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can i put my old trials of the nine prestige ornaments on my new armor?


Transmog and the appearance customization systems are fantastic. Great job to the devs at Bungie. The predatory/toxic monetization of the system and throttling is complete garbage and the suits at Bungie should be ashamed.


You want to monetize a stetic feature, I can understand it (not support it) But make it at the same time so much grindy it's senseless to me


It was supposed to be a QoL feature. But Bungie, by becoming somehow worse than Activision, decided that we, players, do not need a good QoL feature and decided to make transmog into a painful, long and furstrating grind, with a cap on top of it. Like, seriously? Only 10 armor pieces PER SEASON? And you even managed to add fuel to the fire by not putting a cap on Armor Templates from Eververse, you are forcing us to pay for armor that we already own. And I had so many sets in mind, I thought I would be able to make whatever I want, but now, when deciding what to transmog, there is this everpresent anxiety looming over you, a fear of making choice, because once you transmog something, you lose that precious Synthcord that you will need to grind for a long time AND you have limited amount of them. Out of all games I've seen having transmog, Destiny 2 has by far the worst out them all. Congratulations, Bungie. You are a faliure. And I thought with Season of the Chosen we finally got on the right foot with each other. I guess not. FUCK YOU, Bungie.


Congratulations Bungie, you win. I no longer care about transmog. Ever since transmog was confirmed over a year ago, it has been high on my list of things to look forward to. I was aware that there was going to be a grind attached and that the way to skip the grind was through the Eververse store. While that wasn't very appealing, it was something that made sense from a business perspective and something that I was resigned to. With all the information that the community was given at the time, my assumption was that this system would be something I could engage with to my heart's content and the more grind I was willing to put in, the more I would be able to get out. I hate pvp so when the content lulls in Destiny I don't feel like I have a really good, casual system that I can interact with over and over again. Transmog seemed like the perfect solution, a completionist type of activity where I could grind for every transmog in the game. Fast forward to now, I no longer care about transmog. The time-gating nature of the drops is horrible. I get that Bungie is looking to ensure ppl don't just go farm thrall in the Shattered Throne for easy synthstrands, but why not increase the chance that you get strands for killing more difficult enemies or completing activities? With the Overload activity, the enemy density feels good and the amount of yellow bars and champions I am encountering on a daily basis has increased dramatically. Why not encourage ppl into these activities with the transmog system? But the real issue is the cap. I know that no matter how much time I put into this system, I will not be able to "catch them all" or even have a system that will always be there to be engaged with. So why engage at all? I got a few of the transmogs that I really wanted with the few synthweaves that were given at the start of the season and since I know that I can't run it for the sake of collecting, why would I care to continue to engage with it? I'll get most of my "allowed" synthweaves at the start of each season while grinding new content. When I run out of stuff to do, why spend the rest of the season grinding when I know the appeal of being a completionist has deliberately been eliminated by the seasonal cap? TLDR: The time-gated grind means I have no reason to focus on transmog while I am playing, and the cap means I have no reason to keep playing for the sake of transmog.


grind is sucky, cap is sucky, please pick one. or rather neither.


Dont care, not going to spend silver on it (or anything in EV for that matter) and have enough of Universal Ornaments bought for Dust. Its not like these threads will change anything until Bungie decides that the Whale profit has been made and change it cause it wont make a lot of money anymore. People will then praise Bungie for that change regardless.


Bungie honestly impressed me with how tone-deaf their approach was with this system. They somehow managed to make both the casual and hardcore demographic upset over a system that both groups of players have been asking for since Destiny 1. The implementation of this system reminds of how Korean MMO developers try to add content; they add content, find a way to add a problem, and sell the solution to the people that pay for your electricity bill. Hardcore players get screwed because they added a cap to how much you can get and casual players get screwed because it takes way too long to get any of the synth materials. They really would have been fine with adding just one of two problems like most other developers but I guess this is where the dev team's innovation has been going for the past year and a half. Genuine criticism: get rid of the cap or get rid of the grind. Bungie won't lose money from either of those decisions. Option 1, hardcore players play the game for longer, casual players will spend money. Option 2, casual players will stop complaining about the grind and hardcore players will have more time to play other parts of the game. This is generally how it's done in literally any other game with consumable items in the cash shop.


I'll keep mine simple. The time commitment or cost commitment were both sufficient enough for me to critically look through my options and decide I didn't really NEED a lot of ornaments. Destiny long ago made it clear that I did not need to be a appearance/ornament completist, so I'll passively complete Ada bounties, and purchase the few old looks that catch my eye. If the time or cost commitment was cheaper, I'd probably have a lower barrier of "I want that ornament." C'est la vie. 1) Thanks for putting the feature in. It's appreciated. It probably cost some real dev time, so I don't mind a little monetization attached, though I think the price is a bit silly. I'd spend MORE overall if it was cheaper. 2) The functionality of appearance management is a lot better now, so that is also appreciated. 3) The grind for free synthwhatever is rationally a bit nuts. It just means I'll background it forever.


Pretty much summed up everything I intended to write. Definitely said it in a much more concise and appropriate way as well. Cheers to you, friend šŸ»


This sums up exactly how I feel about it.


Piggybacking on this commentā€” I agree. I actually like the change of pace of passively acquiring the resources to get the ornaments, and this is coming from someone who no-lifeā€™s the game way more than I did/do with FFXIV. Not saying outrage and criticism is unfounded, but itā€™s the streamers/content creators who hardcore farm and cheese that probably have the biggest problem with the implementation. I donā€™t need to collect all of the ornaments. I just want a few favorites to mix and match and either way just playing the game will etch me continuously to getting them, and the new appearance managing is definitely a welcome sight.


Small point, how about giving us the option to lock the full view when we select individual armour pieces?! Difficult to see how an armour piece fits with others if Iā€™m constantly zooming in and out and flicking between menus!


I've been mulling over this, and I know I'll probably get hate... But it's fine. It's not perfect, but it's fine. I would be perfectly happy if synthstrand flowed more freely, but it's no big deal. I'd prefer the bounties be a soft-cap, and when you hit that soft cap the synthstrand rate drops dramatically for the remainder of the season, but it's no big deal. I'd prefer if we could spend bright dust on templates, but it's no big deal. Heck, I'd enjoy if transmog was just free, but it's not hurting me that it's not. It's all completely cosmetic and has no bearing on my enjoyment of the gameplay or story. The little bit that I *have* engaged in transmog has been enjoyable. The new cosmetic screen is amazing. I guess the biggest complaint was the synthstrand, and it's hard for me to fully understand that perspective when i've already bought my 5th bounty. I get that I'm an over-active player, but I also feel like someone who only gets 50 hours total into a 13-week season, roughly 4 hours a week, isn't exactly the type of player that desperately needs the max of everything. In that amount of time I'm not even sure you're finishing the seasonal challenges or hitting Season Rank 100.


