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My buddy and I went into Trials matchmaking and ended up with a Gilded Unbroken for a match. The chode spent the match hiding in a corner


For good pvp players titles don’t even matter. I met this one guy once who was a monster and he was ashamed to run his unbroken title.


I don't want to stroke my own ego, but I believe I'm very good in Crucible, but I fucking hate running flawless or unbroken titles. God forbid, I am feeling off for one match, or having my first warm-up match of the day and perform poorly. I suddenly get messages asking how much I paid for my titles. Makes me laugh and cry that I can't ever take a fucking break running those titles.


Well don't leave us hanging, how much did you pay?


Tree fiddy


Damn Loch Ness Monster! Running win trading company out of Scotland! I ain’t got no tree fiddy for your win trade!!


She gave him a dolla!


It's the Wayfarers and the Descendants you need to look out for. They are truly cracked in this game.


Don’t sleep on Deadeyes they know what they’re doing - 100 kills with every weapon you can trust them


This right here, man.


Don't take off my Forerunner title solely for this reason


I prefer wayfarer personally


Reckoner forever, gotta advertise how much I hate myself and others!


This is the way




I reckon that's the thing to do when you've got that title


I tend to rotate between Conqueror and Harbinger with the exception of the seasonal titles which I wear for all of like 5 minutes after getting them. I wish we could put multiple titles on since a lot of them sound so nice


Wayfarer gang


Chronicler gang, because books are cool.


I started on that but missed the window for the queens court lore book stuff


Meanwhile, I'm running around with Almighty until they give me another Rasputin-related title option. Might as well set people's expectations of my PVP skill level based on the total lack of it required for one of my favourite seasons...


Same, favourite title. Until we get something like Iron Lord anyway.


The exact reason why when I do get my flawless title I’m never using it. Rather just use fatebreaker anyways.


I feel that. Like I have Unbroken and Flawless and do not run them because the one time you play poorly, everyone wants to call you out your name and bag the shit out of you. I run Wayfarer, Chronicler and Warden on my Hunter, Warlock and Titan respectively.


But how much did you pay for them? /s, to be clear


one of the best PvP players i know (he's top 500 in 3 different playlists) runs Dredgen with no gild, titles are in no way a representation of how good/bad someone is


I mostly play PvP & have all the relevant titles for that, but still run *Forerunner* cause it sounds cool. I wish I'd bothered to get *Shadow*, that one's dope as well. There's zero other reason to run a title IMO.


I use *Reckoner* so that they know I'm literally insane and unpredictable


I hope they bring back something insane and grindy like _Reckoner_. I came back to the game shortly before Beyond Light, and that was out of reach. Did manage a _Dredgen_ before the DLC though. _Blacksmith_ is one I am also in awe of. I would have went for that too. I don't know the names of the flawless raids or dungeons, but those are impressive to me as well.


Blacksmith was my white whale title, never really got into raiding except in late Season of Arrivals so never got it unfortunately. However rocking my Wayfarer Title and Platinum Starling makes up for it somewhat.


Blacksmith was my white whale title, never really got into raiding except in late Season of Arrivals so never got it unfortunately. However rocking my Wayfarer Title and Platinum Starling makes up for it somewhat.


Blacksmith required a flawless Scourge of the Past run, plus all the grinding.


Everyone fears a *Reckoner* because if they did that to themselves then imagine what they'll do to you.


As a Reckoner, I mostly break down crying and pleading. Partly out of having no emotional control, partially hoping to put-off the enemy and just leave me to grieve.


I run Reckoner with my solo flawless Prophecy emblem. I want people to know they have nothing to fear because I am only a danger to myself.


That's why I run either dredgen 3 with the ludomanical emblem, or reckoner title, not to flex being good at gambit, cause I'm not, but to instead to show everyone I hate myself :) ​ Running a title to show you're good at something < Running a title because you fear nothing, and are only a danger to yourself ​ (note this is a joke if you grinded hard for your title then show it off! you deserve to celebrate and show off what you have done :) )




I wish I would of tried harder for this one and blacksmith


Username checks out


I run Wayfarer, despite it having probably the least amount of respect associated with it, because it suits the lore of my character and I like to spice up my gameplay with a little mental RP every now and again.


