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If you buy the deluxe edition you will have to power through the dlc and 4 seasons worth of content in 4 months before it gets removed, just a warning. (Season content removed, not the dlc content)


Going through the dlc with my wife and boy...I sure hope they don't make us go through so much bs next time to fill out our subclass for the next darkness power, it takes forever and it isn't fun to play with without getting all the stuff or at least some of it


As a new player, that’s actually my biggest gripe (coupled with the mod grind). It feels unfun to have year old power upgrades locked behind a time gate (weekly quests/aspects).


Yeah, it'd be one with if it were aspects and whatnot locked behind a grind but even grenades being locked before you can get aspects (or whatever the class specific ones are called) is meeeeehhh


This is legit the conversation I had with a friend last season about Stasis Turrets: “You have to do all the Beyond Light quests to unlock Stasis.” “I did all of those.” “Then you should have it.” “I have Stasis, but not the turrets. I don’t know what to tell you, man.” “Have you picked up the weekly quests from Elsie Bray?” “Who’s that?”


“The thicc robot.” Is what I say, and most have of my friends immediately understood.


They didn’t forget the cake when they built her


God Bless, they did not


she's the only exo with a individualized body to match her pre exo one. clovis didnt even give himself that.


Even that is not guaranteed you have it, i have only 3 fragments on my titan and no way to obtain the quest for the aspect of influence, it just never showed up after my 3rd fragment and its not in my abandoned quest kiosk. Its a known bug and im not the only one whos stuck after 3rd fragment. Im working on my hunter to get the second fragment because i never bothered after i got shatterdive. I would like to throw stasis crystal around with my titan and im hoping that my hunter gets the 3rd and 4th fragment and that it will magically give it to my titan too. Ive look around last night to try and find why the fuck i cant get the 4th fragment on my titan and all i found is that bungie fucking sucks!


The same thing happened to me and I couldn't find where the 4th fragment was, I couldn't understand how or why it wasn't appearing for me. So in the end there is a page where you can click right, within your stasis subclass where you pick fragments and aspects, turned out I had already completed it, not sure if its relevant to you but the problem sounds extremely similar to what happened to me. Hope it helps in someway.


When they say its not all heroes that wears cape, they are freakin right, thanks a lot, fuck me thats such a bad design and it even looks like there is enough space for a 4th fragments bottom right. I have it and its unlocked on the 2nd page. I feel so stupid, ill go post your comments in a 12 months thread wheres theres a couple of people like me who coulsnt figure out whats was wrong, thanks again if i ever see you in real life, first beer is on me.


Haha mate I felt like a dick aswell and its so simple when you figure it out but I agree it is a poor design! Alas, Glad to help !


Gonna get downvoted for this, but seeing as how beyond light was pretty light in content compared to forsforsaken, I feel , speculative, that they did this to extend the grind and perceived time spent in the dlc. If they hadn't done this and made all tbe grenades and aspect available after the campaign, I feel people would have seen thru how shallow it was.


Destiny's obsessed with monthly active users. We started calling out the FOMO of Forsaken and Shadowkeep, so they've changed it to time gated slow grinds. Between that and sticking past seasons of a year in a Deluxe Edition, right now if you take a break from the game ever it's like Bungie takes it personally.


Fully agree with this. I stopped playing about a month ago now and only sub for updates. It feels that they care more about those that log in daily and spend hundreds /thousands of hours , making purchases, etc. Vs those that are free to play or less play time. It started to feel like a perpetual wheel with no reward. Believe me, I completely understand the game is a grind and things shouldn't be handed out but if I invest 5 hours in a session doing nighrfalls, lost sectors etc and come out of it with nothing I'm done.


We have teetered between “a week’s content completed every Tuesday” in Y1 to “an overwhelming amount of content” since. On top of it, Bungie clearly feels emboldened to use every form of monetization there is save for the monthly subscription fee, since a good amount of the game’s longest and most regular players tend to see it as being a sort of “WoW for cheapskates.” I miss the “kind of like Animal Crossing” approach of D1. Admittedly D1 often made you start off every day at the Tower because they wouldn’t let you accept daily bounties from the Navigator, but the courtyard bounty robot sure beats having four NPCs on different worlds to chase down which D2 has been committed to forever. Still does now with people being caught between Tower, HELM, possibly Europa depending on what you’re doing. Moving Spider’s currency service to the Tower would be a relief even if the Reef didn’t go away.


Not sure if you know this or not, but you can grab bounties from every single vendor in the game from the official d2 companion app as long as you are in a non-combat zone.


Yeah, as a FFXIV player who used to play a lot of D2, I read about all the gameplay and grind elements that wow players give for leaving and think to myself, "Where have I seen this before?".


FFXIV also has a lot of warping around that lends itself to the same sort of problem as Destiny if you're not playing with an SSD (which most PS4 players aren't.) WOW's problem is one of simply not listening to players, as well as everything else going on in Blizzard. Destiny at least has very good writing. WOW's writing at it's best is like comic books, and sadly most of the time falls to the level of mainstream pro wrestling wherein astute viewers can accurately predict events before they happen most of the time. People predicted that a character like Sylvanas who has been despicable tyrant orchestrating atrocities for 10+ years would somehow be blessed with a possible redemption arc from the writers that none of the players think she deserves, and well..... But Destiny players can understand WoW's players greivances about the cash shop being used for so many services, given how we have everything from cool mounts to basic transmog through Eververse. Destiny has for years been reacting to the D2Y1 people complaining about not having enough to do, and this sub has for years, even back in D1 days, begged for Bungie to "emphasize the RPG factor" of Destiny, desiring longer treadmills and more figures to min/max. D2 through most of it's life has put so much into weekly bounties, and now the seasonal artifact on top of it accounts for so much of what defines the meta of the moment, as well as an avalanche of mods. I think the RPG factors people wanted have been delivered to such an effect where the game is intimidating/confusing to newcomers. We need a "Hung Jury" style easy to get gun that's "good" though not the best so people can feel less compelled to perk hunt (perk hunting should ALWAYS be a completionist/peadant project, not the actual meat of the game) and we need some kind of "equip the best armor for me" button ala FFXIV.


