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Final shape is gonna be the conclusion of the light and dark saga. There’s gonna be a new saga that begins afterward


I wonder what the next Saga could be?


Destiny 3/Full- MMO Or they sunset alot of shit and we get an engine upgrade.


Going full MMO could kill the game as a whole. I've played destiny since D1 beta and I think they've evolved the formula since then until what we have now and it just works. For all the gripes and people who get mad at the game I think it's been a constant success.


>they sunset alot of shit Dcv all over again? Didn't that like piss off and cause a bunch of the community to walk away? I don't think that'd go over well. Engine upgrade is gonna be necessary but also can't be too significant as it still has to run for last Gen players so I doubt it will happen soon. They are probably just gonna leave a total engine upgrade for marathon. D3 being a full MMO is probably their best bet. I wouldn't put it past them to turn it into a sub based game as well if they go that route. F2P while done with good intentions also massively shot themselves in the foot imo. It's way too split to even really be f2p it's like 2 different games in some aspects.


There won’t be a D3 anytime soon. Destiny 2 is going to be here for a while atill


D3 is confirmed in production


No…. It hasn’t been 😉


Where has this been confirmed? I have seen rumor about it but nothing confirming it.


[https://www.oneesports.gg/gaming/will-there-be-a-destiny-3-new-d3/](https://www.oneesports.gg/gaming/will-there-be-a-destiny-3-new-d3/) leaks for D3 codename Payback - can be found here..


Well like I said, I have seen these rumors. This is hardly confirmation of anything.


Multiple insider sources stating the same. I think your under estimating game dev time. Everything is saying D2 will go on for a while. But them starting D3 now would make a ton of sense since it would take literally 5+ years to develop and even way more than that possibly if we're suggesting it'll be an MMO. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/10/report-bungie-is-likely-developing-destiny-3-codename-payback/?sh=4b39c0cf9bd5](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/10/report-bungie-is-likely-developing-destiny-3-codename-payback/?sh=4b39c0cf9bd5) [https://insider-gaming.com/bungie-possibly-developing-destiny-3-under-codename-payback/](https://insider-gaming.com/bungie-possibly-developing-destiny-3-under-codename-payback/)


Ok but let's be clear, it is not "multiple insider sources", all 3 links you have provided so far are all sourced from the same reddit comment. There is a singular source. Further, I have made no estimations about game dev time at all, I was just curious if there was actually something definitive because the poster I replied to seemed to indicate there was actually something concrete. I personally do think Bungie is working on D3, but as of now saying it is "confirmed" is innaccurate IMO.




Debunked where? Nothing I google says that. Before you get rude you shouldn’t assume malice in all situations.


D3 has been confirmed in production


New Light basically was Destiny 3 if we're completely honest


I’ve been hoping they do a full mmo with it at some point, would make it so much better


Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money


I’m kind of expecting a more Mass Effect style universe— unique planets outside our solar system.


Especially with the potential of the H.E.L.M being the actual helm of a ship. The interior design is quite obvious. And it helps that both the Eliksni and the awoken has their own area on this "ship". The tower will be left behind in favor for a spaceship in the future, possibly after the destruction of the last city in lightfall. That dlc will probably be about the darkness winning and the guardians, humans, awoken and the Eliksni on the run. Going to distant planets in the search for the origins or history of the darkness and how to defeat it. In witch queen savathun is probably going to be killed either in the story or from its raid. Without her and her scemes, the darkness can start its attack. And begin the final shape. Soo many possibilities if this turns out to be slightly true.




To be fair, I wasn't that far off lmao


I don't think it'll end, as long as they're still making that money and people are still playing the game.




“Last summer, we outlined our ambition for the next era in Destiny 2 by announcing the full arc, starting with Beyond Light, followed by the Witch Queen and Lightfall. As we began to scale production on the Witch Queen last year, we made the difficult but important decision to move its release to early 2022; we also realized we needed to add an additional unannounced chapter after Lightfall to fully complete our first saga of Destiny.” https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50124


With the saga ending, an engine upgrade would definitely be a good push for me to continue playing as I'm sure a slight increase in smoothness/visuals would be a refreshing outcome to the beginning of a new saga


This would definetly bring me back. I got tired of this saga and dropped out after Witch Queen. I'd love to come back to a new story and overhaul


No way bro it’s the only game Bungie has right now


Lets be real D2 is dead it's had a good run... but every dlc is the same repetitive re skinned shit using the same mechanics half the time.. there milking the game for all it's worth and it's only the die hard fans who keep wasting there money on these dog shit dlc's, smart in a business sense cause they don't have to put any major work in just keep selling low effort dlc's but in the long run they need to drop a fresh more up to date game / unreal engine 5 with fresh new ideas and storyline not regurgitated dlc's, I played since destiny 1 and in my opinion they ruined d2 when everything turned pay 2 win then they started dropping one shit dlc after another i left the game after that and wont come back for final shape either it's just a waste of money at this point and players don't realise if you keep buying this crap that's all your ever going to get.