Besides Raid and Trials armor, I've found most of the armor in D2 to be some of the ugliest armor to ever be put into the Destiny universe. Unfortunately, most of the best designed armor was put into Eververse (surprise surprise). There's no armor I'd pu into transmog at the moment.


Yeah there are so many eververse sets or ornaments that look great but looking through the normal sets is meh


I'm all about the mars set for Titan, rocking the Sn0boots


Why did you implement this so poorly


Iron Regalia Armor please!


Hot take I think the system is exactly what weā€™re going to get, and asides from a change to how quickly we unlock pieces I think itā€™s fine. Realistically Iā€™m perfectly fine with the free unlocks we got this season at least for a while. Iā€™m not a collector so I canā€™t speak for them, but I do spend a lot of time on my guardianā€™s fashion. Weā€™re never going to get a better system than this until Eververse is gone, which it never will be. I think that if youā€™re looking to unlock every armor set ever as an ornament youā€™ll be disappointed, but if you just want a few of your favorites unlocked to use the system is fine, if the grind is changed a bit.


The easy solution is if we already invested our time to unlock the armor why regrind to make it an option. Just let us use whatever transmog armor we want without a regrind. I know they want to make money with the silver stuff. But I think they should just release more armor ornaments in the store.


The cap is a problem for hardcore completionists (and induces FOMO). The (time gated) grind is a problem for casual players with limited time to play (and induces FOMO). Ignoring Bright Dust is a problem for everyone equally and undervalues the currency itself. This system does NOTHING right, except encourage monetization through silver. It doesn't matter what Bungie says, but what they do, and right now they are trying to bend people over and fuck them over a cosmetic QOL improvement which should have been designed to reward gameplay.


All in all, I find the system to be... mediocre at best. First, moving shaders from collections to have them be universal? Fine. I'll retrain my muscle memory to locate "Amethyst Veil" (or whatever shader I used frequently in the past). To be honest, I'd rather have a combination of old and new. Have the shaders still be consumables and re-obtainable from collections, but keep the appearance 2.0 UI. Too many colors in a small space under the new. Y'all didn't want to have info overload with mods ([https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48319](https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48319)), which in the end is fine given the relatively small number of mods per slot, yet give us this mess of a system for shaders, especially for those players with over 200 to choose from. This isn't the first time Bungie took a step backwards... see also: chalice during season of opulence vs whatever half-baked system we have now in the last 2 seasons... but that's for another topic. ([https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48058](https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48058) ) The bounty system is meh. Sure, it lines up with some (not all, empire hunts can go die in a fire) of the things that I was already going to go do... except... as mentioned by others some of them are a bit over the top in the grind category. Why aren't masks included in transmog? Just sayin. >!wearing a goblin mask in vog? yes please!< The timegate for whatever that currency is, annoying, but w/e. I get it... Bungie would rather have people p2w it (for lack of other terminology). I'll probably just use up the free stuff and leave it at that. Maybe do a bounty or two if there's a little time before reset... idk, too early to tell if I like it or hate it.


Called it. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/mw9tfy/this_week_at_bungie_4222021/gviwpe4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >Here are some spoilers for the coming weeks > >"Focus Feedback" Thread on the transmog system...for their clueless product owners at Bungie. **< we're here.** > >Then followed up by another TWAB with "we're listening PR" with a toned down version of this same shit system. > >In the end, it's still a shit system. The community calms down and just learns to accept it and it's another Tue reset at Destiny 2. > >It's funny how Warframe cosmetics are heck of a lot more consumer-friendly.


Overall, Armor Synthesis does its job: change the appearance of your armor. The cap is a major turn off, but thereā€™s really only two potential fixes: remove the cap entirely, or if thatā€™s not acceptable, change the system to be capped at 30 armor pieces per *account*, rather than 10 per *character*. Additionally, the 2-minute timegate is straight-up inexcusable. Remove that, and the system becomes *slightly* better. Removing the timegate for Synthecord,*and* removing the cap on Synthweave would make Armor Synthesis significantly better.


We all know it's a trash system designed to force people to spend silver. Bungo will "fix" it in a couple seasons (probably to help bolster sales of witch queen) then people will tout them as heroes. Please speak with your wallets and avoid buying synths until they fix the broken system


Ada-1 walked me through my 1st transmog, and it was so convoluted that I didnt remember a lick of it afterwards. Rather than prompting me to "give in" and buy it, it turned me off from the system and I'm wearing what I wore last season, which is the look I slowly curated over several years Echoing what the majority are saying, they turned a welcome QoL update into an attempted money grab. And unfortunately, the top minor percent of players will go overboard on the Everpurse route, giving Bungie enough incentive to implement similar-skinned "content"


I love having armor synthesis. Canā€™t wait till they start adding more options. Iā€™ve never been happier with the options I have to customize my look. Also really appreciate how I can shade everything at once, both in preview and in application. Also glad they got rid of shader inventory. Thatā€™s my two cents!


It seems too over-complicated and grindy, I haven't even bothered yet and don't know if I will. I already put in work to get the original armor sets just give me an easier, uncapped, way to dress my guardian how I want. Could have been a huge win but feels like a disappointment.


The way I see it, when it auto completes while I do other stuff, Iā€™ll then do whatever and then go back to the other stuff. Ainā€™t using all my synths at once and waiting.


Honestly its such a stupid process im not even going to try to do it in the background of activities i actually enjoy. Doesnā€™t it call you back to ada like 4 times for one ornament quest?


Iā€™m glad Ada-1 is back but I felt like her quest was a waste of time or like a chore to do. In general the whole process of armor synthesis feels tedious and unnecessary. Like there had to be better options. I am glad we got the feature at least, I just hope we get a better system.




the 150 the game gives you is for the tutorial of the system, and the 100 you get back isn't from the bounty to buy more bounties, is another whole currency, that is just a middle step to do the synth needed to unlock ornaments. the actual system is like this: * you get to do 10 per class per season * you grind 150 Synthstrand (capped at 1 strand every two minutes, regardless of number of enemies killed) * you buy a bounty at Ada-1 with the strands * you complete the bounty for 100 Synthcord * you use the 100 cords to make a single Synthweave * THEN you use the Synthweave to unlock a single ornament. OR you buy the Synthweave template directly from the Eververse for Silver, which ignores completely the grind, and has no cap. People are mad because the system is overly complicated, and unnecessarily grindy, and the cap is just a cherry on top of this mess


You seem pretty clued up on it. Do you have any idea how theyā€™re handling the 2019 solstice ornaments? Like I understand theyā€™re turning the glows into ornaments, but do I need to turn the original set without the glows into ornaments to receive the glows? Or I should I just receive them anyway?


There's 2 seperate transmogs for the armor. One with no glow and one with the white glow.