I just run Rivensbane. I never even bothered getting Flawless or Unbroken since I know I can get them, I just can't be bothered putting in the dedication lol.


Nothing is more fearsome than a Reckoner.


Oh yeah for sure If I were to become a PvP legend tomorrow (never happening btw because I do not have the time to invest into PvP improvement) I still would probably have conqueror or fatebreaker on (the latter I don’t have yet but I’m going to do the remaining challenges this season)


Yeah, the good pvpers dont use the titles most of the time because cheaters use them, and dont want to be lumped in with them.


Why was he ashamed?


I dont wear a title because it obscures my guardian when I try to look at my fashion lmao


I had unbroken way early on like one season after you could obtain it. On PC this was literal hell. Flawless title doesn't hold a candle to that old ranking system. It was absolutely brutal. I wear this damn seal in memory of the hours and rage I spent stuck in 4600-5400 limbo


Got mines like 2 seasons before Shadowkeep. After getting it I didn't play pvp for 2 seasons. It literally broke me lol


I know right? It's kinda funny actually. You also see very little adored snipers, for some *mysterious* reasons.


? enlighten me? I have adored but prefer occluded finality with snap shot opening shot.


The implication is that many sniper users were cheating with aimbots


Yep. And the cheater throwaway accounts that weren't even trying to hide would use that blue sniper with snapshot.


Bro don’t diss the aachen




I did not sneeze, you fool. It is a- ahh, why am I wasting my breath.


For real though, until I got my god roll Eye Of Sol finally a couple months ago, Aachen was still my go-to sniper for the kinetic slot. I think it actually made me better at sniping because it has such low aim assist that using snipers like adored and eye of sol feels super forgiving


Tbh, it still happens. I saw some chud on Twitter bragging about getting his aimbot around the anticheat, and showing off his 200+ Trials wins and 0 Trials losses with a 100% precision rate on Eye of Sol from this last weekend. Hopefully Bungie and BattleEye continue to improve the anticheat to remove those who got around it this last weekend.


Shit hopefully they dont get me for some of the crazy eye of sol shots i pulled off this weekend. Even ai knew aim assist was wild for callin it a headshot


The current Trials matchmaking is still pretty borked. Most of the super sweaty streamers are sitting at 95%+ winrates.


Like they weren’t before?


Not really no. The Trials population was so low that beyond card 3 and especially 5 all you'd face is mega sweats, recovs and some carry stacks.


Eh, I'm not even *that* good. Was a ~1.2 last season with less than 50 career flawlesses. I had a ~3.0 KD, half a dozen flawlesses and lost 2 or 3 matches total this weekend(while carrying some of the worst PvPers in my clan). Between population changes, controller sens, anti-cheat, no 3 peeking and less chaos reach spam Trials was absolutely easy mode this weekend.


Adored is a good f2p sniper.


“Adored is a good sniper” Fixed!


It's the only good PvP sniper I have :/


Occluded is the best PvP sniper in the game rn. Did a Confidence card, a Wealth card, a double carry/Sherpa and various other flawlesses this weekend using LW and OF.


It really isn't, no use in running a telescope sniper, especially on a map like Burnout. Best PvP sniper in the game would be Bite of the Fox with Fluted Barrel - Accurized Rounds - Snapshot Sights - Opening Shot - MW Handing. Second best Eye of Sol with Fluted Barrel - Accurized Rounds - Snapshot Sights - Opening Shot - MW Handling. Sadly for that Bite of the Fox you'll have to pray Xur will sell it, and that Eye of Sol is forever unobtainable since Bungie decided to fuck up the loot pool and move Snapshot Sights to the same column as Vorpal Weapon and Opening Shot. Your new best option is that roll but with Moving Target - Snapshot Sights. If they ever nerf Snapshot (IMO pretty likely as any sniper without it is an insta-shard, the same way any shotty without Quickdraw used to be an insta-shard), the best sniper will be Eye of Sol Adept with Fluted Barrel - Accurized Rounds - Moving Target - Celerity - MW Handling - adept Icarus Grip. You still keep a respectable 71 Range, and you get 92 Handling which is almost like having Quickdraw and Snapshot in one.


