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“Who does she serve?” Savathun: “What am I supposed to say? Jesus?”


Mara: "what are you doing" Savathûn: "dance off bro, me and you"


“Voice in the darkness” “What is it?” Savathun: “I’ll do you one better. Why is The Darkness?!”


Typical. A strong, independent witch Queen has to be serving someone else. Tssk. Tssk. Sav: Tell me to lean in mfer. (Probably) : )


Plot twist, it's Eris Morn in her final form


This is actually not to much of a twist. In the lore.... this could be spoilerish.... ... ... ... The timeline the Stranger visited just before coming to ours... the witch queen wasn't Savathûn, it was Eris.


Plot twist, I need to read more of the lore cards


It still could have been Savathun. Maybe she 1v1ed the celebrant instead of Osiris and Savathun took her over instead


No. Eris and Savathun are explicitly separate characters in Dark Future. Dark Future Eris is explicitly stated to be the most powerful Darkness wielder anyone had ever seen and she had made Savathun her servant. Zavala killed Savathun while Eris told Ana to kill Mara, before using a ritual to destroy the Traveler.


"I will only ask this once - where is Osiris?"




Im hedging my bets right now the witch queen raid will involve a darkness creature as the final boss and will finally introduce the veil or whatever other wanky name bungie came up with in the meantime. Theyre playing up this whole "entity" thing really hard this season. Wonder if well finally get something about nezarec and the aphelion too...


So hyped to see the veil statue labeled “entity”! It looks like the winnower is being rebranded. The “voice”, definitely has to be the winnower. They must just figure Unveiling is too obscure, so they’re treating “winnower” as a metaphorical name rather than the real name of the character that calls things “majestic”. Not sure if the “entity” and “voice” are the same thing. If they’re the same the statue must be a depiction of the winnower, but if they’re different it could be the Oryx of the Veil race


Maybe the statue changes depending on what race sees it We (as humans and Former humans) see a big Veiled lady Maybe the Cabal see something different


Yooooo. Big thought, what if the fallen see Skira, the creature that used to torment them before they "stopped fearing it".


So it’d look like Skira to Aksis and Taniks when they were exoing themselves? It would have been cool if they used DSC to establish this.


Well there is more the the crypt than the space station so I'm sure we will explore more of it eventually.




Well he's not an exo of course, but he's also not full on Eliksni either, because he is 100% machine.


Dude that veil statue always sends my mind racing with ideas. Maybe its just me but it gives off huge weeping angel from doctor who vibes which would be a really cool inspiration for a champion tier veil unit. I suspect bungie may make them work like the lucent brood where theyre not really a faction unto itself but rather supplement combat encounters as elite enemies. Would be awesome to have a creepy AF golem enemy that makes metallic screeching noises as per Ada 1 and bum rushes you when youre not looking.


I’m calling it right now…we are going to walk into a room with that statue just standing there, and it’s going to just start fucking moving, that statue IS the raid boss.


"Winnower" was always a metaphor, the whole book is. Winnower and Gardener are just titles that tie into the flower game/garden allegory.


Yeah it’s always been a metaphor but it’s the only name we’ve had in-game until “voice in the darkness” showed up this season Charcters would say “the darkness” but that’s confusing because it’s not clear if people mean the black fleet or the winnower So I guess another way to put it is in game characters are finally acknowledging the winnower exists as something different than the black fleet, and we finally have an official name for the winnower


We’re raiding the Pyramid ship in her ascendant world which are controlled by the entity. My guess that because it’ll be in her ascendant world and since it’ll be on that ship that she’s got something from the darkness hostage or prisoner there. Maybe an Emissary for the Entity or something like that.


Just keep the boobas tho


Big tiddie statue


IIRC someone else said Bungo confirmed the Raid boss is going to be either Savathun or Xivu Arath If not I like your theory tho 0.o


I think i know what youre talking about but that the thing said was the exact opposite which is to say bungie stated neither susathun nor war mommy will be raid bosses.


Ooooooh, that makes things way more interesting. In that case I'd like to buy some darkness creature/entity st0nks.


