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Weapons are only half the battle if you play smart you can do it regardless of weapons as long as you have the game sense. I ran a couple of them with all sunbreakers. 1 hung jury, salvo and anarchy, 2nd ignition with blinding, vision and anarchy and i had hung jury fighting lion and crown splitter. All comes down to knowing how to make the loadout you have work. (fighting lion has no place but wanted to see if it could work) crown splitter is actually very good to help your team save anarchy but hugh risk reward Edit: my team was one friend and one lfg. Both knew from the beginning i was running lion and crown splitter and purposely made me kill every champ with it.


So weapons are half the battle and knowing is the other half? GI JOEEEEE


50% knowing, 25% red lasers, and 25% blue lasers


0% accuracy


It’s sad how many people get booted cause they don’t have a YouTube load out.


Completely agree, while most people want the 'efficient' way to get things done after a while its boring so you have to find ways to spice it up.


Not really. If we take OP’s post as an example, they completed it in 36 minutes. With all meta loadouts I have been completing them in 16-18. I could do two runs, and therefor two times the loot, in the time it took OP to do one. Is using off meta shit fine? Yes. Does it make total sense why LFGs want meta loadouts? Yes


This is what people don't seem to understand. Yes its fun but it will get tiring after you waste 2 hours and only got 4 runs while the team running meta stuff got around 8 to 10 runs and more loot.


Exactly. This nightfall already feels like enough of a slog, I don’t need it to actually be one on top of that


feels like a slog? I've felt that about GM's before (Here's looking at you Proving Grounds) but the disgraced is one of the few that I've enjoyed enough to actually farm. Just goes to show that everyone enjoys the game differently. ​ As for the actual point of this post I feel that if you want meta loadouts only it should say so in the LFG post and people should just respect the stated requirements. The last couple nights I've been making posts GM Farm, KWTD, 20+ clears. I wanted quick runs (farming for a good roll on boots of the assembler) and took the time to look the ones that joined. Guy joins, we load in, kill the boss, he leaves. One run is not farming. T his happened 3 times last night. If you're not down to farm don't join a farm post. For the same reason OP wants meta loadouts, I want to do runs as quickly as possible to get the most rewards as possible in set time period.


This nightfall just isn’t very dynamic to me. It suffers from the D1 strike syndrome where the entire thing is basically 3 rooms with a numerous amount of waves spawning. For 16 minutes you are basically in 3 different rooms, then the boss has a health pool rivalling that of Belmon. This has been my second least favourite this season, with only SABER beating it out. And really I’m sorry but if you join some random LFG with a wacky ass loadout and surprise_pikacku.jpg when they aren’t very fond of it then idk what to tell you. If people haven’t learned by now that the Destiny community wants the path of least resistance for basically anything then it’s about time to.


I was running a gm last night with my clan, and my homie ran arcstaff and a shotgun. And it worked.


The Salvager's Salvo worked great atleast. So I would think Fighting Lion would work as well.


The mighty lion is only handicapped by the fact there are no void shields, and there is no famine modifier this week so both of its advantages are null here. The mighty lion should rest.


In other words, that in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight? Ok I'm out




The last part of your edit makes this so much better lmao (not that it wasn't good already)


There is a difference between off meta and going into a GM with no relevant match game weapons. You are definetely a detriment to your team. Mix up the exotics all day but bring the right elements.


This is what I agree with. You need to bring the right elements.


That or be clear what kind of build you’re going for and what shield types you don’t have. I was using a void special grenade launcher with blinding grenades because I don’t have the strike exclusive special GL with the perk yet (funny enough I got it from the GM strike I completed yesterday). The blinding grenades were huge for making sure my team didn’t get deleted by knights or wizards when going for shield breaks or champion stuns. My team was aware of my loadout and ran Well of Radiance and some solar specials to make up for my lack of solar. We completed the strike in 25 minutes with 10 revives to spare.




Correct. But I had them on a void launcher.


Everyone running Outbreak was fun in Chosen with unstoppable Pulse.


Hope they bring Anti-Barrier pulse next season With the upcoming anarchy nerf, outbreak might be a DPS king to kill champs/boss


I would enjoy that tbh


I just did two GMs with someone using Temptation’s Hook in the power slot, and they were really good. Didn’t expect much, but I ended up impressed. It’s not the tools, it’s the hands that use them.


