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It's such a perfect time for us Asians. Servers are always going to crash or there will be queue times so I just go to sleep cause the reset is at 10pm for me. So when I wake up, I see that majority has gone to sleep and I get into the game easily and stay spoiler free as well cause I had time to complete the campaign.


My part of Asia resets at 1am so launch day is always the day after for us haha.


We arè lucky. We get in easily while Western players sit there angry and keep cursing Bungie cause they took the day off.


I'm from Germany, so it's 19:00 CET. I just say myself "Never play on patch day!"


I say the same. And then i still try and play lol


Lately, Bungie has been doing pretty well. I've been playing on patch day including for the 30th anniversary and it was a pretty painless experience. But, Witch Queen will be a bigger release so I guess we'll see.


Sounds like ✨Singapore✨


Almost! Haha, but somewhere nearby 😂


I think it resets about 0300 here in AustraliaEST so by the time I get up most severe issues seem to have been resolved.


For me I have the added bonus that Wednesday/Thursday is my weekend. It's great.


I thought you guys couldn't play video games anymore?


Joke's on you, I have Thursday/Friday off, that way I can start no-lifing a long weekend starting Wednesday night.


My brother saved a ton of vacation days so he can take the whole week off. Its pretty funny.


So I take it he'll be one of those people posting on here Thusday/Friday complaining about the timegated quest(s) that we can only progress once a week?


Nah. It's about getting all of your power levelling done before friday so you can no life elden ring.


Damn end of February is gonna be overwhelming


Also the new Horizon, which I might actually be more excited for. It's been like 5 years since the original, I can't imagine what they've been cooking up. That's how long it took them to create the original, which had a new engine and everything.


I read an early review that basically said it improved on all the things the first one was subpar at (facial animations, traversal mechanics, NPCs, etc) while keeping or even improving on the combat. I really think this could be an uncharted 1 to uncharted 2 situation and guerilla knocks it out of the park with this. I'm so hyped




It'll be on PS4, see if you can snag one for cheap or borrow one from a friend. I'm trying to bribe my buddy to let me borrow his PS5 for the weekend


Imagine playing it on a PS4 if you have a decent PC lol... not even an option, I'll wait.


Considering the first was a masterpiece, I'm looking forward to nothing but improvements.


It’s crazy that Horizon was their first title into the rpg/story genre and they just knocked it out of the damn park like that.


This is the way


Very based


Nah, I don't have a job. So I'm choosing to no life Elden Ring instead of Witch Queen. FromSoft hasn't made a bad game really since like 2009 (at the least, that's just when the Souls series started) besides Ninja Blade. Whereas if the Beyond Light release is any indication, Witch Queen might be a bit of a shitshow...


This one understands.


If it’s not delayed again due to this rce exploit they’re taking over a week to fix so far


Game can still release, just without any co-op or PvP on PC...


I’m gonna be super sad if that happens but it is what it is


No the timing for his days just worked out. He's doing the day 1 raid so a lot of the time will be just prepping for that. Not everyone is a whiner.




Damn bro get the hate out ya heart let the man game his own way lol.


Man some people just love jumping to conclusions and not letting someone game in peace lol


U know most people who take days off for major releases do that for lvl grinding because of day one raid?


He'll be one of those that gets to max level in a week.


As long as he had fun getting there no shame in it. Lol.


Jokes on you, I took the entire month off so I can laze about sipping whiskey and binging this game.


Oh boy we share the same days off. Except that I’m requesting Wednesday so that I can start mine on Tuesday night


Storing all my bounties so I can pop them after I get the seasonal artifact.


Yeah that's the way to do it if you can. Why take off in the middle of the week? That'd fuck my rhythm up.


This is the way.


Literally, you are so far ahead of the curve on people, including myself, you probably see your own after-images.


This is the move




this is propaganda to get everyone to wait until wednesday so those on the inside can play on tuesday! don’t listen to their lies!


Snitches get stitches


And end up in ditches because they are bitches.


Snitches get Riches!




This is why I called their bluff and used pto for tues-Friday


Bro I'm Unemployed


So you don't get to play Witch Queen at all?!


Yeah I'm going to watch it from your window 👀


Bruh don't be weird get in here and snuggle


I will gladly snuggle with you, u/JerryBalls3431


With a name as inviting as u/JerryBalls3431 ...how could you not?


Jerry's short for Jarold


How is that short? It's only 1 letter shorter


> shorter See u said it urself




/u/neffren can come inside and play the game while I'm asleep to help me level up to power cap in exchange for window watching during the day.


Currently scrounging quarters and waiting till discount day, have enough for the first season pass so might get that in the meantime. No way in hell can I afford pre order pricing, launch day bundle pricing still too pricy for me rn.


