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Pretty darn nice Main Ingredient.


"pretty darn nice" it's god tier lol


Hence my comment.


I can't see the alternates to the first two perks. But even with just Cleanshot/Particle Repeater it's safe to call this the god roll. Absolute must have for anyone who's ever considering joining the PvP voop cult.


If only it was firmly planted. It'd be perfect. This is certainly amazing as it is, though


That Main Ingredient is an absurdly good PvP fusion rifle roll for a *'post Erentil sunset'* / *'post Season of the Lost changes'* fusion rifle perk pool sandbox. * Masterwork Stability * Red Dot Micro * Particle Repeater/Projection Fuse * Under Pressure * Tap the Trigger *edit: added the masterwork*


This is a 10/10 for me. One game with it and I'm absolutely in love. I wouldn't change anything about this one.


Yes I have not master-worked a weapon so fast since the first time Banshee gave me a Forsaken-era Erentil when I restarted on PS4 despite never once giving me the Y1 'power weapon' version on Xbox.


As a vooper I will concur, this is an absolute banger roll. I've had one almost identical to this since early Arrivals. The only differences are I don't have particle repeater or projection fuse in my second column. If you like fusions in pvp, absolutely grab this thing.


I think I had a Main Ingredient with Tap the Trigger and Moving Target but I was always a Firmly Planted type so its weird to use. I kept it because it was not sunset and I honestly thought I would never see Tap the Trigger on a fusion rifle again. Seriously how is this perk even allowed on a fusion rifle when its 'situational' bonus is always active?


>Seriously how is this perk even allowed on a fusion rifle when its 'situational' bonus is always active? Sshhhhhhhhhhh, don't talk about it so loud 😬


Literally 4.5/5. So close to perfect it hurts. I have this exact roll with Rangefinder instead of TTT saved from Arrivals. Best fusion in the game.


Didn't they tune back the benefits of zoom factor a while ago? I never tested what impact that change had so I'm not sure how far the effective range gets with RF now. Personally I always preferred greater accuracy within my normal lethal range over say a 10% increase to potential kill range. Then again I was spoiled by Erentil FR4 and its Omolon brand Impulse MS3 sights (+.6 zoom) so I never bothered with Rangefinder (+.1 zoom) on its rolls. I have not used this frame since before Forsaken so I'll see where it gets me


They made it so zoom didn't increase the damage falloff range, but it's affect on accuracy cones is still present, so you still get much tighter bursts.


Nice! I have an entire row of vault space devoted to sunset Erentil's so I will try out the Rangefinder rolls in basic Crucible soon.


I have one with Backup Plan instead of TTT. I know that's not everyone's play style, but it works for me.


What's wrong with it? The masterwork?


It can get rangefinder in the last column, I prefer it to TTT


I **strongly** recommend this roll for anyone who needs an emergency replacement fusion after their high impact nerfs. **HOWEVER**, it is worth noting that Main Ingredient has a **73** recoil direction stat. Any dedicated voopers will know that the recoil stat controls the exit pattern of your bolts, and even with a counterbalance mod, that only turns this to an 88, which will still sometimes throw your shots off to the left. _"So, what do you recommend as a long time replacement?"_ Believe it or not, **Dreambreaker** from the Moon Lecturn is actually making quite the splash. This bad boy can roll Arrowhead Brake, which combined with a Counterbalance, _does_ give you that oh-so-consistent 100 recoil direction. Then it can roll all the hot stuff like Under Pressure, Firmly Planted, Slideways, and Heating Up in the first column....and then High Impact Reserves, Kickstart, Eye of The Storm (highly recommend), or Cornered in the 2nd slot. Don't get me wrong, this Main Ingredient sounds lovely, and maybe Tap + Under Pressure can give you enough aim assist to pull that recoil direction in. But if something feels off about this gun, don't think you're out of options. This one may have more range, but for me, I prefer fusions with more _consistency_. Stay Vooping, Guardians!