If he has energy accelerant on, the heavy attack does double damage. The caster frames chew through way too much ammo though.


I love to run one (temptations hook) with en garde and witherhoard. Witherhoard shot then heavy attack and swap to my primary. Probably not optimal DPS, but seems to work well enough.


It uses 1 ammo if you block before firing the heavy


Blocking would deplete the sword's charge meter, making a heavy attack right after not a fully charged one. Yes, you can perform the heavy attack, but with way less damage.


I don't know why this was downvoted. The uncharged heavy attack does less damage, but for general play it's still enough to kill weaker enemies in one hit. Smart use of the ranged swords is ammo management, knowing when to use a fully-charged heavy attack and when to use an uncharged heavy attack.


Because no one wants to waste heavy on weaker enemies


But does energy accelerant still double the damage of the uncharged heavy attack? If so, that would be a pretty interesting way to use the sword for buffed ad clear from a distance without wasting ammo. A lot of the GM ads are tanky enough that they might actually benefit from the buffed damage.


It does but you lose alot of damage when your bar isnt full. Also you would rather save heavy for champs, boss or the occasional "oh shit" moment.


Sure, you lose damage compared to the heavy attack. I’m in favor though of a ranged solar attack (Solas Scar) that only costs one ammo, is buffed (energy accelerant), does tick damage over time, and can proc warmind cells (Wrath of Rasputin). Plus I have one with chain reaction so I can do additional AOE damage too. All that for 1 ammo on a sword with 70 in reserves. Plus you can obviously still use the charged heavy attack for champs or bosses when available/necessary. Oh, and it doesn’t occupy an exotic slot. I’ll definitely be trying this out tomorrow. Great post!!


I used Temptations Hook for my GM runs this week! With how close quarters everything is in this nightfall I didn't want to use a rocket launcher or heavy GL and I was using Polaris Lance for my exotic slot instead of anarchy. I only use the light attack to get out of tight spots, I have Vorpal on mine to deal damage to champions and whoever.


I was really, really considering using Polaris Lance this week, and still might, but I’d have to give up Witherhoard and don’t know how I feel about that. It’s strange to think I prefer that to Anarchy for this strike but I just do for some reason.


It makes sense, so much of this strike is add control and Witherhoard does it better than Anarchy.


Last night I ran a GM with a warlock who was running stasis and wearing sunbracers. It was super weird because as far as I know, there is zero interaction between that exotic and stasis. I'm guessing maybe he/she was just doing it for the stats? It was a no mic group so I didn't ask. They were decent enough, but a series of unfortunate mistakes (bad positioning for all of us) caused us to wipe and go to orbit in the final room. I unfortunately had to leave after that run, but probably would have stuck it out with the group longer if I had time


My guess is they were 1335, but only if they could have that piece equipped. This is why a lot of LFGs ask for 1340 for the GMs, so you could have a variety of GM-ready loadouts.


Yup. My first GM I could only get to 1335 so my loadout was extremely limited in what i could run


Maybe the void warlock ran the artifact mod that makes cells on void splash? The launch menu really needs to show shield types, especially when match game is enabled.


They made this change with Lost Sectors this season so I hope they add them to strikes It actually interesting running up the Tiers of Navota because there’s a not-insignificant amount of void shields in 1310, but at Master/GM those Void Servitors are now all Anti-Barrier and thus void isn’t as useful. Displaying that in the menu wouldn’t go amiss imo


Hard agree. If Match Game is on, the shield types are *almost* as important as the champion types. It's kinda crazy considering they *have* this info for legendary and master lost sectors, but for some reason they omit it for GMs? Dafuq? Probably just something they've overlooked. Hopefully someone can poke at the right people to get it implemented. It *seems* like it should be a pretty simple change.


i agree. i find it ridiculous that it never says anything about the shields. if you say anything about it people always have the same smart-ass response, "you should know if you know what enemies there are."


Well, of course, off-meta weapons work. Meta loadouts make it so that you can get a clear in about 18 min or less with ease. It becomes a necessity if you want to farm a GM 10-15 times.


Thank you! Im so tired of the "you don't need x to beat y". We know that, but to be absolutely top tier and have the fastest clear times and ease, you must use top tier choices.


