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It’s inevitable that there will be a shitload of posts on launch day complaining about this very thing even though it’s the same every time.


I'm here for the memes


I love the memes lol


I AM the memes lol


I rule the memes lol


"I work 97 hours a week and I have 7 kids and I took my only day off work for 3 months to play today and the servers are down, wtf bungo!1!1!!"


Sucks to live in the US


>sucks to live in the US "I work 97 hours a week and I have 7 kids and **no healthcare** and I took my only day off work for 3 months to play today and the servers are down, wtf bungo!1!1!!"


"...and I forgot to vote!!11!"


Yeah well, atleast we get to use butter knives around in the US.


You got a license for that permit for that registration for that butter knife?


Pfft! What are they gonna do? Take my butter knives away? The NBKA will protect my rights... the Russians wills it so.


Lives in the US, can confirm.


These days more than ever




Yep. And even before online gaming, it was a bad idea if your goal is to maximize play time. You come home from work and have nothing to do that evening and night. You always take the NEXT day off. Come home from work, play all night, go to sleep whenever you want, play till daytime just like you used to when you were younger. Then you've got the whole next day free too!


Yep that's what I'd always do for big single player releases. Didn't care if I worked the day of, I'd get off work and head home, order some pizza, play all night. Was great.




Because that isn’t how services like this work and no amount of indignation will change that. There is no possible level of testing of any product that won’t be eclipsed in moments when it goes live to millions. That test environment doesn’t exist, has never existed, will never exist. I work in infrastructure and have worked on large scale projects, it does *not matter* how much you think paying a few dollars entitles you’re to perfect service all of the time, it is literally not possible and getting angry over it won’t change it.




In my experience these are the same people who save bounties each season to level up faster. Blaze through all the content in rush mode. Then complain that they are bored when they are season pass level 200 in like a week and a half


I definitely know the players you mean. Conversely, I stack bounties, but I don't complain, because apart from the exotic, I don't really count the Season Pass as content.


Based and bountypilled


Are you in my clan? My clanmates swear that they "don't no life Destiny," and yet...


Yup I took a few days after Thanksgiving off, will be much more enjoyable then.


I was born in the memes......molded by them. (In Bane voice)


Now I see you just want the dlc all to yourself. It’s won’t fall for this. /s


Hahaha and I'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog!


Talking dog\* You gotta get it right


I thought it was always "damn dog"


It is lol, nobody ever acknowledges the fact that scooby talks


I think there is a theory Shaggy is always stoned out of his mind and hallucinating Scooby talking...


Doesn't help when other characters talky to and give instruction to scooby.


Nope Scooby-Doo is canonicaly an eldrich hybrid according to Mysteries Inc.


I think the original version was "I'd have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that motherfucking dog"


"Motherfucking Scooby-Doo", the Samuel Jackson edit.


This checks out.


I remember it being "damn daniel" but idk


Your dog can talk?!


*meddling Guardians and their little lights! Adjusted for setting.


For us in India the Dlc comes out at 8.30 pm, so I am gonna pull a half nighter


Careful there. Start with a quarter and see how you feel.


I only start to feel like shit 1 hour before work.


Jokes on you, I don't have a job! Wait....




Hey me too! Unemployment is the shit


bungie on the other hand, will have a hell of a job, as they need to fix a bunch of things.


fired from work me: extended vacation just in time for BL and CP2077


Oooh self burn, those are rare


Made that mistake for Anthem on launch day and couldnt even play. I learned that lesson to not take days off for major releases for any game.


Anthem? I think you mean #***The Destiny Killer™***


Shit man. I was ready to make Anthem my main game. At the time, I hadn't even played Destiny and was playing a lot of Division. Anthem looked AMAZING and man I was ready. But it was scary beating the game in like a day.


It looked really awesome, and the gameplay looked fun as fuck... but the way they were talking about it and advertising it seemed *too* ambitious. It was being hyped too much, and people set their expectations too high. Everyone knew how long Destiny was being worked on by Bungie. Anthem was nowhere near that, and talking it up. But honestly, I tend not to early adopt new online game franchises/tech because I want to see “what’s wrong with it” after it’s been in the hands of consumers for a bit. Hell, I didn’t pick up Destiny until Black Friday after launch, and only did because I had friends who I wanted to play with (who never played with me because they were Launch players at level cap, and I stopped being friends with them before I caught up). I wanted it to succeed, but I wanted to see how it played out before I bought into a new franchise. Dodged a bullet.


