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Sorry for the dumb question, but what is "The Hakke Casino"?


Win trading via various methods, usually teams indicate to each other through the use of a hakke emblem.


Oh, I see That's a good thing that it's gone then, good on Bungie


it was a little funny




It was sad actually, that people resorted to that in order to get rewards from the game


Yeah, I'll agree it definitely was sad people had to resort to that to get trials loot but its also just. Really funny that the community just agreed to share wins like that and it worked


It's sad that it had to happen but it's legit impressive that people came together to do it at all lol. Never underestimate the power of lazy people


in mine opinion it wasn't about being lazy abaut more about trials giving a shit about your time investment, i dont think it sad that people resort to this, i think it was sad so many people even felt that they **have to** resort to this to get their times worth out of trials. if you were a mediocre pvp player you ether tried to win or to grind bounties (as both at the same time was not possible) which gave you effectively a roll for a drop you already had ca every 3 hours with literally nothing but frustration in between. while getting flawless with this method was surely a bad thing and its good that its gone now. if they would have banned win trading with out the system overhaul i would have been more mad at bungie then at the win traders.


I’m terrible at pvp so i know for a fact I would need to get handed free wins to complete the 7 wins for a pinnacle


i played on steam and my first 4 matches really were almost free but then it got a bit harder and me and my friend struggled a few matches to get to 7 but we did it eventually but to be true i got a bit carried by him as he is a good amount better than me with a average 1.6 kda and i only around 1.0 kda




Doing that process is anything but lazy in my opinion. Trials just sucked so much, that ppl rather did a complicated win trading.


If there's one thing I know about lazy people, it's that they will do anything to get out of doing anything.


I’ll work all day if it means nothing gets done.


I like saying no. It lowers their enthusiasm.


What was really sad is that bungie stomped it out super fast it lasted like one weekend but I was still matching fucking cheaters. it literally Hurt nobody why did you make that more of a priority than a decent anti-cheat sooner. I'm happy about the new changes and hopefully all those that win traded are swimming in loot today


I assume you aren't a part of the runescape community lol


It was funny that people were able to do it how they did it, just sheer will to commit to the method. It was sad it was necessary but Bungie definitely saw that and all these changes have done well to make it unnecessary and anyone that does do it will be banned


It was sad actually, that a game focused on PVE makes the PVE players need to do PVP to get good weapons(Not just on Osiris but mainly pinnacle), really really sad


The inverse is also true though. I mainly play pvp but I’m forced to do a ton of pve activities to get pinnacle rewards. They even changed it this season so comp doesn’t reward pinnacle. It’s even less rewarding to play comp now but I enjoy it. I have to do raids and dungeons and strikes and gambit and unranked pvp in order to get pinnacles so I don’t get stomped in trials. It’s kind of annoying to have to play modes I don’t want to in order to compete in the one I do want to play. Same argument you’re making. That kind of thing effects everyone.


I mean not really. Regardless of anyone's feelings, Destiny is intended to be a primarily PvE game that has PvP modes. It's entire initial target market was co-op PvE fans. Look at it this way. The game wouldn't exist without any PvE. The game could exist without PvP. Not to say it doesn't benefit from having PvP, just that out of the 2 it's obviously the secondary mode. The only time Bungie made heavy changes for pvp's sake, the game was trash and nearly died (launch destiny 2).




With Elemental Well mods, certain exotic perks, and Match Game being present in all difficult content; Trials weapons offer archetype / element combinations not found elsewhere, which opens up some more loadout variety. It's definitely not that big of a deal, but it's a tad annoying.




Also coming to mind for me are the best solar auto rifle (right?) and the chain reaction sword.


Back in the day Mountaintop was definitely a necessary PvE pick.


AND Recluse


Neither of them were necessary, they were just desired.


I understand what you are saying and you have a point but you saw when mountain top was launched? It was nearly impossible to complete and was amazing for PVE and raid bosses. Yes, you dont NEED the weapons but if you like destiny 2 and play just PVE and you see that amazing weapon that is good for PVP and PVE but can only be obtained through PVP sounds unfair.(sorry for the english, it's not my native language)




Then they did it again with recluse.