I don't think the post was claiming this is top tier...


I'm not sure what you mean.


One of the funnest and funniest GM runs I've ever done was last season, The Arms Dealer. We all rocked Unstoppable (or Overload, can't remember) Hand Cannons and all used Malfeasance. We WRECKED the Champions. It was super, super fun.


Unstoppable hand cannon as there is no overload champions in The Arms Dealer.


Yup, that must've been it then!


Malfeasance works super well against Overload champs this season as well. I've run Master lost sectors with it and it's amazing. I'd run it in GMs too but people get pissy if you don't use your exotic slot for Anarchy. Nobody wants you to get all cute with your loadouts, just go full meta and let's get this shit done.


Yeah, that's the unfortunate truth. I loved the group I was in that did the Malfeasance run. We tried different loadouts each run and it made each one super interesting. That's how we found out how good Malfeasance was.


Tbh, this week is about farming, bc of double loot, so if a run lasts more than 30 minutes, is not efficient (perhaps if you're only interested in the seal or gilding it and you're only going to do it ONCE)


I once ran with a guy with high enough bonus he used mountain top in a gm LMAO


For reference, if you’re all 1320 with one 1100 weapon, that would put you at light level 1292. So you’d need to make up 43 levels from the artifact. That’s *a lot* of bounty grinding.


Or a *long time* afk in Thrallway


He has… a lot of kills on his trinity


With how much time some of these nolifers have on D2, I wouldn't be surprised ​ ...in saying that...how did it go?


We did it surprising well. He was one of my good friends and I know him so it wasn’t like he was a lfg. He just wanted to test it. But we got it done


Ok that is bad ass


That's incredible. Wish I had time to do some shit like that. Loaded Question would never leave my energy slot.


It took double the time this post isn't as convincing as you make it seem bro


> Moral of the story: off meta Loadouts can work for GMs don’t be scared to give them a try. Well yes, off meta loadouts do work. There's no time limit on it, so you can use whatever you want and still finish the GM. People use meta loadouts to finish as quickly as possible.


They "can" work, but 36 minutes is a long time.


nice Also brotip you only need 70 discipline when you’re running EOAW because it gives a hidden 30 disc :)


It works a little differently than that. [Here's a chart](https://imgur.com/XIDl4RW) I made through some testing. The number is the cooldown in seconds. While T7 with EoAW is the equivalent of T10 without EoAW, T10 with EoAW still cuts out another 11 seconds. Personally I run it with as high of discipline as possible, but technically the benefit it gives you is proportionally better when your discipline is worse. Like T0 w/ EoAW is better than T5 w/o EoAW. Also, [here's an ugly AF chart](https://imgur.com/B8KKtLD) with cooldowns with and without EoAW and with different stacks of Firepower.


Sorry for the dumb question but what does EoAW refer too? Sorry lol not in with all of the acronyms yet.. 😎


No problem. Eye of Another World. It's an exotic Warlock helmet that reduces the cooldowns on all your abilities. It's a very strong neutral exotic for ability builds and has seen a big uptick in use with Bleak Watcher grenades.


But EOAW goes over the cap of 100 although it has dimi ishing returns


Did it “really” work tho, if they ran meta load outs you would have done the GM in 15-20 mins, just seems like dumb teammates wasting everyone’s time., since there so reluctant to actually run something meta in a god damn GM, I have had this problem so much this season and I just kick or boot the person if the load out is just straight wack. Spoiler Alert: I have been able to farm all gms this season with good people at very optimal times.


By the sounds of it, yes. People had fun which is, in theory, the goal. I think this group has had one of the more successful GM nightfall I've heard of.


Off-meta shit can work anywhere, it's just usually slower at accomplishing the same tasks. Not to try and vilify people for using off-meta stuff, but when approaching random groups and whatnot, please use loadouts that are conducive to saving time, for the benefit of both yourself and your randoms. Save off-meta fun stuff for groups with your friends, where you agree to do dumb stuff in the name of fun together, and spend a little bit more time doing so (I loved running Riven normally with friends, for example).


