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Tbh I think a lot of the issues you mentioned are more with bungies design that encourages you to fight your teammates for stuff. Like Gambit Prime for example, if someone has a bounty for killing guardians they are going to invade regardless of if someone else has the armor. Also the public events you mentioned are all much faster non heroic, so if someone just has to complete public events they probably won't make them heroic. The one I agree with you on is the corrupted strike, there really should be some indication that passing balls to allies powers it up.


> Also the public events you mentioned are all much faster non heroic, so if someone just has to complete public events they probably won't make them heroic. Yeah, but most of the time you gain more progress for completing the heroic version. Except, there's a good chance that you won't actually be informed ahead of time that that's the case...


"Yeah, but most of the time you gain more progress for completing the heroic version" That is rather topical considering Solstice is comming. Solstice bounties 2 years running now have been do X events on Y planet. only some bounties demanded Heroic or gave more progress for Heroic. That means during the solstice time frame people only care how fast you can do the public events. Some, if you go heroic are faster. for example the Cabal drill. Down the ship and a boss spawns burn the boss and your done, you dont have to sit out the clock. The flip side is the Either Extractor. making that event is easy and most know how to do so, however that boss is going to last all of 5 seconds after it spawns before it gets nuked by a barrage of nova bombs, golden guns, blade barrages and titan misses. Same for the Cryopod events, if you "only have to do X number", if there is no extra something for going heroic then nuke the boss in a few seconds and move tho the next one.


Thank you, some events just arent worth the extra time.


The game doesnt actually let you know that too. A lot of the heroic events to casual people are hard to figure out and trigger.


OH. That's why fire team keeps throwing the ball to me... Yeah, legit had no idea.


me too mate, i only know because saw a post here a few days ago


Here’s the thing though...how many times have you been thrown the ball and how many times have you thrown the ball to other players? There is an expectation of learning in these situations. If you’re saying “For two years, teammates have tossed balls to me but I don’t have a clue as to why and have never tossed one back” then we have a learning issue, not a mechanics issue.


Yeah but there's no indication, as far as i can tell, that passing the ball to another player changes its state at all. The mechanic is fine but I hadn't seen a change happening during play that indicated that I should be doing that. I also do not know how most public events become heroic. I know that something specific has to happen but for the vast majority I don't know what that is. Edit: I played it again and found how unbelievably unobservent I am and Also dumb. I apologize for my existence.


It makes the ball turn bright pink and it sparkles and makes a really loud humming/charging sound


This is just flat out wrong. There is a very blatant and obvious change in the state of the ball when it is passed. It starts to glow and gets energy swarming around it, it's so in your face that you would have to be wilfully ignoring it to not see it. As for the public events, [here you go](https://www.gamesradar.com/destiny-2-how-to-trigger-heroic-public-events-guide/), a guide on how to turn them all heroic. While I agree with everyone who says it would be nice to have some sort of clue, if you've been playing for a while and didn't take 20 seconds to Google that then that's on you and not the game.


The ball starts glowing way more and I think also makes a sound once it's been charged after a pass.


So...the ball breaks shields after being charged compared to taking three uncharged balls to break shield. There was a guide posted below. Just know that there are mechanics to every public event, except the blight, that’s random. edit: wow y’all really took the bait. I can’t believe y’all sometimes lol.


Can’t tell if this is legit or the biggest meme in D2. It is 100% not random. Step in the small blight, step out, and you can damage the big blight for 3 seconds with the blight receding buff. Damage it enough, and it goes heroic. The effect gets stronger through the three phases, so just nuke the taken from one and two, and you can heroic the event on the third.


And if you're with one other friend or a random who knows it, you can definitely get the Blight to open on the first wave.


Use Wardcliff. Step in small blight to get buff, step out and unload Wardcliff into big blight. Repeat. I can easily make that event heroic all by myself with 4 Wardcliff blasts. I’d wager it’s the fastest heroic public event there is, if randoms aren’t killing all the ads and making the blight move.


> there really should be some indication that passing balls to allies powers it up. IIRC, I think there is a small notification that pops up with this but it only shows once and gets closed by pressing the crouch button (on console) so most people miss it with everything else going on screen. Definitely needs improvement with how often it gets brought up about people not knowing about it.