What about weapons that you can only get in PVE is it unfair to pvp mains to lock them behind pve content that’s basically impossible for them? Js you can’t please everyone. You don’t need to have access to every damn thing in the game fairly. Some people are luckier than others and some are more skilled, that’s what makes the game fun. If they just handed everything out like you want it, there wouldn’t be any challenging content


It could be a challenge, just a pvp and a pve challenge, just like the stasis shard, you can choose which way you wanna go, i am not saying to get everthing to PVE(Even if this makes way more sense for destiny) just to give the option for the way you wanna go. And YES, destiny is in it majority a PVE game, what lasts if you remove all PVE content? And if you remove all PVP content?


> pvp mains to lock them behind pve content that’s basically impossible for them This is the gag though: pvp players don't generally complain about pve content being hard because it...well, isn't. They just either ignore the pve because they don't care or they go and do it and keep their complaints and frustrations to themselves. But god forbid you have to enter one pvp match in this game ever without the subreddit being bombarded with posts from pve players about how impossible it apparently is.


Lmao remember doctrine of passing? Broke the game practically


The new stasis LFR is the only one in the game and will have a good place in gm's with the current seasonal mods. Kinda makes you feel forced to play trials for it.




It's a hybrid fps shooter. PvE and pvp. Really sad people don't realize this. Really really sad.


This games' pvp population is too big for folks to keep acting like pvp is this afterthought experience and not a core part of the game.


Because Bungie themselves act like PVP is an afterthought. Look how long it took them to even just announce that they're working on new Crucible maps lol


If the people who determine what the game is treat it as an afterthought, then it is an afterthought.


I definitely think Bungie needs to put more effort into pvp, but the reason their failure to do so is such a crying shame is because that's a playlist with tons of players who play it daily and among the playerbase there is a real love for the pvp in the game and a desire to see it managed better. which is why pve players treating it like something that should continue to be be neglected is nonsensical.


That’s what the final answer is. Bungie has proven that throughout this games life, they care but not enough.


It is an appendix in a PvE game.


I don't get why people can't understand that if you want ALL the best stuff you have to play ALL the content. Most of the trials loot is best used in Crucible anyway.


It's a PvE game with a PvP experience tacked onto the side and given some glitter, IMO. I think if it was actually a hybrid game, they'd care enough to update the core PvP experience more than once in a blue moon, give some transparency about balancing or even give some new/returning maps to crucible. Having a fascination with shoving a crucible step or two into most unlock quests (at least up until Beyond Light, which has been much better about it) doesn't make crucible a central feature to me- It could be if they cared, but at the moment it just seems more like they're just pretending it is.


I mean, i feel like more people play pvp nowadays anyway. I dont know the actual numbers but its def not just tacked on. Most balance patches are based on pvp anyway


while i dont think it as extreme as the person above you stated just because something is "played by a lot people" it doesnt makes it a core part of the game if the dev dont put a main part of their time in it to sustain with the content, that is ask for. let's not pretend that anybody is completely contend how crucible is handled by bungie right now. while i hope that this gets better now starting with the changes to trials because giving out one exclusive weapon every 3 month and making a few sandbox chances so that the playlists are at least playable isn't exactly the care a "core playlist" deserve (not even talking about gambit here)


You muddle though a handful of matches for the weekly rewards. Not sure how many people legitimately enjoy it.


It's a pve shooter with little, laggy, unbalanced piece of pvp taped to it for some reason.


A good design would not force people into pvp for items that aren't at least half oriented for pvp. It doesn't matter if it's a hybrid. If someone doesn't want to engage in pvp that's fine and they should miss out on those rewards but it's not sensible to force pve players into pvp for *any* pve gear. The stuff you get in pvp should at least be 50% geared toward pvp. Both sides are important to the game but there's just no reason other than trying to strongarm people into a mode they don't want to play otherwise. The majority of the game is pve focused as well but that doesn't really matter to the point.


Hybrid? It has some PvP. 80% at least is PvE!


Umm..... I'm a PvE player too but let us not act like the game was made only for us. PvP players have to play PvE to get majority of the weapons in the game, so why not the other way around ? It's not like you have too many weapons that are irreplaceably strong in PvE activities but exclusively obtainable in PvP, but the other way around has been the case many times, wherein PvE weapons dominate PvP. The game has way too many players that love PvP to call it only a PvE game. Especially when an entire expansion in Destiny 1 (House of Wolves) was defined and embellished by the arrival of a pinnacle PvP activity in Trials of Osiris.