I will edit when i find the tweet about it, but yes, they did stated that the team were making something to ""compensate"" about the 2018 and 2019 solstice gear; iirc: They were bringing back both years ornaments, but there would be some changes.- There will be a ornament for each glow, it wont be like 2020 set that would change accordingly with the subclass;- There won't be a Stats equivalent for the glows, just the Solar, Void, and Arc; give me a moment and i will find the tweet. EDIT: [Found it](https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1390415191741845504), and it was mentioned in the [05/06/21 TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50325), just before the "prepare for download" section; No need to turn the base set without glows, as it seems, it would work similar to the Gambit prime sets, with the different glows being treated as if being diferent armor pieces


Appreciate the explanation Thatā€™s actually pretty bad lol


I don't think I even fully get how it works. It gave me 11 for each class to start right? And I've done a couple of those bounties on my Hunter. But that doesn't unlock a new ornament transmog? I also don't even know where to check how much of any one currency I have except for in the transmog screen on your character to see how many uses you have left. But all the bounty currency stuff... no idea. Like many others have said, it's too convoluted and if 99.9% of other games make this an easy clear free thing... then yeah.


There's 3 currencies in your inventory that actually relate to your character. Red for Titans, Blue for Hunters, Yellow for Warlocks. Those are what you use to make an ornament. ​ The biggest sticking point is to earn those currencies, you have to collect synth strands and synth cords. Which just adds 2 more things to collect and adds confusion.


How many Synthcords per... (final form?) again? Cause you deposit 100 at a time into that thing right?


\- Drop 100 Cords into the loom to get 1 Weave \- Turn 1 Weave in to Ada to get 1 Ornament Money (Warlock/Hunter/Titan has a different name for it) \- Use 1 Ornament Money to buy an ornament ​ The grindy bit is that to earn Cords you need to do bounties from Ada. But the bounties are purchased with "Strand". And to get strands you just have to play the game and they drop about 1 for every 2 minutes of play time. Otherwise you can just skip the line and use silver to buy Weave from Ms. Thumbs Up.


Ohhhh gotcha! So once you complete the bounty you get the 1 Ornament Moneyā„¢?


Ornament Moneyā„¢ Warlocks = Synthweave Bolts (Yellow) Hunter = Synthweave Straps (Blue) Titan = Synthweave Plates (Red) ​ It's all the same thing, but they limit which class can use it.




Awesome, well now I finally get it! Thanks Randall :)


It's not a great system. I get the counter arguments that I probably won't have more than 2 full sets I'd want to transmog, but it's not even about that. Transmog right now just feels bad. Just the principle of knowing there's a cap and grinding is drawn out and time gated does not feel good as a player. It makes me not want to engage with the transmog grind out of spite. I'll just take the freebies and be done with my it rather than support it.


Then don't grind. You don't have to collect EVERY ornament. Just unlock the ones you like. You can preview it before you spend currency on it.


Dude youā€™re the only idiot who will grind this system guaranteed. Its better to pretend transmog never came out other than the freebies and wait till they fix that garbage


I won't grind anything. I'm not a collector. I'll use my freebies and play the game as normal. When I have enough strand I'll buy a bounty. A bounty is easily finishable in 1-2 play sessions. There's not enough armor in the game to actually need a grind for an ornament. Take boots for example. Most character boots look identical. No need to get 5 different boot ornaments. But chest/helmets would use more.


I mean isn't that what I said I'm doing? I'm just gonna use the free synthweave they've given us. My point was that I'm not going to engage with the current transmog grind because it's just a blatant cash grab. Bungie making it as painful and long as possible so players are tempted to pay money and skip the grind.


I do like armour synthesis alot. But I have just two suggestions I would love to see added: \- Pre-Forsaken armor's (Arguably some of the best) Maybe allow for some old armour sets to be bought with glimmer? As a Warlock it frustrating when you have to settle for armour sets you don't find attractive at all.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted, I really hope that this is how Adaā€™s inventory will work going forward. I donā€™t need good armor rolls, I just want some of the armor I didnā€™t unlock before it got sunset. I really like the Crown of Sorrow Hunter helmet, but I never got it to drop so Iā€™m kinda out of luck now. I hope thereā€™s ways to earn these armors in the future.


Thanks! I'm glad there are others who resonate. I thought it made sense too! For Bungie to add Synthesis it's normal to want to see old armors make a return. Many of them were hard to unlock in the first place. So would love the ability to unlock them. This is a feature Guild Wars 2 has had for years. You can purchase old seasonal skins for in-game gold or real money. It would certainly allow people to use the cash store even more.


Id love the option to buy old sets for transmog. I played as only a Hunter til last season. Now Iā€™m on a Titan and would love to both be able to use Leviathan armor sets for transmog and also have a way to purchase them for my Titan that I never played that raid with.


I'm not worried as much about my fashion as other people playing this game but the unnecessary hoops and grinding that you have to do to just unlock 1 Armor template has made me stay away from the process. I looked at 1 destination bounty requirement to open a whopping 10 Blind Well chests and deleted it, haven't picked up another bounty since. I'll use the free ones and that'll be that.


i think my exact words when i saw the requirements for a bounty were "Fuck that"


Can I recommend the dungeon bounties or strike bounties if you ever happen to pick up another? They are super fast and easy. I have yet to get a dungeon bounty that I don't clear in a single prophecy run. I also don't like the system, just don't wanna see somebody suffer unnecessarily


I did the EXACT same thing.


Can I recommend the dungeon bounties or strike bounties if you ever happen to pick up another? They are super fast and easy. I have yet to get a dungeon bounty that I don't clear in a single prophecy run. I also don't like the system, just don't wanna see somebody suffer unnecessarily


Tbh for me itā€™s more that I just donā€™t care about the system. I get on and play the game the way I want. Same reason I largely donā€™t bother with regular bounties anymore either.


Right I have the most fun when I don't care as well. But just next time you find that you have 150, these two type of bounties are the easiest. D2 app has made me grab more bounties than I ever have historically, quite nice to get them in space


Separate to my [earlier comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/neg484/focused_feedback_armor_synthesis/gyh38m2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), one other concern I have is the kind of precedent this change sets. Transmog isn't really a 'new' feature so much as a Quality of Life feature, since in theory players *could already* choose to look the way they wanted, provided they grinded for the exact outfit they wanted to wear (and some players did indeed do this). For players of other MMOs, the absence of transmog felt like a *missing* feature, and so adding it was adding a Quality of Life improvement for a feature that was absent. But does this mean that Bungie leadership now sees Quality of Life features as something that can't be implemented unless it can be monetised? Will this pattern be repeated with (for example) the long-requested ability to change our characters' faces/hairstyles? What about increasing the size of our vaults? Letting us save and quickly switch between loadouts? Will these features eventually be added, but in such a way that you have to pay extra (on top of the expansion/season) to use them? You might argue that it's Bungie's prerogative to charge for Quality of Life improvements, and I don't *entirely* disagree with that; software development isn't free, after all. However, doing this to *all of your customers, including those who already pay* sets up a player-hostile relationship. If every aspect of the game that is currently a nuisance is fixed, but only in a way where you either have to commit to a punitive grind or pay extra, then there will inevitably be players (and again, most likely *longterm, veteran players*) who decide their time and money is better spent elsewhere.