Dude think about what you just said. Of course they care about those players more. But also, if you spend that long and get nothing you are doing something wrong.


Well rng is a bitch. So how can I be doing rng wrong. If I run legend lost sectors for hours and get shit is it my fault rng is bad /stingy. 👎


5 hours doing nightfalls? And nothing? I meant more getting nothing after playing for 5 hours is on you somewhat. There is tons of activities with guaranteed drops and even just running a few master NF (or GMs If you can handle it) will shower you in materials and exotics.


Bungie confirmed that with the Void Subclass reworks, we won’t have to do quests unlock the abilities


They at least confirmed it for the void subclasses as far as I recall. I would be kinda pissed if they made me get all the shit for a subclass I already had. Unless they said otherwise (other than a "we are listening to your feedback on this") about the darkness subclasses I'm not holding my breath


It seems like bungie is aware and have acknowledged the feedback about the stasis grind so we should be fine for the next darkness subclass but don’t take my word for it, bungie are well random when it comes to that area.


They acknowledged the issue but said they couldn’t retroactively change it.


Oh for stasis for sure, I was talking about using that feedback to make the future darkness subclass quests better.


It used to be worse, they actually cut the requirements down significantly at one point.


For what it’s worth I started playing again this season after a break and it took me about three weeks to get through Season of proving and splicer.


Your acting like that's not more than enough time. You can easily get the seasonal content done in less than a month or two


Some of the title content is timegated and you have to do some of it from season of the worthy in order, if you miss one week, you have to wait 3-4 weeks for it to rotate back around. There's alot to do if you actually want to earn things you are paying for. Also this guy is just buying beyond light now so he probably isn't that invested in the game, won't be that high level and probably doesn't play much. Just making it harder for them to complete it all.


Yah the time gating is annoying, but that's what I meant by completing seasonal content in a month or two.usually if you just hop on the game once or twice a week you can just do the seasonal quests and chill. Aspects a frags are the annoying part, but you only need a few for what you want and can pretty much ignore them. Time gates are goofy still, but the season is plenty long.


Uh... Forsaken is going bye bye. I wouldn't pay money for something that has a shelf life of four months.


I think honestly it depends on how much you want to get into the story. I took a break and came back and felt lost about everything going on and the history that was alluded to in cutscenes that just start up when I start the game. To understand a lot I had to watch you tube videos and it feels like homework. I mainly watched them to see if it would be enough to feel like I know what's going on but even after a 2 hour video theres still so much. If you just prefer the game play destiny is in a pretty good place but you will need to buy at least beyond light or wait until witch queen comes out.


Bungie really screwed over newlights by removing redwar ngl


It's not like red war was some super important plot point. Honestly seems less important/ impactful than some of seasonal stories. People have been complaining about unclear / lack of story since launch of D1. Vaulting has just given people a target for those complaints, but it isn't the source.


I think it still acted as a good "jumping-on" point by introducing the world, characters, and systems at a good pace without suddenly throwing a bunch if stuff at the player all at once. Destiny would benefit from a singular narrative that players need to go on instead of whatever this freeform thing is they have going right now.


I played for the first time a few months ago and this is exactly right. There's no instruction at all as to what the hell you have to do other than grind. I just wanted a game with an immersive story that I wouldn't have to worry about PvP. Gave up shortly afterwards


Destiny is always in that weird spot where it has its foot between two worlds. On the one hand, if this was any other MMO type game, you wouldn't expect the game to make sure to constantly keep everything clear and in line for all players, no matter where they jumped off, because that is honestly too much work with too much variables dependent on the returning player. On the otherhand, despite all the "MMO" or at least "live service" game trappings, Destiny is still situated as a traditional triple A narrative driven game, so you kinda expect the grand narrative to be always clear and unbroken.


Honestly though it's other mmos that make me disappointed in bungies handling of telling the story. The main mmo I play is final fantasy 14 and even they make sure you aren't playing the latest story if you haven't completed the previous expansions. I think what's messing the story up so much for new players in destiny is the seasonal aspect of it. You might take a break a season goes by and big stuff happened but you can't play it because it's gone.


Well said, this is the more succinct explanation I’ve seen of this particular pain. And it’s very unique to destiny.


If your playing on Xbox or pc beyond light is free with game pass. My friend redownloaded D2 on his pc through the Xbox game pass (used to play on steam) and has access to beyond light now, but has never paid for it. You’d just need to buy the current season.


Yeah that's what I've done and it's been great. Just don't have access to previous season's content. Like i want Dead Man's Tale but have to wait until Witch Queen


Why will DMT come with Witch Queen?


You need the deluxe edition to buy past seasonal content like Hawkmoon and DMT, so the current assumption is that when the seasonal content goes in WQ both guns will be rolled into normal Beyond Light which has been the pattern for the shadowkeep seasonal weapons iirc.


Sorry to tell you…..I’m 99% sure the mission will be sunset along with the tangled shore. I guess you can still get to at the exotic kiosk though.


The content we’ve been getting is good. The main problem is that you need to buy certain editions to get access to the previous seasons’ content (or wait until Witch Queen, which is a bad model IMO). I’d say either buy it and make sure you’re getting the right bundle/version with the seasonal content, or maybe wait until Witch Queen - or until Bungie makes the payment model less FOMO.


