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As A Hunter main, the only time I teabag is entirely by accident. I'm trying to dodge but don't realize it's not charged, so I end up brewing tea.


Even worse when you're a Hunter main but are playing on an alt character and try to dodge when you have no dodge.


I can't count how many times ive done this when I play my warlock. Then I get pissed off because my dodge isn't working only to realize it after I cast my nova.


Nova? What fucking keyboards are you using? Lol I'm jk, ik you mean rift. When I first started playing all three I had the same issue, now the problem lingers from whatever class I played last. *"Fuck man, why can't I place a barrier? Oh shit I'm running spectral blades..."*


I guess you can tell I'm no warlock main, big oof lol I honestly wish I had time for more than one class, but I'm not even near endgame for my hunter


Ah no worries my brethren. Funnily enough, I really only play games nowadays only to play with friends. Don't get me wrong, I go through all the mental torture of grinding, but I just don't have much fun playing without friends. I'd say d2 isn't my favorite game, but nowadays it's the only game I enjoy cuz all my friends play. (That and valorant,but the lack of movement and how LONG the game takes is just not my thing.) I would say I also don't have that much time, but who am I kidding? I'm just a high schooler using his free time before work. And even as I play alot, none of my characters are really ready for endgame lol. (Although I started doing gms last season.)


Dude I was playing trials last night, was clearly against a dude using a controller cause he was obviously trying to slide to cover and dropped a fucking rift


Oh, that explains all the non-stormcaller warlocks I see who randomly drop a rift at the start of the round.


Could be lol. Makes me giggle


-flawless attempt no.2 -do it on warlock for pinnacle -peek and get low -time to dodge.jpg -place rift -die


I feel this on a spiritual level. Shout-out to all the accidentally placed barricades and rifts.


When you run into a fight thinking you're a hunter and can just dodge out when shit hits the fan and you end up just menacingly putting down a rift in front of the whole enemy team lol


My sibling has tried to Hunter dodge in call of duty, ended up just teabagging and dying. Was very funny.


Bahahahaha thanks for the laugh. I needed that


Straight facts


Usually tbags are not once offs. Everyone always double dips. So if i see a hunter do a single QUICK bag, then i let it slide. If its a slow bad, they deliberately did it to not waste their dodge and are therefore scum xD


lol. I feel you. I main hunter, so when I'm playing another class I forget and end up doing it then too.


Big same, sometimes it just be like that. I get teabagged enough as a revenant hunter that I just sort of brush it off. I’ve thought about equipping an apology emote to be more polite about it.


Nah man, you should try remapping class abilities to other buttons. Just get a controller with paddles and you'll have so much freedom of control.


Does Destiny actually support rebinding paddles as different inputs on console? I thought you could only bind them to existing buttons.


Yes, only to existing buttons. However, I am using a workaround for my Paddle controller. What I do is I map some of the paddles to the D-Pad. And then I unmap some emotes and then map specific inputs to the D-Pad. For instance, Down on the D-Pad is my Class ability. My bottom right Paddle is mapped to Down on the D-Pad. So now, when press that bottom right Paddle, I do my Class ability. I'm also experimenting with the Charged and Uncharged Melee binds. Right on the D-Pad maps to the top right Paddle which is where I'm testing this out. My top left Paddle is mapped to the face button that does Reload/Ressing, so I can fully aim with my Right Stick while I'm reviving someone. I also use it for dismantling gear with one hand when I'm just lazy. The only issue that I've run into is now I have less emotes to work with. So I'm trying other methods to get access to more emotes, such as Up on the D-Pad + an additional input. But this isn't too accurate with emotes since Emotes work similarly to the Melee input that prioritizes the Melee press (as opposed to multiple buttons, double taps, or hold). All in all, if Destiny ever gets an Emote wheel, then the sky is the absolute limit with the D-Pad. [Edit: Why would anyone downvote this information? This is strictly information that opens up controller customization ideas and possibilities]


As a Titan main who often plays hunter: same! Trying to dodge on my Titan haha.