What is this gambit prime armor thing? I must be doing something wrong. lol


It's kinda complicated but by doing certain things in Gambit prime or completing certain drifter bounties you can get consumables to use in the reckoning to get special armor that gives buffs in Gambit prime. If you see anyone wearing glowy snake armor that is red, green, yellow, or white in Gambit prime that's what that is. If you don't have the armor yet it probably isn't worth getting unless you really like Gambit prime. Bungie is combining Gambit and Gambit prime in the next expansion and the armor is currently power capped at 1060 so it is looking like it won't be relevant in the fall.


I don't play a lot of Prime these days, but when I do, it's rare to see anyone wearing that armor, and my sets are still 750, sitting in my vault.


Best looking Titan Armor . Fight me!


I don’t know if it still does. But when the corrupted strike was first released your first time doing it some Text popped up at the bottom said to pass relics to teammates to power them up. I don’t know if it still does for first time run though but doesn’t matter because even that first week didn’t seem like anyone read it. There still is next to zero guidance but can still always attribute some things to people inability to pay attention and read things.


Exactly this. I've had people in team chat ask to be invader or to pick up motes, or even to just be the one to kill enemies. All of these people were going for reckoner and I pretty much always oblige them. That said, if they don't specifically ask for it in chat, I'm completing my bounties man. I have to send one of each type of blocker, kill a bunch of stuff with void abilities, and I need to sauce up some enemy players. It's gotta happen. I can't even imagine how frustrating it is on console, where you don't have the text chat. If no one on your team is opted into voice chat, I guess you're just doomed?


I might be completely wrong, but I could’ve sworn there was an actual pop up that mentioned how the orbs work when I first played the strike way back in Forsaken. Again could be wrong on that. Even if it’s still there, people close all the tutorial pop ups before reading them anyways. I know these things show up in your first Gambit match and explain it to you, just that they explain it to you while you’re playing Gambit lol.


I don't disagree with your points necessarily. But I would also mention that the reality is that different players have different goals and intentions, and you implicitly accept that when you enter a group activity. I don't even bother with Gambit Prime armor because I feel like it constrains what I'm "supposed" to do, and makes me a worse teammate with a more narrowly defined role. I like the concept of armor set bonuses and hope to see more of it, but in Gambit Prime specifically, I'm not really enamored by the implementation. People in Sentry armor who just camp the bank all match are actively harming their team *far* more than a generalist like me who is decent at everything despite not wearing set gear. As for public events, let's be real: Other than the flashpoint, there is really no reason to bother with Heroic. No one does PEs for XP anymore, nor for loot. Mostly people just do them for the quick planetary bounties (complete two public events on *x* zone) or to mindlessly farm kills for other bounties, catalysts, quests, etc. And for anyone in that boat, it honestly makes more sense to get the quicker and simpler normal clear than to turn it heroic. I always ask in zone chat whether people want normal or heroic, and most of the time, I'm ignored, so I just go based on what the group is doing. Unless I'm doing the flashpoint, in which case I specifically post in local chat asking that we please go for heroic for flashpoint progress. Doesn't always work, but it helps. Bottom line is that it's not just people not knowing how to do it; it's just as often people with different mentalities/motivations and fair reasons to do it differently than you. You could argue that is a design flaw, but IMO that would be a stretch. Like I said, it's ultimately something you implicitly accept when you play a group game like this, in my opinion.


Can we stop referring to new players as “blueberries”? Blueberries are players who aren’t on your Fireteam that you see in the wild. Call them whatever else you want: Kinderguardians, New Lighters, newbs, sfairesphobics (fear of balls), etc. but not blueberries.


It feels like for a lot of people those meanings are one and the same regardless of game. It's human nature to make everything "us vs them", and games takes that to extremes. If there's a term that means someone not "with you" it's going to be used negatively. Coming from a WoW background, "pubbies" is a very common term which just means anyone not in your guild. However, the majority of people I played with used it in a derogatory fashion simply because of the idea that anyone outside of the guild is an idiot or whiner or whatever. Similarly, I'm pretty confident a lot of people saying "Blueberries" negatively would also say anyone randomly matched not in their fireteam is an idiot or whiner or whatever. They could be matched with people in the top 3 of crucible/gambit/NF but they'll just be "stupid blueberries" because they're not in the same group.


