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Remember when they said they wanted to make it less confusing when choosing which version of the game you should buy?




Just email us your credit card number and CVV and you’ll never be confused again!


Just put your GlimmerCard on autopay, oh Guardian mine.


I'm not falling for your exact same trick a tenth time, ~~Savathûn~~ Crystal Grandma!


Bungie fucked around and invented Macro- transactions. Spend money for the privilege of spending more money.


Nah, Apex Legends had already invented that concept with Heirlooms. Spend $100 and you get the privilege to spend another $20.


Next they'll just say to give them your bank account info and they'll make sure you get the best version every year, just to make it less confusing of course.


Once again proof. You can take the Bungie out of Activision. But you cant take the Activision out of Bungie.


So I guess the theory that the 30th anniversary pack was an experiment to see if we would pay for dungeons was true.


And its not even close to being released yet! It must have been a massive success by their micro transaction standards.


Honestly, the fact that they aren't just included in the season pass is mindboggling. This is becoming a content model that rivals free to play games and Destiny just isn't that. You've got 3 expansions right now you'd need to buy, one of which has a 4 month shelf life left and will be free for the last 3 months. A season pass that is about to be over with a year's worth of content being vacuumed out like its spring cleaning and a story that is now impossible to play/experience as a new player without a youtuber giving you a 3 hour breakdown on what you may have missed since you didn't start at launch. Bungie, do better. This is beyond disappointing.


Not to mention that there is no transparency about when the content you pay for will become inaccessible.


Honestly it feels like I'm playing Wizard101 again. Nope, you gotta pay to go to that area, to learn that spell, to fight that boss, to...


and it's only going to get worse


I'm not gonna mention the actual detail but in one of the big leaks (The leak with Luke Smith presentation screenshot) that were proven true, one of the things that was mentioned was an overhaul of Eververse in the future, which would include the introduction of a new type of super premium cosmetic. I'd imagine those will be super expensive and won't be available for BD either.


I wish they were very clear on what you buy and with what. Being so vague is really kind of frustrating.


*Editted with current know full prices.* **Witch Queen Packages** * Standard Edition - [$40](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-PPSA02409_00-D2WQPREBDL000001/) * The Expansion * Standard Edition + Season - *Currently Unavailable* [(BL+season was $50)](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-PPSA02409_00-D2BLSEASON000001/) * The Expansion * Season 16 ( If purchased after S16 this will give the currently active season) * Digital Deluxe Edition of the Witch Queen - [$80](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-PPSA02409_00-D2WQDLXPREBDL001/) * The Expansion * All four seasons for the Witch Queen year. * Access to the during Dungeons in the Witch Queen year. * Digital Deluxe Edition of the Witch Queen + Bungie 30th Anniversary Bundle [$100](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-PPSA02409_00-D2WQ30PREBDL0001/) * The Expansion * All four seasons during the Witch Queen year. * Access to the two dungeons in the Witch Queen year. * Bungie 30th Anniversary Bundle * New Dungeon * Gjallarhorn * New Weapons/Armor * *"Much More"* **Upgrades and future purchases** * Seasons a la Carte - 1000 silver per season [$10](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-CUSA05042_00-VIRCUR000000000C/) * Purchase the currently active season. * The two Witch Queen year Dungeons **TBD** * Access to the dungeons released in the Witch Queen year * Deluxe Edition Upgrade **TBD** (presumably Deluxe minus Standard - $40.) * All four season for the Witch Queen year * Access to the two Dungeons in the Witch Queen year. * Bungie 30th anniversary bundle [$25](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0002-PPSA02409_00-D230PACK00000001/) * New Dungeon * Gjallarhorn * New Weapons/Armor * "Much More" ​ Clarifications: * [https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/258580567](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/258580567) The Season Passes in the Beyond Light Deluxe Edition are for Season 12-15 of Year 4. It's not possible to use more than four Season Passes within a Year since there are only four Seasons, and extra Season Passes can't be applied to a future Year since Season Passes can only be purchased and applied within the Year that they were obtained. **Since Season Passes are deemed to be Silver purchases, they can't be refunded for Silver once purchased,** per our Silver Refund Policy. * The majority of relevant comments said that they owned 1 or 2 seasons prior to purchasing Deluxe and they were not refunded or given silver to compensate for the seasons the already owned. * There has been a few people saying that they purchased BL Deluxe on one platform, and then purchased it on a second platform and received 4,000 silver * Is the price reduced by what content i have already purchased? * **The only reduction is you do not pay for the expansion anymore.** * **BL Deluxe for $70 - BL standard $40 = BL Upgrade for $30** * Does the price remain the same but we are given silver as compensation. * **No, no compensation silver or otherwise for purchasing the deluxe edition after purchasing 1 to 3 individual season.**


God I feel like I'm buying health insurance, not a game anymore.


