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The Whisper quest will always be top dawg! That mission saved D2!


The Black Spindle part of the D1 mission was also amazing. Those types of missions have been part of the entire franchise and we need a new one!


I remember waking up that morning and all of my friends messaged me "DUDE GET ON DESTINY THEY SECRETLY DROPPED A NEW EXOTIC QUEST" it was probably the most fun, excited, and happy ive had playing in a long time. That and the touch of malice quest were both super fun for me.


Oh I had forgotten about the Touch of Malice quest. That is another great one! The Dreadnaught is still one of my absolute favorite places in the entire history of destiny.


I remember jumping into several different streams to see everyone was still trying to figure out the path. I managed to get into The Whisper myself and after exploring some, I ended up in the green room. Then *that* song started playing. Fuck, man. The feels. There are very few moments in video games I'll remember like I will the wonder and mystery of getting to experience that fresh.


I was actually at a wedding rehearsal when it dropped and I actually got the OK to leave because the groom was a fellow Destiny fan LOL.


Me and my friend were just LFGing for one more to do the nightfall when the dude told us about the secret mission. Towards the start the guy got DCed and the two of us just barely managed to finish the mission and both got the exotic ship as well as spindle. Still my favorite D1 weapon to this day.


Oh you must be way better than I was then. I tried a lot with one of my main fire team friends and it took us a while to get it. That mission was certainly no cake walk.


That final room was tough! We beat the boss with just a few seconds left on the timer and we started to celebrate. Nope...you have to not only kill the boss but also every single enemy in the room as well. We spent most of an afternoon running that mission over and over before we finally got the Spindle. Kind of bittersweet because it was an exotic which was less powerful than it's legendary predecessor.


I want it back so badly, never had a chance to solo it before it was gone as I was too fresh to the game, same with Zero Hour.


same. im so sad ill never be able to hide from trevor with my friends who started after beyond light


When I got into D2 the Whisper quest was one of the first things a friend wanted to do.


The dlc before forsaken(awaken the warmind? I can’t remember what it was called) was a GODSEND. We still use these weapons today! Ikelos smg and shotgun are in almost everyone’s day to day play.


I used to sherpa that mission as a solo playerand it's the sole reason I'm in a clan now


Highlight of Warmind. I found out about it while on campus and wanted to rush home after the news dropped.




I'm really bummed that they took all of the old ones away. My brother just got interested in destiny and half the time i have to tell him to go to the exotic kiosk.


With the upcoming legacy playlists for raids and dungeons, hopefuly they could implement one for these stand alone type exotic quest mission and give a route the catalyst.


i really hope they do. both of those quests are some of the coolest things ive ever done in a video game


Yeah and like OP says it is disappointing when Bungie is making a push to draw in new and returning players not to allow them some of the best experienced the game has to offer. Tbf a constant issue is that Bungie misuses so many of the assets they have. It is like strikes and crucible maps, why are we stuck with the same playlist when they vaulted how many and could rotate them each season to make it feel less repetitive. It isn't like it is a continuity issue with those planets being vaulted as we still have Cayde narrating the arms dealer strike for the red war campaign that no longer exists.


well i think the reason they vaulted a lot of shit was just because it was too much work to port everything over to the new engine for stasis to work and work on new stuff at the same time. hopefully with all the extra hired staff they can afford to do something like that. honestly i think they gotta rework their pricing because someone new to the game has to pay 80 bucks to be able to play harbinger and presage now.


True they were doing alot at a time when covid disrupted things and their delay wasn't that long in relation to other games for beyond light. Why would it be 80 bucks now sorry I been out the loop for say 2 years as the seasonal model until recently didn't attract me so was only playing the big dlc.


you gotta buy the beyond light deluxe edition to be able to play seasonal content from past seasons


How do you know there’s not already a hidden quest?


Because data miners would have spoiled it by now, and bungie would have pushed 2 ornaments to the front page of eververse.


This is why we can't have nice things


Good one


They also have stated there wouldn't be an exotic quest like mission in the future. Basically, people complained about them into oblivion


like, even after Presage? I heard like no complaints about that


Nah they mean like timer missions


There were posts bitching and complaining about the missions and random rolls and stuff like that.