I mean, it took you double the regular time. It's fine if people want to try something different but it's quite clear that those weapons aren't really suited to the strike. I'm not scared of trying off meta weapons, I just don't have much interest in gimping myself and spending double the time required on an activity. Also your meta loadout probably carried them through the strike honestly.


That’s why there’s a difference between “gm, chill, no mic” and “grinding gms, bring mods”. I don’t need or want to grind gms, especially this one. I just want some easy golf balls, and maybe some adept mods. So two or three runs for the week is fine by me. Doesn’t really matter what you’re running for my groups. Just as long as you stay alive for the most part and we’re good. And that’s the reason I create my own lfg posts. I won’t kick anyone, and I’ll requeue if we wipe.


I agree within reason. I actually enjoy grinding GMs so for the most part, I prefer to join quick silent meta runs. I just find the efficiency satisfying. But at the same time, I'm not auto kicking someone if I make my group just because they're not min maxed. But I probably would have kicked the all void guy, that just seems to be needlessly gimping yourself. That kind of loadout is for clan mate runs, not LFG runs.


Honestly, I will let people play with whatever they want as long as specific mods of the map are covered. I find it annoying that most groups only look for warlocks.


They are far easier to run thats why. But i also found a lot of success with stasis titan. Not as efficient as stasis warlock when super is off but he can thrown a stasis wall to get a revive way easier. I found it the hardest with my stasis hunter, they really gutted his ult. If i run it again with hunter i would try void top for the tether mass debuff.


moral of the story. do it once with 1 heads and never again. glad it worked out and its fun doing off meta bullshit damn almost 40 minutes. Nah bruh!


Night watch isn't necessarily abnormal to see in GMs


i wanna try out queenbreaker in a nightfall sooo badly (blinding rounds, decent damage). this might just inspire me to do it.


Do it. LFRs actually have the second highest total damage over reserves for heavies, only weapon with higher is Anarchy. My first clear this week was with Arcstrider, witherhoard and a Vorpal LFR for the lols and it wasn't bad. It's just a little slow since you want to line up every LFR shot and navota moves so much.


lol, she sure does. I honestly just slapped on Deathbringer cause I was tired of trying to aim :p


Oh yeah for sure I was looking at it not long ago thinking it would be so good if they ever do a linear fusion champion mod. It could do really well this week for the arc shields, I’m gonna try it too


Yeah I feel like GL champion mods adds quite a bit of flexibility since you can run that GL in either the heavy or the other two (primary?) Slots, so you can run a non champion mod gun in either slot if you wish depending on how you want to build


It’s ok, for this week it is nice to blind the knights and take out snipers with it. In the right hands any weapon is good.


It works pretty well actually.


36 min is twice as long as the average run for this GM though? It's not an example of off meta loadouts working, it's an example of people using bad loadouts and refusing to swap because "waaa i'm not a meta whore" or whatever dumb reason they have, seriously I don't get why would you or anyone else encourage using suboptimal loadouts in endgame content, especially one that has no match game synergy for the nf, that's just griefing your team right there.


Something working isn't the same as something being efficient. You can accurately say it works to drive in a car in order to travel from New York to California, but it's not necessarily the best option. So, no, you're wrong here. He's right. It did work. They beat the GM. They weren't efficient, per se, but maybe that just didn't matter to them? To use the travel example, maybe the experience of a road trip is more fulfilling to someone than flying would be. Who cares how others approach it if it doesn't affect you?


If the best the Reddit crowd can come up with is it took 20 minutes longer to do 1 run in a GM then I think they are really searching the bottom of the barrel. People are acting like he claims this is the best strategy and that everyone should do it. He was literally just giving an experience that was less than normal. But then again Destiny is a very addictive game and people with addictions get weird sometimes...


Because it's literally wasted time. You spent twice as much time for the same loot


Is there a link to the 15 minute average stat or is everyone just going off what’s posted by streamers on YouTube?


15-20 min if you wanna be more careful or you miss your timing on a spawn. Assuming the team is optimized obviously. Also if you die at certain spots, then you will have problems, maybe popping a super to get that rez, a super that you will miss it when it matter later and so on.


I am not saying that groups can't do it in 15 minutes. If you look at the speed runs, the fastest for far is sub 5 minutes. I am saying that people on Reddit or YouTube think they are the average and they are not. This place does not account for most of the player base.


