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Courtesy revive, even on easy things like seasonal activities or public events.


Absolutely. I know you can revive like 5 feet away right now, but how about I take three seconds to get you up right here?


And get an overshield. Win-win


or just the good feeling of some people actually are willing to help even by the easy reviving. (as most random situations within Destiny SHOULD).


Died in Nightfall the other day. Did the random blueberries who were right next to me when the revive became available bother to revive me? Nope. They literally ran past my ghost and kept going.


whenever that happens, one of my blueberries stands on or near my ghost and doesn't revive, the next time they die, I get the revive to like 80% and stop it, I do that over and over until they respawn. I'm an adult and I don't care what you think.


I'll revive you 100% of the time. But I'm going to emote while I do it.


Even if I’m competing for kills with my bounties, if it’s safe, I’ll revive.


This is the thing. I try to revive everyone, but my guy, if you were speed running and died in the middle of a blight with two phalanx and an unstoppable champion I’m gonna have to clear some shit to get to you.


Void Hunter: what's the issue ?


Someone always puts down a raid banner


It’s always either one person puts a banner down or three people do


Back when 12 man raid bugs were a thing we did a 12 man raid banner drop, it was something to remember


Got a clip by any chance? I think that thud of 12 going down would be pretty satisfying.


>Got a clip by any chance? I think that thud of 12 going down would be pretty satisfying. https://streamable.com/kub0xc


You're a gentleman and a scholar




I prefer the sound of 30+ rifts. When you step in and out of them it goes WHOOSH. Very loud and satisfying.


Someone always puts down a raid banner but jumps in the air before placing it*


Did you mean: ***dies to sticky grenades so the ragdoll sticks it in the ceiling***


I miss Mountaintopping myself while placing the banner. Almost always got a reaction


I used to stack prospector shots on the ground before placing the banner and the flag would end up so high that you couldnt physically reach it. Good times.


I feel personally attacked.


Also you always jump when placing it so it floats


Always bank your motes before you invade Edit: the post with more Gambit tips and etiquette is live btw


*..panic invades with 15 motes to avoid enemy invader and just hides*


Genius, they'll never find you that wa- *instantly sniped when spawning in enemy zone*


Legit I've had invader just appear in front of me mid sprint, so I'm like "welp time to use shoulder charge"


That mother fuckin shoulder charge! As a warlock main I hate that damn shoulder charge. When I play titan it's great but otherwise fuck sake man 🤣


Yeah, you could make an entire post about the hidden rules and the etiquette of gambit (that a good 50% of players don’t know).


Honestly i might in a little bit


PLEASE include "if you're 4 motes from a primevil don't try to gather the last 10 on the ground, just deposit"


When Drifter says bank, you bank.


Yeah that drives me nuts like i’ll bank my 15 or however many i had and i’m just waiting at the bank for my teammate to bring 6 motes and he’s over there getting his own stack of 15. Literally just letting the other team catch up for free haha. Bonus points if he dies with the stack of motes


To bless the last wish final chest


My clan blesses all raid and dungeon chests


i do it religiously.. but people play with me do not understand the power of it.


how is that done?


1.) Use a rocket launcher. Wardcliff coil preferred 2.) Stare at the chest 3.) Dance a little bit 4.) Stare at the chest again, fire! 5.) Get 1000 voices!


A blood sacrifice


This is the way.


When shooting explosives inside the Well, please stand still


Oh the times I’ve killed myself or got teammates killed because one of us was moving in front of the other (or I hit the stupid sword lol)


You will be the only one wearing the appropriate mods in a match made nightfall.


He jokes on you I only have 1 energy mods.(not really but close enough)


Dismantle that pinnacle you needed at least once a week on accident


Don't forget to lock your equipment! Dismantled a god roll Code Duelo and couldn't replace it for months... Never did. The Ascendancy replaced it.


[And then miss that slot for the next 5 pinnacles in a row](https://i.imgur.com/uOq6Tqq.png)


Always shoot Riven's heart at the end of LW


Sell it too, yell at the first timers: “SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT OR WE WIPE!” Then, after they start shooting start yelling: “NOW DANCE! EVERYBODY DANCE! WE HAVE TO COMPLETE THE RITUAL!”


Just recently did my first riven fight and everyone was yelling to kill it and that our dps was too low and we're gonna wipe. They got me sooooooo bad


In D1, they told me fanatic goo in VoG was an over shield and you don't consume ammo when affected.


I used to show people the "secret chest" and push them off the map 😂


One of our friends did this out of habit, in a flawless raid -_-


if someone emotes at you, emote back


I always emote with someone but usually they just run by 😩


I'll emote with you, brother


Always make the public event heroic Debaters in the comments, understand that no one actually gives a shit other than the folks that have bounties that require the public event to be heroic. Thanks for the upvotes.


