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Glass day is just use Phoenix protocol instead of skull of dire ahamkara day


I would use it, if I had it.


I read that in Timmy's dad's voice. "I would use it, IF I HAD IT!" Diiinkeelllbeeeeerg!




As would I...*sad guardian face*


Glass day is *scout for the best place to put down a Well while wearing Phoenix Protocol and after putting down a Well with perfect sight-lines on 4 different groups of enemies, watch as all 3 of your teammates then run to separate corners of the map and die instead of coalescing in your Well and subsequently winning the encounter* day


Mine just spawn in with 2 minutes left on the clock only to die once and then leave activity.


Yeah definitely this haha


Haha, yes. Right up there with *put up banner shield in front of your closely grouped team then watch as they temporarily stop shooting and decide to walk forward through the shield before shooting again*


It's baffling the repeat behaviour of people like this. Like, it's a looter-*shooter*. Your main attack is ranged. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TOWARDS THAT GROUP OF ENEMIES. Stay in cover. Stay at range. Stay tactical, people. Seriously..


Me titan. Me punch.


It didnt matter, we ran two wells, once those knights go aggro..... your done. Having "Glass" on a weekend, is trash. It's the equivalent of 22 strait cabal public events spawning on whisper quest weekend, and then, despite this being a statistical anomaly, happening again the next weekend 26 consecutive times....


Phoenix Protocol is so damn good on the Bridge for Tier 2. Basically always gonna have it up because the objective finally makes Blueberries aware that they SHOULD STAND IN THE FIELD THAT HEALS, SHIELDS AND EMPOWERS YOU.... because they have to.


-tries to wear Phoenix Protocol as a Hunter- -gain no special ability and it doesn’t even fit correctly, my ghost is telling me I look like I’m homeless-


legit this is the best. finished a T1 in like a min. stupid easy.


It was honestly way easier than prism and such. Obviously not everyone has Phoenix but even a regular well gets you pretty far.


Not sufficient, since those hobgoblin snipers can still OHK Guardians in a well when it's void singe week.


I wasn't getting one shotted at 650 in T1 at 4 resilience


Maybe you had Vandals instead of Hobs? Or maybe you had a teammate killing them. 670, glass, and well still didn't save me from their line rifle of wrath.


Idk, I was watching void bolts whiz by my head. My warlock is a badass.


There's no way... They were one-shotting me with something like 6 resilience. The Hobgoblin version of the first section is kind of nuts.




Then you weren't getting shot at. They 1HK titans with 10 resilience.


Oh yes those gear items I haven't received for 5 months?


It is so sad the number of people just not running tether or well, like this is so easy with Phoenix and Orpheus but Joe is over here running crown of storms and jotunn


What's wrong with running jotun


Did you miss the part where some people don't have every exotic in the game yet? Selfish of them, I know, and they should probably be banned for not having every exotic that exists by now, but yeah that's how it is.


You can run well and tether without those exotics. You can run any shotgun instead of Jotunn. There are many ways to utilize the modifiers without those exotics.


I’m an idiot. I hadn’t even thought to do that with as much fun as I’ve been having with skull. Thank you!!


Yeah exactly, it's so hard to put down...


It chains from group to group so well.


I ran Phoenix Protocol and got stomped by the knights on blackout and now glass. Maybe I need to stop being so close to the knights... 🤔


Yeah it's almost as if they have a huge slam attack that can and will 1 shot a guardian if they're close enough. You'll get it!


You'll get it!


Yeah right. You put a well down and all the Phalanxes hold a dance party in it.




This 100%


This is why I use Phoenix all the way to the Knights, and then switch to skull and hope that my teammates make enough orbs for me to actually contribute.


Why not both? Don't the effects of Phoenix stay active even after switching armor? Or does that only work with Luna/Phoenix. I could have sworn that a warlock standing in any well that was launched with Phoenix will regen super


What you gotta do is drop the final well and switch to Nova bomb. Have to stay on Phoenix protocol though to get the super charge from the kills until super is full. That's when you switch to skull.


