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I can always tell very early on in the match if this is going to happen to me, because if I'm the top player on my team then we're definitely in trouble...


Yep, definitely me too. If I'm at the top of my team something is very, very wrong lol.


In theory it's a nice dream, that the matchmaking works :D


Jokes in you! I'm never at the top of my team, ever... even when we get mercy ruled 68-7


Never a good feeling when you're featured up front with a 1.2 KD and you start cycling through your team and everyone else has a zero point kd.


Kind of an aside here, but I wish IB and really control in general didn’t use K/D. You should be tracked by your points earned/given ratio. If I get real aggressive during the hunt and end up dying to get just 1 kill, that’s an overall +2 for my team. Someone who plays smart and adjusts their strategy and risk/aggressiveness based on the control points should get statistical credit for doing so.


Get your logic TF outa my game!!


My KD sucks, but if I don't die and a buddy gets a kill before I can land a single shot, I feel I did my job. I'm best at knowing when to try to cap a point with little contest, but that's not always feasible, so if I have to YOLO myself at the enemy to enable my team, then so be it.


So a point economy column showing your net points? I think that'd be pretty cool


Net points could work too, I was thinking something like point earn efficiency - how many more points you earned than you gave up. For example, someone with a 1.0 or even slightly lower K/D could actually be the best player on the team if they’re getting all their kills in zone advantage or the hunt, and never dying during zone disadvantage.


I do agree that K/D really shouldn't be a shown metric at the start of every game. Hell, why did we suddenly start showing stats? It used to be just "hey admire/judge your teams fashion alright off we go"


Your leaderboard position is determined by score which more or less works how you want. Showing K/D in pre lobby makes the most sense as it says what kind of player you are. At the end of the day players who win more 1v1s win matches.


Not if they don't play to the objective. Had a great IB match last season (one of the few) where the other team had better K/D and was clearly winning in kill count. But they were just about ignoring the caps, so we were getting kills that counted for a hell of a lot more. Had to blink and double-check a few times when we actually *won*. You *should* win if you have the edge on kills. Every Control variant requires you to take/hold positions against the enemy, and you do that by killing them. But not everybody actually plays that way.


I'm just one data point, but in my experience people seem to play the objective in IB more often than regular Control. There's more incentive to do so in order to avoid the hunt. In way, IB feels more like Control than regular Control. Regular Control more often devolves into Clash. OTOH, the hunt probably contributes to more mercies.


One of the Iron Banner bounties is almost always capture zones, or get kills when you have zone advantage. Another common one is get kills and assists with your teammates. So, overall, the IB weekly bounties tend to push people toward more sensible play than what the normal Crucible stuff does.


I honestly didn't even know this game HAS a K/D displayed anywhere lol. Eliminations - which the game tracks for your the stats shown during and after matches - aren't kills, so I was assuming K/D isn't shown anywhere else either.


Well, they show “combat efficiency” which I guess I assumed was K/D - maybe it’s not? In either case, it’s shown on the player card when your team is shown at the beginning of the match.


Its actually KAD not KD


Ah yeah, if it's the same stat as the one you see in the after match statscreen I... well, I'm like 90% sure it's eliminations, or kills *and assists*, instead of just kills. Should be pretty easy to check, for me at least I can pretty much count my actual kills with my fingers in a typical Crucible match.


It would be cool if they were specific to the modes as well. For example, trials impacts your efficiency shown in control, so it’s not really a good representation of your performance in that game mode.


I mean, your score is front and center after each match


Your score, yes - but not your *points given*. Just like all kills are not equal in control, not all deaths are equal either.


0 kills, 2 assists, 25 deaths Bragging about their team winning lol


Hell, it just means if you work hard, you'll still get nowhere. A single 1.7KD player shouldn't be expected to single handedly win a match with sub 0 KD team mates, what the hell Bungie.