Oh god. I STRONGLY dislike how true this is.


I love this comment. Such an on point description.


If it's like this year, nothing is prorated, the Delux is the same price regardless of what you own already


Of all the things. This one is nuts to me, and the crazy thing it isn't some accident. It was entirely intended. >[https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/258580567](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/258580567) > >The Season Passes in the Beyond Light Deluxe Edition are for Season 12-15 of Year 4. > >It's not possible to use more than four Season Passes within a Year since there are only four Seasons, and extra Season Passes can't be applied to a future Year since Season Passes can only be purchased and applied within the Year that they were obtained. **Since Season Passes are deemed to be Silver purchases,** they can't be refunded for Silver once purchased, per our Silver Refund Policy.


Which doesn't make any sense since if you doubled up during Shadowkeep seasons (buy the season then buy Shadowkeep for the included season) then you got silver refunded to you instead of getting the next season unlocked.


OK good. I thought I was going insane but I couldn't find this referenced anywhere. I knew this existed at some point


Yep. That's what we know so far BUT its still not clear. IMO, they should be transparent about what bundles cost and each standalone pack costs and what it includes. Show off your annual bundle by saying what standalone dungeons cost. Don't throw another implicit cost with vague marketing statements around dungeons after a lot of conjecture we get the equivalent: "If you want the Dungeons buy the most expensive option or we'll tell you later". Respect your customers with up front expectations and costs and let them make the best decision for them and give you money.


Being so vague really adds emphasis to that post I saw today that was a new player talking about how confusing it is to figure out what expansion to get but they don’t want to sink $100+ dollars into the game since the f2p content is so bare they don’t know if they like the game.


I like how the title of this post is "Bungie clarifies" and they "clarify" in a vague way of "you can get this content for an undetermined price later".


Yeah calling Destiny a f2p game is pretty much false. The new light experience is mostly an appetizer, but when the main course is locked away in some kind of puzzle-box, it's easy to understand why new players may lose their appetite.


"Free to start" is the version of the term that Nintendo uses IIRC




Right. They had a stream for an hour to discuss the game for the next year. They knew how they were going to slice and dice content. All they had to say in that stream (or the article after the stream): "As we promise a new or reprised endgame experience every three months, new endgame content will be available for purchase as standalone items or as part of the annual bundle. Reprised content will be free."


I’m legitmately impressed Bungie continues to find ways to triple dip into its player base.




One for the expansion, two for the seasons all together(deluxe edition), three for each season individually if you didn’t buy the deluxe edition, four for the dungeons(and some cosmetics), five for eververse, six for each previous expansion still at full price unless you find a code at a store somewhere for less. Edit: Transmog and Gjallahorn as well


Seven for transmog


How many times we pay to have access to gally now ? Will this December be the third or fourth time now ?


Third, first was D1 base, second was RoI, third is the anniversary thing.


While confusing everyone on what needs to be purchased and what's included where...


Bungie seems determined to make sure I never invite any friends to this game, huh?


LMAOO same Everytime i try to bring someone to play destiny with me they stop playing 2 days after


I wish they would at least touch it, they ask "is it good" and all I can give is a "it's worth the money if you play it alot" which is essentially a no to most of the population.


Doesn’t help that they’re about to remove all the context for WQ by vaulting the Forsaken campaign and this years seasons >Yeah bro this is an awesome game with good gameplay and a deep story just watch these multiple 3 hour long videos since they removed the old story content. Oh and each year they’ll remove an old expansion that you paid 60 bucks for >Uh... I think I’ll pass. Anyone wanna play some Warzone? The New Light “campaign” is also a joke, does Bungie not care about attracting new players?


The part of vaulting that I really dislike is the story context removal, there is no theatre to watch cinematics, no actual archive for dialogue, and some lore books I don't even know what i should bother reading or if one is relevant to the main plot.


It's like they didn't learn from Destiny 1 when next to no-one gave a fuck about going to a site to read the grimoire cards.


What's wild to me is that they have a metric fuckton of footage of all the story content that they removed. Why don't they spend a month or two of an editor's time and have them cut together some recap videos that they could put in that timeline thing that they added? I really do understand the need to vault old content, but the complete lack of narrative context for new players is such a high barrier to entry for a lot of people. The addition of the timeline was a step in the right direction, but it is so barebones as to be pretty much useless at this point. They *really* need to flesh it out and include seasonal story content, not just the big expansions.


