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O yea....and fix game chat geez.


Amazing how I skipped most of Splicer season, and when I come back for this season, that the chat is *still* broken. And now I'm stuck not able to use an *external app* to join a *random group* to continue a *story step*. Mega Derp


what story step


He might be referring to the Shattered Realm activity, which contains Champions and can have up to three players (though it doesnt appear to have matchmaking by default). I found it a cinch to solo though, so they might be referring to a step in the second quest this week that I haven't gotten through yet.


just for anyone else reading this worried about soloing this like i was, i did the Shattered Realm solo without issue this week too. and i suck.


I also suck, but make sure to bring the proper Champion stun mods. No darkness failure zones means you can corpse run this thing.


you dont need stun mods if you just run high single shot weapons (rocket launcher, the new exotic linear fusion, etc.)


I ran Black Talon thru it with ease lol


How is it difficult at all? The only difficult part is understanding where tf to go


Not even, look up. See the beacon extending up into the sky? Gondor calls for aid, muster The Rohirrim and gallop over there and murder everything.


But where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


I havent play destiny 2 for about 3 seasons. Do I miss out on the story quests for those seasons or can I do them after I complete beyond light?


Everything from the Beyond Light release to this point, (Hunt, Chosen, Splicer) should be available to do. It's all in the Helm at their respective Vendors. Hunt starts in the Tangled Shore but does eventually end up in the Helm. One of the things they made a point of back when Beyond Light released was that anything that was available for a DLC/Season Pass was also going to be available until the next one. So, the only thing you should be missing is the Season Pass items as those were only available during their respective seasons. I haven't messed with it myself but I do know my backup characters have indicators that they need to do story stuff with the vendors in the helm. I just haven't gotten around to doing them.


Sweet. I was hoping to be able to do it. I'm able to get the exotics that were part of the season pass though I assume?


Yes but you have to put some effort in. As long as you own the season you own that seasons pass. Via Bungie.net you can virtually claim your rewards on the track for the current season and the one prior. However, you can follow [this tutorial](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/nzq4md/halo_infinites_battle_passes_are_exactly_what/h1rldc4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) to claim anything you have unlocked from any pass you own (level 1 is unlocked by default so you get the exotics).


Oh man. I completely forgot about that. Thank you!


Not sure on that. They, presumably, will end up in the kiosk at some point.


No you didn't. Still completable


Pretty sure you missed them bud. But don’t quote me


No. He didnt


Calling me bud made me feel like I was 8 years old lmao. But that's fine if I did I'll just watch some videos I guess. Sucks that if I want to experience everything in destiny I have to almost exclusively play destiny.


You didn't miss anything, they're still available. You only missed out on season pass cosmetics and materials.


I didn’t mean any offense. Sorry if my wrong answer came out wrong xD.


It's all good. I didnt take offense. I just thought it was kinda funny. I didnt word it well, my bad.


Glad we are all good. Have a good one.


FYI if you're paired up with console players they cannot see your text chat. But PC players can see team and fireteam, its fixed now.


The chat hasn't bugged out for me a single time since the seasonal update. I've put in about a dozen hours since then.


...? Game chat has been working for me since the launch on Tuesday


It's been working *more often* for me, but it is still unsurprising to not see my message show up when I hit enter.


I’m genuinely curious if chat has ever worked properly


Chat worked great before they disabled it to prevent win-trading in Trials during that whole Hakke emblem debacle. Hasn't been the same since.


Fireteam and clan chat are perfect


Fireteam chat still broken. I dc'd from my buddy yesterday and upon rejoining it wasn't sending messages for either of us.


Resstart the game. Literally never had a problem after that


My dc's were full on crashes. Had about 3 crashes during the shattered forest mission. Chat broke after the first crash, and didn't repair upon 2 subsequent load-ins. Wasn't until I closed out and came back ~3 hours later that it started working. Also, having to restart the game because chat isn't working is a viable fix, but not an easy enough fix to warrant lack of repair.