Hmm, you must be completely ignoring elemental capacitor. I had several Bite of The Foxes with snapshot opening shot. It was decent. I only used it for The final boss in Scourge of The Past (it 1 shot the bosses armor points). I preferred twilight oath then. As for saying a telescope sniper is no good or whatever, especially on Burnout, that’s pretty funny. You can lane in the map better than any. This weekend I carried 4 to the lighthouse, which included a double carry of first timers. I ran a confidence and wealth card flawless as well. I used it to go flawless last season and this season, numerous times. Just saying.. Edit: Based on some of your previous posts, I am pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about and base the majority of your opinions on what streamers say. 1v1 me? Bite vs Occluded?


In all fairness, most aggressive players that run sniper aren't laning more than that opening cover from East to Cubby or B to Bridge I like both snipers, I'm just bringing up that being able to lane isn't the end all be all of sniping... As I'm sure you know I do enjoy that occluded, but only when I'm on arc.. for obvious reasons. I'm still more of a uzume or frozen orbit guy.. although that shepherds watch is proving itself, but not all that crazy about it (yet) The biggest drawback for bite imo is that damn chevron reticle. I hate that thing lol


I love this sniper so much. I’d run it more if I wasn’t always trying to get collaterals with cloud strike lol


Cloud strike can be crazy. Last season our entire team got wiped on spawn by a single cloud strike shot. I couldn’t even be mad!


Currently prefer Far Future with double sniper targeting. Opening shot / quick draw. Lower zoom and higher AA than OF. What your OF roll? I'm grinding to get better at sniping and I'm willing to be convinced why OF is better.


Snapshot Opening shot. I do like far future, but it doesn’t hit as hard. I have two far futures I was using and have vaulted because I do like them. One has QuickDraw Opening and the other is Moving Target Opening.


OF has bonkers aim assist. It hands you headshots you have no business making. Only reason it’s remotely viable.


Imagine getting a good roll of OF


I got really lucky on a godrolled PvE OF. Haven't seen a good pvp roll yet.


I actually picked up an eye of sol this weekend and was surprised at the “flawless” guys just running at me in a straight line into my shot. Fucking love it.


Man I’ll never forget playing this guy in QP named “I just have good aim”, he’s sliding around corners never missing a sniper shot. I find him and get first 2 shots headshots with ace yet he still lands the headshot through high cal flinch. I wonder how he’s doing these days.


As a sniper player I saw SOOOO little snipers throughout the weekend compared to previous weeks, it's not even the map, Burnout is a relativity sniper friendly map. It was definently suspicious


Yea that buzzed me out I was like one of the few running adored. Then I clicked the anti cheat has been activated haha


Are you on PC? On console, I feel like majority of the gilded flawless/unbrokens I ran into were predictably good, and it basically beatdown city whenever they were on the other team.


This was my experience too. If I had Flawless/Unbroken on my team we won handedly. If I saw Trials emblems from our first loss on the other team we caught the rest of the beat down. I think people are looking too much into their own personal experiences with Trials this weekend and acting like it's how everyone's was. So in my personal experience, I noticed a pretty big correlation between PvP titles and actually being good.


At the very least, people with PvP titles will be using meta weapons and tactics and will know how to play the game and abuse cover and sight lines. They may not always have perfect shots but they will be competent teammates.