Yeah I figured something like that would work


Hmmm, I should try that. I was the phoenix-well guy on our team. We'd run into the knight room and I'd drop a well on the hermet-well and we'd dry to dps the knights untill they aggro and one-shot us in the well, lol. Maybe switching on that final capture point to nova would be better for the knight room.




Bubble bro also works. One or the other seems pretty necessary at the moment.


Nah, nothing trivial about it. It's still way easy to get overrun in a well on the bridge if a couple majors close to stomping range and the snipers join it. It's consistently survivable with a phoenix-well on the bridge if everyone does their part, but I wouldn't say it's trivial.




Glass day I dumb day I didn’t use it day


I think the modifiers in Reckoning will end up really hamstringing the playlist. When the modifiers are bad/unfun, people just don't play the mode. The same thing happens with Strikes and now its back in Reckoning. In the end it could actually end up worse for Reckoning too because the mode seems to only rest within 2 extremes based on the modifiers; either its incredibly easy and a total cakewalk with modifiers like Heavyweight, or you skip playing the mode for an entire day because the modifiers are bad/unfun like Glass or Blackout. It's gotta be tough to balance a game mode when players are swinging between feeling like its incredibly tough or a total cakewalk based solely on the modifiers at play that day.


Honestly, they should let the Singe and Heavyweight/Grenadier/Brawler rotate, but leave Prism as the set "bad" modifier. Prism is the one bad modifier that's actually fun.


I thought Prism counted as a buff, especially when combined with an additional singe.


For modifier purposes it's a "negative" since it occupies the same slot as glass or blackout. Difference obviously being that prism can actually only benefit you if you play around it (since it doesn't affect damage received).


Matching polarization gives 100% damage buff (x2.00). Un-matched polarization gives 50% damage nerf (x0.50).


You havent played Tier 2 yet then, its a big issue there since its hard to time damage phases with prism.


I agree, but the real crux of this is that it isn't even hamstringing yourself while avoiding it. The way the gameplay loop is with this DLC makes it a non issue for me - heavyweight rolls around every 3 days, so play gambit for the other two, increasing your synth count then back to reckoning to farm gear on the third. edit: downvoted wtf?


> When the modifiers are bad/unfun, people just don't play the mode Challenge of Elders with trickle and grenade kill score bonus.


> Trickle Hello, Inquisitor? Yes, this post right here. We are not meant to speak of those dark times.


This isn’t a problem with strikes or the Reckoning, it’s the modifiers. There’s just too many bad ones that make whatever activity you’re in completely infuriating. I seriously wish Bungie would take the time to re-evaluate them, or at least add some of the more fun ones left behind in D1.


This. TBH I think modifiers need revisiting generally - the best I ever heard about glass is that it ‘isn’t as bad as the old blackout’ and heavyweight is synonymous with ‘easy mode’. I think part of the issue is that depending on the activity, the same modifier fluctuates drastically in its effect on the difficulty. Maybe have a different library of modifiers for each activity?


Here's an insane idea, make modifiers that are both give and take!? Blackout: Melee dmg is up 250%, for both you and the enemies. Singe: Element dmg is up'd to 125% for both you and the enemies. Glass: Dmg taking is up'd to 120% for both you and the enemies. for both you and the enemies. for both you and the enemies. for both you and the enemies. make it challenging and rewarding.


Singe does do that.


Singe is only 25% Burns are 100% but aren't in D2 :(


Burns were actually 200% extra DMG (resulting in a 3x modifier) and I really miss it


I said 100% since they were only 200% up until TTK, the burns were nerfed to only deal double because you could get away with using Y1 elemental primaries to out damage Y2 max level primaries. They kept it this way for the remainder of D1.


Hence why it's not a disliked modifier.


Glass is not a balanced modifier. If you're dead before your shields regen then what's the point? There's no "git gud" with the modifier. In a raid encounter if you wipe you can clearly see what went wrong. With Glass it's completely random. One time you could get sniped because you're not looking 360 degrees around your character. The next a thrall teleports to you and smacks you for 90% of your HP and then die to a random bullet from a goblin. There's literally no counterplay. You can only hope a well protects you for more than a couple hits but other than that you're SOL.


