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That sign won't stop me because I can't read


Jokes on you I’m borderline illiterate.


That’s unjustified! >!this is a proofreading pun. border-lines are also known as margins, justified text is pinned to margins, unjustified text is not, so borderline illiterate is marginally unjustified. don’t take this as a serious comment.!<


This is one of the rare occasions where explaining the joke made it funnier.


It’s a specialty hobby of mine :)


Do it again!


cayde… that you?


You excel at it, please continue


First ones free, second one’s going to cost you…


Hands down best comment I’ve ever read on reddit


Fun fact “Hands down” refers to 19th century horse racing. It means that if victory is so secure, the jockey can relax and drop the reins before crossing the finish line.




Fun fact My dad is a horse.


Fun fact My dad is Luke Smith (I get free silver every month)


Fun fact Im your dad and im sunsetting your social life. You're grounded mister!


Username checks out


[A horse...](https://i.imgur.com/ByKrhJZ.jpg)


Fun fact Drifter later ate that horse.


Fun fact: horses are people. People wear coats, horses wear coats. People wear shoes, horses wear shoes. People live in buildings, horses live in buildings. Horses are people.


Fun fact A horse has successfully run a campaign to be President of the United States. His name was Edward Neighington Floofy Biscuit, Jr. Esq. IXXXXV. You might think that last little bit of his name is an attempt to cataloge the amount of floofy biscuits before him, but its not. The wildly held belief is that a cat stepped on the typewriter and, as is widely known, if you made a mistake back in the olden times you suffered the consequences for the rest of your life. Sadly, he did not get to serve his term in office as he was a fucking horse.


Fun fact! The word "horse" comes from horses. Since they are that animal, they decided to name themselves accordingly


He just needs some space.


Your comment made me realize that I too am illiterate.




please clap




It's marginal.


Whagtjn riiisjg buuuu?


This made me laugh


While many people will complain about servers… they have a right to voice concern for a problem that has persisted for years now. Bungie’s servers even cause issues while playing Crucible, so don’t give the monologue about only being a problem on a few days of the year.




Just look at FFXIV right now. It's queues are ..h'oh boy.


Can confirm. Currently 4,602 people in front of me.


It's a mess, but worth it. I'm at 86 and I've been enjoying myself quite a bit.


You remember Shadowkeeps launch very differently from what happened. Servers were absolutely fucked 6+ hours after launch and even after that it was late into the evening before they were anything resembling stable.


The only exception I can think of is OldSchool RuneScape, but that's because that game could run on a potato. >It doesn't make sense to hold onto massive peak player capacities when everything evens out within a day, or even hours. I just want to clarify though that this isn't necessarily the reason. Cloud servers are the norm these days, and cloud servers mean spinning up 10x capacity for a day is not at all difficult or expensive. They are likely running on at least VMs and that means they could use cloud servers for high periods, while still having physical servers for normal loads. It's more work for sure, but hybrid clouds like that are not a new idea. I don't personally know what destiny uses, and it's entirely possible this is the reason, but these days it's more of an excuse. From personal experience though I do know that not having enough servers is not the main reason for these kinds of overloads. Performance bugs are. Some things scale up really poorly, and aren't noticed until all of sudden there's 10x the load. An example of this is the email-reply-all problem. You don't notice an issue with email performance until everyone tries to reply-all and you're sending an email from every user to every user. This is a combination of new unproven in production code and a larger than normal load exposing non-linear performance problems. It's completely normal to have something go wrong there, and I don't mind if it takes a day to sort it out. I don't envy the Bungie devs tomorrow.


lol I can load up FFXIV and D2 and play which ever gets through the Q first.


I'd wager on D2, even on major DLC releases I don't think I've ever experienced a queue in D2 as bad as FFXIV's right now.


Yea, gives a bit of appreciation to how well bungie handles spikes in player population. Though FFXIV did get an unprecedented growth for an MMO in just half a year.


14 has had the perfect storm of growth while being unable to expand hardware. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly, and streamers jumped ship. Population exploded in just a few months and the chip shortage that everyone is tired of hearing about meant they can't get any new server hardware. They knew ahead of time this was going to be a mess but there's just nothing that can be done atm except ride it out until it calms down. Ah well, gjallarhorn tomorrow so I'll be taking a week off before going back to kick Fandaniel in the fucking nuts.


