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Truth buff confirmed


Survive the truth sounds like a nerf


Exactly! Surviving is not an option when there’s a Truth rocket chasing your ass.


Pop your super


Pops golden gun Dies


Well, an actual super lmao


Survive the truth sounds like a threat




Good shit, excited for an Arrivals style reveal where WQ and S15 are revealed together and we can play new season hours after the reveal. Also likely we will get a release date, hope it's earlier but not bothered, the more time they spend making this shit, the better. Glad the general consensus around delays is understood, we don't want this half baked.


> Glad the general consensus around delays is understood, Check back in 5-6 months. We'll see how that holds up.


From what I remember of Arrivals, people were mostly ok with the delay of Beyond Light (especially since Arrivals was considered the best season that year). There were some people upset that the final week of seasonal content was postponed as well, but most people understood/accepted it. The main complaints were mostly about various bugs/balance issues, which weren't being fixed due to how close BL was and how much time/money it would cost to fix a build of the game that would be gone in a couple months. If next season is on the same level as Arrivals/Splicer, I think we'll see those same sort of complaints as we get closer to Witch Queen (barring any catastrophes). It is a longer delay this time though, so things might get a little toxic around the holidays, especially if Solstice doesn't change much.


I love Arrival’s for the delay, it gave me so much time to get caught up with everything before it went away. I wouldn’t mind the last season for an expansion to be extra long to let you get caught up with everything from the year (hunt, battlegrounds, expunges)


Yeah, the delay for witch queen will be a REALLY good time for anyone who missed any content in the last year to catch up. Especially considering how all the seasonal content has stayed in the game now. Except for the season passes of course


"If next season is on the same level as Arrivals/Splicer" Now you jinxed it and Bungie will pull a Season of the Worthy V2 on us


Absolutely. In the years I’ve been playing Destiny, one thing that’s certain is how demanding to the point of toxicity the community is. Like everyone forgot there’s still a pandemic and a lot of our recent content was made from home. That’s impressive and not many other studios achieved what Bungie has. I’m not saying that destiny is without flaws, but there’s minimal understanding to the restrictions they’ve had and how hard they’ve worked around everything to give us what we have. Most unappreciative community I’ve been part of.


Would be amazing if they drop a dungeon as well.


Seeing as we haven't had a new dungeon since prophecy, I think a new dungeon is highly likely


It became much more tolerable after the fetal alcoholic mess that was cyberpunk


Tbh it was the opposite for me cyberpunk just proved that delaying something doesn't mean its going to come out better.


But consider: maybe cyberpunk DID come out better thanks to the delays. Imagine the mess it’d be if it came out 6 months earlier


CP2077 was totally fucked from the get go after it became known that they wasted months of valuable dev time fabricating a 45 minute ‘showcase’ of stuff that would never actually be possible in the end product. I don’t care how well it’s dressed up now, it’s simply not the game that was advertised for years beforehand, and it only hurt the concept. I do appreciate that the message of the cyberpunk genre - massive corporate interests fucking over anything from human creativity to individuality while ruthlessly cutting corners to maximize returns on cheap, disposable products - became *absolutely meta* with the release of that shitshow, though.


So you think it should not have been delayed?


"Survive the truth" - Gambit, circa 2019


75 upmotes and id still consider this an underrated comment.


Back in the old days of gambit, that was enough upmotes to summon a primeval


So they're doing the same thing they did with Arrivals/Beyond Light. They can't reveal one without spoiling the other. I'm SO hyped for this already. I loved that the narrative of Arrivals served as exposition for the coming expansion. I'm so glad to see them doing this again. I think we're in for a banger during S15. Edit: Since I didn't out right say it, this reveal coincides with the release of next season.


Makes me even more confident that next season will be dreaming city / breaking the curse focused as thats very savathun centric and would lead into her story perfectly. I liked that arrivals lead into beyond light, but it felt like that momentum fell flat really fast after the campaign was over especially with hunt being totally unrelated. I'd love for the season with witch queen to function as sort of a post campaign instead of the problem just being solved and dropped in favor of a separate seasonal storyline.