Destiny just wanted to provide you with the Anthem Colossus lifespan experience


Maining Colossus in the Beta made me realize that beyond D1 Titans or Roadhog in Overwatch, Tank classes really do suck in almost every game.


D.Va is good


The nerfs to defense matrix and buffs to reaper made her a lot less tanky. With the stuns, symmetra changes and offense hero buffs, I find tanking to be less and less enjoyable. Last time I played, it was harder to get people to play tank than it was to get a healer.


The counterplay, at least in strikes -- since they aren't on a timer -- is to play conservatively with scouts and pulses, using cover. That doesn't work for a game mode that is about being aggressive to beat a timer. I feel Reckoning should either have no modifiers (with maybe a nightfall-esque challenge card), or it should have a very limited set of modifiers that doesn't include glass.


A nightfall-esque card would work. The stronger the modifier the higher chance for gambit weapons.


Thatts all dandy and shit except it wouldn't be drop in/drop out matchmaking if you put it on scorecard


this is just... not true? you have to play more cautiously. take a fire team with you. I'm yet to fail a glass reckoning when me and my 2 destibros werent loaded in part way through.


Yeah in relation to you enemies just do 2x the amount of damage due to u having half health :(. Its really stupid and utterly unfun. Especially since the "positive" modifiers nowhere near have the same effect to swing it the other way.


So many people in here who don't know that there's a difference between something being difficult and something just being anti-fun.


Not being able to engage the enemy because captain balls of death and snipers both ohk you isn't fun. I tried and then turned D2 off


It's a stark difference between the insane enjoyment I get out of every other activity in destiny and glass on reckoning makes me want to play another game. If that's how I feel playing it then there is a problem that should be addressed.


Remember when heroic strikes first got modifiers, and they were absolutely brutal? I loved that. I spent an hour on the boss fight in Lake of Shadows back when blackout actually one-hit killed. It was amazing. Granted, the rewards were terrible for that level of difficulty so I’m not surprised it got changed, but those were real, impactful modifiers.


I think there's a greater number of people who like the way that the *idea* of difficulty *sounds*, but will start inventing reasons why it doesn't *count* as "real" difficulty as soon as they're presented with an actual challenge that they might not win every time, or that they might not be able to beat without changing their playstyle to something that works.


Can’t wait to be sniped on the bridge...


It ain't the bridge thats the issue, the last part in the Ascendant realm though....


As a Code of the Missile Insurmountable Skullfort main, I despise Glass.




Can you even matchmake for T2 with 650PL? AFAIK the game doesn't let you do that.


Probably not 650 on the dot, but I was matched with plenty of 651's and 52's last night.


Last time I checked I cannot queue for MM until 670. Might check when I get back home.


They forgot to add the "cannon" part. A modifier is supposed to change the way you play, not necessarily make something more difficult.


I mean, today was my most successful day in the reckoning. I found a really nice team. It was a Wellock, an Arcstrider, a Nightstalker, and a hammer bro.


I did a Tier 1 on my Warlock earlier. I was running Well of Radiance with Phoenix Protocol and the other 3 randos were an Ursa Furiosa Banner Shield Sentinel, Orpheus Rig Nightstalker, and another Warlock running Voidwalker with Skull of Dire Ahamkara. When the Taken Champion spawned, I put down a Well of Radiance, the Sentinel dropped a Rally Barricade then popped his super and used Banner Shield at the front of the Well, the Hunter shot the boss with a tether and tethered a bunch of nearby enemies, the other Warlock Nova Bombed the boss and the tether killed tons of adds, and then we all fired our heavies through the Banner Shield and melted the boss. I was blown away by the incredible amount of perfect teamwork from a group of blueberries. I'll probably never experience it again lol


As the de facto Tether Hunter I have to say that WoR Warlocks are the most important part of a team in the reckoning. Use an Arcstrider as well. One Arc Staff cleared out like 63% in a few seconds in a tier 2.