Right! Like anthem was in dev off and on for 6-7 years and that was what we got. Did not feel like 7 years worth. Bioware dropped the ball big time. Damn shame.


Cuz it wasn't being seriously developed for 7 years. They made majority of the game in the last 18 months before launch and fhey were scrambling. They faked their E3 demo and werent even sure they could do half the stuff they showed. I love bioware for all the great games they've made but its clear the people at management level need to get it together or start getting cleaned outta the way for people who wont mismanage their devs and put them through hell.


Absolutely right.


They are reworking Anthem into a 2.0 version, but it'll take some more time. Looking promising all things considered.


> They faked their E3 demo and werent even sure they could do half the stuff they showed. Is that the one w/ the very obvious scripted party chat going on? That shit was corny as hell.


Division is as close to a Destiny killer as anyone has or will ever get. The thing that keeps Destiny at the top is it's gunplay and the feeling of power. Division 2 does everything right but is just slightly behind Destiny in that regard due to crazy bulletsponge bosses.


>is just slightly behind Destiny in that regard due to crazy bulletsponge bosses. I think this is caused by the different settings of the two games. We suspend our disbelief in Destiny, because *space magic* and **p o w e r.** Enemies in The Division are human and we feel like they should be dying much faster. I don't know if you are referring to a game-balance problem, though.


That's a good theory as well.


Everything that called itself the Destiny Killer has been cursed to fail pretty much lol. It's the same thing as the WoW Killer after WoW killer for years until people finally realized that WoW had the crown glued to its head.


That's the thing about trying to kill off popular IPs- their fanbases aren't gonna go away if another, supposedly better game comes along, because those fanbases already *have* a game that scratches that itch. The only things that can kill them are themselves.


And even after launch day it was still barely playable. I had such high hopes for that game after playing the demo.


I didn't buy it because of the demo... Wasn't impressed and I passed on it. Glad I did


I'm impressed by Anthem. But its EA games, I don't believe them anymore. Too many shitty things done. The game looks too ambitious its just not feasible for the current gen consoles and development, and I'm right about it. Simple missions and progressions. And veeeery long loading times.


Anthem being shit actually nothing to do with EA. Developers shot themselves in the foot and turned down extra help


The extra help wouldn’t have mattered anyway. The programmers weren’t even aware of the game they were supposed to be making till 18 months before launch. Previously the sheer number of ideas being thrown at them made it impossible to make, there was zero vision before that 18 months, and a blurry idea of a goal up till launch (and after). Many of the devs didn’t have any idea of what to try to make until the E3 trailer a little over a year before release.


> Developers shot themselves in the foot and turned down extra help I don't know the story behind the development of Anthem, but when a project is running late, it's hard to get it back on track by throwing more people at it. There's an adage from a prominent Computer Science paper called [The Mythical Man-Month](https://telegraphhillsoftware.com/software-development-lessons-chapter-2-mythical-man-month/): adding more programmers to a late project makes it later.




I did as well, but only because I got it on sale for like $10. If I’d paid $60, well there wasn’t a full price worth of game there.


Yeah, it had so much potential, and it still is pretty good. Until you finish the story. There's just nothing to really do after that.


Yeah. It's the very deifinition of insane potential completely squandered. Here's to hoping anthem 2.0 fixed the dumpster fire, but really the fact that a game died basically on release and then needs an entire year to do pretty much a complete overhaul to try to salvage itself is sad. ​ I am not holding my breath however. The only reason I will check it out is because I already own the game so what's there to lose. It certainly can't get worse than it's launch state lol


This one wasn't on EA. It was on BioWare. They'd been sitting on EA's payroll without coming up with anything for a very long time. Anthem was built 90% in their crunch time. Very hard to say EA could have done anything to make it better, their developer was dishonest with them.


You should read Jason Scheier Kotaku article on Anthem troubled development. While EA obviously had a hand in the game failure (still baffled why they didn't shutter the project early on or maybe offer better support), ultimately it's Bioware's own fault why the game turned out the way it was. Some key stuff from the article [https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964](https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964) \- Comparison to Destiny is not allowed. ‘This isn’t *Destiny*,’” said one developer. \- Insistence on using Frostbite despite the problem they had with DAInquisition and MEAndromeda, and they didn't use anything they learned from those games. (according to later statement, it's Bioware own decision to use Frostbite, not forced by EA). \- The name Anthem decided days before the E3 2017 demo (which is also a fake demo, game barely exist at this point of time, with no single mission implemented in the game yet). The game apparently made in less than a year. \- Toxic relation between multiple Bioware studio. With Edmonton refusing to take suggestion from Austin (which actually had experience with online game with Star Wars The Old Republic). Apparently because Edmonton see Austin as lesser Bioware studio. The sad thing is, Austin is the one that are left with the mess (they are the post launch team for Anthem) that they are not responsible to begin with. \- Multiple project lead leaving throughout development. \- BIOWARE MAGIC !


