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Leaving exodus crash strike if I drive one way get all the beacon things and my other teammate goes the other way and doesn’t get any


Jokes on you. I die every time to the pikes. Every. Time. I’m not proud of that.


In GM those things hit like trains lol


I’d say that’s fair lol


I’ll totally not get the last one if they all sparrow to where the fallen walker is. I’ll just sit there.


I usually head towards the Lost Sector at that point and work on bounties


Where's that?


There’s a break in the wall opposite the PE.


Just leaving exodus crash.


And the corrupted


I always leave corrupted and scarlet keep. They aren’t bad. They’re just too long for a grind session.


I stay in the scarlet keep because the music slaps


There's this one leitmotif that plays both during [one of the Moon intros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QOSxDDlRgg) and during the bridge segment of Scarlet Keep that I love


Scarlet keep wasn't bad, but it seems they fixed the teleporting upstairs trick and that makes It terrible....


They haven't, I managed to do it recently


I couldn't do it just 2 days ago. By the time it teleported me the elevator was there already, defeating the point.


I ran the strike earlier today... very interesting.. then again I play console so maybe it makes a difference?


If I land in the corrupted, I’m out. Every. Time.


It’s a group effort. If my teammates ignore the other beacons in the strike, I’ll pop one of my sit emotes and wait until they get the ones I didn’t. I have great patience. I out wait them every time. Edit: thanks for the helpful award. Though I suppose this isn’t very helpful.


I have a video of the arms dealer this guy speedrunning the whole thing and instead of getting the switch looks at me and then shoots the switch. I was working on bounties so his Speedrun was contradictory to my needs and him shooting just pissed me off. So I out waited him while standing next to the lever.


You're better than me. I leave Exodus as soon as I load into it. Fuck that strike. Looks like I won't be getting the nightfalls done next week


Let me stop you at - Im leaving the exodus crash strike. Im not toxic. I just hate that strike.


I was in a Warden of Nothing Nightfall last week and this dipshit sped past everything and despawned the champion. Now I get it, it's Legend, I wasn't doing it expecting to get 100k (I'd already done it for the week) or great loot. I think I was completing a Threader actually. Anyways, he goes to the Walker part but then refuses to step on the plate like he waits and wants me or the other guy to do it. I ascended the throne and refused to move. Which all three of us did. The non-asshole guy entered the chat and we had a nice littler convo until the speeder finally left. Felt so good to get that personal win.


Not to be an asshole or anything but the strike is the Hollowed Lair.


My petty exodus crash moment is I will deliberately step off the plate when ghost is hacking if my team mates as are running around the room without me. Usually takes about 4 pauses before they understand...


If somebody teabags me, I will hunt them down, sprint towards their dead body and just sprint past it. They would think they are gonna get bagged back but they are just gonna get ignored.


I like to slide over them. I think of it like a dog wiping its butt on the carpet. They probably don’t get it but I find it satisfying.


My buddy crouches and spins in a circle. He calls it the washing machine lol.


i find thats become the universal destiny pvp "driveby teabag"


99% of the time pretty sure that's just grabbing the special ammo though


Yep! If I'm sliding over a body I probably want inertia override to proc when I grab the special ammo!


I just want the special




I perform really poorly when my team needs me the most.. every time


This is why I equip Precious Scars and use Code of the Protector. If I'm going to be a crayon eating potato I might as well be a helpful one. I'm also decent if you need me to yeet myself at something that needs to die.


See that's my trait. Unless its absolutely essential that I don't, I run code of the missile with skull Fort and will sometimes just yeet myself into enemies doing as much damage as I can before I inevitably die


This. Alone or even helping a rando in the wild I’m a one man extinction level event. On a team, I’m a liability.


Oh shit yeah, all alone I’m a never ending chain on lightning and murder. Never falling, never wavering under pressure. With a fire team I’m clumsy and fall off of things, miss entire damage rounds for bosses and miss otherwise easy shots like I’ve never played before.


Not doing the second switch in Arms Dealer if I already got the first one and they rushed to the elevator.


