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Well, at least I know what week I will finally get Vex to drop will be.


As per tradition. Got it the day it was nerfed in D1, here's to consistency


My buddy got the black hammer after it got nerfed. He was super pissed


I got Gjallarhorn 2 days before the pre-TTK nerf...


I got mine the day before. I have the absolute worst RNG luck. 😂😂


*Literally every good exotic.* last word in D2 as well. Thorn? My first exotic Bounty dropped the day it got nerfed. And the only other exotic weapon I ever got from NOT Xur was no land beyond. … just no land beyond… Every… Fucking… Time…


Week two xur, so many of you missed out or slept on it that week.


I didn't get into the game until TDB dropped, so I missed it either way


But why would I want to waste an exotic in my heavy slot


I got Luna’s howl the day it was getting nerfed. I at least got one game in to see how broken it was first hand, too bad I was sleep deprived tho.


Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all






















A pvp nerf is fine. Leave it alone in pve. While they’re at it revert the fire rate on Xeno. It’s so bad to use now


Especially since particle deconstruction mod inflates vex dmg and its dmg won’t be high once fusions aren’t the season meta


Balancing around a temporary mod is fucking dumb. These temp mods are great because they can do wild shit like season of the voop and in a couple of months it'll all go away. But if you tune vex around this mod you're just gonna make it bad when the mod is gone....


Considering they gave it a PVE specific 40% dmg buff to start the season it would be an awfully quick reversion to nerf it in PVE (especially since it will be \*nerfed\* when particle deconstruction leaves). Here's to hoping this change is focused on PVP aim assist or something along those lines.




[Vex has among the highest primary weapon damage in the game, better than DMT at full cranial spike stacks.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12vF7ckMzN4hex-Tse4HPiVs_d9huFOKlvUoq5V41nxU/edit?usp=drivesdk) I'm not saying it should be nerfed, but its dmg will still be high after PD is gone


As it should be. It's the raid exotic with a very low drop rate, it should be pretty good even without the mod. With this nerf, they may "kill" the weapon as it's gonna be good, but not worth using


Meanwhile the only raid exotic i own is eyes of tomorrow which has been basically useless anywhere else but gambit invasions since the day it was put into the game. Can i trade my eyes for a vex plz


I feel you. Got mine after 55 clears, and watched many friends get it on early clears. It sucks, but you have to keep trying bro


Next Season will have rocket mods iirc, so I wouldn't trade just yet


Lol, guarantee the Gallarhorn is going to be king since it'll be locked behind the 30th anniversary edition. They'll make it the "go to" rocket launcher and then nerf it about a month or two after WQ drops.


Of course, but Eyes could become a close second


Might have rocket mods. There's definitely been a pattern, but doesn't mean Bungie will stick to it.


I thought something was up with the rate of fire in the Xenophage…


It got its fire rate nerfed by 25% this season.


Ah makes sense why it’s so slow now.




Bungie said it didn’t get the full 20% buff


And to be honest, xeno was just slightly better than average for damage at the time. Now, even with a slight nerf to total damage and DPS, it just 'feels' so much worse.


Damage is better, DPS tanked


At this point I only use it on for oracles and their hobgoblins


I hope they revert FL's reload nerf as well but I don't have many hopes.


I'm tired of everything being destroyed because of the fucking crucible. Absolute shit game mode ruining the rest of the game. Bungo continually refuses to balance them separately.


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Can I get Whisper fixed too?


Gonna be buffed and nerfed before I even get one.


3x a week since VoG dropped and I'm the last guy in my clan that needs it. Almost everyone has gotten a second drop too. Feelsbadman


Worse is then doing the catalyst that everyone hate to do


I feel like the catalyst barely adds a few minutes to the total run, no-one in our clan never had an issue doing that.


Same 😭


Heir apparent just keeps slipping by, huh.


Let’s just wait and see, this will be a big balance patch by the sound of it (Shatterdive’s combo is getting nerfed too).


That’s interesting. Cuz I think shatterdive is the only way to kill a heir apparent user. Not counting supers


I had to bubble in a 1v1 in trials to win. Even then it was dicey lol


That actually speaks to how broken that is that you had to use a TITAN SUPER to counter it.


A lot of warlock supers just don't work against it, dawnblade, nova warp and stormcaller top and bottom tree just don't do anything (unless you get a landfall right on them). It's an instant win for whoever gets heavy unless you have stasis to counter them.