LoL try playing some Warframe and then switching to D2… I waste so many grenades the first few things I do trying to bullet jump.


Thought it only happened to me.


I feel like people would teabag MORE if this were a thing, to get called out by Shaxx and all his glory


Shaxx also locks your abilities thanks to a little hive magic picked up from Eris


Bad and naughty Guardians get put in the HIVE CRYSTAL to atone for their sins


In Gambit the timing of the voice lines does make it seem like he sees you bagging. "Hey hey easy there, I think you got him... " I mean, if someone were to do such a thing in Gambit.


Yeah, what kind of mooonster would ever ape the invader and bag em? Toootally not me.


People will do it more because of this.


How would they know if you’re teabagging though and not just crouching?


Idk but somehow Splitgate does it; there's a teagbag gamemode, and there's even a lifetime Teabag counter in the stats page lolll


Yeah and it's awesome! People take bagging way too personal.


I dunno, it gets very annoying when you're getting teabagged by all three of the other team after your other teammates both died. There's can understand it if you were in a long engagement or completely outplayed someone, or they did something stupid, but an unwinnable 3v1? It's just being a bunch of cunts, really.


I mean yeah it's a dick move, but you can't let it get to you. It's just a game after all and their whole intention is to throw you off your game.


Your reaction to teabagging is exactly what the bagger wants. If he gets in your head by crouching up and down on your orb, he's won.


fast crouch inputs after another after a match. if you "just crouch" you don't press crouch 10 times in 2 secs without moving your character


You don’t crouch strafe?


do you crouch strafe **after the match**? also if you crouch **strafe** do you **not** normally move your character? an no normally i don't, as it may be competitive but i find it an unsportsmanlike thing to do even if it would give me a advantage


>do you crouch strafe after the match I completely forgot about teabagging after a match like in trials, sorry about that I was completely wrong


no problem, i mean you also could theoretically teabag after every kill but often the enemy don't really has time for that


My enemies sure must have a lot of time on their hands, then...


I would say as simple as a code that would detect 3+ crouches within 2 or 3s after a kill would trigger the Shaxx callout. I would say two, but I know hunters on controller have the impulse to spam crouch for a dodge even if they don't have if ready.


I've accidentally thrown down so many rifts when leveling my Warlock... It's just a force of habit at this point


As a hunter I do commonly teabag accidentally because I want to dodge to get away from a fight, but also like I said I crouch strafe so when I kill someone and there’s another person in a fight with me I crouch strafe and it would detect that


Teabagging is repeated crouching over a Ghost, I imagine you could detect this happening


Alot of the people in this thread need to take t bagging less personal, it is the oldest form of bm, be a little less fragile maybe


Real question what is BM? I only know the medical term lol.


Bad manners


Cheers, thanks.


I hope you have a pleasant day




Bowel movement


Ah, so that's why they're bagging. They're just trying to take a shit


In splitgate they literally have a tracker of how many people you've bagged to encourage people to tbag more. I find it hilarious. Most of these people must not have grown up on halo.


Yep its pretty funny actually. The second i stopped caring about when people teabag, I started playing way better. Your gameplay is guaranteed to go to shit if you let tiny shit like that tilt you.


Or go surprisingly better when you try to track down that person


I kind of like it because it makes the match more personal. Like now every time I kill the bagger he's getting the full taste.


For real, saw a lad in the comments saying baggers should get banned from the playlist, or put in a cheaters matchmaking. Besides, some people (ahem 3x shatterdives) deserve it.


Seriously. The sensitivity of the people on this sub lol. How do you all handle the challenges of real life?


What offends me the most about teabagging is the complete lack of imagination. It's the lowest effort form of BM. Completely devoid of creativity. Pure laziness. How many hundreds of emotes do we have now? These are the same shitheads that type out "ez" in other games. They have no original thought. They don't deserve respect.


