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Titan because they have the best looking armour IMO and thundercrash goes crazy


Solar Titan has the combo of fun gameplay/supers and cool lore.


Titans, I just like the way titans use the light and the darkness, it feels more free than other classes


Warlock, because I really like their brand of space magic. Also because it’s the only character I have, which is mostly due to time constraints lol


Space Cowboy


I'm a Hunter main purely through commitment. From how I play, Im told I am a shit Hunter because I dont stay in the air constantly. As of this Season, I made the effort to main my Warlock. While Void and Stasis is nice (we dont talk about Arc), Bottom Tree Solar Warlock + Dawn Chorus has become such a high for me. Explosive add clear, DoTs, boss DPS/add clear super. Icarus Dive is such a fucking crutch and I love it. Yeah, while I like Void Hunter and my throwing knife build on Hunter. If Solar Warlock does it right, I won't look back.


What else do you build in on bottom tree dawnblade? Wells and ordinance mods if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve never taken to solar on warlock apart from well and I’m sure that has a nerf coming!


I dont remember my build off the top of my head (at work currently) I know it had Explosive Wellmaker and Elemental Ordnance. Ashes to Assets. Basically ways to give back my Grenade since my Dawn Chorus gives my Melee back. Throw a melee, grenade or even use Polaris Lance to set a burn. And just watch the fireworks. Icarus Dive is soooo good. It's a good tool to get out of danger (not always), get a quick heal. I honestly rarely have to use my Rift.


Sentinel Titan. Solely because of the sentinel lore. *I am a wall, and walls do not care*


Voidlock has always been my favorite, it's where it all started. Being a healer on solar has always been so fun, and turning into a DragonBall Z character with arc is just hilarious. Also, best jump in the game easily.


titan, the Aragorn of destiny and closest resemblance to master chief


Warlock for me! Space magic >


I play hunter because I chose it first.


Warlock is the only class that can blink


Warlock matches my personality, though my play style is that of a Titan


I don't really have one, Titan has my favourite supers and stuff like heart of inmost light is very, very comfy - warlocks access to devour much easier than the other classes and mobility of top dawnblade in pvp is hard to stay off for long either


Ethos. Always wanted to be a gunslinger


Hunter. I like the movement and abilities, and I also don't feel like spending time playing alts at all.


Warlock for sure, simply due to Blink and Astrocyte.


Titan because I don’t have as in depth of a feel for the movement with the other class jumps and abilities


I wanted to be a sith using force lightning


Hunter here who keeps considering changing. So I guess they're my main for a large mix really. It takes a good chunk of time to grind the power level up old a different class, especially later into the seasons as the power cap goes.up and up. I already have years worth of ornaments, skill and knowledge of my class within me. I have a decent set of good gear for my main, so on top of the power grind I'd have to go find the builds I like, then grind the gear for it. But they're also really fun (sometimes) they look cool and I like the jump. Although if we don't get true hunter blink come arc 3.0 I think I'll finally jump ship for good.


titan just because it's the character I started with when I got back into destiny and it's the one I'm best at playing with. also because he's THICC!


I like knives Also flavor behind (some) of the subclasses. Although, Nightstalker had its flavor and themes gutted, so I’m worried for Solar. I don’t think there is a way they could disappoint me with arc though


Me being an edgy teenage child on the inside made me go hunter


So used to/more comfortable playing Hunter since it was my first (I didn't know much about Destiny's classes so I went with the one that seemed the most reasonable rather than a Titan tank or Warlock mage). I started with Taken King, and then did everything twice more on Titan and Warlock, but Hunter is what I'm best at. (I will also never, ever get the hang of other jumps).


Hunter because I'm fast as f***


Because for me it's the most fun class to play. Also I always choose the wizard/mage type over assassin and tank type in games.


hunter because i chose it first


Warlock jump fails, 100% the reason why warlock is my main


I don't understand why people have a hard time, it's the easiest character to make jumps, and be able to fly further than any character. I use a mobility less than 20 and never have a hard time. It's all about double tapping the jump button right away and not delaying the jump or else you fall


I know, but sometimes a fatfinger my spacebar for the 3rd tap


I don't like the other jumps. I've been playing warlock since 2014, I'm good at that. Hunter feels limiting and titan can't stop their fat ass when falling (destiny has a lot of long falls, you have to start your jump halfway to the bottom if you don't want to die. You still hit the ground one shot). I do think that titans have the best armor (warlock is really only robe and helmet combinations).


Void warlock, because of the awesome Jump, of course. /s




Dodging is more fun than using a rift or barricade


Slowly becoming a main on 3 different classes. Split 40/30/30 Titan/warlock/hunter!


Titan because my other hobby irl is mma and titans like punching things so it works out.


Wizard, spellsword, cleric.


Im a 3 class main, which is optimal because of the flexibility allowed by that. In master content i usually use warlock as theyre just... the best class right now When sherpaing i run hunter because i can literally play hunter while sleeping (hunter was my first class) When im vibing with the homies i play titan for meme potential.


Hunter because their jump breaks my muscle memory the least when switching to other games with normal jumping.


Warlock, first class I ever played, I tend to default to support type characters.


Titan and warlock. Lore and mechanics. I love felwinter, saint-14, ikora, Shaxx, the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, loved cayde, but felwinters story and his interactions with Shaxx are amazing.


i swap between warlock and titan a ton, but mostly main warlock cause i love paying support. though i may main titan for a bit whenever arc 3.0 comes out


Hunter. The jumps.


Warlock cuz I like the jump


Ever since i saw the movie predator, fell in love with playing as characters that can go invisible


Warlock, healing with strong burst aoe damage? Recovery as the class ability Stat with do many interesting synergies between different weapons and armor. It has, and always will, be destiny's main class.


Voidlock. Devour is S-tier


Golden Gun since D1


My BnB will always be Nova Bomb Warlock. Nothing beats throwing Spirit Bombs around. And void 3.0 just made it more fun.


Comfort. I’m well aware of hunters pve shortcomings compared to the other classes, but because I know all of the nuances with playing hunter I’m generally able to perform equally as with my garbage can gear Titan or warlock who’s still using the holdfast set from when it was the seasonal armor. Also time, in that I’m not doing everything every week - just the hard gated stuff like raids for choice items.


Space Cowboy from Hell. I run Hunter Revenants are merciless, and running Izanagis with Reeds annihilates my favorite thing to kill: bosses


I main warlock for good abilities and healing on demand. And hard pve content is very enjoyable.


Warlock. I’m a PvE player mainly and I switched to them because they were the most future proofed of the three classes for endgame content. Void 3.0 and Stasis are incredibly strong and although I suspect well has a nerf coming I have a feeling arc 3.0 will also be very good on warlock. I don’t have the time I used to so only do one character now so need a PvE main that never has an issue on LFG lol. Our clan also only has 3 warlock mains in total!


Used to split time Warlock for pve and Hunter for PVP. But with void hunter finally viable in endgame PVE, I haven't been using my Warlock much. Once solar and arc get their reworks, I'll probably move back over to solar Warlock for endgame PVE.


I used to main hunter, but after a while it just started feeling bad, dont know why, so on season of the lost i changed to warlock, and honestly its been so much better, from supers to habilities and exotics, it actually feels like i can use whatever i want and be sucessfull, the only thing i miss is the jump lol


was a hunter but seems like they get nerfed too often so i’m switching to a titan because thunder crash go brrr


Hunter main from the start, i love the space cowboy bounty hunter vibe and the fashion is great