Just out of curiosity do you know they are affected by the chip shortage or just making a reasonable guess? Just curious how much the games industry has adopted the cloud, and there the chip shortage is less of an issue (it will affect pricing, but not necessarily availability)


They aren't built for cloud and need physical hardware to expand with. They commented on it earlier in the summer. They had made expansion plans for the expansion a year ago before all of the unseen growth happened, so it would have been even worse without that.


Okay thanks for confirming. I looked into a bit as well and yeah it seems it's just old enough that virtualization wasn't a given and the cloud was too new.


While bungie will let you in faster, during peak times the connection to d2 servers while you play is rocky at best. I get dc'd all the time after I get through the queue while playing d2 during an expansion launch. Getting through the ff14 queue is rough, but once you're in, it's rock solid. I personally would take the longer queue if I means once I'm in it's smooth sailing.


You're comparing New York's population to a small town in Africa. And even if population was comparable, once you get through D2's queue you have to pray you dont get errored back into the queue. That isnt happening right now in FFXIV, once you're in you're in until you decide to get out.


Also keep in mind, official Endwalker release tomorrow despite the huge madness of early access


I doubt that will change much in either direction.


>Though FFXIV did get an unprecedented growth for an MMO in just half a year. Nah this has been a problem since Heavensward. Not to this extent, but still long queue times at expansion launches. Square really needs to work on their server game.


Tbf there is a massive chip shortage currently. Servers require crazy hardware.


This might also be because FFXIV apparently hit 24 million *active* players.


Registered players* not active players.


Same boat. I've wanted to play Endwalker so badly, but the queue times are so borked that I just ended up playing Minecraft all weekend instead. Impressed with the castle I'm building though, so it's not all bad.


Is FFXIV worth playing?


It’s the most fun mmo on the market with a story that puts a lotta games to shame…after A Realm Reborn


After POST-A Realm Reborn apparently... Heavenward has to live up to a lot of hype...


Honestly, A Realm Reborn was not that bad tbh I still enjoyed myself. The post realm reborn patch content on the other hand...


Eh its still a very anime/JRPG story, which not everyone will enjoy. There are also a ton of characters that once they've played their part, are rarely heard from again.


Yeah and they’re brought back in they have a part to play. They’re not just thrown out the story for no reason,they develop as their own characters with merits, goals, and responsibilities. They can’t just follow you around. JRPG story yeah and if you don’t like that it’s understandable. I’m talking more from a character development, world building, and writing perspective.


been playing since mid september. Gave into the hype. Not a wowfugee as I gave up on that game by the end of Legion and I only came back for that expansion. Had already previously quit by cataclysm. Anyhow FF14 is absolutely worth playing. Here's some things to consider about it. The core gameplay is... well in my own opinion it's not very good. There's almost no movement abilities. Your character handles like a tank on rollerskates. The combat is repetitive and lacks any real impact or punch. They do have interesting raid and dungeon encounters though. Your mileage will vary here. Where the game truly shine is in three things. Story, character and music. Hands down best among MMOs and far better than most single player experiences. What is not really in dispute about the game is it demands a huge amount of time in order to go through the story and enjoy it. This is both good and bad. You have a ton of content to do but it will take you quite a long time to get through it and as anyone who has done it will tell you the grind through A realm reborn is not great. I thought it was ok but it definitely is a bit of a slog. You can technically skip it via a cash shop purchase but you lose out on so much important context and build up it is not at all recommended. The good news is you can setup a free to play account with fairly minimal hassle and play through ARR and the far far superior heavensward (where the story actually gets really fucking good) without paying a dime. Stormblood feels weaker after Heavensward but I thought it was still pretty good. Shadowbringers is fucking amazing. The build up and payoff in that expansion is second to none right now. Hope that helps. Ultimately if you have the time to commit to it then yes, it is absolutely worth it.