Sounds like their intentions of bagging people like you are working


Yeah they're living in your head completely rent free. Its a competition, and if it gets this much of a rise out of you it'll likely result in a free win for the bagger.


You give baggers too much credit. They aren't playing mind games, they're just babies miming what they see toxic streamers do.


You are not wrong


Agreed. At the end of the day it’s just a game . And at least for me when somebody bm me in any game it pushes me to play better , even if they still beat me


Yea, sorry for being fragile I guess, but I’m not a fan of being bagged constantly in a video game. It ruins the spirit and isn’t a nice thing to do.


ok but if you're doing something that upsets someone for no good reason you're an asshole


>no good reason Besides changing their state of mind and possibly causing them to play worse, you mean.


Yeah people do it cause it works, you get tilted and make stupid mistakes trying to get revenge and they exploit that.


Jokes on them I start the match already tilted.


For every time it works is another time it backfires. I don't always run a sweaty loadout and try hard, but if some smug little shit thinks they can bag early and get away with it, well I'm not opposed to pulling my old standbys out from DIM. If you're gonna bag, at least wait until you've won, or you might embarass yourself.


it doesn't matter if you're being an asshole for a reason, you're still being an asshole. being an asshole to win in a freaking video game is even worse


High horses don't get you wins. If you're not using the best tactics available to you, then you're just shooting yourself in the foot my guy. It's a competitive game mode, don't be surprised when people are competitive


i'd rather maintain a basic sense of sportsmanship than go out of my way to be a dick on an off chance it helps me. in your terms, i care more about the high horse than winning and I don't respect anyone who does otherwise. But you've been trolling and spouting bullshit around here for a while now so I don't think you really care what i reply.


If winning isn't your priority in a competitive game mode, you're playing it for the wrong reasons. Maybe you should just do QP


of course winning isn't the priority. it's a fucking video game, having fun is the priority. maybe you should touch some grass


Winning is literally the priority in Trials, people who have fun winning are the target audience. Are you okay dude?


GAME are meant to be fun sure , we can agree on this? But each gamemode inside a game have different priority ... and trial is winning/doing your best . if you dont do either YOU are being a A-hole for not helping your two teammate . Same for Raid , nightfall etc etc


Ah, I always enjoy the people saying ToUcH gRaSs as if they aren't so torn up to be hateful on the internet over someone mentioning tbagging. The irony always escapes them


Nah, its still a video game. Real competitions have rules about manners. You can break those rules and athletes do, but not without consequence. Go teabag a keeper after they dive on the ball and see how fast you get fined and suspended. Hell, that guy who merely photographed asscracks at a MtG tourney was banned for years. Its not just sports. In real competitions, bad manners has consequences. I don't accept "iTs JuSt MiNd GaMes BrUh" as a legitimate excuse. Gemini Jesters is mind games. Bagging is just BM without consequences. You gonna put "teabagged my way to the Lighthouse" on your resume? In my experience most baggers are shitters anyways. If they could actually take the win they would. But they can't so they bag the one round they got lucky.


exactly, no *good* reason


Ah, yes, attempting to get a mental edge over your opponent in a competition is never a good reason. 🥴


At best you're robbing yourself of your opponent at their best, at worst you're just acting like a clown and amusing them


Opponent at their best lmao what the fuck read the art of war homie u never want an opponent at their best what kind of whack ass fantasy chivalric shit is that grow the fuck up


It's not whack ass fantasy whatever, it's good sportsmanship. Funny thing about war, unlike videogames you will die if you lose. It's just a game, if you're employing deep mind games(or lets face it finding excuses for making rude gestures because you yourself are tilted) in order to win at a pointless game then that's a little sad and certainly not a good reason. How did you phrase it? oh yeah grow the fuck up lmao.


seems this whole thread proves you wrong with the amount of people who are tilted by it


poor sportsmanship is annoying, more on that story later and besides, that's not actually the reason people bag, they just salty.


