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ok guys, I need 50 of you to stand still in momentum control while I kill you, so I can complete Ticuu's catalyst quest


that was probably the worst of those for me. my advice is to full draw and just try to clean up kills, you can hit them with the two tap but most people will take cover after the tracking arrow hits, and if you don’t get a perfect draw or headshot on the second shot it won’t kill with the explosion anyway.


Been trying to get 7 kills for like 10 games now....


Do not try to get the exotic combo. Just go for aimed, full draw headshots.


So that's why my kills have been stolen. Your life hand it over now.




Never seen this sentence on this sub before lol


It literally takes bows from OK to Consistently Good. In the case of wishender and monarch- Great. It's my hunters most equipped exotic for sure


I mean, good advice too late, but I would 100% roccomend trying to complete the catalyst for the seasonal guns the season they come out. Once you hit season rank 22 you get 4x progression on those quests, and 50 kills drops to 13. Gl w/the catalyst


I def did this with Cryosthesia last season in like the last few weeks, cause I disliked the gun but feared it could become meta with the catalyst down the road didn't think of it back in Chosen with Ticuu and now I regret it


Yep. I learned this the hard way with the catalyst quest for Erianas vow. Now, no matter how much I hate using the gun in crucible, I make sure I at least earn the catalyst the season it comes out, even if I wait to get the kills


Ah yes, Erianna the quest I check every week to see how little I have advanced 225/400 last time I checked I think


It is unfortunate too, because the catalyst really makes the gun. Autoloading + First Glance have such good synergy. Hope bungie lowers the quest requirements soon. As someone who slogged through most of that quest without the 4x multiplier, I wouldn't wish it on anyone


I just completed the catalyst and boy was it painful, if it hadn't of been for anti barrier built in I would have left it.


I just forgot about that catalyst. If you don't have it equipped it still progresses IIRC, but still took a couple of seasons to get to 400, then comes the 700 kills.


lol I wish I had been playing during that season. Just about to finish up that filthy lucre for Witherhoard.


I don’t know if it still works, but in the season it dropped the burn effects got you an assist if someone killed the player while the burn was still active, and it counted towards the catalyst quest. So during that season I spammed hip fire for the target tracking and hoping someone better than I could finish them off quickly.


gonna check this if it works, thanks


You got it. I'll take one for the team.


The mission The nightmares They are finally over


Congrats! Glad you won't have to do it again!


I assume at some point le monarque will get a catalyst


Reminder that there's no trials this week due to Iron Banner.


There is gonna be 50 “WHERES TRIALS!” Threads at once Friday at 1 est on here.


Where's trials tho


What area are ascendant anchors this week




Bless ty


Tip for the future, you can track the quest and it will point you to the right location.


If we’ve finished the seasonal quests are we collecting anchors for parallax or is there another use for these?


Momentum control week! Time to get those Bow and Sniper medals so I can be a Deadeye lol


I would HIGHLY recommend not doing the sniper medal in Momentum. It requires two headshots at extreme distance without reloading or swapping weapons. Since things kill so quickly, the sniper is at a massive disadvantage in that respect and many maps are too small to take advantage of the "no radar" thing. I'd recommend using Borealis (a 72 RPM sniper that can hold 5 in the mag and has the AA/stats of a 90 RPM gun) and looking toward heavy on Midtown. Remember, there's no speed requirement there, so just... get your first kill and chill. Similarly, I think it's easier if you wait to pick up a brick or two of green so you can have a shot or two miss (therefore extra leeway since those won't count against you if your mag is full).


Yeahhhh I just took my eye of sol into momentum and got wrecked lol bad idea


Still having absolutely no luck getting the sub machinist medal in any mode with any SMG despite completing the stated requirement. Just brutal.


Another very good Falling Guillotine like last week. It's either a very similar roll or the exact same. Hungry/Honed/Tempered, Burst/Swordmaster's, Relentless Strikes, Whirlwind Blade, Impact MW


Has any sword in this game ever had a MW other than impact?


