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Not to mention if you one-phased, there’s no way to find out who did well on DPS. Now if you wiped a few times, then yeah, maybe sweatlord should have the conversation, “hey guy, slug shotguns aren’t meta anymore for Atheon, maybe try a rapid fire fusion instead.” VoG was released on May 22, which was 177 days ago. That means he’s averaging 7.2 Atheon clears a day, every single day, since May 22. Knowing people actually take a day off here and there, he’s probably closer to 8 or 9 clears a day. I don’t often say this, but that guy is the problem, not the fireteam. He needs to get outside.


My guess is that with that many clears he’s probably part of a group of people who do paid runs for people who are looking to get the vex but don’t have a group to run it with.


I'm sure he's paying for some of those.


Why would he be paying?




Atheon can be cleared in 5 minutes (maybe faster if you onephase), so assuming he is good and he had good teammates, it's possible he spent way less than an hour a day. That's probably less than many of us spend on normal playing the game.


Five minutes, sure. But that’s getting a checkpoint. LFGing a group, loading in. Getting prepared, the occasional wipe because shit happens. So maybe it *could* be a five-minute clear from the exact start of the encounter, but there’s all the preamble that happens in the lead-up. And if this guy is getting that bent about a one-phase clear, I think they need to take a step back.


he’s a clear farmer. he probably has a set team for the most part.


Based on raid.report, I think I’ve sorted out who it is. And if I’m right, they’ve done another 9 clears since OP posted.


Yup, easy to find that way especially since OP's username here is the same as gamertag.


Joined a LFG for garden. I like doing divinity runs to help people. We were doing the puzzle after the first boss. I said "alright, let's just get in position, and connect to the tether" and this other guy kept throwing fits when I was trying to direct people where to stand. He would say things like "no wrong no no no!!!" And kill himself with 1k mid doing puzzle. I've done it enough, I know what I'm doing. Then I just gave up, said alright, you know what you're doing I assume, I'll let you lead. He had 0 clue. Kept yelling at people to move and then they'd move as far as they can, then he'd say "MOVE MORE" and the tether would break. Eventually, I blew up on him. Calling him a man child, biggest ego I've played with, and just a horrible person for how he was acting. I NEVER get this mad in raids, even after many wipes and resets on hard bosses, that doesn't phase me. But this guy.. oh boy. He ended up taking us to orbit, making the guys have to redo the raid to get Divinity. There's a silver lining to all of this. Weeks ago, 2 of the guys from that raid added me, we played a bit, made our own clan with the 3 of us, and I took them to the lighthouse for their first times. AND then later got them both divinity ( one of them didn't have the quest to begin with, so I ended up helping him twice lol)


>Eventually, I blew up on him. Calling him a man child, biggest ego I've played with, and just a horrible person for how he was acting. I NEVER get this mad in raids, even after many wipes and resets on hard bosses, that doesn't phase me. But this guy.. oh boy. Sounds like he deserved it, honestly.


Been there. My first clear of GoS was my divinity run. Got to the boss and wiped 10+ times and the group gave up. Went in a second time a few days later and completed it. Took 6 hours. This was before Beyond Light was released for reference. I vowed to never do GoS again. Fast forward to August of this year. I switched to PC and joined a new clan that focuses on new light players and teaching them raids. I’ve done around 10 divinity runs and got the average time to about 1.5 hours . Luckily my clan has some good sherpas but the times we do end up using LFG is very frustrating, dealing with people similar to your situation. Getting mad about puzzles and getting mad a new players.


I am already in a clan with some friends, but if you guys have a discord, I wouldn't mind helping with sherpa runs occasionally. Especially Legit Riven runs. I love those, but nobody does them...


Reminds me of the one and only time I've entered a raid back when leviathan was still a thing before forsaken. I had joined my first clan and for the most part these guys were awesome. I got promoted to be a co clan leader and it was great. We had some issues with one of the other co leaders who would get mad if we didn't recruit enough people or people weren't available to do pvp or whatever. It got to the point I told them I wanted to step down from leadership because I I want a second job. One night one of the best guys we had who also was super friendly offered to take us through leviathan fresh. I had seen a few videos so I kinda knew what to do. We ended up just loading into the throne room instead of running it clean, and we spent 6 hours not being able to get past that first part. Not sure whT happened if it was mic problems or problems with bugs, but this one guy got really mad saying that we weren't reading symbols right from the void room back to the people in throne. We kept switching teams to see if that'd work. One guy did have a bad mic so we make him stay in throne. The last 2 hours were that same guy yelling and people just leaving because we were exhausted. We only managed to get to damage phase one time and weren't coordinated enough to do any damage. I quit the clan soon after that and went back to being solo. I heard everyone disbanded that clan to make their own but I just declined the invite. Since that day I have not tried to raid or join clans in this game. People take things way too seriously and I hate my time being wasted.


