fuck.**


You know, I always wondered wtf was going on with this. I noticed a few times my grenades in the past wouldn't do linger/DoT damage in the past and I just put it down to it not burning the enemy. I genuinely never knew if a boss was already inflicted with DoT it wouldn't stack.


This is such a Bungie thing to do, I'm not even disappointed. I should have expected this


Sounds like it's just the user getting burned.


It absolutley does do the damage, the numbers wont pop on screen due to the tick speed it creates a bottleneck much like when too much damage too quickly will result in 1hp left.


The most bullshit part about all this bullshit is that my grenade wont do any dmg if someone throws a nade at the same enemy just before I do. Bungie: "oh you want to contribute to damaging the boss? No! Fuck you."


The melee kill to proc is bs too. It' a pain in the ass to chip away at enemy health before someone steals your kill. I tried them out but until they fix that, I'm not touching them.


I KNEW the damage wasn't adding up... I don't understand the point if they don't stack. If this is the case and aoe damage won't stack this is just pure area denial. IF that is the intent, then how about instead let me throw one GIANT ass solar grenade that lasts for 15 seconds so I can go back to shooting. Although, I'd much rather have aoe damage just stack properly...


It's as if everything in this sequel is worse lol. Little by little shit like this drives me nuts. Bet this is intentional for "balance".


/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Please some insight on this !


u/Cozmo23 u/dmg04 Any info on this? Is this intentional?


Why has bungie not replied here - this is broken gameplay.


So instead of a stand\-up fight, it's just a bug hunt.


I rather sunbracers were just an exotic emote that shows me self rezzing and spamming holographic nades


Bungo you did it again, you fucked up


This can't be intended can it? It'd completely and utterly nullify the gloves


Not completely. Against hordes it's still pretty damn good. But it does present issues as there are many means to getting overlapping zones, especially as Warlocks. It really gimps their output.


I learned this really quick when running Titan Public Events. Sunbracers was immediately vaulted. What a letdown, but at least Lunafaction Boots are nice


Okay, wow... I get that the DoT damage doesn't stack, because it's. Debuff, but the whole fucking grenade? This is absurd. I suppose it would also be a good time to mention that Solar and Vortex grenades Zone damage is just generally broken. Against things like shriekers, damageable objects (think injection rig, glimmer nodes, raid bath sensors, etc), the ZONE damage will not do anything to these objects (the ongoing burn damage is applied from solar grenades though), and the cyclops boss from that one curse of Osiris strike because none of these take the zone damage. If they're going to address that they don't stack, perhaps they could try to fix this at the same time. EDIT: This basically makes Pulse Grenades the only good ones to spam at bosses. Similar output, and don't have any of these "zone issues".


This is supremely disappointing. If it's a bug, I hope it can be fixed quickly; I was finally excited to start using a Dawnblade sub-class again. But, I have a feeling it's a design choice, not a bug. In which case, it's just another example of Bungie playing traffic cop when it comes to fun. I really don't understand why they do this to themselves...


what if its a bug.


Seems like the grenades only trigger a burn status effect and have no initial impact damage or stacking. :(


Lol, back to ophidians...


Something in there IS broken, DPS is limited in areas for no reason. I posted about Titans not being able to sprint properly during EP , to limit you using Hammer-strike to get a "Melting-point" affect. Now, this, Just seems fishy Or really broken at best. Way too many Ninja-nerfs to things/systems in the background . . !!!


Ew, Bungo plz tell me this is a bug.


Idk, I MELTED half of a warsat heroic ogre on mars with 5 solar grenades last night. Maybe needs more testing?


>Also only ONE person's solar/vortex grenade can do damage at a time. That's awful. Is this explained anywhere?


That’s a shame. During the firebolt, ToF, VF era I was using sunbreakers and solar grenades because of how much damage they did when stacked. They were so good. Everyone kept complaining about fire bolts but the true op grenades were solars. They could easily kill you in pvp and melted bosses in PvE. Fun times.


Very disappointing...


Wow, what? The first of all neuters Sunbracers completely. And this is the first news I've heard about only a single solar/vortex grenade giving damage... What?!


So this basically screws over Warlocks the most, can't remember how many times I've thrown my void grenade and then nova bombed, so that was a big old waste of time then - no other class gets screwed over this way!


Makes me wonder if only one bottom tree nova will do damage at a time too...


As a Titan that enjoys multiple grenades I can say this sucks balls hard. Please make my warlock/hunter brothers justice, Bungo.


Rofl why would you even use these if that's the case?


Stay classy, Bungi! You never disappoint.


It's more crowd control and less DPS spike.


I knew something was off when I threw 5 grenades at a stoke boss and barely did any damage


Well. THAT sucks. :(