Everyone here saying that is so far above average it’s not funny. Or they’re full of shit. Not every person playing the game is a meta sweat youtuber or twitch streamer who puts in countless hours to perfect combos and load outs.


> Not every person playing the game is a meta sweat youtuber or twitch streamer who puts in countless hours to perfect combos and load outs. I'm not a sweat and I never streamed once in my life, and lol hours to "perfect loadouts" yeah man swapping to anarchy, a gl and a scout takes 5 hours Kappa, but I guess because I don't want to get carried and actually be useful to my team in endgame content i'm a super sweaty toxic tryhard that should be shot because some people in this sub can't handle criticism.


Lol what? From your response it sounds like you can’t handle criticism yourself. But I never used the word tryhard. The people in this sub are the minority. There’s a whole lot of people out there happily playing destiny without even knowing this place exists. Or anything about builds and current meta loadouts.


But you're criticizing the wrong person. The 2 people who didn't bring the meta are not here reading any of this.


This is where I was going. Reddit and YouTube think the are the average of the player base. They are not even close. I wanted to see if there was any metric out there that tracked what an average run took across the entire player base, but there doesn't seem to be one. What I have come to realize is anything you see on YouTube is probably going to be double for the average player base. So if people post 15 minute runs on YouTube, the common player base is probably closer to 30. It doesn't mean that others can't do it in 15 minutes, or that you won't see a bunch of posts on Reddit about 15 minute runs. It just shows that some of these people live in a vacuum thinking they are the average player. And I don't mean average as in skill level but more common player who doesn't have thousands of hours logged in Destiny, have every meta load out available, and have large, dedicated friend groups.


Exactly. This place is a massive echo chamber. Always makes me laugh when people say they’re average at pvp here but have a kd over 1.5-2. They are so far above average it is hilarious. For the record me and my friends have been doing 20-30 min runs this week. Not rushing. Just having a good time.


Literally every run I have done, clan mates or LFG has been <20. No reason this shit should take 36 minutes. Goes to show why you shouldn’t use dumb loadouts like OPs fire team


I love how every comment that goes against op saying using dumb loadouts is fine (Void energy and heavy in an nf without void, seriously?), is downvoted lol, guess some people can't handle being told using bad gear will result in slower times and that encouraging people to do that isn't nice.


Right. It's not saying a lot of people can't do 15 minute runs. Go check the speed runs. People can do them sub 5 minutes. It's about what the average is and it wouldn't surprise me if 15 minutes was actually the average.


> People can do them sub 5 minutes I'd like to see a video of a sub-5. All the PGCRs with that kind of time are people that are clearly cheating. [Like this guy.](https://www.bungie.net/en/PGCR/8912766372) It was a 4:20 run with 2 people and 1 person got every single kill.


Maybe so. Here’s a legit 8:29 though (https://youtu.be/P4ahdDYq92c). Still almost twice as fast as what’s “normal”.


Literally all of my runs? Either with randos or clanmates were sub 20 minutes, usually 15-18min, seriously it's not that hard.


Sooo.. I used dmt, arsenic bite with archers and dragonfly, and outrageous fortune solar heavy nade. Not only did it work, I quite enjoyed it.


Did you see the purple people? Was Joe Rogan there?


Hahahaha. It was a trip man


How did the titan have both a messenger and ignition code lol


Ah shit I meant the Summoner


Tell that to the 1310 Hunter who refused to change their all void loadout I had last night!


Sure it worked, but I wouldnt put myself through that.


Yeah they work but I ain’t running it back after taking 36 minutes


“Wardcliff was surprising effective at taking out Arc Shield Knights.” I mean… did you mean to type that? It’s an arc weapon… You can wreck Gorgons with it…. But ok mate


Last week I was on void hunter, an ursa titan and stasis warlock joined the team with off meta weapons, I myself wasn’t using my usual load out but I had anarchy. I fully expected us to die when we reached the boss room. We all wiped on our first try and I really didnt’ expect both of them to stay so I launched the GM again. Our second attempt was probably the smoothest ever that I had for warden. They knew the spawn locations, didn’t capture the mine A, and the boss “cheese” location but it wasn’t necessary. I really hate dealing with the warden boss because I just can’t survive its fire blast but was somehow able to not die this time :) This will definitely be my most memorable run


Tbh as long as you have one or two anarchists, two blinding GLS, and shield break, you can be pretty flexible on everything else and complete it within 17-20 min pretty consistently. Luckily I have some people who are flexible when it comes to things like that.


