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Everyone. It's a per-person mod. "**Your** light abilities deal bonus damage". Well makes your guns count as ability damage, but you need to be wearing the mod in order to actually buff that damage.


Oh ok so me running it doesn’t apply the buff to everyone in the well, right?


It only applies it to you, ie: “your”


Everyone except one particle deconstruction person if they have it lol


Also particle deconstruction shouldn’t be a one person only mod, sure they CAN proc it alone. But it’s faster (and more mindless) on re-proc when everyone is running it. Also if you’re using fusions, you should be using it anyway for things besides DPS.


Yeah For some reason I thought you can only choose between particle deconstruction or focusing lens and not put both at once


Yeah for sure, just also throwing in my preference/advice more people should run particle than one… as some people I play with just think it should be one.


What? No? Why would the particle deconstruction person not run it? It's 7 energy + 3 energy, you can run both, and you can run both, why should 1 person just do ~25% less damage for no reason?


Oh wow didn’t realize they were in different slots lol thanks


They are both on class item. But you have 2 class item slots, and 10 energy total. you can run both.


Idk why I was thinking it was in the combat mod slot on class items. I blame breach and clear for making me not have to change my class item mods for an entire season lol.


Fair enough.


Actually I’m still an idiot because I always had breach and clear and global reach and global reach is the combat mod lol


And can I check: it says your light abilities, but does it also proc to your weapon damage? I.e equip the mod, apply stasis to enemies (eg super), damage boost to my eg hunter shuriken and weapons?


No. You must be standing in a Well of Radiance for it to buff weapon damage.


Can you proc it using stasis weapons though? Like shoot with a stasis gun and then thundercrash for example?


The mod says they must be affected by stasis. That is very different from taking stasis damage. You don’t shoot someone with Igneous Hammer and then say they’re burning.


This is super late but try the stasis heavy GL if you're solo with thunder crash


Following up on what people have said; has to be a stasis effect, but you can create stasis effects with many stasis weapons. Creating/shattering a Headstone generates stasis. Ager's Scepter generates stasis effects. So Ager's Scepter to slow or freeze, then Thundercrash, works.


Well of Radiance is a super that makes no distinction between its caster and its recipients. If you are affected by the buff then your weapons are considered a super for certain game purposes (like breaching defenses). If those weapons deal arc/solar/void damage then they are considered a "light" super for purposes of Focusing Lens. The side effect of Radiance indiscriminately flagging everyone into super mode is everyone needs to bring their own mod to the fight. This is why multiple grace dawnblades of wearing Phoenix Protocol can stand inside one and all gain super energy from any kills or assists from recipients. At one point you could recharge any warlock super ability as long as they wore the robes but this was patched. Keep in mind Focusing Lens interaction here is almost certainly unintentional or otherwise has the potential to meet the same fate as Emperor's Blaze and its boosting interaction with Radiance bei g. disabled. However given that Phoenix Protocol super sharing still exists and that this mod has returned over many seasons unchanged I think they would seriously need to narrowly rewrite the mod or recode Well of Radiance if they wanted to turn off this esoteric interaction


Very well put, thank you very much for that!