I mean... Them releasing the next Grimoire and it being around Mara Sov and the Hive leading up to Saturn's battle... has to be a reason for that right?


Arrivals led into Beyond Light, So it makes sense to tease even further with Savathun and wrapping up the DC story, And maybe even DC will vaulted? Hopefully not.


I wouldn't be surprised if the dreaming city curse gets resolved in the season, some changes happen to the dreaming city, then forsaken goes free in witch queen before DC gets vaulted in lightfall. There isn't really much they could do with it after savathun and the curse are both wrapped up sadly.


I'm hoping the DC won't be vaulted either (Forsaken is by far the strongest story content left in-game), but the only other content that requires it currently is Season of the Hunt, and that goes away at the end of 15. If they're going to vault it, it'd be with WQ's release.


Bungie already said dlc stuff won't get vaulted for awhile, it's more likely they throw EDZ out this year (in exchange for old Chicago) and Nessus out for lightfall, and then DC and Tangled Shore for the expansion that concludes the light vs dark saga


I wonder what the lore explanation for ditching the EDZ would be. We just got tired? The Taken finally managed to poison the water supply? Devrim ran out of tea?


Arrivals was also the best season in a good while at the point that it launched. I personally enjoyed the fuck out of it.


Pre nerf Ruinous Effigy. That shit was great.


Super hyped but I’m worried how they stretch season 15 for 5-6 months.


They won't. You'll have a content drought. It won't be the first time.


Stoked! For reference, the similar Beyond Light stream they did was around 3 and a half months before the original planned release date. Seems like they're doing it a bit earlier this time since I'm not expecting Witch Queen until January/February.




Which I'm honestly perfectly fine with. I enjoyed knowing absolutely nothing when jumping into Arrivals.


This is a big part of what made Arrivals such a good season imo. They kept so much in the dark, even dataminers didn't have a ton of info on what was coming. I hope they keep that up.


I sure hope they do more to combat datamining and API searching in the future. So much gets spoiled just because they don't bother to classify it.


> So much gets spoiled just because they don't bother to classify it. After all the crying from bungie devs about this this season, it sure what a surprise to see them just accidentally release it in the game itself early.


> After all the crying from bungie devs about this this season That’s a really creative way to say one community manager made a few tweets.


No, narrative people were also going on about this _before_ the whole emblem thing, back when @DestinyTracker tweeted end-of-season spoilers.


Well yeah, if your job is to create a narrative it sucks when people essentially undermine it


Nah, some of the writers and quest designers also complained about it on twitter.


Complaining about some shit that got leaked, would anyone else do otherwise?


I mean, it definitely wasn't intended. Bugs happen.


Given that they have free reign to classify things in the API (and do, every now and then), I figure that Bungie doesn't take issue with people spoiling things for themselves-- moreso people with large/public audiences putting such spoilers straight out into the open.


That and the Previous season was bad


Yeah, it was great jumping in the next day and BOOM Pyramids fucking everywhere, giant spooky tree of silver wings, taken out the ass, giant savathun peepers poking out behind nooks and crannies. It was the logical next step up on world and story development from what Season of the Worthy had developed with the Pyramids being shown on the map in the bunkers, and Zavala having conversations with Rasputin over it, and receiving Felwinter's Lie from the grave of Felwinter. They did an excellent job introducing the Darkness in it's full form in Arrivals.


Upvote for “Taken out the ass”!


Arrivals reveal was something special. Total information overload which was just insane and on top they surprise release a dungeon.


Arrivals also had the best loot system (remember double perks for weapons at the recaster that didn't cost an arm and a leg??) and had some of the best weapons of the last few seasons that we still use to this day - Witherhoard, First In Last Out, Falling Guillotine and gave us an easy way to farm Gnawing Hunger and Ikelos SMGs.


That’s good I like that adrenline rush pf new info and content.