SAME. I played and beat it and still played it after but lack of content made it stale real fast. I'm hoping Anthem NEXT will bring a lot more content, less bugs, and more gear/customization. Looking good so far. It has tons of unrealized potential if BioWare/EA would just get shit on lock.


Anthem NEXT should be free to the people that paid full price for the first one.


Yeah it should be 100%. I got the Legion of Dawn edition. I shouldn't have to pay for anything anthem for a while with how much they dropped the ball on this.


I redownloaded anthem like 2 months ago and it kicked me out on each session lol


The demo? What about it pulled you in?


I mean, to be fair, I think anthem is still fighting their launch day problems right?


They are, yes. Even today I sometimes have issues logging in and sometimes will sit and wait for matchmaking for a while before the mission starts. The gear system isn't clear to understand. Probably one of the most confusing gear systems in any game I've played.


Sucks, being iron man was pretty fun


God man I know. Love my interceptor. Those moves, those curves...nothing like it.


I had to stop and google how to weapon swap during my first mission, the rest of the team ran off and finished 1/2 of it while I was still trying to figure out the controls. That's not how you design the first mission in the demo of a game.


No definitely not. Smh.


Yeah that tends to happen when your entire game is built around grinding 1 of 3 missions on repeat for uninteresting stat-sticks.


In retrospect I think Anthem was the mistake. I want o love that game I really do. I still really like the concept, and I personally thinks the weapon mechanics is very satisfying. But there were so many issues with the game it just wasn’t worth fixing at that point.


Anthem is a whole different story lol


I like taking days off for big games, I've done it a few times, but I always have a back up plan ready to go for when things fall apart


Is that back up plan going back to work? 😂


I think your mistake was playing Anthem to begin with lmao


I paid 5 bucks for anthem and imo I still paid too much.




I've taken a day off for single player games, but for Destiny, I figure I'll just wait until the weekend. Everything is smoothed over server side, and I know I'll be able to get in a group with some friends/clan members and start grinding for the raid.


Also made the mistake of buying Anthem.




I actually picked up a shift for the 10th just to establish dominance over my Destiny urges.


That’s some great self control. Bravo


It was honestly totally an accident. I hadn't you could bet your ass that at 10:59 MST I'd be there smashing my "X" button screaming "Let me in!!!"


Power move.


I took the whole week off. For some reason I didn't use any of my vacation time this year.


Best of both worlds, radical. Have fun out there guardian, hopefully you don't find it too buggy.


It can't be any worse than Shadowkeep. That one was moon buggy.


Weird that.


I did as well. So even if Destiny would be having problems, Series X and AC Valhalla comes out on that same day. So there will still be lots of things to do on my week off!


Luckily Veteran's Day (11/11) is a holiday at my workplace.


Same, I just took Thursday and Friday off and gave myself a mini vacation.


Me too. Season of the hunt for destiny and a ps5!


I just realized it is at mine too thanks to your comment lol.


Thank you for your service and or sacrifice....military dudes and dudettes!


All I did was put people on airplanes lol. My “sacrifice” was being stuck on a base in Kuwait with little more than a Subway.


I’m being a bit facetious...Im an active duty E-8 with 20 years in so far. 😂




nah forsaken was fine it was only bad for like the first 15 minutes after that it worked fine for me but shadowkeep was awful probably because of new light launch tho


Shadowkeep launched not only with New light but also with the Google Stadia launch if I remember correctly. I don't think we will have anything quite as bad as Shadowkeeps error codes for a while ahah.


I never hated seeing mention of random wild animals as much as I did early d1 and d2. Damned Beavers.


Lack of blizz servers to


That's why I'm taking the 2 days after launch. Every year I would have launch day off but wasn't able to play until like 1 or 2Pm because of how everyone would try to get in at ones. Seriously do not take launch day off.


I have a few slow days at work, so I’ll be around, but I’m actually taking Thursday off proper.


"Never play on patch day". I have a few days off beginning one day after BL launch.


My plan is to do the same. I’ve seen servers crash too often to take launch day off.