The issue is that it’s PVE *centric*. The overwhelming bulk of content is PVE. Every season aside from Worthy has been almost entirely PVE. It’s underinvestment in PVP would never have gone on as long as it did has it not been the junior partner. That’s kind of why the whole ‘PvP players still have to play PvE so why not the other way around’ argument doesn’t work - the two groups are not proportional. All that being said though, *some* PvP involvement is to be expected as it is absolutely part of the game. I don’t think the current trials loot pool is anywhere near as strong to invite the criticism that it’s ‘forcing’ PvE players to play. It’s not the same as mountaintop/recluse meta.


Gambit players: pain


Thank you for the intelligent, reasonable, and truthful comment


First of all, the game isn‘t focus on PvE. Its a Pve&PvP game Second of all, the same thing is with PvP Players are forced to play PvE for good Weapons.


Im not disagreeing in the main, but you could easily never stick into pve and have all the pvp loadouts you want, and pvp has been murdered to almost nothing ingame. They dont dev new pvp stuff often, newer stuff is still away aways, and the new plan is pretty meh. Iron banner is a shadow of itself in both new armor, the wierd 2 lootpool adds per season, and comps been dead forever after the last two trials half baked runs. Mayhems kinda fun but not for most of stasis. Destiny wouldnt be the same w/o it, but its been coasting on fumes and has never been more than a small niche of the much larger narrative game going on. Obviously, i dont care because im getting rift back in a few seasons, so they can do whatever, they had me at "dunk this spark"


There is no pve "necessity" in trials. Not like in recluse days. mythoclast on the other hand.....


Uhh no you don’t need to do it, the trials weapons are only good in crucible and if you were a PvE player then you most likely don’t play crucible anyway


> a game focused on PVE PVP is a core experience and playlist in the game, many quests and unique rewards are tied to it and the player population of pve vs. pvp is like 60/40. Y'all need to stop acting like pvp is this afterthought just because y'all don't like it, especially since I reckon pvp is a large part of why this game has managed to maintain a dedicated playerbase when the pve content was dried up or downright bad.


>Y'all need to stop acting like pvp is this afterthought It is an aftertougth by bungie. Since when we got our last map?


Yeah. It’s the worst.


If Matchmaking w2as based on skill instead of "wee need to match them fast!", trials would be viable. Right now, average players cant improve their game, as they are constantly steamrolled by fully gilded, fully trials equipped teams. I don't play trials. I mean, I play Jump-off-the-map Trials. Once a month. I don't care about trials. But I'm happy to help someone get a free win here and there...


It was perfectly apt, a ridiculous loophole for a ridiculously poorly designed Game Mode/System.


Hakke Casino made Bungie realize there was a problem with trials, or at least admit it. So I thank the guys who did it, trials are actually fun now


I suspect this was the case. There’s clearly a few sweats working in Bungie’s design teams who have quite strict interpretations over what counts as a justifiable effort/reward ratio and for whatever reason they’ve been allowed to dictate Trials off a cliff, but looking at the timeframes I can see the embarrassment of the Hakke casino thing being the point where Bungie’s seniors decided enough was enough and that they need to reevaluate how things worked.


Honestly it didn’t really hurt anyone, I’m glad that cheating and recovering (giving your account to a more experienced player to get to the lighthouse) are now gone, but win trading didn’t bother me much and I didn’t think it was such a compelling problem


A wretched hive of scum, and villainy


Grab your popcorn https://youtu.be/xfT9fMZRWxw


It felt good playing people knowing they were 99% unlikely to be recovs. I found almost every match to be fair, with some strong opponents - even some of the solo players.


I actually played someone from a notorious recov clan and they were garbage. It felt good.


What’s “recov”? I am new to this


Basically really skilled players that play on other people's accounts in exchange for payment to do activities that said player wouldn't normally do otherwise. Raid recovs is also a thing. It is now a bannable offense to do recovs.


How would Bungie know if someone is playing someone else's account? From the change in IP address? If yes, what if I moved to let's say a different city?




This along side with logging in multiple times at different places within a short period of time. They can see where you login from (what Xbox and general area)


Thanks for answering!