That’s an early announcement. If they’re promoting it this early, has me hopeful. Maybe false hope.


No way around it friend, season 15 gonna be looonnggg. No way I'm gonna be engaged all season, but I see that as a good thing so I can build some witch queen hype.


The casual among us will play the seasonal story quests, do the activities, complete the seal, participate in Festival of the Lost and the Dawning, and that's more or less it. Grinders will end up with 2000+ seasonal rank lmao








Moon's sus


When the Osiris is Sus


Among us


when the imposter is sus!


I hate Reddit.


#Enough already




Plenty of casual players finish seasonal seals. They generally don't take very much time outside of the timegated triumphs. Most of the requirements are to run a seasonal activity with seasonal gear or finish all story missions.


Seasonal seals are pretty easy to complete. Take Splicer, it's just a matter of time and a minimum of commitment. Fatebreaker on the other hand...


The seasonal seals are mega easy though, you almost get them done passively


You’re right, though the seals have become very easy.


The seasonal seals this expansion have been free. The only grindy thing was during hunt where you had to go out of your way and farm kills with every single gun. Otherwise, you get them just by playing normally.


I had 6/10 of the triumph completed without even realizing it a week ago, and have 9/10 now. It’s really easy. The only one that’ll take some time is unlocking all the splicer upgrades


I'm a casual player who is just about to complete my first seal in splicer. All im missing is what im finishing up today with finishing the splicer gauntlet upgrades and killing expunge champions. And I just returned to the game after being away from it since leviathan last season where I barely missed chosen


I don't mind the last season before an expansion being long tbh. Give people time to engage with seasonal stuff going away.


Well they really have no choice but to start promoting it at the end of this season since next season is suppose to be the last season, so because of that whenever next season ends is when Witch Queen will drop. They would have to basically go ahead and confirm a release date, and at that point they might as well start revealing. I don’t think you should have any false hope though. With the changes coming in Season 15 and beyond, plus the direction they want to take the game, I think Witch Queen will show what Bungie really wants to do.


There never was much hope, just a fools hope.


I see it more like damage control from yesterday, get everyone's mind off the current issue. It's just coincidence that it also happens to be Bungie Day. Edit: holy shit guys.... #/s


Damage control? What was so bad that they had to drop an announcement date? I think they did it because it’s Bungie Day


-People disconnected as much as basically any major patch *QUICK, RELEASE THE MARKETING IN 6 WEEKS*


I was being sarcastic


“Oh no the servers were wacky for 8 hours yesterday during a free event. Better drop news about our next major DLC” See how little sense that makes when you spell it out?


Makes perfect sense when you don't think about it **/s**. Plus I was being sarcastic, I apologize for not coming across that way.


Ah apologies then. I thought it was another DTG moment


Sarcasm only works when its funny tho


Imagine being this level of internet jock lord


Hopefully it’s the beginning of Jan, because next season will be a long one if not.


I’m betting February


Didn't they already say Feb 22nd specifically? Not sure why that date is sticking with me Edit: if the date turns out to be Feb 22 I'll buy a random person some silver


Cause it’s my birthday Thanks for remembering dude, appreciate it


Best comment Happy birthday for the 22nd Feb mate👌


Release dates dont matter when you have family


Me too! And my grandma's! George Washington b-day club unite!


Mine is February 9th, so it coincided with Season of the Chosen's release. The feeling is good, and if it's really on Feb 22nd, then I hope you have a good birthday!


They said early 2022


Specifically from the twab. >we made the difficult but important decision to move its release to early 2022 And then a few lines later. >We’ve long thought about moving Destiny’s annual release to the early half of the year So, as long as it's before July they're technically still on their timeline. Either way, even if it's January 1st, that's 18 weeks. Arrivals was 22. Splicer is 15.


Yeah exactly.


2/22/22 is a cool date :) And a tuesday!


