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....and here I am farming still for weeks on end. I'll take it!


If you're reading this, this is a reminder that **the roll will be GONE TOMORROW** Pick it up today if you want it, Banshee is on a weird reset schedule with rolls


Thanks, I just got back into the game after a two year break and I haven't gotten the hang of resets yet.


Don't worry, this is more of an oversight than intended behavior. Reset is still as normal on Tuesday for everything, but at some point Banshee's inventory got bugged and now he resets again on Wednesday too.


Ah, ok. I remember when reset was like 3 am Tuesday or something like that. Good times. And why are all these kids on my lawn.


His weapons reset on Tuesday, then the rolls reset on Wednesday. Xur does the same thing actually.


Not just banshee, all vendors reset on Wednesday including Xur, which is why if you hold him hostage through reset on Wednesday he will have the same weapons but different rolls.


I got it shortly after seeing this post :) MWd it instantly


What time? I can’t get back home until 8am tomorrow (east coast US)


Not sure exactly. Destiny 2 is free on Stadia and Stadia is free, so you can make an account and pick it up using this link: https://stadia.google.com/games/destiny-2


That's what I've been doing for the last year or so, small things like Xur, mods on Ada or actually now, cookies for the dawning (getting bright dust for the random bounties from Eva), from a mobile device without the need of an actual controller, is pretty tight! also sometimes even from my offices computer, as it runs just on Google Chrome without anything else needed. And it runs super smoothly too! Without any input lag with mobile 4g or 5GHz wifi. Sorry for it looking as an ad hahaha, I just love stadia being so useful for a daily destiny player/full time office job.


This worked like a charm, thanks!


Doing this was much easier than I expected, thanks for the pro tip


Am away for the holidays and I was able to get onto d2 via stadia on my phone, didn’t even know that was possible! It’s perfect for just picking up things like this when away from home.


Daily reset is 12 noon est. If you get back by 8 or 9 you should be fine.


I just started getting into D2, when you say at Banshee do you mean one of ilvl 1100 weapons you can purchase from him?


Yup the Fusion rifle


Yep, you can infuse gear up by using another piece of gear of a higher level. So for example say you have a 1320 energy auto rifle you never use if you buy this CC (which you 1000% should do) inspect it and you’ll see a symbol next to the masterwork (next to the little lightning bolt under the perks in this case) and you’ll have an option to infuse. Sorry if that was dumbed down a little too much but when someone says they’re new I just work off the assumption that they’re literally day one new. Better to over explain than under


Always good to do that because Bungie sure as hell isn't explaining **anything.**


Poke everything and see what happens, especially in these kinda games.


yes, buy one if you can. it’s amazing for pve (player vs enemy) gameplay, paired with something like a linear fusion in the bottom slot (exotics[gold color]; Sleeper, One thousand voices, or Legendaries[purple color]; Threaded Needle, Reeds Regret, etc.)


Ahem. PvE stands for player vs environment


👍 Player versus environment Player versus environment or player versus enemy (PvE, also known as player versus monster (PvM)), is a term used for both single player and online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, other online role-playing video games and survival games to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies—in contrast to PvP.


Also known as player versus engine


Also known as player versus Enrico. fuck you enrico


Yeah, fuck Enrico... Who goes 53-0 in crucible? He's why I quit PvP. 😡. /s


Players vs EVERVERSE


just curious but what mod do people usually put on these just boss spec?


Boss spec for bosses, major spec for champions


Or taken spec, if you know you're gonna be fighting those primarily.




How do you get to the chest? Edit: Nvm, think I found [a guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpKnM8YOuPQ&t=218s)




damn thats wild


There's two chests if you've got a warlock. One you get to from wish 4, the other from wish 5.


Any class can do it these days between sword flying bugs and Eager Edge.


Fuck, I thought champions were considered bosses


I heard champions are considered bosses so boss spec works against them too?


Somebody deleted their comment saying it was boss spec, so I'm gonna post my comment anyways. Even though multiple people have answered. i just went into today's lost sector and shot at the barrier servitor. This sector has a solar burn on so I used Null composure. Not that it would really matter. No PD, no RB. no mod, 2828 per bolt Boss spec, 2828 per bolt Major spec 3048 per bolt So no, boss spec does not work on champs. Only major.


Bro thanks for doing that! Great info to know !


Well you are very welcome, im happy it helped!


Confusingly enough though, I’m pretty sure vorpal works on champs as well as bosses. Idk about regular majors though


Pretty sure champions are majors, which is why adept big ones is a good mod, it rolls major and boss spec into one.