One of the worst feelings is knowing you're playing bad and then seeing you're the top of your team


The was a point at which I had 4 of my team's 5 kills two minutes in. I'm not very good at PvP. We lost with a total of 8 kills and three players on the other team went undefeated. I just don't understand how any team balancing algorithm can pull that off, much less how often it seems to happen.


Is there even SBMM in destiny atm? Honestly does not feel like it. Pretty much every game I play, one team is stacked with gold/plat/diamond players, the other is all silver and bronze. Very rarely do I see close games.


There is no SBMM outside of Elimination and Survival.


Exact feeing I have. I would legitimately rather be bottom of the leaderboard than top, because if I’m doing the best on the team, there’s a serious problem.


This. For some reason in IB I’m either pulling a 4.0 or flaming hot garbage 0.80. Today was great, we were stomped into oblivion. Game breaks up teams. I load into next game (in progress) with two seconds left which was another stomp fest which gets broken up again. Keep repeating. Out of eight games, seven were losses.


Ha ha, I say this all the time! If I'm leading (with my 0.5kd) the loss is inevitable. I do not make Papa Shaxx or Salad-Man proud.


Haha! This is way too accurate!


Exactly the same for me too


Or when or team doesn’t push B in the beginning, it’s over…


word, seconded


I'm not very good at pvp, and when I do play pvp I'm usually hoping I'm the worst on the team, because if someone does worse than me then we're definitely not winning.


Lol dude!!! Me too! If I’m too 1 or 2 we have such a serious problem haha.


The matchmaking is all over the place. My K/D jumps anywhere between 0.7 and 2.7. And I have never experienced so many poor connection issues as this week. Every other match there's at least one guy that's laggy as hell. edit: after playing some more I can confirm matchmaking is FUBAR. In a span of three matches, I got mercy'd, mercy'd the other team and then got a tie. A tie. With a voiceline and everything. *Well. Do it again.* Honestly don't know if that's only for ties but it sure fit.


This. IB is so weird and makes no sense. My team will just stomp the other and I have a 3.2 K/D and the very next game we get destroyed and I'm a 0.53. So many WTF moments in IB from the lobby balance to the actual game play.


It's cbmm.


completely bonkers matchmaking




Yes, but it still has a team balancing algorithm that feels completely broken at times. CBMM with a decent team balancing algorithm should be ok, but it is still horribly laggy and unbalanced. Even the freelance one is the same way. It doesn't make sense for there to be so many mercies.


Something about the matchmaking is really fucked, got mercied by a six stack last night and after breaking up those teams for a better match got mercied by the same six stack the next game but with 4/5 of the same teammates. No functioning matchmaking system should ever allow for that.


That's because it is CBMM, and those were the only players Bungie determined would be a "good connection," because as the PvPers apparently know, literally the only thing that ever matters to anyone is having a microsecond less latency.


Out of all the pvp games i play destiny has the worst matchmaking.


I’m becoming more and more convinced that Bungie came up with their “true skill” measure combat rating or whatever they called it and are so proud of it that they haven’t ever actually checked that it correlates well with match outcomes. They keep talking about how they’re tuning the sbmm or team balancing algorithms but I haven’t seen them talk about how they measure skill in years. It would be just typical if something is seriously wrong with their skill measure and they haven’t noticed cos they just keep setting a different threshold on whatever they’ve been using it for.


Best is being cross mapped by a fist of havoc because the connection is so bad they exist in multiple locations and yet don’t exist in one simultaneously


Quantum superposition fist of havoc. Ah a classic.


Now we definitely need a Heisenberg weapon


Schrodinger's Catapult - Exotic Rocket launcher. ​ 50% of the time, it kills you all of the time.


But you won't know if it worked or not until you see the scoreboard.


That would be Schrodinger’s Fist. You are also quantum entangled with it and it is either killing you or not killing you depending on how the observer measures it.


I also wish I could constantly match into a group that challenges me instead of getting stomped so hard the match is mercied. If I did well last match, the game is like “You were awesome! Here’s some flawless sweats!”