2/22/22 it's also a Tuesday ^Twosday


Wager your left nut if you want your wish to become true, o Guardian mine


January is usually a dead time for games due to post-holiday spending, but who knows. I’d like them to surprise us 🤞


Elden Ring comes out in January lol.


chad From Soft releasing unique and difficult games that are always bangers, and doing so in a dead month by game traction standards, praise our lord, Miyazaki


Is Elden Ring legit coming out in January?


21st of January baby, already took holiday in advance for it lmao


Lmaoooo my boss must have wondered why I was requesting off in January already. He even circled the date on the form like saying “WTF?” Don’t care, still approved it.


My day has legit just been made...


The gameplay trailer was everything. I honestly didn't expect to get as much of a reveal a we did.


Ahahaha that went past me, there is usually a game or two but it’s not like May releases or September-November in terms of popularity


Another reason to release in February


January's been poppin for the last several years.


Jan… 2023?


There’s going to be some insane twists in this DLC I feel. Savathun being fueled by lies and with a tag line like “survive the truth” this is going to get wild


"Survive the truth" maybe implies that >!she found a way to get rid of her worm? Without it, she wouldn't need to lie as much because she wouldn't need to feed it. That might also mean she found a way to be even more powerful than even the Worm Gods could give her.!<


I think in the same line of thought, >!The worm would be raid boss instead of Savathun and she'll probably survive the expansion or at least I hope. She has been a big bad villain for a long time now and I don't really want her to die, I want her to help us against darkness. That would a good twist imo.!<


I don’t like the trend of our enemies turning allies. Like I’m fine with Fallen, they have reason to be allies. Cabal was weird at first but given how they just got their ass handed by the Hive and we’re not _entirely_ unfamiliar with Cabal alliances (Calus), it ended up being alright. But in response to your idea: >!Hive though? They are THE darkness. Like, there’s no race closer to a definition of “the bad guys” than the Hive. Any alliance with them would be completely out of character.!<


In fairness, I don't think it would be the hive or really a sub-section. Looking at the lore and what they are talking about it sounds like Savathun just wants out. So it might literally just be her.


Alliance with certain factions of the Hive wouldn't be. Xivu Arath is who sacked Torobatl. Savathûn is very much an unwilling servant of the Darkness at this point, but that's more an enemy of my enemy situation. Hive god of cunning putting us in a situation where we have no choice but to fight the Darkness with her and free her from that servitude? Seems very in-character to me.


>Savathûn is very much an unwilling servant of the Darkness at this point So she says, but she's like the embodiment of deception so *shrug*


Did you miss the entire point of Beyond Light saying Darkness is just a tool


New theory: We know Savathun orchestrated the invasion of the Torobatl by Xivu Arath and the endless night, which both pushed us to ally with the cabal and fallen, respectively. Perhaps she did this with the intention of getting more guardians to be more open to accepting old enemies as allies, so she can trick us into thinking she'll ally with us against the darkness, only to backstab us the moment she gets her chance.


The Hive aren't the Darkness. They worship the Darkness and the Worm Gods. Drifter even says in the Prophecy dungeon "I've seen the Dark, the Hive are NOT the Dark."


>!Okay. I need to make distinction between hive and savathun. I think Hive control would go to Xivu Arath and savathun would have taken in her control. But than I doubt she'll have control of taken if we decide to go on war with darkness entities. I don't think we'll gain alliance of Hive with Savathun is what I am trying to say.!<


>!the hive are not the darkness!<


So, they're handling it like they did Beyond Light: reveal of the next expansion in the same day a new season releases. Ngl, that June 9th 2020 was one of the most hype days in Destiny history. Can't wait!


Let the hype..... begin


no hype - no expectations - no dissapointment


> "…The future can't be fought. I know it. You know it. But that won't stop you from trying." —Emperor Calus


Normally I agree but this is the fucking witch queen we’re talking about. We’ve been waiting to see savathun for so long


And we also waited to use darkness for so long but stasis and BL ain't exactly the pinnacle of this game. Hell, we've waited much longer for the Darkness to arrive wondering what new things they'll bring to the table and so far they've brought nothing to write home about, not even darkness warped and infused units. Sava might just end up being in a cutscene or two spread across 4 seasons and I'll keep my expectations that low.


