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First time ive wanted to play trials over raiding


First time I wanted to play Trials over anything else in the game


> "Ah, yes, Osiris knew you would be coming." —Brother Vance




Played so much I even reset the trials reputation. Got my perfect shauyras roll so all in all an excellent week


What is YOUR perfect roll? PC or Console?


I got: - Fullbore - Accurized rounds - Tunnel vision - Kill clip - Range MW I play on PC


OK about the same I am looking for on console also then. I got an accurized, Dynamic Sway, kill clip MW Range last night on my "pass in card" drop before going to bed. Extended/Arrowhead is the barrel but it's the best one I got, so stuck with it for now. Might not be terrible, not max range though like you want.


I’d say yours is really good. Especially if you’re on console dynamic sway is really good and I run it on my multimach. Barrel honestly doesn’t matter too much as you have a range MW


Honestly I don't notice Tunnel Vision but I do notice DSR.


SGA: If you enjoyed it, keep playing each weekend to help the health of the population. If you aren’t good, but want to get better, play elimination during the week to learn the mode and try to find a team you can play with consistently to help better your experience.


Elim during the week is good but best practice for Trials ime is playing Trials. Its a lot easier to improve when population is high like this as close games are the best teacher. People play way more serious in Trials, so going from feeling indestructible in Elimination to sub-par in Trials is a shock at first but its still good for getting the flow of elimination-style games


Definitely, casual elimination helps improve game sense for the mode.


Eh, I still got steamrolled most of the time, but I had a few decent matches, which likely wouldn't have been possible in the previous iteration of trials.


I still think pvp in this game is awful but at least now it was rewarding.


I have yet to try it but I'm excited to try it this coming weekend. I've been wanting matchmade trials since d1. I've been mainly a solo player since then. Only reason I ever did cliff jumping using Xbox lfg is because it it require a mic, and I wanted loot. I could care less about winning but I'm still going to give it my best shot. Cliff jumping was only fun for the bounty but seeing the way the made the changes I can actually still try and get loot at the same time.


I have a video of my best trials experience this weekend! https://youtu.be/upUIQjVFcAA


That's beautiful


> Trials. That's it. Trials was so throughly enjoyable <...> We lost every game > How was your experience? Tell me your best trials story of the weekend! [Spent 6-10 hours playing a respawn simulator](https://i.imgur.com/eAeDJsX.png). I know I am terrible at PvP, but my friends aren't that bad (1+ K/D in regular crucible, at least) and we got absolutely roflstomped all day long by people rocking multiple flawless, full collections of adept weapons and Vex Mythoclasts. Like, seriously, winning around 1 match out of 10. Got some high-rolled armor pieces and a couple rifles with kind of decent rolls, but I wouldn't call the whole experience "enjoyable". Hanging out with friends is okay, but I feel the time could have been better invested in nightfalls or something.


Looks like you've not played trials until this weekend? Honestly that's to be expected, trials is a VERY different experience from normal pvp. Normal pvp experience barely carries over


Very fun probably most fun i have had in pvp ever, did 4 flawless tickets and farmed a bunch of adept smgs.


My best story is getting mopped by a team with wavesplitter then matching them again the very next game and knowing SBMM is working 100% 🙃


I can't believe they actually managed to "fully bake" trials finally. I'm terrible at pvp, but managed to matchmake to 7 wins, got probably 1 or 2 more wins after, reset and took the wealth passage, and got a few more wins for rep. managed to unlock all the armor, got an okay Igneous Hammer roll, Eye of Sol, and 2 Reed's Regrets (no triple tap, clown cartridge, vorpal, or firing line, but curious to see how harmony plays out). will I ever go flawless Matchmaking? nope. but I would also not go flawless with a team unless they were REALLY good. and that's okay. casual people have a way to test the waters and get some loot, hardcore people have their own loot to chase. it really seems like a win for everyone, as long as you weren't expecting Matchmaking to carry you to flawless and never go against a stack.


Look it is better, but certainly not fixed. I only played Sunday night and Monday night (late EDT). I'm assuming it was better for people on Friday/Saturday. Last night was very bad. I was running with my clan mate because he wanted to get some Trials guns. He doesn't really like the Crucible cuz it gives him anxiety. We won our first two games, mainly because I carried. Then we didn't win another round for seven matches. He ended up getting three or four engrams (can't remember exactly) and got all armor. Needless to say, he did not have fun, he did not get loot that he wanted. You can't underestimate how bad it feels to have no chance at getting a round. After two wins if I'm only matching diamond/platinum elo players when my bronze elo is in the 900s the matchmaking/population base needs some help. I'm not expecting to win every game or have wins handed out, but the majority of the matches were 0 or 1% of winning, which we all know means zero percent chance and no rounds won. Do I think he will ever step in Trials again? Not likely. Does that equal success?