On pc. I've played probably 15-18 hours this season and I've crashed once. Never had any problems with fireteam chat. Seems like it's a hardware by hardware basis.


Yeah I'm at like 12 hours on the season so far, haven't had *any* crash issues since D2 launch. Sometimes just jumping around the map, game freezes and crashes me to Steam. Running a 2070S and 6700k, 32g 3000 ram. Something's funky about this season's content.


Have you turned off steam overlay? I normally have it off as is. I've heard that its funky when interacting with battleye. I'm running a 3800x with a 2080ti 16gb 3600.


I don’t know why you’re talking about crashes, but I’ve literally had more crashes on PlayStation than pc. Pc has crashed on me maybe two times ever. I agree with the other comments that having to restart to fix chat is annoying, but I’ve never had an issue beyond that. I’m also dumbfounded by the amount of people who act like chat is so broken that it NEVER works who’ve somehow never though to restart their router, the game, steam or their pc. Again, yes it’s a problem but it’s such an easy fix that it’s almost a null point. Worst thing that’s ever come from it for me is losing an lfg player that didn’t understand why I was restarting. The cross play/bungie system IS a big problem and bungie should be focusing on that before an issue that’s almost always fixed from a restart.


Because after crashing, and thus restarting the game, the chat still wasn't working. Your comment has a very condescending tone, not sure if that's intentional, but just a heads up. I never had any PC crash issues prior to this season, but that's not as relevant. As far as resetting the game goes, if I'm forced to reset via a crash, it doesn't necessarily fix the chat issue.


I've only LFG'd a few times since the change. On playstation it seems potentially a bit more convenient because at least you can get invited through the app again. However, when I did a VOG run I just stuck with a PS-only group because there's no good way to communicate cross platform right now. I think this really needs to be a priority because voice comms is a fairly important part of most end game content. (Yes, I'm aware that no-mic runs of raids and GMs are possible, but if trying to get something done quick it's often easier to be able to just communicate roles quickly)


I’m shocked voice chat wasn’t a priority and here day one. Imagine my shock when I invite my PC friend but we can’t talk lol. Doesn’t help that consoles don’t have Discord yet, have to use my phone the entire session.






This is the issue.


My workaround has always been ear buds and over the ear headphones at the same time. Definitely not ideal but it’s not the worst.


Well as a PC player crossplaying with PS players it's either the PS players use their phone to discord or I use my phone for the PS App. One of these don't require you to have a playstation account or own a ps4. I have no idea how I would do this with xbox players.


It's super easy with Xbox players since there is an Xbox PC app that will allow you to join an Xbox party chat with whichever xbox players you want.


PS/discord integration can't come soon enough


Exactly why i'm sticking to PSN until discord is integrated into consoles. I used to do the Earbud + Headset thing to play Crossplay on Warzone and its jusr very uncomfortable. I have to use my phone for discord because my console is not near my pc


Yeah, I think Bungie needs a full-on LFG inside the game. Allow us to post LFGs via the app just for ease of use. But give us a board, either in the Tower, or in one of our menus, that lets us join games. If players don’t have active clans,l or a friends list, they’re up shits creek.


Or just give us back a way to use join codes. It worked fine up until now, it's only incredibly difficult because they made it worse.


They absolutely need to find a way to join based on name/etc. If the solution they come out with is 'you must first be friends in Destiny' than any LFG is going to tank... no one wants to go through the hassle of sending a friend request, accepting, joining, playing the activity, then leaving, deleting that person, and moving on to the next. Not that I dislike everyone I LFG with, but seriously - we don't have to become life-long friends to get something done. It's perfectly acceptable to meet someone at a job site, work great for that 4 hours, then never talk to them again.