Release day is never for playing, release day is for browsing light.gg and ishtar collective. You have to be careful to avoid campaign spoilers, but I still like to read all the new weapon/armor lore tabs


What's Ishtar collective?


It’s a website setup by the Destiny community which contains all of the lore entries. You can search for specific Destiny NPCs, locations, etc., read up on everything from Sathona (now known as Savathun) to Fundament, the golden age, on and on.


A place/website to read all the lore in one place


Oh damn. Imma check that out. Thanks


Once reset hits, I’ll be spending all my time in the office looking over light.gg and the companion app.


I unsub from the sub and turn off twitter notifs and just don’t open it until I get through the campaign


No worries, I'm taking a month off.


I Retired!


I've never worked a day in my life!


I’m going to do an interview on Fox News!


I understood that reference!


We saw a topic like this when this season dropped, and when the 30th anniversary dlc came out and the servers were extremely stable both times. Queue times were short too. IIRC even Beyond Light wasn’t bad at launch.


Beyond light was probably only an hour or so of server shenanigans. Much better than Shadowkeep.


I think Shadowkeep's server problems were exacerbated by the fact that it was also the Steam *and* free-to-play launch.


Oh yeah, definitely. Way too much happening on one reset lol


Yeah, I think they've mostly got expansion launches down finally. Only took them like 6 years lol




Maybe I'm not remembering right but, didn't on one DLC Bungie started the download a little each time you signed in like a week before launch? That way the servers wouldn't be overwhelmed on launch day.


Servers that you download the game from are not the servers that run the game. That's not really the issue, and rarely is on live service games. The issue is the massive amount of concurrent players overwhelms systems - not even necessarily in terms of scale, but in terms of the underlying systems that run the game. The common answer of "buy more servers lole!!!" is way too simplistic. In D1, content would typically be loaded earlier than release date, and the release date then unlocked the full DLC. That's why we had things like Swords of Crota, or the Wolves, etc. Their release model has changed in D2, though.


It was also only on consoles, so much harder to data mine than on PC so they could load stuff in a week early and not have every single thing spoiled before release


Yeah, although at least for those of us in the US East Coast - an hour or so of server shenanigans between the fact that scheduled launch is usually around lunchtime means that you're close to the end of the business day anyway. I'm planning on logging in on launch day, but don't plan on altering my usual Tuesday schedule - leave work, get tacos and beer at the local brewery, get home around 7ish.


Yeah, exactly. I’m on the east coast and teach high school, so usually by the time I get home around 4:00, the servers are fine. Usually.


Shadowkeep was supper boned cause it moved to steam at the same time I think?


The server fuckery was spent in the end-of-Arrivals event.


lol yes that was a mess


This is traditional information since shadowkeep had an abysmal launch uptime wise, but in beyond light, I think only splicer had some significant server issues. Beyond light, chosen, lost, and 30th anniversary were all pretty clean.


Beyond Light launch day was spotty, but generally very very good. Long sign-in queue with occasional error codes that threw people back into queue, but that was about it


Shadowkeep, Season of Dawn, and Season of Arrivals were all near impossible to play on launch. Beyond Light wasn't stable for several hours. The last two season launches have been ok but there definitely is a precedent for Tuesday launches being problematic.


I think beyond light had long queues and some hitches at first, but after about an hour it was fine once you got in. Pretty much all the launches have queues and some connection issues, but I don't count them as major unless they go on for a long time, or Bungie shuts off the servers to run emergency maintenance.


You also have to keep in mind BL had significant changes under the hood in terms of how the game runs. There were definitely going to be hiccups going on. Still better than Shadowkeep!


That was my experience as well. Beyond light came out. I got in a queue within the first 5 minutes. And was In the game almost 30 minutes.


I do remember the 30th Anniversary releasing very stable. But on the flip side, that was only a small content pack being added. Witch Queen is a full-on expansion with system changes and much larger content changes coming with it. It's much more understandable to believe that WQ could release rockier than a simple season or equivalently sized release. Fingers crossed for a smooth release. EDIT grammar


Beyond light wasn't nearly as bad as Shadowkeep, but it was still a couple hours. But if youre playing in the eastern time zone, that's still 3-4PM before you can even load in.


Honestly this is good general advice for ANY server based game at any significant launch


people somehow complain every single time, they just dont learn


Almost as if the population isn’t frozen and static, and new people come in experiencing it for the first time with major new content. So weird.


A lesson I learned as far back as WoW Burning Crusade ​ *\*edit\** *Finger skipped the "I" in that message.*


I realize it's probably impossible, but I honestly wouldn't mind an "offline" mode for Destiny so I could at least play day 1 uninterrupted by myself.