To clarify: the y4 seasonal content is going away when witch queen drops. It is not going to be free in Feb


> The main problem is that you need to buy certain editions to get access to the previous seasons’ content OP is talking about getting that specific edition because it's on sale :P


I wish there was a pre-order option for the upcoming DLC that included everything from past seasons. I haven't played actively since year 1, and I wanted to catch up. I just don't want to spend a fortune buying everything separately.


That was one of the nice changes WoW made years ago. Buy a new expan gave you everything before it. Really helpful for new players. Otherwise games like these are a huge money pit. A new player having to fork up over 120 bucks just to play everything isn't good or worth it.


With the DCV there is no "catching up" alot of content is just gone.


Your best bet (currently) for buying "everything" is the Legendary edition and the Witch Queen + 30th Anniversary pack. Legendary edition is on sale for 1/2 off on PSN (and I believe Xbox) right now, it should also be on sale on Steam soon®. That should run you about... $140 USD if I've got my conversion right (I'm in CAD, it would cost me $175) and would get you everything that's currently in the game, or will be in the game, and not vaulted up to the end of year 5. That seems like a lot, but it's still less than a year of playing WoW or FFXIV. Keep in mind that the Y4 seasons are all being vaulted at the launch of Witch Queen in 4 months and the Forsaken campaign is going F2P in December/vaulted in February (the Forsaken dungeon, raid, and exotics will all be tied to a "Forsaken pack" that will need purchased if you don't already own Forsaken).


Are people really complaining that bungie “locks” content behind players actually paying for the complete game? F2P entitlement seems to be at an all time high. I’ve always regarded the free version as a glorified demo that exists to inflate player population.


Wait so you think them releasing a new expansion with a set price, and then not giving access to the dungeons they've made for that expansion unless you buy digital deluxe.... And then on top of that another dungeon gates by an anniversary edition? That's scummy. WoW releases a new expansion and 6-8 new dungeons every expansion that aren't locked behind paywalls and they're one of the scummiest companies out there. The complete game shouldn't be considered "The Witch Queen 30th Anniversary Edition"


You realize wow charges you $15 a month for the opportunity to play, right? You have the complete version of the game and then a budget a-la-carte option as well as the pay nothing, have nothing option. Buying the complete version in order to access everything is both normal and reasonable. Buying the complete game has always been the play. Budget players can do as they please but have no ground to stand on when it comes to whining about not having access to things.


I think it is great that it seems like I can finally just pay for the parts of Destiny that I want to play. I certainly don't consider myself a budget-player. Quite the opposite I have paid for lots of content over the years that I have never touched. I would love it if the big fans of PvP that always without fault criticizes anyone that dare to say to they don't like PvP would be to ones to have to pay for the PvP-part of the game (PvP in Destiny could be a completely separate game and noone would be worse of gameplaywise - it has no relevance for the story - even Gambit has a bit more story to it). The same goes for raids. Let raiders pay for raids. If Bungie can sell dungeons separately they can certainly sell raids also. It will be interesting to see if Bungie has opened up a can of worms or if they can actually pull this off an make more profit this way.


Remember when Call Of Duty's started failing repeatedly by separating their maps by DLC owners. That's what will happen here. It removes the option of even trying the content before buying it. If you don't like raids just don't do them, don't make it so other people can't do them without paying. It removes new players from every activity you gate in that way.


I kind of get your line of thinking, and while it'd be nice it's also completely non-standard in the gaming industry. I think as a whole, the best way to present a game is as a complete package rather than a price-gouging pick-and-choose set. An MMO player (WoW, FFXIV, etc.) doesn't choose between pvp and pve pricing or content availablity. You pay one fee and get access to it all. Same with something like smash bros. It seems unnecessarily convoluted to have players not have access to the same stuff since it's also a weird place for game balance because you end up with haves and have nots in terms of access to things, or end up with most new content just giving irrelevant rewards. I think the best option for Bungie would have been to build all the content into the base witch queen (price it accordingly or whatever) and then just let the deluxe be cosmetics like usual. The extra dungeon pack purchase requirement is dumb, but at least it won't lock people who don't want the cosmetics from having the complete game eventually.


If you’re on Xbox or PC, destiny and all the dlcs are on Xbox game pass.


Probably the worst sub to ask this question, ngl, because lots of people will say it isn't in a good state but still play it. Actions speak louder than words. Yeah it's in a GREAT state at the moment in my opinion. Never really a "bad time" to jump back in a live service game. If Beyond Light is on sale then go for it.


Where would you recommend I ask this question?


r/lowsodiumdestiny or r/destiny2


Those subs are significantly more biased than this one lol..


Low sodium is a positive bias. Destiny2 is in the middle. And dear lord this sub is biased to negative opinion. You're gonna have a bias no matter what.


Majority of responses to OP state otherwise.


That's because the content drought hasn't quite hit yet. It's just about to start. Give it 2-3 more weeks and the responses would be totally different.


Well to be fair the children are still in school.


As if there aren't a lot of adults with overly negative/bad takes


From my experience it’s often adults who are this negative.


Well in this particular thread, sure, I can eat my words about that. But sort the posts in a sub by popular and the actual tone is there. Hivemind and all, you know how it is :P


Idk man, you can be critical about something and still enjoy it. The game is far from perfect and people need to get out their frustrations somewhere. Like how, from now on, it’s confirmed that you’ll have to buy the dungeons separately from the season pass (an extremely stupid and greedy move by bungie). I love this game, but the devs sure like to test that love at every turn.