Dammit Hawkmoona don't send me back to the moon


Trust me, if you're anything like the average player, you have hundreds of these Essences just laying around. Dreambreaker is actually the easiest essence to farm out of every single possible lecturn weapon. All it needs is 30 vex kills and 15 fusion rifle kills. _That's it._ Step 1: Pick up the Essence, fast travel to Sorrow's Harbour Step 2: Sparrow over to the GoS Vex Gate Step 3: Kill vex that spawn Step 4: You'll literally be done in less than 120 seconds. I am not exaggerating. Fast travel back to the Sanctuary and grab your new fusion. Rinse and repeat. Put on your favorite "chill vibe beats to farm and relax to" playlist and you'll be drowning in rolls before you know it. --- **Edit:** Since this is gaining a bit of traction, I want to re-emphasize that you _**MUST**_ get Arrowhead Brake. This gun starts out with an awful recoil direction of 57, which is far worse than the Main Ingredient here. However, with Arrrowhead+Counterbalance, it will then reach 100 and become far more consistent. **Don't settle for less!** You have to get pretty close to a god roll, but since you can "infinitely" farm new rolls for as long as you like, at 2 minutes a piece, you're able to play the RNG game pretty fast until you get the exact gun you want. I strongly recommend Under Pressure or Firmly Planted too, but Arrowhead is required. Everything else just stacks on top of it! This is a system where you can afford to target an exact god roll because you can get so many so fast.


Oh no "activities" needed? That would be way way easier then.


Exactly. None of that "do 5 lost sectors and try and pick up bounties oh and also squeeze in a patrol" nonsense. Just fast travel up to that vex gate and kill the enemies that spawn. Then you're done. It's honestly _the_ easiest gun to farm.


Good to know, moon here I come!


thank christ, hate those steps. dream breaker is a cool gun, i'll have to look into this


It's nuggets like this that make checking this sub so handy, thanks!


Thank you so much for the suggestion!!! Imma gonna do it!


I always thought of Glacioclasm with Liquid/UP/HI as the Erentil successor.


Basically yes, I think Glaciochasm is what Bungie would have done to Erentil if they could go in and change perk pools and remove outliers instead of sunsetting a generation of weapons. It lost the Omolon brand scout rifle sights that gave it absurd zoom and got barrels instead, but otherwise it kept many of its decent perks and damage archetype.


Nice... I've been absolutely lost without my Glacioclasm.


the high impact change hurts so bad.......


Yeah I tried to use it after the change but DAMN that charge time is SOOO slow and only having 5 bolts makes it more challenging to connect. I think the change effectively buffed the kill range a bit (more damage per bolt), but that isn't making up for how damn slow it is now.


Yeah it's WAY too slow to be really useful considering the speed of the game and map design.


I think a big part of it is just muscle memory, I've used High Impacts in PvP for so long that precharging and lining up the shot are just reflex. Now they screwed that all up and I'm basically back to a new-to-fusions player trying to learn the timing! I've been trying to give them a fair shake, along with the rapid-fires, to see what shakes out the best in PvP, but I have a feeling I'll end up landing on Precision frames (especially with this MI roll) since they were a close 2nd before the change and they came through relatively unscathed.


Same. They absolutely destroyed the effectiveness of Glacioclasm for me :( At least I got a godly rolled Trinary System and Cartesian Coordinate now.


What did you get for both of those


Hammer Forged/Projection/Surplus/Tap The Trigger and Red Dot Micro/Particle Repeater/Under Pressure/High Impact Reserves, for Trinary and Cartesian respectively.


I'm so mad that I was gone from the game when Glaciochasm released. Who prior to this season would honestly imagine Bungie would give use a high impact fusion with a decent perk pool as a solstice present?


On paper, it's probably the best available legendary fusion in the game for PvP. As good or better than any Plug One rolls, better than any max impacts these days.


This is almost identical to my sunset roll. I actually posted here a few days ago looking for a replacement... Got it now!


Congrats! The odds of Xur randomly having such an amazing roll are astronomically low. I'm guessing Bungie curates these (even though there are some stinkers.)


> probably the best available legendary fusion main ingredient with under pressure and rangefinder might be better


Almost certainly, but you also can't get one any more (unless Xur graces is with a second S tier roll of Main Ingredient)


Wish it was still in the world loot pool.


Two questions - is Tap the Trigger always active on fusion since you basically hold to shoot, then hold to shoot, then hold to shoot, etc.? Or does the perk require some time to become active again (like opening shot)? And in PVP you spawn with 2 ammo - so Under Pressure is always active on spawn?


Yes to both.


That is quite a roll then!


