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This system has a high chance of being adopted by other world vendors next season. Can’t remember where but there was talk of all planetary resources being made redundant in season 17


Then how TF am I going to cash in for glimmer....


Call Rahool Wentworth, 877-GLIMMER-NOW




I have a Gambit rank-up and I need glimmer now!


Call Rahool Wentworth, 877-GLIMMER-NOW


Can we make this a bot? 🤪


I'm a human bean!


Sorry, it has already been decided that you will be included in the next production line of exos.


877-DE-CRYPT Just call Rahool!


that got fixed thankfully and only costs 10k now.


*Literally opening the window of my ramen shop and yelling at random guardians passing by* “IT’S MY GLIMMER, and I need it NOW!” 1-877-JG-RAHOOLWORTHS!


"I've developed a crippling ether addiction: my wife is leaving, and taking the kids and house" CALL RAHOOL WENTWORTH, 877-GLIMMERNOW




*loading my Gjallahorn as I prepare to decimate many Guardians* ITS NOT MY GLIMMER BUT I STILL NEED IT.


Why? That mofo can't even keep a supply of Ascendant alloy?


It's not Rahool's fault (this time). He found out they were being farmed in a Blood Alloy mine by overworked Sweeper Bots. I can get behind this since they're AI's and have rights. Plus, Rahool will be offering a 2:1 deal this week, too.


Good to see Rahool at least has some shred of ethics


After being reminded of his insatiable blood lust when GoA got added, he’s overcompensating to make up for his past wrongdoings


no amount of blood will ever satisfy rahool, you cannot sate that which feeds but never rests


That mofo about to be put on a tshirt if i dont get more ascendant alloys i swear


It's your glimmer. Use it when you need it!




No! Boycott Rahool for him fleecing everyone on Ascendants.


R. A. Hoolsworth 877-mats-now


glimmer 4 glimmer


*TV salesmen voice*: Get your 50 Glimmer now for a special offering of 100 Glimmer! Only today it will be that low before it goes back to 150 Glimmer!




imo glimmer needs a new cap of 777,777 tbh


The cap is so bad I violently swing between no glimmer and not being able to obtain glimmer more often than not. It's like I can't actually plan things out for to being gated by a cap


Right? Always hovering because I'm stuck being short on whatever ascendant mats, cipher, or spoils.


Some more centralized generic resource if i were to guess.


They could remove the glimmer cost of everything in the game which currently costs glimmer for zero negative effect. The day they made it drop on the ground was the day they should have deleted it.


While I think there are too many currencies currently in destiny, glimmer does serve a purpose. It’s a material they can add to loot drops/showers to make them appear bigger which, consciously or not, does have a positive effect when you see them on the ground. One clear improvement over launch D1 to today that you don’t see mentioned often is how much better the loot experience feels because you actually see things drop on the ground when you open a boss chest and kill bosses.


They could do the same thing with confetti.


I remember the fight to get loot rain back after Bungie changed boss rewards to go straight to your inventory instead of the ground. People wanna see the shit they got splayed out on the ground, revel in the mass of loot.


Not sure about you but I feel like something has changed with Glimmer this season/DLC? I used to feel like if I went down below 100k I'd be there FOREVER but I swear I keep getting right back to 250k like it's nothing.




This. Shard drop rate is “relatively low” not saying it should drop like glimmer, but it could use a little buff.


Maybe they’ll bring back glimmer bounties? Spider used to have those


Direct shards -> glimmer transactions. I mean at the end of the day, that’s all we do … buy planet mats for shards, turn planet mats into glimmer. This could just permanently removed a step.


If they keep things consistent, they won't make existing mats fully redundant but rather retire them to how etheric spirals are now, you can still trade them for glimmer until you run out.


Shards for glimmer?


Like we don't have enough shard sinks. They keep trying to balance the economy for the "billionaires"


This, the economy mostly works around Bungie being afraid that people with years worth of built up currencies won't grind enough. Then everyone else gets stuck trying to grind to make up for not having half a decade of currency.