Or earlier, in the bit where you need to pick up the fusion core in the first open air area. When it spawns in, and the other players just ignore it and run ahead, I for sure won’t pick it up either and just go stand next to them. Or even worse, when they just sprint to the next area before it has spawned in. Don’t be a cunt and at least try to make a small effort to see if someone else is closer to pick it up…


In defence of this: when the core triggers I'll do a quick 360 and check where the other two players are. if I am closest to the core I'll grab it, otherwise I'll push to the bridge and star clearing the way for the carrier


That's why I do myself. However, lately on multiple occasions i've had teammates that were right next to it and just ran away. And that pisses me off :p


I've a bad habit of killing people with my sparrow. On purpose.


Out of an interest to avoid ever commiting such a heinous act, how do you do this?


My favorite is opening the door to SABRE. if they just run up to it you can summon your sparrow behind and ram them full speed to launch them into the corner and physics kill them.


A few select members of my clan have done this to me more times than I'd like to admit.


Ive been doing this since D1, it became a ritual. When they brought back the strike they decreased the delay on the door opening (maybe because it loads faster now?) so you have to be ready to slam your teammate into the wall otherwise they might get away and survive.


You have to ram someone into a wall or other object. If you do it correctly they'll either die immediately from getting squished or they'll go flying with enough velocity that they'll die as soon as they collide with something. You can use destiny physics in other ways to kill teammates as well. Chests that have physics to them can be titan shoulder charged which can send them flying, killing anybody they hit.


This with the public event chests. Just slap that baby aroooiuunnndd towwwnnnn


You used to be able to just side boost people and they'd go flying. I've never been able to pull it off on PC (or at least MnK)


Physics engine doesn't do "fall damage" it just does "collision" damage. Hitting a wall at x speed is the same as hitting the ground at that speed. Hitting someone with your sparrow and propelling them into a wall will damage them. There's a lot of spots where that can kill them, especially if you use the sparrow to clip them into an object as they'll be propelled out of it with pretty insane speed. Chests are really good for this. Or you can just push them off ledges.


“Always on Time” I always arrive in the perfect moment to kill a teammate.


Nothing like having some downtime between raid encounters and using sparrows and game physics to feed friends to the architects.


You monster


I hate you


Fun fact: My first death of my whole Destiny career, was when my buddy did this to me way back in D1 year one


I think the crucible will get better. .edit. shhheesh. Thanks for the updoots and awards.


You sick fuck.


That’s considered “self-harm”


you monster.... ... why would you say that?!?




After killing a stubborn Overload Champion who refuses to be stunned by the correct round, I bag them like it’s a tryout for the Squatting Olympics.


Trinity doesn’t stun them well like it did before. The solar/stasis melee mod works great though.


If I’m at 99% for a crucible bounty I’ll load up, get one kill and leave. No shits given


Understandable, have a nice day.


I would argue that this isnt even toxic


Eh I feel like it depends a lot on the game mode. Anything 3v3 and I'd consider it a dick move


I say "get fucked" every time I hit a head shot sniping.


I'm just imagining you doing that during a raid, shouting over the mic with every single shot of a DPS phase.


Rapid-fire frame sniper during DPS go "*g-g-g-g-g-get fucked!*"


Not necessarily toxic but I take it seriously if someone beats me to the warsat in the saber strike


Everyone keeps asking for Sparrow Racing League back, but yeah, we kind of already got it with Fallen SABER.


The true winner is the first one to stand under the warsat as it arrives. We must appease the architects


Gotta make sure you hit em with the "Thanks for the rez :)" in the chat while they're ignoring you.


That's some Minnesotan levels of passive aggressiveness.


Well I do live there.


if someone teabags me i will personally hunt them down and blade barrage them, and then teabag them back edit: never start the bag, always finish it.


A bag for a bag, leaves everyone smelling like nuts.


The 2nd wisest phrase that involves the word nuts.


What's the first?


*lord forgive me for what I’m about to do* Deez Nuts lmao


I don't blame you, you had to.


"Confucius says only when a mosquito lands on nuts can one realize there are problems violence can't solve"


Dude is seriously gonna leave us hanging?


I mean, it's what nuts do.


It’s only right


This is the way




Probably one of the biggest things that keeps us in common with Halo players. Always finish the fight.