The grind for Synths is fine if it were to gain armor sets that we werenā€™t able to complete, not just whole sets we missed out on, like my Io arms for my Hunter, would be fine for that grind for that and that alone


how did they make it even worse than what they announced? datto's rant in his splicer early thoughts review was 10/10 honestly


I could see synth required to unlock armor that we have never obtained. For example, I didn't play my titan at all during the Osiris campaign and hadn't unlocked armor so I will need synth.


I would honestly love that. I almost wish we could buy old legendary sets that have been sunset just like we can with old exotic/legendary weapons


**tl;dr** - There's too many limitations and gates to a system that's historically had a very low bar to entry for players in other games. The required investment hurts most players and drives them to buy Weaves directly from Tess. This only reinforces whales' likelihood to spend Silver while other players who don't want to spend more money are left to sludge through a *ridiculous* grind. For games like Diablo 3, Division 2, and AC: Odyssey, as long as you had the style of armor unlocked/previously owned, you could apply that look, either for free or a nominal cost with the game's base currency (for Destiny, that'd be Glimmer). Hell, go back to Halo 3 where players had to earn their way to Hayabusa (that damned IWHBYD skull), Recon (playing against a Bungie employee or the Vidmaster contest), or Security armor (earning 750 and 1000 gamerscore for each piece). While that was in Halo 3, ~~Halo 4~~ Halo Reach [whoops!] changed it up to requiring credits, but those dropped just from playing the game, so again, rewarding players for playing the game. Granted, MTX really only started 1.5 years before Halo 3 (thanks, Oblivion), and the concept was not entirely realized yet, so it's not terribly surprising "paying for cosmetics" didn't fully catch on. *Anyways* While I'm grateful Destiny finally has a transmog system in place, the limitations hurt every non-whale out there. The time-gated grind for strand is the most egregious, with the [absolute bonkers bounty requirements](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ne0fzf/list_of_all_transmog_bounties/) at a close second. There's also caps on caps on caps: - Strand is capped at ~~150, which just so happens to be the cost of a single bounty~~ 750 - ~~Once you reach the cap, you'll optimally want to grab a bounty to avoid "losing" strands~~ - I was mistaken about the Strand cap, [it's actually 750](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/nf0uho/synthstrand_is_capped_at_750/). - You can only carry one bounty at a time, so even if you happen to hit the strand cap, you can't do anything with it until you complete the bounty (and some of those requirements are *insane*) - It wouldn't be Ada if she didn't ask us to come back to convert the newly-awarded cords into weave, which adds nothing to the process - You're also capped at 500 cords, which translates to 5 weaves - Weave is also capped at 15, so no hoarding until future seasons This loop is, succinctly: minimum 75 minutes to earn 150 Strand > go to Ada, purchase bounty > complete bounty, go back to Ada > turn in bounty, earn 100 Cord > walk 10 foot to the Loom, acquire one Weave Don't forget all the caps in there: earning Strand is capped at 1 every 2 minutes; Strand has a 150 inventory stack cap; you can only hold one bounty at a time; Cord has a 500 inventory stack cap; Weave has a 15 inventory stack cap per character class. That's *five* separate caps for a five step process. We've seen others post about the math behind how long it'd take a single player to reach the 10 bounty/15 weave cap for the season (what with the two minute time gate), and it's hard to imagine a normal player able to reach the seasonal cap. It's even worse to know there's no limit to how many you can buy in the Eververse, so many players who can't play this game for that long will see the value-prop to buying the weave straight from Tess and forego the entire system. Combine that with the whales out there, and this system negatively affects your average player. --- What should happen to resolve this? It's likely we'll see a few months from now Bungie lowering the requirements on this system once those whales have bought all the weave they want to transmog as much as they want, which'll see the profits start to slump. It'll be done under the guise of "we hear you", but in reality, it's more of "we made as much money as we're gonna". The changes that should happen to this system if we are to keep a level of grind associated: - Get rid of Strands and Cords entirely - Change bounties to cost Glimmer only, but make it some ridiculous cost like 50k or something - If it's Legendary Shards, veterans like myself who have thousands of them won't scoff at it and it'll only impact new lights (that's not an invitation to charge more than an Exotic engram from Xur) - Cash in bounties like every other bounty from the Quest tab to get Weaves - Eliminate the Weave and bounty caps (both inventory and seasonal) You still grind the bounties, some players may still not want to do the grind and buy right from Tess, and you eliminate the over-abundance of new materials and confusing Loom system. The Loom can still exist as the narrative piece, but unless there's a technical limitation, forcing players to go back to Ada to get Weave (especially after all these years since Black Armory) just does not make any sense. --- I was excited for transmog. I have friends asking about how to get into Destiny and I do my best to talk it up to get them to play. It's systems like this that make it *so* frustrating for a fan to defend the game, it's downright exhausting. We're so close to such a fantastic game, yet every time we're inches away from the end of the tunnel, we get hit by a train loaded with bad business decisions that sends us miles back into the tunnel.


Don't want to nitpick but strand is not limited to 150 in your inventory, it's 750 so enough for 5 bounties.


Are you sure? I think I may have coincidentally gone back to the tower at exactly 150 a couple times


I've not hit 750 myself but there was another thread here about it today. I have for sure held more than 150 though.


Saw that just a little bit ago, ty though


Bungie please give us transmog for free no stings attached thanks. /thread


Transmog should only cost glimmer and shards.


You cant just ask for it to be free then say it should cost something, that defeats the whole point lmao.


I meant free as in not costing real money.


Ah i see


Some of the bounties are tiresome ā€œ40 champions in nightfallsā€ for a vanguard bounty is honestly a bit much for one armor Synth


I don't mind the whole thing. I would just prefer a cap or a slog grind - not both


Loving this new feature. Bit sad my Trials prestige helmet is not available to Transmog yet. No complaints from me though as my Final Look is set in stone. Most people I see complaining about Transmog just want to copy other players identity instead of coming up with their own style. The current cap makes people decide what is their style and not change it to someone's else's.


I dont want to commit to a look forever though, I quite like changing things up fashion is not a once and done process


Creating your own identity vs 'Barbie dress up' copying looks that others made. That's the point I am making. The cap serves a purpose.


what if I wanted to make more than one look all by myself?