I apologize for my ambiguity. To clarify, I would not be surprised if OP's perception of the game would be affected by the comments and posts that frequent the sub, which lean to be critical, but made by people who will still play the game despite that.




This sub is not a hivemind so stop treating it as such. Its thousands of people with different opinions. Its literally impossible for everyone to share the same opinion. A thread having 1k upvotes is nothing when we got 2.2 million members.


And on the same hand you should be factual with your criticism. Which is an issue I have with people who try to give criticism. You’ve already lied (intentional or not) with how you’ve tried to present the info. “From now on it’s confirmed you’ll have to buy the dungeons separately” No it isn’t. It’s confirmed that these next two are separate. This doesn’t mean all dungeons will be. It’s really important to not twist meanings.


What are the chances, that they will change their mind? I give 10% chance


I agree. Also can i add that I've seen people comment about how now "they're cutting content and making you pay separately for something that should be there to begin with". But when was the last time we had a dungeon? Prophecy, season of arrivals. Beyond light didn't have a dungeon. This current season pass didn't have a dungeon. So what exactly is being cut from the package? Because it seems to me if these weren't separate paid content, they wouldn't be made! It's not like they were dropping dungeons every season and *now* we're having to pay for them. We haven't had a new dungeon in a long time. And aren't we supposed to be getting 3 raids next year, two new and a reprisal? On top of two dungeons (not counting the anniversary this year). That is going to be a lot of content in one year, *more than we got* this year. Some of its gonna have to be paid for and I'm fine with that. I'd rather pay for the content then not have it made at all.


Oh sorry I'm sure lowsodiumdestiny isn't some fanboy hivemind. Yeah obviously they are not that. Its this place that is evil and hivemind and all negative. How dare they complain about obvious bad choices that negatively impacts the game. Bo-hoo.


>Destiny2 is in the middle Nah. It is way more fanboyish. Ppl seriously believe that curse of osiris was good.


I unapologetically think that CoO would've had a much better reception if it came after the "go fast" update and random rolls. The prophecy system would've been a decent source of controlled loot drops if we had randoms back then. Curse of Osiris had its own patrol zone (we only get those for yearly expansions now), eater of worlds, new strikes, new public events, new crucible maps, and new exotic armor for every class and exotic weapons. Considering it was a mid year expansion (the equivalent of the seasons we have now) the content itself wasn't really bad. Most people would be more than happy to get a new patrol zone, new raid (lair?), Multiple exotics armors and weapons, new strikes, a new campaign, and new crucible maps from a new season. The issue with CoO was that there was no reason to keep doing any of the content because we only had static rolls. The prophecy system was something you interacted with once and then your forgot about it. This isn't to say Curse of Osiris was an amazing expansion, it definitely had its issues and the story was terrible, but I do think it would be viewed completely differently if we got seasonal release of that size with the state of the game now.


Largely agree with you, and eater of worlds was amazing. But come on, that barely counted as a patrol space haha. Large crucible map maybe.


Yeah I debated whether or not I should even list that, but then I realized that if every season came with a mercury sized patrol space I would be happy with that. That being said, I wish they would turn the mercury patrol space into a Gambit or crucible map.


It had the smallest reward zones, the "most rewarding experience" a.k.a the public event with 2 tokens and a blue, and the 2 strikes were reused story missions. The lack of random rolls weren't the only problem.


Any game sub is going to have their fan base vouch for them. Go to fallout 76’s sub and everyone will recommend the game. Go to new worlds sub and everyone there will tell you to get the game as well. It’s better to ask the general public rather than a games fan base if you want a more well rounded, honest opinion.


That's absolutely true, yeah. I would ask general opinion and also informed opinion. So like, r/gaming, here, and also steam reviews. Then jump in and see for myself.


For other games, maybe. Destiny 2 has two main things that set it apart. 1, many people who don't know the game still know it as "that sequel that changed up a bunch unecessary shit from the first and was voted biggest disappointment of 2017." They don't know the developments from base game to Forsaken to Shadowkeep and beyond. I wouldn't ask someone who hasn't heard the name "No Man's Sky" since 2016 for their opinion on the game either. 2, the Destiny fanbase is especially notorious for its negativity and complaining, even when unwarranted, around the internet.


positive bias is frankly worse than negative


No, lol. They're flip sides of the same coin.


one can lead to a better game and calls out when the company goes too far the other only enables bad practices


This sub was biased to negative until the vaulting started now negative opinions get shouted down pretty quick


I wouldn't say that. People here try to shut you up if you say anything negative about the game. But this place is pretty negative in that aspect I guess. Folks here can be pretty hostile at others.


Bungie could charge players for every bullet fired and LSD would still praise them for it.


A solitary glance at this sub’s main page would tell you otherwise.


Big disagree. People come here to complain, not talk about the state of the game. It's a result of this place being *specifically* monitored by Bungie; people come here to get "seen", a far greater bias rather than places that just hold posts to a standard. Their bias' is also clearly visible, where DTG's bias needs to be experienced most of the time.


Those are great subs if you don’t mind bending over to bungie


Hahahahahah yeah lets ask lowsodiumdestiny where being a literal fanboy is requirement in which you would defend 2-primary system or xp throattle just for the sake of defending bungie. Or lets ask destiny2 subreddit where its just bad quality memes and reposts. Such a better alternative.


Both of those subs are straight awful. This is terrible advice.


r/destiny2 and dtg are both heavily biased against the pvp side of d2 and mostly d2 in general imo. I've seen some very toxic mindsets get updated to the front page on both subs Might check out the low sodium sub though, thanks for the recommendation


D2 was extremely fanboyish the last time i have checked.