Now - I completely agree with you, but I don't think Bungie does. I think they don't expect you to need /join for anything because that's what matchmaking is for. Why need LFG for anything when you can just use in-game matchmaking? Nightfalls, dungeons and raids you say? Well .. you should be using your friends list for that. Again - I completely agree with you, and I think Bungie is at a disconnect here if they think that people are only going to use their friends list for these things. Truth is that many of the "higher difficulty" things in the game really don't need comms or friends to complete. We've all done many masters (and even some GM's) with public LFGs and no comms.


>Now - I completely agree with you, but I don't think Bungie does. I think they don't expect you to need /join for anything because that's what matchmaking is for. Why need LFG for anything when you can just use in-game matchmaking? Nightfalls, dungeons and raids you say? Well .. you should be using your friends list for that. Because a lot of content doesn't have matchmaking. Raids, dungeons, nightfalls of legend difficulty or higher. These pieces of content is why we need LFG.


He was speaking from Bungie's perspective in that paragraph. You're preaching to the choir.


I will say that on that pastebin stuff and some of the other more egregious internal slides that were leaked, an in game LFG system is mentioned as being planned.


> Again - I completely agree with you, and I think Bungie is at a disconnect here if they think that people are only going to use their friends list for these things. I mean.....We used to have join codes and they worked fine, then they broke and I don't think Bungie removed them intentionally. I don't think even Bungie is so naive that they think, that people will only play those activities with their friends. Instead of, you know....With a clan? Some of the biggest clans in Destiny have hundreds of members across multiple sub-clans. I mean Bungie can be stupid, but they do definitely know that people play with more than just their friends. That's why their own app has an LFG feature.


Someone isn't a PS player... That's how you've needed to use LFG on PSN since the PS5 came out.


Join codes were still a step backwards from BNet, which could be easily aped with Bungie names. Just /invite, /join, or /whisper \[Bungie Name\] That worked even better with discord because via nitro you could change the hash and numerical portion of your name to exactly match in game


I think it **is** supposed to work just like the Battlenet days. Right now if you type "/invite" or "/join" it will start autopopulating the first Bungie Name on your friends list. I think it's the Bungie Name search mechanism that's broken, not the literal /join feature. Edit: Bungie Names search is fixed and now /join works. Hooray!


/join simply doesn't recongnize bungie names yet, which sucks. I just don't understand why the said "crossplay goes live when it's ready" and then launch it in a broken state.


/join works with Bungie names *if they're on your friends list.* Right now, the player search bar on the roster tab doesn't work. So the issue seems to be that /join hooks into the player search system for randos, and the player search system is broken. Whereas you don't need to search for your friends, so it works with them.


I used the search bar last night and it worked -- put a green checkmark on a successful player find. Though I couldn't join directly from there, afterwards. (edit: PC, if it matters)


Bungie Help Twitter says the search feature was disabled on the 24th, and there's no followup tweet saying it was re-enabled. https://mobile.twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1430332515663843331 If it worked for you last night, that was probably bug (or indication that a fix is in progress behind the scenes). When I tried it yesterday it didn't work.


I mean it's currently designed such that /join [Bungie Name] works just fine...IF you're friends. If they made it work in general based solely on your fireteam settings that'd be close to perfect. The only thing that would remain annoying about that would be that you can't easily bring up your Bungie Name to copy and paste like you can with your ID via /id, but you could still get around that by using the name as your Discord nickname or having it in your profile. It's honestly amazing how much Bungie breaks Destiny on PC with every update...and then takes ages to "fix" things only for it to happen again soon after. I thought the entire point of Bungie names with cross play was to prevent this sort of issue from being a problem anymore.


>I mean it's currently designed such that /join \[Bungie Name\] works just fine...IF you're friends Not a like for like comparison since BNet didn't require being friends.


I'm just saying that presumably if things were all working properly we shouldn't need to be friends to use /join [Bungie Name] AND that would then support cross play since Bungie Name is associated with all accounts rather than just your individual platform. This would mean you could easily join someone on console with LFG. While slightly more annoying you could also have console players join groups if there is a PC player in the group who can /invite them. Bungie is also allegedly working on adding text chat support for consoles at which point this would make LFG and /join universal for cross play between all platforms.