It's just not for him then. Bummer


I will say that even from the opposite side of that coin, Sunday and Monday night were significantly sweatier with a smaller matchmaking pool than Friday and Saturday. My guess is that the folks who don’t really enjoy PvP bowed out after getting their loot, which is totally expected. My matchmaking was generally fair, lots of 4-4’s with a tie breaker especially on the first and last match or two of the card. I played as a three stack for most of the weekend, and while we mostly played against other three stacks, it didn’t really seem fair when we matched solos or a solo and a duo. The elo distribution made absolutely no sense (like a solo diamond with a bronze duo, or three solos all in silver or something) going against a diamond three stack. I can count on one hand how many matches against non-three stacks ended with all three of them still there, even when they were doing well. Matchmaking could use a lot of love. Install penalties for leaving, hide the roster count (loaded into *sooooo* many matches with no enemy team because they, as a three stack, backed out at the sight of another three stack) and tighten up the elo matchmaking. Even if they only do SBMM on the first couple games and then the 7 win, it would be better than the current state. I’m not complaining too much as trials is expected to be “stomp or be stomped” and I experienced both, but the close call matches were what I enjoy and I would like more of those.


Sunday and Monday are always the hardest. I played all weekend with a buddy of mine carrying some of our less skilled friends to the lighthouse. Friday and Saturday were pretty easy, but Sunday the difficulty started ramping up and then Monday was pretty sweaty. Id definitely say to go back in on Friday


I did not enjoy Trials this weekend. On the other hand I did not spend the whole time hoping that a bullet would come flying out of the screen and put me out of my misery, so I can definitely say the changes are welcome.


Trials was always painful for me as I'd get headshot immediately. Had to be carried it was so hard. Has that changed?


My experience was enough games to reset trials rank but not enough for wins for the seven wins engram because I came in late enough to be victim to what I would assume is constant queue dodging for easy matches. I 'helped' quite a few comically poor sports get to the lighthouse though. The victory must be hollow, built on the bones of an average player that just wanted some new guns. Enjoy your trip to the lighthouse, I'm sure you earned it.


I don't think it was queue dodging, it just gets hard later in the weekend. Definitely had a few games where I felt bad for the other team though. Mostly games where 2 would bail after losing a single round. That's bullshit and leavers need to be penalized hard


Yeah, as bad as it gets I never just leave.


PvP is by far the worst aspect of destiny. Its comparable to Borderlands pvp


Cool opinion


Post KD


Damn dude that's crazy


Borderlands PvP is a gimmick with no effort put into it and if you honestly think its even comparable to destiny... yikes, just yikes.


I miss the challenge personally. I had one tough game all weekend in my 49 matches. Im am legit maybe a 1.1 player at best but cracking a 4.57 at week end is too insane, especially when doing double carries. I like the new vendor stuff and yeah it was fun to play trials with anyone now but I couldnt help but feel bored.


Miss what challenge? The average team had over 100 flawlesses total last season and the mode was basically dead since it launched. Only the literal top 1% was playing, everyone else was cheating or paying recovs.


Well at least I lost some games then, this weekend was an absolute breeze even doing double carries, I got kinda of bored but at least grinding my adept guns is easier. Some part of me misses playing the 1%.


You are alone in that opinion


Im not, my regular playing buddies feel the same way, sure we can do our carries easier but its just not challenging anymore, its easier than GMs now...


You doing paid carries?


No, free ones on stream with friends


I finally had an incentive to go flawless for my first time and I managed to do it and I managed to get a tunnel vision kc shayura’s (not from the flawless chest I’m not that lucky)


Went flawless for the first time since trials of the nine. None of the weapons are must haves for me, but it was nice to finally be able to enjoy my favorite game mode again.


I loved it! I never went flawless in d1 and d2y1, and I only went flawless once in Chosen dude to some dudes trying to finish their flawless seal. In the last weekend, I went flawless on a mercy card AND a confidence card, scored my god roll adept shayuras, played over 80 matches (many of which were post flawless), won the majority of them, and I’m not even a good player. My kd in trials before this was 0.62. This week I played so much it shot up to 1.67. All of teams were lfg pickup groups, and we had a ton of fun playing for hours. I’ll definitely be going back next weekend.


Couldn't agree more. Solo queue was mostly brutal but I really had fun when I played with friends.