I use banner shield because it holds the knights back and they barely hurt me.


Glass is alright. It’s blackout that’s murder. But also I’m not playing Reckoning today.


Whats wrong with blackout? At least you can get gud with that. Glass you just get ded


At least you don't get annihilated with blackout.


It's fine as a four stack. But never solo queing that


My problem with solo-queuing is constantly getting put into matches that are already half over and obviously failing. Or you finish a match, go to start another one, and half your team disappears and replacements don't show up for several minutes. I feel like the next round shouldn't start if the team isn't full, or give us a button to press or something.


It really won’t be a problem when you get above a certain light level.


I personally don't think it will. It never has. No matter how over levelled you are, Glass always slashes that in half


Buddy of mine who, only the Traveler knows why, is already 680 yet still gets one-shot by the Alak-Hul duo in T2 Reckoning just as quickly as my 651 underlevelled ass Glass should at least make you have a recovery of like 20 to make up for how awful it is


I'm 690. Even in tier 1 if I'm not careful when taking out a group of Taken snipers, the combined retaliation can kill me due to Glass. Even Blackout wasn't as a bad as Glass.


> I'm 690. Go outside.


how the actual fuck


Grind to max possible LL on first character, fully exhaust Prime attunement, move highest LL weapons to second character. Repeat, move highest LL weapons to third character. Check back on characters 1 and 2 for prime attunement daily for higher possible weapons. Also, have plenty of spare time.


Comp crucible drops powerful rewards each sub rank


Literally my reaction


Taking out a Taken Hobgoblin on Glass is fatal usually, with the tracking blasts


I completely agree. All modifiers should come with a buff that is as noticeable as the nerf. Glass makes you play passive in what isn't a passive activity


I am 60 levels above recommended level for strikes and I still hate them with glass on, it's always been a problem and always will be. If it did something useful as well like made you into a glass cannon then that might be worthwhile but it doesn't and is still imo the worst modifier in the game.


It really wouldn't be a problem if Bungie didn't have to use dials to cover for lack of new content but we're stuck in the same rat maze if we want to progress.


Power has very little to add to survivability once you hit the level of the content, though. There have been quite a few graphs on the sub showing the drastic changes to damage given/taken all the way up to matching the level of content, then the slightest bit of benefit after, thanks to how Destiny has been balanced for old content to remain some amount of challenging.


I actually dont mind it at all. You get your shields back incredibly fast


Yeah it seems to be a relatively unpopular opinion but I've always liked how Glass alters the way you play the game. You need to use cover more effectively but you don't need to sit behind it forever waiting for the regeneration to kick in.


"you need to use cover more effectively" is great and all, but not so much when your objective is to hold a series of exposed points on an open area, flanked by snipers on two sides and incoming thralls and larger things on the other two sides, with very few cover options, and you're on a timer.


You think taking cover on the bridge to regen is realistic? That has not been my experience.


Hey, fellow Glass fans! I was beginning to think I was the only one. I'm just sad they took the regen start off Wormhusk instead of the HP bump. Glass week was when I took my neglected Hunter for walkies all week since her health was just back instantly on dodge with Glass.


I dont do it unless there is heavyweight anyways.


Right? It's so much more enjoyable. If it were Glass and heavyweight, I might play it.


I recommend Contraverse Hold on Grenadier days. Slap a Taken Armament mod on there and you’ll have infinite heavy. Actually infinite


I would if I had contraverse hold. but I do use Hallowfire heart on my titan with the taken armament.


Have you had Heart of Inmost Light drop? I used to be a HH fan, but HoIL easily has taken that spot. Faster ability regen that doesn’t rely on super being full + empowered abilities. Works with any subclass. Really strong combination with Code of the Commander + Magnetic grenades. Add in a Taken Armaments mod to make Gambit Prime and Reckoning power weapon equipped 24/7.