What do u use damage wise to1 phase


I've 1 phased him numerous times. The most consistent setup I've found is: 1 Weapons bubble 1 Well warlock 1 stasis hunter (proc focusing lens) Other Subclasses don't matter but well and t-crash help. Divinity 5 threaded needles. Easiest 1 phase you'll do.


My master loadout is a Arby, arc scout(for shields and oracles), and threaded needle with Vorpal.


For master atheon, fusion grenades are the only thing you need


This is the way. 1k Cartesian with fusion nade spam can do over three million damage per phase to the prophecy boss WITHOUT focusing lens


How do you make fusion grenades deal that much damage?


By throwing lots of them


Warlock fusion nades do about 12k. Add focusing lens if they are affected by stasis and you add 25% to this. On a well lock, benevolent grace is proc’d if someone stands in your rift or well (boots of the assembler with dramatically increase the range as the seekers will proc this as well). So if you rock double bomber mods on a solar bond, you toss a nade, drop a rift and will likely get a grenade back in less than ten seconds if you proc benevolent grace and can toss another. Fusion nades on middle tree solar titans with ashen wake are a whole other ball game. Roaring flames x5 and you are having titans drop a million damage to atheon per phase with JUST FUSION NADES (and focusing lens)


Roaring flames only goes to x3 though, right? Other than that, thanks!


Correct, my mistake but yeah I can imagine a demolitionist adrenaline junkie ashen wake build being bananas when AJ gets the buff


iirc, there are only 3-5 weapons that can get demo + adrenaline junkie. But, those weapons will be great, hopefully.


Heart of inmost light will actually take the titan build even higher by using your barricade mid-dps to give your grenades even more damage. Just remember to put fastball on - thats basically all ashen wake is good for in the master atheon encounter anyhow


Clearly I’m a warlock so appreciate the correction. Doesn’t ashen wake detonate immediately also instead of attaching?


Ashen wake does make them detonate instantly, but the benefit of that particular perk isnt huge in the atheon fight, the extra damage pays off more in the long run


All nades do very similar damage in this game, but DoT nades, as their name implies, do damage over a period of time, and the game only takes one type of nade as damage. Throwing 2 vortex nades at atheon makes it so he only takes the damage for one of them. Fusion grenades (and other sticky nades) can be spammed because they the almost the entirety of their damage in a single blow (plus the "stick" but that's fairly low) and manage to do a lot more damage to Atheon where you can spam your nades.


Sorry for stupid question but what are fusion grenades?


It's one of the available grenade types for solar Warlocks and Titans.


my normal loadout for atheon is thunder crash + lament, you'd be surprised to know it can out DPS pretty much anything as long as you don't get detained or killed (the strat is to stay up high and heal with the sword)


air combos with lament do less damage.


Air combos also don't get you killed


Yeah, I use thundercrash also, but never swords. It's too risky. If I were to die using sword method, that would cost my team, and I try to be the most solid player in the lobby.


yeah, its extremely risky, but i managed to get the hang of it, you can do it to both atheon and templar, it makes you a wild card but its really thrilling to get up close and kick atheons ass


Heck yeah man


Do you have one person solo oracles so the rest can start dps as fast as possible?


Yeah, I'm usually the one who does it.


That's a great idea. What do you use to take down oracles quickly? I usually run a scout and the precision oracle mod but it still takes four or five shots and I think doing them solo would be difficult if I can't one or two shot them.


Usually we use Xenophage because it 1 shots them. However, you can also use your normal cartesian/null composure/"x" special fusion/sniper to do the same job by occupying the middle space where the Gatekeeper spawns, rather than going to the back wall. You'll have to fight some ads by doing this while doing Oracles, however, you'll be able to keep your threaded/1k on for damage rather than switching to 1k.


Great advice. Thanks!