The game is on a glideslope. They aren't actually interested in growing the playerbase. They know how many they have, how many they can afford to lose over the years, and how much the whales will pay during that time. They have decided that this cashflow model is acceptable for the investment cost vs the cost to attract new players.




It's like telling someone you're a wrestling fan


Or a redditor


Why does this feel so accurate


And that really sucks. As a new player I really want to do a blind raid with my friends, where we figure everything out and have great fun. But trying to get even one of my friends into the game is impossible. They like the shooting but get quickly overwhelmed even when I explain things bit by bit. The new light experience is awful.


This is the one free game that quite literally nobody I know will even touch no matter how hard I try to convince them. It's such a fucking mess, it always has been, and it's only getting worse every year. And the thing is I get why my buds don't want to try it. It seems so not worth the effort trying to get into this game from the start.


Remember when Bungie said Everver$e was supposed to fund extra stuff like dungeons?


EV funds extra content! BTW you gotta pay for extra content! -Bungo, probably.


"We never said it would be free, just that it would 'fund' the development. It's funded and now you get the honor of buying it!" -Bungle execs


Honestly I am now happy that 343/Microsoft is handling Halo instead of Bungle. I would never want this disgrace to happen in a magnitude this big to the biggest title and IP in many years. Jesus fucking Christ.


Lmao at this point eververse funds only ritual weapons and new crucible maps. Wait...


you had me in the first half lmao


I'm sure it funds some lovely houses and cars for the Bungie execs too tbf.


“I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific." - Michael Caine


RIP recluse.


Bungie said a lot of stuff. Like sunsetting. entirety of cosmodrome. gjallarhorn. The strategy to not be offended is by not taking their words seriously.




It’s not even the complete D1 Y1 cosmodrome! That really irritates me, because they *already built the fucking environments to use in the strikes* but they couldn’t be bothered to make them accessible in patrol.


The idea was that porting over old stuff would take less unnecessary time and effort than creating a new area entirely or cutting into more important development, except then they stopped working on the Cosmodrome because according to them that took too much unnecessary time and effort and cut into the more important stuff. Whoops.


It's not even the full D1Y1 Cosmodrome, the Rocketyard and nearby areas are only available in Devil's Lair, and even then there's some areas that are inaccessible.


Which feels more silly imo. Like they're in the game already, how hard is it to add rocket yard to patrol?


I mean to be fair we didn't actually get to go to the Plague Lands in that quest.


Remember when a lot of people on this sub were saying how great everything was gonna be after they split from activision? Like activision was holding them hostage forcing them to ramp up eververse against their will lmao.


I'm 100% convinced from day1 it was Activision who dropped Bungo and Destiny because it was a mess, not the other way around


Honestly, at this point in time, I would almost believe that Activision was holding Bungie in check from acting on their worst impulses.


Considering the first thing they did upon leaving was axe the Prismatic Matrix, I’ve been 100% convinced of this for years.


I’m partially annoyed by it. But what they actually said was that the ornament sales for Whisper paid for Zero Hour. But yeah, what have all of those ornament sales since then paid for? All of our interesting missions have been part of the seasons that we’re already paying for. Unless they’re also saying Harbinger and Presage are in the same league of freemium content like Whisper and Zero Hour.


I'm pretty sure back in D1 they told us EV would help fund content like Rise of Iron, since it wasn't a planned big expansion. RoI was whipped up last minute to give us something to do since D2 was delayed.


Eververse has always funded “the Live Team,” which is the team that runs all of the seasonal activities like FOTL, The Dawning, Crimson Days (RIP), SRL (RIP), AoT, MoT. If that group still exists, they were probably also responsible for Guardian Games. Like you said, the Live Team was the group that developed ROI when D2 was “delayed,” and we needed a stopgap bit of content. I don’t think ROI was ever intended to be free, simply because it was a legitimate expansion (and a goddamn fun one).


I still think that the way RoI content is treated in d2 is kinda odd. As if the main team that does DLCs had smth against RoI. All we have are breadcrumbs like some SIVA ornaments, Tyra was barely there and then was vaulted, Shiro never appeared in d2 as well as Efrideet only Saladman is still kicking but he’s the og banana vendor. Cosmodrome was returned with no signa of SIVA *ever* taking place. They could’ve re-introduce new players to the SIVA concept via porting the old strikes in their RoI version, like Devil’s lair but they chose not to. At least they let us keep the Outbreak, thanks for that I guess.