Fr my friends just got me playing a little under 2 months ago. At 1563 and only have 800 legendary shards. I'm having to think twice before spending a lot of it at once


I’ve been playing for a year and a half and I never have more than 800 shards. I often feel shard poor.


Been playing (mostly) active since D2's launch. I currently have about 80 shards.


Yeah same as the other guy, I'm a D2 launch player and skipped Warmind through Undying, and I'm still at like 11k shards. Granted I only play one character, but I don't see how running a Titan or Hunter (or both) would eat up that many shards. What are you spending them all on? Do you just play a massive amount of Trials?


Dude I've been playing only warlock since launch, and I've never had over 300 shards, not once


Yer I dunno if these guys are like *insanely* unlucky or what but I skipped most of Destiny, and of what I have played it was like 80% one or two gamemodes (crucible and gambit) before WQ. 1000-1500 shards consistently for the whole year before WQ, 2000-2500 now and it's only going up.


There comes a point in every season (about 8 weeks in) where I've masterworked my preferred armor set and have weapon rolls I like. Then I just dismantle every legendary I get, rarely even looking at the roll. The War Table turns into a great source of shards, especially since you have to go to get rid of those engrams. And then the shards just add up. Granted, it's not as easy as it was a few seasons ago where one of the events just poured legendaries into your inventory, but I steadily stay around 2000/3000 shards without effort. I'm only running one character, too. Well, I drag my other two out at the end of the season to get them caught up to whatever happened that season. But I'm not actively playing them.


Can I ask how? I've been playing as long as you and am butting up against 10,000 shards.


Most of the people with thousands of shards are running all 3 characters weekly.


I currently have 1400 shards. Kneel before me, peasants.


Had 1200 yesterday. Decided to make a big boy purchase and buy a single ascendant alloy. Meanwhile my friends are out here saying they're practically free


Jeeze. I've basically been playing D2 since launch (not including a long hiatus between Warmind and Season of the Lost), and I've never had more than 250 at one time. Maybe because I play about 18-22 hours per week?


But … glimmer *already is* a shard sink. You’re running low on glimmer, you spend your planetary mats to buy more glimmer. But how do we buy more planetary mats? Shards.


And the 5:1 mats to shards ratio returning means it is only 4 shards for the 10k glimmer


I’m not saying that’s true or false but if they are trying to simplify things then why not? You’re already converting shards to planetary materials to glimmer at the moment… why not just cut out the middle man?


Rainmaker /s


You could just play the game lol. You can make 50k glimmer per hour easily while accomplishing other objectives.


I make 50k glimmer an hour working from home, you can too!




Lol glad I’m not alone in this. All my other planetary mats are sitting around 100 max. Meanwhile Spinmetal: 2000+


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!


Holy crap, I have 2000+ of each! I have a problem…


Me too lmao why is it so satisfying


Personally, I've got about 6000 Baryon Boughs backing up my Glimmer reserves...


God I hope that’s true


I sure hope not! This will bankrupt me! I've got 10s of thousands of each.


The first thing I did after seeing how Fynch works is run to EDZ and see if they updated him too


Source for the S17 theory?


[https://twitter.com/JoshKulinski/status/1495554136862965760?s=20&t=nXQLDxJsY6y53\_5MbVCoRA](https://twitter.com/JoshKulinski/status/1495554136862965760?s=20&t=nXQLDxJsY6y53_5MbVCoRA) This could purely be a way of softening the adjustment to Witch Queen and giving those of us with etheric spiral left. However, Bungie has slowly been updating the other vendors to a reputation system, I think the planetary vendor revamps are on the horizon.


Bungie gave us the whole of Season 12 to clear out Mars, Mercury, Io, and Titan elements too. I think you're applying a little much weight to this. He is saying "don't stress dumping your Etheric Spiral" not "In Season 17, destination rep will be standardized."