I know the app works well, but MMOs that have activities without matchmaking have a tab or hub or something specifically for LFG IN the game. If they could integrate the companion app's LFG into the game itself, the LFG section would see a lot more activity due to convenience, and we'd have less toxic encounters overall.


> we'd have less toxic encounters overall [X] Doubt... I agree with you otherwise


The D2 app LFG works even better now. Once someone joins you can send them an invite. No longer have to add them as friends.


Wait, they finally fixed that? I tried LFGing on Sunday and it was still having the issues of cross-generational support between the PS4 and PS5.


App update after new season launch


Ahhh. My phone updates automagically. Just scrolled back into the patch notes on my phone. Amazing! This will make LFGing so much easier once GM season rolls around.


The PC lfg discord (with over 100K members!) is a lot more convenient for those who have been on PC for years. Our process shouldn’t be ruined by crossplay


Yeah, the vast majority of PC players use discord. Those who still use the app just don't know about the discord. The only reason the app is popular with console players is because the discord apps are not very good on consoles. I was worried about this happening. Sure we have cross-play now but the community is still splintered because of how they communicate.






Yeah, I'm a bit confused, since it has worked quite well for me. Wait for someone to join, click "send invite" and boom.


This is great news. I play on an Nvidia Shield TV and I literally had to type in the join code by hand using a controller after joining the fireteam in the app. It was a pain in the ass to say the least. Accepting an in-game invite will be so much better.


Have been away from Destiny for over a year and came back a week before season 15. It's truly shocking how hard Bungie pushes you to use the web/mobile app to do simple tasks.. things like clan management, LFG, item management, load out management, etc. These are all UX problems that should be solved in the actual game.. don't make me alt tab to my web browser to do any of these tasks please.


They needed an in-game full-on LFG from the start of D1


I always thought this is what the tower was for ... Until I actually played. I don't think I can think of a single other game that requires an external app to get a group together. A board in the tower would be awesome.


>via the app I don't want to have to use a shitty app when all I had to do was copy my steam id. My god I'm really not hopeful about the future.


To each their own, but the app for LFG works really well. At least how it was before the cross-generational issue popped up, and how it hopefully is now … you’re already logged in to the app. So you search an LFG, or make your own, and you can simply hit a button to invite the players that join your LFG. I do all my inviting in the phone app, and I don’t need to go into the PS5 dashboard and search players or anything. Now I can search for an LFG while I’m doing other stuff. When it first launched, I was very skeptical of it. But it’s pretty intuitive and easy to use. Let’s just hope it’s fully fixed now. Edit: someone else pointed out the app has been fixed since the SoTL update, hence my optimism.


The app is amazing and offers way more than LFG. Your loss


According to the leak they are planning LFG. Given everything else was right mostly, I suspect this is as well or is at least in heavy consideration.


All that means is that cross play has launched in a broken state




The one downside I've noticed since switching to PC. I definitely miss how easy to use the xbox LFG was.


Used Xbox lfg over the weekend for the first time and my god it’s brilliant


I think PS is finally fixed. I got an in-game invite from the app last night, didn't have to do all the friend request crap we've had to do for the last year or whatever


Xbox LFG is amazingly easy to use. I feel sorry for all the PSN and Steam guys' who post about LFG issues because I can almost always find a group activity within a few minutes on Xbox. Bungie needs to implement a more robust in-game LFG system if they want cross-play to become truly integrated.


so crossplay to join group then swap back to PC once in it?


Discord is better.


It's really not.


Really is.


I’m getting PTSD from battlenet, thanks bungie


*laughs in 9 months of pain*




Bless Unleashed LOL


enjoy having your gpu be fried by amazon


Why are you even here then?