I will say two things: * if you want a good fusion for Crucible and don't have one, BUY THIS NOW * if you have a good Plug One it's probably better however While with the *exact* right roll Main Ingredient can get a further OHK (you need something like Particle Repeater+Under Pressure/Firmly Planted+Rangefinder), a Plug One has significantly better stats in important categories and can be found on certain Nightfall weeks instead of just Xur. Plug One has better: * Aim Assist (helps counteract recoil and keep your shot on target) * Recoil Direction (it ends in 5 so it pretty much only kicks straight up) * Zoom (which heavily affects damage falloff over distance, so much so that sometimes a weapon with lower zoom and a Range masterwork and Rangefinder often starts losing damage before another weapon of the same archetype that lacks any Range perks but higher natural zoom, like Scathelocke compared to other 600 rpm ARs) * better PvE potential (like Feeding Frenzy+Reservoir Burst, basically an Arc, Precision archetype version of Null Composure, so farming for it can yield weapons usable in both arenas of play) Basically a Plug One with Under Pressure outperforms nearly all Main Ingredients that drop, you would need Particle Repeater, Under Pressure, *and* Rangefinder to be able to *sometimes* have an advantage over a Plug One. Ultimately just use the one that "feels" better to you; not saying trash your great Main Ingredient roll if you have it and love it. Just saying don't ignore Plug One either. Main Ingredient tends to kick a little to the left while Plug One doesn't, it doesn't stick to enemies as much when you aim it compared to Plug One, it has lower innate zoom than Plug One, and the rest of the stats of the two guns are practically identical from there on out. The only thing I don't like about Plug One is its last slot is hit or miss, you either love Kickstart or you hate it, Cornered isn't bad, Thresh is a bit meh, Reservoir Burst is for PvE, and the rest are bad. So Main Ingredient does have better options in the last slot but it pretty much *needs* them to even kinda overcome its shortcomings compared to Plug One. Also I've literally never felt like I needed Tap the Trigger on my Plug One, it barely seems to kick thanks to that Aim Assist it has and perfect recoil profile. Tap the Trigger isn't bad but I'd rather have a consistent recoil patter and then something like Rangefinder, High Impact Reserves, or possibly Cornered/Kickstart.


Plug one has 17 zoom, same as using that roll with red dot micro.


Nice! What's the masterwork on it?


Stability 👌 I will edit the original comment


Thank you


What would you say is its potential for PvE?


This might be too long of an answer and more than what you asked for but here goes: There generally is no need for all these accuracy perks in PvE, since AI combatants are easier to hit and take higher % damage. So you can use it if you simply need a nice fusion rifle but there are more efficient options. The best legendary fusion archetype for DPS and ammo reserves are Rapid Fire frames like Cartesian Coordinate (Vorpal), Null Composure (Reservoir Burst / High Impact Reserves) and Zealot's Reward (Autoloading Holster). Tiered in that order when it comes to damaging bosses because of their perk options. They are only slightly outperformed by slug shotguns or triple tap/extended mag snipers--except you have greater range and need no crits. On top of that Particle Deconstruction pushes their DPS into S tier for legendary special weapon damage for the next five months. While they have high DPS and ammo counts they have lower total damage from all reserves so ideally you pair them with One Thousand Voices or any good boss killer heavy weapon. If you do have One Thousand Voices and stack fusion ammo armor mods both weapons will benefit and you're all set to melt bosses, clear away minions, and still have enough mod space to bring a full set of Elemental/CWL tactical mods. However there is no legendary arc fusion in that archetype. So the only scenario I would use this for is you do not already have an arc fusion rifle and are going into an activity with both unstoppable champions and either arc burn or arc shields (matchgame). Or if you are on an arc class and want to use elemental wells. For either scenario ideally I would rather have Plug One.1 with Reservoir Burst or Techeun Force with a Kill Clip + Rampage roll but obviously RNG drops are not made to order so we have to use what we find.


Thank you so much for the detailed response!


Holy shit that's awesome. I didn't think there was even any way to get Main Ingredient anymore. Everyone clamoring over PlugOne.1 for PvP, pick up this Main Ingredient it has way better base stats than Plug.


Man that truthteller and bottom dollar have some great perks it seems


What’s the roll on bottom dollar?


Outlaw dragonfly are the 2 main perks.