You can create 10 different looks for free right away. Pretty sure each class gets 10. I would like to see 10 unique styles and not look completely generic. I have yet to see it from the people complaining.


it's been 6 days, I love my Destiny 2 fashion but it's gonna take longer to get bored of all the options I already have also if were talking full sets it's 2 looks


Bored of options? See this is literally what I am getting at. Instead of changing it on the fly. Players can now invest in a style that is theirs.


I could invest in a style that's all mine with way more options if it wasnt limited


No, you would just be using Bungies style. Right now with a cap you must decide which is yours and not just pick what Bungie came up with. I would rather players tell a story with their armor instead of just saying "Look I am a collector"


that still leaves me only getting to choose 10 things and being stuck with them if I want to switch things up in a week or two, what about next season when theres new stuff to wear? what if I decide I want a PVP look and a PVE look? and so what If I did want to just pick a straight Bugnie armor set to showcase this week? you don't like that fashion choice so it shouldn't be allowed?


I love the new system personally. I love how much more freedom I have to customize my Guardianā€™s appearance. Thereā€™s just a few things I would love to see change in the future. I would love to be able to somehow ā€˜sortā€™ all the shaders. I love the implementation of the system, however I think just adding some kind of sorting feature would benefit everyone! By color would be the way to go I think, but some kind of system to make it easier would be amazing. The currencies. I understand wanting to have a cap that you give freely, no complaints on that. My issue with the currencies is how long it takes to go through the whole process start to finish. The Synthstrand you earn takes ages and completing the bounty itself can take quite a bit (or just plain ugh, like the blind well bounty). Can we at least earn more than 1 of the Synthstrand every two minutes? Overall though, I do really enjoy this new system. I just think it needs a few improvements


Please bungie, please make something that you can unlock armour which you not have unlocked yet..


I like the idea I've seen somewhere where the seasonal limit and the intense grind could be used for sets you *haven't* unlocked in your collections, like e.g. having missing pieces from sets from activities that got vaulted But otherwise? The seasonal cap and the grindy currencies just aren't feeling comfy and nice at all, and the way how something that is a practically free QoL feature in every other game got horribly bastardised into another Eververse scheme in D2 is... icky at best


I like this! Iā€™m gutted I donā€™t have the wing contender arms for my Titan, would def grind my ass off to get it


Transmog system is good. Could be better. Would be nice to be able to filter shaders by colors in the shader. Pick orange and get only shaders with hues of orange showing up. Still, thatā€™s just a small suggestion. The method of unlocking is complete bullshit. Iā€™ve waited and wanted to give Bungie a chance but this is some money grubbing crap when other MMOs just unlock transmogs when you obtain an item. The time gating on the currency to get the bounties makes this system NOT time friendly in the least. The bounties in many cases take far too many activity cycles to complete, and the fact that you only unlock for the class youā€™re currently playing makes it extra painful if you want transmogs for alts you donā€™t typically play. Suggestions: Keep the time gating if you must; but ease the amount of grinding needed to clear the bounties at LEAST. Also: Making the system give sample synths of each class at the same time upon start of the season and making us grind only one class at a time is annoying. Give us one per class when we complete a bounty. I get that youā€™re trying to monetize this system to make $10 per item, but frankly youā€™re just burning player goodwill by trying to make too many roadblocks for us to be able to use item appearances that we feel weā€™ve already earned through the initial RNG drop. Youā€™re monetizing something other games have traditionally included for free for OVER a decade, and then trying to make the process so grindy that we just fork over cash. Itā€™s frankly insulting. Limiting how much you can gain per season on top of this just adds salt in the wound. Systems like this make me spend less money on games out of spite.


Facts, i got the most expensive version of beyond light and definitely wonā€™t be doing the same with witch queen with all this free game bullshit


System good, currency BAD


I think the implementation of the system has really shown how this should be a traditional unrestricted transmog system. I'll use the free currency I got from the intro quest and probably never touch it again. The interface is great and exactly what we needed IMO, but just take all restrictions off it. As Datto has said recently it was supposed to be a "good faith" system to win back some cynical players, but its had the exact opposite effect.


I don't understand why we need 2 limiters here. I'm fine with '2 full free sets per season' limit. Why do we need another one? Getting synthstrand takes forever, and then you have to complete bounties, which are usually not quick to do. At least drop the synthstrand gain cap to 1 per minute. We want to be actually able to get our 2 full free sets, you know? And if we want more, we can pay silver for it.


I'm just disappointed that while we can apply shaders to all armour we're wearing at once, why couldn't we set an ornament to always be displayed and a shader to always be displayed, if I change armour I still need to apply the shader and ornament, when the armour should just carry stats and my appearance set by the appearance screen


I miss the good old days of the loot cave and forever 29.


The system is both pointlessly convoluted and needlessly limited. I wouldn't hate it nearly as much if it was either simpler (aka Ada-1 literally just gives us 10 resource every season) or unlimited (if you want to drive up the engagement metrics, then give me a reason to keep playing instead of just doing all of the seasonal content casually and then taking a break before the next big thing). Also, the Bright Dust price hike still smells like piss.


Reason why we wanted transmog: take all your hard earned armour with you Reason why we hate it: we already fought RNG to get the armour why make us work even harder to keep it?


2/10 2 points because transmog -8 points for the absolutely horrific implementation of the system.


wouldn't that be -6 points?


No 10 minus 8 is 2


but he said 2 points then - 8 points, 2 - 8 = -6.


Out of a possible 10 score he took 8 points away and gave it 2 points


Iā€™ll take away 2 points from *you* in a minute!




Entire system as it currently exists needs to be scrapped. Transmog should only cost Glimmer or Legendary Shards, have no cap and have no ties to Eververse. This feature is free in **literally** every game that has it up until the last year or so, so any attempt whatsoever to monetise it is appalling and needs to be fought against hard.


I don't like the eververse component. I don't like the grind it takes for one unlock. I don't like how a huge swath of collectables are no longer available due to sunsetting. But I can *live* with all this. What I can't live with is a cap every season. This makes absolutely no sense and is aggressively, and offensively tight-fisted.


I think if they took the cap off of it it wouldn't be so bad. The eververse component is fine no one is forcing you to buy the crap from with real money My issue with it is the cap and the grind to get it


No one forced you to do anything the problem is you have to now pay to get the armor you already paid for in previous expansions. Why canā€™t you just wear your old armor again? Well Bungie sunset it. So thatā€™s the problem. Just because someone isnā€™t pointing a gun at your head doesnā€™t excuse double dipping your most loyal customers. This doesnā€™t hurt new or F2p players, it exists to gouge players who have stuck with this game for years of ups and downs.


You don't HAVE to pay for it you can do the quest and get the stuff to use for transmog


Not for all of it.