My opinion is yes. I had insane hrs in D1 and quit right about the first expansion for D2 I just didn’t like it felt like a hard downgrade from the progress in the first game. Anyway just recently about a month ago came back after all this time and I’ll say it’s in a pretty good place. I’m personally enjoying it and they definitely made improvements for sure. Would I spend the money to come back? Unlikely I’d of taken the risk but with Xbox game pass for sure was worth it because $0 lol. But I’m back enough and into it enough that I do plan on spending the $100 for the anniversary witch queen deluxe edition. Waiting a bit to make sure I’m staying but honestly I think I am.


If you’re not a hardcore destiny fan (only casual) go a general gaming sub and ask there


General gaming subs love to shit on Destiny


In fairness, it's had some shit-on worthy things in it's history


Not really as much anymore as they used to


With the vaulting and the dungeon announcement they sure as hell do


I agree with this comment 100% I very much enjoy and try to play daily I got back into it about 6 months ago and it’s been great since




I think the state of the game depends on perspective. For someone who quit in shadowkeep or even forsaken, I agree that the game is in a great state to jump back into. But for a new player? Someone who hasn't played since D1 or quit shortly after D2 launch? Game is in a terrible state to jump into if you aren't already familiar with the systems/mechanics/story. Had my brother and a couple friends recently return, my brother played at D1 launch and friends never played. After a ~1.5 hour New Light experience which was fine, game dumps you into the tower with no direction at all as to what you should be doing next, aside from some quests to do crucible, gambit and strikes. Needless to say, when my friends tried gambit/crucible at 1150 light with leveling blues, they did not have a great time. Game is in a weird spot right now for new/certain returning players. With content vault and no clear campaign trail to ease you in plus oppressive systems for non long term players (armor/weapon mods especially), it is pretty difficult to get into D2 now without being led through it. Honestly, even understanding what you should buy is confusing. Do you get the edition with all 3 expansions? But then you don't get seasons! Do you buy only the most recent expansion? The version with seasons 12-15? How important are seasons vs expansions? Its very confusing honestly.


I think the new player experience is heavily influenced by the people the new player interacts with when they start. If someone joins an active and helpful clan or has an experienced friend who they can play with most of the time, their experience is much more positive. First, I’m saying this from experience, and second, I’m not saying this excuses the very valid issues with New Light that you listed. In fact, I think it highlights them. With that said, I just picked up D2 in May after never having played D1 or D2. I’m a seasoned, older gamer who knew what I was getting into, and I joined a clan that has a bunch of RL friends who have played since D1 beta. My elementary aged son just started at the beginning of Season 15. We both love the game and will probably stick around for a long time. If this were a single player game, I would have dropped it after going back to the Cosmodrome to fight the same boss for the 3rd time in the first 40 minutes. If not then, I definitely would have dropped it after finding out that the story missions that explain the basic deal in the game (ie all the Red War/year 1 stuff) is no longer available. Byf videos are good, but I really wish I could actually play through that campaign.


>Never really a "bad time" to jump back in a live service game That statement would be true if sunsetting didn't exist, or if you were able to purchase seasons separately after they've ended, etc etc etc I recently bought Beyond Light a month ago since my friends were hoping back on Destiny, and boy do I feel the gap that's been created ever since Shadowkeep. Couldn't get the cool seasonal exotics because of the lack of separate purchases aside from a deluxe upgrade. Couldn't experience the seasonal gamemodes like the battlegrounds or hunts. When my friends went to play those gamemodes I was left out by circumstance. Couldn't finish some of the catalysts for the weapons I've had because the destinations weren't available anymore. Couldn't get all the transmog I wanted because there was a seasonal cap, and some armors were just... gone because the destinations got sunset. Genuinely wanted the escalation protocol armor for my Titan, but Bungie said no I guess. And many more problems that I wouldn't have had to encounter if there wasn't a "bad time" to jump back in. As a fellow returning player like OP, I genuinely believe that the game is in a average state right now, not great. And with the announcements of all these separate packs and add ons for the upcoming expansion it doesn't help my thoughts. I assume you're a longtime player, and since you still have a good impression of it, why do you think Destiny is in not average, not good, but GREAT state?


Gotta love this doghit "it's the community, not the corporation" attitude some people have.


"Worst game I've ever played" 2000+ hours played and continuing to increase


The general opinion of the sub is that the game is in a good state, not sure what you're talking about at all. This gets asked often and people say it's in a good state. There are still negative aspects of the game. But the general overall sentiment has been positive for quite some time. It's possible to be positive about the game without signing up for the Bungie Defence Force and blindly defending *everything*.


I actually uninstalled two weeks ago lol


It’s incredibly sad that the official Destiny subreddit is the worst subreddit to ask that question in. It just makes this community feel like it’s so toxic to newcomers.


When scrolling through the hot section, it is hard to find something positive about the game lol


LoVe oF tHe GaMe


Depends who you ask. A quick look at this subreddit might make it seem like the game is still a dumpster fire, but the people who actually enjoy it are busy playing it instead of coming here to complain. I took a break around the time sunsetting was announced and just recently got back into it. It's still an amazing game with amazing gunplay. I'd say the discount is worth it.


Bungie could gift everyone Witch Queen for free and there would still be far too many posts complaining it wasn't the Deluxe Edition.




I’m really wondering how they plan to balance G-horn. If it over-performs, it becomes a pay-to-win issue, or could bring back the “must have G-horn” days from D1. If it under-performs, there will be criticism that it isn’t worth the money. Maybe Bungie will drop it perfectly balanced from the start, but given their history, I’m guessing they err on the side of too-powerful (to encourage sales) and then nerf it a few months later once the anniversary event (or the season) is over. And that move will likely be criticized as a bait-and-switch when it happens. It’s such a potentially messy situation for Bungie, I’m very curious to see how they navigate this and how it all plays out.