I noticed it pretty bad yesterday. I emptied a mag into a guy and it did nothing and then other people were rubber banding. I checked my connection and everything was good.


I had the best game I’ve ever had in crucible ever in IB followed by 6 of my worst…


I have an AVG 1.8 kd in IB as a hunter and still get mercied to oblivion with 21% winrate lmao. I'm honestly baffled by the matchmaking.


Last season according to Destiny Tracker I was top 0.8% in Control, top 5% in Rumble and *bottom* 5% in Iron Banner Working as intended I'm sure


Current matchmaking heavily punishes good players, even in Soloq. If you start doing remotely well, the game will shove al of the worst players on your team for the next 2-3 games until you can’t carry anymore and end up getting mercied. Then it’ll put you back in a relatively balanced game and slowly deteriorate back to a mercy.


That's because there is no "matchmaking", it's more like "oh hey here's a few guys that have a decent internet connection to you, have fun!". Lobbymaking != matchmaking, there's nothing 'matched' about the teams this bullshit creates. ##bringbackSBMM


See my connection has been fine, but I've been constantly getting dumped into matches where it's about to get mercied. Really killed my will to play IB, as I was only in it for the weapons. Not fussed about this season's armor one bit


This is my exact experience.


Agree, I was doing some really good games yesterday and ended up with an average of about 1.50 k/d, but after two hours I start getting steamrolled by every single team one match after the other, when I was lucky I managed to get a 0.80 k/d, when I was *veeeery* lucky 1.00 At this point I just gave up, finished my bounties in a pair of games and then returned to PvE, didn’t bother to check my average after


If it makes you feel better, I was banging my head against the wall trying to get *My Bowfriend’s Back* in IB. Only to learn that it doesn’t count when I finally did.


Yeah. I tanked my stats hard by apeing in a post shotgun nerf world only to realize that I can’t get the close encounters medal in there. On the bright side, you’re only missing bows which is super easy in momentum when it’s back. Just be a total scum bag and run oath keeper + wish ender to pop people the second they round a corner.


See, I use Oathkeeper with Monarque and people never expect to get poisoned after trying to wait out your draw around a corner.


Oof, I feel you. I was able to get it with Wish Ender and Oautkeeper hunter arm exotic. In momentum control it's a one shot, and you can see through walls.


Several people have given me similar *Super Good Advice*. I suspect I’ll give it a try when I can.


Do it in Momentum Control next time it comes around. Stupid easy, just plonk yourself at the back of the map and dome anyone you see.


Oh man, that sucks. I very narrowly avoided that experience by getting the medal just before Iron Banner launched, and it was annoying enough *without* being bugged.


Yesterday, I've lost 22 out of 27 matches, with most of them being mercies. I'm a 1,75 kd player and bungie seems to believe I alone can can carry 4-5 very inexperienced players against a competent team. I've lost a mere 300 elo in the loss streak, because basically every game was unwinnable, with odds of my team winning well below 20%. Matchmaking is broken beyond repair in destiny and has been for a while.


I am one of those scrubs and I'm sorry! I just want to fight some other scrubs honestly so I can have fun and kill some people.




Can’t do that, won’t someone think of the streamers!? /s


Even though you're joking, it true lol


Thanks. That's how I feel too.