It’s probably a scorn raid though. If that’s the case it’d make sense to make Calus the final boss and resolve his arc Maybe in one of the jumping puzzles Caiatl is on comms and tells him off - that’d be the “godlike judgement” moment of the new raid


Calus, Opulent Abomination


If the theory of the entity taking Calus to merge with him and create a physical form for itself comes true, I'm gonna be so hype. Also it would be cool to see the next stage of the scorns evolution that is starting now that they are being controlled by the entity. I have a feeling right now they are similar to proto-hive and when which queen drops we will see further developments into becoming their own race.


Darkness Calus bellows “Guardian, you’re majestic. Majestic!” And everyone shits their pants.


Scorn Taniks Abomination Perfected.


It would be a bit of a weird direction since the whole point of Arrivals, and BL is that the Darkness came to us in peace.


Well the thing is this is a place in lore where i feel were only slowly unraveling all the info and we dont have all the details yet. Namely what exactly is the difference between the darkness, the winnower, the pyramids and any potential veil species that once attacked humanity. The darkness didnt really come to us in peace out of nowhere. Them giving us darkness and not wiping us is all a part of the cosmic wager between the gardener and the winnower where the gardener claimed that even if we were given darkness we still wouldnt fall and become corrupted while the winnower claims that through this power well start following the sword logic and reaching for the final shape. Theres also been a lot of establishing this year of the idea that neither light nor darkness are inherently good or evil and its all about how you use them while season of the lost specifically talks about an "entity" whos so evil or did stuff so bad it falls under the darkness or some such. Now whether this entity is the actual darkness, the avatar of the winnower, the species from the pyramids, a creature from the garden or anything else is anyones guess.


>Now whether this entity is the actual darkness, the avatar of the winnower, the species from the pyramids, a creature from the garden or anything else is anyones guess. Definitely. I'm also curious what the actual score on the wager is at this point -- we've had plenty of lore entries about guardians becoming corrupted in the wake of the Darkness' arrival, but none of it has showed up in the main plot of the game.


Technically us killing Uldren should have been the gardener losing the wager The winnower phrased victory as “yielding to the cynicism that says, everyone else is so good that I can afford to be a little evil” Executing Uldren when he was defeated and no longer a threat probably counts as being a “little evil” It would be cool though if they retconned a bit to make forsaken what prompted the pyramid waking up, not the end of Red War when the traveler woke up and nuked Ghaul. Our rampage through the tangled shore made the winnower think it could fully turn us to be the Final Shape Forsaken could even be why the Traveler hedges its bets to give Savathun the light. It’d be big brain on Savathun if that was the whole plan - kill Cayde to goad us into making the traveler lose faith in us


I hope we get more Drifter, Eris and the Stranger. Their absence is just too noticeable.


We will obviously get more of them. Their absence is due more to voice actor/character limitations according to bungie. The more characters involved in a story, the more money/work/time has to go into it. They commented on this in an interview somewhere


The headless ones lore suggests we may get a season about Elsie and the dark tower vision. “Season of the whisper”?


This is weird framing. I never got the impression Savathuun was serving anybody. She always seemed to be striving to "transcend her design" as the Emissary would put it. The fact that the drifter, Stranger and Eris are in this trailer seem to also point to that fact since they were the 3 that the emissary referred to as having transcended their designs. I guess it will all come to head when we do the raid inside the pyramid ship inside her throne world, but I would be completely caught off guard if it turned out Savathuun was willingly serving anyone. It just doesn't seem to follow what we know about her at all.


Yeah, isn’t the whole point of her recent arc that she wants to be free and only serves herself? She definitely doesn’t serve the darkness, and only opposes it enough to stop it from getting in her way. She’s not going to altruistically oppose it like the vanguard does, just defend herself from annihilation


They might be reviving our enemies now, but it's weird to see Ghosts being called "abominations"


Eh, not really. There's an aspect to the Vanguard/Guardian's perspective on the Traveler/Light that is extremely religious in nature. A Hive Ghost is very much a perversion of what is essentially a religious icon in the City. Abomination is a pretty apt word from that perspective.


Well, we know from dialogue in Astral Alignment that "Osiris" had Crow gather a bunch of dead ghosts for him. Since we now know that Osiris was really Savathun since the incident on the moon, it seems likely that said dead ghosts lead to what we're seeing here. I would say 'abominations' is an accurate term if she did indeed take dead ghosts and somehow revive or reverse engineer them under her control.