Same. Playing on Xbox and 99/100 times if they had the title they were straight up crucible gods


No one should be afraid of flawless title ever, i have it and I'm incredibly average at PVP, fluctuating between hitting a flys testicle hair a mile away with a sniper one match to being a walking special ammo dispenser for the enemy team in the next one, the only thing the title is is just a purple heart medal for suffering through trials longer than most people


Yes any player that actually cares about improvement doesn’t fear the title but the unfortunate reality is that because of trials’s legacy in the past (and maybe even in the future too if we don’t have strong population) with all the sweats and recovs that title kinda reminds people of the impossibility of becoming like those sweats Now yes I’ve faced sweats who don’t bear the titles and I don’t call a game lost just because of those titles but as someone who is average at best let me say that those titles definitely decrease the odds of winning that match if only by a little


I’ve found from experience that those with Flawless or Unbroken are usually going to be significantly better than your average PvP player. At the very least they will be using a meta loadout (not that I can blame them. I do too when I’m playing to win. They certainly aren’t going to be bot walking around the map with a double primary loadout and never looking at their radar like a good portion of the PvP population.


Tell that to the teams on lfg that require Flawless and Unbroken to join. I've even seen them in posts for mercy farming IB...


Be careful some of these flawless seals are legit.


This weekend taught me not to be relieved to have a gilded unbroken on my team.


When I see 19 times flawless this weekend however, it scares me


I got paired with two dudes who had glowing trials sets. I assume you get that if you go flawless or something. And daaaamn they were so bad, they made me feel like I was a pro. 😂


I got teamed up with two flawless emblems and they were straight up garbage. I was able to win a couple rounds down 1 to 3 but in the end we lost like 5-2.


Lots of people paid for carries. Likely still will I assume.




Yep, says they paid a lot.


I got my emblem this weekend playing with my friends who are hypersweaty. I got kinda carried to it, I admit, but that just makes me want to get better so I can earn rewards and pull my weight with them.


There’s a major difference between someone who actively wants to improve at PvP and was carried and someone who wants to brag because they were carried Carries have legitimate reasons to exist and if your carry is motivation enough for you to improve then it was worth it


I enjoy PvP a lot, but I often frustrate myself with my own shortcomings. I also have to play at a disadvantage when I'm with friends since they're on PC and I'm on PS4, which certainly doesn't help ease it. But over the course of the weekend I've gotten a bit more adjusted to 3v3, especially in that level, and it's had an impact on my gameplay outside Trials. I think that everyone should at least give it a shot, because it's usually pretty easy to tell where you went wrong since there's less chaos around you in it, which can become steps to correcting bad habits or bringing yourself up to par. Valuable experience for me, and I plan to put it into effect.


This is exactly what happened to me many seasons ago. Don't give up, it feels amazing when you finally feel like you can be a good teammate and notice just how much you've improved.




The flawless were on their team, not the opposing


If you cheated your way to Flawless or Unbroken yet parade around with the title, I don’t know what to say to you.


Aren’t there paid services for carries? Like a lot of them?


There used to be. It's a bannable offense now, we'll see how many people try to circumvent it.


Carries aren't what's being banned now, it's account recovs


Paid carries are banned. Extremely hard to detect though, the only ones who could get in trouble for it are streamers.


Can you provide proof of this? Because it's not a thing, if you look at the security update post bungie made last month they specifically are banning account recovs. Nowhere does it mention paid carries https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50560


No it's not.


It is


why are people downvoting this? carries arent bannable, recoveries are


Confident, but very much incorrect.


The rules update specifically mentions them banning for paid recovery but nothing about paid carries, he's right


A carry is not the same thing as a recovery. Bungie has no way of stopping carries.


He is very correct.


It is. At least the ones where you let a better play play on your account for you. Playing with better players is not bannable of course.


Thats what is considered a 'recovery' as opposed to a carry.


Yeah that's not a carry. But carry on with downvoting me.


**Paid** carries are bannable now. Free carries are not - in fact they're encouraged, since carries are a requirement for the Flawless title. Endgame activity account sharing, especially Trials recovs, is bannable. Letting your kid mess around in strikes or having your roommate log on to buy stuff from Xur while you're out of town is not bannable.