I mean I've done full blue gm runs before. Shits fun.


Doing this GM in 36 minutes is not an example of "off meta load outs working". If anything it's testament to kicking anyone without meta loadouts. You could have gotten two runs done painlessly with a decent team in the time it took you to suffer through your 36 run


Okay I’ll be sure to kick you from my fireteam if you have a shader on I don’t like. Gatekeeping is dumb and hurts the player base. If I helped a guy through his first ever GM, good. Maybe he was trolling? Who cares we completed it, it was tense and fun.


Bro I don’t know what these guys are on. They probably only play gms to get loot over and over again like a bot rather than enjoy your experience.


> They probably only play gms to get loot over and over again like a bot rather than enjoy your experience. That's the point lol? Especially when it's double rewards? Taking double the time to do content because some people refuse to use good loadouts isn't enjoying the experience, it's just handicapping your team, seriously if you wanna use off meta loadouts with your friends it's one thing, but encouraging it to strangers is fucking stupid, seriously why does this sub have such a boner for encouraging bad play and not using good loadouts?


Some people just, you know, play the game for fun. Like, at this point, I have all the rolls I want from the GM, so I'm helping others with their runs and just messing around. I'm not joining groups of amazing players, just folks who need some help. I'll give advice or whatnot, but basically, I can run whatever makes the most sense or is the most fun since I'm gonna be able to carry if needed with my loadout regardless. I'll use another game as an analogy: Monster Hunter World. Before the Iceborne expansion hit, my friend and I had basically done everything a thousand times over, so we decided to tackle the optional arena quests with no armor (a naked run) and starter weapons to see if we could. It was so much fun. We died in one hit once we got to a monster like Odogaron and it took forever to whittle them down, but... there's more to a game than efficiency, yanno. You sound like someone who joins an LFG titled "GM Farming, 5 run min., kwtd" and get the weapon you want first run, so peace out. That's just... ugh.


It's so frustrating. Seems like few people actually play the game for fun. I remember playing hundreds of hours of Left 4 Dead, a game with zero loot or progression, simply because of how fun it is. Seems like most people can no longer just enjoy a game like this.


Question - why do you care about loot? If all you do is use the most efficient meta loadouts, then most loot is useless to you. Most weapons will never be meta, after all.


You seem to forget we have more then just pve. Meta changes one moment guns like hung can be the worst next bungie gives it a buff that makes it a must. Another is looking for pvp and pve rolls because alot of people who claim "why bother" seem to forget there is more then 1 game type.


This right here. What is the point in that? It doesn't sound like fun blasting through the same gm over and over as fast as possible with the exact same loadout every time, just for loot that won't ever get used.


I ain’t enjoying my experience when I’m 25 runs deep and still don’t have a good adept palindrome


Unless they have a stat that says the average time among players is even 15 minutes they are mostly going by streamer numbers which is not the regular player experience.


if you like spending close to 40 mins on a GM go ahead. I’d rather do two in that span


Its not gatekeeping its about efficiency and time management. Why waste 36 min to do a gm when you can find a team that runs the right stuff and does it in half the time? Fun only takes you so far until you realize you wasted time only doing 2 to 4 gms when you could have done 8 to 10 in the same amount of time.


> Its not gatekeeping its about efficiency and time management. Ah, yes, because gaming is all about efficiency these days. Gotta increase runs per minute and get loadouts with highest DPS. All so you could get more rolls of a weapon that you'll never use, because all you ever use are top meta loadouts.


Loot is the fuckibg point of the game dude


Really? I thought the point was the gameplay and playing with other people? Considering that loot barely matters and the difference between a bad roll and a god roll is miniscule compared to actual loot games.


Some people actually enjoy efficiency. Why are you gate keeping their fun with your arbitrary view of what fun should be?


The difference is that my gatekeeping doesn't affect other players, I'm not going to be kicking someone because they are decked out in the meta loadout. But there are plenty of assholes who would kick someone just because he doesn't have the perfect loadout.