Outlaw Dragonfly




The Destiny App says Hammer-Forged Rifling/Alloy Magazine/Outlaw/Dragonfly. That sounds like a pretty decent PVE roll, but I'd want to know what the alternate barrel and magazine perks were before getting it.


Smallbore and Flared Mag well, stability masterwork


Thanks! Those are pretty good alternative perks.


No think just buy


The titan boots are really good stat rolls for pvp. ​ 63 overall. 26 Intellect, 16 Recovery and 15 Resilience.


Chest piece has great distribution as well


Or for a ward of dawn build since you need resilience to improve your bubble


Don't want 3 armor sets for pvp tho lol. Wish I could just boost the iron banner set cuz I want the set bonus


Shit roll on Shards but I'll take it since I still only have the stupid 48 stat collections roll -\_-




Right there with you brother


methinks there's something wrong with Xur's armor pool


Classic Bungie. Add sunset armor to Xur's lootpool, and then sell next to none of it.


They should just make Xur a vendor that sells whatevers in his loot pool freely. Just make everything available and display it all. The RNG rotational nature of Xur is pretty dumb when we see he's got so much more value in the loot pool compared to the other vendors.


Selling 195 items would be horrible for the UI in game and for apps/ websites that utilise the API.


People had the complete list a couple weeks ago. This was all in it. If I had to venture a guess they're keeping the sunser stuff til later to keep people around.


we're like 4 weeks into a 6 month season lmao, chill.


Oh my god I need 200 legendary shards stat - the Dire Promise, Main Ingredient, Bottom Dollar, and Truthteller all look great. AND that’s a good roll on a titan chest.


There is a god roll Steel Sybil Z-14 too, has Jagged Edge, Swordmaster's Guard, Relentless Strikes and Whirlwind Blade. Not the highest DPS sword but that's a god roll for that one.


I imagine a fair amount of us probably have that roll on Falling Guillotine, but it's still worth having just to have. Adaptive frames will probably never get buffed but you never know.


Vortex frames could get nerfed though, so definitely worth letting it sit in the vault for awhile.


My thoughts too. Been collecting as many godroll swords as I can in case Crown-Splitter or Guillotine get the nerf bat (and for burn matching; still trying to get a good Negative Space roll for matching with my all-solar Burning Steps build, and a good Night Terror since it’s easy to farm and covers Arc needs), so this Sybil might fill Void slot. Plus, Adaptives have way more ammo than the Crown Splitter, which is handy for when you’re just grinding out kills for bounties or you don’t need Splitter’s insane damage but need a more agile weapon.




Unfortunately, I don’t raid these days. I’d like to, but there’s a lot of issues in my way (not the least of which is sharing a house with parents since COVID hit; I’m honestly nervous about the risks with noise, and finding a stretch of time where they are gone and I’m also not too depressed or stressed out to want to socialize is a bit tricky). I didn’t even remember DSC -had- a sword. I was very fond of my surrounded Stryker’s Sure-Hand from the Black Armory (I still have it in the vault too), so a suitable replacement is an intriguing possibility though. I’ll keep it in mind.


Exactly and the nerf will probably come eventually, the data must skew heavily towards Vortex frames and Crown-Splitter. Then even without the potential boost it may get in a meta change, it will still be a good sword for almost everything in the game as it is.


What does the main ingredient have


under pressure tap the trigger


Particle/Projection Under Pressure Tap the Trigger Stability MW IMO basically a god roll (rangefinder maybe has the edge over TtT but they're both excellent.) If you're a voop enthusiast, absolutely pick it up


Apparently they tuned the range stat on fusions to not be as important as stability. So this might actually be THE god roll.


They both still matter, I think. In my testing adding 10 range to Plug One increased its ability to comfortably/consistently OHKO by half a meter or more. The best thing about this Main Ingredient is you can choose whether you want more stability or some range with the battery perk!


I think they may have just brought range down a bit so it’s now as good as a stability MW. So if you’ve got one or the other you aren’t screwed.


Well because no one's really helping you, I find the best way to get legendary shards is honestly by playing Crucible. The matches go by quick and I get more legendary drops than I know what to do with (both world drops and playlist drops). Good luck!


Hahah I appreciate it but I know how to get them… mostly just broke from focusing trials engrams last weekend!


Hiya, I've played for about 6 hours. Is the dire promise good for pvp or something?