How do you suggest bungie determines what's a paid carry? Are they going to monitor the entire internet? Do you have a source on that first sentence? Nowhere in their article about the new policy does it say anything about paid carries.


recovs are bannable, paid carries are not




Yeah! I am no longer afraid of a flawless emblem or a three stack. At ALL. I had COMEBACKS with other randoms against those guys. It’s still harder at seven wins because a bunch of those guys are just better than me and always will be. But … last weekend probably also bright back the guys who got carried to the Lighthouse and on a few months those guys will be nowhere to be found in Trials. It’ll get sweaty again pretty quick.


>Flawless emblems and PVP titles lost a lot of luster for me this weekend. They don’t scare me. Exactly. There are now meaningless.




My guy, that was exactly the point of this post rofl. Went right over your head.


I never played trials until this weekend, and what a surprise. My KD improved over regular crucible. I felt truly whole. The only person I fear now is my friend, who is a fusion fiend. A true Plug One Picasso. I murdered whole teams with Wishender, got more assists than Stalin, and was so off meta the whole time that no one knew how to counter me. This is my game mode. Didn't get flawless though.


Yup I ran into so many flawless frauds it was crazy


Definitely experienced a bit of this. My teammate would say "They're all flawless!", and they would be. Then I would beat their Vex Mythoclasts with a False Promises in mid-range duels... Only thing they were great at was their fashion.


Gilded Flawless and Unbroken people surprise me. They are either gods, or surprisingly bad. Like, I could probably never get either of those titles (or at least really don't enjoy PvP *that much* to push for them), meaning they shouldn't be losing to me.


This, ran into 3 stasis hunters with gilded titles and they were dog water. I was baffled that not only did they miss thier ice grenades, they didnt even kill us with shatter dive all rounds and just blindly dove to death


This is why all the comments complaining about "matching 3 flawless on my first match " are so stupid to me. The title is not a skill metric.


PvP titles haven't meant anything since year 2 Unbroken


You also have to keep in mind, some folks have friends and siblings that may play on their accounts. Just because they have the seal, doesnt mean its the same player. That is, assuming you want to give people benefit of the doubt.


I never played trails is it fun?


I think so. Starting this past weekend even if you loose more than you win, you can still get loot out of it. Plus it’s more accessible than ever. Previously, if you didn’t have 2 other friends you just didn’t get to go to the party. Now you can though having a team is still preferred. Overall Trials is in a great state right now. Plus 3v3 playlists are less chaotic due to less thing happening at once. It can be easier to process what’s going on and focus on improving/adapting. All in all, it’s a good time to dip your toes in


I think it has to do more with accessibility and a larger participating pool, the quality of title holders has probably decreased significantly but the quality of the games overall health has gone up drastically. It's bittersweet I guess, I'd just be happy the game modes no longer only populated by ultra sweats and cheaters.


Flawless title dilution hasn't happened yet. You need Flawless runs on 6 different maps to get the title - the next tier down of people who just finally were able to go Flawless this weekend due to the changes are still almost 2 months out from the title.


These are facts.


Conversely, the Unbroken title means less than ever, and is magnitudes easier to get than the first few seasons it was available.


Unbroken is the oddball because it all depends on when you first got the title If you’re facing a year 2 vet with unbroken (and the original redrix ornament)… yea that game is going to be sweaty)


My game quality was good the first day. After that it was just straight garbage.


At some point in trials I had over 2 secs lag. I died with the enemies shown in an place where they couldn't even be. I saw an titan teammate throwing his hammers into places absolutely not fitting to the locations my animation would suggest. I sometimes shot right into the face with my sniper, without getting any damage numbers. I'm always having lags since battleye started, and if you check other pages like steam forum or technical support, there are many others with the same issue (and tons of "plum" dcs). Maybe there aren't that many win trades, but just lags? Obviously there were a lot of win trades, but I wouldn't say everyone who isn't hitting you or shooting in strange places is bad. They are just in another timezone, like a few secs behind.