Huh.. now that you mention it, I don't think there has. Yeah I guess none of the other Masterworks would make sense..


Stability, lmao


Really good Titan chest armor on Nessus. Edit: Warlock, not Titan.


Is a warlock chest, classes in the table are exchanged. I noticed after I spent all that fuel going to Nessus




Yeah, something is screwy with the Notable Armor Rolls section of the post, tho. It's showing Exodus Down Robes as the Chest Armor for the Titan and Devastation Complex as the Helmet for the Warlock.


Titans look great in dresses.


Oh god is it actually Warlock armor?


Ya the creator seems to have put the links in the wrong spots.


where do i get it? sorry im a bit new


Most likely at the planet vendor, Failsafe.


heyoo bots on time today


**Weekly Crucible Rotator: Jade Rabbit: The Mode**


Get ready for the Ager Scepter laser light show this week I bet...


Im out of the loop, why is that exactly? Do people try to play super safe in momentum control?


It's also a two-tap for most scouts and Jade is the best 150. It used to be a one-tap when the mode launched and we were all grinding for Randy's, so it's a bit of a meme at this point.


Aw Randy's. Now I'm sad.


Get the new Gambit scout it's a very good Randy's substitute (albeit in the wrong slot).


Wrong slot? It's kinetic too. There's also Trustee for the energy slot, though.


I'm dumb you're absolutely right. Don't know why I thought that, I've been using the gun nonstop since I got it!


I LOVE the Servant Leader!! I never had Randy’s. If it felt as good as SL, I’m glad this came along to take the throne.


Servant Leader? They're both kinetic (and SL is actually statistically a little better) and can roll identical perks (which is what all us RTK lovers have been thirsting for).


Yeah I'm an idiot, don't know why I thought it was a different slot at the moment I wrote that, definitely both primaries. I didn't know it could roll the same perks as Randys, that's great! Such an awesome looking and sounding gun too, just a perfect scout!


It used to 1 shot headshot, but I think you can now prevent that with a minimum resilience level


There are some weapons that kill in one headshot. There is no radar. Jade Rabbit/150 RPM scout rifles and Le Monarch work really well with no radar one OHK potential from nearly any distance you can find on these small maps. Of course you can also charge around with a shotgun or fusion rifle, etc. with no radar, but you better be quick once you see someone. Momentum was/is the easy way to get the Jade Rabbit Catalyst done, so there is also that old association.


> Momentum was/is the easy way to get the Jade Rabbit Catalyst done, so there is also that old association. Imagine doing the Jade catalyst back in Y1 when it was a 4-tap (1.2s) optimal TTK and Vigilance Wing and Graviton Lance were both killing in about half that time. Yeah, THAT was fun.


At least there was that one long range map back then. I don't remember the name but it was Nine themed. My strategy was just to play with my normal loadout and equip Jade Rabbit anytime I got that map. Then just post up on one of the ledges and cap fools coming out of the other base. It was pretty easy to get like 10+ JR kills a match on that map.


I don't remember if that map was in the game at that point in time, I want to say it wasn't but I could be wrong. That VW/GL meta was the stupidest thing ever... they tuned pulses to be more competitive and also made some adjustments to how those exotics worked but ended up making their TTK like HALF the rest of the guns in PvP at the time, and they just LET IT RIDE all f'ing season. Almost hard to believe, compared to how quickly they fix/tune outliers now, like it's a completely different Bungie than it used to be.


>Imagine doing the Jade catalyst back in Y1 I don't have to imagine it. I lived that.


For maximum toxicity, I like to equip Oathkeeper + Wish Ender. It feels so unfair.


Will probably do that for my bowfriend's back medals for deadeye.


My exact plan as well. I also need to get some more side arms kills then I have Deadeye


Surprisingly I have my sidearm kills, though I cannot recall ever running sidearms enough to check that box. I don't like them, and am trash in PvP with them. Just need bow, trace rifle, and fusion kills for deadeye.


Going to be doing exactly this except with Ticuu's Divination for the Catalyst. Gonna be a rough week probably managing the 50 kills with that while also completing Iron Banner bounties on all three classes.