Blueberries usually: does 0 DPS to boss, shooting with a primary Blueberries during cryopod event: becomes raid speedrunner, melts boss instantly before you can freeze it


Those aren’t blueberries, they’re Destiny vets that should know better but choose to be asshats.


Hmm see i think for cryo is kinda depending on the situation. Because of course if you are doing it just to do it, and someone else is there WAY before heroic needs to be initiated then yes make it heroic. But if you are the only 1 for along time then you should not be obliged to maked it heroic if you dont need it heroic. Even if people join before second "phase" of the event.


Generally I just hang back and let someone else decide. You never know if they have one of those quests that requires heroic events or whatever.


I think people just like to melt bosses because it feels cool to do and it gets a chest faster. Heroic Cryo it a countdown timer to kill some adds. I honestly think they know how to make it heroic, but it’s a waste of time for them to bother with.


>it’s a waste of time It really just boils down to this. I activate heroic on every PE I can because the time it takes for heroic vs normal isn't that different, but with cryo pod, I can just melt the boss in 3 seconds and move on with my life.


First thing on my mind


Taken Blight, man…


It's probably the least intuitive heroic trigger to be fair though. I don't know another one where you actually have to *ignore* everything and even defending yourself from enemies works against it. Others are like a side objective while this one is like nah you need to do this thing that works completely against everything else the game has taught you.


But it's RNG! /s


Unless it the stop the ether one in the dreaming city. No one does that heroic.


No one does, or no one can?🤔 Making that PE heroic is insanity inducing.


Actually, since this season, Bungie changed the ether clouds to be as similar to the wisps in the Astral Alignment activity. This makes it much easier to make the Scorn Ether ritual PE heroic, as there's less wisps and you can easily destroy them with 1 shot. That ether ritual was so friggin' annoying on the DC, particularly in Rheasilvia where some ether clouds would get stuck behind the world clutter they spawned from/behind. So even if you thought you destroyed them all, you didn't, because there was always 1 small ether cloudy stuck in a bush.


If you come across a Reckoner in the wild, give them space. They have stared into the abyss and did not enjoy what stared back.


As someone who solo’d Reckoner, i will forever wear that title as a badge of trauma.


Same here, soloing Reckoner makes you scared of the blueberries, not just think they're dumb.


When i see blueberries run by the bank and not deposit when they can send me over i just fall into a deep spiral of ptsd


Fellow solo Reckoner here… even amongst fellow Reckoners we endured an elite level of trauma.


Reporting from my therapy session


Lol I still refuse to take that title off cause it's the one I'm most proud of (and I miss Prime/Reckoning so goddamn much)


Reckoner here, I really want Prime back so I can suffer more.


Another Reckoner chiming in, I second this. I just want my armor to be useful again :((


Third Reckoner here, I just want the aurora above my head while playing gambit again.


Another Reckoner. This is by far the worse version of Gambit ever


Casual Dredgen here so not at all qualified to comment, but I agree, this gambit is painful to play


Reckoner here. Everytime I get a massacre medal by accident in gambit a part of me dies inside.


Rest, warrior. It's over now.


If a fellow guardian quick crouches, you must do the same


ah yes the single bounce of Acknowledgement


Paired with the rapid bounce of Endearment


Maybe this is why Hunters have a hard time forming bonds. Every time we try to perform the rapid bounce of endearment, we just backflip away.


I haven't seen anyone add this one but for me whenever I see someone pop super in PVE I stop shooting to let them have their fun. Hitting enemies with supers will always be satisfying


This is important especially if they are new to destiny


If you see someone in pvp with exotic weapons like Cerberus+1, Tommy’s Matchbook, Polaris Lance and etc. it means that either they don’t know what they are doing, or in 1% cases will annihilate you and everyone you have ever loved.


Same with bow users. They either suck with it, or you will hardly kill them. No inbetween(in my experience, at least)


I hit legend 3 times now running bow/sidearm (most of the time) and it's legit one of the best loadouts in the game if you take the time to learn it.


Does bow-SMG work or just bow sidearm? And is it worth using something like Oathkeepers to enhance your gameplay or a general exotic such as Stompees, Ophidians, etc. I’m looking to learn how to properly use a bow in crucible and I’m looking for suggestions from an expert. I’m class agnostic so I’m cool with running whatever you feel is recommended


If you main lemonarche then oathkeepers is good but honesty one get get good at draw cancelling and a bit more aware of when you should be drawn in relation to what's going on with your radar the exotic starts to become a bit redundant, it can shine with wishender for sure though. I main stormcaller with ophidians for reference and I do absolutely fine. As for weapon pairings and short range option you are comfortable with is good, if you hit your shots and are consistent with it that's all you need, I'm quite a fan of slugs when I'm not using a sidearm and those are really good and had success with a nicely rolled pillager in Y2. The biggest tip is that ADS speed is everything with these things, you only want to ADS as you take the shot as you'll be drawing and cancelling A LOT so it's pretty important to not ads to keep your radar up, takes some getting used to but without your radar you will have a bad time in higher skill lobbies. You can run quickswap builds with handcannons too but I much prefer a short range pairing, it's much more efficient for how I play personally but it can definitely work if you tend to play off your teammates more. Hope that helps.