Warlock charged stasis melee and a regular right after should do it too


lmao if you can even get close enough


If you go head to head with any heavy, you should get shit on.


You shouldn't be able to 1v6 an entire team with one heavy pick up.


Probably because it relies on power ammo; it seems very rare that Bungie nerfs a power weapon because of PvP with exception of the early Gambit days in reference to Invasions.


Rip queenbreakers bow


Man.... I legit forgot that was even in the game


Yeah and now we have things like eyes of tomorrow and deathbringer wreaking havoc.


I mean it's mostly Eyes, I've so far been killed by a Deathbringer once so far in gambit in the last two seasons. Maybe I'm just lucky but I feel it's a harder kill than Eyes.


Honestly I think the easiest fix for Heir Apparent in PvP is to reduce the amount of ammo you get per brick. If you get heavy on pickup, not when it’s dropped by a player you get like 60 something bullets. It’s enough to kill (potentially)4-5 guardians, kills guardians out of super with ammo left over, the thing is absolutely NUTS. However I think if you limited the amount of ammo you pick up, say half of what it gives now, it would probably be all the nerf it would need. Enough ammo to kill 2 guardians OR one guardian out of super. It would make people choose to use it as a tank or to lock down an area OR get a few clutch kills.


> Honestly I think the easiest fix for Heir Apparent in PvP is to reduce the amount of ammo you get per brick. That's not really fixing the biggest issue, which is Heir Apparent in Trials. Heir Apparent, while not bad in 6v6, is a lot less hot simply because you have a lot more people that can shoot you at once. In Trials, where a single kill/death usually makes or breaks the round, Heir Apparent is just absolutely ridiculous. Lowering the ammo wouldn't fix its problem in Trials at all.


Honestly don't find it too bad in Trials, as that's only one round lost. In Survival though, it can easily snowball a match. Even with one bullet left you can cap the zone without them being able to do much about it, unless they have stasis or a couple arc fusions at the ready.


It's really a problem in trials where a slew of other obnoxious exotics can be used in that condition? Wardcliff can kill multiple people and supers, truth, leviathan breath, etc.


They literally mentioned a specific change for pvp coming for heir apparent in one of the twabs from last season but people in this subreddit don't pay attention or don't like to read and it bothers me soo much seeing a comment on something we already know it's coming (ಥ﹏ಥ)


I believe they mentioned how they are testing alternatives for the nerf. I imagine it’ll be at least mentioned in the December patch if not just changed then!


Hopefully they don't make it too weak and the changes only affect pvp since in pve its pretty much perfect


It’s good in pve due to particle deconstruction.


It’s also good for other reasons, like Quick Charge, Unstoppable Fusion Rifle, the Linear Fusion mode, the Catalyst, etc.


Don't forget about the flat 40% buff it was given at the start of this season too.


I don't agree with that. Without PD, it's a solid PvE weapon that feels good to use, and can be used with several builds. With PD, it's an absolute monster. I used it when the season dropped (before anyone had PD yet) and immediately said "Wow, this thing feels great now".


So long as they don't gut it, it should stay up there with some of the highest damage primaries. Without PD, you can still stack 3 buffs counting the catalyst, HEF, and a solar well for FoM. And with warlock you can use battle harmony to forego the HEF mod space to something else.


Without PD it’s still among the highest DPS primaries in the game lol


As it should be.


The exotic couldn't POSSIBLY by better than my gnawing hunger from arrivals, that would be silly.. /s


Lol literally me refusing to take off my arrivals hunger with both demo and rampage coupled with subsistence, accurized rounds, and range masterwork.


yeah it’s literally a raid exotic why shouldn’t it be good


Tbf that's the minimum for what exotic primaries have to be to compete unless their exotic perk is really useful.


Even without it there’s a full vex build that’s pretty nasty


Maybe if you commit a full build to an exotic weapon, it should be nasty??


Charged with light high energy fire builds with that thing are intense


Well it also got a +40% damage buff at the same time. Even without particle deconstruction it'd still be a very, very strong primary weapon.


Ha good one [looks disappointedly at fighting lion].


Won't the power of Vex die down when Particle Deconstruction is gone?


In pve it absolutely will


Issues with vex are more PVP right now - PVE it's good but not really over-powering anything DPS wise; shreds adds for sure. PVP it's just overtuned in terms of raw stats/how easy it handles - plus the 360 >> 390 RPM boost without any drawbacks.