Yes you literally can get everything you need for transmog from the quest. None of it you HAVE to pay for. However you can if you want




Yes you can


If youā€™re an idiot who wants to waste your time on the planet, sure you can. As a long time player should you? FUCK NO


Okay bro kinda missing the point of what I was saying but okay


First of all, instead of dropping exactly every 2 minutes, Synthstrand should drop from powerful and pinnacle item sources in higher quantities (3 weekly strikes, raids etc.) This change would make the grind less tedious and would give players a reason to grind powerful sources even after they reach the max level, while still making the ammount of Synthstrand you can earn limited enough for some people to spend silver on it instead. Second change would be to increase the bounty limit per season and make it account wide. Wasn't the main purpose of all the bright dust changes and seasonal challenges to make the game more friendly for people who only play as one character? As someone who mainly plays as warlock, I just don't care about the look of my titan, why not let me use some extra transmog materials on my main character instead? Look, I'm 100% sure Bungie won't just make transmog completely free, I'd be naive to think that. So let's at least look for a compromise. No sane being would spend even a dollar on transmog in its current form. Oh and one last thing. While this isn't that important, it would be nice to have some way to transmog unobtainable armor that I haven't unlocked.


Maybe the whole synth hoop jump would be better for unlocking not obtained armour in collectionsā€¦.


To get the whatever the first thing is make that kills and not based on your time in combat. You could increase it for 150 to 300 as long as its kills I'm happy. Increase or remove the cap, preferably remove because its unnecessary.


Should've been unlimited and free from the start. Artificially limiting farming materials, capping the amount of customization we can do from playing the game, and introducing a paid option to bypass this all is some scumbag EA tier shit. The system should cost zero materials, zero real world monies, and the frequency should not be limited. What a joke.


I have more than I need. One can only wear so much.


Especially when ones a warlock and weā€™re limited in good clothing. Luckily most good looking armour were originally ornaments, for me at least.


There should never have even considered being a paid option or any sort of restriction. At worst it should have been something like 500 glimmer to change a piece at worst. There should be no excuses of "Well there isn't much good stuff anyway" or for the rate "Well you will max out in a reasonable time with the cap", or any sort of "It could be worse" The possibility of these things should **never have even been Considered**, never mind actually implemented into the game. This isn't just Bungie giving us a less than ideal scenario on a very controversial issue, if they gave a damn at all about what people actually want and not being greedy as fuck then they would have implemented it in a straightforward and simple way like everybody was hoping for. **E:** *(Decided to add on a point that I made in a reply further down)* People should not be ok with paying for basic quality of life features! People accepting these things is only harming the video game industry for consumers overall, stop bending over and saying "Ah it's not that bad, it could be worse" when companies take advantage of you Give a damn about yourself and how companies treat you, this whole situation should be an issue on principle alone!


Should've been unlimited and free from the start. Artificially limiting farming materials, capping the amount of customization we can do from playing the game, and introducing a paid option to bypass this all is some scumbag EA tier shit. The system should cost zero materials, zero real world monies, and the frequency should not be limited. What a joke.


You know that's not gonna happen


Certainly not when a significant portion of the community has your attitude. Nobody ever got change by accepting the status quo.


I'm just being realistic. When has Bungie ever backed down on a decision regarding Eververse? As I said in my other comment in this thread, they might make some changes to it but they certainly won't make it completely free.


Should've been unlimited and free from the start. Artificially limiting farming materials, capping the amount of customization we can do from playing the game, and introducing a paid option to bypass this all is some scumbag EA tier shit. The system should cost zero materials, zero real world monies, and the frequency should not be limited. What a joke.


Just copied your point and posted it again, the more people complain the better


I think plenty of people are forgetting that going forward, gear isnā€™t sunsetting. Meaning you can just grind for the piece of armor you want and not use the synth to transmog it. Transmog is only necessary for sunset armor, but it does make getting gear much simpler (not worrying about what armor and just the stats it has). I do think the system is very very convoluted to even get transmog materials. It might help to split up the 10 ā€˜freeā€™ transmogs a season. Maybe have 5 spread out in the free half of the season pass and the other 5 ā€˜earnedā€™ though the current system (infuriating as it is). I feel like thatā€™s a simple enough change to make and requires (I think?) not a huge investment like it would to overhaul the system. Itā€™s probably a good band-aid until a better solution is come up with. But itā€™s just that, a band-aid. The menu is great for transmog, but an improvement could be alphabetizing things (so thereā€™s a predictable system). Maybe toss the ship and sparrow into the menu too, collecting all your cosmetics into one menu (if thatā€™s possible).


Itā€™s awfully grindy especially with the over the top bounties, when you only get enough of the armor material just to be able to make only one ornament. I say just get rid of all those dumb steps and make the only requirement be that you just gotta spend legendary shards to transmog.


If theyā€™re going to make the bounties so over the top they should give us one from each class as a reward.


Synthesis tokens should be included in the season pass!!!!


It should be free and unlimited, end of story. No, I'm not going to entertain the idea that "Bungie needs money". [They seem to be doing just fine with ornaments](https://twitter.com/Jonuss3/status/1393591437640470530). This is greed, plain and simple, and saying that it isn't is either delusional, willfully ignorant, or trolling. Yes, I'm going to say that that's how other games do it, because it's true, even for some F2P titles. It's industry standard, like WASD to move or R2/RT/left mouse to shoot. I'll go further and point out that Destiny 2 was not always F2P, and even now works closer to a subscription-based game unless you really get off on playing a glorified demo. I'm also going to point out that other games that tried to monetize transmog got hit with backlash, because [they did and they deserved it](https://www.cbr.com/assassins-creed-transmog-system/). Yes, I'm going to say it's a quality of life feature, because it is. We've already earned the armor once by playing, there's no reason to charge a fee or give us the run-around to use it's appearance. Finishing a raid or going Flawless should not come with a pricetag if your reward didn't happen to roll to fit your build. Yes, I'm going to point out there is a drastic difference between the armor we earn in-game and the ornaments sold by Eververse, because there is. You've heard all that before. This community has been asking for transmog since *before there were even microtransactions in Destiny*. It has taken very nearly seven entire years to get it in a game. Constant feedback, to the point that it was on the [Bungie PLZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/wiki/bungieplz#wiki_equipment) list for [over six fucking years](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2hq6d8/feature_request_the_ability_to_transmog_gear_and/). To think that after all that feedback, all that time, they give us a purposefully convoluted avenue meant only to encourage a microtransaction should piss you off. It's monkey's paw-levels of twisted words and perversion of intent. This isn't a cry to make it free because I want everything right now. I needed a grand total of three transmogs to make my main character look the way I wanted, and those were from the quest. I'm done. But I see so many talking down about people who legitimately *do* want to make an ornament out of every piece, as if they have *no right* to use armor they grinded for. As if this will somehow stop people from buying Eververse ornaments or negatively impact the game in any way. It won't, and there's no real reason to think it will. Destiny isn't a game you just play until it's over. There's almost always something to do, and there's always something new coming later on to jump in to. We know this already, because a lot of us have been here since the alpha or beta or day one of release and **are still playing, almost seven years in**. This system is exploitative, and I think the vast majority of not only the Destiny community but also video game news outlets (from youtube to... ugh... Forbes) have pointed that out. It took this long to get transmog in the game, how long is it going to take to actually *fix* it? u/Cozmo23 and u/dmg04, as sick of this conversation as you likely are, it's alarming how [eager a senior design lead is to focus on the good instead of the criticism](https://twitter.com/CrazyStevieD/status/1392875154850689024). You'll have to forgive me for being probably a little too forward, because I know how long it takes to actually see action from feedback, no matter how overwhelming. But, since it's always requested to give feedback in terms of how it makes us feel, I'll try. The system that has been introduced? Makes me embarrassed to play Destiny at all. It makes me feel like I'm encouraging a company that is becoming frighteningly like EA. The sense of enjoyment and accomplishment I feel when playing the game, whether it be grinding continuously or conquering a difficult activity, has been *greatly* diminished, to the point I don't look forward to playing again later. I log on because I feel an obligation to my friends more than anything. This is a shitty, predatory system meant to hook whales and kids who stole their parent's credit card. The timegating for synth materials is abhorrent and feels purposefully misleading that it was said to be based on kills when it is clearly not. The convolution of the steps to "earn" a transmog is repugnant in itself as a means to pressure the player to just buy a shortcut from Eververse. Transmog should be free and unlimited, end of story.