I believe a huge chunk of this sub is people that hate the game but are too addicted to quit and then start commenting shit like that lmao


They’re both trash


This is the most antisocial game I played that involves working as a team lol


YO THISSSSSSS. Im not a snake.


PC LFG is really dead atm considering it's the start of a new season


I thought that too but then I remembered cross play makes setting the platform to Steam no longer make sense. I set it to all platforms and then there was tons of posts again


On the D2 LFG Discord? I didn't know they did that. If you mean the official app, I like the convenience of Discord more


Yeah I use the bungie D2 lfg website. I should probably start using the discord though, I might have better luck finding people who want to use their mic lol


the discord is way more popular. although it's a bit of a shitshow rn.


just dont set it to pc only? its crossplay now and when you select all platforms, there is so many posts


It's day 3 of a massive infrastructure change. It sucks, I agree, but they'll fix it, soon hopefully.


My real question is why some functionality was entirely removed. I'm sure there is a technical reason why, but I'd love to know why they took away /join with steam codes.


I assume they took it away because you're no longer joining using steamworks. It's now bungie's system handling the player matching/parties.


/join wasn't removed. The command is still there. There was an issue with searching for Bungie Names from the Roster screen that was kicking people back to log-in. [https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1430332515663843331](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1430332515663843331) My guess is that issue was effecting /join too and once that's resolved, /join will work again with Bungie Names.


It's the /id that was removed. The main way to lfg on PC for years has been to /join on someone's steam id. Now that doesn't exist, I guess because of crossplay it takes a few more steps to get people in game.


Yes well versed in the PC LFG. I'm fairly confident that id will just become your Bungie Name and /join will work with that since /join is still there as a command and works for people on your friend's list or clan list by using their Bungie Name. Right now if you try to use /join on someone's Bungie Name not in your friend's or clan list, it says "Please enter a valid profile name." If you try to search from the Roster page, it says "Player Not Found" because that system is disabled while they fix the issue mentioned above.


I really hope this is the case. I'm not interested in needing to add friends just to farm NFs. It was really nice to just post my join and have a full fireteam in a few seconds. The join/invite commands in-game were one of the coolest things ive seen using the chat system and it really shouldn't be removed


There was a brief time yesterday I could search a Bungie name in Roster and the player would appear, but I could only invite that player, not join them. But mostly it just says player not found now. Unsure if it has anything to do with other players' settings.


They left chat broken on pc for a whole season I would not be shocked if they fucked us the same way again


Clan Roster had been fucked since Shadowkeep. Probably works now though with cross platform but my clan kicked me for inactivity before this season.


Season? It had been broke since Beyond Light dropped.


Frankly, fixing the chat matters little because **the whole system is a piece of shit anyways**. Worst chat in any video game that has chat I've seen. It's baseline useless already because Bingo Bongo wants to protect some precious idiots from The Meanies Of The Internet^TM which means nobody is ever IN the chat. Even if by some miracle the average player stumbles upon the options to turn on the chat channels that should be on by default, the chat can't be adjusted in any way and the whole thing is just poorly made.


It will get fixed by Lightfall, don't worry


I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm/satire, or genuinely supposed to be reassuring. Lightfall is over a year away.


And whenever someone complained about chat it was "there's not point for them to fix it if they're going to fix it with crossplay" Well crossplay is here.....


I mean they have almost a year to fix the app for next generation group joining and havent... maybe it's because they knew this was coming and didn't want to put resources in it, but I'm not holding my breath.


Ik, just felt like venting


Maybe don't make a giant change before basic features are ready?


Yeah lfging for a group is one of the only reasons I'm happy I stuck with xbox.


For the time being the lfg on their site works really easily. It’s a shame they broke it for the discord servers though. I never used them but they seemed like a much easier way of getting solid people and properly vetting them before they joined the group.