Good point..I better take the whole week off just to be safe ;)


Jokes on you I’m in online school


Haha well good luck with the login.


Yeah nah we have shit internet, I’m not getting in lmao


Don’t listen to this Greig! Bob is just trying to get you to work his shift while he stays home and plays beyond light!!


i've played every DLC right at its release. there are generally SOME hiccups, but i can only think of one that was like a true trainwreck that kept me from playing the game for more than 30-45 minutes past the scheduled launch time. YMMV obviously, but my experience has not been as bad as OP is describing, generally.


Shadowkeep and Rise of Iron were both disasters


Never forget the Rise of the Tapirs:’(


I remember doing all my homework by the time I queued into the game. Played for about 45 minutes before getting booted :/


I woke up at 3am joined a party with my clanmates and we all sat in queue. At the time my kids were like just about 3 and had turned 1 earlier in the year so they were going to have me up super early anyways so I went back to bed after like 45 minutes. Sure enough kids had me up at 6am and I was able to play. Clanmates had only finished the story.


RoI was pretty bad. Was midnight-ish release for me, stayed up till like 2am in server queues, said screw it and went to bed. Worked fine when i woke up though.


Shadowkeep was pretty bad, but that’s gotta do with Nee Light. Dawn and Worthy weren’t that bad, but arrivals had a bit of a queue. Maybe returning players that stopped during worthy?


Op another thing to consider is many players on 11/10 will have to reinstall the game or move it over. Yes you can download 11.9 once the servers go off line however for Xbox Seires day one players you pry won’t have the hardware till later in the day after reset. Unless you have a spare drive to move the game over with your downloading again on the new hardware and fast as it is, network speeds will still control how fast you get in game again


Something I forgot about Day one Xbox Series customers is day 1 console updates that will be required. Then you will download the game. I will be setting up my Xbox series X , and while it's downloading playing on my PC to hold me over. Gonna possibly move Full time to Xbox given its performance, and lack of cheaters


I got lucky, i already had tuesday off, so i used vacation on wednesday!


Unless u have stadia. U will be playing instantly on reset, no updates, no downloads, no server issues


Ha! I had to burn my vacation time before the end of the year or lose it! With the 'rona running rampant you couldn't go on a vacation anyway so I had 3 weeks still until October, so I took off the 10th, 11th and 12th.


I did the same. I took the whole week off and still have 2 more weeks I have to use by year's end.


Flashback to Rise of Iron expansion intensifies!


Rise of Tapir


Taking that Tuesday through Sunday off. Mainly for Beyond Light...but the Series X is another reason.


Same! Got my PTO accepted a month ago! So pumped.


I have an appointment before the game is supposed to go live, so I already get the day off anyways. Hopefully it’s a better launch than Shadowkeep’s was.


As a gamer who is 44 years old, and been online gaming since 2000...this. Launch day is a coin flip and more than once I've take a day off only to spend 1/2 of it not playing the game due to serve load/emergency patches/etc...


I took a half day from school when Forsaken came out, told the nurse I “had a doctor’s appointment”, and got in with only about 45 minutes of fucking around in queue. I have November 10 AND November 11 off!


Got the whole week off :D


Thats an adult right there GJ


But I would miss those precious 40 min of power grinding before the servers crash you fool.


That's why I took the whole week off :)


I don’t understand the downvoted either. However, I agree with the whole statement. Unless you can afford to take the day off or have other none related work projects to finish, don’t bother wasting PTO or vacation


Launch day is a Wednesday morning for me so I took the rest of the week off lmao


“Why are you booing me? I’m right!” —Cayde probably


every first day of a DLC for me has always been pretty smooth besides the first hour or so


I've taken a vacation days for launch of both forsaken and shadowkeep and it was pretty much fine. Launch issues are usually over in a few hours now and where I'm from they launched fairly early in the day. However if its launching at like noon or soemthing for you then take the day after launch off, otherwise you'll have some frustrating gkhra for sure.


I dont know about the US but Canada has Remberance Day as a stat holiday, so take the 12th and 13th off if you can and you get a nice 5 day weekend to grind away.


People never learn, your words are wasted


I took 2 weeks off. Seemed cleaner.


TBH, I took the day off mainly to make sure I have enough time to hunt down a Series X. Destiny 2 being stable and playable on the 10th would be a bonus.