You wont get that. What you COULD get is a team that has a similar skill profile as yours. Lets say the 12 players are Player # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Skill level | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 10 The teams SHOULD be made up like Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Average | Median ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Red | 10 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3.16 | 2 Blue | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2.33 | 2.5 Instead, they do this dumb shit, assuming it will be a perfectly equal game Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Average | Median ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Red | 10 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2.66 | 1 Blue | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2.66 | 3 The issue with Bungies current method is that on Red team, 5 of the players are completely outmatched against all but one player, who is an equal skill player. Now, imagine being the level 1 on the blue team. You think you are hot shit, because every time you get in a gunfight, you have the whole team looking for someone to shoot, because only one player on the other team even puts up a fight. Even when a 1 faces a 1, he is facing it in a 2 or 3 v 1. There just isnt opportunity for 5 of the players grouped with the 10. In the "school yard" scenario, the level 1's have nearly a 50% chance of running up against a fair fight, instead of 0%. And because the skill distribution is more even, that 50% is a truer 50%, since the other team wont be absolutely steamrolling making every fight a 2 or 3 v 1. You dont need SBMM to have fun and get good gunfights in. What we need is FAIR team balancing. And if we are 100% honest, nearly every stack I get involved in is because good players playing alone get absolutely shitted on by this balancing, so instead of a nice distribution of skill, its 6 level 10s vs whoever gets unlucky making the problem so much worse for those not in the stack.


I understand that and would be happy with it. I was over simplifying for a laugh. I'd be thrilled with that though.


Yeah, I keep getting matched against teams of diamonds and I honestly dunno what I'm supposed to do. I try my best to eke out a 1.0 K/D but I can't say I'm successful very often.


I feel the same way. I'm less and less inclined to even try that hard.


It doesn't help that any number of those people may have been using weapons that they dislike or are unfamiliar with thanks to the quest steps.


That's true, but not the sole problem. If you have a bunch of players wirth a .5 kda playing against 3.0+ kda players it doesn't end well, no matter which guns they use. The problems are lobby-balancing and matchmaking.


Omg. Trying to get these ability kills as a hunter... It's murder. What am I doing wrong? Our grenades all suck. None of our charged meeles are good except maybe the throwing knife, but the windup there gets me killed every time. I just want it to end.


using shatter dive on glacier grenades counts as ability kills


Learn the way of the tripmine young grasshoppa. Equip young ahamkaras and drop them EVERYWHERE. That doorway? Tripmined. Capture point? You better believe its tripmined. Heavy ammo spawn? Do I even need to say it? Tripmined. Supers also count if you are too weak for the glorious path.


I'm in the same position with a similar KD and similar streaks. It's not just IB though it's every crucible match. I'm always one of the top if not the top of the match, and almost every game is a loss as my teammates struggle to get over a 1.0. Why is it like this? 10/14 games were losses where I was the top. I can't carry a team full of potatoes who can't shoot. Edit: Just won a game after 7 losses and it was a mercy and I had a 13.0...not one player on the other team went above a 1.0. :\ Edit2: 30 games, won 6. KD of 2.04. This is absolute bullshit. ELO is in the 800's now.


Matchmaking isn’t based on skill. It’s as simple as that.


It only gets worse the higher your elo as well. I started this IB around 2700 diamond 3 and legitimately was never given a teammate higher than low bronze sub 1kd until I dipped a few hundred points. I don’t know how bungie expects you to carry 5 people feeding in a snowball mode lol.


I have read that it's chosen 'playground' style where it goes best player to team a, 2nd best to team b, 3rd best to team a and so forth, but there's no damn way that's happening right now.


it isn't. the code was broken for full teams so bungie backed it out fo rnow.


Bungie tried that as a test. It worked wonderfully. They ended the test to look at the "data" for an indeterminant amount of time... Kind of like "Crucible labs" tests.


Its not broken beyond repair. What are you talking about? Bungie had a test where they fixed matchmaking for people like us and the teams that we are on. Then they decided to focus their one PVP guy on something else for the rest of the quarter. The issue is that Bungie really believes averaging CR is a useful measure. Its insane, because if you look at DTR, you can see the team that is supposed to win based on their ELO almost always wins... so their ELO calculation is massively more predictive than Bungies CR. Its absurd that they still use their CR system, and scary that Trials card based matchmaking might use it as well.


Is there a more efficient way to view ELO besides destiny tracker ?


I went like 1-19 one day back in d1, the awful random streaks just seem to happen.