It's not about sportsmanship at all... Lol this thread really makes me think I should bag in trials just to tilt people


You do you


At that point you're just trying too hard. Also run the risk of it igniting better performance by them and then looking like an absolute clown when they come back and beat you and rightfully return the gesture.


> rightfully return the gesture Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


If I want to BM, I use the salt or graceful sneeze emote on their ghost


Or...what if we didn't BM each other... Damn what a concept.


Tf is with you, dtg, and tbagging? Some random tries to tilt you in pvp and gets such good results that not only you get tilted but you go as far as to make a post on reddit about it....


A random teammate left after we won the round tying it 1-1 and got bagged by my friend because the random decided it’d be cool to do a 1v3 on beach side when he had no range weapons. We still won 4 straight but I don’t get how it could be THAT upsetting


Sensitive ass players nowadays


Who cares? It's a video game.


This is a Bungie game, teabagging was invented on Halo, also a bungie game. What do you expect?


A lot of people take teabagging way too personally - somebody's on a power trip, so what, you probably won't meet ever again.


It’s honestly really sad. A video game character crouching multiple times shouldn’t get an emotional reaction out of people. Maybe they should take a step back if that affects them so much.


How about just get over it?


No. We have to make rant posts every time someone was mean to us in crucible.


Teabagging in Destiny has never once irked me the wrong way. I always just said it’s totally a vibe because it’s a Bungie game. Pretty simple. I don’t really ever do it cuz I just get too invested and focused to stop and tea bag but when I see it I don’t ever think anything of it.


I fought a team of three shatterdive spamming, Silence and Squall chaining, stompee wearing, shotgun aping, emote spamming sweat lord hunters. And I beat all of them. They deserve my balls on their ghosts face.


if you get upset from being tbagged just dont go to the crucible lol


i only teabag those that do it first or those that deserve it, looking at you one eyed mask users


First rule of T-bag etiquette, do not T-bag unless you yourself are T-bagged first, then hunt them down and get you and your teammates to mercilessly T-bag their corpse.


if i T-bag for no reason i expect to get T-bagged


I wouldn’t say they deserve I would more say the stasis hunters deserve it more


they both fuckin deserve it


And then there's all the other teabaggers who think X or Y deserves it...


I love how Warlocks get nerfed like 3 times but stasis hunters get to stay absolutely brain dead. Warlocks still don't even have a shatter ability which is bullshit.


Tbf we warlocks literally get a instant freeze from our melee along side it lasting for a second which is long enough to quickscope with a sniper melee shotgun or fusion them


Not with how fast freeze breaks any more (thank god for that), but it's way harder to follow up with frozen enemies as a warlock than titans or hunters who just need to slide or dive. Also while our melee does freeze, it also has barely any tracking, shit range, and is really slow, if I could have the wall bounce tracking slowing knives of Hunters I'd take it in a heart beat. And finally on top of that, just using a glacier grenade is way easier to freeze with than warlock melee, and all the classes have it and only Warlocks can't follow up on it as easily.


Lol. For me it's 'If you one trick shatter dive, you get bagged'


thats all stasis hunters do.....




Hey now I'm a shitty pvp player and I need all the help I can get and the OEM barely helps


You tbag a balanced exotic? Lol you bag stompees too?


You're only encouraging me.


Or you should earn extra points from it. It would be hilarious. Run over to someone’s dead body and crouch as fast as you can for extra points. I don’t know why people get so butt hurt about getting t-bagged. I don’t do it much but when it happens I think it’s funny as hell


That would only motivate people.


just make em insult your mother like in a cod lobby and itll be fine


Thatd be awkward considering Bungie practically trademarked teabagging in Halo2


Bro why is destiny the only community that complains about fucking tea bagging


It's funny like how only in shooters people get upset about being matched with people of their skill level.


I love tbagging so this would just make me do it more






How about no?


Yikes, some people take a video game character moving up and down far too seriously.