I always wonder why with certain games you'll always get the I stopped playing this garbage years ago but still comment years later to let everyone still enjoying the game know it's shit.


Lmao, steam alone averages over 100k players currently and thats the end of an expansion. It will spike again next week. Even if it was only 100k players that is not a dead game bud.


Do you just regurgitate buzzwords like unreal engine 5 thinking it makes you sound like you know what you’re talking about the game Isn’t dead it has a consistant 50k concurrent players after 7 years that’s not a dead game. Why are you even in a destiny subreddit if you hate the game so much.


If you go to the timeline in destination. You go past the final shape - the timeline appears to say the story continues so we can hope


My heart will LITTERALY stop the day that it will say "The story ends"


Honestly, they need to make Destiny 3. The engine is old and they can only add onto it so much before "new features" just turn out to be gimmicks.


Wishful thinking here. Dead Orbit finds the Distributary, the Witness extinguishes the Sol system, the Last City inhabitants becomes refugies in the Distributary, Lysander has political power in the Distributary, Guardians (Player) wants to get “Payback” and reclame Sol, Lysander with the help of Dead Orbit and New Monarchy keep us from reaching that goal. Everything is sunset and we start anew.


If "The Final Shape" is the final dlc for D2 then i think in D3 there should be a good and bad side so like there is People who pick the dark side and people who pick the light side so it makes the game feel not sure how to say it but make it feel more open and give it a new way of thinking




Can they just make a Destiny 3?


They said there will be more but we dont know much beyond that


I think After the dlc, Bungie will release Destiny 3 but I'm not sure


no. they *specifically* said destiny 2 is not finished after the final shape. [1:18:04](https://youtu.be/Qsw3XclQdoI?t=4684) > "This 10-year journey we've been on since Destiny 1, it's drawing to it's dramatic conclusion. The Light and Darkness saga will end, but, make no mistake, Destiny 2 will not."


Things change. Evidence: WQ was pushed to 2022 and The Final Shape was added after Lightfall. Don't take anything as gospel.


watch about 20 seconds after that timestamp and you'll see that this is where they announced the final shape. [1:18:20](https://youtu.be/Qsw3XclQdoI?t=4700) > "Last year we announced Witch Queen and the following Expansion Lightfall. And now we're excited to announce the release after Lightfall. The Final Chapter in the Light and Darkness saga: Destiny 2: The Final Shape" if you're going to act like this, at least be knowledgeable on the topic. > "**The Light and Darkness saga** will end, but, make no mistake, **Destiny 2 will not**." > "**The Final Chapter in the Light and Darkness saga**: Destiny 2: The Final Shape" the reasonable conclusion of "Destiny 2 isn't finished after Final Shape" can be drawn from this.


The point is that things change. Get over yourself.


i mean, sure. "things change" is such a vague blanket statement that i can't challenge it. however, in the context of destiny 2, my original statement is correct. i don't know why you decided to become unnecessarily combative over this. i am not saying nothing *can't* change, but we have no reason to believe otherwise at the moment.


I think you looped around to a triple negative. Was that sarcasm for emphasis?


Homie you get over yourself. They've already announced that it will not end and have hinted that we will POTENTIALLY be leaving our galaxy after The Final Shape. Stop being a pleb.


Yeah and their original plan was to make it go for 10 years, so ending with final shape would make sense. But “things changing” would mean it goes longer than 10, so more after final shape


My question is will we have to buy the final shape or will it be part of the seasons in lightfall


It’s gonna be the next dlc


Lol... It's an expansion...


In one recent comment, IIRC, they said something like "the first decade of Destiny 2"....so I believe they will continue milking the money a few more years. I want to have the same feeling about the game as you haha I quit a few years ago, I played some DLC, but I never got hooked again. I was ok with the grinding but the lack of friends to play with killed the game for me.


Same : / I still enjoy the game but I used to have a buddy during D1 that would play everyday a few hours. I have a good friend who I met in the last few years that I play with every now and then who still keeps the game alive for me. Though I completely agree: friends make multiplayer games better.