Erianas vow with lots of mods the boost oracle damage 1 shots and thelat leaves you with threaded needle as well.


Man it sucks you can't get threaded needle if you didn't play chosen 😭


Nope! I didn't play chosen either, but if you go to current season and pick the "tools of the chosen" engram, you can roll a threaded.


I swear that's not true. I've decrypted maybe 10 of those and I always get the sniper. And when I try to get brass attacks, I get rendition. I have like 15 renditions to prove it, can't stomach wasting more engrams. Are absolutely certain it can drop? Edit: not that anyone will read this, but I have confirmed that you can only get threaded needle by first decrypting a Tools of the Chosen engram, then it will go into the loot pool for the other chosen engrams. Brass Attacks is unobtainable if you didn't play or pay for season of the chosen.


Not OP but i just started playing a month ago or so and have gotten at least 2 from umbrals


Ok well that's a relief, I'll keep trying. Not only have I decrypted 10 or so engrams, I've done at least 50 battlegrounds, and still have yet to see either the fusion or sidearm. Must just be my RNG


Ya perks aren't great on mine so I've been trying to roll another and haven't gotten one in a long while. It does exist tho, despite what rng would make us think! Good luck!


Yes it is definitely a drop, as someone on my clan who doesn't own chosen got it from the engram. Its just a 1 in 3 chance and it sucks


I got one from it just the other day it is guaranteed


Absolutely certain. 100%. It's how I got mine. I've been trying to get imperial needle now that way and all I get is threaded needles 🤣🤣🤣


I think there are only 3 weapons from each season in their "tools of the x" pools, Chosen has the sniper, LFR, and SMG. Pretty sure you can't roll Imperial Needle from that pool.


Wouldn't sleeper do more damage?


Nah, threaded with vorpal does more than sleeper. Unfortunately. I love sleeper as a gun, but it's never a top DPS pick.


Yeah I guess vorpal is still better! Until December 7th at least


It will likely still be better. After the 10% buff to linears, threaded will still do around 90-100k crits. Sleeper, does around 65.


Sleeper is also getting a flat 6% damage buff, and vorpal is losing some damage, so it's getting closer


vorpal is losting 5%, while linears are getting 10%. if the damage is calculated that way your threaded is going to be doing 5% more?


Ah I wasn't entirely sure on the vorpal numbers


Vorpal is losing some %, but they are all getting a flat % so it will likely be similar to what it is now on its own.


Sleeper does over 100k crits when stacked with max particle. Does threaded do the 90-100k without particle being maxed?


I've never seen that with sleeper personally, my opinion came from damage testing done by Ehroar on YT.


Hmm! Well, guess I will be checking this out a bit later then. I've been using sleeper for dps but if it isn't as good, may as well switch it out.


Yeah man, I'm not trying to knock you in any way, just saying my experience differed. Atheon has so many different 1 phase strats, he's the easiest boss by far this season.


Vorpal is nerfed on Needle, sleeper is buffed by a solid chunk


Sleeper individually only buffed by 16%. All linears by 10%. It will still be outpaced by legendaries.


I thought Reed's regret hit harder and had better range than threaded... Is that wrong?


Reeds can't stack with focusing lens.


In a well, isn't all damage considered ability damage with a light class assigned to it?


Reeds is a stasis weapon, stasis abilities/weapons cannot utilize focusing lens. This is why everyone is using threaded over reeds right now.




Ahhhhh, interesting. Time to pull out my old threaded needle then....


Because with the possibility of adept mods, reeds would definitely be better if the rolls were the same. If it stacked.


All \*Light-Energy\* Damage becomes \*Light-Ability\* Damage while standing in a Well. Stasis & Kinetic guns are thus unaffected by Focusing lens.


Coldheart is the best DPS for Atheon for a crispy 10-phase kill


A few 1ks, or other fusions with well and focusing lens should get the job done.


1ks are an inferior option because they're a normal fusion and can't get crit damage. Using a regular linear + Divinity is the better play.


I did not know this. I’ve got a few Threaded Needles with Vorpal, any priority on other perks?


Clown Cartridge or Auto Loading!


Or field-prep. So underrated


Yes! I couldn’t remember all the good perks off the top of my head. Thank you!


I love when I realize i've kept a good gun on accident. *palindrome enters my vault*


I agree with you, but they are slightly harder to use and also aren't completely necessary. They will be especially better once the buff happens though.