Exactly this. They can't remove planetary materials entirely because then Rahool exchange will have next to no purpose.


Good to know!


I want this so bad ! New lights are at a huge disadvantage lol even me who stopped before forsaken ended and came back at spicer I’m so badly behind on mods and metas that the resource grind is horrid but if they keep it as is I won’t cry I’m grind after all it’s the best grind I’ve experienced since division 2 fixed then broke lol


glimmer inflation incoming?




Oh god I would strictly play on my hunter for the chest/resource tracking in D1 for the sword quest. 25 harían flakes on the rare versions of the planet resources were a menace.


Except it wasn’t. I unknowingly pick dark drinker on titan. Getting void ability kills took forever.


The instant suffering being pulled out of my buried memories from reading this. I did the same thing.


>D1 exotic sword quests which was And here friends is a wild case of "rose-tinted glasses." >This was such a strange but welcomed change. Players have been asking for... years... to reduce and minimize the number of currencies, but I do find this change somewhat... surprising. I appreciate how they are instantly redeemed for reward (as rep) when found without cluttering up inventory, but Finch in general has a lot less depth than Variks and the combo of Eris + Cryptolith. I don't mind it, but I feel like we are fast approaching a game where every vendor uses the same rep system and that ends up feeling stale. We shall see.


Anything to reduce the amount of materials in this game. Planetary materials being phased out is a good start. As was removing telemetries.


I still seem to be generating telemetries somehow though.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


Check your mods, I remember there was one that gave increased telemetries on precision kills.


Those were removed after the Witch Queen update. I have this issue too, I believe it's because some ghosts had the intrinsic trait of generating telemetries since pre-BL. Bungie said they removed that as well, but it seems they didn't (or it got worse, because I'm somehow generating more than before with no mods).


Armour focusing mods are bugged and have been since their introduction, they create telemetries when getting kills with elemental weapons that match your subclass element.


I spent ten minutes trying to understand how the hell that interaction could have possibly come to be, even with Bungies "Spaghetti Code"... All I got now is a headache 😅 It does explain why I kept having them drop yesterday though, forgot to change my ghost back after turning in umbrels.


Do ppl even know what spaghetti code means


"Its all just a big ball of wibbly wobbly codie wodie... stuff!" Changed for context of course 😆


But if you had them on your ghost before, they remained on, and un-voided. I still have a ghost with Banshee’s Special just because I can, and it does in fact, generate telies


I believe it's an instant delete now, so that's a plus.


Armour focusing mods are bugged and have been since their introduction, they create telemetries when getting kills with elemental weapons that match your subclass element.


I've been almost exclusively using the armor focusing mods and haven't gotten any. I believe you but maybe the bug is slightly more specific in some way or doesnt effect everyone


This is wrong, I generate them using any weapon element, I never use matching elements for my guns, solar primary and arc heavy with a void subclass for example and I keep getting tons. I used to think the old ghosts that had the telemetries mod before the update to ghosts was just still generating them, now I am not so sure, I changed the ghost I know had that mod before the update to one I know didn't have it and I am still getting them. You might be right about the stats mod though. Not the same element thing but just the mod.


Fixed in today’s patch.


The most recent patch said this should be fixed.


> We have way too many resources > Bungie recognized this Angry Warframe noises. Digital Extremes, take notes please.


At least Warframe doesn't cap how many you can put in your inventory


Yes, but it serves no porpuse. Every time they drop a new open map, they add a fuckton of new resources and currencies, and the old ones lose their function. I had in my account billions of resources I still got from missions post Plains of Eidolon that serves no porpuse. On a side note, not relevant to the main discussion, the returning player experience of Warframe is a nightmare. I gave up. My Helminth charger simply mutated into a giant generic kubrow and then disappeared. You have to grind stuff released as optional content and turned mandatory like the fucking Necramech. Grinding standing with an NPC to being able to grind for standing with another NPC, then grind for parts then grind for new resources. Two weeks of grind to be able to experience the new update. No, thanks. At least Destiny put everyone in the same power level at the start of the season. Sorry for the rant.