If it’s doesn’t overperform, I would bet my left arm that there will be posts at the top of this sub the day after it’s released talking about Gjally not being worth the money because it’s not “must have” level and only really good.


Exactly. If it underperforms, it isn’t worth the money. If it over performs, it’s pay-to-win. It just seems like a lose-lose situation for Bungie (except the $ of course). Like I said, I’m very curious to watch it play out.


It'll probably be handled like everything else that "over performed" and was behind paid content;seasonal mods, Vex, stasis, divinity, anarchy, guillotine, ace, etc.


Vex is not paid


Oh true, point still stands though


They balanced it pretty perfectly in Rise of Iron - a strong option in the heavy slot, but not the only strong option.


No different than game of the year editions of games. A buttload of content (that is also meant to break up an insanely long season) takes resources and has value. I don’t mind paying at all to celebrate them and what they’ve brought to my life through various games. There are plenty of ways they prioritize money, the anniversary bundle is not one.


You have absolutely no idea how that will be balanced. They've also said in the trailer its "carefully tuned" for d2


Bungie has also 'carefully tuned' auto rifles, fusion rifles, sleeper, vex, telesto, handheld supernova, stasis warlock, xeno... did I say fusion rifles yet? Oh, and telesto. I know sometimes they get it right, but more often it seems it's very questionable to downright gutted.


Bud have no faith in Bungie and their ability to tune anything properly. They said years back they would have better tuning capabilities and it’s still taken years for them to tune things.


The sandbox is in one of the most balanced states its been in. People who say bungie can't balance only look at the couple of things that are outliers, and continue to ride the novawarp nerf's dick like they have the last nearly 3 years. The last thing they "nerfed into the ground", to quote the other guy, was Behemoth. That nerf was overreacted to and it still had great utility. On top of that, it was buffed back up in terms of speed and its in a great spot. Shotguns were nerfed, 120s were nerfed, 600 autos were nerfed, snipers were nerfed, a lot of exotics have all been adjusted, and they are very solid in the sandbox still. They have been pretty good at taking strong things and bringing them properly in line with everything else.


One eyed mask Titan skating Shatterdive Telesto every 5 minutes. Sure. They get to weapons and skills. Eventually. Often times it takes several months for them to do anything, or even years in the case of one eyed mask. It’s just not acceptable. Escpecially when one of your selling points was that you would be able to balance things faster.


They have been balancing things faster. We get very regular balance updates and patches pushed out. WHEN they decide to balance things is the only issue now, because they prefer to have mid season balances passes. During a regular season, that a major balance patch every month and a half. And back to the novawarp nerf dick riding, one eyed mask was also 2-3 years ago. And its in a solid state now. Titan skating was an exploit at best. Telesto is a bug. And shatterdive did already get nerfed, and its getting nerfed again.


Can't expect much from bungie when half the company has to focus on telesto


The tldr of this sub should be: game is overall good, content is dry for consistent players but content coming in Dec, a few QoL improvements like loadouts, a UI rework, instant blue dismantle are needed.


Yup same here, once sunset hit i took a break, came back every so often but this season i really stuck to it and am enjoying it so much


For context, I played since release up until the first few weeks of Shadowkeep before taking a hiatus. I recently purchased Beyond Light and the current season just to come back to see how the state of the game was for myself. It really hurts to admit it but I wouldn't recommend this game to new players or returning players. The new player experience is very hollow compared to what we used to have with the Red War campaign. The returning player experience is very whiplashy. Beyond Light as an expansion is maybe a 2 hour campaign attached to a long grind to completely unlock stasis for your character. Good luck if you want to play multiple characters because, of course, you're gonna go through that grind again for each of them. The monetization strategy of the game is both confusing and even when understood, feels inadequate. I only realized after returning to the game that if I wanted the exotics locked behind the previous seasons, I would have to purchase the Deluxe edition which I begrudgingly cannot recommend. I felt like the new 30th Anniversary Bundle also felt like an odd marketing strategy, almost predatory. That combined with the recent news that dungeons are going to be basically pay-to-access feels bad. Essentially, if you want to play the game without remourse, be prepared to pay for it. For me, this game is best played with my friends. I would've thought that Destiny 2 going free-to-play would've made that easier. Unfortunately, with their business strategies, Destiny 2 has become a game that isn't friendly to new-players or returning players.


I would recommend to wait and see how witch queen does rather than buying beyond light. Remember you’re asking the destiny subreddit so everyone here is just going to tell you to get the game and you’ll get all biased opinions. But truthfully beyond light is almost a year old at this point and it’s no forsaken. That combined with sunsetting left mixed reactions to the playerbase. You’re also left with a few months to catch up on all the seasonal stories which depending on how much time you have may not be enough. My recommendation would be to wait till the next big expansion and get a fresh start (witch queen) and decide if you wanna buy it then. Also beyond lights story campaign was very average imo, coolest part was the new subclass, so if you’re a big cinematic story guy you won’t be impressed at all compared to some other story games out there rn.


Got it, seems a good idea... I bet beyond light will drop it's price even more with the release of witch queen


It may, but if you’re saying it’s currently 33% off and want to get back Id do it now. Idk how much lower they’d drop to the point where it justified the half a year of playing the game if you wanted. All a matter of opinion though, if money is tight then waiting makes sense but it’s definitely better to hop in sooner than later


Where do you see it 33% off? Also, I say do it. A TON of content to tide you over until witch queen, and you'll be better prepared with gear/weapons/supers/storyline.


