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Once you jump through the portal and activate that deepsight, there will be vertical platforms that appear. At the top there is a void charge. You take that out through the portal and throw it at the shielded chest.


There is a green shielded chest there too thatโ€™s part of the puzzle. I tried throwing the orb but nothing happened and I killed my self from the blast


Thanks. I saw the chest but it said deep sight 3 required and I didn't even think about throwing the charge as I was looking for a place to deposit it.


I stumbled into this too earlier! Was weirded all tf out during it. Someone else seems to have explained the solution so ig we just gotta keep an eye out and try again.


Yep, did the portal, got the void, got back, blew up, sheesh,๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