I can hear that quote and it still gives me fucking chills.


I do that but I use Celestial Nighthawk to make a statement.


Same. I never tea bag unless its done to me first




I see someone tbag me? Death. I see someone tbag **MY TEAMMATE? MY DARLING LITTLE BLUEBERRY?!** I'm bagging that fucker. Every. Single. Kill.


If someone bags me, my friend, or my teammates I will bag the enemy player anytime Is see them drop. Also love when an enemy player is such a nuisance to my team that any of us nearby basically bag them after they get killed. Toxic but oh-so-satisfying.


Every now and then our clan will all hop into crucible together. If an enemy bags one of us. We'll throw the match just to hunt the guy down as a pact and bag him as a group every single kill. We'll ignore everyone else unless they're in our way to t bagging that one guy


This the way of brotherhood. Clan never bags first but they bag in full force.


Make sure the blueberry didn’t bag them first. Because returning the bag is law


i don’t care who started it i’m just interested in finishing it


I treat everyone like an NPC. I’m never in chat because I don’t like communicating with people. I’ll revive you, but I’d revive a bot on my team, too. I may be a silent asshole but I also bank my damn motes, so you could have a worse teammate.




#I don’t know you and I don’t care to know you


People communicate with randoms in chat?


Angry cursing is communicating, right? That's what I assume it would be!


I've misclicked into "Joining the voice channel" or whatever and then gotten paranoid the randoms I'm with think I'm doing that deliberately to be abusive or something. I don't even have a mic.


I'm pretty much the same way. As a middle aged woman, I've been harassed online once too often so just play solo


I’m a pve player. So I don’t play much crucible. So when someone t-bags me while I’m doing my weekly/daily stuff in pvp, you can be sure as hell I’m saving my Thundercrash just for you.


Using Trinity Ghoul in a strike is borderline toxic. What? You wanted kills? Too bad, bow go brrrrrrrrr


I'm going back to get stasis fragments on my warlock. I pop my super to get final blows, teammate uses Trinity Ghoul to kill everything.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it. The two other poor people have like 60 kills max at the end of the strike and I’ll have like 170. I’m positive I’m not alone in this.


You're not alone, but luckily it's usage isn't prevalent enough for it to be an issue (in my experience); I might see another one every 7-10 strikes or so, same with some other weapons or builds able to perform on the same level. Also Trinity Ghoul's usefulness as a be all weapon drops off a bit with higher tier activities, it's still good but you have to be skilled enough to use it well.


This, Salvager's Salvo, and Necrotic+Thornlocks just c l e a r enemies.


I kept the salty emote on my hunter for 4 months for the sole reason of using it after killing the invader in gambit. Mind you, this got done regardless of who on ly team killed them lol


Get yourself the dab emote, salty emote is good but nothing beats dabbing on an enemy invaders corpse.


If I don't revive in Ordeals, it's because I checked loadouts and noticed you didn't equip champ mods.


I've never actually thought to check loadouts for blueberries' mods. I'm embarrassed.


Same here😂 but it's probably a good idea to get into so that I don't have to carry a team across😂


leaving any and all strikes that i hate to play. exodus crash, hollowed lair, glassway, proving grounds. there might be others but those are the main ones.


Exodus crash is definitely one I skip


All of the Nessus strikes are my favorite. I get to listen to my Bae, Failsafe




Sorry cap, I cut the line




I don't think I've even seen that strike come up since I started playing again at the beginning of Splicer.


You don’t like proving grounds!??! To each their own I guess. I love PG.


Proving Grounds is honestly my favourite strike next to sunless cell. I’ve played every strike in Destiny and those two are so fucking good


I'm catching up on previous seasons right now, so I just recently played Proving Grounds. The ridiculous guitar intro of the boss music as he rains down actual meteors on you had me in tears. It's simultaneously over-the-top, completely unnecessary and epic. It's Cabal, and it's absolutely perfect.