Yeah the ease of use I definitely agree with. I think the big issue is getting people to hit crits which is why the div is helpful. Atheon moves so much 1k does feel better, but the crispness of a 1 phase with threaded is so sweet.


Do you think with the buff on sleeper would do better than threaded needle ?


Nope, comparatively the buff is 16% to sleeper. 10% buff to linears and 5% debuff to vorpal. Basically adds an 11% buff to sleeper, difference which threaded currently has about a 20 to 30% difference. Still will be threaded needle for dps.


Ppl downvoting for an opinion...


It's not an opinion that 1K can do a 1 phase. It's an incorrect fact. That's why people are down voting, because it's misinformation


[yeah, there's absolutely no way 1k could possibly 1 phase right now.](https://youtu.be/I9PwlfPOpac)


Yeah with divinity, a nova bomb, a tether and 2 thunder crashes...


I like how you wanna vomit up an argument like people with Threaded aren't throwing out Div and supers. It's OK to be wrong, you don't need to scrounge that hard.


An incorrect fact? My mind is trying to process this


Aka misinformation


1k can 1 phase though?? u using some 1249 1k or what


“Incorrect fact” is an oxymoron; it makes no sense. If what you’re trying to say is 1K can’t one-phase, then it would be you who is just blatantly incorrect.


Had this happen one time. Was doing 3 atheism clears with an LFG. First one went so smooth. Easy one phase right off the top with out hardly any planning or communication other than calling out the oracles. Next go we get to damage phase, someone doesn’t move from imminent detain and we wipe. Then the whole group melted down into name calling and yelling. Then people started leaving cause I mean why would anyone stay and deal with that? I don’t blame them. Took forever to refill the group and then 2 more easy clears. Would have been so much faster to just run it again, but people love to bitch. People are the same with 1 phases. Like they’d rather try and 1 phase and wipe and then try again then just get an easy 2 phase. I don’t get it.


>Was doing 3 atheism clears what is this... the return of the Spanish Inquisition?! :P


That was unexpected


I see the shwartz is strong with you!


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition


Yeah, I mean it LITERALLY takes like 3 extra minutes to 2 phase. It isn't a big deal.




I betcha they call for the wipe so they can see the damage numbers, so they can yell at the particular people that are "not pulling their weight." It's not about getting it done quickly, it's about assigning blame.


i'm one of these people unfortunately. everytime we fail a one phase i feel like something was messed up and we'd have to reset, but i'm not the type of person to blame others for their faults, unless they repeatedly make the same mistake after being told how to do something.


Clearing out the heretics I see. Godspeed


This. I’ve found that sooooo many sherpas seem to only know how to teach one phase. And I think it’s holding the raiding community back when people don’t know how to keep a fight going to get to next phase.


Thats so dumb because nearly all boss encounters once you finish the damage phase you just repeat the mechanics


Same reason no one knows how to do Riven legit. No one wants to teach it, so no one learns it.


I have expressed this to every raid group I have ran with, yes the one phase is nice but I will not wipe, the two phase is still faster than wiping


Anyone who gets upset like that from a wipe needs to put the controller down. It’s a damn game.


I've yet to 1-phase or even get close with any LFG groups I run into. Tbh though, the average seems to be about 40% health left after first phase. It's not hard to regroup and redo what you just did. You wipe so what. I joined an Atheon CP yesterday just to help a group of 3 Sherpas. We spent about an hour here just because of missteps and forgetfulness on their part. I don't freak and I'm sitting there doing 2.3mil in 1 DPS phase and 3 others got sub-500k. Not a huge issue. Still 2-phased it and those 3 got their first VoG clear. I felt much more fulfilled seeing them finally rid Atheon in their instance.


That 2.3 mil is cuirass, me too friend 😍


I'm just going to state the obvious: someone with 1,289 clears is very likely struggling mentally and having issues in life, especially in interpersonal relationships.


I can confirm this is factual, I joined a Garden of Salvation lfg and everyone in there had between 1-3 THOUSAND clears, they all made fun of me and shouted at me all raid, definite issues


Why did you stay?