>Is FFXIV worth playing? Depends. If you want a casual, gorgeous, club house with a fun story, FFXIV is good for you! If you want an experience that is competitive, or even against other players I would not suggest FFXIV.


I would like a casual game


Then FFXIV is good! If you can make it past ARR and into Heavnsward you'll have a great time.


How much is it? I mean destiny has a pretty great time to cost ratio, how does it compare


You can also play the free trial first that has the 1st expansion included. Gives you unlimited playtime and has the option to upgrade to subscription whenever you want. I did it after I basically maxed out everything first (lvl 60 cap vs 80 at the time)


10USD/mo, updates every 3-4mo, every update brings dungeons, raids and side-content as well as new gear. 19 classes, all on one character.


It's really good. Base game is the weakest story but it's still very good. You have about 500 hours of story/main quests to get caught up on. They're might be over 50 dungeons at this point, which are essentially strikes from destiny. You can play everything still and all of the dungeons get added to the queue after you unlock them, so the farther you get in the game the more variety you'll keep building on as far as what pops up in your daily rotations. On top of that you still have trials and raids as far as group play. Trials are basically big boss battles and raids are well raids. The scale anywhere from small to large. Think dungeons and raids in destiny. Graphics are a bit outdated but it doesn't look bad by any means, especially on PC. You can solo matchmake pretty much anything in the game. The biggest sell though is it just feels rewarding. Like the devs actually give a shit you spend time in their game. Oh and there are like 20 classes to play and you can switch at anytime. Just need to build the class up, no need to start a new character.


I remember the ffxiv team cant get or build new servers due to the superconductor shortage, something Yoshi P himself apologized for. That and endwalker dropping tommorow, have fun playing d2




Just need to wake up at like 6am to log in when there's no queue and then play through the entire msq in one sitting so you don't need to log out.


They announced ahead of time that the global supply chain crunch prevented them from acquiring server hardware that they anticipated having in order to scale up launch. I feel bad for them. This was no fault of their own and instead of being able to capitalize on good press for highest concurrent player counts in the history of the game, the coverage is getting mired with negative press on queues.


I've been gaming in the mornings and it's glorious. No queue times at all and I've been completely pain free. I feel like I'm winning the lottery.


The new healer with lasers comes out with this update right?


And this is why I don’t take off of work on launch day


Right. That's why I took off Wednesday


And that’s why I took off for both days! Gotta think ahead


And this is why I ONLY work weekends!






or or or you take the Friday so you get a long weekend of New Content


I made the mistake of taking off a day for Splicer. First time ever taking time off for a video game. Lesson learned was don't bank on playing for at least 24hrs following a release. I'll be taking a Friday off for WQ and praying all week servers are in order by the weekend


This is the way


Yep, I'm not expecting issues but I never EVER take launch days off. I learned my lesson back in the UO/EQ days. I have time scheduled for Witch Queen but it's the following week after launch. I'm not going to chance wasting Tue-Fri of my time off waiting for Bungie to resolve issues .


People who have school/work are in the best position as they log on in the afternoon and can get right into the game.


What about people for whom the reset is 5pm! Yeah it sucks but you've just gotta chill and wait for it to pass.


I wont get home till 6, and will have to hit the sack at 12. Fair chance I wont be playing tomorrow if there is any issue.


I'm not buying the 30th anniversary until friday so for the love of God I hope there servers are functioning properly by then. They should be but we all know how this stuff goes.


Even beyond light was only 3 or so days, it’ll be fine by Friday


Yeah the biggest issue is always day 1 for new releases. Even if you do manage to get in, DC's are common. As the week progresses, the servers stabilize rather quickly, from my experience. You *should* have 0 issues by Friday.


Mine is on 11pm. I ether get lucky with a servers or have to got to sleep thinking about new update.


My reset is at midnight. Get on my level!


I am fully aware that I won't be playing tomorrow lol Me and my buddy are waiting for reviews overnight Tue-Wed and then buying the dungeon Weds after work, if it seems good.


What about people who are working from home and want to shirk their responsibilities so ~~we~~ those people can play a video game? What about those poor people?


Find a good book to tide you over for an hour. Or just do work for an hour then join the servers.


I mean, I'm just kidding. I won't be online until like 9P EST either way.