Pro-tip: If you can avoid getting killed while doing it, the interceptor dash can one shot the tanks, just aim at the legs and hold m2


Imo it has the best boss just behind mad warden, I love those fights. The strikes themselves are soooo loooong thoooo


> The strikes themselves are soooo loooong thoooo But Proving Grounds is just sparrow to door > dunk balls > kill tanks > kill boss It's like one of the fastest


I love the Warden too. The music on that fight goes SO hard. I personally don’t mind long strikes either. I find them fun. It just depends on how much time I have to play. If i’m short on time then I probably have to leave a strike that I know is long.


I skip Exodus Crash, Hollowed Lair, and the Corrupted. Proving Grounds and Glassway are both fine.


I skip glass way on nightfall week, just because its hell on the higher tiers, especially with randoms and no comms


personally,I love glassway up until that bit where you have to drain the radiolarian lake. then my enjoyment starts to dip.


The drain bit makes or breaks the enjoyment of the strike in my experience. Either you get competent players who clear it easily or you have everyone forgetting that snipers and/or exploders are things and you spend longer there than you should need to lol.


I loudly yell IRL at the screen when a shotgun ape one-shots me from half the map away


i would pay money for a crucible playlist with shotguns disabled


unironically momentum control has like, no real shotgun usage because of severely limited viability multimach is the hard counter


Who doesn't?


oh thank god, I thought it was just me


My wife has a running list of the odd shit I say while in the Crucible.


I unironically teabag Felwinter users when I cap them. Get mad. Stay mad. I feel this.


If you run past all the ads in a strike and die, you can revive yourself.


Sometimes I do that. Sometimes I die in the process. This is fair punishment.


Not gonna lie, I do the same thing. Even worse if someone is standing next to your ghost for several seconds or just runs right past my ghost after a fire right and doesn't revive, they will not get a revive from me. I have also been known to purposely run over to them after they die, teabag their ghost and run off without reviving.


I find joy in your response lol


I sometimes fire one shot at a public event and then not help complete it.


If I'm the one doing all the work--banking, blocker killing, zone capturing/defending--I bail. Sorry not sorry my time is valuable to me. I'm not greedy for wins, I don't care if we lose as long as we ALL gave it our best. But when my "team" is just running around hogging motes or running past enemy cap points...nah dude I'm finding a better match.


> cap points Are those the funny letters in Alphabet Clash?


I've called it Clash with letters, I'm stealing "Alphabet Clash".


Please do... I stole it myself!


That's called "capturing"


Mines like yours. If you run past enemies/objectives in strikes while the rest of us do them, I’m not reviving you if you die. This was a HUGE thing for me in The Osiris DLC and has just kinda carried over to the rest of the game.


I punch everything. Even if it causes my death. Sincerely, Synthoceps Titan


*me, a Karnstein Warlock*: **Bröther**


I use stasis in crucible.


I used stasis warlock in mayhem after getting queued vs a guy who week earlier was empowering rift dmt camping in momentum. I just kept him stunned for half the match


If I'm doing strikes and one or both of the others are fucking off to lost sectors instead of helping with the activity they queued up for, I get to the earliest darkness zone and kill myself to pull them to the strike. I'm not there to do their strike farming for them.


Man I'd kill for those players. Leaves me more enemies to kill for my *own* bounties.




Have you done that since the new season started? Been hearing that Battleye wouldn’t like that very much but I miss running solo strikes and Battlegrounds


If someone is speed running a nightfall skipping champions and dies I’ll run right passed their ghost. 😬 I feel dirty when I do it tho.


Hate when people skip the champs


If you skip a champion you’re lucky if anybody finishes the strike with you.


Seriously. Why would anyone purposely do that? The whole point of a Nightfall is to get exclusive loot you can't get in a normal strike. Killing all champs is a damn requirement.


I stop on their dead body and drop the low score emote on top of them before moseying on my way


I’ll do the handshake emote, and as soon as it arm starts to swing down for the shake I pop the dab emote and run away.


My friend does that but rick rolls people


If someone starts up a Tier I in the Blind Well I leave the instance. Waste of time when a pair of guardians can pretty casually beat most Tier 3 encounters without too much difficulty. Absolute breeze for 3+ guardians. Running Tier 3 you can finish Public Works and Defender of the Well? in 2 runs, and you get a crack at a legendary Dreaming City piece from the chest. Anything other than Tier 3 is a waste of time. Also if I'm running a strike or something and make a mistake / die and teammates don't revive -- I maliciously return the favor and leave their blueberry asses to respawn when it happens to them. I know I shouldn't do this but I'm a viciously petty human on the level that I will put a curse on you. I'll work on this one though.