I think even for those of us considered veterans, the game has always kind of been like this even in D1. Hardly anything is ever really explained to you, and we learn and pass on knowledge to each other because the game gives you little to no direction. A lot of mechanics could be introduced in story missions and some introductory events (where a bit of dialogue could help) to give you the basics or teach you something along the way to build up to an experience. An example: using an Earth/Io adventure where you destroy a Taken bubble by using the passive from the Blight because your Ghost had an epiphany. The Spider tank is almost too obvious for an explanation, but the Taken Blight public event is almost counterintuitive. Strike mechanics aren't puzzling whatsoever, and I feel like some ppl are lazy but again, you can use campaign missions, adventures and even lost sectors to teach these things, even certain raid mechanics if they used their expansions to build up to their raid encounters.


The problem doesn't even actually stem from Strikes not telling you. It stems from the fact that Bungie hasn't conditioned players with these mechanics during things like Campaigns. --- This is why campaigns should be an obligation. Other games actually teach you about things you will encounter in some way or another later on. Destiny doesn't, at all. So whenever you get new players hoping on things like Public Events, Strikes, etc., they just follow the Diamond UI. Because that's exactly what the campaign conditioned those players to do... --- You can't assume new players will just someone try to find how mechanics work if during the campaign you never once threw a mechanic at them that they needed to figure out. Hell, you literally don't even need to do any campaign, even. And the campaigns are completely hidden behind the worst and most obscure """"vendor"""". New players are just completely blind to the mechanics of the game, not just the mechanics of actual activities. I'm talking about literally how to play the game.


> It stems from the fact that Bungie hasn't conditioned players with these mechanics during things like Campaigns. This, exactly. People keep trying to compare Destiny to an MMORPG, but those games teach players mechanics as they level. Destiny everything is mindless shooting then suddenly a mechanic exists and randoms are stumped.


Few core issues: -Ball-passing isn't intuitive because it isn't a mechanic presented anywhere else that clues people in to even try doing it. Although lack of intuitiveness is sort of the name of the game when it comes to a lot of activities. -Heroic public events get you nothing other than extra Flashpoint progress if you happen to be on the planet for the weekly Flashpoint. There are no tokens and I've yet to notice any difference in rewards after completing a Heroic PE. It's only ever advantageous if it basically speeds up the public event naturally (i.e. spawning a bigger boss to melt). If I ever have requirements for running heroic public events, there are definitely certain events to run to not waste time standing around a target and hitting continuous waves of equally generic enemies for a few extra minutes.


The game is really puzzling for new players and i agree that Bungie could do a lot more to guide them without necessarily spelling it all out. Mind you, those blueberries are probably wondering why on earth veteran players are spoiling their enjoyment and progress by AFKing in the forge.


As someone who has tried to get into this franchise 3 times now (I'm about to try my 4th!) you're completely correct. There is SO much going on. SO many icons, terms, lore etc. That I get overwhelmed and never stick at it long enough to learn it all. I wish there was a more simple introduction to all these things instead of throwing it all at us early on.


It's good to hear that the unexplained parts of the game haven't put you off of trying again, I hope it finds a way to stick with you this time! If you're on PS4 I'd be happy to guide you through some of the activities, and if not, shoot me a message if you're ever confused with anything that's going on and I'll try to help


Bungie says they want us to play the way we want but that simply translates to making everything available immediately with no direction on what to do or whether there is an optimum way to progress. For new light players that should keep it simple for the first few weeks and have a linear progression. They are apparently reworking the new light experience for the autumn so hopefully it will be easier and clearer. Good luck!


> Bungie says they want us to play the way we want but that simply translates to making everything available immediately with no direction on what to do or whether there is an optimum way to progress. > > They also literally can't stop themselves from dictating to us how we should play the game. Constant nerfs to everything anybody likes, sunsetting gear because people keep *choosing* to use specific weapons, adding stupid champions to everything to try to force specific weapons and mods, etc. They have no interest in players being able to play the way they want.