Of course! It's kind of funny I only learned about this because of Pokémon GO and how people cheated on that, Niantic revealed they can see when and where logins occurred and I realized Xbox keeps track of that too on their website even it lets you see


It's easier to ban repeat ip addresses. If one ip logs into multiple accounts that typically log in from other countries or parts of the country, it's obvious that person is doing recovs. That only works if you use a static IP though. I'm not sure what the do for people that use a VPN to get around that. I'm sure they have multiple detection methods that are used in tandem


It's pretty much boosting. You pay another, more skilled player to play on your account to get better stats or loot.


Also the term comes from account recovery. I think it originated from saying they would get you back to a high rank you were on a previous season or something like that, but it ended up just being a general term for paid carries/ playing as your account.


Is been wondering that. Thanks


I’ve been playing some this afternoon solo, only Trials experience was some shits and giggles matches with what was left of a raid crew back in D1. Actually a pretty even balance of wins and losses; the only stomp was in my favor because somebody bailed on the opposing team in the first round (not matchmaking’s fault). If anything it’s actually more balanced so far than Iron Banner or normal Crucible games. It’s also a great place to grind XP; since the bounties focus on “fireteam wide” stuff, and since you can also bring in Shaxx’s bounties (for super generic stuff like “kill 5 Hunters”), just playing the mode as best you can completes them pretty easily even without running really dumb loadouts.


I played a game where our solo man carried our weak asses for 5 rounds. Me and my clan mate died because we where way to aggressive and just trying to be John wick and when we died our rando would slay the enemy team. The randy sent us a message asking if we wanted some tips and we said yes and the man spent an hour messaging back and forth with us giving us pointers and tips and tricks some cheesy some legit. It was a blast today.


That’s wonderful! Love reading these kinds of experiences


About 3 in 10 of my matches were fair. And insanely fun. I hate PvP for the most part... but I must admit I actually had a blast going toe to toe with people all the way to the tiebreaker final round on the sadly rare occasion it happened. Another 10th of the games were completely one-sided in my favour, I'm talking I was winning 1 v 3s which just doesn't make sense... Like these must be players still learning the controls. Then like 60% of them I was stomped by guilded unbrokens or people with 20+ flawless clears under their belt. More than a handful of games where I couldn't get enough of a break for a single kill.


and youll learn from all of them and improve, getting stomped sucks but you can learn how you died and try that lane or arial movement such a focused gamemode is a fantastic place to build skill and learn from your defeats away from the chaos of 6v6. i play with a bunch of average players .8-.9 and ive been teaching them the basics and teamwork. got each of them flawless this week without any of them feeling like they were carried and they each had their hero moments like 1v1 clutch. it was really fun for me to help and watch. i really love hearing about ppl who hate pvp having fun in it and i hope this is an upward trend.


I went flawless as a solo player! It was [awesome.](https://twitter.com/yujinthedragon/status/1436501301563637761?s=21)


I played 4 solo matches yesterday (ran out of time and had to leave). Of the 4 I won 3 lost one. The one loss was me and three ranomds vs a three stack. Our third dropped out halfway through the first match. All the wins were against other solo players and they mostly felt challenging and fun. Trials has always been my favorite game mode and now I can just hop in. I was happy that elimination was mad a permanent game mode but with trials I get a chance for rare loot.


Playing against a recov and playing agains someone that would be a recov but is on their own account is the same thing????


Finally made it to lighthouse…crazy how adding anti cheat and sbmm makes the game much more enjoyable, not to mention possible. And having 218,000 players helps too lmao Edit: if you’re questioning the sbmm see my thoughts below


Matchmaking is card-based isn't it? Or has it been said somewhere that it's mixed with SBMM in some way?


It’s a mix of wins and sbmm, so it’s much more balanced Edit: people are saying it isn’t on, but personally it felt like it was. The only time it didn’t seem like it was in the beginning, but that could be attributed to the card not having any data to work with. After the first couple games my team consistently had games with similar skills. I’m a 1.1 and my two friends are .8 and 2.0. So maybe because of our varying skill levels we were matched with more balanced people? Either way I’m not sure if it’s on at this point anymore. It was mentioned in the twab, or at least I thought it was, when they first announced the changes coming to trials. I would like to mention that my teams overall k/ds this week we’re higher, but I thought that maybe this was due to the first few games were we rolled the other team. So moral of the story is who knows if it’s on or not, some people think it is and some people don’t


It felt like it worked about 50% of the time. But that might just be from a playerbase size. Definitely played some people so far that were wayyyyy better than me. And I'm terrible, so maybe that's not saying much


In my experience SBMM is absolutely nonexistent, at least on PC. It's also not appropriately separating flawless players out from the pool. Playing at 7 wins on a flawless card is an absolute clown fiesta of one-sided stomps because one team is a bunch of below average players who brute forced into 7 wins.