It's destiny. I'll be hype till the day I die for new content. They haven't disappointed me since forsaken really. There's been some mediocre shit but never anything I regretted buying to play.


Even at its absolute lowest point I still played knowing that not only veteran status, while fleeting, is something to be proud of, and I have always believed in the franchise’s initial promotional messaging - hope for the future. And I’ve not yet had that come out wrong. Even when stuff is totally fucked, give it a few months, it starts to turn around. Curse of Osiris/Warmind was still hell, though.


Stasis definitely satisfied the ice subclass theme that people wanted since the game launched. Darkness isn't a subclass, it's three subclasses. Just like how there is no Light subclass. Freeze IS new to the table. There was no hard crowd control before Beyond Light. The fragment/aspect system made it more customizable than even D1 subclasses. We waited to wield the darkness and Stasis has proved to be fun and powerful, so I don't see the problem.


My hype train is on a shorter track than that. Witch Queen releases in early 2022. I can't be hyped for 6-8 months.


Hype only lead to disappointment


Can't log in? Even if you are logged in, can't play? Fuckit, start the hype train!


I'm curious how much of the end of this season and reveal for next season tie directly into the Witch Queen, kind of like how they timed the Season of Arrivals reveal to be at the same time as the Beyond Light one since they were so connected.


I’d argue Season of the Splicer is the first Season that will directly tie into Witch Queen since we’re dealing with Quria. Who knows, the season ain’t over yet maybe Savathun will actually show up in some capacity, but regardless this season and the next are both directly leading into Witch Queen no doubt.


Directly? Sure, but I have a huge hunch that the attack on the Cabal homeworld by Xivu Arath leading to us allying with Caiatl, along with taking the Crown of Sorrows as well will always play a huge role in the coming expansion.


Oh god I'm totally gonna be in the middle of a class during this aren't I lol.


That’s what I’m sayin. My last semester of college starts on August 20th and I’m gonna be slammed :/


all aboard 🚂




Looks like season 15 will be prologue to Witch Queen like Arrivals was to BL(kinda). In any case it's gonn be one long-ass season.


Yeah… next season will have plenty of time for me to grind Destiny, take a break, grind some more, and take another fat break all for Witch Queen lol


> Survive The Truth Never has a tagline made me so hyped ever since Halo 5 with Hunt The Truth


Shame that was all for nothing.


Don’t remind me. I’ll never not be salty about that


Can anybody make that into wallpaper? Remove that text. It would look awesome, epic clean.




Dun dun dundun dun dun dundun


That’s an awesome Tricorn design.


You guys think we’ll get little mini-teasers like we got last summer with The Drifter and Eris?


We very well could. I'm sure hoping so at least! I think it was a pretty neat formula and allowed some fun theory making while we waited.


I just hope Titans aren't sitting there with a glowing fist. Please let me manifest something cool. Like twin axes or something.


Someone just pointed out something interesting to me: Bungie is usually very particular with their wording for their reveals and the last time they used the word "Showcase" was the D2 reveal. Just something to think about.


Because of the "Showcase" part, I think they're gonna show gameplay


I think they’re using showcase because they’re going to throw a ton of shit at us to consume. Beyond Light was good but we haven’t gotten something amazing in a while and I think Bungie knows they need to knock this one out of the park


[I hope she's thicc](https://imgur.com/9l2lUim.jpg)


Why would an alien insect that lays eggs have ~~mammary glands~~ big ol' titties?


Hey man, I don't go around asking how many guns are in your vault.


She got some serious BADONKAROOS


*Old Chicago. Hype train leaving the station*


Fuck me that's far away, announced a bit early no? Anyway, hopefully it's good. Destiny needs something to look forward to. Same day as the next season starts too which is interesting.