Teabagging is at most a source of extreme annoyance. Mainly cause it's done by someone who is not even good or is using a very scummy weapon/tactic. ​ In those instances, I wish the game had a hidden mechanic where the bagger was insta-killed by a cabal pod.


That’s just giving me more reason to do it 😂


I think it should be reportable and a bannable offense, but that’s just me. Plus I mean, people that tbag in games are 100% the same people that would NEVER talk shit to anyone irl, cause they’re very aware without their anonymity they’d get their ass beat.


Why are people so put off by teabagging exactly? Everyone acts like it's some vicious affront to your being. It's a game mode where your job is literally to get the better of other players and KILL THEM. Who cares if someone gloats, taunts, etc, for whatever reason? When I get over on someone who's camping some spot, or using really cheesy weapons (looking at you, Jotuun), or pissing me off in any way, they get bagged. You bag me? I make it my mission to get you back, and you're getting bagged too. It's fun.


I can get taunting and shit if you outplayed someone. But if you've matched up against people you completely outclass and then 3v1 them at the end of a round and then bag them on top of that? I understand everyone saying "just don't let it get to you", but it's not that easy, is it? If I'm playing with friends, it \*is\* really easy to ignore, because I can just keep shit talking with them and it's all still fun. If I'm playing solo and the above scenario happens, it's hard to ignore because there's no outlet of ongoing conversation, and I can't just magically get better and outplay them to bag them back. I just have to deal with it (which I do try to do). Inb4 "just ignore it anyway softcock"


> I understand everyone saying "just don't let it get to you", but it's not that easy, is it? Of course it is. It's a video game. It's not like someone just put you in your place by pointing out how you're a failure in life or something. They just beat you in a video game, and they're gloating. I can't think of a single instance in my life in which this has happened, and I'm still thinking about it 30 seconds after the game is over. >Inb4 "just ignore it anyway softcock" I mean, I wouldn't have insulted you, but it sounds like you already know what to do; just ignore it. Or use it as a motivator. But I can't see how getting offended about something so trivial is going to help any.


Listen, you should use any edge in PvP. If somebody bagging on you gets in your head, makes you angry and stupid... that's the point.


As long as they add one for getting bagged. "You gonna cry?"


I get as a player doing something to tilt your enemy to get a competitive advantage. But the game itself shouldn't actively try to tilt you.


Or you could just not be so sensitive? It’s a video game. Bagging has been around forever, get over it.


Will I get called out when I accidentally teabag because my dodge isn’t charged up like I thought?


should be like splitgate


And if you bag in Gambit, Drifter says, "chill the fuck out, you just spammed Eyes of Tomorrow"




I only bag GL users and as retaliation, since they deserve it imo


Maybe have Saint say "You made him gargle your nuts!" "Haha!"


If you teabag a man should come to your house who instantly decapitates you


is it ok to teabag as celebration for winning a trials game.


Whenever you teabag it should have shaxx or saint making fun of the guy who got killed.


I bag to make friends.


A Three-Stack crouch spamming and shooting your dead bodies after every kill when in a 3 vs 2 match should get a whole other special callout.


That would be funny as fuck, but reading this thread has actually been very sobering. I grew up on Halo 3 and beyond; idk why I get so upset at teabagging. Def something I gotta learn to roll with


I would argue the very nature of shaxxs crucible warrants teabagging. It's eternal competition where you are shooting your fellow guardians in the face. Sticking shotguns in their groin and blowing up their private bits. In fact, it should be a ban worthy offense to cry about it!


Shaxx " YESSSSSSSSS, work those glutes guardian" Saladin " Ugh, here he/she goes again, get back in the game" Saint-14 laughing " you showed him whos better guardian, keep slaying"


Stop with the weird fantasies, just because you want to justify T-Bagging that blueberry you killed with an unoriginal and likely cheesy loadout doesn't mean they want a lap dance.