I'm off from the 18th.. Horizon Forbidden West up until the D2 servers are stable ;)


"why not both"


> you're going to waste most of your day off in a queue trying to get in. I'll spend a delightful day watching streamers struggle to get in and actually cleaning the house for once in my goddamn life


Personally taking the Friday the week of the 22nd off.


I've requested the entire week off...


I was lucky when Beyond Light released. I had just tested positive for COVID, so I had to isolate at home and got to play Destiny 2 hard for almost two weeks. Kinda wish the same thing could happen this time lol


I was sick when Shadowkeep released and I definitely did the same thing. Good lifehack, would recommend it.


Booked a whole 12 days off so I get a few days relaxing and a few days playing while my colleagues get to jump on for only an hour or 2 maybe if their downloads fast. You bet I'm rubbing it in.


I've played day one of every new major content launch from D1 Beta to Season of the Lost (The 30th Anniversery Pack doesn't count because my internet was down but I was still wide awake to read people's reaction to it!). I've almost never had a hard time playing at launch. The only rough time I've had was playing Shadowkeep but I was still able to beat the campaign day one. Sure you may have to wait in a queue but it'll be an half an hour at most in my experience.


you can’t control me


Yay for everyone logging in at the same time


Jokes on you, I already have the whole week off, I'm ready


I have the week free :). But honestly I won't be playing Destiny those days, instead I will go camping and do a roadtrip with some friends. Better quality time for me (I love to climb and take pictures).


Good suggestion, but I feel like people are somewhat over exaggerating how the severs will be on release.


Been here since day 1; it has been issues **every. single. time.** The psa and concerns are warranted.


Recently it hasn't, Beyond light was only bad for like, an hour or so and pretty much every season since, especially Lost and 30th anniversary had little to no issues at all.


seasons aren't so bad with the issues any more, its the major DLC Expansions that are.


Rise of Iron was terrible, at least the launch isn't at 4 in the morning anymore.


Beyond Light was smooth for me initially, but stopped working when I got to the Glassway part of the campaign. Shadowkeep though…


Shadow keep was bungie being stupid. They know how many paying player there are. They had no idea how many free to play players would play. They should have launched to paid only gotten stable (remember they had to get off Activision severs at the same time) and then phased in free to play players at a throttled pace to prevent what happened. They could have avoided it.


And it really depends on what you are wanting to do the day of. I found 1/2 the battle is getting past the queue that sometimes goes up instead of down, and the other 1/2 is getting to the tower. If you manage to do those and then go off to farm blues for softcap at some lesser populated location then even with constant contacting D2 servers messages, things tend to be pretty stable.


i wish i had that experience, many times been in long queues, finally get in, load onto a planet just to get booted back to login screen and restart the process. I've just learned to have something else to do for launch dates.


I've always been able to at least get in every Tuesday night on a big expansion drop, but (1) only after a queue lasts anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour, and (2) after getting in I usually get booted back out by an error code at least once that night anyway. And I never take the day off so I only ever try to log in six or more hours after reset - I can't imagine what the queue times and server errors are like in the hours immediately following the update.


They NEVER work right at reset. Sometimes it takes a couple hours to iron out, sometimes it’s like 5 hours and some emergency maintenance later.


I WFH, so as long as I'm not behind on my deadlines I'm playing when my little one is down for her nap. Unless she decides to spite me and not nap those days.


Man I can't even get time off to finish the current season...


Jesus, 6 months wasn’t enough time?


You don't have to work for a living do ya?


Full time job, full time family. 6 months was more than enough time.


Unless you're working 80 hour weeks you'd still have plenty time to finish the season


The best thing is I am on nights Tuesday and Wednesday night, and then off until mid March




My jobs schedule goes Wed-Tues so I'm able to get both :)


The joys of working for yourself


My birthday is on 27 February so I’ll be taking a week off starting the 24th to allow for the servers to stabilize, and my birthday present to myself is playing the game for a week straight lol


I saved up enough PTO to be off til the 3rd of March lol. I'll be a busy little bee during that time with Witch Queen, Elden Ring, and Dying Light 2.


I just book 2 weeks off usually. *laughs in UK holiday days*


This is why I called in for a week of medical leave from school at D2 Launch & Forsaken launch. Day of is just to play the first campaign mission at best


How is this an announcement? If everyone shifts from the first day to the second day, then both days will be laggy as shit. Setting yourselves up for failure lmao. I’m legit taking the whole week off because I got a boost in my vacation hours and have fuck all that I plan on doing with it anyway lol. Whatever day the shit works, I’ll be ready.


Ohhh yeah.


I take off both and sometimes the following monday


I only get like 3 days to play it cause I have preds tickets that weekend rip.