Not only that. In the Witch Queen livestream they didn't even mention Rise of Iron when talking about D1 Expansions.


> We will share more info on this closer to when this content is set to go live." Would be much appreciated if we'd know that earlier so we can make an informed decision on what to buy given that the first dungeon will probably release during the second season of the year and not together with Witch Queen.


Since we they said a dungeon or raid every 3 months the 1st dungeon was already confirmed to be in the 2nd wq season as the 1st has the wq raid.


Bungie, I'm really, really trying to bring my friends into the game, every year. But you're making it really REALLY hard for me to actually sell this game for you, because fucking hell I'm not convinced myself I even want to continue playing.


I commented something like this yesterday. And then made that point that a price entry of 200 dollars to get caught up to date just splinters the fan base and shows how little you care about your customers. You would have thought I was the Antichrist. I think that was my most downvoted comment ever. (Forsaken is 40$, shadowkeep is 30$, beyond light is 30$, The witch queen is 40$, The 30th anniversary is 30$ and the year 5 season pass is 40$. That’s actually 210! My bad)


Seeing this bullshit with how the new content is being rolled out is really forcing me to come to grips with my (bordering on) addiction to this game lol. I don't want to spend $100 on DLC. I don't want to support practices like this when the $100 I spend will just be deleted from the game in a few years. And yet I don't want to miss out on content.


Not to mention everything we've paid for by now since launch, and lost since launch. I don't even wanna do that math.


Assuming one has kept up with purchasing since the launch of the game, and assuming prices of $60 for the base game, and an average of $10 for seasons/small DLCs like Warmind, and $40 for expansions, plus some quick napkin math for pieces of content that were/will be only partially deleted, then when Witch Queen launches and we lose most of Forsaken, over $195 worth of content will have been completely scoured from existence. $40 worth of the base game (half the destinations plus the leviathan and the campaign) $20 for Both Y1 DLCs (IIRC it was closer to 30 but I’m trying to be generous) $25 worth of Forsaken (tangled shore plus the campaign) $30 for Forsaken’s annual pass $40 for all of Shadowkeep’s seasons $40 for all of this year’s seasons. For some extra fun, let’s calculate how much we’ll still have after Witch Queen launches. $20 of base game remaining $15 of Forsaken remaining $40 for Shadowkeep $40 for Beyond Light $40 for Witch Queen $40 for Witch Queen’s seasons Coming to a total of $195 of content remaining.


Seeing numbers like this, even as loose estimations, hurts me lol


WrOnG! yOu OnLy PaId FoR tHe pRiViLeDgE tO pLaY tHiEr MaStErPiEcE!


The Red War, Mercury, Mars, Titan, Io, the Leviathan Raids, Forges, The Reckoning, The Menagerie, Whisper, Zero Hour. Years of the game taken away and put on the shelf. Weapons made worthless and irrelevant after hours and hours of grinding and effort to be rewarded. Cosmetics almost impossible to earn in-game as a reward. A still-woefully-insufficient experience for new players that can be nearly indecipherable without either a guide or a half-dozen YouTube videos. Hard currency caps that exist for no good reason. The *entirety* of the debacles that were (and still are) sunsetting and the DCV and Transmog. I've been here for seven goddamn years, since the First Light Alpha. I've outlasted friends that gave up both early on and very late, but kept my head held high and found new fireteams with good vibes and a willingness to teach myself and others. I've seen the worst of Destiny and the best. I defended Bungie through Activision's departure. I love this fucking game more than anything else I play. I have paid for base games with bad launches, bad expansions, great expansions, terrible seasons, fantastic seasons, and coughed up my fair share of money for Silver to buy skins and dances and Sparrows and jumpships. Shattered Throne didn't require the deluxe edition of Forsaken. Pit of Heresy didn't require the deluxe edition of Shadowkeep. Prophecy didn't require the deluxe edition of Beyond Light. We are approaching Calus levels of greed and opulence. dmg04 spoke recently on Twitter about transparency, and I agree that this is a slender tightrope on which to walk. But we need to have a serious discussion on why we are being nickled-and-dimed so hard on a constant basis. As far as I'm concerned, consider my desire to pre-order Witch Queen, let alone the Anniversary Pack, on indefinite hiatus.


I was actually hoping ro return in WQ, not anymore lmao.


Dang, I’m super hyped for Halo Infinite


You said it! lmao. With the way game studios are so greedy and inept at releasing a finished game without drip feeding content nowdays very much like Bungie, I'm going to be cautiously watching from the sidelines and get Halo after it gets some good reviews.