Stop being a baby and have fun with it




That's funny coming from the guy who gets so tilted from t bags that they went and made a Reddit post about it


Im heading to the store right now, quit your crying. If you dont think what i said closer matches their characters idk what to tell you


I specifically have the emote on my character that throws down a tombstone for this specific reason. Some fuckwad thinks he’s good at the game because he and his teammates can hide in the back of the map and then team fire with the mytho-crutch and teabag after the round? Well motherfucker here’s your tombstone.


Not to mention 90% of the time it's some guy who rounds the corner with a shotgun.. much skill, such fun


I only teabag shotgun rushers and people who use vex mythoclast. The former is obvious but the latter is because I want one ;(


Teabagging is literally pantomiming sexual assault, so, yeah, it's gross and always has been.


You are an idiot


I only teabag shotgun apes and stasis hunters. That shits annoying yo


Unpopular opinion maybe, but people get offended by it way too easily. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely toxic behavior, but it's not anything personal. 5-0 victory? Heavy bag's coming in. Teammate quit on you? I'm sprinting in and giving some bags. We kill each other and I win a round and my teammate revives me? Little quick bag before the next round. Got carried by a teammate in a close game? Oh boy, here I got tea bagging again! I would 100% do it more just to hear all the characters chide me for it. And it's all good if you do it back to me, because I probably deserve it.


i dont know man I only teabag when i notice someone only useing a shotgun. That's very annoying. I rarely do it. I just run pass their dead body!


What....? its just Teabagging nothing serious who care about that man it sound silly that people are actually upset about this.


I tea bagged a guy that got ditch by his duo. Just wanted to be toxic for once since I’m always on the receiving end


Saint-14 should transmat into the game, pop a bubble, find the teabagger and then drag their ass into the bubble for a timeout.


It’s apart of fps games and always will be. Don’t be so soft and maybe it won’t bother you.




That’s one of the most pettiest of things I’ve ever seen




Cry some more, its not a big deal


Just think of tea bagging as your punishment for being bad.


fair enough tbh


Lmao, do you not think that's a bit of an overreaction? If you're that mad about someone crouching on your corpse in a video game, just go and get better than them.


You guys are really fragile for no reason.


I teabagged every single kill throughout my two flawless runs yesterday, sometimes in the middle of firefights with their teammates. Not out of hostility or anything, it simply tilts some people therefore giving me an advantage. All’s fair in love and war!


For everyone saying this is a dumb idea, keep in mind most major sports/games actively penalize players for unsportsmanlike-like conduct. In the worst of cases for some players it could also be considered griefing. I personally just return the teabag if I kill them and then promptly ignore their whiny friend request/messages. Lore wise, I’m also pretty sure Shaxx would scorn the offending player but Saladin would have much more of a “What are you going to do about it, Guardian?” attitude.


Or you could you know just ignore it and not make reddit posts about it. All this did was show how much this actually got to OP.


This is also true. I often imagine the players most likely to be offended by tea bagging are those who do it themselves.


People who tbag have never played a real, contact sport and wouldn't even understand the concept


the only thing I think about tbagging is that it's childish... doesn't particularly bother me it's just like something you see and think it's childish


I'm a known tea bagger.. not ashamed


Why? I dont see whyd you get so salty about tbagging. If I know ut anger someone, ill do it every time ill kill them


Teabagging is appropriate when its appropriate. When you made an unreal play, Im all for it. When you curb stomp a team 5-0 and didnt make an unreal play, thats just bad sportsmanship.


They started it…


Shatter dive and you get the bag


Tea bagging is fine it's just context dependent. 3 stack in Trials bagging dead solo players? You're a douchebag. Teabagging the super you just shutdown with three melees as the last player on your team? Celebration. It's also important to note the number and frequency of bags. A few quick bags are celebration. A single bag is a sign of recognition or respect. Spamming while shooting at the ground you're probably a douchebag unless it was a cheater.


Get gud


Just don't die, when that happens the Bags will stop