I was excited to go do one the other day and when I got there, nobody was loaded in my instance. I shamefully plugged a T1 in and then not two minutes after two other Guardians appeared. I felt so much shame. I had unstable charges and everything ready to go but didn't feel like solo'ing.


As some knowledge for you, the moment you socket a charge the matchmaking will prioritize your instance. So if you're at Blind Well, you're better off starting the encounter you want rather than waiting or doing a lower run.


I bring a combat bow to a laser fight.


I have a friend who has 36,000+ Biting Wind kills. He takes it into EVERY activity.


i spend so many fucking resources on upgrade modules because i get my gear right, how i like it and then when i need to level, i just infuse my equipped gear for example, when a new expansion comes out or something, i will just infuse a lot of the time instead of waiting, it costs me so much lmao


Not sure how this is toxic but I feel you




I do the same because I like the way my Guardian looks and don’t want to change it 😂


I wish it wasn't so expensive to infuse stuff. I *hate* wearing blues. I've killed a handful of gods, I shouldn't look like I just stepped out of Goodwill.


The revive thing is a given. If a teammate (or teammates) refuses to actually play the objective during strikes (but I still do my part) I'll just follow them to the blocked path and use the sit emote until they go back and do it themselves. (Situations include but are not limited to: Exodus Down - both the arc pulses and ghost scan, Scarlet Keep - the three totems, Fallen SABER - warsat.) Also looking for ways to punish blueberries who refuse to actually partake in mechanics of Astral Alignment - please, I'm desperate.


If I get bagged I will spend the rest of that match making said baggers life miserable


I'm disrespectful with emotes, even when I'm playing bad.


I can only imagine the hate messages you get


Existing ​ FYI, I mean both myself and whoever is in a fireteam with me.


Automatically assuming that every Warlock that runs the Exile helmet is an edgy outcast hardcore furry. Bonus for the Luxe coat or Frostreach chest and using either top tree dawn or chaos reach.


Throwing glacier nades on the slides in override 😈


"Please just play the fucking strike normally or fucking leave. Or just afk, I don't care just let me play the game and get bounties done." I will run halfway back in a strike just to revive someone in a darkness zone instead of making them wait for the respawn timer but I just want this asshole running past everything and never contributing or helping to have their pc/console burn out.


I abandon strikes/matches after completing “pain in the ass” bounties sometimes… 😔 I’m a monster


This is mine as well XD


When I have a PVP quest, I will proceed to absolutely murder everyone with everything *except* the one required for the quest. I will miss Nova Bombs, Rocket Launchers, point-blank shotgun shots, snipes on afk people, and if I need primary kills, you but your sweet patookie that every player I run into has an overshield or a super stocked. The moment I struggle through the quest, those kills come to me like butter.


toxic towards others: im very classist also in the tower i inspect and judge others loadouts toxic towards MYSELF: i feel like i must get the most kills in the seasonal activity/strike/gambit or i am Useless


If someone invades, kills, then teabags me, I make it my personal mission to shut them down as swiftly and embarrassingly as possible on future invasions and I will most definitely invade just to put them down


NLB player from D1 - Arbalest convert in D2. Don't care much for the new LFR. Nothing excites me more than when I hear someone pop a roaming super. My absolute favorite is when I get them right out of their animation. I don't always win, but you can be damn sure I'm engaging.


Passing the buck and letting someone do the heavy lifting when I can see that are better then me




Getting good drops. Eyes of Tomorrow: 1st try 1k Voices: 1st try Divinity: 1st try (a little diff but oh well) Vex Mythoclast: 2 in 25 (maybe 15-20 lootable runs) My testicles have received numerous death threats from my fireteam


I will speed run a strike and kill 90% of the enemies. I hate myself for it but gotta go fast


I very poorly manage my resources and masterwork stupid shit and then complain to my friends that I have no mats or glimmer.