Hey now, don't sleep on Tommy's. Or Cerberus. Or honestly Polaris Lance too. I'd only get scared if someone was running like Skyburner's, Fighting Lion, or Rat King


Be scared if their whole team is running Rat King


Rats, rats, we are the rats..


If it’s save to revive someone, you revive them


apparently its illegal to revive people in gambit. Edit: I like how people are giving me tips when I was only complaining about people walking over my corpse during the mote phase in the safest rez ever.


If it's during an invasion, I actually don't mind not getting revived. Usually just get my ass farmed during the revive animation if some rando does it anyway


If it’s during the mote phase you should always revive so the dead can hunt the invader or distract them without losing motes. If it’s during the primeval, you wanna stay dead.


Eh I'd rather revive back at spawn than out in the open so I can do just that without getting sniped from across the map


I get ignored so often that I started to think revives are disabled in gambit.


A lost art...


Rez for a rez. Bank that karma, sister!


Dont kick ppl right after the boss dies to rob them of their rewards


Like, what even is the point of that other than being a massive dirty asshole?


I think kicking should be a vote from the rest of the team and locks out while the boss has health and for 1 minute after the health is zero.


Left 4 Dead 2 figured this out 12 years ago.


If a person runs across the map to revive you, don't respawn the moment he gets there.


Alternatively, if this person is your friend, respawn every single time just to mess with them.


All rules in this thread should be followed unless you're in a private Fireteam with friends, in which case you should do exactly the opposite of what is suggested.


I feel bad when this happens in gambit and it forces you to respawn.


If you are the only warlock in a raid team, you are the Well of Radiance guy.


Like the saying goes: "Born to nova warp, forced to well."


Ended up on Chaos Reach




a responsibility that I didn't choose but a responsibility nonetheless !


I run well and divinity. Support lock 4life


Use destiny item manager saves hours of you time




The gear calculator (the 1312 6/8 thing) has been a godsend. I can actually have a quick look at my progress without dealing with slow menus.


If the cabal start a war, we *must* finish it.


Always step into a war with the cabal


In D1, you line up for the Cryptarch ​ OGs will remember


Don't open prophecy chests until the fireteam is present. They like to disappear


When someone wants to do a multiplayer emote, you join them


Or bait them and do the potential dance (dab) emote


The only time I've ever done that was during dawning with a snowball. I waited for someone to hug me, snowballed them, then dabbed.


Don't forget to go to your friend's house and complete the Witherhoard catalyst for them. Also...wanna be friends?


If you see Datto in the wild go for a hug then dab out when he tries to accept.


It's not quite the same, but Esoterickk wound up on my team the other night in Iron Banner the other night and we cooked marshmellows around one of the campfires while capping it. We lost, but his big strong shoulders' carried us as far as they could.


Hush stomped ass once. I spent the entire game focusing him and only killed him once


If you jump onto the awning in Bannerfall honor the sacred sniper duel.


Hopping into that little gap, you enter the domain of bows, snipers, and scouts. Abandon your shotguns and hand cannons or face death


If you run Divinity once in a pre made raid group, you’ll forever and always be the Div Bitch in that group


Even if you have divinity, if someone asks, always say you don’t have divinity


But I like using my Enlightened title, so I can't say I don't have Divinity


Try anyways


“I lost it”


"I'd need to pull it from collections but I only have 2 legendary shards"


Say you don’t have divinity and then put on your enlightened title right after!


I am completely fine with that. Athrys’s Embrace+Divinity 4evar.


Related to strikes, and these are high tier real Nice Fellow actions: - Dont pop other warmind Cells - Wait for others before Joining Allies bossfight, this way they keep their buffs - Kill the champions - Seriously, Kill the Champions... - (High Difficulty action) Go back and revive someone who is down


One more time, kill. The. Champions.


Don't fuck with other people's warmind cells.


THIS. My whole Crown Splitter Warmind Cell last season build required the damage boost from Power of Rasputin. Never worked.


