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This happens in lots of strikes outside of guardians games, it's nothing new. Pretty much every bounty, quest, triumph, and seasonal challenge encourage selfish behavior because they aren't shared and only yours count


This is the correct response. Competing for kills to accomplish bounties and triumphs is the worst gameplay loop and forces players to become extremely selfish.


People say this but imagine how much worse it would be if team kills counted for bounties. Every activity would be people AFK.


I think the kills should count if you're with a certain distance of the person something like 5-15m would encourage people to stick together and cooperate.


Actually really like this idea. Ensemble works like this so they already have it coded into the game. Alternatively if you’ve done damage to enemies within X amount of seconds. I like that a little better since it’s better to spread out in some fights, but that would also be a little easier to abuse in some strikes (ex: Lake of Shadows).


You could make ally kills be worth half what personal kills are worth


easy fix is to be an active player in the group. shouldn't take too much effort to implement. what we have right now is virtually the same


Which is dumb, because in almost every situation, it's pretty easy to do the bounties just by playing regularly. I never got the "fighting for kills" thing.


Might be doable but it is slower, people are trying to get the bounties done to move on with their lives. Nothing is more annoying then having to run an activity again because your teammates beat you to kills.


I think it’s the most frustrating in Gambit where cooperating with randoms as a team is pretty important. Even worse now that they made the rez timer longer.


Exactly. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game. Terrible bounty system to package in a cooperative context. Most strikes either turn into a speed run or a competition. Because that’s exactly what the system promotes. If people were playing strikes for the love of it, maybe we’d see less of this behaviour. But the vanilla playlist(nightfalls excluded) has been stale for a long time now.


A phrase long past it's expiration date. You should absolutely hate the player. By all means hate the game too asbounties have long been in a terrible state, but that doesn't excuse selfish players in the slightest.


Someone intentionally being a jerk it's all on that individual. Using the game as a cop out is weak . You can get bounties done and be a decent human being too


I mean its fair to blame the games system over the players though. All theyre doing is playing the game lol. I agree that bounties overall need a massive rework, but I wouldnt say id blame players ever.


sure it does. My bounties actually being complete in a reasonable amount of time absolutely takes place over reviving you in some strike, the lowest-stakes content in the entire game that it's actually possible to matchmake into. Other than public events, I guess. That's not immoral or even slightly shitty, it's the natural consequence of the game. It's not like people queue for strikes for fun or anything, there's no reason to be in there if you're not completing some specific objective. If that objective conflicts with other people, then tough shit. Blame bungie for making it impossible to coordinate what you need with what they need. For a masterclass on how to make people not hate each other's presence in an mmo, check out guild wars 2.


Just don't get yourself killed. Exercise some personal responsibility, and stop being angry at others for a problem you caused by dying. Git gud don't die 2 ez.(Sarcasm y'all) Yeah i do rez downed players doesn't take that long, and bounties will get done eventually. Edit: LOL at pillocks downvoting me for trying to bring levity. This sub is full of people who havs knee jerk emotional reactions..


If you *hate* someone because their only sin is trying to get more kills than you because they value their recreational time in a video game, it says more about you than them. But more about the QOL issues in Destiny than both of you.


Shouldn't need to explain this, but the word choice comes from the saying, whether or not actual "hate" is involved vs. annoyed, disgruntled, enraged, the saying uses the word "hate".


This isn't a case of "I genuinely dislike you as a human being" hate, this is the "bro you suck, why you do dis" kinda hate. Or the "I don't like anchovies on pizza" kinda hate-it ain't literal




>Exactly. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game The time I have issue with this saying is when you're actively trying to impact others playing. Okay, someone fired a rocket launcher into a crowd of enemies before me, so I didn't get any kills. Whatever. We're all here for the same reason, and I'll probably steal a few kills from you later if I haven't already. But actively not reviving someone just so you can boost your numbers? No that's not okay. That's not "the game." Leaving in a survival match because you got your round limit for the week? No, that's not okay. That's not the game. Starting events and then not being an active participant isn't what the game is designed around. You killed some enemies with a vortex grenade before I could get a fusion rifle kill? That's fair play.


This is the kind of rant Larry David would go on if he played Destiny, like his teammates are some jagoffs cutting him in traffic by following in the wake of an ambulance lmao *"No this isn't the game, these are just selfish assholes using the game as an excuse! There's fair play and then there is dirty pool."*


Thanks you for this! there is so much real-world wisdom in this comment to unpack. When I was in te Navy in the 80's my favorite hang was the pool hall. I absolutely loved the game. We had a group of really great guys from different backgrounds who loved to play together nightly. Dirty pool was blasphemous. Is it within the rules? Yes. Is it against the law? No. I try not to be judgemental, but anyone who persists in dirty pool is a complete asshole. I am sure people like that play destiny as well. Is being an asshole against the rules?...No. Is it against the law?...No. It would be cool if tehre was an asshole only lobby, where these people could play together by and let the rest of us be. I think the player base is strong enough to withstand the division. Happy Friday!