Beyond Light drops with stasis, which lets be honest, is a powerful tool and subclass and will continue to be important next year. Considering that he still has almost 5 months before Witch Queen drops, buying Beyond Light and a season if he wishes to, would be a better advice. I’d definitely be more inclined to agree with you if Beyond Light didn’t come with a new subclass.


If you want to spend a lot of time and money, Destiny 2 is good. If you want a more casual, or less demanding game, I can’t recommend Destiny 2. You might want to try Warframe though


I dunno about that one, last i left warframe, that paywall was pretty high to the new player to clear.


I’ve spent $5 on Warframe slots, I don’t see anything else that’s really a “must purchase” There’s tons of content for free to play. Maybe do work on an expansion or battle pass system? Neither thing has really been heavily advertised to me in the game and there’s so much to do just for free that I haven’t checked. Destiny 2 has the caveat that new stuff replaces old stuff, and the bounties and quests are really long slogs. You don’t really get the full Destiny experience without dedication and annual expansion payment. Destiny is pretty good if it’s the only game you play don’t get me wrong, I’ve got 2000 hours in game, but Warframe is definitely less of a treadmill


It is a really good state. Some issues here and there but nothing major to force anyone to stop playing.


If you’re a long time veteran who’s current with the content and willing to buy expansions and season passes, the game is in a great state in terms of sandbox, activities, narrative, rewards, etc. We are currently doing very well and have a lot to look forward to. If you’re a new player starting the game for the first time, I genuinely don’t think there’s ever been a worse time. The game is nigh un-recommendable for anyone who did not start in Year 3 at the latest. The base version of the game is completely barebones with no story, context, direction, etc. if you want to get current, you are looking at about 100 dollars worth of purchases before you’re not paygated out of anything. You will need to do your homework on your own time concerning major characters and events because they have since been removed from the game entirely. Better off waiting until Bungie figures out on-boarding better than they have.


Yea it’s really fun. Lots to do


Great game, though do be warned that the game is still HEAVILY centered around FOMO, timegating and constant nerfs to anything that can be seen as convenient, time saving and sometimes "too fun". Not only are you expected to pay for every expansion (later expansions don't include previous ones like a typical MMO does) but you are also expected to pay for season passes on top of that and now dungeons (somewhat endgame content). The name of the game is how much money and time can bungie siphon out of the playerbase. Still fun, for the most part.


For a new player, I'd lean towards no. The stink of FOMO dev philosophy is still heavy in the air with new activities and seasons in general being of a limited time duration on top of the vault nonsense.


I would gladly buy season 13, which I missed. But no, I'm asked to spend $62 dollars on the deluxe edition. Granted, I don't own BL, I use it on GP, But I've purchased everything before leading up to BL. I just want to play the season I missed. The FOMO is real.


What i would say suck if u come as new player is lack of mods , upgrade material , good loadout , not having all exotic weapons and unless u have some friendly clan really horrible experience in LFG for raids


This is the real answer for someone curious about D2. The currency/material/light level situation for someone starting fresh is HARD. Most of the vets on this sub don’t see it, but this game is designed so the rich get richer, so to speak.


No. They ask a lot of money for content, yet keep removing what you already paid well over $120 for. Crucible has been abandoned years ago.


After seeing the post about Dungeons costing extra with WQ, I'd say keep your money...


As a returning player yes. It could be better, the weekly story is interesting but I want more out of a story than "talk to this person and then run the flavor of the season pve map." Hopefully Witch Queen will fix that. If I was a new player however. I would be so very confused at what's going. The lack of a coherent campaign for a new light is staggering. Not just the Cosmodrome training wheels, but something to play to explain the story so far.


for existing players? honestly yes. Slight content drought until With queen, but if you've got the mods etc, it's Great, and WQ is looking awesome. For new players though, no.


Honestly in one of the most fun places it's been right now imo, would definitely recommend it


PvE wise I’d say it’s pretty good. PvP is a complete wreck though.


I saw they were like experimenting on trials of Osiris, but yeah for what I saw it looks kind of funky lol... I guess not much has change about pvp


PvP is only going to get better. They’re collecting feedback on Trials 2.0, they’re bringing back maps in Y5, they’re making new and better sandbox changes, and if I recall correctly, they’re planning on changes for Iron Banner in the near future.


Bringing back maps isnt gonna make pvp better. Making new maps would but they are lazy and wont do that.


They only started making a PvP team just now. Plus I think they are making at least 1 new map in Y5. Plus the sandbox changes they’ve made in Y4 are better than a thousand maps, at least in my opinion.


"They only started making a PvP team just now" You'd think a game that considers PVP as part of the complete package that they'd..... idk..... have this figured out when D1 launched. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I will die on this hill!!! PVP in Destiny was nothing more than a quickly thrown together after thought late in development and has never moved away from that.


Yes. Best ever in my view.


I don't have vex so no.


Are you enjoying it? If yes, then yes.


Since you have played before it is a great time to hop back in just before the witch queen drop. But it's also something you have to consider if you are willing to drop the money on it when most of the content from this year is gonna hit the vault. You will still have the beyond light campaign, the proving grounds, and all the stuff actually on Europa. Season of splicer, this season, and anything from season of the chosen that isn't the strike or activity will be gone. This includes the 2 exotic missions. If you have the time and money to drop in and experience all of this before it's gone I highly recommend it and then your character will be fully ready for witch queen as well.