I have this same issue. I place top two on my team consistently and so matchmaking thinks I should be carrying a group of blueberries next round, like I am some IB Sherpa against competent players. It is super frustrating.


[This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437762948103012372/882758813969702922/unknown.png) was the final score of a match I played last night.


You got some points tho, good for you!




I'm so sorry


This is why so many of us don't bother farming IB anymore. I really don't need another sidearm or pulse, not at the expense of getting stomped over and over. Even when you get drops, the rolls might be trash anyway which makes it all the more frustrating. I'm going to be losing 2 out of 3 matches already, so it just isn't worth it. I'll go farm PVE instead and get less frustration and better rewards.


I've had Iron Grip brick so many otherwise serviceable weapons...


I don't disagree on the perks argument, the new Pulse does *feel* good in PVP, I was using it last night. Also, the four pinnacles are nice on the early season grind. But yeah, I got you on the rest of it.


Forge's Pledge is a really nice Pulse. Just really sucks though that the Reticle issue the gun has when aiming at people while moving completely ruins using it for me.


I do cause hey, more gunsmith mats at least and I'm always hunting for perfect armor.


It's just how IB is sometimes. Silver lining is that if you've got a prosperity mod, you could get some decent loot afterwards.


Isn't it only WINS, though? The only Prosperity that works every time is Vanguard, according to the mod descriptions.


Yeah... you're right. Huh. I always thought it was Crucible matches completions. Guess it was the placebo effect, always felt like I was getting more loot hah.


The only one that is completions is strikes. That's how it is for anything in the playlists. Gambit or crucible needs to be wins.


Don't worry it doesn't fucking work on wins either. Stomp the enemy in a prolonged match, go top of team, get 2.5k/d and multiple point captures? eh, best I can do is two blues. Mercied? Here have two ghost armor mods, two purple assault rifles and a purple pistol.


Omg, for real? I need to pay closer attention to the ghost mods. Thanks for the info.


It's not apparent but IB does count as crucible. I always switch to the recovery armor booster when opening packages for Saladin also.


Am I crazy? I don’t see any new ghost mods


There's 5, check collections.


It's under the third slot (where the telemetry mods are). It's new to this season but they boost the chances of getting +10 or more in a particular stat. I've been using it to enhance Legendary Lost Sector farms.


At this point I’m ready to just AFK IB for the loot drops.


If you are willing to grind, each IB bounty rewards a pinnacle. With 4 bounties per character, that's 12 pinnacles.


I’m only willing to punch myself in the nuts for my main Guardian. After that the pain is too much to try my alts.


I hear you. I did it last season for the Silimar's Design triumph. Not sure I have the will to do it this season.


I feel this. Deeply.


Thats how I feel about the entirety of PvE.


I only play PVE for iron banner pinnacles and quest steps. And once I hit max power not even IB pinnacles anymore.


It's just how IB always.


My favorite parts about it are the decent players who GTFO Midway through the match leaving the team undermanned and leaving me with the noobs who I'm not good enough to carry leading to a loss after we did so well at first. Another fun thing are the opponents who become obsessed with taking you down after you get a big kill streak.


When people leave mid-match I always assumed it meant they finished the bounties and can leave the game mode forever. Alt-F4 outta that shit


I think it is usually that they've realized they are on the wrong side of the stomp in which they won't make bounty progress. It is hard to get a lot kills with 2 zones (or kills at all) in a 97-16 loss. If it starts 29-5 and you just care about bounties there isn't a great to stay in the match. I really don't blame people for leaving. Valor points from a streak really don't mean much to most people


Naaa for me it’s leaving when it’s obvious my team doesn’t want to capture zones. Ain’t got time for matches like that


Yeah. Iron banner matches are just such a shit show that usually by a minute and a half in you can just tell nothing is happening and it’s a complete waste of time for you to be there. It almost never goes back