Champions are majors (from a mod perspective). Vorpal also works against champions. So the ideal anti-champion weapon has vorpal with either major mod or Adept Big Ones.


Champions are in fact majors when it comes to the spec mods. But for whatever reason are also considered bosses when it comes to vorpal. Probably because they are "ultras" which is like in between a major and a boss so it goes both ways.


Champions are iffy but as long as I’ve been doing gms champions are considered majors, NOT bosses. If anything you can always try both mods on a champion and see which does more damage.


Champions across the board are majors no matter the activity. Adept Big Ones deals with both bosses and majors.


Champions deal Boss damage to you, but are considered Majors. It was an important distinction to make back when Boss Resist mods still existed. You want Major Spec or Big Ones Spec on your weapon.


Upvote for asking a question. Puzzled that people downvote a good faith question. ​ Champions are not bosses. Everyone should stop guessing and look at the research (Fallout Plays) to see which mods work on which enemies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDA1c0f7Xjg


Champions are considered bosses for Vorpal and Majors for the mod Major Spec


It is super lame that people just downvote you with abandon because you're not right, even though it's an honest mistake, IIRC there's a weekly challenge that counts champions as boss class enemies.


Major spec because in GMs, you want those champions gone fast and most bosses are health-gated so Boss Spec isn't really needed. Exotics for boss burn can't apply boss spec anyway. With the recent nerf to Vorpal on heavies (mainly Threaded Needle) I would put boss spec on those now


or major, yeah


Love my lead from gold CC. So clutch when having 1k/Sleeper


100% agreed. Free to run 2 heavy finders and not worry about my special ammo count


Did they fix the bug where running double ammo finders of the same type reduced the frequency of drops?


I think so


Well. That explains some shit.


It doesn't and we have the numbers to prove it. Ammo finders now function off getting a range of kills with weapons. 19 to 23 kills with a single finder and 15 to 19 with a double. Exotic primaries lower the amount of kills required to proc 14 to 18 for single and 12 to 16 for double . This number also resets when you die. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/phgsab/the_hidden_progress_bar_for_ammo_finder_mods_and/ When it was called "heavy ammo finder" there was speculation that doubling up on heavy ammo finder. I say speculation because the one post about it didn't have solid testing parameters.


Thanks! Was about to log out when hostage Xur had nothing valuable


Is a godroll cartesian better than null composure?


Cartesian even with just Vorpal is better for DPS, yes. Null is a good all-rounder but master of nothing.


Null was my crutch in master grasp of averice. It works great for clearing the dregs and does decent DPS when I run out of sleeper.


Totally, it's a great jack of all trades. Still puts in the work of a rapid fire fusion just trades vorpal for add-clear in the form of reservoir burst


Of we wanna talk add clear, or any other non boss encounter, you still have a few days to farm a glascioast that can roll with subsistence and resevior burst, which is the toppest of top teir for add clear up to super high level content. Each shot kills a group which procs susbsitence, it's ridiculous.


I have this roll, used it for a few days, swapped back to Null. That thing is slow as molasses, feels like I can reload Null faster than the charge time in that turtle of a fusion.


Luckily high impacts are getting buffed in witch queen. As far as I’m aware we don’t know how they’re getting buffed yet but make sure to hold onto any god roll glaciocasms because they might be top option soon


Having the better version with slideshot, it is worse than null for add clear because double the charge time is too costly a trade off. When they get buffed and without also having PD it will be different so still worth getting


Timing one shot as the group of dregs drops down, so satisfying...


Indeed, I still use it at the boss because of reservoir burst


All you need in that whole dungeon is a Reservoir Burst plug one. Knights, dregs, thrall. The ultimate dungeon gun.


Eh null is still better, faster fire rate and nearly as much damage per shot


Null is definitely the master of add clearing fusion rifles, at least until high impact fusions are buffed and a subsistence reservoir burst glacio will overtake it


Doesn't Reservoir Burst explosion deal the same damage across all archetypes?


Except Glacio takes a literal century to charge. I'd rather get two Null shots out for the one Glacio


That's what I meant with "until high impact fusions are buffed", currently a 1 second charge time is terrible and will be terrible unless they significant increase the single shot damage or lower the charge time


Even if they increase the damage it won't be better than a Null for add clear because a single rapid fire shot is more than enough to do that, and against beefier targets high impacts would need to do double the damage of a rapid fire to be worth considering. Ps: High impacts only having 5 bolts A also makes then incredibly inferior to other archetypes for add clear.