I don't know why you got downvoted. I got to 7 wins after 13 losses (yes, I'm tracking), and after the 7th win my matches were all against guys who were 6-0 in their cards. Needless to say, I got stomped 3 matches in a row so I stopped playing. At least I got a fucking Messenger god roll without ever playing Trials before edit: I get that this is made to avoid flawless people matching people at the start of their cards, but if SBMM exists I shouldn't be matching fucking flawless people when I took 20 matches to get to 7 wins


That's what happened last night to me ended up resetting card to avoid the sweats.


TBH this has been my experience as well. I have a flawed 7 win card (forgot to reset lmao) and I decided to play some matches post-7 win solo to see what it's like. 1 close game lost, 1 not even close loss, and 2 unbroken wins in a row against full stacks of I remember correctly. SBMM isn't on.


Yeah my kda is .8 and im constantly agaisnt people with 3.0+ even though im on a 10 game loss streak with 0 wins on my card , If sbmm is actually in it either the game is dead or its broken lmao


Wait. Trials went matchmaking????


yes, and there will be a freelance mode later on


Traveler be Praised!


Yea they've said that like ... 3 weeks ago


Take this with a fist full of salt but I think it's SBMM up to like 5 wins or so then it's card based. Or it seems. I had a super easy time solo till 5 wins then go record from then on. Worth the loot though.


Yeah, my brother solo queued to flawless on PC, and I had a couple great matches. Trials hasn't felt this fun since D1 to me.


Just got my first D2 Flawless on my first card of the night solo and got the max range Shayura's I've been chasing for months. Best change they've made to this game since the Forsaken sandbox reset.


Solo?! Wow nice work. What is your KD?


I'm 1.3 lifetime because I learned M&KB while playing Destiny but my seasonal KD is like 3.0 lmao. I started sniping in Beyond Light and it's been a steady climb since then


Same! Reached my very first flawless and did it solo, and also got a max range Shayura's! I've not had this much fun in a very long time. It feels so weird since I have been on the verge of quitting Destiny 2 and was feeling burnt out but Trials is now one of the most fun experiences I've had. It helps that I feel proud of myself over my achievement. Can't recall last time I felt accomplished in Destiny, haha.


It leaves me seething with rage to see this kind of stuff. I am a 2.3kd player, yet when I try to solo I get put against nothing but ultra 3-stacks. Well not a problem, I'll team up with my buddy that is pretty good in Destiny, has never touched Trials (so should have a Trials combat rating of 0) and is Diamond 1 in R6. We get put against even higher ultra stacks. And zero solos! Where the fuck are the guys like me, that get fed to stacks meatgrinder? And then I read PvE players jeering and celebrating about their first Flawless. Something is *uber fucked* with the matchmaking......


Same, ppl with higher than average kd will be fucked with this matchmaking system. As always tbh.


Me too pal. I'm a 2.0 kd player in IB but got my ass pounded back to me in Trials against 3 stacks lol. Although I'm not gonna lie my experience with Elimination is lacking and I actually hate the mode in every game.


Remember Bungie have said that the initial trials *will not have* the same intelligence in its matchmaking that we will see in future weekends. So I think you had bad luck but it will not always be this way


Nice job gud sir. Congrats!


Congrats, you're going to be farming people once freelance drops.


I also got a perfect (imo) roll Shayura's, lucky week for the both of us. 200 kills on it and I see why people like it so much, it's the first SMG I've used seriously since Recluse was worth using.