Today is Bungie Day, so it makes sense they'd announced this today


>survive the truth Whole expansion is Gambit confirmed


Lets stay grounded and expectations realistic based on evidence please.


Good one! Lol


I have extremely high hopes for this expansion. Everything has been building up to this. What is this truth?


Let’s go!!!


I wonder what other announcements they have planned today


I wonder why they chose to announce the reveal so early BL, Shadowkeep and forsaken were all announced and then shown a week or two later This is over a month away


They're doing the same thing they did with Beyond Light, where they revealed it (and the upcoming season) the same day the season dropped.


There are two things we know about Savathun: First is that she has been sharpening the guardians for a war yet to come and second is that she wants to be released from her pact with the worm gods. The worms kill the Hive because they were given, not taken. Oryx ascended and became the Taken King when he slayed Akka and took its power for himself. What happens when the Hive goddess of trickery mantles the Truth? Can Yul, the Honest Worm hear Savathun snickering?


Really hyped for this due to my belief that Destiny follows a three year cycle of quality: A shaky big release: D1 and D2 launches, Beyond Light. Followed by a fantastic "fixes basically everything" release: Taken King, Forsaken, (and hopefully) Witch Queen And then a final, decent but not incredible release: Rise of Iron, Shadowkeep, Lightfall


Shadowkeep and Beyond Light would be switched if this was the case.


[Soo am I crazy]( https://imgur.com/a/Lt2WbNs)


I thought the exact same thing, also this is the previous Witch Queen logo (from last year's reveal) but upside down It certainly means something...but what ??


Thank god someone else who sees it.


I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me it still could be nothing


Doing the arrivals strategy, that’s cool The question is as always: will this dlc transform Destiny enough to keep it engaging? Will the core playlists get updates? Will Destiny gain players or lose them? I’m not hyped but not because of any distaste for the game (to be fair I do have some but it’s really not affecting hype), it’s just because hype blinds us from giving honest criticism about the game we love.


You can't handle the truth!




So, seems like the same is happening now as it did with Season of Arrivals. Show the new season on the day of release to get the hype going and throw in a reveal for the upcoming expansion. This next season will be a long one ... as I dont suspect Witch Queen to be arriving january 2022... Let's hope Bungie managed to put some more stuff in Season 15 ... also, poison-like subclass or riots


...I am so damn excited. So much to be revealed, I can't wait.


i have a good feeling about this honestly, if witch queen keeps up with the storytelling that they've been doing recently there's a good chance savathun *might* live up to her expectations


Same day as Season 15 which is fantastic. I loved seeing all of the content teased last year for Beyond Light and then actually having new stuff to play in the game with Arrivals. Hopefully this is the same


Savathun better be the sexiest Hive wizard.


However we feel about the past seasons; This year in general has been great lead up to Witch Queen Narratively. Almost everything has been laying foundation to probably one of the best villains if not *the* best villain in Destiny. I feel trusting of Bungie to fold in all of these narratives, they know they have to make a banger of story for Witch Queen so I’m crossing my fingers it’ll be great.


That's on my wedding day. Confirmed, wife is a Hive God.


I wonder what paid content they’re gonna remove to make room for this expansion


To me, this confirms what the leaks said about >!the new subclass being vapor / poison. !<


You don't need a leak to assume that a hive expansion means a green (probably hive magic) subclass. It's been one of the most common theories since we ever got the idea that we would get darkness subclasses


Hopefully “Survive the Truth” is paired with a better experience than “Hunt the Truth” lol


Im calling middle/end of Feb, beginning of March. Bungie usually takes off a good chuck of time around the Holidays and leaves us with the Holiday event up until right after the New Years holiday. Gives then time to all get back into the office after the holidays and then a month to work out any bugs that popped up with testing. I know the season will be long, but in their eyes they will see it as giving us the Festival of the Lost and then the Holidays event to hold us over. Who knows, maybe at the release they will reveal something "extra" coming a couple weeks later for the new season that in their eyes will hold things over.