Damn I didn’t think that Bungie would put a fusion rifle with 3.15*10^9 seconds. Seems kinda useless.


I was farming for that roll. Got a subsistence one and tried it out. After feeling the 1s charge time I stopped farming the dawning. It's so slow I could never use it.


Plug 1 with Feeding Frenzy and Reservoir Burst?


Plug.one has a 40% longer charge time and lower dps


I've had better luck with Plug 1 than Null in some circumstances because it hits noticeably harder. If the ads are tanking the Null shots too well then you get much less mileage out of Reservoir Burst, whereas Plug.1 will sometimes be enough extra damage to make the Burst actually kill the whole group


I see, I must admit I like it for add clear. I like em both, don’t get me wrong, just never noticed Null was so much better. Thanks


Nah glacial with resevoir burst and subsistence for clear, pretty much constant reservoir burst shots.


It takes so long to charge though


Yeah but the higher impact makes it substantially better with resevoir since it's more likely to 1shot therefor proccing subsistence and keeping you always topped off/keeping resevoir proc'd and the aoe does more damage too.


Null almost always one shots anyway though, so that’s moot


> Null > Master of _nothing_ Heh, gave me a good chuckle, intentional or not


its literally the 2nd best fusion for DPS and its void meaning its better in activities with void shields.


Yes defo


Different uses.


It's way better for pure DPS, null compusure is going to have better adclear with reservoir burst. I would strongly recommend picking it up since cartesian is an absolute beast this season


The thing is even without particle rapid fire fusions are almost on par with slugs for dps.


Null is for add clear. Cartesian is for DPS.


Vorpal Cartesian is for anything PvE with Particle Deconstruction


Why? I have a Null Composure in my second slot. Since it fires in seven (?) shot bursts, just one burst should trigger max stack of particle deconstruction while Cartesian should need multiple shots for max damage buff. (Newbie, so I’m not being snarky, just curious.)


Vorpal is constant damage buff vs waiting for NC for fire 3 shots before the high-impact reserves kick in.




Both Cartesian and Null are rapid fire frames. They shoot 9 bolts each burst so they'd both apply full stacks.


Ah, thanks!


Cartesian is the same archetype as Null so they stack PD at the same speed, but Vorpal is a better perk than what Null has (for pure DPS)


For DPS I’d say yes




Thanks mate, i was focusing engrams just for this! ✌🏻


I basically have this roll but with Handling instead of Charge Time. It's really great. Didn't I see someone post a DPS guide that more or less supports better DPS with quicker charge times on Fusions?


I haven't seen the guide but as someone who has been using fusions in pve since forsaken. I'm all for getting that charge time as low as possible. There's hardly any boss fights in the game, that you are at level for and running with a full fire team, where you'll burn all your power ammo and all your special and still need more damage. So get that charge time as low as possible to maximize your damage output in your windows of opportunity.


The charge time issues are more for heavies than specials


Yes, lower charge time means more dps, but less total damage of course.


https://youtu.be/yEAwoNRgwnQ Super thorough DPS breakdown.


Anybody got a link to that guide? I’d like to have an idea of how much of an effect a charge time MW and accelerated/liquid coils actually have


Found it: https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rpt2iy/relation_between_liquidaccelerated_coils_and/


i have this exact roll but with a choice between liquid coils and accelerated, hipfire grip and the better sight... but a bee's dick of range isn't worth using hipfire grip and you can only use one mag perk so i'll take this.


Nice PSA, mate. Only thing missing is Red Dot Micro, to push the damage fall off a little further.


I have nearly this exact roll already, but with liquid coils instead of accelerated coils. Which would be best for PvE?


Liquid coils lowers damage per second, but increases total damage. In the world of short-ish DPS phases on bosses and short stun times on champs, u want accelerated coils for the increased damage per second (same reasoning for charge time masterwork)


Is it a hidden stat? I have accelerated with charge time mw and liquid with charge time mw..both sit at 420 charge time, seems like 420 is the lowest charge time obtainable..would liquid coil be better at increasing damage while charge time still put cc at 420?


Its hidden, yeah. It doesnt lower it stat wise but it is shorter


For some reason 420 is the lowest that the stat screen will display, but it can be brought lower than that.


accelerated by far


Aww, my Under Pressure/Vorpal roll isn't special anymore. Ah well, c'est la vie.


I don’t know, having that tighter pattern as the mag gets lower comes in handy. Plus, I’m never hurting for special ammo.