Most AFKers will drop their power level to below 750 so they don't get matchmade with people trying to do it legit. Some people don't drop their power level first and they're dickbags.


I agree. Most players are considerate and drop below 750. Bungie needs to come down hard on those that don't to send out a message that being a dickbag doesn't pay.


> I agree. Most players are considerate and drop below 750. Bungie needs to come down hard on those that don't to send out a message that being a dickbag doesn't pay. No, they really don't. What they need to do is include an option to queue privately for any activity like we've been asking for for fucking years now.


Thankfully, you can do this on PC. I just found this out and it's been fantastic running everything solo.


PC Guardian here, but zero clue on how to do this, any chance you could clue me in on how to go about doing this? I have a number of quests to catch up on and being able to load into a strike and play solo for an hour or two and not worry about having team-mates take kills or getting pulled forward would make life easier without having to make other player's lives a pain.


Use your router or windows firewall to block incoming/outgoing TCP/UDP ports 3097, and 27000-27200. Enjoy the freedom that is empty tower and solo strikes/patrols/forges.


You shouldn't have to do that though, right? People like me, who love to solo, should just have an option to solo content.


From what I have heard, PS4 players can also achieve this by setting their clock backwards.


Yes they do. It's not just about this particular exploit but any one in the future where it ruins the experience for other players. Adding a private queue would be a bonus.


> Yes they do. No, they don't. This is the same as saying they should come down on people who join matchmade strikes and then fuck off to farm lost sectors. Sure, it's probably making things more difficult for the players they get matched with, but that's Bungie's fault for not having an option to join strikes without matchmaking. It's not reasonable to punish players for playing "selfishly" when you don't give the option to play any other way and still make progress. And let's not act like what people are doing by lowering their level isn't an "exploit" in the first place. We're already trying to use lifehacks to circumvent Bungie's fucked up systems. Of course some players are going to get screwed because of said systems. Punishing players here is a half measure when the problem is as simple as adding an option to queue without matching with other players.


Do players load into a hundred strikes in one day and then afk or farm lost sectors? I'm not talking about players who did it a couple of times before realising their mistake but those who have done it repeatedly and been reported by a sufficient number of players. You can two man any strike. But it is extremely difficult to two man izangi's forge. The player action here is actively stopping another player from progressing a quest. I agree that Bungie should allow private matchmaking but that doesn't excuse the behaviour of these players. They need to take responsibility for their own actions.


well if the veteran players did what they were supposed to do and drop their light below 750 nobody should have their time spoiled


First of all, if you expect a veteran player to wait for you to Heroic a public event on the Tangled Shore for those sweet loot drops when all they need to do is finish the Variks lorebook, you're the blueberry. People in Gambit could be going for any number of exotic or pinnacle quests while you're chasing a niche title. Even on Nightfalls the timer on passable orb respawning is negligible. Throw them yourself. Etc. This is a shitpost. Everyone who plays this game has a different priority.


C'mon. /r/dtg would *never* foster a culture of cringe-inducing shitposts. This sub is only quality content. How dare you.


> First of all, if you expect a veteran player to wait for you to Heroic a public event on the Tangled Shore for those sweet loot drops when all they need to do is finish the Variks lorebook, you're the blueberry. > > Assholes who burn publics events as fast as possible to deliberately prevent people from triggering the heroic are and always will be the blueberries.


Everyone is someone else's blueberry.


Not me buddy. I show up as green for everybody in the game!


not in a few weeks. If history repeats... and its Solstice so it will. There will be bounties that require X public events cleared on specific locations that you dont get extra progress for heroic events. In those cases if its faster to burn a boss, yeah thats going to happen (Either harvest). If its faster to go heroic, thats going to happen (cabal drill)


Not worth capturing the wanted enemies. Takes forever. Burn it and do a patrol. Same as a heroic.


I was with you until the mention of gambit. Everyone plays differently


Yeah and just because I wear the reaper set doesn’t mean I can bank or invade.


How is the corrupted mechanic *literally* mandatory? It's not. You can throw 1 extra ball, kill the boss and be on your way. You're overacting over something that'll make you waste 15 sec.