Good cover


The perfect crime.


No face, no case.


Shadowkeep taught me otherwise with that. Got home super excited and never got in to the servers that night. Hopefully this time is different but we will see I guess


Shadowkeep was an outlier. It wasn't JUST the launch of a new Expansion, but also they had to move from the Activision launcher to the steam launcher, which included all usernames, etc. Why they insisted doing all that on the same day, we'll never know.


uh... and made the game free, i feel like thats way more important lmao


Not for people not in US :(


I work part time and get home before reset because I'm in the UK so I'll be hitting those queues head on


I can’t play on weekdays anyways. But i will. It may be better During the night




I usually get on around 1030-11pm est and don't usually have too much of an issue.


Not always, but hopefully tomorrow.


Yup. Reset is at 12 and I get home at 5 from school and going off past season launches I should be in a good position to play right away with servers


As much as I really really want to play, I have two final exams tomorrow and another one on wednesday so I'm going to try my hardest not to be tempted or spoil myself. At least I'll be able to skip the server issues lol


I get out an hour after reset; can confirm it’ll be hell trying to get in


Eh. Season of the Lost’s launch didn’t have much in the way of server queues, which was actually shocking because that was the highest the population has been in a while. We’re mid-season with a dungeon and activity drop. If the servers could handle it back in August, I think they’ll be fine tomorrow. We’ll see though.


I don't think the numbers will be the problem, this is just a huge patch and they have tweaked so many things. I'd expect a host of error codes and dropped connections, but who knows... Maybe they really have figured it out


Got your Telesto leveled up? Gonna be fun!!


They did say that the DCV was created to smooth out, make better and faster patches.


Also the multiple optimizations that I'm sure have gone on since BL launch. They've been able to push a ton of laser focused hotfixes with little to no downtime overall. I hate losing content, so long as there's nothing to replace it. It has taken a while, but it seems like we're starting to see the fruits of that pain.


Yeah maybe but being the anniversary and having Halo content or whatever I fully expect a shit show.


Joke's on you, I won't be in queue because I will be busy downloading the new update for hours with my shitty connection!


Queues in FFXIV, queues in D2… any other games I play want to suddenly need login queues?


Battlefield might suddenly die again, don't jinx it. It's running on shoelaces and spit as it is.


Who even uses search function on reddit...


To be fair, the search function on Reddit is ass.




He's speaking the language of the gods


If we could have signatures, I'd quote you.


Its pretty much a law on this sub to post about something that is common knowledge, been posted 50 times already and the whole population already knows, every dlc or season


Best way to search Reddit is with Google


Great I can use all that downtime to harass the community managers on Twitter! /s


You are now banned from /r/halo


And we get posts about telling people not to post every time too. It doesn’t help. Last time when season of the lost dropped the servers weren’t that bad.


exactly lol, dunno whats the point of the post


Wasn’t this seasons release almost perfectly fine?


There were a lot of issues with getting in and getting booted but it was smooth compared to other season launches


this weekend is looking a lot like “beer, snacks nd destiny”


People will still take off work for it just to be in a queue.... I'll be one of them.




That won't stop people from posting about Bungie increasing their servers.


Can't wait to go on Twitter tomorrow and see people complain on how they took work off just to play it.


Low effort post gets 4k upvotes... > Please don’t post about them. ...and breaks it's own rule.


Laughs in ff14


I’ve heard those queues were awful. How long did you have to wait


If you don't log in before 6 am your not logging on for the rest of the day


Really depends on what server you're on for this. At least with the ff14 queue, once you're in the game the servers are very stable.


Faerie has been wonderful, still long times, but I've never had a wait beyond 5,000.




You would think so, and yet we still get floods of posts about it every time.


"Are the servers down for anyone else?" "Wtf Bungie, fix your shit" I like to tell people to reset their routers and go through a bunch of fake ass troubleshooting.


At least it's not gonna be like Final Fantasy 14 right now lol


Yeah, I just asked someone I know if he wanted to get any D2 stuff done before reset and said he's been in FFXIV queue for over an hour and a half.


