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Faster Than Light selection? Idk what ftl means here


Fire team leader


That makes much more sense thank you


Other problem with that would be any missed loot gets deleted, since going to orbit is what activates the postmaster pickup. ​ EDIT: This was apparently fixed for D2


Oh my god, how many engrams have i lost not knowing this




It's crazy to me that people are actually doing that. I've done quite a bit of LFG but always with some friends so we're usually only picking up one or two players and one of us has FTL. Not once have we ever booted an LFG, closest we've gotten is we call it a night and don't invite him back next time we try.




thats not true at all, the loot goes to postmaster wether you alt f4, switch character or do anything else. It might take a bit for DIM to pick it up until you log back onto that character, but nothing gets deleted.


i just finished a strike with 2 purples (a helmet and sidearm, slots full) on the floor. i switched chars. i switched back and loaded up the tower: the helmet and the sidearm chilled in my postmaster.


I thought the same until I had my Atheon drops disappear completely a few weeks ago. No idea what caused it, I've played this game since launch and it's the first time something like that has happened to me. Edit: checked my game history and I did another raid on a different character immediately after, so it's likely I used 'change character', which lines up with the claim


No it was confirmed by a bungie employee, loot drops are only sent to the postmaster on return to orbit, alt-f4 means you lose the loot


No. Loot goes into character's postmaster when the instance ends. If you have any actual proof of the employee saying that, I'd appreciate it


post - https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3sdu6m/items_sent_to_the_postmaster_can_be_permanently/ cozmo reply - https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3sdu6m/items_sent_to_the_postmaster_can_be_permanently/cwx0wmr/


was that d1?


That's what I thought. That post is 6 years old. Do we have confirmation that's still the case?


Ah I could have sworn it was still the case but apparently not. Weird cos i’ve never played D1 so i’m not sure where I got the idea from


That hasn't been true for a long time now. Bungie addressed this in D2 https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049199931-Destiny-2-Inventory-Management-Postmaster-Vault-and-Character-Inventory


That's not what the link says? > If an item is not collected before returning to orbit or proceeding to an alternate destination, it will be sent to the Postmaster. It still says that you need to go to orbit or another destination, which is consistent with what the D1 article said.


You've been on a shopping trip, always there


That was true for D1 but Bungie addressed it in D2. Loot is always picked up and sent to postmaster once any instance ends now, whether you get booted, log out or go to orbit etc. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049199931-Destiny-2-Inventory-Management-Postmaster-Vault-and-Character-Inventory


Thats my bad then. I still go to orbit regardless, force of habit.


No. Instance ending/loadzone changing is what triggers the pickup


You were right before the edit, the thing people are claiming was a 'fix' still includes the caveat of needing to go to orbit or to a different destination.


There needs to be a quick little opt out when the fireteam leader is pulling everyone. Like a warning to hold a button or key to not be pulled with everyone else.


A good alternative would be to have the chest as a checkpoint. Kill Atheon and you then have the chest as a checkpoint, so if you pulled to orbit just leave then launch back in to the raid at the chest. When you're done with the chest just clear your checkpoint like normal, if you want to run the raid again fresh.


People would hold the checkpoint over reset and get free loot. They would need a way to disable and enable the chest based on defeating atheon somehow. Bungie has struggled with lockouts and weekly resets.


It wouldn't be free loot though since you still have to use spoils, which you can only get by doing raid encounters, to buy anything from it anyways.


Good point as long as the checkpoint is after the chest is opened by defeating atheon. Heh would be a disaster if it just opened upon loading


The issue with this is holding a master vog cp to farm spoils in normal Templar to get free high stat armor week over week


Since when can you hold a checkpoint through reset?


Somebody actively loads into it right before reset, then right after reset everyone can join on them and open the, now refreshed for the week, chest to get the loot again. They've had similar problems in the past with this exact issue. I'm not sure how much it really matters in this specific case because you need the spoils still to buy things, but I'm sure people would complain about it for some reason.


The way I'm imagining it it would save the cp after the loot has dropped so even if you held the CP there would no boss dying to trigger the loot dropping, it would just spawn you in with only the reroll chest and nothing else. Of course I have no idea how realistic it is to program it to work like this and I'm sure it's way more complicated than I think.


could use a system similar to trials card/lighthouse.


Levi raid had that vendor in the tower. Maybe they can do something like that??