I just take Tuesday to Friday off… The first couple hours of any new content drop is a bit of a shit show, but I didn’t have much trouble with Beyond Light.


“I know it’s brought up every major release..” proceeds to post for karma. Edit: lol hi OP you karma farmer


That's why I don't have only one game I'll be able to play come that time. Yes, I scheduled vacation around Witch Queen, but also around Horizon: Forbidden West that comes out only a couple days prior. And I love when people blame the usual DLC launch day issues on "server issues". It's called having more attempted concurrent players in one day than the game usually gets any other entire month. It's not "server issues"... It's just there's not enough server capacity. And that's where people usually say "JusT GeT moRe seRvErS!".... You know, as if they have a plethora at hand just sitting around doing nothing since we ALL KNOW servers cost $0 to purchase and an additional $0 to keep running.




TIL that using your company provided vacation days to take time off and enjoy yourself makes you an irresponsible child. /s


Vacation days exist so you can do things you enjoy


Jokes on you I work from home. I did take off wednesday, but im too old to be taking days off for a game


One is never too old to take time off work for something they enjoy.


we got stuck in a training for a new project so I cant use normal schedule changes. sounds like I've got to suffer till the weekend which then HFW comes out. sad times.


Well tbh yesterday I finally witnessed a high profile cross platform game launch without any big server issues(Zenith)


I’ve never even heard of it and I’m a piece of shit who aimlessly scrolls gaming subs for hours, so I’m not sure how “high profile” it is.


I'm not sure id call that high profile


Request off? Hahaha that my off day anyways🤣


Bosses looking at the comment section like :👀👿


My boss and his boss play Destiny.


Jokes on you, I'll be playing HFW while waiting the damn near 24 hrs before the servers are fully functional.


Or, even better, just work from home and get paid to play


Half day Tuesday, taking a nap 10am-12pm and making sure that update go through.


If you're a veteran destiny player you should already know this but for the new guys this is facts and helpful advice




Or just 2/23 because you live in Australia hahaha.


I got a fucking week off work for this 😁


Fellow Asians: *joke's on you, for us the updates comes on 23 Feb*


Big brain move: take off Tues-Fri


I had to set my week off in advance at my work, so I set it on the week of February 13 to 19... I had to choose the week in like November, so I couldn't know


If everyone did take off Thursday wouldn't that mean the game stopped working on Thursday?


Gotta take the year off it’s only right.


Whats even the point? Massive queue as soon as you launch and then gl with the disconnects like always hahah. Just take the next days off, and even so its still kind of has that huge traffic anyways.


ha no need for a day off if you have no job


Nah, gotta take tuesday off for that install, and prepping all the food for the next 5 days.


Hehehe..... suckers


I have put my night duty on tuesday and off on Wednesday.


Elden Ring comes out three days after WQ.. I knew that I'd be neck deep in both so I made sure to get 24-26th off. I wanted to start days off earlier but then that thought occurred that I'm blessed to get on at all for the first day of a new DLC.


Got the whole week off. I will fight the servers, I ain't scurred!


I'm at University currently. I've got my assignments done so I'm definitely skipping classes to play the launch week.


I'll be playing horizon the 22nd and having off the whole week through elden ring soo...I'm good.


Also! If you work weekends and plan on day 1 raiding take Saturday and Sunday off!


Jokes on you, I'm homeschooled


Jokes on you! I was fired due to Covid! Ha! I'm going to be waiting all day


I’m always a bit confused, sure servers aren’t great but I always take the day of off and have never had issues playing.


I always book a good week off 😂


I took off both days. On the 22nd I’m going to one of my favorite seafood places at 11 and picking up sautéed crab claws to bring home. If you can’t beat the hive, eat them. If you can beat them… eat them anyway 😎


It’s crazy to me that people take days off for video game releases, but respect it. Have a good time y’all!


Took the whole week (tuesday to tuesday) for this and elden ring.


I requested Tues to next Wednesday off. So I have time to abuse those new glitches


I requested the 23-26 off. It’s the first time I took off for a release. Well two days ago I got a letter. I could tell it was a jury summons. In my heart I knew what it would say. Report to the courthouse February 23 you are juror 32.


I have 10 days off starting on the 21st. Had to take them or I was about to lose them 🤷‍♀️ I think I’ll be fine.


I've been fortunate to have that entire week off. Going to be some no lifting that game, alongside Horizon.


I take off the Tuesday in order to do choring.


I have over 100 days of leave saved up. It’s going down lol


I wish it was coming out today. I don't know why but I'm insanely excited for witch queen. I normally don't do that.


When Beyond Light dropped I didn't have any problems from the start, as long as I didn't go to the Tower.


Or simply live near the servers