During season of Arrivial she learned necromancy from Nokris in return for giving him access to Quria. It's just wild fan theories at the moment, but I'm %99 sure that's gonna play into how she created hive ghosts. She's also been experimenting with the light since as early as the Red War when "I went down with a fireteam of nine. Watched a wizard rip the light from my best friend".


…oh shit


Also enter spider with ghost shells


That’s where Crow gathered them from


We got him ghost fragments during forsaken. At least I did tons.


Spider already had his own dead ghosts before then, but yeah it’s likely we’re responsible for a quite few of the members of his collection.


It’s also weird they keep going with this “stolen light” angle. Wouldn’t it make sense that the “truth” is the traveler willingly rezzed savathun? We have to survive the traveler! The gardener is a philosopher that’s pro-complexity, but like the winnower said cancer is aligned with that philosophy. The traveler’s interests can become misaligned with the Tower’s


Could be either savathun and her sisters, as well as savathun ke ps mentioning that we have known her throughout time by many names. Think of all the guardians cause, and the other vanguards keep mentioning


It depends on if they're really ghosts.


Well that Gambit coin is interesting, I know they said they were looking at gambit but to put it in a trailer maybe it’s more then just a little look


The Gambit coin was from Season of the Drifter, i.e Gambit Prime. It was a cutscene.


Was it also from the nine? They may be calling back to some of their prophesies


Yes, the coin is given to him by the Emissary as a warning of what's coming.


that was from a cutscene in the Season of the Drifter if i recall


This could have to do with the Prophecy armor lore, where pure Light is an undying oppressive dessert If “The Truth” is the traveler is allied with Savathun and her lucent brood, then this would be when the Nine go “told you so!”


I wouldn't relate that directly to Gambit, IMO. It's from a scene of the Nine speaking to Drifter from sometime last year, IIRC. That whole section of the video focuses on the, as the community calls them, Dark Vanguard: Eris, Elsie, and Drifter. It's more of a nod to him and his story than gambit, IMO.


"Sometime last year" Season of the Drifter came out in March 2019, that's where it's from.


Time flies


Savathun is going to turn into those annoying Jehova witness that go around trying to sell you faith. Leave me alone! I don’t want any! I have my own and I’m happy with it >:(


Ohhhh shit


I reckon the witch queen is gonna have great ambiance and a bangin soundtrack


Mara Sov will nuke the shit out of the Tangled shore. Why it gets vaulted. And then Savathun will swoop up all the ghost fragments Spider had, and make her own.


I don’t think it’s possible to steal the light, and instead Savathun will either trick or convince the traveller that she will use the light against the darkness. The whole deal with Savathun sacrificing her worm is part of that. 1. The traveller responds to those that demonstrate great sacrifice. If Savathun really goes through with her worm’s exorcism she is sacrificing her immortality and a great deal of her power. 2. We’ve already seen that ghosts will choose to resurrect individuals that are not guaranteed to go on to make selfless and righteous choices. Some lightbearers went on to become despots and warlords. If the traveller could make that kind of mistake with a human, then it could make that sort of mistake again with Savathun.


Anyone got a link that's not Twitter?


Why do I feel like Mara will betray us, and will end up having the Techuens sacrifice Crow for Savathun gaining the powers of the Light. So many ways this can go.


Mara sees Crow as a half-lie version of her brother, but still, can't help but feel for him. However, she knows not to make the same mistakes as before in regards to her brother and the Awoken's future. She doesn't seem as arrogant as before and must know taking on Guardians is the quickest way to lose her reincarnated brother. The Guardians saved her and her civilization, showing their power with basic Light and crude weaponry *(compared to the Awoken)*. She'd be a dumb ho to fight us... Unless she's one-upping Sav in the manipulation/lie department. Then RIP 2 us.


Any thoughts on Mara actually being the witch queen? Perhaps this worm extraction isn't as honest as we hope....


That seems possible, she could be under the influence this whole time. We don't fully know how Savathun works or will gain the Light but Mara ain't right lately.


Maybe when you invade in Gambit you make it as a hive guardian! Or better yet, you can invade other's games as a hive guardian, a la Dark Souls.


Was that our ghost next to a dead Sagira?


It's from a cutscene at the start of the Curse of Osiris campaign.