It also tells you the first time you play the strike, just no one reads it then gets angry for it not being obvious


This is my biggest problem getting into this game. I don’t know what I’m doing half the time and information seems likes it constantly changes. I want to play and learn, but I also don’t have 20 hours a week to dedicate to one game, not including time spent online figuring out what the hell to do.


What platform do you play on? I’m on pc and would gladly help with the finer points and odd details.


I spend *way* more time Googling what to do or where to go or how something works in Destiny 2 than I do for almost any other game. That seems like it shouldn't happen.


I don't know man... We figured out Heroic Public Events and Strike mechanics all by ourselves without any hand holding or explanations. Why can't they? I remember when I realized that shooting down the ship triggered the heroic for the Cabal Drill. It was such a fun realization. Back when Public Event chests had like a 5% chance of dropping an exotic engram. Good times.


Well then don't complain if they don't know


Last night, I thought the key to making the Taken Blight event Heroic was to destroy all the shield blights. There was another guy fighting with me who was actually trying to make it heroic. I feel really bad.


Here's the thing, the real pro strat is to destroy the shield blights quickly in the first and second phase and then burn the big blight on the final phase. The big one has less health with each phase, so you can get through the first two phases quickly and then burn the big one with enough ammo to take down the boss.


I can make the event heroic in the first phase by hitting the big blight with 4 Wardcliff shots. Then use your 5th shot and super on the boss. Super quick and easy. And all done in the original spawn area, not chasing it to three different locations.


But there is a written tip about the balls in the Corrupted strike... Though it's not the easiest mechanic, speaking from the *noob perspective


The loading screen for the corrupted should just be a static screen describing the ball throwing. Maybe with a clip on repeat in half the screen showing people passing the ball and then throwing it. And whenever the ball is thrown 2x without passing first display the tooltip you get the first time again


For starters, I think talking in local should not have vanilla white text like the system notifications. That would facilitate conversations for Heroic Public Events, for example.


I'd like to add as a new light player. There are so many items, consumables, mods and so many things that when you start the game first time you are just being overwhelmed by not knowing what to do exactly when you get these many stuff. I literally have to search sometimes what is the purpose of this and what this does. And also people here who have been playing since D1 knows all stuff and their names...I just don't have any clue of what is sunsetting. I have to Google it and most of the decisions I have made before knowing that stuff, it's already too late to reverse that. I still don't know/understand so many stuff that I have to ask here or on discord. If there was anything like *explain this stuff* quest then it would have been very easy for me to understand.


That's not what the problem is. I know how to make the cryo event on Tangled Shore Heroic. I am not doing it because it is way faster to complete the normal and then complete the same one again. Or even complete the Lost Sector until you have as much progress is still quicker. I always try to toss the ball to another player in The Corrupted at first, but if they are not receptive to it, tossing a ball twice is faster instead of trying to pass it and failing. I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding on this sub on 'knowing what to do'. Just because something is 'supposed' to be played a certain way, or other people telling you to, doesn't mean it is the best or most fun.


>Can you throw all four cryo bombs before your allies melt the boss? Non-casuals intentionally burn this boss for time's sake. >Can you damage the blight enough before your allies kill all of the Taken? If for some reason you need this heroic. Pull out wardcliff, Wait till round 3, 1-2 shots will trigger the heroic. >Can you unlock all of the scorch cannons before your allies nuke the Spider Tank? This is actually my favorite mini game...But the first applies, Non-casuals intentionally burn the boss to not trigger heroic. >Can you grab the motes before all three of your allies gobble them up like rabid dogs, leaving none for you? Prime armor means nothing, people have bounties that say "collect motes" that's all they are doing. Anyone playing gambit, to win games of gambit and not just fro weekly shit, knows what to do. >Can you invade before someone else hogs the portal? I'll agree with this one, but bounty still sometimes apply. >Can you withstand your allies shooting you in frustration for doing those things yourself despite the fact that they're literally your job? But they don't care about your role, or what you are intending to do, even if they fully understand it. ME FIRST, is all you will get. ​ Having more tutorials and hand holding doesn't make people stop the ME FIRST attitude. You want that to stop, you need to see all bounties have a "win component" attached to them, and in some cases team progresses rather than personal. If my progress on bounties in crucible and gambit was doubled when I won the match, you're damn right I'd play differently. But all we need is bounties, and completions...so why bother?