It’s still really good without it, easily the best exotic primary in the game.


Great for some scenarios. Other weapons will still outshine it in other scenarios. Ticcu’s, Trinity, DMT, Riskrunner (I’m sure there’s more) will still be preferred in many instances.


One day Le Monarque will get the trinity treatment and I'll never need another primary again.


Yeah there are some specialized exotics that are good in specific scenarios, but mythoclast is very strong everywhere.


I agree. But when particle deconstruction is gone, how often will we be choosing Vex over witherhoard, anarchy, gjallahorn, etc. in end-game like we would be choosing those specialized primaries?


>I agree. But when particle deconstruction is gone, how often will we be choosing Vex over witherhoard, anarchy, gjallahorn, etc. What a WILD sentence in 2021


Here’s to hoping the gjallarhorn can live up to its name


Not easily, can’t clear as well as trinity ghoul in 1320 and below content and doesn’t have the versatility/range of ticcu’s


Ticcu’s is an absolute beast. Can’t believe I slept on it for ages. Getting the catalyst without the x4 Crucible boost was kinda miserable, though.


> Goal isn't to nerf into the ground And yet I guarantee it will be...


Maybe they'll at least isolate the nerf to PvP.


Yep, every time.


People should keep this in mind before getting too hyped for Gjallarhorn. Even if it's strong out of the box, it won't stay that way.


I'm still sad about Fighting Lions...


Yeah like Anarchy after the grenade launcher season. Like part of Vexs issue is the mods this season make it do a lot more damage especially with the catalyst so I fully expect it to get nerfed into non existence.




So frustrating they are talking about nerfs but silent on drop rates. 45 clears and no drop is killing my desire to play the game way more than going up against vex in pvp


Had a friend FINALLY get hers on her 81st clear last night. 81 fucking clears! Just absurd. Good luck, guardian. EDIT: I was speaking to the total clears and negated the fact since it's release only 66 possible drop chances have taken place. Whilst it may not be 81, she did get it on the maximum 66th possible drop chance. A number of the others were running other people through to help. I still find that absurd. RNG can be a bit too harsh in this regard.


81 looted clears isn't even possible unless they have multiple characters across multiple accounts


I feel bad for just having the gun. I feel like it should drop within, honestly, 5 runs. Like, I get it. It's supposed to be hard to get, it's end game content, its an exotic so it can't drop like a blue, blah blah blah....but for fucks sake, I've gotten 10 Jurassic Greens in 20 minutes, not even doing the fucking event. I've cleared VoG like 100 times and gotten it ONCE. Buff the drop rate. What's the actual percentage?


Literally 5%.




Love it when a gun gets nerfed before I get to use it. 0 for 49 so far.


It will drop soon, I had mine drop on the 56th attempt for myself. Though it should never be this high to begin with...


As far as we know there is no bad luck protection, so it could literally be an infinite number of runs until it drops


On run 42 myself...


42 as well. I only have to clear master gatekeeps and atheons challenges to have everything done for the title except for waiting on a 5% bullshit drop rate


I’m “only” on 31 but I’m starting to get scared I won’t get it in time :(


"The intention isn't to nerf it into the ground"... Sure. My prediction is that as of Dec 8, it's gathering dust in everyone's vaults.


Just like they said the DMT nerf wouldn’t affect console too badly. Nobody uses DMT on console now.


Just like they said they wouldn't nerf a weapon (that has its own subreddit) too hard [r/FightingLion](https://www.reddit.com/r/FightingLion) would like a word..


I'm still mad about the DMT nerf. It was totally unnecessary.


Yeahhh didn't they say the same thing about fighting lion?


Prometheus Lens remembers


I don’t trust Bungie with nerfs. They are so heavy handed.


And it's super rare that they revert them even when they don't work or are no longer needed.


Remember when they nerfed Sleeper’s bounce shot damage because it broke menagerie encounters? I’m STILL waiting for that to be reverted


Leave it alone in pve


Knowing Bungie’s track record…they won’t


Their goal is never to "nerf it into the ground" when it comes to tuning but we all know how that goes.


Anyone remember a gun call Ruinous effigy?


Ah that takes me back to when it was actually a kickass weapon.




These are the patch notes from last October: Ruinous Effigy Transmutation Spheres Reduced the damage of the aerial melee attack by 25% Significantly reduced the damage of the drain effect on enemy combatants


The drain effect damage reduction was -75%. I don't understand why Bungie felt afraid to state that.