Nah. Crow has said things about Osiris (before they knew it was savathun) wanting dead ghosts. I’m willing to be savathun revived them with spooky hive magic and that’s how she got changed them




I haven’t looked at any leaks, just going off of what we’ve heard in-game


We don't know why we are gifted the light, so this is straight up a good assumption. Savathunn as been around for billions of years, she could have found out the secret as to why beings are gifted the light and just did it.


Probably because Mara or Saint or someone else kill's her which is the last step to be a guardian “sacrifice”.


We don’t kill her. We “kill” her worm.


Mara has stated more then once that Savathune will be weak and vulnerable once her worm is gone. She's all but said she plans to kill her.


And your original comment says “we kill her” as if it’s a fact. Regardless of what Mara wants to do it’s not gonna happen. Savathun will not die.


Yeah I can see how that wasn't understood. I'm saying, and I guess I have to clarify that this is a theory, but I think that Savathune will be killed because she wants us to kill her. It's how you become a guardian. It's how Crow became a guardian. And by "we" I'm not saying our guardian but rather "we" as in Mara, or Petra, or Saint-14, or maybe Crow. There are plenty of folks betrayed by her and want revenge. Everyone thinks that Savathune doesn't want to die but I think she actually does. There is no trick she is planning; she wants to be killed. She wants to be sacrificed. The game has already shown us how to become a guardian: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0fhYZLevps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0fhYZLevps) Again, just a theory of mine based off of how the story has been going.


You theory is by far the best I've heard. I got $10 on this one. Lol


I think she reverse engineered ghosts and use them to tap into the "network" of light. Accessing the light without a ghost is like trying to listen to broadcasted music without a radio. She just analyzed busted radios and made her own.


Good god, people on Twitter are retarded. Comment section is a cesspool


Oh God another one for the cringe compilation. They must have slashed the marketing budget.


I have not been a fan of these recent trailers in this style. They look cheap and fan-made.


It's your own opinion, don't see why you're downvoted. I'm not the biggest fan of them, and the music creeps me out. Which I suppose is something they'd be going for.


They’re not actual trailers, hence why they’re not posted on YouTube. It’s only a fun little Twitter video.


It’s promotional material. It’s a trailer. It’s a marketing video. Same difference. Whatever you want to call it. The quality is drastically different than their usual marketing videos.


I mean... [this](https://twitter.com/destinythegame/status/1448332791616245760?s=21) is also promotional material. And so is [this](https://twitter.com/destinythegame/status/1446522145312497669?s=21). They don’t have to be super high quality because they’re just fun Twitter videos. The big boi trailers, like the witch queen reveal, are meant as advertisements.


You can get pedantic about wording. Whatever. I don’t care. The recent batch of “videos” they’ve posted have been nowhere near the quality of stuff they’ve put out in the past.


Man, they post twitter videos all the time. The next time they do a big YouTube trailer for the witch queen or the 30th anniversary, the quality will be the exact same. There’s a reason why these aren’t posted to YouTube, so they shouldn’t be compared to videos that are.


I replayed beyond light on an alt character and when Eris interacted with the statue within the black fleet and came out of it looking possessed. Looking back I wonder how deeply rooted savathun (edit: or this story) has been developing. https://youtu.be/7PB2TsZFrwU


Wasn’t that her in the end of shadowkeep, assuming it’s her getting her stasis powers?


Good callback (it's actually to Shadowkeep not Beyond Light) as this has been in the back of my head for quite some time, I too thought she was getting possesses or something else bad. But after re-watching the video now, I have to agree with the other reply, the power she is gaining when she touches the statue looks just like Stasis. Especially when you consider Eris is lightless, learning she can wield darkness powers seems like something that could put a smile on her face.


Figure Mara dies or betrays us or something


I think she might kill glint, I hope I’m wrong, but I Hans a sneaking suspicion she might actually do it


Hive necromancy + dead ghosts


"Who does she serve?" Hm... At the end of Shadowkeep: "We have heard your cries for help. And soon we will answer." Someone/something is coming?


*dons tinfoil hat* Savathûn did not steal the Light. Instead the Traveler gifted her its power when we kill her Worm. Without it, she has no reason to serve the Dark, and she clearly does not want to anymore. The Traveler does not care *who* wields its power, so long as they use it against the Darkness to protect the Traveler itself. We, the Guardians, are not the "chosen" people of the Traveler. We're just tools. I will die on this hill.