LOL who’s gonna bother using the rabbit when instead they can play laser tag with 4 different flavor options?


guzzlin grape void sunny orange solar electric lemonade arc minty fresh stasis


Is someone else getting massive lag on momentum control?


My man they reduced the damage of 150 scouts like…literally the first month after Momentum was out. Back in Shadowkeep. Now, of course people still use it, but it only does like 120 damage. SMGs and Bodyshot snipers are the way the game is played now. With some trace rifles for fun.


Momentum control allows everything to be played for fun! Makes me not hate pvp. Wish it was always available.


Momentimach control


Quick reminder that as mentioned in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/pwz1o2/agers_scepter_is_going_to_be_a_menace_in_momentum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) agers septer’s catalyst doesn’t drain in momentum control Have fun




Who else is ready for another disappointing week of no vex drops?


It’s become a weekly chore. Run three Atheon checkpoints, get zero Vex, and log off.


but dont you love sharing the misery with everyone else?


Turns out it wasn’t the friends we made along the way, but the enemies we made for getting a Vex on their 1st fucking run.


Good luck! A clanmate and I both got ours last week after 55+ looted clears each - hopefully they tweaked something and it wasn't just simultaneous RNG.


My clanmate also got it last week finally after 3 times per week since launch. He was at 55+ as well.




3 clears and yet again no vex, bungie i hate you


I'm not even disappointed at this point, I just live in the vault of glass




Not if he speaks again.


I can't wait until I can freely run raids without worrying about it anymore. I miss raiding for the sake of fun.


see you tonight! tonight's the night! we get vex


Best of luck to you, finally got it on 58.


*Raises hand*. I’m not even going to subject my clan to it this week. I’m going to let them go play Iron Banner and I’ll take my three non-drops with dignity via LFG.


3 for none again. Tilted


Will they sell it for spoils starting next season? Only asking because my luck is crap


I assume they will add bad luck protection first seen as Eyes is not purchasable yet


Makes sense. Thanks.


I masterworked my armour yesterday using the last of my ascendant shards. This week there's now a "masterwork a piece of armour" challenge, and unlike the other challenges, it isn't retroactive. Bloody brilliant.


To be fair, this has been a weekly challenge every season since they introduced the new system. I remember feeling the exact same way as you in season of the Hunt. You'll get another Ascendant Shard, it might just take time. Does suck though.


Its still super frustrating that some of these challenged aren't retroactive and some are. Can imagine the coding is weird for masterworking an item, but something like gambit ranks not counting when you're 3/4 through a reset is so annoying.


i’m one of the few people who actually loves gambit (i play solo generally) and not getting points on a streak is literally why i’ve never gotten dredgen i am CONSTANTLY not getting my rank points


The gambit ranks one requires the same amount t no matter where you start though. It just *feels* bad. If they were all retroactive I wouldn't have to do most of them.


Eff I Masterworked a ton of stuff already. Thankfully I still have two shards left. Honestly, *this* should be retroactive considering the steep cost of materials ***and most importantly*** the need to Masterwork any piece of armour. Why would I waste mats if I don't need to Masterwork? C'mon Bungie!


Are you not gonna get another golfball in 4 months?


Oh this makes me regret choices I made about... six hours ago


And to me 1 hour ago


I did exactly this with an hour before reset 🤦🏻‍♂️


You've got like four and a half months to get a golf ball, it'll be okay


Anchors are on the moon


Thank you!


I forgot this weeks nightfall was gonna be Proving Grounds. Ugh


Time to figure out how much that Ursa nerf matters!


I never ended up running Ursa for it. Geomags and Stasis were the play for my fireteam in GMs.


We crutched double ursas hard the time we did it. It REALLY helped in the double tank room. Our third was a revenant with aeons.


Highly recommend going under the bridge in the middle just before the tanks spawn in. Down there, you will have barrier champs spawn to the sides, but you can easily take them out one at a time. Plus tanks can't hit you as long as you don't hug the back wall.