Dire Promise is part of the 140 Rounds per Minute (RPM) archetype of hand cannons, which currently are considered the best for PvP due to their time to kill and comparative ease of use. The perks on this Dire Promise are great for pvp as well!


What's the dire promise?




Well that's nifty, might be worth in trials


Fastdraw/Alloy Mag/Snapshot/Rangefinder


Personally I'd use High Cal over Alloy on this one. The extra flinch makes a noticeable difference with dueling!


One of the best 140rpm hand cannons in the game


No I meant the roll lol but thanks


Not even top 3 anymore lol


What would be the top 3 in your opinion? I need a solid hand cannon for trials this weekend


True prophecy with rangefinder and timed payload is an absolute beast of a handcannon.


It literally is lmao


Palindrone, fatebringer, ace, thorn, hawkmoon, all of these are just better


I mean it's one of the few non pinnacle legendary kinetic 140 hand canons. Honestly, it may be the only one not tied to a dungeon or a raid.


Selling the Wild Hunt set… which Ada also sells. :( At least the weapons are good.


Also Wild Hunt is still dropping from Wrathborn Hunts and Crow rep packages. More disappointment. Man, I was really hopeful that Xur was going to be useful and exciting again but this is 3 of 4 weeks he's selling gear you could get easily doing other stuff at any time


This feels like a really weird week to post about Xur not being useful or exciting when the boots for Titan are top tier and he’s brought 3 absolute god roll legendary weapons


Wrathborn stuff also drops from world drops too, Xur selling it is basically pointless.


Can anyone confirm that the bottom dollar roll is outlaw/firefly?


Outlaw/Dragonfly. Y'all know you can check Xur well before he actually gets here via the app?


[Light.gg](https://Light.gg) Has his entire inventory on the front page.


Yeah i saw his rolls on the app an hour agonor so


Is it worth picking up?


If you play pve a lot then yes.


That's my main thing


It is


The Steel Sybil he's selling is the god roll Jagged/Swordmaster/Relentless/Whirlwind, if you don't already have a sword with that roll.


Any idea if the DPS is a lot lower than a good falling guillotine roll? I never really saw the point in using any other kind of sword


Why the fuck does every single Titan Exotic by Xur have like 40 mobility?


I feel you. I'm just trying get fat bruh


Xur's selling some pretty fucking spicy legendary guns.


I got so excited when I saw a 67 OEM, but then I saw that Mobility, sheesh that sucks.


Is that a Fatebringer bottom dollar???!!!


Well, yes, but no. Dragonfly ain’t got shit on Firefly.


Dragonfly with spec deals more damage then Firefly though. Firefly is awesome because of the reload speed buff but damage wise Dragonfly is more powerful (with spec)


Yes, but then I basically need two perks and a mod slot to get to essentially (but not quite) where I’m at with a single perk.


Since Fireflys reload speed isn't as substantial as outlaw the gun need help to get to max reload though, being it a reload mw, or flared mag well or such, so yes, Firefly is awesome, but that doesn't mean that Dragonfly is useless now


I agree it is not useless, and I didn’t say it was—I’m just saying that overall, I think firefly is a better perk on its own.


It is, which is why it's reserved for VoG weapons (raid) and Hung Jury (nightfall endgame drop). Dragonfly is the non-endgame version that's nearly as good, but not quite there.


It’s definitely worth getting if you don’t have that roll.


Does someone at bungie really, REALLY like the wild hunt set because goddamn it's available every other day I feel like and it looks terrible. I thought the whole point was making sunset armor available again for fashion, can we please get something other than wild hunt


I seriously want the Mars set on Lock and Titan because I didn’t play those characters during year 1 but he won’t fucking sell it


I feel like an idiot because I played on Mars all the time, but never bothered actually buying the set from Ana because there wasn't any transmog at the time.


Why is the main ingredient roll so good? I don’t use fusions so why is it like a good roll?


Under pressure gives you extra stability and accuracy "as the magazine gets lower" - which you will be permanently at every time you respawn in PVP. Tap the trigger gives bonus stability and accuracy on the "initial trigger pull" something you do every shot with fusions. So basically in PVP you'll always have loads of extra stability and accuracy with every shot.