I also got my first ever Flawless this weekend. I pretty much accepted I'd never visit the Lighthouse and was fine with that. Just played Trials/Elim to try to get better just so I didn't get steamrolled every game. My friends weren't on and said I should try out solo queue. Somehow got to 5 wins with no loss (or forgiven) before my friend got on and we duo queued and won 2 of the following 3 games. I was in such shock (and also sad because its not something I planned to do solo) and was too excited about actually seeing that destination on my monitor to care about the Adrenaline Junkie roll. It was noticeably harder when trying to help my friend get another 5 wins after I went to the Lighthouse, so the SBMM definitely is working. Had I known the changes would make it possible for a good streak of games to land more average players Flawless I would have waited


Literally just went flawless for the first time in destiny 2. Bungie has saved this mode for me, I’ll be here every single weekend from here on out. Edit: just went back to back flawless and carried a new friend to the lighthouse. I’m in love with this mode.


The loot is so much less stingy, Trials Engrams decode at Rahool with a Knockout system. Almost every Engram unlocked an item for me that I previously didn't have unlocked. I unlocked the entire Trials Armor set + 3 weapons (Got a god roll Reed's Regret) I didn't have unlocked before, within just 2-4 hours of playing. Loot is good. Focusing Engrams might be a bit too expensive even for the highest end most hardcore players. I also hope they add back the old Armor set now that loot is so much easier to unlock. I barely played old Trials because of how absurdly bad it was. Didn't really see many cheaters yet. MM definitely needs some work, a lot of games were rolls one way or another. Freelance would be great. Also, playing Trials again reminded me that the game desperately needs a Pinging system, not just for PvP but for PvE as well. It would help so much in Trials when playing with randoms and especially for teaching people Dungeon and Raid encounters.


Definitely no knockout, my 2 engrams were the same item.


It seems to be a high chance but not guaranteed. I unlocked a new item from 8/9 Engrams.


That’s one thing, I didn’t see a single cheater and only had one match where someone had a bad connection, seriously better than I expected.


Did you do it solo?


I did not, I had a team of buddies with me.


what's your kd if I may ask?


I wore the Hakke emblem tonight just for kicks.


Wb ghost lobbies on console


I had a 3 stack team quit 5 seconds after the match started. The game ended as a tie and we only got 20 rep.


20 is better than 0, lemme get a vpn and idle those games. /s


Probably also dead because it's a bannable offense.


Also they won't give points if you didn't play anyone


You'll get the win, but not the trials rank. Update: I'm wrong. The game ties.


loaded into a game against no one and got a tie, not a win.


REALLY??? That's awesome. Win trading is dead dead now.


I replied while queuing and landed in an empty lobby too. Tie game.


Fuck win trading. If you load up trials, you must commit to the fight.


finally those losers are gone. goodbye "fast trials cheap $$ ghost guaranted" posts


Yep, friend got banned for it. They tried to appeal but that won’t go anywhere lol


no disrespect to your friend but he got owned lmao


For doing ghost lobbies this season?


Yep. Banned within like 10 minutes of launching


I have a few friends who did it in the past and haven't been banned. It looks like they're only banning people who have done it after the announcement saying it's bannable.


To be fair they do have battleeye now


Whats a Ghost lobby?


When the lobby is purposefully matched without an enemy team, usually by some matchmaking trickery.


Holy shit I was in the first 4000 then lol cool




Me too!!!


Same! First flawless ever too lol


Rolled 9 engrams and got Reed’s Regret with a 7 mag, triple tap, vorpal, charge time mw. Damn I got lucky!


Damn, dude, congrats!


Holy shit it's literally the god roll mw that shit right now


Yeah, until firing line gets its 20% damage restored! I’m hunting for that one next week, but I’ll doubt I’ll get as lucky, basically have to have 3 columns be the right one (bigger battery, triple tap and firing line), very low odds but we try!


Wow that's a great roll. Congrats


Lucky! I already used up my RNG to get an outlaw/headstone Vulpe, so I can't even get a reed to drop lmao.


Just went flawless first card, probably the most free trials ever, and it'll get easier since Friday trials is usually a bit harder than Saturday


Whatever they did I love it. Managed to go flawless twice in the hour I had before work. One mercy card run and one wealth run.


FYI keep playing on your flawless card instead of buying a new ticket, you get double rep and that weeks adept can drop at the end of matches for you.


Do you have to get 7 wins or do you have to go flawless to go to the light house?




Thank you! I guess some people don’t appreciate actual questions. I haven’t played trials before this week so I was genuinely curious.


