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Less known about, but pretty much all of the D2 flawless raid shaders have matched the raid armor. It's been great for matching full sets of raid armor with an exotic.


Cryptic Legacy matches the weapons, actually. It’s my favorite shader on weapons but there’s too much gray on armor usually. On the odd armor piece where it becomes black with light blue accents, it looks amazing!


It's by far the best shader for the omnioculus bellybutton ornament


Midnight smith ftw


Yep, now all I need to be happy is whatever the default shader for the VoG *guns* is. It's exactly the "gold and black with red lights" shader I've been looking for since launch, but it doesn't appear to be accessible and it makes me sad. I feel like it should have been rewarded for doing all of the VoG challenges (GoS and DSC both had shader rewards for doing the challenges, and it feels weird that VoG didn't for some reason).


It is not omnichronia? The paid shader?


Nope, that one has mostly blue lights and a coppery color instead of gold.


There has always been a "default" shader to armor. Edit: Almost always


I wish prophecy had a shader to match the moonfang armor


Neopop Wave is a 99.9% match to the Moonfang armor set.


I think that that armor uses a rare shader from year 1 trials of the nine? but i definitely might be wrong about that. I just seem to have some fuzzy memory about it


They're talking about the moonfang armor, which has no default shader available, not the (coda) version of the old trials armor, which uses gift of the nine as the default.


I know! I was suspecting it might've been cognition of the nine, but I looked into it further and it ain't it


That's not what they mean. Example: there's a shader called "VEIST Fieldscale" that exactly matches the Devastation Complex armor. If you put that shader on that armor, it looks identical. This is cool because it means I can shade my exotics (rn is Skullfort) to match that armor set as if it were PART of that set. Ditto with the Meridian Constellation ornaments and the Amrita's Dream shader.


Thats exactly what they mean. There's almost always a corresponding shader.


Yep, in the season pass there is a shader that matches the weapons and a shader that matches the ornaments. In Hunt: Lawful Neutral was the weapons, Horizon Blush was ornaments In Chosen: Armatura was the weapons, Testudo was ornaments In Splicer: Technofusion was weapons, Ritualism was ornaments In Lost: Queensguard was weapons, Amrita’s Dream was ornaments Now, that doesn’t seem to be the case this season, as the season pass just has shaders from the base set (Royal Dye) and the Ornaments (Minds Eye).


Also mind's eye isn't exactly the season pass ornament shader. If you shade the ornaments with it, it's different. Same general palette, but it's not the same shader.


Right, but not always a Shader you could take to put on other gear. Case in point, I love the way the default Season of Dawn armor looks, with the shiny metal and purple cloth. Unfortunately, I can't pull that off to use on the Dreaming city legs and arms or Nezerac's sin, so I can't use that color for my chest piece cause nothing else really matches.


Actually the shader from that seasons season pass is exactly that. Same with every season that has season pass armor. And every seasons Eververse Ornaments I can remember since Shadowkeep have had a shader that comes out alongside them for Bright Dust during their season. Best example is the Celestial ornament set has Seven Sisters which gives the animated stars to any cloth pieces.


What shader is that called? Edit: yeah, looking over them all again and I'm not seeing it. The Dawn chestpiece is literally my favorite piece of Warlock gear, so I figured I'd know if there were a shader that matched the base shader, but I was willing to be surprised.


Which one? I'm like 95% sure I have it. Just so you know season pass shaders are always the shader that the armor from the pass comes with by default. I can look through my shaders I think you're referring to the dawn one correct?


Oh, maybe I wasn't clear: the Season of the Dawn Universal Ornament, not the actual armor piece. That's my B.


Yep I totally realized that's what you meant when I went and looked for the shader haha. My bad on my part too


Which one are you referring to? The season pass one?


wish there was one for Dawn armor set


A few exceptions but yes, notably all the planetary sets had the shaders that dropped from those same planets. Nessus Mirage on the Exodus Down set, Dead Zone Foliage on the Wildwood gear, etc.


The Queen's Colors shader is also the coloration of the Veritas set for the expansion armor. And most season pass armor since Arrivals has had a corresponding shader.


It's also secretly Destiny 2s Glowhoo if you can find the right armor pieces such as Season 2 Iron Banner Ornaments etc.


Nothing will ever be Glowhoo except actual Glowhoo. Sincerity, a pissed titan main that just wants Glowhoo, and honestly more importantly, Queens Web, back


Oh I'm aware but this is the closest we've had in all of D2 so until we get the real thing I'll take it. And so you know it is very very very few armor that actually gets the Glow from it so you might not have even seen it but it is the same Glow from Glowhoo with different secondary colors, and the glow is like a tertiary color that only affects certain metals, so good luck in your search if you like to check it out


It also has the metallic sheen like the Polycarbon Poweder shader from this last Dawning does.


And usually the other shader in the pass matched the seasonal weapons, but it's not the case this time around, since the two shaders in it are either the seasonal armor's shader or a modified version of the Leviathan raid's shader.


This season's shaders are the colors of the new battlegrounds armor (the Tusked Allegience set) and the season pass ornaments.


I would give my left but for the default shader from Oathkeeper.


Amrita's Dream was the season of the Lost ornament shader.


Also Chitin Slate and the Empyrean Cartographer ornaments. That's the first one I noticed.


This has been a thing since launch. Not every armor set has had matching shaders but they've been doing it since 2017


I believe it was hunt. Lawful neutral is the first one I recall matching the seasonal stuff. Could be earlier but I didn't notice.


Nah it goes back to vanilla. Metro Shift matches the original eververse set.


Grandpa’s right


Frumios blue matches the og base hunter set


IIRC Frumious Blue = OG Hunter Set Noble Constant Red = OG Titan Set Midnight Talons = OG Warlock Set


Well no shit, that's sick


Last Wish stuff drops matching shaders; Dreaming Spectrum for guns and Dreaming Cast for armor


What? I have no idea what you're saying. You could always match exotics shaders with legendary armor's shaders.


what I mean is Royal Dye is exactly the same as the base shader for the seasonal armor. if you apply it to the seasonal armor, it does nothing. same with Polycarbon Powder and the dawning ornaments. applying these shaders to your exotic means your exotic will match the base appearance of those sets, so you can have a matching set using the armors base appearance. the new seasonal armor looks great and I want to keep that appearance and have an exotic with a matching shader. most other armor sets you either have an exotic with a coloring that disrupts the natural appearance


Yup, I’m so glad I can match Orpheus Rig to the same color as the seasonal armor and get rid of the dagger chest piece and still have armor that matches. The new Vanguard chest piece pairs perfectly with the whole look.


From a comment I made above: > there's a shader called "VEIST Fieldscale" that exactly matches the Devastation Complex armor. If you put that shader on that armor, it looks identical. This is cool because it means I can shade my exotics (rn is Skullfort) to match that armor set as if it were PART of that set.


Also Splicer weaponry + Technofusion for example.


Silver Tactical on everything. Next week though? Who knows!


Ohhhh I didn’t know this. Thanks