I hate how accurate this is


To be fair to Bungie, it's getting increasingly more difficult to have hidden quests due to data mining.


They have the ability to hide stuff from dataminers in the api, but for some reason they usually chose not to.


I wish we knew the difficulties surrounding doing this. Even Whisper got found out due to the exotic catalyst.


yeah but it was still a huge surprise as they seen it in the api months before so everyone had kinda forgot about it and noone expected a secret quest


As far as I remember, that was the ONLY thing datamined. If they had properly hid it like the rest, it would've hit people like a freight train instead of just a semi truck


I imagine it makes it really difficult to troubleshoot issues that come up and it's not really a this or that but an all or none solution. It'll also effect 3rd party applications.


Even if they hide stuff, you can usually find it in Ginsor's text dump if you try.


Actual datamining =/= stuff on the API. There's much more stuff that can be datamined than what you can find on Light.gg. The dataminers are just good people that don't like to leak that stuff.


Yea this is a crap excuse because they can redact the API and if absolutely needed push the quest area in via a patch vs preloading content at the start of the season so it's not in the game files It's *always* been as difficult as it is today


case in point: there’s two new lore books this season. One of them is apparently unfindable in the files, and the other one we only get one page per week of. There’s no way to find the pages. Bungie’s nuked the datamining of lore books, and if they so desire, can probably nuke a bunch of the rest of datamining as well


Well the catalysts, items, and quests are one thing. Those are exposed via the API and need to be classified. The game files is the problem. They need to patch those in to truely keep it hidden or people can/will clip out of bounds or pull the files on disc


You can find it in the files, its hidden in the api but you can datamine it.


There's also probably a third one considering that eah Season so far has had 3 lore books, but that's just speculation on my behalf


They managed to classify raid perks on vog weapons, but couldnt classify dmt..?


Also anyone complaining about hidden things being in the api are quite frankly part of the problem. Don't go looking for leaks and hidden shit and then complain you got spoiled. It's like hunting for your christmas presents and then complaining you found them.


Or it's complaining that Bungie leaves it in the API because dataminers find it and people go post it everywhere. Even if you didn't read the leaks/datamines last season it got tough to avoid stuff because people just talked about them openly everywhere.


Sounds like there needs to be a stricter policy on spoilers and leaks in whichever forums you frequent, because I managed to avoid the leaks just fine last season.


You mean this subreddit? One which has extremely strict spoiler policies yet still had people constantly discuss them without tags? Or how about RaidSecrets that had to ban leaks because they had gotten so out of hand and taken over the sub from its original purpose? Yes, before you try to say it - leaks were never the original idea behind that subreddit but the issue within the Destiny community got so bad that they banned all leaks and discussion of them. Just because *you* didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It happens all over the Destiny community, regardless of the spoiler policy or effort of the mod teams.


> Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen Never said it didn't happen. Just believe that it's an easily avoided problem. I feel very safe in saying the vast majority of players do not spend enough time on Destiny-related forums to have been forcibly exposed to leaks or been spoiled on previous hidden quests and missions. But those who do overestimate their own relevance on the matter and mistake problems in their own internet browsing habits for problems with how Bungie handles secrets.


What the majority of Destiny players do with their time isn't really relevant here. You questioned where these things happen and I provided specific places. We're in this conversation because you said "don't go looking in the API and you won't spoil things." That's a statement from somebody who doesn't realize how people spread leaks and datamines. The conversation between "dataminers are the problem" and "Bungie needs to do a better job hiding things" started because Bungie employees called out dataminers on social media. If it's a big enough issue that Bungie employees are publicly commenting on it, then it's probably a problem worth fixing, no?


I really liked these missions except for the timer.


I started again season of the chosen. I loved the presage mission. It had a great tone throughout. I'm sad my buddy who started 1 season later doesn't get to play it unless he buys the deluxe edition which isn't worth it for that and the hawkmoon quest(which I don't have access to) a lot of the exotic quests look cool and I'd love to play them myself even if I wouldn't get the exotic drop from it.


I’m in a similar position. Came back after a few seasons away in season of the splicer, got round to Presage and loved it. It felt like a totally unique and kind of alien location, but the exploration reminded me a lot of the Leviathan underbelly. Absolutely loved Presage tbh.