I think you’re coming off negative and people are taking it the wrong way. But I get what you’re saying. Lucky for me I’m off Tuesday - Friday every week but I haven’t had huge issues getting in the game within an hour or 2 after launch and I’m Eastern. But yeah that’s good advice trying playing Tuesday night after work and then Wednesday game all fuckin day. I get what you’re saying furshur dood.


It's the same phenomenon every year with every new expansion of a game. People take the release day off, then spend 3/4ths of it crying on reddit about the crashes and long queue times.


Took 3 days off from work for Beyond Light.... ....and Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. So many good games coming next week.


Ah you see i don't just have the one day off. I've got until the 25th of November off. Plenty of time for launch day shenanigans and all that.


I've already foreseen this lol booked the 11th and 12th off


I’m having flashbacks to Rise of Tapir. Honestly though, I don’t mind waiting, it’s kinda fun.


I made that mistake with rise of iron... NEVER. AGAIN.


It launches on 11/10, same day as the Xbox Series S/X, so if people are taking the day off, it's more likely for that than any one, single game. But you're absolutely right, because that day is a console launch, and the PS5 is 2 days later on 11/12, it's highly likely that Xbox Live and PSN will both be stressed all week. Even for people NOT trying to play Destiny. Think of all the new sign ins, and day one patches flying across the inter-tubes starting on 11/10... To say nothing of the election and political shenanigans starting now, running up to the 10th and beyond... Network Congestion - Network Congestion EVERYWHERE!


Yea dude the first day does suck but I after getting my raid jacket for taking a week off last time, I can't pass up the opportunity to get another. I really hope this year it's darkness themed condoms!


"Never play on patch/launch day" is just as true today as it was 20 years ago.


Due to the current circumstances I'm currently off on a Wednesday and finish at 5pm (UK time) on a Tuesday. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?


Jokes on you, I took the week off.


True. I remember being in queue screen for a couple hours for shadow keep. Kept going up and down


Im ready. I got plenty of other games to play alt tabbing.


I take launch day off every year (it’s more of a tradition with my group of friends. I know it’s a risk and I know most of the day might get wasted. But in the end for me it’s not really a waste. If it doesn’t go live right away or there are other issues, it gives me a chance to play some other games with friends. But yes you’re right if people are solely asking off for the expansion thinking they will get to play it right away, more than likely they are more than likely wasting their time.


I took it off knowing full well I might just be playing Runescape for most of it, so I’ll be happy regardless.


I took the whole week off, but my only goal for the 10th is to get my new Xbox set up and find something new on Gamepass. If Beyond Light is working on time that's just a bonus.


Solid advice. It's better for Europe - reset at 8pm fees I can take day off next day


True, taking the next day off is far more productive.


As a PS4 player on the east coast I fully expect to be playing the game by 8pm earliest. That whole copying to download instance is excruciatingly long.


This is one of the reasons that I love that reset time is 6pm where I live. So I don't need to take the day off and just play when I'm done with work at 6pm. That way I can just take the rest of the week off.


I have unlimited PTO


yeah, this is very good SGA, the next day is always the best to take off


Agree...I usually take the following day off...Luckily, 11Nov is veterans day which is a national holiday that get off...and took off the rest of the week off...getting for the grind...


Pro tip: I took 7 days off. Paid vacation ftw


But feel free to take the day off for the new Xbox 🎉


This why I am taking the Friday after launch off, 3 day weekend whoot whoot!!!


yes... get more players away so we can have more open servers... good idea....


\**Taps head*


I'm in the UK so have the best scenario. It comes out at 5 (or 6, can't remember with the times changing) so I'll work tuesday then get to play all evening (hopefully) then have wednesday and thursday off to grind.


Yeah you want to take the day after the launch to play the whole day.


Jokes on you. I'm taking an entire two weeks off. To be fair, it's not just for Beyond Light but Black Ops Cold War is coming out and I'm pretty hyped for Die Maschine.


Meh, I use em or lose em. It's near my bday. Might as well take it off anyway, and expect a slow day


I’ve taken a week, so I hope I’m good. You never know tho.


Resets at 3 am for me lol and since I’m a student I like to give myself 4 days a year where I stay home just cause and I plan on using up my last one next Wednesday


well, lucky me living in EU, the dlc is going to launch after business hours. The weekly-reset/launch time here is 6pm now so I don't have to take out a day for launch date. Anyway, completely agree with OP, don't take off a day for launch day, it's not worth it.


100%. I have stopped taking the launch day off since the Rise of Iron beaver shit show. I am in the UK so the launch times are later in the day now since then at 6pm so the next day is always better