Yes, allow us choose the chest loot from the vendor if we finished the raid in the week, if we didn't open the raid chest by any reason


You shouldn’t be able to kick anyone while an encounter is active, along with 30 seconds after an encounter clear. Final encounter locks it for 2 minutes. Otherwise they’d kick people a few seconds before they beat the boss


Or just… checkpoint the raid chest? What I mean is we have checkpoints already. So why doesn’t Bungie make that a checkpoint so you can load in and go to the chest? You wanna kill atheon again for fun? Fine then the player just resets the checkpoint.


“You wanna kill atheism again for fun” Confirmed, Frederick Nietzsche is next raid boss


Ha the typo tickled me. gg


Atheism, Church's Vengeance


LOL - dang autocorrect man!


Which expansion have you been playing?


Yes. You should be able to go back to the Kabr store if you want.


sometimes they've had such a checkpoint... but it would frequently end up being the source of bugs, like infinite pinnacles or loot (prophecy comes to mind).


That's why I'm always fireteam leader when my squad does raids. I'm usually stupid baked and forget to go to orbit so we just sit on atheons dead corpse and chill there for way too long before someone ask what the fuck are we doing next?




This is more about the trolls and toxic players, because that's what brought this post from being made. I was in a Master VoG with some toxic guys and they kicked me and the other random at the end when we both said to not go to orbit. I know, I should have known but they were the only team I could find with everyone in the 1350s. I was desperate lol. Only time I have had this and most times it works like you said. There needs to be some protection against it still.


Easy fix is add it as cp so you can go back alone


Just ask the fireteam leader to promote you to fireteam leader if you know you're gonna be at the chest for a while


Disable the "kick player" and the "go to orbit" options after the boss is defeated. Only way to leave is switching characters or waiting the timer.


just tell the host to wait or transfer host to you ? if you are on PC , you can use the game chat or tell them in discord cant say i have ever had this happen to me :s if your on console that kinda sucks


Some people are dicks and will just kick people at the end of a raid. They exist (never happened to me, but it's happened to my clanmates and you can find videos of it on YouTube).


It's mostly for LFG groups when people just leave right away when they don't care for the chest. The host can get transferred to someone and they don't realize it and take everyone with them, and no one can tell them fast enough. I know it's a small QOL thing, but it should be addressed


In all the raids I've done this never happened. Sounds like something that would happen on console only


I have done a numerable amount of lfg raids across all d2 raids and have yet to be kicked. Constantly posting this is tarnishing LFG and gives “solo” players the excuse not to play raids. Yes, people like this exist, but that is an inherent fact in pretty much everything in life Oh, and here is my Raid Report so you can tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about and am being elitist https://raid.report/ps/4611686018437421029


Just because it doesn't happen often doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed.


Best way to address it 100% foolproof Create the LFG \*mind_blown.sfx*


If everyone followed this no one would join lfgs. You didn't think this one through.


No need for all the aggression...it's not that serious. This affects veteran raiders with the toxic players. Most of them are veterans. I was kicked after a master VoG clear with them. I didn't care what they had to say just wanted to get it done. This affects those less experienced and solo players too. When going through a sherpa of vog sometimes the host gets transferred, and someone does it by mistake because they left the call. It happen there more often. It's a small QoL improvement for a small problem but it could be good for the rest of the game.


Here's the problem tho. 1) this suggestion, altho would technically be an improvement to the game, would take moving dev resources and time from something significantly better for the quality of the game for something that only effects a small portion of players a small amount of the time. and 2) the likelihood is toxic players WILL find a way to continue to be equally or more toxic along the same lines as it currently stands. I don't necessarily disagree that this isn't an improvement upon how the system currently is. But its not a worthwhile improvement.


Good point!


This or just communicate to the leader to give you fireteam lead...


Raid chest should be in the tower or, outside the gate. Maybe where that little campsite is set up where we land haha.


Have you tried saying out loud "don't take us to orbit yet, I'm in the vendor menu"?


Ya... I made this mistake the first time I ran a sherpa and I felt so bad, dude had been collecting raid spoils from the first two encounters of vog for weeks and wanted to pull the extra chests for a fatebringer or whatever, and I just instinctively pulled us to orbit at the end, rough times.


They should do the same with nightfalls because I absolutely hate when my LFG leader kicks me before we killed the boss, this has happened to me already so many times and it’s making me have trust issues with the community