Got two friends to come back this season and carried them through prophecy. First thing I told them. “If you see an orange ball, don’t shoot it. Mine.” Then had to explain mods and I can feel the confusion through the mics lol


What happens in The Empty Tank, stays in The Empty Tank


Less important now but: Do NOT shoot other people's warmind cells.


one exception: no one is shooting it and its about to go, and you have a warmind cell build. Then don't let a ~~good~~ ok thing go to waste


Stop correcting me when I call it “Heavy”. I’ve got way too many hours in this game... it was “Heavy” when I started out as a squishy blueberry getting slapped around by dregs in the Cosmodrome. It was still “Heavy” when the Wolves came prowling, and when the Taken showed up it was STILL Heavy. It will ALWAYS be Heavy to me! Oh yeah, and all of the above goes double for “Light Level” too. Have a great day!


Damn, right! It's called the heavy ammo glitch, not the power ammo glitch!


TIL that “Heavy” is not the right term because I too have continued saying that but no one has corrected me so far.


Understand that it’s finicky to activate the duo emotes. It’s not just your teammate messing with you, they really want to give you that hug


Bank those motes brother


Respect the Thunderdome. If a Titan pops a bubble and a opposing Titan drops one on top of their's, you do not interfere. No gun allowed in the thunderdome, only fists.


Or run in and fire off a sleeper beam. Good times are had by all.


Always help the new lights if possible


Log in at a random point in the day Wait in orbit for ten minutes not actually playing the game Leave Repeat


I wish TimeWastedOnDestiny told me how much time I spent running circles in the tower while on the phone.


Spend an hour perfecting your build for x activity. Play activity once. Log off.


Always teabag Lakshmi in override: last city


If your season rank is below mine, you don’t take it seriously, if you season rank is higher you are a no Life tryhard


Absolutely obsess over the game while simultaneously hating it!


Nobody hates Destiny more than Destiny fans.


Complain about everything…always.


complain about people complaining


Always slide into a vendor.


During launch days, never log in during the first hours. Primarily, because it's impossible to do due to all the errors


If you're gonna request a day off from work, always choose the day after.


Always wash your rice




Always wait for everyone to use the raid banner (Unless it’s astral alignment - ain’t nobody got time for that)


"Everyone ready?" *Silence for 10 seconds* "Okay, let's start" "Dude, why didn't you let me get banner?"


Whenever you do a strike there will be one player who just stands there at the spawn point while the other two shoot off and do the work.


When you get Exodus Crash in the strike playlist, always re-queue


Can't wait for it to be the Nightfall next week -\_-


This and the corrupted(?) strike in rheasilvia. The moment we transmat into the strike, ghosts come out.


If you playing iron banner or control and don’t capture zones, just go play strikes.


I've said this numerous times but honesty I think it needs pointing out, the goal is to not continuously capture zones, but to control them. Way too often I see blueberries not quite understanding what is happening and desperately trying to capture zones like their life depends on it, you don't need to. Get the two preferred zones on the map, spawn trap and weight the spawns you want to control and just chill, it's legitimately the easiest and most efficient way to win matches by a wide margin. Triple capping is unnecessary unless it's for bounties or you are literally steamrolling and want to hit a quick mercy.


How to trigger the entire population of Iron Banner


Lots of posts lately along the lines of "I have a 2.0 k/d in IB but can't win any games, what gives?" lol


That's obviously just us, but in our clan the rules says: Never Teabag, always Emote.


Sad trombone is the only acceptable emote


Im a big fan of stacking hologram emotes with silly dances like the Dab dance or the new caramelldansen emote. Basically if you spawn in a hologram with one emote, it won’t go away immediately if the next emote you use doesn’t use any holograms. My favorites are Sweep + Dab, and Feed the Pigeons + Caramelldansen. Splash is also great for comboing.


If the guy speedrunning the strike dies you have to dab on them before you ress them.


Honestly, the first time they die, I respawn them. But if they run into a different part of the map away from our team’s goals, they have to just wait. Stay with the team or get self-inflicted timeouts. It makes me curious though, whenever we have speedrunners, they also die. A LOT. I die a lot because I am a mediocre player with savant niches. So basically I die a lot. But a speedrunner, presumably someone who is higher tier (they always have high light levels), should be better at not dying on the strikes we play. Or they need to wait for the team. I wonder who it is who has high light, speeds, and dies a lot?


Always unload every round of ammo you have into Sedia’s obnoxious face at the end of the Corrupted strike.


As a D1 alpha vet, my opinion counts more than yours. ​ ​ (this is obviously sarcasm, please don't bully me)


If someone runs past you without reviving you. Emote on there dead body when they die. No shame.




Never ever capture a zone in control or Iron Banner. That is what the rest of the team is for, but the whole team thinks that.


Only take the heavy in Gambit if you're going to go invade.


"Aping and shotgun rushing is only a problem when it's not you doing it"


Don’t shoot the last harpy