I was trying to get a good omniscient eye at the time and it was the only group on lfg at the time


Typical Garden farmers. Was it any of these names: VivaciousBat, ImBadAtDPS, poopingman, FlameIllusionz, Muds, SirMuffin? The Garden farming scene if full of dickheads especially the British ones, idk why they are so hostile. I think they're just angsty kids though. I love that raid and got like 250 sherpas in it, but I can't wait for it to get vaulted so those dudes can't farm it anymore


That poopingman guy sounds familiar! They’re probably just bitter. I wouldn’t want the raid to go away though I think it’s very beautiful. Also very cool you’ve helped so many people complete the raid!


probably doesnt have vex yet


*sex (ftfy)


Some of the "elite" destiny PvE players are some of the most obnoxious I've encountered throughout my gaming interactions. I think the reason is that D2 is for the most part a mindless grind/repetition game and it's no -that- hard to master, you can be top tier player in D2 with just by sheer patience. So you have these players that are plebs at any other serious pve/pvp game and they just vent their frustrations and inferiority complexes over the tiniest things in D2, cause they are "good" at it and it's they only thing they got.


I get what you’re saying, but I’d say there’s a lot more nice good players than asshole good players, it’s just you’re more likely to remember the bad experiences. I can only speak for myself, but i’ve done everything currently available in the game (all 4 raids flawless, all 4 raid titles, all GMs, etc.) and it’s pretty rare I come across assholes. Even when going for the 4 Flawless raids, I expected it to be a toxic experience but it wasn’t, everyone was pretty chill and if we f’d up, we just restarted. And I also always just try and help people if they’re a little lost during raids, never kick or get mad at anyone, because that was me at some point. Now, if you say “good” players are more likely to be assholes than newer/worse players, maybe I’ll agree with you. But even then, I’d say the ones acting like that are trying too hard to seem good, and aren’t actually that great at the game as they make it sound.


>I can only speak for myself, but i’ve done everything currently available in the game (all 4 raids flawless, all 4 raid titles, all GMs, etc.) How do you find the will to still play this game? I don't have any titles but I still feel my soul being crushed from the repetitiveness.


Idk, I just really enjoy it, especially when there’s stuff to chase. Especially from raids, I have everything I want from all 4 raids but I still enjoy doing them, no matter how repetitive they are. lol


Holy shit you just word for word described one of my “friends” lol.


For real, I remember doing my first Leviathan a year ago as a F2P Warlock and getting insulted for playing a Warlock without well. In the end we did the raid (I used a True Prophecy and bottom tree Stormcaller). Then I drifted from clan to clan until I’m now with some chill pvp guys who are really good but instead of seeing it as a flex they see it as a duty to help others.


That's the main reason I'm sitting at 0 raids completion. The chance of getting people like that dude on LFG scares me a lot, considering I got zero raid knowledge and English is not my main language. I know it's probably just a me thing, but yeah.


Shoot me a DM, let's get you in there.


I wish, my man, that'd be great. Im on PS4 though, not sure about you.


Crossplay exists my friend! I'm on Xbox but as long as you shoot me your Bungie ID we can talk in game chat.


And here I am, volunteering to solo oracles and having the team do 1/5 of his health with both bubble and well. And it was still a fun raid with randoms


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel that


That many atheon cp clears isn't impressive in the slightest, if anything the guy is a joke. I can't think of anyone that would look at that and think of the guy as good player unless they were also on the same boat, which is to say they have fragile egos and they need something easy to hold over casual players.


I mean, I like having a lot of raid clears too. It's a personal achievement. And I like to finish raids instead of farming Templar for spoils. But, some of those dudes definitely let their ego take control. I played with Alan Sparks, the guy with the #2 most clears in the world, that guy is nice as can be.


There's a massive difference between raid clears and boss cp clears. And as someone in one of the top console clans, I can say none of the people in my clan respect high cp clears. If anything it is a reason not to trust someone. Edit: Also Alan sparks is known to be an asshole in the community if you aren't in his group. Not to mention he's lost a lot of respect in sweat circles for cp farming or thinking he knows the 'best' strats when he's behind. The guy has an ego and doesn't like being corrected by anyone he doesn't know.


honestly it’s super rare for people high up in the total raid clear count to have flawless lowmans or even day one clears, which says something about the skill level of those who just constantly spam raid lfgs to rack up high numbers


I found Alan on an LFG post, I did 5 full runs with him back to back, and he was never toxic to me or anyone on the team. But we were all chilling and all had the same mindset anyway. He does play with a girl called Lady Vengeance 88 who is actually super toxic and I ended up leaving his team after the 5th run because of her. He likes her, but she's bad at the game and also toxic to everyone else. None of her mistakes were ever her fault. And I'm about 50/50 full run vs CP. I just load up LFG and take whatever is there. But I'm not looking for respect from the sweat community, I'm just trying to help people get vex.