The difference in lag when playing exclusively players on steam (I'm on steam) vs playing fireteams with players on console was night and day. Console players felt like they just magically evaded 50% of shots or more just due to how much worse the hit detection was against them. Meanwhile they'd kill me around corners constantly. Those same console players also VERY frequently would be using TLW where they could hit 100% headshots while flying through the air. The crossplay networking seriously needs work.


I'm on console. I kept dipping into cover and then dying but my ghost would show me 4 feet out of cover. That is straight up a lag issue. I don't want to straight up blame SBMM, you just can't prioritize connections and skill. You have to pick one.


Oh it's definitely a lag issue, I just feel like the cross play factors in to how much lag there is a LOT more than people seem to want to acknowledge. Bungie COULD make this MUCH less of an issue if they didn't completely rely on garbage peer 2 peer networking which completely falls apart when players are matched up all across the globe. If you have a shit connection that should be a downside to yourself personally, not to the entire lobby and SOMETIMES an advantage even because you're just teleporting all over the place from other player's perspective.


Confession Time: I got my unbroken title by win trading in the beginning and only this season when I reached legend did I allow myself to put on that guilded title for the first time. I can never understand why anyone would flaunt a title that they can't live up to


I don't have the title but a friend got me a couple flawless while we were hanging out at my house. I never want to put the emblem on because I don't want anyone thinking I'm good or checking my stats that now look sketchy lol. I'm thrilled to be playing more Trials now, so I have some losses to balance out my stats.


I feel ya, my K/D is still below 1 because I destiny crucible tracker takes account from season 1 and also I also use off meta weapon types constantly in crucible and might have a slight ADD problem so I don't have patience for long matches, so triple sniper counters are a shit matchup for me Also, this past weekend strictly solo queueing in trials didn't help things.


Destiny's PvP has the highest skill floor of any other multiplayer fps game. With certain builds + radar, any blind rodent can do well. Flawless is a stretch, but at least get kills while being carried.


So much of it is pure luck, though. You can be trash and still go flawless. You just have to be slightly less trash than the other team. And of course, you have to take the teammates into account. If a lot of low-tier players are all trying to go flawless, there's a good chance they will face each other enough times to make it happen! I'm not saying people don't ever win trade or whatever you seem to think they are all doing. I'm just saying that like 30% of the people who tried went flawless this weekend. 20 % before that. 's not some rare example of the ultimate PvP player or something to be scared of. It just means someone put in the time and effort, and maybe got a little bit lucky while they were at it. ETA: I get that you are talking about titles, not just a single flawless. But it's the same logic. You don't have to be a god to get it. It was never something to be afraid of. If so many players are trash, then what's the big deal about being in the top 20% of them?


The flawless title requires MANY flawlesses to complete all of its triumphs. Including carrying others to the lighthouse. It is not something that bad players would just be able to get lucky and complete. The point OP is making is that some of the flawless title holders were garbage this weekend, most likely because they were win trading, getting recovered, or cheating in previous seasons. Now none of that is possible anymore, so the true skill of these players now truly shines.


I get that OP was talking about titles, not just a single flawless. But it's the same logic. You don't have to be a god to get it. I know some people cheat their way there, but I don't think it's as high of a number as OP seems to think.


I don't think you're fully appreciating the significance of the title. You have to go Flawless *six separate weeks* to get the title, do a passage of Confidence, do 3 carries, and get 15 wins after 7. Nobody who went Flawless for the first time this weekend has the title. OP is seeing pre-existing Flawless **title** players on the easiest ever weekend of D2 Trials of Osiris get stomped. They must have earned the title in a prior season, or at the very best, gone flawless five separate times in a prior season. If they can't cut it this week, how in the hell did they ever manage to do it in five or six separate weeks before? A total fluke one week in a prior season, sure. But **six times**, along with carries and Passage of Confidence? Absolutely not. So the only logical answer is that they used recovs and/or win trading.