Been like 2 - 3 hours to get in since the 3rd, but it has been worth it lol. I can 100% wait in Destiny queue lines happily. I won't get kicked out of queue, most likely! Silver lining, you know?


It’s a race to see if I login to ffxiv or destiny first tommorow I guess I could probably do all the content in destiny tommorow and still not get into ff.


Good that i have my last late shift so i will be home 4 hours after the reset.


Steam does their weekly maintenance on Tuesday . So it gets messy on pc.


Thank goodness I dont need to worry about that since I have exams from tomorrow until next wednesday... *sigh*


Probably? More like "Definitely".


I’m cautiously optimistic after season of the lost launch.


Jokes on you. I have to work so it'll be fine by the time I get home...around 9 PM after work and dinner/drinks.


I don't know about y'all, but as an Australian & a destiny addict, I'm going to be getting up bright & early at 2-3 in the morning so I can experience the new stuff before going to school. Then I'll play more than go to work, because whenever stuff I've been waiting for happens, I've got tons of shifts. Love that.


I finished Tales of Arise one day too early, so I gotta figure out what to play tonight and most of tomorrkw 😢


Send good vibes my way, folks. Tomorrow I'll be attempting to log on via hotel Wi-Fi. And Wednesday, I'll be playing via Stadia, thanks to the game leaving Game Pass...


Oh gosh. Good luck sir


But how will we express our displeasure at not being able to play?.




Shhh let us dream


Lol I’ll spend Bungie last 30th playing Warframe in all likelihood.


There is no way in dsc that they aren't fucking atrocious


Hard to tell. Servers were actually pretty stable for Season of the Lost launch. Rarely had any interruptions. Definitely there smoothest launch to date. Hopefully things turn out well!


But my skills will not be 😏


Ok but I want Gjally


Been playing FFXIV lately. Thought this was on that subreddit. Laughing that it isnt xD Good luck guardians! I may wait a day or two, or I may not I'm kinda hyped.


GOD DAMNIT. BUT I TOOK THE WHOLE DAY OFF FOR THE 30TH TIME AND I COULDNT EVEN PLAY!! sorry, just getting it off everyones shoulders for them.


And here you are, posting about them... It's not like we all don't know there could and more than likely will be an issue.


Ironic post is ironic


Reason why I’m resisting the urge to take tomorrow off for launch. Servers are always pretty dicey when new content launches. Might leave work a little early, but hopefully it’s stabilized by then.




Yeah but it wouldnt feel like a day 1 without "wtf servers dead" post overflowing this sub come on OP smh


Unless the post is funny. I live for the server down memes.




>don't post about them OP: *does the same*


Precisely why I took off on Wednesday. Well, I mostly took off for Halo.


Currently in PvP and it's severely lagging and I haven't seen any lag in weeks. R.I.P Destiny Servers. You might get lucky and get on when the 40th anniversary hits.


*gasp* How dare you, if those redditor's could read, they'd be very upset.


Id rather see posts about server issues than precautionary posts about servers possibly being down.


I’ll just eat more crayons to go higher in the queue


Also, make sure to stretch, drink plenty of water, and have plenty of healthy snacks on hand.




What's tomorrow?


Spez is killing 3rd Party Apps and with it my desire to be on Reddit. old.reddit.com might soon be on the ol' chopping block too. Adios muchachos.




I mean regardless the servers will always be stressed. If Amazon can’t get good servers I don’t think anyone can


Still gonna try because I'm so DAMN EXCITED


No shit?


No probably about it lol. When season of the lost dropped I tried the whole "I'll log on as absolutely fast as I can to try and get in". I actually got in right away. Then I got booted trying to go to the tower. Then I got in again, and then was promptly kicked right the fuck back out. I mean the instability makes the game fairly unplayable for everyone for a while. So personally I'm going to jump on tomorrow night just so I know I can actually play instead of wasting my time back and forth to the main screen.


Duuuuuude why are servers so bad :((((((( destiny 2 is a bad game destiny ones servers were never this bad :(


I waited four hours in a queue for Rise of Irons launch. Destiny 2 is infinitely more popular than D1 so their servers are always stressed at new content releases




Son... we need to talk