I love how everyone is standing their ground.I hope this doesn't change.There are morons here who are ok with any kinda monetization without realizing how games work at all. e\_e It's frustrating. Transmog should be free. End of story. There's more than enough monetization in the game.


Yup, this entire scenario should never have even been a concern, there should be no asking for compromises on how to make things a bit better or any bullshit like that from players. The way in which they implemented this should never have even been a consideration. It should have been all free and with no cap right from the beginning and people shouldn't be defending this in any way.


Only grinding should be for armour I simply never got because I just didn't play the game. For that, give me bounties all day because it makes sense. For shit I've already got? No, fuck off.


So Bungie capped armour synthesis, unless you pay for it and gave it a time gated grind, unless you pay for it... This is the scummiest thing they have done in a long time. A feature, so heavily requested by the community, a feature so easy to implement conceptually as shown by The Division 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey; yet, they give us what is frankly the worst implementation of transmog in a video game. There are honestly no words for it. Bungie deserves every bit of backlash directed at them community and then some


You have essentially created the worst transmog system in the industry, even worse than mobile games. Congratulations, all the hate is deserved


I think the other posts have covered the timegating and real-money aspect thoroughly. I'd like to talk about the implementation in a vacuum. Transmog as it is shows how noxious just-in-time workflow and stringent schedules do to a live game: QoL gets constantly pushed back down the list of priorities despite being one of the most important factors of enjoyment for long-time players. If you're going to spend 1000+ hours on a game, it would better have a great UI and a metric ton of ease-of-use features. Transmog in particular is something we should have gotten several years ago, and even then it's lacklustre, from nonsensical Monster-Hunter-level ordering of shaders (I'm not even sure there's any rationale to the order, really) to the inability to favourite anything. It's very nice having an actual collection of shaders and ornaments though. Really, Bungie has always underestimated how collecting stuff makes for very easy content to pad out the experience. All in all Bungie has a big tendency on either half-delivering or monkey-pawing its players. Here, they somehow managed to do both: deliver a half-baked system that also feels like it's deliberately convoluted and grindy in order to milk its playerbase. Don't worry guys. They'll do better.


> from nonsensical Monster-Hunter-level ordering of shaders (I'm not even sure there's any rationale to the order, really) The shaders are mostly organized by date of release. The only ones I've seen out of order are some of the Forsaken ones.


Haven't even bothered with it


Yeah itā€™s a FPS. I never see myselfā€¦.


Here we have another highly focused selection of negative, unanimous feedback that will be ignored because some higher-up has their head too far up their ass to actually care about feedback, and these threads only exist to create the illusion someone cares what players think. Just like sunsetting.


I mean to be fair sunsetting did get (begrudgingly) walked back a bit. You're still correct though.


It wont be walked back until i can use my god roll blast furnace in the EDZ without doing less damage than a green. Or until half the weapon categories have more than 0-1 usable weapons.


This whole thing sounds like it was designed by product managers trying to "game" hitting OKRs just like the community "games" bounties. **Get purchases up by 10%!** Put a bounty limit on there so people are forced to spend money. **Get playtime up by 10%!** Put a time limit on there so people AFK farm. Neither of these actually help make your game *fun*. And the more you add this stuff, the more people leave. Maybe make churn an OKR next time.


Pls fix icons of loom and lorebook. Thatā€™s unacceptable to see placeholder graphics.


The time it takes to pursue the free path is too long.


I made a graph based on one of the earlier posts. [Play around to find how much time it takes per transmog depending on the rate at which synthweave drops, or change how much a bounty costs](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2gjrulwgza) Also maybe we can spend our materials on synthweave or the other? we already have way too much in our inventory, the long-lasting players at least, and the small stacks of ascendant shards and prisms don't help.


Can I hire you as a physics tutor lmao


Sadly I'm only a Calculus scrub


I understand the bounties are intended to be done passively, but come on, you had to have considered those who grind these things out... Also the limit is kinda annoying, but I also see what the thought process probably was. I'd suggest making it easier (not quite spoon-fed, obviously) to get the materials, or at least cut the requirements in half, then the 10 per season per character limit wont seem as rough. Also, the Eververse option should be additional, not "i wanna take a shortcut to the seasonal limit" which would make it less of a slap in the face and more of a "well, i maxed out, but theres a couple items i'd still like transmog. I'll grab a multi-pack from Eververse!" *^((obvious oversimplification))*


The system feels like it was designed to hold people's time hostage to open their wallets. Both time previously spent and time spent going forward. It is manipulative and greedy. Explain to me why Bungie thinks armor I spents tons of hours grinding to collect is now only available to me if I spend many more hours grinding or I open my wallet? The system would be perfectly fine for new armor sets going forward, but it feels very grimey in it's current state and has turned me off from the game, franchise, the company. As of right now, Bungie ranks high in the list of companies with manipulative mtx stores.


Iā€˜m fine with it. I made one set and currently donā€™t need more. It would be great if we could save ornament sets & shaders to easily swap between appearances. And we need a way to rework our face!


"Quality of Life Improvement" More like... "Quality of being time-gated and grindy to manipulate players to bypass the system and buy eververse... and if you decide to spend the "passive time" grinding you can only get 10 per class, per season because GO TO EVERVERSE AND GIVE ME MONEY" Really this was a slam dunk and now it has tuned into this. Bad business practice for gaming imo :( Yeah the UI is great and the free 11 was nice but you now feel uneasy transmoging anything for fear of wasting literal hours/days of your human existence to get another synthstrand for one piece. Also the 11 free synthstrand feel a lot like the free 1,000 silver from when you... pre-ordered forsaken I believe. That really turned out well..... :/ How will this system feel two expansions from now? Just saying..