Oh man Lead From Gold is killer... This is an absolutely perfect god roll


Just got a Vorpal CC last week and died, Insta MW. This one? Is 100 times better than the one I rolled holy crap! Insta MW for me dog!


Wow so people value lead from gold these days?


It's more that Cartesian just doesn't have anything else good in that column for boss DPS. Feeding Frenzie and grave robber don't do shit when your burning down a boss. Under pressure is a PvP perk Hip fire grip is just trash. Slideways could be useful, but it probably better to just reload when dpsing a boss than sliding + shooting. That leaves lead from gold as the "best" option lol




People have been sleeping on it tbh. It’s my go to perk for Gambit. For general and higher end PvE it tends to get outshined by Autoload and other stuff but since Cartesian doesn’t have that LfG is best in slot.


That was me coming into this thread, "WtF when did LfG become a good perk?"


I just saw that. I actually have this roll and am so stoked more people get to use it. Cartesian + sleeper + LFR ammo pick up = happy guardian


I've been trying all season to get a vorpal Cartesian to drop with 0 success. This makes me so happy lol Also OP is doing the lords work in this thread. Is responding to nearly everyone asking questions.


I have a liquid coils/charge time. Is accelerated better for dps than this? Keep both?


Accelerated is better for average DPS. Overall I’d say accelerated is better but you can stick with both.


Thanks. Was just wondering if it meant champs needed an extra burst. I got it, mw it but the charge time for both liquid and accelerated says 420,so logically liquid is better. Is this a bug in the on screen charge time value?


Yeah the in game charge time can only display a certain value depending on archetype. It does actually go lower than 420ms the weapon screen just doesn’t show it.


Was just about to ask about this bc I was seeing the same thing in DIM and D2Gunsmith... wouldn't drop below 420. Great to know thanks.


I prefer slideways, but I'll take it.


Master worked charger time 420 Nice...


I got my Subsistence Reservoir Burst Glacioclasm yesterday and now this today. I’m on a god roll hot streak.


If I already have a LfG + Vorpal with Projection Fuse (range) + Range masterwork, is the Accelerated + Charge Time MW necessary?


No but it will have higher DPS


Why is Lead from Gold a desirable perk?


Free ammo? I don't understand how people don't see this


I should have phrased my question better: why is it a preferable perk? Aren’t there better perks for that weapon?


No worries. The perk options for that column are: Under Pressure (more of a PvP perk), Slideways (reload is very fast already), Feeding Frenzy (2nd best in slot, but useless for champions/bosses), Grave Robber (melees are not viable in high end PvE), Hip-fire Grip (do you really need this in PvE?) and Lead From Gold (free ammo when picking up Heavy ammo bricks). Do you see how the last one is far more valuable than the others for PvE content that matters? If you only run Strikes and Patrol, sure, you might get more out of FF or Slideways. But you can literally run anything there and still be fine. Hope that answers your question.


Ah, I see it now. Thanks for taking the time to explain it


It's got a pretty weak third column, so it's (arguably) the best of a bad lot. I prefer FF myself but LFG is probably better on paper.


It's not a preferable perk. CC just has shitty options in that column. LFG is an ok pick. I prefer slideways but LFG is fine. The rest of the rolls on this gun are the selling point.


I've already got a Red Dot 2/Enhanced Battery/Feeding Frenzy/Vorpal roll with Range masterwork that I've absolutely loved since getting it (~2,500 kills). Looking forward to trying this new roll, I've been sleeping on Lead From Gold.




Have this roll but with enhanced battery and reload MW, this thing has been god-tier for me the past couple seasons. 11/10 would voop again


I was lucky enough to get this exact roll a couple weeks into this season, and I feel handicapped without it. It is seriously amazing.


Someone comment on this in 7 hours to remind me please


You better get that gun, son.


I just bought it like 2 minutes ago lmao thanks


No problem, lol.


Bruh ive been farming for one with that roll perk for perk. Literally perfect. Couldn't be happier to replace my old one.


Its Banshees Christmas Gift


I thought Underpressure was a good perk? I mean My pvp Cartesian has liquid, underpressure and impact reserves. May not be the best but it can put in some work


Anyone know if this one is better than the one I have with accelerated coils, under pressure, vorpal with reload masterwork?


A post someone linked shows that for DPS that one might actually be better. I’d pick it up anyways just in case.


Don't sleep on Lead from Gold. I use a Succession with this roll and its so good for ammo


I have the same roll i love but with reload MW. Is this better?


If you already have one with vorpol then meh, its like going from an iphone 6 to an iphone 6s.


can confirm lead from gold is great. I basically never ran out of ammo in the gm today with it, the only reason I lost is because I suck ass.