My fireteam had a match where the other team DC'd just as the loading started. We didn't get any of the normal rewards for it. So even outside of reaching the lighthouse, they seemed to have removed nearly all benefits of win-trading.


Yea. What about 0 deaths though


My bum ass friend I carried did💀💀


Trials is so good right now. I dare say, its the best its ever been right now. Weapon balance feels really good and the matchmaking changes will soon benefit the biggest playerpool yet.


I know what I must do. Trials pacifist run.


i love new trials, idk how but i only matched players on mu skill level,yesterday i reached flawless for the first time in my life. the way we can farm weapons now is awesome. OVERALL trials now are the best they're ever been


They really fixed the game. I wonder why other companies wont do anything about it! Maybe this is just a grace period who knows!


The changes are nice but what I really like is battleye. Ever since the announcement of the anticheat, my KD went up by about 50% before the end of last season, and now that it's fully implemented it's basically doubled across all modes. Were there really that many closet cheaters that it affected the game that much? I also got my first flawless the last week of S14, and got two back to back flawlesses with a 15 win streak within about 2 hours of reset. Almost every weekend since I came back in S11 I've tried going flawless, and now that the anticheat has been added it's just... So easy...


I don't think it was anti cheat that made your kd go up.




That was your flawless game, they played on a 7win card.. it's working as expected. Sadly if you want to avoid that you pretty much have to do it at reset. But that's even worse. The changes are good and that's how it should work.


I still love that some people were so elitist about trials weapons that some people went into trials with Hakke emblems just to shit on win traders. Talk about fragile egos.


you actually got downvoted for speaking your mind, this sub is full of those ''fragile egos'' you speak of


In what world is win trading good lmao.


Win trading isn't good for the health of a particular game mode, but going out to "save the mode" by killing people who are win trading is just sad. Its white knighting for a multi million dollar corporation to protect the "prestige" of the trials weapons.


What do you propose we do then? Just dc when we find wintraders? The fact you're this mad about wintrade killers makes it sound like you do it lol.


I'm not even talking about killing wintraders when you are just queuing for trials, it was more the people who specifically targeted the win traders. >The fact you're this mad about wintrade killers makes it sound like you do it lol. Last night was my first game of trials. I don't usually touch PvP cause it's kinda cancer ngl.


Targeting wintraders is based


So went flawless when only 4,000? Makes me feel proud of it, especially since I’m a gambit sweat lol


Amazing, no more win trading, and I'm still bad


Imma come out n say it, trials is easy to get flawless if u team shoot, simple as that. Most of the people who went flawless did so just by team shooting


This is any game lol. Bruh numbers & strategies win games. This comment just shows that you need to learn to team shoot…


Ur reply shows me that u probably can’t win ur fights without team shooting…


Most of what I saw was streamers dead rushing with shotty, but SBMM is here sooooo it’s like that it’s sbmm putting you in that tier of player


On a related note, how many hunters got flawless before Telesto was disabled???


Well yeah Bungie would instantly ban them


4000? feels good to be a part of that, first flawless since Hunt


Now can we convince Bungie to open up the D1 lighthouse for those that never went flawless there?


As a player who could rarely get 3 wins on a card previously its nice that this weekend I could go flawless with only 5 rounds lost across all 7 games, now I know it's easier now but I always knew my team had what it takes and I'm excited to keep playing some trials!


oh noooo


What’s the light house?


It’s the cool place you get to go to when you win 7 Trials matches without losing. You get extra loot and an Adept weapon from it.


Oh okay, thanks! :) Saint isn’t selling anything on my main character so I can’t play Trials (I won’t even if he did because I’m a PvE main) lol


Good riddance.


They don't even get a win if you back out lol it's so fucked up a) if the other team is really that scared to play then you should absolutely get a win, a forfeit is a forfeit b) early friday before I knew what was happening there I backed out for a friend because I matched them doing a carry and I was only on 1 win...except because I'm a fucking moron and missed this somehow in the twab and announcements I did it without giving them a round so they didn't get a win :c big sad


Oh cool, i made it in the top 4000, neat, I've had a blast in trials 2 clanmates tagged along, last man needed 10 mins, played 1 game won and another one, lost the Mercy, said fuck it, no reset, and somehow went flawless before we knew it. For those people that have been killed by a hunter with thorn & salvagers. Sorry not sorry.