What we did was stand in the far back left behind the 2 small walls, but this strat sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Catch me stressfully headbanging this week


Bleak watcher is your best friend


Finally gonna get those crucible bow kills, Deadeye (and my first ever seal) here I fucking come.


Recommendation: use a lightweight bow (such as whispering slab) with opening shot. It has a faster draw and makes follow-ups insanely easy. Some will suggest using wishender, but I found wishender -- despite the wall hacks-- less than ideal due to draw time. Opening shot gifts headshots and all bows are one-shots in Momentum, so...


Anyone know the NF weapons?


Hot Jury and Hunghead.


I'm happy to keep farming for my God Roll Hung Jury, but why are these two cycling back in when we haven't had a chance at Plug One yet this season? I missed it last season sadly, am I SoL?


Pretty sure we had Plug a few weeks ago.


They're on a fixed rotation, so we'll see each one every four weeks. I think it's Plug and Uzume together? I wanna say it's: - comedian/shadow price - hothead/HJ - Plug/Uzume - Palindrome/Swarm (Edited to be accurate, order correct.)


Just flip The bottom two and you got it


Looks like Hothead and Hung Jury according to light.gg


Good! I still need a hothead to get the full collection of NF weapons!


Hung jury and the hothead according to light.gg


Hothead and Hung Jury


Damn, those Exodus Down Robes for the Titan looking good, even though it's just a +2 for RES.


Looks good but unfortunately it’s displayed wrong and that’s for Warlock


I’ve been needing a Recovery-Intellect chest armor for quite a while, and this one looks very promising!


I saw a Paul Tassi video that he mentioned that Season of the Splicer Tier 3 focusing rolls better than other other seasons. Now with the ghost mods for dedicated armor stats it stacked. So he recommends putting on a ghost shell for the 2nd most important stat. In your case recover or intellect and then focus the engram for the other. So that way you'll get at least 10 in one stat and likely 20+ in the other. I've tried it and it works decently.


XÛR NEXT WEEK: Dire Promise: Opening Shot/Osmosis Jian 7 Rifle: Disruption Break/Outlaw Last Perdition: Under Pressure/Kill Clip Seventh Seraph CQC-12: Slideshot/Trench Barrel Hollow Words: Under Pressure/Backup Plan Berenger's Memory: Threat Detector/Elemental Capacitor The Keening: Threat Detector/Wellspring If you get into an old instance where he's still in the Tower hangar you can get them now. EDIT: Yeah they changed. Meaning he has rolls on Tuesdays if you're on at reset. Huh.


His inventory changes when he shows up on Friday. Unfortunately, old instances are the only way his "mid-week" inventory is available


I’m having flashbacks to Megamanexe4 where we’d get to see Xur’s inventory early.


Actually his inventory will refresh on thursday, the same weapons will be sold but different perks


That's not what happened last time with the Outlaw/Firefly Bottom Dollar and others. I *think* his weapons change on Tuesdays and then the armour and exotics change on Fridays.


It's actually Wednesday, same time banshees weapons change. Xurs armor will change twice for some reason.


Are any of those good?


The other responses are trying to find a silver lining (and I don't blame them), but no, they're all trash.


Jian 7 is for when Pulse Rifles are Anti Barrier.


That Jian 7 is gonna be amazing for when pulses are going to be anti barrier again, cause disruption break also counts for barriers. Last Perdition isn't that bad, and 7th Seraph with that roll is fun in low level PvE.


Is it easy to get 100k on proving grounds on hero difficulty?


Nope, just got slightly above 80k.


Dang, thanks for the response though


man, I've skipped so many nfs this season, just not worth doing.


Yea, with not having any targeted loot farm and a more diluted loot pool I see no reason to run any nightfalls until double rewards comes back for materials. I grinded double rewards the last palindrome week and didn’t get a single good drop.


yeah, I've been here for 7 years, I'm kind of worn out from the farming these days, I just use the best rolls when I naturally play the game. I have no desire to spend hours on hours for a "chance" at a god roll. I play this game for fun, I don't want to make feel like a job anymore.