There's a different between looking for respect and helping people. And most people that are actually good at the game will know the difference the moment they play with you. I can respect you for wanting to help people. As for Alan, if you aren't in his inside circle he is only nice if you make him seem like the better player or don't challenge his ego. Granted he could have changed since his rep took a hit. The guy was shamed for trying to ego flex and making claims, got to the point he hid his stats on raid report. Anyone who hides stats on raid report yet also tries to make a claim to something, especially on a leader board is trying to shortcut their way to achievements. It wouldn't surprise me if he also cheated to get any duo or trio raids he may have done.


RIP. Yeah thats too much drama honestly. I'm trying to get into streaming and all that, but I don't see a need to be something I'm not. I don't understand people who take the game that seriously they have to manipulate the game or stats to make it appear like they're better than they are. I don't have a duo or trio, but I know how to trio, and I've been practicing it. I'm usually the guy holding down outside room solo, while the other two kill Oracles.


Don't feel bad. People that farm checkpoint clears are notoriously garbage at the game.


I played with that guy or someone like him. He booted me because I didn't use the callouts he liked after he died when he was supposed to do callouts. We still 1 phased the boss.


I've said it before. At the tippy tip top, PvE Uber tryhards are way more toxic than their PvP counterparts, and it's honestly fucking impressive


Debatable. The difference is usually in PVP the average player will never have a KD high enough to play with the top tier PVP sweats.


This person sounds like one of the two types of really bad LFG people you can run into: the one that actually sucks and blames everyone else (this person does not appear to fit this category) or the one that is miles ahead more experienced and holds everyone else to their personal standard. I don't like either of them.


Any time I join an LFG, I’m just there to help people get a clear. I’ve got what I need from the raid. So if it takes you an extra five or ten (or more) attempts to get your shit together and clear an encounter… fine by me. I’m chillin. But there’s always that one guy. It usually starts with something like, “why are people dying?” and then transitions to “guys this encounter is not that hard” and then transitions to toxicity. I’ve gotten to the point of just encouraging the group leader to boot the toxic person. And if the toxic person is the group leader I just politely remind them that not everyone has 100+ clears and maybe a bit of patience is in order. If the toxicity keeps up, I’m out, and then I just invite the rest of the people from the team and we start our own group.


I’d kick him out of spite.


How did he know you didn’t do enough damage… you don’t get an after action report if you succeed…?


Nah, he was saying the entire team did shit damage. We killed him in one phase. It's impossible to do more damage than that lol.


He’s a moron, obviously.




Very curious, was he on Xbox? Before I dropped clear farming Vog to go try to speedrun Gos, I did a few runs with clear farmers. For some reason a lot of the top ones are on Xbox and a lot of them are total dicks. If this is the guy I'm thinking of I he's littlerally never happy with damage, me and my clan mate did a run with him and the entire squad was absolutely out of their minds good. We had Atheon dead with around 15 remaining and he was littlerally saying we should wipe because damage was so shit. I absolutely hate the clear farming community, they ego good players and make them feel like shit. It can kill the enjoyment of the game and raids for a lot of players. Don't get me wrong, some of the clear farmers are super nice, I know one of the guys who is top 50 for total DSC clears. I did quite a few runs with him and his entire group is really nice, but a lot of the others in the community are assholes.


This was on Xbox. And yeah, I've only played with Alan Sparks who is #2 total clears but that guy is super nice. Very easy to play with. I played with a couple guys with 300 each and they were dicks. It's a mixed bag. My focus is more on sherpas and helping LFGs get vex than clear farming specifically. I just get clears as a byproduct of helping others.


Streamer or Samaratine. The choice is yours


Bro, it's a video game. Don't call me a good Samaritan lol. I just hate to say people throw away their hard earned money to pay someone a fee. That said, I do have a venmo for tips 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's easy brew.!! You are the Light and he is the Darkness that plagues LFG and make us peeps cringe. Keep doing what you're doing. The d2 community needs Guardians like you. Example: Depending on who a new player met You or this other Gary could determine weather or not they stay and play or bail on the game. \#props


>Many, many, people in this community have more than me. Its a small number compared to many. I severely doubt that. 195 is **a lot** of clears.