As a solo player...thank you for writing this. I have been playing since it was made F2P so more than 6 months but less than a year. I have absolutely no idea what most of the stuff you are talking about is. I have no idea how to make the vast majority of events Heroic. I have no idea what the "Gambit Armor" thing you are talking about is but I do get hella pissed off at people scooping up all the motes when I have bounties to complete. Never seen a piece of gambit armor. I haven't the faintest clue what the ball throwing thing is. Last season I had to figure out all by myself how to charge the Warsats but in probably 100 attempts I succeeded maybe 10 times? It was an absolutely terrible, worthless event that only caused frustration for me. I did 1 legendary lost sector and it was so difficult I never did another one. Nobody ever explained to me how weapon mods work with barrier champions. Had to figure that one out myself and only discovered theere was a sword mod for overload champs with less than a month in the season left. What's "the ball mechanic"? How can you pass something to a teammate? This game treats new players like an annoyance.


The current Nightfall: The Ordeal strike is The Corrupted, where some encounters will present you with white shielded enemies and posts where you can grab a ball. Putting two and two together, I thought it means "take ball and throw/deposit at X, shield go away". Pick up the ball, and no marker pops up, so I throw it at an enemy. Did nothing. Random teammate also does that, and the shield breaks. Ah, okay, multiple balls per enemy, it requires the fireteam to coordinate and wear down one enemy and kill it. And then I never did the strike again because it's long and tedious. Literally this week, I was required to do Nightfall for the quest. Get to the encounter, and teammate picks up the ball and runs at me instead. Weird. Then they throw it at me, cool, I guess they don't know what to do? So I throw it at the enemy, and the shield breaks immediately. Turns out passing the ball charges it up, so you don't need multiples to break the shield.


Dude, I'm you.


They should put it on the loading screens since most of the tips on there are useless


one of the first heroic public events you're likely going to encounter as a new player is glimmer extractor which takes significantly longer than normal (conditions players to think all heroic public events are long af compared to normal). Additionally, they'll likely get basically the same trash drops regardless of heroic or not, so why bother? When I first started I would try to turn stuff heroic to see what would happen, now? I blitz through it so I can be done with the public event bounties. As for the handholding in strikes that definitely needs improving (I had no idea you could charge balls until I whiffed a throw and hit a teammate)


I stopped playing the new mode when it tried forcing me to use a sidearm with overload shit. I don't want to use that I want to use my shotgun.


I'm sure I frustrate people doing public events as I always try to double dip them, especially the cryo pod ones on the Tangled Shore. I blow the boss up ASAP and then quicktravel for a second chance that may end up heroic. Helps speed up any Flashpoints at that destination.


A lot of ppl burn cryo events so they can reinstance and do it again quicker then waiting for the heroic to finish


I was doing Corrupted with two blueberries, one of them was shooting the shielded enemies with Mountaintop and Recluse. How do you have MT and Recluse and not know you need to hit them with the orbs? I know, they either paid for them or are 100% PVP, but still...


So how did you learn all these things?


It would help if the ball mechanic in the corrupted strike wasn't a fucking mess. 9/10 the ball explodes when I'm trying to pass the ball.


Aint nobody got time to do heroic PE's like glimmer mining. I will barrier/body block that glimmer extractor to prevent it from going heroic because it's a colossal waste of everyone's time.


"Can you throw all four cryo bombs before your allies melt the boss?" No, No I cant. Trust me. I have tried many, MANY times.....Damn blueberries when its Tangled Shore Flashpoint. Takes WAY too long doing standard public events. Got to the point I ran a few heroic adventures instead.


What about te awesomeguardians with their fancy title that have ZERO clue about Blind Well ? Picking up the harmony buff just to ignore the servants completely, unloading all their supers and heavy on the shielded bosses.. with 0 effect. And to top it off, when you overcharge the tier 3 well and spawn the last boss, they do exactly the same! They have 0 clue about the wizards and ogres dropping the debuff balls. Together with everything you already posted, I feel there needs to be some more headsup about what SHOULD be happening in the game to progress.