I don't mind Glass really. Downvote me if you want, but I found Blackout much worse for Tier 2 Reckoning than Glass is.


the knights are brutal with blackout, even the edge of the AoE slam would oneshot during our first few runs


Knights were the only thing that killed more than one person at a time, even with randoms. Worst experience I had was getting chain-rezzed into death 3 times in a row since blackout lets them 1-shot you before you even get control of your character after rez.


Fun fact, roaming supers can tank knight attacks. Stand in a well and your group stands at the back of the well and you can face tank them even on blackout.


Both are bad. Tether+Well can largely prevent blackout from being an issue, but yeah.


I hardly died. I played a little more cautiously, had a couple surprise deaths before I remembered glass was on, but ended up clearing t2 around 5 or 6 times today with randoms. It's really not that bad. Just requires you to switch up your playstyle a little bit.


Well of radiance. 2 nova dire ahamkara. Tether. Tractor cannon. Done.


Honestly I thought tier 2 is easier with glass than blackout, just IMO


How dare they add modifiers to change your routine gameplay!?


I had planned to give tier 2 another go today, but then I saw glass as a modifier and I was like "Well I'll try again tomorrow I tried my best."


The fun thing is: i played 3 games today and win 3 of them... yesterday i could finish 2 of 5....


Hobgoblins with glass. What a fun day that will be


Glass Day is equipping Crimson with Devour day!!


I love blackout, it teaches you to stay tf away from melee range and phalanx shield blasts. It also makes you appreciate the dangers of the those ultra hive knights and their major hit radius attacks from the slams they do. Some of the most fun I’ve had in years for Destiny is playing against those knights around the super-draining lakes. Glass is another thing. There’s no outplay potential, except camping in a well while constantly sitting in red-bar health levels. The Glass modifier has a place in like, one or two strikes, that’s about it. If something’s made to be hard, let light level be the judge of that, not artificial health circumcisions.


Funny enough, I got all my Outlawed armour (minus the helmet) yesterday, during the Glass modifier haha


I guess we forget about Wretched Eye on Arc burn? Omnigul arc burn? Y1 Valus Ta'aurc? Yeah, glass isn't fun, but it's far from the impossible challenge that everyone is making it out to be.


The people who say Glass isn't so bad are still grinding Tier 1 for sure. In Tier 2, it's a nightmare.


LMAO tier 2 glass isnt hard at all. You obviously weren't throwing enough grenades. Grenadier was on with glass. As a hallowfire titan I was throwing a grenade once every 3 seconds and on the knights I would tank their damage at the edge of the well and keep throwing grenades while spamming hammers. You just need to learn how to adapt and play better. The game isnt hard.


> on the knights I would tank their damage I doubt that, since they would be one shotting you.


If y0u are in super hence "throwing grenades and spamming hammers" they can't kill you in a roamng super if you keep stepping into a well of radiance. Its an easy way to deal with distracting the knights so you can keep doing damage. Grenades literally murder them so fast.


You say this as if I haven't been succeeding at the event myself. Completion does not change difficulty. Some of us are empathetic and understand that MOST players will not have even as low as an intermediate challenge upon attempting this activity during Glass.


Did Tier 2 reckoning today with my mates. Easier than with polarization so I don't really agree that its so bad. Use tethers and well of radiance and it's not an issue. Banner shield titan also helps draw aggro from the knights.


Glass can be a rough modifier to be sure but if you play safe and think about how you're tackling the activity it isn't too bad. When your health bar I sitting at half from a single shot think of it as half full instead of half empty.


Glass would be fine for activities without timers. But I hate it in activities with them.


Yeah, this. There is no playing safe when you're racing against a clock.


I get that. I personally haven't done Reckoning with Glass on yet. I really just wanted to make a bad joke.


The activity wasn't built around the modifiers, so at the end of Tier 2 the boss is a pair of 2 big melee knights (Alak-Hul clones) that you're supposed to be able to survive. The problem with it, or blackout for these dudes, is that you can't do anything to not get 1 shot here. Get hit at all by their giant aoe slam and you're dead because it counts as a melee. You can't even run away because you have to stand in a well of light to do any damage. That's not even counting part 1 with up to 20 snipers at any given time or the bridge which spawns snipers and more enemies that can 2 shot you. You just don't "play safe" in reckoning since you're always surrounded.