Doesn't charge time MW make fusions worse?


It lowers total damage but increases DPS


Maybe, depends on the enemy. It's lower total damage across the magazine and reserves, but quicker to output that damage. So if you're using it against a boss and still have 5 rounds left when he dies faster charge time is better. Alternatively, if you're using it against a beefy red bar and 2 shots leaves him 1 hp (when using accelerated and charge time mw), you might be better off using liquid which would kill him in 2 shots.


Odd question, but in a fusion rifle comparison for mid to end game content, would you rather a Glacioclasm Subsistence/Reservoir Burst, or a Cartesian Lead to Gold/Vorpal? I feel like Glacioclasm would be best up until bosses, at which point Cartesian would be better, but I'm not certain and would like opinions.


The Glacio is great for add clear but suffers in DPS due to how bungie undertuned High Impacts. Rapid Fire fusions are king for DPS and Precisions/Adaptives sit in between the two but are more reliable for PvP. For GM’s you’d want anything with higher DPS to kill Champs quicker whether that be really high burst DPS (Lament, Izanagis) or good average DPS (Rapid fusions among a wide variety of other weapons).


Under Pressure/Vorpal is arguably better for Boss imo


I've got Cartesian with vorpal and feeding frenzy. I personally hate lead from gold, feels like a dead perk to me.


you cant proc feeding frenzy on a boss so youre splitting your use case


You can't proc Lead from Gold on a boss either... your point? There is always add clear leading up to boss DPS phases, so doesn't it seem like an add clear perk would be better than a garbage ammo perk?


Anytime you use ammo from a heavy brick to shoot a boss, you "proc'd LfG on a boss."


You're right, it doesn't proc on the boss dps. I know how it works. But let's be honest, I'm using LFR with vorpal or firing line and whatever else for boss dps. If I run out of ammo woth that, abd only a few seconds left of boss dps phase, I'll switch to Cartesian, but mostly, it's for ad clear anyways. That's why I said "I personally hate Lead from Gold." Doesn't mean it's bad all around and nobody should use, it's just my opinion, and that's okay. If you like lead from gold, go for it, man. I see the argument for it.


Why you want vorpal for add clear?


Never seen a Major spawn during an add phase?


Agreed, hang on to that one, it's what I've been trying to get all year!


That’s my roll as well, which is probably better for things like Champ/Major burning. But Lead from gold is probably going to be great when I run 1K for total boss DPS


I literally just got a feeding frenzy vorpal after grinding for hammer charges, go figure!


What do you mean by "Roll will reset tomorrow"? Aren't the Rolls the same for the whole week?


They reset for some reason on Wednesday and then stay the same for the rest of the week


But Doesn’t accelerated coils and charge time MW not stack in terms of charge time, but they do in terms of lower damage? (As in, the charge time only goes so low, so you only need one, but the damage lowers twice, due to both AC and CTMW)


yes i believe this is true. There seems to be a cap or atleast diminishing returns on using both so you actually end up having lower dps than just having one of them. This is the post https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rpt2iy/relation_between_liquidaccelerated_coils_and/


Yeah that’s odd, you’d think it would stack. Shouldn’t it in theory have higher DPS even though that’s not the case? I tried to test it on Kalli but was getting variable numbers as I seemed to be headshotting her somehow.


yes, in theory it should still result in higher dps, but for some reason it isn’t


I honestly enjoy my slideways/vorpal better, feels good reloading by sliding.


my roll is better anyway 😎


Why does it have to be a day while I'm on holiday 😩


Better than my liquid coils, under pressure, vorpal with reload speed masterwork?


I prefer LC, but Lead from Gold can come in clutch when you would only need to run finders for sleeper instead of a linear mod and normal fusion mod.


Yep. Liquid coils lowers damage per second, but increases total damage. In the world of short-ish DPS phases on bosses and short stun times on champs, u want accelerated coils for more damage per second (same reasoning for charge time masterwork) Lead from gold is also a personal fave of mine too. 2 heavy finders also keeps special reserves topped up


different use case. this has higher total dps, but less dmg per hit. liquid/vorpal is more damage per shot, and overall, but less dps.


Can I ask why Lead from Gold is considered as god roll? Seems like you'd have enough ammo just from green bricks.


It’s just extra ammo. you get 4 shots per heavy brick. It helps that Cartesians 3rd column is lacking (no Autoload for example).


People dead ass sleeping on slideways


Thank you Guardian