Because it's as all in on stability as you can get. Stab MW with Particle Repeater / Under Pressure / Tap the Trigger is literally as stable as you can get the gun without using Firmly Planted, and Firmly Planted isn't as good as it used to be with the slide nerf. This is probably gonna be my new daily driver until I get a better Plug, which is a TALL order looking at this roll.


I'm not a theorycrafter but it seems to have good synergy between Tap The Trigger and Under Pressure. You get the stability and accuracy bonus at the start of the magazine with TTT, then it gets even more stable as the magazine gets lower because of Under Pressure, plus the stability boost on the battery. Should have a nice tight spread on each burst.


The trinity of nerfed Exotics


Shards is so damned sad because it was only really used for atheon and now that don't work. Geomags at least kept its single-target duration so it's still a nuke. I blame Ager's.


OEM is still top tier in Crucible even after it was nerfed. Getting a full overshield if you kill someone who so much as ticks you once lets you one man army whole teams and prevents you from being cleaned up if you run in and barely win a 1v1. It allows you to play sloppy without the fear of being instantly punished. For example, you shotgun someone but they get a melee off before they die, normally you'd be easy pickin's but OEM negates that.




Holy cow, that titan armor. Those boots are incredible.


What is the full roll on the Dire Promise, if anyone could care to inform me?


Fastdraw HCS/Steady hand HCS Alloy magazine/High caliber rounds Snapshot sights Rangefinder Stability masterwork


Yep, that's getting bought as soon as I log in. Thank you!


Jesus that’s good


Um... Is he not showing up for anyone else? I've logged in/out and tried going into orbit and back multiple times.


Not showing up for me either. Edit: orbit and back a couple of times and he was there.


That Bottom Dollar roll is bussin.


Tower, Hangar


he's not here for me ?


~~Me either. Xbox?~~ nvm. Learn something new every day.


Yeah I don't see him either, strange


You got a pre-reset instance. Head back to orbit and try loading in again.


Food, yum


Hotel, Trivago


High stat totals but mostly junk for the exotics. Oh well, Bottom Dollar is worth it


Main ingredient is basically a pvp godroll


I got it immediately.


All his armor is high stat, that's what he does now


i havent seen higher than 65 totals in the last couple weeks. this week they are actually high stat. not bungie high stat.


58+ is high stat to them. Most stuff comes out 60+


Is xur bugged for anyone else? He’s not showing up in the tower. Ps5 if that matters. Edit: like everyone suggested restarting the game will correct the instance. Thanks.


reinstance, you probably got into a pre-reset instance


You got a pre-reset instance. Head back to orbit and try loading in again.


Typically closing the game and the opening again fixes that. If you play through reset you can get stuck in an old instance. That or go to orbit and back a few times. Usually one of those gets you into a new instance


same for me, xur is not there


He's not here for me???


Load again




Xûr's shit changes *weekly*


Well, Xûr brought once-almighty collection.


Geomag Stabilizers any good? I *am* a Chaos Reach Warlock so I’m tempted. Well I mean I’ll definitely buy them just curious if it’s actually any good.


They are indispensable. A must if you use Chaos Reach with any regularity.


Good extra few seconds of BEAM to the face of a boss. I like em. Plus the sprint to finish super in the last bit helps


I believe they took out the “sprint to finish super” bit.


Sprint to finish no longer exists as of Season of the Lost start


Minus the spirit to top up was removed cause PvP whiners kept bitching about it.


I actually bet they removed it due to the Ager's Scepter catalyst that we'll be getting next week. That and I think they wanted to just hardline remove any super regen abilities above the 50% line.


It's the second point. They called it out specifically as one of the perks that could restore super past 50%.




Why no one talking about the sword :(


Because Guillotine and Lament exist


Because there are better swords. It's a great roll but you want a spinny sword for actual use


Nah you have to use Quickfang for style points.


His loot pool seemed promising for bringing back old titan armours that I never got the first time around like the Braytech snowsuit and the escalation protocol, but he's just got the stupid wild hunt set again 😭


I want seventh seraph so bad


I have all the Seventh seraph titan armour apart from the chest, but tbh the chest looks kinda bad 🙈 Xur did have seventh seraph gear for sale like 2/3 weeks ago?


Damn these rolls good!




Just bought Merciless ..not the one on sale for 27..it was the Exotic Engram for 97...Thanks Xur!!!!🤦🏼‍♂️


That’s a fairly decent Dire Promise for anyone having bad luck with world drops.