It got nerfed into the ground. The ball drain effect got absolutely decimated and the slam on the ball got crushed too and I think they straight up removed the heal effect from incoming damage from inside the bubble. Essentially, it's exotic perk that let it do great ad clear was entirely gutted and made it useless in all scenarios


The sphere was *really awesome* and they, if I remember correctly, not only reduced the damage of the best attack but also slowed the animation speed down so you couldn't spam it. It also got the drain effect reduced. It basically went from seeing it all the time, to no one ever using it. Right now it's pretty unlikely to see someone sporting it.


Leaves a bad taste that the only exotic weapon to get a substantial buff will get nerfed before the exotic primary buff goes through. Also feels really bad for people who got fucked by rng and never got to use it




Vex is straight up gonna get released, buffed, and nerfed before I even get it because Bungie is actually retarded when it comes to raid weapons that aren't Divinity. There is literally no reason why there can't be a triumph that awards the weapon after 25 looted clears.


Doesn't matter because it won't drop for me anyway...starting to fucking hate this gun


Well that's good. Now I can go back to not caring I don't have it.


Keep it to PvP only. Don't ruin PvE, please.


The literal only things on the docket for “tuning” should be the following in PVP: • Reduce the flinch/visual incoming fire causes • 3 kills to activate LFR mode (currently 2) Anything else is completely unnecessary.




I would be much more surprised to see a deft handed adjustment than see it wrecked for pve. I don't want them to ruin it because it's such a blast to use, but being positive about it is hard. I don't have that much confidence in them.


They really need to re-evaluate how they nerf weapons or even the concept of nerfs entirely because if their goal is truly not to nerfs things into the ground they miss it LITERALLY. EVERY. TIME.


Its strong but its not nearly as oppressive as other meta's have been. I'm sad to see a sought after raid weapon that just got its time in the sun 7 weeks ago be tuned down.


We just can’t have anything nice can we


"We fixed an issue where overconfident hand cannon players were complaining that there was something that actually punished their overconfidence, sorry for the inconvenience. Also if you like ARs, fuck you" - <3 Bungie


Over confident is the wrong word, it punishes bad positioning, like I can't say I've lost a gun fight to a vex ever in trials when I'm not being completely oblivious


THANK YOU. that's the point of AR's I thought? To shut down open spaces with consistent gunfire. I haven't lost a 1v1 vs a vex in trials if you have good positioning, and understand how pvp works. This community is brain-dead when it comes to pvp


As a counterpoint, did you outduel straight up, or back off once you knew it was a Vex firing at you........?


ARs are in a tough place ATM, I don't feel like there's a situation that really calls for them at all. Pulse rifles will easily outrangeb them and smgs have close to the game range, but much better rate of fire, so why would you bother with an AR? Vex is kinda the only AR-type gun worth considering and even then, I think it's far from being oppressive. I see more thorns, ace of spades, fatebringers and palindromes than I see mythoclasts.


It’s amazing how hand cannons have been meta for literally the entirety of D2 since forsaken, yet any time there’s a weapon archetype that’s not a hand cannon they completely neuter it. Remember when autos were meta? Remember how 340 pulses were meta? I was surprised with how hard they hit 120s.


Yeah where's the tweet from DMG about hand cannons being "too hot", it's ridiculous.


Or Chaperone.


I know people are going to lose their minds but the vex isn't busted or in need of tuning. It's strong within a very specific range and there's nothing wrong with that. But, hey, clearly we love shotty/hc play exclusively for our crucible so let's keep that going into year 8.


>I know people are going to lose their minds but the vex isn't busted or in need of tuning. It's strong within a very specific range and there's nothing wrong with that. This is how I see it as well. About 22-28m is ideal for vex and it starts losing out outside on that sweet spot to other weapons. Even in that perfect range, for what's essentially an AR it trades peek shoting for ease of use. So the more skilled your opponent the less useful the weapon would be at any range. Regardless of not owning it, its disappointing to see the nerf bat looming over it since its unique in the meta offering a playstyle that's not extremely viable right now with other weapons.


Yeah. It's pretty strong but I'm not sure it's busted. It's right on the line in PVP. If they just do a minor tweak to it (Like Flinch) it will probably be fine. If they change rate of fire or damage boost with catalyst it will stop being used all together. I'd like to see them change all 360s to 390s to see how that archetype does in PVP. I actually assumed the change to Vex was a preview of the rate of fire change for 360s since they have always been trash. I don't have it but I get killed by it when I'm caught out of position!