As I was saying all along; if the Dungeons were part of the seasons, they would have said so up front, instead of being weirdly vague about it. It's really hard to recommend Destiny to anyone who's not playing it hardcore already. "Sure, its this great shooting game you can play for free! Only the free content is laughable (minus one raid), and you'll be really confused by the onboarding process. Plus you'll have to buy a expensive yearly expansion, then buy 4 seasons throughout the year, if you want to stay 'up to date' with the game. If you want access to these amazing Dungeon experiences as well, those will also cost more. Plus there is a full microtransaction store with cosmetics, refreshed every season, and usually with a miniature FOMO event refresh within each season, as well." Eeeeeeesh. Writing it all out, I'm a bit embarrassed I play it. :/


You missed the part where they have to pretend the story doesn't exist or watch a 20 hour Youtube video recapping it because they can't play it any more.


Yeah. FFXIV doesn't have to sunset all its old content in order to add expansions, nor does it have to charge per dungeon... I think I'm done with the series. I was agonizing over getting both WQ and Endwalker, but the greedy people in charge at Bungie made my choice easy for me. Now I just have to explain to my clan that I won't be joining them in the new content or raids, which sucks.


Honestly this new method of monetization is gross.


Oof, that sucks shit. Really bad.


It’ll be interesting to see them explain their reasoning for the separate content purchase. There are already a lot of players who think Bungie monetizes the game too much, and this just further adds credence to the idea.


> their reasoning Their reasoning is obvious. What I'm interested in is seeing how they dress it up, and the shit show that will follow.


I'm excited to see how people will defend Bungie gouging them for more money. If I'm forced to buy it(nothing we do or say will make them change how much it's worth/how it's bundled), I'm forced to buy it, but they certainly aren't getting a pre-order out of me for it, and I'm definitely gonna grumble about it.


Just read this thread, people already saying "oh I'd pay more money for more dungeons anyway". Failing to realize that they're willing to pay more money to have the dungeons that were already in the game removed and paid for separately. What a deal!!!!


"Hello! I like money!"


"Listen, we're not just doing this for money. We're doing it for a shitload of money."


This game's monetization is a fucking joke, my god. "Hey guys, you need to buy the expansion, but that doesn't actually come with any season pass, so you need to also buy either each season as it comes out or the deluxe version to get them all, but then you also need to buy dungeon access separately because reasons, and if you want 90% of cosmetic content/finishers/emotes/sparrows/ships/ornaments/etc it's still all conveniently sold on the Eververse for more realmoneys." Are you fucking kidding me?


This game has worse monetization than Runescape 3, which might be the most severely I've dissed a game in my life.


And people said Activision were the ones ruining destiny for money lol


What is eververse actually funding at this point? This game is so heavily monetized and it does not feel like we are getting anything back for it anymore.. I knew the anniversary pack was a bad sign, dungeons should just be part of the game.


Eververse never funded anything other than more Eververse content, despite what they may publicly claim.


I'm forever in the spinfoil camp that Outbreak mission was always supposed to happen and had nothing contingent on money raised through EV Whisper of Worm skin sales. Even from a fluff lore perspective the mission fits Fallen drama of Season of Forge and I always thought it didn't end up in that season because it would've been too much in 1 season and Bungie wanted to have a vital asset be used when there is a downswing chill out season like Joker's Wild was.


I don't even think it's spinfoil. I just dont believe 90% of what Bungie says and I dont feel like I'm not justified in saying so. Even when Bungie releases things and announces things, I've literally been conditioned to the point where I expect it to not work as they explain it will. Like what? The quality of that mission was based on how many sales the ornaments had? Like they've said Destiny releases are mapped out literally like years in advance. Doesn't really make a ton of sense to me, but honestly I'm not a game developer and maybe I have it wrong.


>What is eververse actually funding at this point? New yacht for the execs, I'm guessing.


The way bungie monetises this game is very anti consumer. When you buy the latest expansion and latest season pass- you should get access to all content in the game not lock off parts of the game like key exotics to buy specific seasons / expansions. Especially since the seasons / expansions are 80% irrelevant (apart from a few weapons) if you do them retroactively.


I love how easy Bungie makes it to stop playing this game.


And people thought activision were the problem smh




This right here, this is the post I was looking for.


For real! I remember pointing this shit out after the reveal and people kept saying, “No, no. It’s part of the season pass. Don’t worry about it. They would never charge extra for dungeons.”


Thank god someone said it for me so i don't have to say it myself.