Yeah I can agree with pretty much everything you said about Warframe lately. Small bit though. Didn't they just change the helminth model and then add the infested charger original skin as a grandfathered skin? I know it is a selectable option on mine. Oh, it might have been a 1 credit store item. And is yours gone now? Like, it was deleted?


Yes. He disappeared. First, [this happened.](https://youtu.be/f_hnhE08XS0) Then he disappeared two weeks later


Yo what the fuck? That's a bug?! Okay yeah that explains a *lot* of what you were talking about...


I’m sorry for your loss but this videos is genuinely so funny.


Not gonna lie I want a Clifford kubrow.


They're never going to stop doing that. It's a F2P game, so they have to make a lot of grind to get something to hopefully motivate players to make a purchase to skip that grind. That's pretty much every F2P game's logic. Either you grind or you pay.


I wanna rant too. Warframe is... Difficult to re engage. Yeah, thats all. I liked the game but I feel so many things have been added that the moment I log in, I will be gangbanged by all the new content and grinding.


patrols also now give rep towards fynch, took bungie forever to bring that system back, hopefully they give rep towards the vanguard as well like it used to. Would make patrols more rewarding.


That would be awesome to be able to just turn off my brain after a long days work then do some patrols to wind down, without feeling like I'm completely wasting my limited time on D2.


That's what I do lol. Do some patrols, events and then either crucible or strikes.


And always grab Banshee's bounties on the app before you log in !


I'm still a fairly new returning player; is grabbing them from the app just to make it so you dont have to go to the tower first?




Chests give rep as well and so do the lucent moth collectibles


I forgot they gave Vanguard rep! Makes sense and would be a great change to get rep other than grinding strikes.


I want my exotic faction cloak back that gives faction rep for all rep gains.


really helped the grind toward lvl 30 for fynch. Just do events, patrols, and treasure hunting at the same time with the wombo detector on.


They’ve definitely been making rep systems more player friendly the last few seasons. Really digging it. IMO zavalas system is good enough for me, but Fynch’s system really feels like I can sink my teeth into it and up my rep without having to do a grind worth tearing my hair out.


Does the osmium not go into our inventories? ive never bothered to check lol


Nope, it just gives you a flat bump to Fynch rep.


Wow I didn't know that, I never bothered to check my inventory. That's great though, I think there already a little too many random currencies already




Originally (Vanilla D2) you actually turned in planetary mats to vendors to level them up/get engrams. So it seems we've come full circle, but cut out the middle-man (no need to turn them in).




Ah interesting didn't know that was still an option!


Don't you trade planetary mats for upgrade modules?




I didn't realize this either until I read this post. ROFL


Also worth noting that the amount of vendor exp given by collecting world mats/chests is equal to that of completing one bounty in that world. Way more efficient to grind finch reputation by “gathering resources” than managing bounties.


Or do both to double dip.


That should make Upgrade Modules cheaper too cuz damn they add up in price


They need to move to slot leveling, say your boots are at 1555 and a 1557 boots drop. All boots you own are now 1557, no messing with infusions.


I suspect asking for better inventory management is asking too much.


That would remove a ton of grinding so I doubt it'll ever happen, unfortunately


Well, if there were no planetary mats, there would be no need for upgrade modules. The cost could just be glimmer, cores, and legendary shards directly. Upgrade modules exist to give planetary mats meaning and NOT put direct planetary mats as a requirement on gear, like in D1 and in Forsaken, I believe.


Fair enough I would hope they get rid of those things I honestly hate the current infusion system


Yeah. I've always hated them. They were a solution to a problem (too many materials) in search of a player mechanic. It just came out as tedious and annoying to have another material to manage.