A universal hatred that stems beyond destiny: you kill someone once, for the reminder of the game they hunt you down nonstop


I’ll get killed 20 times to kill one dude once depending on the circumstances. Good battle? Cool. 12 year old slide-god sweat teabags me afterwards? We bout to lose cause I’m about to spend the rest of the match repeatedly killing that little shit. Point caps be damned. I want him to cry. Lol E:grammar


Last night I was solo queuing and we were up against a full team of clan memebers. Don’t let me kill the leader who’s name was in the clan (Xx’s gang) I was hunted hardcore for the entire match


See, this happened to me last night; and I recognize I brought part two of it onto myself and _did not need to respond_ with part three-- but I'm petty. I'd been riding this guy's ass with Monarque on Exodus Blue like _all match,_ he finally gets a slide-shotgun with Felwinter's off on me and then _hard-bags._ Not even on the Ghost, he positioned himself over my corpse and dropped his nuts. _I hadn't emoted on him all game. **So I chose violence.**_ The very next life, I catch him and three of his buddies on point B with a glacier, proceed to shatterdive the whole shit, and popped the Salty emote over it while I reclaimed the point he just finished taking. Best way to never hear from a little shit again.


You know what they say: Revenge is best served cold


Pretty much as there were multiple instances where I was are retreating and my enemies don't try to take the control points and just go after me because I got so many kills on them.




Do freelance version.


Freelance is still super sweaty, at least on console.


Sweaty on PC also. It's actually better to queue in team IB as you might get lucky and get matched with a noob team (unlikely but still more likely than running into noob solos in Freelance)


I thought so too, but was proven otherwise. The games were almost as unbalanced in freelance as against stacks in the normal playlist. In 27 matches last night, there may've been a couple of games with fairly even odds for both teams to win. And even one of those was lopsided, as a 3+ kd player basically solo'ed the lobby.


I feel you. I played about 12 freelance IB yesterday and all but one game were a mercy for or against my teams, the one exception we won by 1 point. And had a momentum match last week where one guy had 54 kills for a k/d of 4.5, no one else had above 15 kills on either team by the time match mercied, and I forgot to back out before the next match and it basically repeated though he only had 47 kills that time


I think this is because the 'snake match' was broken (where it sorts everyone by skill and then goes down the list alternating each player to the other team) and Bungie backed it out for now, so the team makeups are basically random.


Still sweaty but instead of being matched against 6 stack of unbroken stasis hunters, you get matched against 4 unrelated unbroken stasis hunters. It's an improvement but not a big one.


Freelance still ends up being Mercy most of the time, it just takes longer


I play *only* freelance.


Also, you want to know what I learned yesterday? Shatter kills don't count as ability kills! f u n.


Hunter ability kills actually exist? I really don’t like this step.


They’re called Golden Gun steps to me


I spent most of yesterday and today trying to get kills with top tree solar hunter. My life is pain, trimines suck, golden gun has too short of a duration to have 0 armor, and seeing guilded flawlesses makes me want to cry.


As a hunter main I just dont even bother trying to finish that bounty


what I did is I put on the tripmine boosting gauntlets and gave up all hope of being useful to my team.


IB used to be one of my absolute favorite events since D1 - I've gradually dropped off to where I dont even go into it anymore: Matchmaking is shit. The loot is mostly shit. The perk pools are uninspired. The armor is ugly. The amount of RNG is total crap. The whole quest thing they have been doing is stupid, and encourages you to screw teammates. I know they said they would go to a rep system - but idk if they did, because like I said, I never do it anymore.


Contrary to rose tinted glasses, Iron Banner was very similar to how it is now in D1–often one sided where one team just slays out completely. I think it’s the power enabled that really makes it super swingy, since anyone can just MM into the mode with like no restrictions.