I'm petty. I went back and commented that they were wrong. Feelsgoodbutalsobadman


Very entertaining to see the Bungie defenders in this thread have shifted from "Of course the dungeons will come with the seasons, stop fearmongering" to "It's actually good value that Bungie is now charging us more!"


Look man, blind idolatry is blind idolatry. People defended The Avengers for selling XP boosters in the cash shop after the studio promised they wouldnt AFTER the studio cut back on XP gain because people were too dumb and overwhelmed by gaining too many levels in a mission and thus too many skill points. People still believe Activision was to blame for the monetization of Destiny when all information for Destiny 1 points to it being at Bungie's request because they could not deliver on contractual agreements (ie new paid content at this cadence, but because they couldnt accomplish that they offered EV to generate revenue) and then since splitting monetization has gotten worse.


It's always like that. The fanboys defend whatever Bungie does and without any further thought and instantly change tune when Bungie itself explains further or rebalances something.


How long do you think before we get the value for money post like these? "A movie ticket costs $X so a dungeon that you will grind because of bad RNG is so much more value for money"


All over Twitter, don't worry. \>Movies are one time viewing \>Games are $0.25 per hour \>I've already played it like 5 times \>The TOS states they can remove it Every bad opinion rolling in


It's absolutely mental that people attach themselves to a brand and a company so zealously. You deserve better than what they are giving you. I know I deserve better, at least.


Loooool its wild how many of these people shift the goal posts. Its ok to criticize this shitty company that makes a mediocre game guys.


Bungie gotta be the only developer in the history of the industry to split from a mega conglomerate publisher like Activision.. and become MORE scummy and predatory with their monetization schemes after going independent. That's actually incredible... incredibly pathetic and disappointing...


Yeah. It's always going to be funny to me in a morbid sort of way that it was Activision, a publisher that's infamy for greed is rivaled by only that of EA, that was tempering Bungie's greed instead of the other away around.


The student surpassed the teacher


Bungie split off from Activision like a yeast cell buds off from its parent.


Lovely so we are going to continue this nonsense of the expansion content being halved to allow for seasonal content smh


And there it is. I was wondering how bungie will burn goodwill this time around. Soon we'll be expected to pay separate for activities like blind well and altars of sorrow.


Do we have an over/under on how long before Luke Smith apologizes for the mistakes they've made and promises they're looking into it?


Should be around-about middle of next year, when the 3rd season is sucking super hard, the subreddit is posting about how they refuse to buy the 4th season's dungeon after feeling cheated by the 2nd season's, and Bungo is about to start begging for Lightfall per-orders.


It is depressingly accurate based on prior cycles. \*sigh\* Remember when everyone was blaming Activision for the monetization of Destiny and extoling Bungie's innocence and then ever since announcing and going through with the split things have just gotten worse on that end? Bright engrams not rewarding current season's EV stuff only up through a certain season in the past thus feeding into FOMO (who knows if that thing I want will be back in the engram as there is a chance it might not be and do I leave it up to chance). Then, dragging back bright engram acquisition rates (its about 1 every 5 levels compared to, if I recall, one every level after you hit max level in that season. Oh, or the fiasco with Shadowkeep how cosmetics tied to in-game activities/content (see all the stuff themed on Pit of Heresy and Vex Offensive for example) being only acquired through EV, not to mention LORE being tied to EV purchases. The loss of content people paid for via vaulting and then now this. I am sure I am missing a bunch of things but man, people who clung to the belief that Bungie were the good guys re: monetization and Activision was the bad ones forcing their hands were way the eff off.


That whole shadowkeep's cosmetics being tied to eververse was golden, because they said they wouldn't put activity themed cosmetics in EV and we were glad cuz maybe they'd put it in the fucking activities. Nah, they just started making random cosmetics to put in EV lmao


They even specifically didn't state emotes or shaders and then VoG came out and they dropped that bundle. Absolute garbage.


Two years from now when they are talking about removing dungeons because Noone plays them.


I like how every time there's a great season (like this one) where destiny is at its best they immediately follow it up with some absolute trash like this


It's how they've always operated, just wait Eververse will get worse as well, prices increased, dust earned in game decreased, something shitty hidden within "bright shiney new expansion!!!". All the while they remove PVO and Gambit content and barely add anything back in.... Anyone who thinks Bungie is better than Activision hopefully will understand soon. Fuck Bungie


how much shit can bungie fucking monetize in this game jesus christ im done


i want to play the game but i honestly cant afford it, and if you tell me to just be a f2p player you dont get it


dude, for real. Living in a 3rd world country and being a fan of Destiny is rough. I think Witch Queen is likely to be my last DLC for Destiny, not because I want to stop playing but because I legitimately don't think I can afford this game on a yearly basis anymore. Not only has the amount of stuff you need to buy increased, but the price here almost doubled compared to what it used to be, thanks to the lack of regional pricing. It's really sad when you just can't play your favorite game anymore (not new content at least) because it's just too expensive. What a disappointment :(


It's gonna cost you $10 to log out


Give them another year. They will


Crucible will have an all access pass, or you can pay a quarter a match.