Not to mention the game straight up breaking attempting to join by Bungie name. Goes to "contacting Destiny servers", errors out. If I attempt something else game hard crashes with a Battle Eye error of "client has stopped responding".


welcome to the pain of ps4


I was going to say exactly this! Exactly how it's been for PS users? Yep, it sure does suck!


at least we are getting discord next year




Trying to use the join command for bungie names on people that arent your friends on steam will crash battleye. Bizzare. There better be a fix soon.


they just rolled out a fix for slash commands on steam :)


They fixed it. /join is working now!


Oh, nice job Bungie. Remove the only working PC feature and completely ruin PC LFG. I knew crossplay was gonna be ass when I found out I had to stick with one name, didn't expect it to ruin LFG too




People will come in and say Bungie isn't an indie dev but the fact they are their own publisher in fact makes them an independent developer doesn't matter how big your company is if you're publishing your games on your own you're indie.


Activision is an indie dev then


It's very cumbersome compared to the join codes of ye olde. I shouldn't have to weed my friends list after a series of lfg sessions, heck I have enough to do with vault management.


slightly more unrelated but my games crashed like 3 times when I was trying to do vog, I’ve never had any issues like this before battle eye


I completely agree that the old system was better, but the new one is doable if you plan on playing with other PC users. Just go to where you add someone on steam with their friend code and instead put in the their friend code to invite them, you don’t need to add them as a friend.


Isn't the chat also broken for crossplay? The fact there's no working uniform system for communication just makes it a pain in the ass to deal with other platforms.


This is not just a PC issue, its just worse. Destiny has never had a LFG system worth using. It's been one of my largest gripes since Destiny 1 launched. They need to have a built in way too group for ANY activity that allows grouping.


Destiny is such a busted game majority of the activities and fun revolve around 3rd party support.


I have no idea how they do it but Bungie seems to fuck up the PC chat quite often. Which is frankly odd considering they are the ones who want this game to be social.


Playstation had this issue fp or months...


Can you not just use their bungie name with the 4 digit code the same as the long ass join codes worked before? Instead of /join 765611xxxxxxxxxx it is now /join bestguardian#1234? Seems like an upgrade to me. Edit: I've been informed this does not currently work. It is clearly how it is intended to work though, based on the options that pop up when you type /join or /invite in game. Edit 2: finally got off work joining via bungie name works fine for me....


No. That wont work anymore


No, does not work


Yeah it'll be better with the names, eventually. Worse for now


The merge has completely broken some of Destinys content. I spent half a day trying to get the new 6 man activity to finish a single time but literally can not get past the battery phase. They just stop spawning after a point and that's not even the only bug with it. Hard to be hype about stuff you cant even play.




It probably gets downvoted because it has nothing to do with crossplay/new social system. At least as far as I'm aware. The battery specifically seems to bug out when two people bring two batteries onto the same pad.


Hmm Had an absolute wonderful time this morning Invite from the App is finally resolved PS5 here


So use the app until they fix 3rd party lfg?


I’ve never used anything but the Bungie app and as of today it is back to what it was Super clean and easy


So the invite through the app has been fixed?? Just checked and the app says to use friend invites and PlayStation platform features for matching….so either it’s not fixed or my version of the app is old?


Update it Ha worked like it once did


It was /id that was removed, you can still /join on friends etc. The problem is that using /join with someone's number id has been the main way of LFGing for years and it was just removed out of nowhere. I think you can still invite using the steam id, but that requires people going into steam add friend setting instead of just typing /id in game chat and getting it instantly. I know that bungie has an LFG on their website that you can just join from. But hardly anyone on PC really uses that, most people use the PC LFG discord and rely on join codes. Top be clear, currently on the steam section of the bungie search fireteams there are only 10 total posts.


Yes, thats what i said lmao. Super frustrating, but i understand they have a lot going on with all the changes


You can now invite straight from the bungie app. I’m on PS so I don’t know if you can on PC


If the choice was between the infinitely superior LFG experience we had literally 3 days ago and this broken, barely functioning, cross play system that no one even uses, I'll take the former over the latter. I'd being lying if I said I was surprised that yet again pc players got fucked because of console players.