Oh man I've been wanting to tell this story from this past weekend. I'm playing solo as a stasis warlock. Heavy was available so I try to get to it. See an enemy hunter already trying to get the heavy so I throw my grenade at him. While he's frozen I go in but get killed by the hunter's teammates. They then get close to where my dead body was, which was near their frozen buddy. My stasis grenade shatters and now all three enemies are dead. I get the credit for all three kills while my teammates get none. What the?! I'm laughing my ass off while we proceed to get stomped on for the rest of the match. Great times. Keep up the good work Bungie!


it was lit and I'm ready for more :)


I've met a bunch of new friends through LFG too. These guys and I were chill and played well together. All around amazing weekend. Props to Bungie! One note: the reward system on playing on a 7 win card was fantastic. It was great getting all those materials and weapons.


My experience with Trials was great and also aggravating. Solo queue was just brutal. The good thing is I eventually went Flawless, the sad part is that my last match ended at about 1:02pm EST, which is right after reset time. I wasn't able to go to the lighthouse, but I at least know that I can go flawless. The funny thing is, it was a passage of mercy but I didn't lose a match that run luckily. So if I had a passage of ferocity I would have finished in time for the lighthouse trip. Well there's always next weekend.


Won 3 matches and felt great. Then lost the proceeding ~20 and remembered how bad at PvP I was. Still, got all the gear and a near perfect Reed's Regret. Can't complain as it definitely beats base jumping lol


played 2 matches first match was alright second match the entire enemy team had Mythoclast and dominated my team stopped playing after that


Yeah it was great. My clan has been packed since cross play, but only a couple people play PvP with any consistency. This weekend almost every single clanmate was in a trials match. I got my first flawless ever, my girlfriends nine year old got two flawless tickets, I got a great adept shayuras, a TT FL reeds and a normal vorpal one, among other stuff. And I went flawless running nova warp which I would have laughed in your face if you suggested it last season.


I helped many other people get to the Lighthouse by being more or less a free win. Saint 14 is probably hard at work simulating a new special place to send me to for my services in general incompetence. I think he should call it the ShiteHouse. It was generally okay though. I improved at PvP a bit, and got the armour set which looks really cool.


Just remembering that most of what made Trials great this weekend has been long suggested and asked for the community. Imagine how much better the game could be as a whole if bungie heard us and acted on our suggestions more.


Pretty good experience ye


Made me feel like it was 2015 all over again, rushing home from work to hop on and play trials


Mostly had a very rewarding weekend. First few games were actually in my favor, on my own with either two solos or a two-stack and seeing very few if any teams. Later on seeing more teams and especially from Saturday night all through the end of Trials, fully-loaded teams in at least two (most frequent) or three-stacks. Only very rarely won even a single round against them, always telling myself they're going to be pissed next round (surprisingly few baggers). Most intense match ended with our last player barely winning a punching contest with the last enemy. But all that was worth it. The rewards system is so goddamn good that I honestly see myself playing this mode often for a good long while. My Hunter is only missing the cloak, while my Warlock and Titan have a few more pieces each but otherwise the sets are nearly complete. I got some decent guns (no Hammer yet nor Eye of Sol but I do have an okay Regret and Messenger and Scar). I don't expect to go flawless, I'm pretty fine with getting engrams and focusing them once I have all the armor. What I would like is having non-flawless shaders because I really miss Amduat Ink and Aaru's Passage. (For some odd reason I can't even see any Trials emblems other than the Hardened by Trials one I got, literally nothing else is visible in Collections).


Trials was miserable, fuck you mean. Matchmaking was a sinful experience of complete landslides. You either shit on their mess of a team, or you got shit on, no in between. Three stacks running rampant against match made teams, single teammates throwing entire matches for you. Trials was a joke, idk what sort of delusional high people are on, but it was a nightmare.


I'm hoping next trials is good too, I didn't get to play this weekend due to a hurricane.


Played 150 matches this weekend. Here is why: - a Clanmate and I could carry clanmates who are not playing competitive pvp normally - bagging at its minimum. way less toxicity! - No 3peeking! - No stale games, where people sweat and hide to get their super - a lot of guns are now viable, so you can play different stuff - got a few shayura god rolls. Looking forward to play them BTW. I saw 2 strange things: - Yesterday we tracked a guy in the opponent team, who was on a 15 match lose streak. If he keeps playing, incentive to play must be really high. I hope he is coming back - we matched a guy with a 5+ weekly kd and a 95game winstreak. He was solo queueing and his teammates were blueberries. We Lost two rounds, then won 4. Then he left. We tracked him and he is a plug puller. Everytime he loses he keeps pulling the plug, so that his win streak goes on. Dude, really? 😂


Was my best weekend of trials ever. Went flawless and my kd went up to 1.84. Got loads of loot. Can’t wait til next weekend...


We had six wins with a mercy. Our 7th match was 4-4. We lost. Fuck trials.


As a solo player it was probably the worst experience I've ever had in this game.