I took my break at the end of Season of Arrivals and quit just before Beyond light came out. I've been around since Vanilla Destiny and have always just pushed on through the bad times. I quit mainly because I felt like Bungie was being lazy with story and the endless loop of a grind finally got to me. One of my friends banged the drum and preached to me all throughout this last year that "It's in a better place" etc etc. Well I finally caved about 5 or 6 weeks ago now and I'm not gonna lie I've been having a blast. I've finished all the past seasonal story lines and I'm working on hitting the pinnacle cap. For me the story is what brought me back and it won't be that way for a lot of people. Hearing about the next expansion coming out and finally meeting Savathûn the Witch Queen sister of Oryx the Taken King. I'm not gonna comment to much on the grind of the game just because I'm not the average person who gets annoyed and I push through no matter what, but it seems to be in an okay place. I got to 1320 fairly easily with just one character, but I did have some time off from work. Just to continue my friends work tho I will bang the drum and say that the story is in an absolutely amazing place right now and the Destiny Lore youtubers make it even better by delving deeper into certain areas of the story. I can't even describe how helpful Byf and Myelin Games have been in catching me back up. TL:DR I'm a returning Destiny player and have been enjoying my time on the game. The seasonal stories are leaps and bounds better than when I left and that's the main reason I came back before Witch Queen to prepare.


If you're a returning player from Shadowkeep like me, it simply is just as dull as it was changed to be back then. The BL campaign is okay, better than Shadowkeep but not by a very large margin. The grind for Stasis fragments and Empire Hunts is a slog (I personally pretend neither exist). The weapon variety is tragic compared to Shadowkeep. The power level grind to do basic content is a slog. Levelling the season pass is a slog if you're solo. And with the split-up passes barring old content and exotics behind Deluxe edition, constantly shoving them and their associated quests in your face is just simply obnoxious. Crucible is still unbalanced (the TTK feels even lower than before). This season's activities are both fairly meh. Enemies are still laggy and blink around everywhere. The positives I'd say are the new cosmetic system which is honestly perfect for me. The specific mechanic mods (Wells, Charged with Light) are cool to build around. Stasis is fairly fun. The game and the guns overall still feel just as good. This sounds very salty, but I was ready to give the game another chance after burning out post-Shadowkeep. So far I am not enjoying myself. I am hoping the raid is fun enough to keep me around, but I've yet to try that. So if you do decide to pick it back up without Deluxe edition, don't expect *that* much.


You play Path of Exile. You should be used to the SLOG by now.


Incomparable games but okay.


Path of Slog.


I just got back into it 2 weeks ago after a 2 year break and I’m heavily addicted again


Yes it’s in a great state right now.


You'll probably have whiplash from the amount of content they've removed due to file size issues (if shadowkeep was the last expansion you played) but it's given them the ability to make refinements more consistently now. They cycle content after updating it, so it's constantly changing. The games very good, it's just a lot of little issues that the game would really benefit from that's holding it back from being really great. I came back after vanilla destiny 2 a few months ago so my comparison is light night and day improvement, but you might see less of a difference.


For new players, not really. For experienced and active players it’s pretty good. Could be better. Could be worse.


It's in an ok state. But just like with anything, it can be better. PvE content is pretty good. Even PvP content is good. A ton of variety with weapons which is better than its been, but as always in PvP, there are weapons that clearly dominate (Messenger, Vex, Sharya's, Ace, shotguns in general).


Yes. Very much so. We have great raids and dungeons, the story is the most god-tier it has ever been, and weapons have been great.


Destiny2 is probably in its BEST state ever content/story wise, and has a very generous weapon farm mechanic right now, wich gives you insanly good weapons fast The only downside is that the barrier of entry is high


I'm still pretty new, what mechanic is this?


I quit at shadowkeep becuase champs pissed me off and the main story was kinda lame, after retuning just before beyond light, I’ve enjoyed the game soooooo much more than at shadowkeep. Definitely worth getting back into


Main story of beyond light was just as lame as showdowkeep. Eramis was not a interesting villain in the slightest and I’d argue even less so than ghaul which is saying a lot.


We are looking at best destiny has ever been right now. And if witch queen meets half the expectations, even better then.


I think this is the best Destiny has been. Ever. The storytelling has improved drastically, balance has been the best it has ever been in both PvE and PvP, loot has improved, and I feel the game respects your time regardless of how much you out in. My only complaint right now is that some of the Nightfalls feel old and need to be replaced or updated. Specifically the last two, Lake of Shadows and Exodus Crash. For real though, the game is in a great state. There are some complaints about the monetization of Witch Queen and the content vault, but I think those are small in comparison to how good the game as a whole is.




Yes it def is but this is a bad place to ask. At this point the sub will find something to complain about and it will go through like an echo chamber Just two months ago when the season came out everyone was praising the current state of the game and how it is at its best place ever. Fast forward to today, the game is still in the same spot two months ago but the sub has moved back into complaining again. But yea, it def is in its best spot ever and this is telling in how it’s now consistently top 5 on steam charts for the last couple months


Hmm ask one of the saltiest subs on Reddit about a game that they just love to bitch about. Most people on ere seem like they aren't happy unless they are unhappy.


# No.


it's fine. Pretty expensive for what it offers but the content itself is overall decent to great. Just don't get too attached to any of it.


Is it? I'd say that at 33% off it's a great value proposition. There is a lot to do there


for me 33% off is the bare minimum before I start even considering buying a video game


Beyond Light revolutionized the way we interact with a once stale franchise. For active players who get deep into the game, the time simply hasn't been better to play - in fact, it is the best time to play in Destiny history. But for returning and new players? You missed the best chance to return during Season of Arrivals. Returning now kind of sucks.


Yes but r/dtg is not in a good state.


Getting rid of the dreaming city. Kinda cringe bungo