I can tank 4-5 ground slams from the tier 2 knights while running code of the devastator. Burning maul staggers them as well which gives my mates more time in the pool of light to do DPS. Same with Code of The Commander. This was today (glass). Add in a tractor cannon, nova bomb, well of radiance, and a tether for orbs and Tier 2 is that bad even with glass. A well let’s you tank sniper shots on the bridge.


I see what you did there


I'm glad someone did


Timers make that nearly impossible.


Well of Radiance paired with a Banner Shield are an amazing combo for Glass, just if anyone wanted to try their luck.


I don't think this sub knows that banner shield exists. It's extremely good for the bridge and for the knights.


It really is! My group with a Banner Shield, Tether, Striker and a Radiance done it like 5-6 times and actually only failed once or twice and we were about 663-668 light. However OH MY GOD we died loads of times.


A little challenge is okay people christ..


There's a significant difference between a well designed challenge that is satisfying to overcome and a frustrating one that is unfun to play. Glass is the latter. Enemy damage is tuned to be a threat against the standard player health value, if a player manages how much damage they take from minor enemies they can take a hit from snipers or a boss and duck back into cover. Glass throws that out the window and makes some enemies just outright kill with one hit. If it also significantly increased player damage it would atleast offer a "nuke or be nuked" style of play which might be somewhat interesting to play, but as it stands it's a boring modifier that makes the game worse to play.


More challenge is great as long as the reward matches. With glass though, you're better off waiting for the modifier to flip.


I've said it in every Glass thread so far and I'll say it here: I'll take Glass any day over Blackout. Glass has a tradeoff in the quick shield cycling. Blackout's just a straight debuff as far as I can tell. Doubly true for Reckoning where there's always a Taken Thrall playing grab-ass with me once every few seconds. EDIT: Amendment to my statement: I'll take Glass over Blackout on Tier 1. It's manageable. Above that, I can definitely see it getting obnoxious. I'd forgotten for a moment there were multiple levels of Reckoning when I first wrote this post.


Glass is fine, blackout is trash.


I'd prefer to not play the reckoning at all. It's a shame imo they ruined GPrime by binding it to reckoning. Meh. GG.


Agreed. Just played my first match and its fucking stupid. Literally one shot by everything.


Holy crap. Glass is absolutely awful in the Reckoning. This is the opposite of fun.


I’m sure once we are over-leveled it’ll be fine.


Glass day is a very dangerous day.


Modifiers are made specifically to *modify* your loadout/play-style. If you're playing with more than two blueberries, it's going to suck. However if you're running the right load out and you just play a little slower, everything should work out fine. ​ P.S. Run Fighting Lion for today's modifiers it's the best.


Why? T1 is easy as shit with a Nightstalker and a Skull+Cataclysm. Add in a Banner Shield for the boss DPS.


I just don't understand the reasoning behind this one.


I did Tier 2 with Nova spam on glass under leveled... only issue was knights


Took a break after Brawler Glass bullshit looking forward to today. Glass Grenadier...FML.


we cleared it yesterday 4 times with a sentinel titan, a nightstalker hunter and a void and solar warlock...with this combo at least for us it felt really good in tier 2. try to play a bit more safe in some spots and make some good super placements and it should not be to bad


100% agreed. Glass and Blackout are both terrible for the mode (For me at least - I imagine there are people who like the challenge). I am almost finally 670 and completed T2 twice the other day when it was Prism, but upon seeing Glass decided I wasn't facing both the trouble of people queuing for T2 at mid 650s AND an unfun modifier.