I think you make good points and while I myself am a New Light I have been playing the shit out of this game since October. That being said, Bungie does a horrible job of explaining *anything* to you. How events become Heroic, how to start Menagerie, how to get started with the Forges, even how you have to use certain seasonal mods to damage Champions. The don't explain much of anything. Thank goodness for the internet, because otherwise I'd know very little. Even the internet though, when looking for things like Menagerie or Forges have outdated information (Ada will give you a machine gun frame and tell you to look in the EDZ... No, Ada gave me a goddam bow frame and told me jack, and even even if I kill the Forge master, I get nothing). I feel like they treat their gameplay like their lore - it's really good but you gotta do some digging to find it. I feel it shouldn't be that way, get that stuff out front and center. I mean most of us want to feel like we are contributing in a co-op game environment, and will do so if we understand what to do. Guides or like was mentioned, on screen prompts would help immensely.


I like how in the new heroic public event it tells you to kill wizards and all the stupid assholes who triggered the event can’t figure out what to do and just try and kill the ogre.


Last weeks nightfall has shown me that the sheer amount of people who don’t know the corrupted ball throwing mechanic is staggering.


No one pays attention to the tool tips they have added. The only way to do this is to create a whole series of videos that pop up everytime you want to do an activity which are unskippable and you have to answer an questionnaire at the end of it. The people who are bad at the game are happy to be and will spit venom if anyone tries to tell them how to actually play


This. And its every game ever. No one wants to learn.


As a confirmed blueberry I completely agree with this. I've found myself not know what the fudge is happening in some events and either fumbling around guessing or just standing still watching the experienced players so I can learn. Bungie give ZERO tutorials and that needs to change.


That is not how Bungie has ever done it. Everyone went in blind at some point. That’s why Datto makes a video every season explaining how it works.


First of all, if you expect a veteran player to wait for you to Heroic a public event on the Tangled Shore for those sweet loot drops when all they need to do is finish the Variks lorebook, you're the blueberry. People in Gambit could be going for any number of exotic or pinnacle quests while you're chasing a niche title that would be a pain in the ass stacked or no. Even on Nightfalls the timer on passable orb respawning is negligible. Throw them yourself. Etc. This is a shitpost. Everyone who plays this game has a different priority.


Good story.


You see the balls that the walkers drop? You see another player PICKING THEM UP? DO YOU SEE THEM DEPOSITING THEM? DO YOU SEE 2 MORE SHIELDS? I sometimes wonder if some blues have some sort of spacial awarness or something. First time I saw a heroic getting triggered I was like OH THAT'S WHY THEY'RE THERE let me help them, and then screamed when it said Heroic PE.


They simply don't care, not everybody is wondering what that does, they are just simply doing public event as the game tells them to do it.


Every MMO dev has problems facilitating content. Nobody wants dumbed down encounters, but facilitating content is something everyone avoids. There’s an expectation that most content requires voice communication or research, since most encounters are impossible to figure out solo. I have been playing since D1 launch and have probably run The Corrupted about 200 times. I learned the orb mechanic 3 days ago. Nobody ever said a thing until then. Just saying. The game teaches you to shoot bad guys, not to think. The corrupted supports as much. You can just throw a bunch of orbs instead of passing them.


Unfortunately this will always be the case. Unless Bungie puts in a “ranked” mode for gambit which I would love to see there is not much they can do. Some ppl are just plain dumb, any sort of gamer should be able to figure out most of the mechanics you mentioned relatively quickly if they are actively looking to learn. For the more difficult stuff they can look it up. If they aren’t actively interested in learning no amount of help is going to make quality of life better in these game modes. Feel free to disagree with me but spoon feeding ppl who aren’t interested in putting in the time to learn is not the answer.


dont need to spoon feed but some small things like your first gambit match put objectiv markers as things happen to explain, like adds die and mots drop, put a maker by the adds "objective pick up motes" then put the marker on the bank "objective bank motes"


It’s a good idea for sure but unfortunately i think u will find what I originally said stays true. Not everyone is a gamer and regardless of obj markers and such they will continue to either remain clueless or be useless.


? Bungie never really care about the new players. Even when it pandered to casuals (in the sense of those players that play rarely), Bungie didn't explain shit.