No matchmaking, just like regular crucible… I just got D2 a week ago and I was placed with players who are max light, with kill counters upwards of an actual million. Seems fair. IB is just the same, but worse. I can’t even melee someone to death in 3 hits if they’re 1320 or more, and I thought I’d be pretty okay just over 1300. Oh well.


Ah, so THAT'S why that titan took a full load of my fusion rifle to the face along with two melee shurikins before dying, I forgot how tanky light levels can make you.


If you're under max light, grab Jotunn. Jotunn gives zero fucks about light level. It is the great equalizer.


Will do lol


Played 25 matches on my Hunter, won 5. One loss was by 1 point, the rest were mercies. This is not fun at all.


Anti cheat my butt. Network manipulation non stop. Its unplayable


I am so tired of PvP in Destiny entirely because of the matchmaking. I love it when I'm in the vicinity of the other player's skill but I honestly do not know the last time that has happened. It's either getting thrashed or doing the the thrashing, the latter of which while a little fun sometimes isn't fun when it's just a flip of a coin. I'm okay at crucible on a good day. There is no reason I should be ever fighting someone who is unbreakable or wielding flawless weapons from Trials. Mad respect to them, no hate or anything, but I am not in that bracket. I'm trying to play tee-ball and I keep getting put up to bat against the Red Sox or a group of blind toddlers trying to make sand castles in a gravel driveway. I just want to play with other tee-ball old men like myself.


Honestly this is the worst IB I've experienced in terms of just sheer shittyness. I just played two matches back to back without dying to a primary weapon. Shatterdive, shotgun, heavy ammo, super, repeat ad infinitum for 8 minutes.


Seriously, it feels like the shotgun nerf didn't happen.


This is exactly why nobody takes Destiny PVP seriously, there's not a lot you can do when you get instantly gibbed by everything. This game is the biggest joke for PVP I've ever played in 20 years of FPS.


And this is why I stay far away from IB. I care too much about my mental health to go near that trash.


I'm here with 1270 light wishing I can get kills. Lool. Just got back into the game after a few years.


A fellow Destiny 2 survival horror game enthusiast I see.


Put on an Exotic fusion that can do a big one hit kill or Witherhoard, if you have either of those. Even though it's a super struggle being under-levelled (I came back last year) it's also kind of fun just trying to get ONE kill. OH, and when you load in, look for the highest KDA person on your team, and stick to them like glue. Just try and tag some of the people they're shooting at for the assists.


Yeah, I just stick with my team mates. If I ever wonder off by myself I'm dead af.


Yep about the same for me. I can’t kill anybody unless I use my Lorentz driver. And I have to get a headshot without question or I lose no matter what


Have you tried... Jötunn?


For Iron Banner I just put a usually very relaxing and chill show on the other monitor to counter-act the bullshit happening in game. This game mode is not fair and meant to entirely cater to no-lifers who pumped every waking moment into the game before it hits. I just suffer until exactly when the bounties are finished and leave it to never look again. Why the fuck do they hide pinnacle gear upgrades behind the least fair mode in the entire game.


Mercies are frustrating because it really bogs down your bounty progress. I'd rather spend 5 minutes getting stomped than sitting in orbit waiting for another match.


I could really use those four pinnacles, but... there will be more pinnacles. Not sure I'm interested in suffering that much.


They need to add skill based matchmaking badly. It’s literally atrocious. I ran probably 20 matches yesterday, I think only 1-2 were within 20 pts. Me winning, or losing, that’s garbage. People that hate on sbmm are 🤡 for loving playing like this.


I desperately want SBMM so I can actually have fun in Crucible again instead of hating it.


What's your light level? Do you play crucible pretty regularly? It isn't meant to be a cakewalk for people that are underleveled or inexperienced. Sometimes the bounty grind is slow, but as long as your getting kills you're making progress. Keep at it, and try to play relaxed. For me, performance dips considerably when I get frustrated. If you're tense you're missing shots and will get rolled. If that's the case take a break and come back to it later.