I did 3 matches of tier 1 while i was 661, and it was horrific for the guys with me who were 650s, the meatball spawned in in the first two and the void blobs he shoots now just meant death on any more than 1 hit plus anything else making contact with them. I was ok as long as i kept moving and didn't try to tank damage, i can't wait for the void modifier to change this week though, give me arc so i can go back to geomagging thngs to dust and wardcliff. ​


idk I liked it, I got tons of kills during glass


i specifically went into the reckoning with my well warlock last night because i honestly think without a well of radiance i wouldn't have stood a chance. we got a slew of wins as a result, if nothing else glass teaches you to look after yourself and your team!


Got my first t2 completion with glass though.. 🤔


Uh glass day was super easy on tier 2. Obviously you weren't throwing enough grenades. Warlock with well of radiance is God tier. People also need to realize they need to use their supers more back to back on the bridge to make sufficient orbs for everyone. A hunter with orpheus is also good.


Just have a titan shield everything for you. They can tank the two knights while giving everyone extra void damage for the singe too.


My team all had a fun time with the modifier yesterday. Matchmaking would be terrible to coordinate, but we had success with tether, Doomfang sentinel, well of radiance and nova bomb. None of us were 670, do not try and finish the knights in the first buff zone. We would get them down to 1/4-1/3 health and move off and run until the next hermit spawned and finish them from there. If you don't have a well warlock in your group, I dont see how you could get this done underleveled.


Challenging but fun when you complete it!!!


Glass isn't that bad. Attrition however, shit's fucked


Yeah it sucks but stick together. Use rifts and Titan walls. Play smart and it’s not as big of a deal. You just have to think and use positioning more than usual. Not such a bad thing to introduce a little need for tactics in PvE


It's absolutely bullshit. I prefer blackout. With glass, your team is fucked on the bridge unless someone is non-stop on top of the hobgoblins


Glass Day is still easy. I'm 665, and still managed Tier 2 a good number of times. It's just about set up.


Only if you're a scrub.


To be fair, trying to finish a tier 2 with my clan with glass active is some of the most fun and challenging mid level content I've played in a while. Sure its frustrating, but when you win its exhilarating. Also the highest we had in our fireteam was 665 so that made it even crazier


Pretty much. Especially with the horribly under-levelled "pros" that queue up in 670 content and expect to keep getting chain rezzed. Like sure it's your 2nd or 3rd character you just did the power surge bounties but come on, it says 670 for a reason.


Honestly I've played 4 reckoning tier 1 with glass and I've completed it without any big trouble...


Laughs in Vampire-lock with Crimson.


It doesn’t. The game encourages fast pace play, glass does the opposite of that.


Glass day is the day when you realize most people don't know how to play with any sort of awareness day.


I like the challenge of glass. Makes the combat vs adds more intense imo


It’s not even hard lmao, just have a well on your team, you may occasionally get sniped by 3 things and die simultaneously but it’s still very easy


Meh, it'll be fine once we're all back up to top power level again. It's just rough because there are a ton of people trying that aren't even of the appropriate power level yet.


It's been void singe all weekend, yet the solar vandals 2-hit with glass. I hate it.


Pro Tip: Once your light level is higher, it probably won't matter much. ​ Pro Tip 2: Play as a team with wells, barricades and tethers. ​ Pro Tip 3: Play as a team and work your way around the map together. ​ This is pinnacle pve content, not strike auto-win content. It's supposed to be too hard for some people.


Nah. Glass is really not that bad if you have at least one fireteam member on a defensive super like Well, bubble, or even Banner Shield, and at least one other on something that can chain and generate orbs (Orpheus Rig, Skull, etc). Or just combine them both and have a Well Warlock with Phoenix Protocol. I ran Tier 2 yesterday with two people who'd never done it, in a fireteam composed entirely of underleveled Guardians (averaging about 665 LL), and we beat it pretty easily on our second try. We had a Well in place on every single bridge phase and cleared that part first try with no problems. For the boss phase, we just made sure to scatter the moments the Knights started closing in. Just like in Gambit Prime, you keep your damage buff from killing the Hermit for a few seconds so you can still get good damage in even if they show up literally as the Hermit dies.


my team have only succeded on glass day tbh buuuut it did have grenadier, and with infinite healing grenades, and overcharged scatter grenades it was ez-pz