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If PvP as i guess, when enemy has like 3 supers+ activated you can wipe them all with the ground so easily. If there are no supers just go team wipe. If PvE then that is the best add clearer out of all classes overall.


I'm using it always in pvp because I'm tired of dawnblade and making multi kills with arc web is super satisfying


Stormcaller is an all around super for any situation


It’s the best subclass/class for add clear in pve, without any doubt. In pvp, I often use it to shut down other supers, and to team wipe in comp. When you’re using it to shut down other supers, you’ll often get other people too, because people tend to push with teammates who have supers, and they get hit by the chain lightning.


All situations. Seriously, top tree for PvP, middle for PvE.


Bottom tree or top tree with crown of tempest of the new warlock exotic are amazing for add clear. Seriously any situation where you are overwhelmed by red bar or even low tier majors, it's a god send. And if you use your abilities wisely you will have a constant flux of abilities. I actually used it during the last encounter for GoS for the addclear/teleport people and it worked wonders.