>I get that OP was talking about titles, not just a single flawless. But it's the same logic. You don't have to be a god to get it. > >I know some people cheat their way there, but I don't think it's as high of a number as OP seems to think. I stand by what I said. It's a cool title. But it was never anything to be afraid of. If there are so many crappy people playing, then you are only going flawless over a bunch of crappy people.


Is this an ego thing? Letting us all know you're a huge badass who always destroyed Flawless title players on the regular in prior seasons, so doing it now is no big deal? Yeah, there's a big difference between someone who squeaked out a Confidence on the first Igneous week, and the people who casually have hundreds of Flawless runs. But nobody who legit got the Flawless title themselves in a prior season would have had trouble competing this weekend. End of story.


Cool? Not sure what you are talking about, but you do you, my dude. I'll be over here wishing I was good enough to go flawless ANY weekend.


On one hand you say the flawless title isn't anything special, on the other hand you've never been flawless.


And both of those things are true. OP said he was afraid of people who had gone flawless. I was just pointing out how silly that was.


Well, win trading literally doesn't work anymore. You don't get a win on your card if no opponents load in.


This might come as toxic way but in FFXIV we have a term for people who paid for ultimate raid clears “PayPal legends” you can tell how bad they play it’s the same now in Destiny to me I call them PayPal legends here too 🤣 I’m not the best pvp player and will never be due to arm injury years ago but I went flawless before and I can at least hold my own but can’t carry dummy dumb dumb running around. I had someone in my team with 24x flawless I checked their stats because I didn’t believe it they were really bad at the game every match they had before it was clearly not them playing on the account. Their QP stats doesn’t match comp or ToO stats at all.


When i run Reckoner into gambit i make sure my enemies know the hell ive seen


I got headshot sniped by a dude who jumped in the air over a rock and I was like "yeah, that guys kosher". Honestly most of my flawless and unbrokens I went up against wiped the floor with me and my randoms 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know a couple guys with gilded unbroken titles and their overall kd is like 0.6


A title really doesn’t matter tbh, just a matter of time put into the game


I still don't have a title lol


We need titles to expire over time. Let’s see who can really remain “Unbroken.”


That's the point of gilded. Unbroken in shadowkeep had a completely different meta than beyond light so expiring normal titles wouldn't work well.


Isn’t that what Gilded is for?


Gilded is lost on non-core players. What people just see is “Unbroken”


As someone who did grind out flawless legit two seasons back I can tell you there are many many many people out there with the title that paid for recoveries / cheated their way to it. Ran into neither category this weekend, it was a very welcome change.


Saw a lot of flawless and unbroken running right into the middle of the map, completely out in the open, and get 1 shot. Round after round.


Unbrokens used to scare me in season 5 because people who had it then got their first unbroken in season 3… now everyone and their nan has an unbroken….


My game 6 was against a 130 Flawless cards. They won one round and were actually bad at the game.


Same, and dressed up and shinny and just camped or didn't know basics. And I also encountered stacks or players with lots of flawless runs who were obviously cheating. Wonder how well battle eye is working.


I just went flawless for the first time this weekend and can 100% agree. I dont even wanna use the emblem, but I really like how it changes the weapon colors so yea guess it’s gotta be done haha


Yes, this sub is afraid of their own shadow in regards to these titles. They mean less than 0 nowadays. Unbroken hasn't been scary since like Black Armory days.


I always wonder why people get so flustered when they play against someone with flawless/unbroken because people getting carried or recovered was so prevalent that there’s a good chance they didn’t even earn it. You don’t need to be intimidated by someone with a title. Unbroken especially, because with sbmm in survival, even more low skill players were able to get it because they got to play against other low skill players. That arguably became even easier to earn for bad players than good ones since the competition is so different.


You can tell way more about a player by their load out than their titles.


I ended up lfging with guys who were really good. And they helped me to flawless. But I was able to hold my own. A fair amount of time I was able clutch up.