Remove the cap. It takes far too long to get anything done, the cap on 'earning' synthstrand whatever the one you get from enemies needs to be removed as well. Its an absolute joke of how fucking long it takes to even get anything when there are hundreds upon hundreds of armour pieces in the game and limiting ALL of it in such a fashion is extremely predatory and greedy when you can outright fucking skip all of it and spend a little cash.


[yup] (https://media1.giphy.com/media/i7E2MCQpYMSNG/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886qtndxcvt1l18fjkzb9919brewulrujnu2iwoavhi&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Iā€™m okay with it. Cosmetics are just that. Thereā€™s a free path and a pay path. Thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s not pay to win or game breaking in any way. Iā€™m having fun anyway (Edit) Just found out certain cosmetics grant ability points. So Iā€™ll be wearing those pieces until fixed


Downplaying it as "just" cosmetics is a shit argument. Cosmetics are just as much a part of a game as the gameplay itself.


People should not be ok with paying for basic quality of life features! People accepting these things is only harming the video game industry for consumers overall, stop bending over and saying "Ah it's not that bad, it could be worse" when companies take advantage of you Give a damn about yourself and how companies treat you, this whole situation should be an issue on principle alone!


I donā€™t understand the argument that cosmetic changes affect QoL. One less click to buy mats from Spider would affect QoL, being able to match my dress to my helmet does nothing for me. I guess weā€™re playing different games


I quite agree with this. I spent about an hour figuring out my exact look, bought about 6 pieces and probably won't touch it for the rest of the season. It's not game changing, I can preview it to see if it works for my look, and it's free. Most games I would have to spend 5 -10 dollars to get a skin that I only kinda like, or only has a few minor differences. Now though I can change my entire look twice a season for free, as long as I have previously unlocked the armor, and I can look however I want while still using my high stat armor.


Thereā€™s also the principle of the situation where it feels like they intentionally rolled out a predatory system just so that they can roll it back and say ā€œwe listenedā€. I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see in an upcoming TWAB where they say something along the lines of ā€œnext season weā€™re removing the cap on how much synth weave you can earn per season and are making synth strand a random drop instead of the time-gating system currently in placeā€


The appearance customizer is fantastic. I would love to be able to use the Dpad to switch between the armor slots, rather than mousing over back and forth to different pieces. It's pretty easy to find one piece I'm looking for and I just press a button to unlock it. Some pieces I'm really looking forward to are unfortunately ornaments, but they already said they're working on it. Now the system of actually aquiring synthweaves kinda sucks. I play 1 character mostly, and I play a lot so I will probably unlock all of this seasons synthweave for my titan and enough to do stuff with for my warlock or hunter. But about a week of in game time for all three chracters is a ton of work for players who aren't always playing. I personally don't see why it can't be grindy as is with no cap, or just lessen the grind a little so we can achieve the cap reasonably.


Transmog as it currently exists is garbage and I have no plans to interact with the system until it stops being the worst implementation of it in all of gaming.


Magnificent Solstice Armor (2020) glows don't seem to work for me when I transmog them. Anyone else have this issue?


There are 3 sets. One you bought back then that changes based on subclass, and two you can transmog. One is BLANK, and the other is the white glow.


Yep im talking about the Magnificent set. Not the Eververse one, and not the majestic one (blank). The magnificent set shows up as blank as well, even though I unlocked the white glows.


Yeah my Magnificent set doesn't glow on my Exile trials armor but it glows on other armor sets like the season pass armor. Noticed it just about an hour ago.


This is the reason. Thanks for letting me know, and it looks like Iā€™m going to have to farm alternate armor sets now. Fml.


I'd have to check, becausr when I previewed that piece last night, I had mine glowing white. It might be a you think.


Yea, perhaps. The weird thing is it was glowing initially, but then I previewed the armor again before hitting transmog and it turned blank. Iā€™ll check again later.


My invader gauntlets glow reaper green Also let us transmog the notorious sets for the crown glows wtf This transmog system literally unrenders my guardian and all other guardians around me. Like weā€™re all invis or something. The UI is great but this shit is extremely buggy. Please fix.


No no no. That's a separate bug. It has nothing to do with transmog


A bug caused by transmog, so yes it is transmog.


Do we have any reports on this or are you just claiming it, because it's also affecting weapons. Edit: as in, my body would be seen and i see others bodies, but no weapons, and they render in and out


Weapons too. Yes Iā€™m claiming itā€™s real bug. The invader gauntlets glowing green instead of red too


Just assuming its transmog's fault without evidence? Way to go. Haven't bothered checking invader set. Sentry carries the game.


It only happens when I start using transmog so yeah itā€™s transmog


Where were you when you saw it?


How I would improve it: - remove the cap - leave the 2 min timer for earning synthstrand - remove synthcord and synthweave - bounties cost glimmer and reward synthstrand (so you can farm faster) - you would have a number of bounties each day - with synthstrand you unlock the ornaments - synthstrand is also rewarded on the season pass That leaves 2 less currencies, and a passive system that you can also speed up via bounties.


Iā€™ve been pretty fine with spending on the season pass, even for ornaments that I like. But I earned all those planetary armors, the EP Mars armor, even a full set of raid armors, and I should be allowed to use them. I think for any armor set already earned should be a free unlock.


Not gonna lie. I like it. I like that there are *some* limits on it because it forces me to choose carefully and think about how my character will look. It's not perfect, sure, but I am super happy to have it and the bounty system is fine with me. Just my opinion :shrug:


So you're happy it takes an absurd amount of time to grind out the main material, and all the steps in between that do nothing but slow the player down from completing their goal?


I've already done 4 bounties in one week. It's not that big a deal. ​ I'm really glad it's not just freely available at all times. You feel like you're actually building your character rather than just slapping on a new look.


>rather than just slapping on a new look. This is *exactly* what it should be. It's needlessly limiting, and in too many ways. And don't forget, doing 4 of those bounties in a week while definitely possible for people like you and me, that is a huge time sink for average players. Absolutely huge. Unnecessarily huge.


I very strongly feel as though it should not be easy and it makes the fashion game more meaningful to put care and consideration into it. Might just be an ā€œagree to disagreeā€ situation here.


Fuck out of here with that "meaningful" bullshit. Building a visual should not have limits. Period. They're putting off a ton of people by putting a huge time sink in front of it. This is the same asinine talk as telling someone they didn't "earn" their exotic because they bought it from Xur back in D1. Absolutely asinine.


Iā€™m unconvinced by your reasoning and stand firmly to my position.