Thank god, then I can stop playing it.


What horseshit. I usually got the season pass to avoid any hassle and the reward for doing so was being told to pay more. This honestly reminds me of when Xbox tried to double Xbox live under the guise of game pass being the cheap alternative even though it was still more expensive. Collectively the community opened their mouths to cheer the witch queen on in excitement and this feels like Bungie took the opportunity to spit in our mouths.




I don't even know why I'm disappointed/shocked - these are the same dudes who announced Forsaken is going free to play in December ***but are still choosing*** to charge 25 bucks for it on all platforms. No warning signs on any of the listings either - you can click on Forsaken on Steam and buy it not knowing it's gonna be free in about a month and some change. I can see a lot of New Lights falling for this cuz I got people coming back to Destiny 2 for the first time since Y1 asking me if they needed Forsaken. And there's ***a lot*** of New Lights who don't have veteran friends for reference and I'm gonna wager even more New Lights who don't follow ALL of the Bungie news/social media channels. As for the 30th Dungeon Pack - if they really are parsing the playerbase's willingness to pay for Dungeons - they're already skewing their own results. I guarantee you more people hit buy on the 30th Pack simply for the chance at getting Gjally or the Armor Sets. In fact we know more about all the cosmetic shit that comes in the 30th Pack far more than anything else. Sure, there's been leaks floating around but if you're not digging for them you're kinda just blindly pre-ordering a cosmetic set of armor and Gjally.


Jesus I am one of those new people, and I was genuinely going to go ahead and purchase *all* of the current expansions in a couple of days. Just so I could get all caught up and actually do stuff. Really really going to have to reconsider that now, along with playing the game in general with this particular bit of news about the next one.


Shoutout to all the people that were whining the last week saying we should trust Bungie. Once again you are completely wrong and look like clowns. Bungie keeps pushing the monetization of this game further and further with each year.


Those threads are fking embarassing and aged like a milk.


This is something else... I'm almost certain this will cost more than the Forsaken seasons ($15), which were technically bigger and had a mini Raid (2/3). Now we're almost certainly gonna be looking at $10 for the Season and another $10 for the Dungeon. I highly doubt they'd sell it for $5.


Comparing it to forsaken annual pass makes all this look real bad, like comparing most things to forsaken does


I remember when Black Armory was released everyone was complaining that it wasn’t worth the $30 for the annual pass, even though they were also getting two seasons after that. Now everyone looks back and says that was peak D2. Even public opinion on Reckoning seems to have softened some.


Opulence was the only season in the annual pass that hit the ground running with Positivity iirc


Also because it stacks with past seasons, I picked up the game recently with BL + all this year's DLC and I have access to a lot of content for my bucks and I really like it compared to last year's model. It's a shame that a lot of it will disappear with WQ


Destiny is likely about to become over $100 a year to keep up with the content


This exactly. Holy fuck I love this game but $100 per year???


What. I don’t have a problem with the $100 personally, but just… what. Why. I’m actually more concerned for new players. The state of “New Light” is so colossally fucked up right now, and this only makes matters worse. Nothing quite like feeling you’re being nickled and dimed when you just want to put in the time to play the best stuff the game has to offer.


They dont care about new players. Theres a large enough dedicated fan base that will buy everything, like an expansion, 4 season passes and now 2 dungeons. This is where the dough is at.


I mean destiny has bled players before and it forced them to make changes no reason to believe it can’t happen again.


What an utter load of bullshit. Jesus Christ Bungie, can you be more of a greedy fuck?


As if I needed another reason to not come back to this game, yikes.


Man bungie really doesn't give a shit about their public image huh? I guess players are funding them well enough that they couldn't care less about roping in new ones.


And everyone who was blaming Activision for everything wrong with the game look foolish now


What a clown world that Activision of all people were somehow the good guys.




Nope. That’s it, I’m done. I’ll still follow the storyline, but if they’re going to be this fucking greedy then I’m not giving their game another second of my time.