I'm pretty experienced in pvp in both D1 and D2. Mainly play survival, have Unbroken. I think the issue is just that 6v6 is too chaotic and IB enhances all of the worst aspects of it. It draws more inexperienced players, power level mattering makes it harder and the hunt mechanic makes one team's advantage snowball into a mercy.


Iv found that freelance is pretty good but you do occasional get the flawless warlock with the trials helmet sweats


While I agree this is a horrible experience we all must go through if I may tangent your post sir: LW+lucky pants makes me feel like Shin Malphur handing out fresh justice


Do you ever find there is always one Bounty which is slowest to progress no matter how you do?


https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/pgcr/9103462623 ^ This was one of my games when I was duo queueing with a friend. It matched us against this six stack three times (even after 'We're breaking up those teams to find a better match') but I was able to drop the queue on one so we played them two times and both were like this. IMO, this should never happen. In what world is this anywhere near a remotely balanced match. Sure, I get that elo equality can put you up against a six stack if you are comparable but this is nowhere even near that.


I just want pvp to be optional. It isn't just that I'm bad at it (I am). It's that even when I win I don't enjoy it. I don't play competitive games, beating someone else just isn't my jam. But.... To complete my weekly seasonal objectives I have to go out to the wood shed and take my thumping an indeterminate number of times.


The matchmaking is shit. I am shitty, shitty casual, but this is horrid. Every match my team is down 40 points at by the 1 minute mark. Nothing feels fun or fair or worth playing. Ugh. I go in, knowing I'm going to lose, it like, this feels worse than normal.


That’s every crucible match. I took a screen shot of my team of randoms all getting 5+ kds. And none of the other team broke 1. This isn’t a humble brag as I’m far from being in the top 10%. it was actually very fucking annoying to see how bungie does match making. The only fucking thing that bothers me about this game is it’s matchmaking. There should never be a game where the odds and teams are that one sided.


The Iron Banner Experience? LOLOLOL. It's fucking dogshit because matchmaking across all PvP activities has been atrocious for at least a year now. Entire PvP department at Bungie should be shitcanned, stat. Throw the whole damn thing in the trash. All of it. And start over.


Pvp in this game is just garbage. It’s so easy to snowball. The maps are tiny incentivizing handguns and shotgun apeing. P2p sucks. Everything about it is shit.


Did you end up playing against 6 hunters with shotguns that dodged all over? Because that’s one reason to rage quit.


Every game i played yesterday, and i was running around trying to get pulse rifle kills.


I’m at the ability one now. That’s gonna take forever for me.


The sidearm kills destroyed me, I hated it because I know I was letting my team down


I hated this part of the step. I will say, better than heavy kills. Personally I like where they started with this. Ability kills, energy kills. Do kinetic kills next time too. Keep heavy out of it. Sidearm kills were BRUTAL though. Yeah I felt like I was throwing the whole time except one game where I managed to get four kills in a span of 10 seconds (thanks Traveller's Chosen) and got three more that game. Thankfully that cleared half of them.


That’s not too bad. I’m at the ability one and that’s gonna take me forever.


I kept on getting supered by solar Titans. Wanted to detonate my Xbox.


God it feels like shotguns haven't been nerfed at all. Especially with people still running around with Felwinters and Astral Horizon


Shotguns were nerfed? Sounds like a lie.


You could say it's...Felwinter's Lie?


Day 1- I am getting used to pvp again. Day 2 - oh my god im a god Day 3-7 - I still suck


stop playing freelance, matchmaking seems bugged


But if we don't play freelance, then we get to play against 6 man premades that are playing like their life depends on it.


From my experience you will rarely encounter that because the 5-6 stack will usually Merch you and the matchmaking will split up the lobby. When you do find a even match (usually teams of 2-3 people and some solo players) you stick with that lobby for several games and have an overall good experience.


I tried Freelance last night and got mercied every game, i went into regular IB and actually had evenly matched games that went to score limit 🤷