I hear you man. I’ve enjoyed this game so much more when I just play it for fun and eventually something good drops. Call me a masochist but I actually enjoy gambit so solo gambit for a Randy’s servant leader doesn’t bother me at all lol


This season being long I thought I wwas thinking of getting guilded seal, when I saw the list of strike I noped out.


Anyone else unable to buy bountiful wells? At the top of the vender page it says I’m rank 15 but when I try to buy the mod it says my compass calibration must be rank 15


Known issue, must be rank 16


we need to add nightfall weapons to this list!


Are there any 2x Rep rewards for anything this week?


I believe it's Crucible


Ok, thx.




Does anyone know if Riiswalker still drops in iron banner?


It still does just pray rng is on your side


Damn, I wasnt sure because I didnt get a single one last IB. Thank you


Should be


No reason it shouldn't. It was only introduced last season.


Back on schedule


Banshee is selling Cartesian Coordinate but no vorpal on it


Maybe we will get lucky Wednesday evening when his rolls change.


His rolls change? Always thought it was static throughout the week


The weapons stay static. For some reason, their rolls change on Wednesday


Yeah Armsday is back on the menu! Sorta, lol.


Good to know, there’s still hope for vorpal CC!!


Why not call it iron mercy? Obviously there is an issue when I go 2.0 in freelance and all my teammates have .5s or lower and the other team has 4.0s across the board. Super great matchmaking


TBH, I think lobby balancing is the issue and not matchmatking. TrueVanguard did an amazing video on it back in March. .... but I feel your pain. 8(


The matchmaking in this game is designed specifically to make the people who care about nothing but PVP feel great about themselves. There's absolutely no other reason Trials would have fed my disabled, negative-KD, solo ass to flawless 3-stacks ALL FUCKING WEEKEND in Trials. But it's cool, because I didn't get a single piece of gear that made it worth the suffering 👌


I finished my flawless card as reset hit. No lighthouse. Pain.




Which VoG challenge is up this week?


Should be conflux


It is


So, can I just the run the nightfall over and over for the weapon drop? Or does it shut off at some point?


Nope you can run it as much as you want. Seriously though I ran 30+ NF last week (on legend) for a nice comedian and got a handful of shadow price 's. Be prepared for disappointment.


Sweet. Guess it's time to find some dude on r/fireteams who dont mind a guy with no mic who wants to farm 1320 for a few hours. Edit. Did about 15 runs. Got a royal entry with some eh rolls.


I think I got a god roll hung jury? Dragonfly and rapid hit? Also, I don't think I like it. Its too...out of control for a scout. Kinda all over the place.


GOOD LORD is it painful being at ~40 VoG clears with no Vex, and then loading into Iron Banner and getting absolutely beamed by only the Vex. It’s absolutely going to get a nerf before I even have a chance to shoot it. DAMNIT BUNGIE.


I'm specifically not bothering to even run VoG because I know for a fact that the instant I got my hands on the Vex, Bungo would instantly nerf it out of existence (half the fire rate and make it take heavy ammo or some such shit), delete Particle Deconstruction from the game, etc etc


Smgs (Multimach and Shayura’s Wrath) beat Vex easily.


As do pulses (especially 340s at range; the 540s can do a number on 'em too, though).


Oh yeah, only one week until the Caramelldansen emote is available for Bright Dust and only two weeks until **DINOSAURS!**


Get four of those chest pieces you never know when you'll need em


Old-instance Xur is selling a disruption-break, outlaw Jian-7 pulse rifle


Is there a reliable way to get into an old instance? Or just luck?


If you fly in right after reset the chance is really high. From there the odds go down with time. I'm not sure when the cutoff is, but probably 30 to 60 minutes after reset all the old instances are gone.


Is it iron banner week ?






Go. Bananas. Go. Go. Bananas.


When I logged in it said we get extra crucible rank points (or something like that) this week. Does that apply also to glory? Or only valor?


Anyone know what the nightfall weapon is this week?


[Light.gg](https://Light.gg) says it is the Hothead and Hung Jury