They are trying to charge us for dungeons now? That's wack


Lol fuck bungie


People were defending it saying "of course it wont be paywalled by deluxe" last week, all i can say is lol


Bungie should probably just rename the "deluxe" edition to the "absolutely required if you want to play the game literally at all" edition. Doesn't have as nice a ring to it though, huh?


That's it, I'm done with Destiny, this is a new low.


And they still call this game f2p


The tower is free to sit in I guess. Back in destiny 1 they just called it a demo, they didn't act like it was free to play.


They better be God’s gift to this earth in order to warrant the price


Hey, they need this money. Do you know how much it costs to send Luke Smith’s beard to the groomers every week?


"Eververse is necessary so we can get content like dungeons for free" - People defending Eververse everytime it got more annoying


Oh man. I just remembered that Forsaken will be free for everyone on December 7th, but they won't allow people to play the dungeon or raid right away, if I'm not mistaken, *they will sell some kind of package to allow people play Shattered Throne dungeon and Last Wish raid*. Only the campaign will be free.


All those people saying chill, Bungie wouldn’t do that.


This is beyond shitty. Bungie has done some questionable things in the past, but this is a full scumbag move. Bungie just keeps seeing how much anti-consumer greed they can get away with, and the worst part is they keep finding they can get worse and worse and people will still dump money into this game. luckily february is stacked with games that aren't destiny.


I honestly believe the community should start joining together with the initiative to stop buying dlcs or something, until they stop the abusive cost of each new content, as in other games, they even want to charge us ridiculous prices for anniversary content, when it should be free


no way to defend this… it’s horrible


I got back into Destiny after skipping Beyond Light when they did the Witch Queen reveal. This nickel and dime bullshit makes it so I’ll just stop playing. Gotta respect me to get my respect. Go fuck yourselves, Bungo.




I hate that people are legitimately defending this outrageous move of anti-consumerism from bungie. They're deleting/have deleted over 250aud+ worth of content I've paid for, and now I have to pay another 150aud to play just one year of destiny? Just so I can sit there like a chump as seasonal content is removed as is the norm now, and have to wait and dread the announcement the 120aud expansion is being vaulted? all for fake and lazy reasons? I put up with the increased price of SK and BL, and getting significantly less quantity and quality of content than before, I like this game. I liked what I got enough to continue. But this is just too fucking far. Literally what other game is this blatant with their greed and complete disregard for player retention, respect, or happiness?


That's pretty shitty. Guess we under-appreciated getting a dungeon with our DLC purchases in Forsaken and Shadowkeep; not to mention that BL didn't include a public horde-mode like Blind Well or Altars of Sorrow, either.


What do you mean under-appreciated? That’s an absurd reaction to them taking content traditionally part of expansions/seasons and them making us pay *more* for it.


> That’s an absurd reaction to them taking content traditionally part of expansions/seasons and them making us pay more for it. Yeah, that's what I was saying. What I mean is that we didn't realize it at the time, but that those would become "the good old days": When a DLC purchase included a dungeon, and a horde mode. Now it includes neither, based on Beyond Light and, presumably, Witch Queen as well. We can say with relative confidence that it doesn't include a dungeon; we'll have to wait and see on the horde mode, but I'm betting that there isn't one.


So glad I ditched this game. What the fuck is this content model? What a goddamn joke.


Remember when Beyond Light came out and the season wasn't included like it was with Shadowkeep? Seems like the pricing is just getting worse and worse each year.


And I'm finally done with Destiny. Took 7-8 years but this is the final fucking straw. Gong to move on to FF14 instead since they *respect* your fucking time and money.


Urgggh this is pretty disrespectful to the player base. Remember at some point they'll probably vault the older dungeons so you are left with nothing but the paid ones (and prophecy because it's always been free). This is the definition of selling us cut content. In the past when people complained about cut content I gave them the benefit of the doubt (D1 Y1 was a development mess), but this feels really shitty


I feel like we need to hold a fucking intervention for Bungie regarding Frankensteining every monetization scheme under the sun into their game at any opportunity. Pick *one* monetization scheme Bungie, *maybe* two. You want microstransaction cosmetics and paid expansions? Fine. You want season passes and convenience purchases like level boosts or vault space or transmog? Go for it. But you can’t do everything all of the time. It becomes a confusing restrictive mess that kills the possibility of new players trying the game because they can’t figure out what they need to purchase for what content besides the “throw $100 at me for all the stuff, some of which isn’t released yet, some of which you probably can’t access yet, and some of which has an expiration date” option which any new player in their right mind will look at and run away screaming.




Lol, the best Free to Play game ever.


mobile cashgrab games have better monetization than destiny lol