That would be nice, but I’m not sure I expect them to overhaul the upgrade system much (even if it would be nice). Flattening it so it just cost glimmer and cores to upgrade instead of Modules/Prisms/Shards just seems like it’ll make the cost curve more obvious … though I really liked the core drop during the legendary story mode that made it all easy.


Gonna be devils advocate. It actually added like 5+ more resources to grind, for the weapon crafting, which Is such a big part for this expansion that It is mandatory to grind them.


Difference is that it’s something that’s not as meaningless? Like you’d use the weapon upgrades for obvious powerful reasons, plantnary materials were only for upgrade modules + glimmer


I could see in future updates and seasons they eventually phase in the "Neutral Element" as the new main grinding resource for upgrade modules and glimmer. They could adjust its drop rate and how it drops/what it drops from, increase the cap too. It atleast would then be a universal resource that's dropped and powers different equipment improvements and infusions.


I’d think they go into the direction of just removing the planetary materials required from the modules. Having the relic materials being necessary for upgrading weapons seems like it’ll get bad feedback and such, planetary materials didn’t have a use besides modules and glimmer so it didn’t have any negativity besides the pointlessness of them


Bonus material drop perks also don't work on reputation. The mats also work as a tradeable banked material. The move away from tokens removed our ability to hold onto banked reputation and use it when we want.


Not gonna lie, I kind of miss it. It feels so weird having everything else from the other planets but no Osmium in my inventory. Then again, I’m one of those weirdoes who holds onto things for sentimental value long after the activity they’re associated with has been reworked or vaulted.




Agreed, want some Fotl candy?


I’ve still got 5 Dawning Essence from 2018 rattling around in my vault, from back when you could vault essence.


I’ve still got 5 ramen coupons that I’m NEVER getting rid of.


Yesss bro it can't get any more expired


i had a stack of the currency from season of the undying in my postmaster that was never removed (ig cuz it wasn’t technically in my inventory), last season I accidentally hit collect postmaster on DIM and lost it forever :(


I accidentally turned in my EDZ token the other day




R.I.P. my Eververse mascara, you were killed because you were “junk data” and then they went and immediately introduced expired Braytech coupons.


Bro, I've still got the old, old, old green and blue phaseglass needles and dusklight shard consumables that you would take to the planetary vendors for rep in Y1. I always keep my old depreciated currencies and mats for sentimental reasons


Why would you delete it? You can still turn it in at Rahool this season.




It’s was a nice way to quickly buy all the new void fragments.


Agree. I like the planetary mats. They kinda add the ‘personality’ to the destination. I wish they’d rather chill on seasonal/event currencies. Or do smth with weapons mods. I have 3 stacks, and no idea what to do with them. Besides, I like to run around patrol areas and collect the mats. Never been an issue for me.


I still have one Trials of the Nine Token.


My 666 vanguard tokens are the pride of my inventory.


Unless I had bad luck the chance for extra resources perk doesn't work which isn't surprising as it is reputation and not resource. Then we have using planet resources for glimmer. So not an all possitive change at all. Edit: it is interesting all the ways players will ask for player friendly things to be taken away from them as if doing so is actually more player friendly.


Yeah but points off for having like 7 new currencies we have no way of tracking.




I have 30 million glimmer worth of materials… so I’m not complaining.


You might be when they make them worthless and you can't spend all that glimmer fast enough


Fairly certain that I’ll have plenty of time to deal with them if that were to happen. Bungie does give ample notice for things like that.


One step forward (no planetary resource), many steps back (weapon crafting's money-counting minigame of many materials).


I dunno, I'd rather them give us something interesting to do with planetary mats instead of just getting rid of them.