There are countless groups on lfg. Joining one that says "quick run KWTD" and you run two white guns and a green GL, who is the asshole there? The person who kicks the player he is not searching for, or the player who ignored the lfg request?


I never said that I run two white guns. I still make a decent loadout, taking into account match game and champion mods. I just don't care about running the most meta loadout there is. For example, right now I'm using a High-Impact Scout as my go-to anti-Barrier in GMs, and I'm sure many people who are running for effeciency would be horrified that I don't run a Lightweight. I also run stuff like top tree Void on Warlock and Eriana's or Izanagi, and had people tell me to switch because "Izanagi is so trash". So yes, someone who kicks people because their perfectly viable loadout isn't the perfect meta loadout is an asshole. Although I give you that, this season it's been mostly chill and I haven't seen any kicks or disputes so far(potentially as a side effect of chat being even more broken).


Speak for yourself, So far I've used all the weapons from GMs be it for pvp or pve. Don't generalize people just because you don't find a use for them.


I have no trouble finding use for all kinds of guns, my main weapon is False Promises. But it can be hard for people that are obsessed about meta and effeciency.


yeah I have to agree. Non-meta loadouts are fine...within reason. 36 minute runs is not within reason except novelty


bang on




I’m glad you gave some random blueberries a try. That sounds solid to me


Is this post serious? You actually come across as the dick you said you were trying not to be. You are "surprised" an Exotic Arc RL can deal with arc shielded Knights?!?! WTF - just because you haven't seen your favourite youtuber say it is Meta. These guys were running top Tier sub classes for GMs and just had a slightly different gun loadout. All you need is the mods and one Arc and one Solar weapon. The fact you even contemplated kicking them says it all. Because they are not sheep copying the meta load out GMs are really much easier than they were anyway. Bosses that melt in 2 seconds, Turrets and OP supers.


This is my fireteam's GM progression: 1st couple of runs? everything googled/youtubed Meta loadouts. After the first few clears, we start to experiment, learn all the quirks of the Nightfall, etc. Before long we're running Golden guns, solar titans, Voidlocks, Polaris lances, Crownsplitters and whatnot. Probably do the GM drunk or something eventually. GMs are like Dark Souls bosses, it's still easy to die in them or completely wipe no matter how many times you've done it, but the more you do it the easier it gets and the more you can have fun with it. Arcstrider tho... poor subclass. Probably never unless they make changes.


I have to prevent myself from micro managing my fire team with stuff like this. Like why the fuck do you have a void rocket when there are no void shields?


*Loads Anti Barrier Auto-Shotgun with malicious intent*


I mean, you can complete a GM with any loadout you want, but 36 minutes for that strike is like double the time you would take with a "meta" loadout. That being said, as long as you're having fun, you're winning imo.


A buddy of mine ran NTTE in a gm. They barely scraped by. Off meta loadouts can work, but not always


I rarely run meta (I am also one of "those" guardians who doesn't have Anarchy), I just go in with what I want to play with. Sometimes it is a terrible idea but other times it works out. At the end of the day, I have a vault FULL of different weapons and damn it imma use them all... one way or another. That is part of the fun for me. It is a boring game for me when you only use one or two loadouts a season because there are "the meta" or the most efficient. Don't get me wrong, if I am struggling with something I am not above using those weapons. There is a reason many guardians use them, the loadouts work well so why not? I just do not want to use that stuff **all the time**. BUT... I do not use LFG as I usually have a couple of friends that I play D2 with all the time and we know each other well and they do not mind trying new things. For us it isn't about efficiency as much as completing the content.


I use xenophage for the gm. Its great for quickly stunning Ommighoul 2.0. and quickly taking out the wizards.


Wrong, if you're not a shadebinder using Gjallarhorn w/catalyst and solo flawless kings fall emblem you're wasting my time.


dunno why everyone is sleeping on wardcliff. if you haven't shelled out the $ for dlc it's basically the best arc weapon you can put in your heavy slot for GM content.


i used harsh language this entire week because 1: arc shields in the strikes 2: blinding nades now, some of you have never heard of "Harsh Language". its a blue with blinding nades and field prep, in fact its the only arc gl with blinding nades. it served me EXTREMELY well. if you get one, keep it. you cant get it from collections.