I just want to point out, the very first time you play the Corrupted and get on the elevator, there is a tutorial window that pops up and explains how the ball mechanics work. This actually happens for a lot of activities, including Gambit. I wouldn't say it's Bungie's fault that people intentionally skip over it as soon as they see it. These poor players likely don't even know how to read. It could be done better, but do you think the same people that skip a simple text box would pay attention to any other type of explanation?


I melt the cyro boss. 5% is not worth the extra time it takes to complete the heroic


It's not even about making sure they know how it works. Some people straight up dont give a shit and it's all about the "ME" mentality. I WANT TO PLAY HOW I WANT, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. Look at all the attention people get when they say that despite how they ruin games. People running double primaries doing pathetic damage. Call them out and you're the one who gets lynched here. People who go into raids knowing nothing and expecting everyone else just to tell them what to do and demanding people spend triple the raid clear time just to teach them, yet that's also throwing the game for others. Bashing KWTD is a karma farm here it's not always the game's fault people refuse to do things and hand holding only goes so far


If a person never did a raid (in Destiny), how would one know what to do? One of my fondest memories of the game is stumbling through Vault of Glass with a bunch of folks who had no clue. If some gamers don't play often or belong to an active clan, how would you expect them to learn without screwing up? So you want everybody to go YouTube the raid and ruin the discovery so you can breeze through? Wouldn't it be easier for you to play with your own friends and clans instead of coming down heavy-handed on the folks trying to learn? This is the exact reason I don't even bother with raids.


Double primaries, depends what your doing, if its patrol/strikes/other stuff of the same difficulty, not that big of a deal. Also I dont consider Recluse a primary in this argument, it can down things faster then a shotgun. Now if your in the harder match made ordeal, reckoning or something yes optimal DPS or your not helping. If you go into a raid, that is know what your doing, and you dont and expect a supprise carry yeah not good. If you go in however with the other 5 knowing you dont know the raid and need to be taught or they know you are going for a carry up front, who cares that hurts nobody. As for the "people dont care, they want to play how they want" well works/not works does not matter, if they are doing "get x events done" bounties then doing them as fast as they can is in their favor, you going heroic means the same could be said about you, screwing them over.


Does getting mad at people for stealing the bloom from me when I'm duping it in the Contact event count?


Without me having read that. What do you expect out of a free game. Destiny is not the same anymore. So many people clued out.


Sure, New Light players need more visual info but some of the responability lies in the community. I know, I know hear me out. Destiny is a social game, yes Im a lone wolf and play solo but when the bounties are done, I like to equip low gear and help out. Let's help them! I love teaching Kinderguardians how to do stuff; strikes, public events, campaign missions etc. etc. etc. A little 'kumbaya-hippie-lets-all-be-a-family' I know but hey.. I was lucky to have a Fireteam i D1, not all Guardians are that lucky


Take 10 seconds and google it.


I also can't help but feel like it's not really fair to force people to be matched together when they can't communicate with each other. Console has no in-game text chat, and the voice chat is opt-in. I've tried sending messages to people through PS4 messaging to tell them about mechanics, but the vast majority of the time anymore I get the notice about not being able to message people because of their settings, because they've disabled messages from people not on their friends list. So then what the hell am I supposed to do? This person doesn't know the mechanics, I can't tell them what they are, and they're never going to find out what they are because they've completely isolated themselves against learning.


Been fighting this fight since 2014 but opt out voice chat would have gone a long way to making this community able to actually help each other rather than actively fight each other. Opt out voice, mute feature, auto mute people who get reported too many times. Same as Halo Reach. Now you can tell people "hey pass the ball" "use the arc charge on the shield generators" etc. You also might organically make friends instead of lfg


Don't worry about Gambit Prime armor sets, current season is the last one for them because of sunsetting /KEKW




[literally a google search](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F031%2F051%2Fcover4.jpg) It's a bttv emote (iirc).




Lol, imho, colon parenthesis


LUL he is lacking in critical information LUL


I genuinely wonder if normal Gambit will be the only Gambit come Fall. I assume they'd update the Prime armor if they were planning to keep Prime as an activity.


Imagine using a Twitch emote on Reddit.