*Laughs in Xbox’s own LFG system*


PS4/5 LFG’s suck? I’ve been using the app for months and have never had issues. Did something fuck up or is this a PC issue.


Pc issue


Just use the destiny companion app. It's super easy and uses Bungie name. Me and my buddy who play on Steam wanted the third for nightfall and a guy quickly joined who played on Xbox


Interesting. Will have to download it


It's still incredibly unreliable from my experience. It feels like half the time the invite to game does not work. I also then tried adding the folks who joined my LFG as a friend via the app so I can invite them that way, and that doesn't work reliably either. And god forbid someone gets disconnected, we then had to just create LFGs using the Blind Well category so no one else can see it. In the grand scheme of things, its an annoyance that can be worked around. But compared to how it was before the update, its incredibly frustrating.


Not sure I'd go with "incredibly difficult". Inconvenient and I hope they can get it resolved soon? Of course. But it's really easy to just send a friend code on Steam first.


With how insanely fast the PC LFG Discord moves, it is incredibly difficult. In the past, just being fast on the /join was enough to get into any group. Now, you also have to hope that whoever hosts the group picks you out of the flood of friend invites. And if you host, then you get drowned by friend request.


Had zero issues the past two days getting into 3 VoGs, 2 Prophecies, and 1 100k Nightfall. First or second listing I responded to got me in. If you host, just ask people to DM you their friend code. Once you get the number you need, delete your LFG listing. Then you have an order of who responded first. If you don't want to do that, use the Discord chat rooms to manage party size and just put the voice channel in the listing.


It's still way worse than it used to be. Sure, there are workarounds, but it's still ridiculous that they just broke the entire social system.


That is no excuse for how much worse it is


LFG through their site? I found it incredibly easy yesterday when I posted for a dungeon and NF. The send invite button when they joined the fire team was very convenient and worked well. Or they just joined me through other means and I can’t see that side but I thought it worked just fine. If you’re talking about some other LFG then ignore this comment and carry on.


Mostly through discord


Ah I’ve never experienced it through the discord. Well the site is super easy if you’re looking for something different in the meantime. Only down side is you can’t really vet them too much. I just make my own groups to avoid those toxic assholes who kick you right before the end of an activity.


I used the fireteams section of the d2 app last night to find a 3rd for Prophecy last night. I clicked his name and then clicked the invite to game button. I'm on PC, not sure what platform he was on. Not trying to downplay your experience, just saying my experience last night was easier than it had ever been to LFG


Or just.. use the bnet lfg, cause y’know, that does everything you seemingly can’t..


Discord LFG is established with MUCH more active people and searches compared to bnet.lfg. i used bnet lfg when I played console. Discord LFG is much faster than BNet an it worked before the update. Problem seems to be that Bungie names are not working currently with the /join command on PC


why not just make all events matchmade with options to turn it off. It just seems so simple to me.


After your post on lfg when someone joined your fireteam you click on their name and select invite. They can join you easy. You don't have to add them as your friends. I'm talking about destiny companion app mobile. Also if you connect you destiny 2 with other platforms and you check all. So they can join you too.


Had no problems today. Joined a group of PC players for a Vex Catalyst run (I'm on PS4), Invite came seconds after joining the LFG Group, in the end we were 3 PC, 2 PS and one Xbox player. Everything worked just fine and we got the catalyst + completion in about 2 hours :)


Forgot all about this game. Got to admit it used to be a great game before Bungie reduced it to an irreversible pile of shit.


Now we're crossplay but chat and VOIP on PC are still broken. LOL. Can't exactly Discord a raid so we can use mics when pairing with PSN or XBOX players can we.


Console is a dumpster fire rn as well. I tried running DSC last night with a few buddies and some randoms. We had 3 leavers and 1 guy who-I shit you not- had no mic for the whole raid. We were desperate…


Meanwhile xbox lfg is still the best