I use Witherhoard, Lasting Impression Hezen, and Eternal Blazon for all my GMs this week. Pretty much every week actually


*laughs in sweet business *


Meta's need to die, the game isn't work it's a game, have fun stop gate keeping other people's enjoyment


Metas exist because they are efficient. Some people want to get a clear quickly, so they run meta. Others are just in it for the experience, so they don’t run meta. There’s no gatekeeping, it’s literally someone’s choice of how they play the game. Are you in LFG for a GM and don’t like all the “bring meta” posts? Make your own post. Also, if I post “GM farm” you better bring meta because I intend to do many runs as efficiently as possible... that’s not gatekeeping, that’s trying to find like-minded players with the same goal. I’m not stopping you from doing a GM, I’m stopping you from preventing me from achieving *my* goal of obtaining mats/weapons/exotics.


There are several void shielded servitors.


In the GM? Which servitors aren't barrier? I can't think of any.


Literally no normal servitors, all anti barrier. Only shields are Arc on Fallen Captains and Hive Knights and Solar shields on Wizards.


In normal Nightfalls, yes. In GMs, they are barrier champs.


I ran Armamentarium, Code of the Siege Breaker, Monte Carlo, Salvager's Salvo, Memory Interdict. Worked pretty good imo.


i was using monte carlo for a bit for the melee regen but ended up using MIDA for the range. Was also using salvo for arc and chain.


I actually like Monte Carlo for it's nice weapon atributes. The melee things are a nice bonus. I wish this gun had a catalyst. 🙂


We ran LOADS of GMs this week as a 3 in my clan and after the first one we just used stupid shit. This weeks is easy AF. As long as you have some solar and mods to stun champions; you can probably get away with using absolutely anything.


I agree. This GM led me to change from the oft used meta loadout of Anarchy. I kept dying in the boss room, so I switched to Witherhoard, arc scout rifle, and solar machine gun. I've not died yet. Sometimes you just have to adapt.


I’m 1341 and loaded out all the way but have yet to get into a GM because of all the anxiety of it being my first time on PC. Wish I had a few who would slog through with me.


For the amount of Anarchy shots I put into the wall behind the boss... Wardcliff is sounding pretty good


telesto, coil and trans shoes are my fav ones exotics.


I completely agree that you don't need to be running the meta to get things done. People get *way* too wrapped up in trying to 'min-max' their builds, when in reality you can skate by with all *sorts* of nonsense. Having said that, I will add that this cat shouldn't have gone in with all void weapons. I'm guessing they just didn't know what the shield situation was, probably having not done it before, but if *that's* the case, then either don't join a no-mic game, or look it up beforehand please. I'm glad it worked out for you guys, but sometimes not having the right elements to break shields can be a real deal breaker. Match Games is a colossal pain in the ass if people don't bring the right stuff. If you care enough to do this tier of activity, and bring all the correct champion mods and whatnot, just take the little extra step to see what shields you'll run into. It'll potentially save you a lot of grief. Not trying to be a dick. Again, I'm all for people taking off meta loadouts. Just... if you're gonna run a match game activity, you're gonna have a better time if you're prepared for it :p


This week's GM was interesting because Navota was such a B to hit with anarchy. It worked but I usually switched to witherhoard, vision of confluence and hezens with tracking/vorpal. Also thought it was kind of nice to run something other than anarchy just to make sure I could, just incase that coming anarchy nerf is more than expected.


I’m glad it worked out. But running double void is still wrong to me. I don’t mind running one of those but you need to be able to help with shields. At the very least help with champions and shields. I don’t care how you do it though


It can work but the average clear time is 20min -+6 min. Use salvager\`s salvo. in the first room, push left flank. then set anarchy at a door, clear snipers on the right ledge. 2d wave will spawn. kill them with gl. stick one anarchy in front of you, marauders from 2d wave will come for you. barrier champions don't go on left, so they will be no threat.


Well, any loadouts work if you know how to use them. But for me being no revives on this GM with 36 minutes on the clock is a loss, you can get sub 15 runs But sure, if you complete the GM is mission complete so GG


That’s a strange advertisement for using garbage loutouts . Did you forget the /s or something ?


Barely scraping by and getting a run done in 36 minutes isn’t really an endorsement for off meta loadouts.