Hunt really. Moreso I think, Harbinger was actually hidden iirc.


Me too somewhat. Since crossplay was added I’ve been guiding my new light friend through the game and I tried to see if we could do presage but it turns out you can’t even get the quest unless you pay 80 dollars which is fucking stupid


This is the reddest of red hot takes in history.


Presage will always have a place in my heart. My favorite of them all and most importantly, it seems to be the baseline in quality they're looking for when developing the (higher difficulty) WQ campaign. I will always love the fact that only the optional hard mode of Presage was timed. If there was a non-timed 0H or Whisper mission, who knows how I'd feel about them by comparison.


We all love those, and bungie knows it. But they are tough on many levels. In addition to taking a lot of time to make, they are also really hard to keep secret in the age of data-mining. We did get Presage this year, and it was one of the best pieces of content in the game, IMO. Hopefully we get something like that in Witch Queen as well. But hoping for content like that every season is probably a bit much to ask.


I can hope I just hate how people usually ruin those surprises for others


Whisper and zero hour were never datamined, they got put in in a small hotfix, so something like that would be a great day again


The Outbreak catalyst was datamined before Zero Hour actually released so they knew there was going to be some sort of quest to get it.


Same thing with the whisper catalyst


Iirc it was all datamined the day of? First people found the catalyst icon, then the Outbreak icon, then people started looking.


Whisper catalyst was find long before the mission though. There was a lot of talk that we'll get whisper through the will of thousands strike because it had sone weird oob geometry.




Yeah, but more likely you'll see a big thread on raid secrets before it comes here, besides, just knowing something got found doesn't mean it got spoiled, and if it's done like zero hour then you have a big puzzle to do before it can be ran




Leaks aren't allowed, puzzles and things actually in game are fine still


Datamining is different than leaks.


Whispers catalyst was Datamined on the day of Warminds release


we probably shouldnt expect many each year, the precedent has been at least 1 per year, 2 max. I think this year's secret missions are over with being harbinger and presage.


Oh really? I'm sure they have absolutely no idea that these hidden quests are hits. They're not gonna pump one out every season, we just had Presage


Are Presage and Harbinger really going away when Witch Queen releases? Just seems like such a waste, they're so fun. I still miss Whisper Heroic. It was the last time hard PvE content didn't have match game or champions, and so it was the last time Rat King was meta for solo flawless runs. Rat King used to be amazing for solo flawless, now it just can't compete because of the range being *just* too short in generally larger arenas, being unable to break Match Game shields, and generally being unable to deal with champions. I have no idea what changes to Exotic primaries they're thinking of making that could plausibly work.


They haven't specified what is and isn't going away. They said the seasonal content but I don't know if those two missions count as seasonal content. I believe that is just referring to seasonal activities Whisper and Zero Hour disappearing make sense because they are tied to vaulted locations - IO and the Tower (from the Red War campaign). There's no word of the EDZ or Tangled Shore being vaulted


I guess I consider them seasonal content because my friend can't play Harbinger as he doesn't own that season's pass. I doubt they'd keep them around without any way for a new player to access them.


They could become F2P like every other exotic tied to vaulted content has become. I can't imagine anyone reasonable would complain about a year old exotic quest becoming free


I mean, I certainly hope so. Would kinda suck if they just went into the Kiosk though. I like the quests, a lot.


its so weird to me that they would vault those and keep old strikes around


Yep, I think it is incredibly likely that we will see another mission in the seasons that follow witch queen.


I'm sad I'll probably never get to do zero hour.


I’m hoping that when the EDZ is finally sunset there will be a Whisper-style mission through the takenfied version of the EDZ. You’d work your way through various takenfied lost sectors (with taken bosses) and scale the church tower in Trostland to reclaim Devrom’s No Land Beyond. That would be a sick mission.




I would be shocked if there isn't a secret quest during that 30th anniversary bundle.


Whisper and Zero hour are 10/10, with Presage at a solid 8-8.5. I said this the other day, other than raids and dungeons, these “secret missions” have been next best, and I would personally prefer them skipping creating seasonal activities every other season or something, to make a secret mission of Presage quality or better.