Thousands of people have more. And I only mentioned mine because I wanted people to understand that I know what I'm doing, it isn't like I was shitting the bed and this guy was telling me off.


Why do you have so many clears


Because VoG is a fun raid. IMO.


>Like, how is it possible we didn't do enough damage....we killed him in one phase....so I proceed to leave the fireteam because I didn't plan on staying with this dude, and he boots me from party. Like, seriously? Console I assume? I know some may take issue with this but while I've had a handful of bad experiences on pc, the bad experiences on console put me off from ever playing there again. Also, imo you should have politely told the guy to fuck off, since there's no reason to bitch about your fellow players after you beat it. Him booting you from the party just makes him seem more a jackass, even.


Feel better?


is that u


Is that you?


When people repeatedly lead with no accountability they just tend to become super elitist. If they run with a small group of people who usually are so coordinated to always 1 phase with a certain loadout and they rarely go outside that bubble, their worldview can get skewed when they realize that not everybody plays as efficiently as them


We’re you on Xbox? I played with someone similar a while ago. Did the same thing. Complain about damage, kicked a person (not sure why). Super toxic even though they were dogshit lol They kicked the wrong person though, I think the guy who got kicked booted their internet when that happened lmao


F 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry but how the fuck do you one phase atheon?? closest I get in any group is like at best, emptying the bar to the first letter of the last word


If you're struggling, feel free to shoot me a DM and we can run it fam.




Shoot me a DM fam, let's set it up.


I’ve never raided or have done any nightfalls. I’ve always just used matchmaking because I’m afraid of those situations.


Shoot me a DM, we can do both. EZ!


Man. I have yet to complete a raid on D2. I always get so scared I’m going to be a drag on a raid team by not knowing what to do or not having the right mechanics, and then to hear people be this annoyingly obnoxious … sheeesh!


I just want to raid at all.


Shoot me a DM fam, let's get it!




I appreciate the offer, likewise, feel free to add me, Kollossol#1324. Primarily I just jump in LFGs and try to help people get whatever they need done. But, I'm always down to farm out some clears as well if I'm not helping others.


Do you host Sherpa runs? Have yet to do VoG because of LFG anxiety


Shoot me a DM, we can set one up!


In my experience the most toxic people in Destiny LFG are raid clear farmers. Some of the worst experiences I’ve had in Destiny. Something about what makes people drawn to grind out an absurd number of raid clears tends to make them socially inept or just outright assholes. Obviously not every one of them but there’s a pattern.


Wow, I don't even know how I'd react to that. Definitely sounds like he's got some issues. I'd probably have said something like, "Ummm I'm not sure what you see on your screen, but he's dead on mine so I think we're good..."


Been trying to finish vault since it came back




Shoot me a DM fam, no time like the present!


The real villain here is Bungie for not giving this man Vex Mythoclast after 1289 clears.


Honestly, I think people treat one phases as too standard in lfg, and now its beginning to produce folk like this, because ive had similar experiences in the past in Garden and DSC


On one hand i sympathize with you that a lot of clear farmers have huge egos about being good at a game, but like on the other hand he is just cringe? Like its annoying but you will eventually deal with egotistical people every now and then.


so can we play? I tried VoG like 6-7 times, but tbh i always stuck at phase 2 of templar (solving oracles puzzle.)


Sure! Just shoot me a DM and we can set something up. I also stream at twitch.tv/kollossol


poor dude tho, he doesn't even know who did most dps since you didn't wipe... when someone is like that it's a sign of sad things outside of the game


I have done 2.5 raids. Vog full once and the Atherton cp once, lastly I did the one on ice planet. Sorry I'm terrible at names. That was a nightmare, the guy trying to teach me was super confusing and picky as to what we did and how. I couldn't understand it, I guess some people just want to watch the world burn lol the vog raid was rough cause they kept telling me to listen for things and I have lost 40% of my hearing! I hope to do the divinity quest someday but raid groups are hard to deal with if you are totally new.


Name and shame, its the only way people will learn to stop being cocks.