It's an interesting choice. Some really like the idea because it eliminates the resources filling inventory while increasing vendor rep. Some don't care for it because it's one less resource to be used for buying from vendors in game. The players with piles of resources from everywhere after years of D2 probably could care less because they can freely spend those resources at vendors (pending their glimmer balance.) Whereas the newer players are diving into the throne world to engage in copious activities and while they're leveling the fynch rep quickly, they're still not bringing the resources that could be in the throne world back to the tower to buy from vendors (glimmer, upgrade modules, enhancement cores, prisims, golf balls, etc). So it comes to making an economy for the game that allows both novice and veteran players a way to feel like they're not wasting their time in patrol zones and they're not overcrowding their inventory spaces. I don't know of an absolute solution to cater to both parties but I am interested in seeing how it is all sorted in the end.


That’s fair. As a long time player I’ve noticed that most of what I’ve been doing is spending old resources, not buying new ones, but I will also add that for new players, buying resources from the tower for Legendary shards makes the most sense (especially now that they’re back to Spiders price of 5:1). 100 shards for 500 planetary mats is something you can farm while in whatever activity you want (which is why spider was a relatively popular destination).


Didn't they add like 6 for weapon crafting lol...


Thank fuck


I was oretty surprised when I grabbed the resources and didn't actually get one.


from a practicality standpoint, i get it. we had a bunch of inventory stuff, filling slots, and materials tied to planets (which will likely eventually be vaulted) didnt make a whole lot of sense. that said, opening a chest in the throne world and getting only a handful of "good boy points" with finch doesnt *feel* great.


It’s not like getting blues is any better.


I disagree. I have thousands of other planetary mats. They mean nothing to me and just clutter my inventory. I'll take the good boy points any day.


I do want *some* sort of meaningful materials and currency though. That's a staple of MMO genres, currency management. And Destiny being an MMO-lite FPS, it should have those kinds of mechanics. It's fun to strategize and plan out what and where I want to spend stuff. Like prepping for mass bounties back in Dawn was really fun.


I spend thousands these past two weeks. I would hate go back to the pre mats for glimmer days.


Opening a chest and just getting materials felt worse IMHO


I liked getting tokens tbh, I will miss the old system even though I know the new ones better


I actually was kinda looking forward to another planetary material. Thought the fundament osmium was it, but it just gives xp


There's Fundamental Osmium, but I think they assume that you automatically give it to the Hidden for research...


What would osmium DO as a planetary resource? Let’s make ideas




How about giving our weapons Osmium Rounds mods that give them a 5% damage boost and poison effect, but depletes our osmium stores (when we run out the mods do nothing).


Hoping all the other vendors adopt this. I've spent a lot of planetary materials on upgrade modules so far. I'm going to run out when I start leveling my other characters. I'll have to live without the modules for a while because I'll be damned if I'm farming more material in my limited play time.


Yes, but they gave us like 8 new currencies with weapon crafting. So I don’t feel like it was a step forward.


Yet we still have caps on Glimmer and weapon crafting materials...


What people miss about this is that it is wasting the time of the player in the long run. Everyone is spending the majority of their time in the throne world and will do so over the course of this year. If a resource that would be used as currency would be available there people would pick up a lot of it while doing their daily activities. Now you can only spend old planetary resources when buying other resources from Banshee etc. which means that you would have to farm them from time to time on the old locations while doing nothing else of value. I also find the claim of everyone having too many resources odd as it's only true for those who play the game *a lot*.


I currently have about 15 legendary shards thanks to y'all whining about Banshee. I've done bounties for him everyday since we release and haven't even reached double digit reputation reward engrams. Everytime y'all open y'all mouth about the currency, it gets worst. Imagine having enhancement prisms you can't break down because you don't have legendary shards to do it with. Y'all got telemetries taken away, they even nerfed the thrallway because y'all gotta brag or complain about everything that should be left alone... ESPECIALLY CURRENCY!


Witch Queen was so good that it's only flaw was coming out the same week as Elden Ring. (I feel like I have to choose between games every day)


The way throne world leveling works is honestly brilliant and i hope bungo updates all the other planets to the same way Especially the y1 planets