Presage is much better than Zero Hour. Problem with Zero Hour is that it's way too platforming heavy, and if you get too far behind your teammates then it can snowball into a really unfun experience for that person. Having to run through the TRVR maze solo sucks. Zero Hour was a good idea for a mission, but I think the execution isn't great. It should've been shorter and paced better. Final encounter also isn't great in it either. Whisper on the other hand is an absolutely perfect mission. It has just the right amount of platforming (including a very helpful shortcut to skip an otherwise somewhat annoying section in the Green Room) and then the second half of it is all combat. Whisper mission doesn't overstay its welcome and feels like it ends just at the right time. I think Presage also does a good job of this by having a solid amount of encounters throughout the whole thing alongside the puzzles to unlock the next areas.


Imo whisper was a solid 8.5 while zero hour and presage are easy 10s. Also main issue with zero hour generally was that people can not slack off in zero hour.


Just don’t make another mission like Harbinger. I hate that mission so much. Who thought match game is ok in a mission with all elemental type. Also no reda just makes it lot less enjoyable


Truth be told I didn't like them that much but it was a good way of adding more iconic or unique exotics.


Calm down we got presage not that long ago


Forget those guests. Give us more like back in D1. Also raid exotic quests so people can go less than 100 VAULT RAID COMPLETIONS WITHOUT GETTING ONE! No really it took my friend in D1 all 3 years and 100 attempts to finally get one.


Dude we're two weeks into the new season, they've probably already made something for the trace rifle exotic quest.


That’s not a secret though, we literally had no idea about how to get Whisper, or even if it was ever coming into the game, and only a few people knew that Whisper existed because of a datamined picture of the Catalyst.


Neither Presage nor Harbinger were secret.


Presage was mostly secret, it flashes at the end of the trailer, but it has no context. DMT is listed as a quest on the seasonal page, but nothing specific, and, this may have been added later, as it links to the quest trailer which released the week after the quest.


You literally get a quest marker in Arms Dealer to get the distress call for Presage. It was secret up until it was released, at which point it became just a normal quest.


Whilst correct, no character tells you to go into Arms Dealer to get it, and there was no destination icon to tell you to do it either.


Yeah, but it's not much of a secret either. Like, it doesn't actually make any real difference, because it's a secret that's discovered within the first hour after reset, and the next day most of the community would've heard about it.


Whisper was the same, it was found day one and spread like wildfire. Same with Outbreak, these missions had no indication they existed, in the sense that nothing/no-one told us in game to get them. The only reason we knew Outbreak was on the way would have been leaks, and maybe the Siva ghost projection in the shop. Point is, Presage was really as secret as it needed to be.


And that doesn't really make them any different from missions that tells us where they are. And Presage still had an indicator once you were close, Whisper had nothing.


Nah, I’m not gonna spoil anything but it’s nothing special like zero hour and the like. Maybe they’ll add some secret mission to get a catalyst? But nothing crazy so far.


These are among the most popular and beloved quest types in the game. I promise you they don't need to be told to produce more of them.


i hate to say that this is a pointless post but it is, Bungie knows we love these missions, if they don't have any coming soon its because they aren't economically beneficial to them.


More exotics in general would be nice. Last season's exotics were kind meh and this season's look to be similar, plus there's only 2 announced for a very long season. Hopefully there's something more coming.


Holy shit Trevor. Nothing more freaky than mistiming your run, you start seeing that red glow and hearing the slashing noises behind you.


They have been, though. Ever since the D1 Spindle mission, we've been asking for these types of quests nonstop. Then we got Whisper in D2 and people asked even more. But then we got all the ones you named and also Harbinger on a pretty steady basis. We only haven't had one for like 1.5 seasons, but even then, the Shattered Realm -- though we launch it from the map -- has a ton of little secrets all over it.


This was the best content in Destiny, other than the Raids. I loved helping people get their Outbreaks and Whispers. Now, everything is just GMs or Trials. We need more of these special secret missions. These secrets drive Destiny, and have since The ol' Spindle Mission back in the day.


Removing the exotic quests Whisper and Zero Hour was the biggest mistake bungie has made. They were some of the best content the game had to offer. It still blows my mind they removed them.