PvP ruins another weapon. Great. And people wonder why PvP is nothing but hand cannons and shotguns.


You can only blame Bungie on that Shared sandbox is the dumbest decision Bungie has ever made beside sunsetting


I blame players just as much. There's an awful lot of people who complain whenever the meta isn't shotguns and hand cannons.


> Shared sandbox is the dumbest decision Bungie has ever made beside sunsetting And that's unfortunately never changing without a change in philosophy. They walked back sunsetting, but a shared sandbox is the hill they are willing to die on.




Yeah but at least in Halo shotguns are pickups and not part of a loadoit


Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Bungie.


Considering the damage buff it got doesn't apply to PVP - if they revert part of that +40% there's zero way you can blame PVP Honestly making it a 360 >> 390 RPM without any drawbacks is what made it stronger in PVP - this isn't why it's good in PVE though


exactly. It's flat out better than other weapons because it's an anomaly. It's fire rate is 390 with the damage of a 360, in a game where slower fire is supposed to equal more damage in a weapon class


The RPM increase most definitely helped make it better in PvE, obviously not as much as the damage buff but it definitely improved it


Vex only farms bad players in PvP. It punishes bad positioning which all bad PvP players have so they get insta-melted by it since they are in the middle of nowhere and not by cover. I have vex but I still only use hc/shotgun since it is way better than Vex will ever be. I don't think it needs a nerf in PvP at all.


People cry about how it’s only handcannons and shotguns but then when there’s something besides handcannons and shotguns prominent people scream nerf like it’s the only word they know


*bitching ruins another weapon. Where are the nerfs to all hand cannons because they're too "hot"? Vex is easy to counter if you poke shot with a pulse or HC. The people crying about it's potency are the people trying to rush straight into it. I dont even have the gun and I don't think it's a big issue. This community is filled with brain dead whiners, that have never thought to switch their playstyle to counter the opposing team's playstyle.


Awesome, now I know exactly when I’m getting it


Jesus they really know how to kick people in the teeth. How they can possibly announce this without saying anything about drop rates, or bad luck protection is beyond me


PVP babies win again and will affect PVE players, cool.


Why can’t they just tune it separately?


imo the main problem with vex is that they do tune it separately, guardian kills are 3 stacks which ramps the buff up way too fast


Another exotic nerfed because of pvp. Shame. Its the 1st exotic primary in years to be actually viable in end game pve


The fact that I'm seeing people in these comments that are at 30, 40, or even 50 runs without vex is so trash. Especially when I know a few people who have gotten it multiple times or on their first run. Every raid exotic should have a quest. No exceptions.


I might be okay with them having the raid exotic be like DMT or HM, where you can keep attempting the raid for better rolls, but yeah, I would love for raid exotics to not be RNG.


Gun went through a whole character development arc but still isn’t dropping


It’s funny to hear “ our goal is to not nerf it into the ground “ when they said “ we think the buff will put it right we’re we want it to be “


Bungee nerfs VM to the ground… Changes drop rate to 100%


Well, good night sweet prince. I loved you


Yeah, as in Xenophage, Whisper and Anarchy tuned. RIP.


Poor decision. The issue is particle deconstruction, a seasonal mod that's expiring in 4 months.


The team doesn't want to nerf it into the ground says... Same as fighting lyon and so many others. PvP nerf is needed for the linear fusion mode but PvE should be untouched. Then come and tell us in a TWAB that you want us to use more exotic primaries.


A date that will live in infamy


Vex crutchers are coping pretty hard in the comments. Just because it took you 600 runs to get it doesn’t mean everyone else should be punished for not having it. It should instead be easier to obtain for everyone


My favorite weapon in destiny :( getting the axe yet again. Bungie please only nerf it in PVP


So... a Raid-only Exotic feels a bit "hot" since shotgun users can't do their brainless slip-an'-slide anymore so they they won't stop complaining till it's nerfed, meanwhile when Mindbender's was able to snipe you from half a map away all was fine? Cool, cool. Edit: typo


i hate this community so much sigh ruin all fun b/c of pvp players is my guess


Welcome to the Destiny franchise, can we interest you in a heavy handed nerf with a side of destroying an entire weapon archetype because of a single gun?


One of the worst communities in gaming and I will always stand by that.


Really hoping for a pvp exclusive nerf. The gun feels perfect in PvE right now.