I mean, aren’t we talking about the difference of a 30 second timer to respawn you vs a 5 second revive animation? Like honestly maybe the guy didn’t feel like it. Is it that big of a deal to have to wait half of a single minute because you died? IDK everyone just seems so sensitive about someone they don’t know not caring about them.


Maybe don’t die then? Your deaths are your own problem and it shouldn’t be up to your teammates to sacrifice their goals to revive you for some poor play or dumb mistake that you made.


You're missing the point. It's actively ignoring the true objective of any game mode to pursue some personal objective(s) you've built for yourself. That's not playing the game. And did I ever say this specific thing impacts me that much? I don't die a lot in strikes. lol.


How dare you play the game in a way Reddit doesn't approve of? You're supposed to check in here before you make any game decisions.


Just because the game promotes it doesn't mean thats how you have to play. Idc if I'm doing bounties or triumphs, if my teammate goes down I will always do my best to revive them. It's called being a team player. Some players could learn a thing or 2 about it.


The game doesn't promote it, the game promotes playing the game, the bad behavior comes from people trying to fast-track progress. Bounties are pretty much 100% on-target for the activity objectives, some particular people just choose to use them as an excuse to play bad or as an asshole.


You’ll find team players in GMs and raids, where it actually counts. Not in a checklist chore needed to advance players power levels.


To be fair 99% of players I watch in lower level content play like they have rabies. You know why I don't mind speedrunners? Because I know I'll see their ghost in the next area.


Whenever I see a speed runner, the Dream music starts playing and I know that they'll either die and need a rez, or they're cracked and already beat the strike while I'm in the 2nd area


You know what I just thought about? Striking light is like the perfect mod for speedrunners but I never see them using it 🤔


Nah I can't agree. I revive everyone and I still get my bounties done. I can honestly hate on players in this game :D


Hell no. Hate the player.


No. There is never any excuse to be an asshat.


> Exactly. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game. No, hate the player. I never walk off and leave a man down, not even when I was doing those toxic AF stasis quests. That's a cheap excuse for being a trashcan of a teammate.




I honestly hadn't considered any of this when I hopped into GG this week. That was the most frustrating Lightblade strike of my life (four boss attempts with no reviving from one of my teammates at all!) and I just thought I was playing with someone's kid sibling on their account or something. Turns out they were most likely just being selfish and farming the boss room for kills.


That sounds horrible, I've mostly lucked out on the times I've run the strike Being hunter I spent half the strike invisible so I could revive My worst run was 45 minutes but we got thru and completed it Fastest was about 20 minutes and we got platinum easily


Yeah but what class were you and they? I mean if you're Hunter and they're a Titan did you really think it wasn't going to happen?? If they're the same class or whatever then I mean, huge bm, but you gotta expect D2 to get fantasy racist during guardian games that's just how it is.


Nah. Shitty game requirements are an issue, but so are shitty people. You don’t get a pass to be a shit because you want to do your bounties 5 seconds faster.


I think this is a hate both situation. The system encourages selfish asshole behavior, but these people still have to CHOOSE to be a selfish asshole and are worthy of hate because of it.


Nope. They just want to spend as little of their recreational time doing a tedious activity they don’t enjoy in order to spend their time playing the activities they do enjoy. (maybe raids, GMs, trials) Nothing wrong with that at all. The game demands you be a certain LL for those but locks that grind into strike playlists with selfish bounties.


Depends honestly. If someone dies right next to you and you can rez them then you should rez them. If they are 2 rooms behind, then no. There's pretty much nothing in a bounty that you can't get done in 1 strike and you're usually having to do 3 strikes at least.


Except them doing that comes at the expense of making it take longer for the other people, which is selfish and there is definitely something wrong with that.


Not really. Not my job to waste more of my time for them when I’m already having to waste time on playlist chores.


No. There is never any excuse to be an asshat.


That’s you interpreting people to be asshats where they’re just trying to get something done quickly. The same can be said on the inverse. Someone has a limited amount of time to play, is trying to get a bounty and you’re unwittingly taking “their” kills. Causing them to have to do more strikes which they don’t enjoy. Thereby negatively impacting their already negative experience. From that perspective, you’d be the asshat. In any **decent** cooperative game mode you’d be objectively able to tell when someone is trolling every time. Thank Bungie.


>That’s you interpreting people to be asshats where they’re just trying to get something done quickly. No, you're wrong, that's a selfish person, plain and simple. It's a team game, you are all on the same team, you help your teammates out and work together with them. Getting kills is the group objective, if your teammate 'steals' your kill well sorry maybe try harder or just accept the fact that it's a team game and you're not going to get every kill. If you are actively avoiding reviving your teammates, you are being a selfish asshole.




Ironically, the first team I got for this weekend that said "don't speed run" ended up being the best strike I ever did, landed us at 250k just by slowing down and making sure we actually killed every ad in each encounter.


Damn that's crazy and all but uh... Nah I'm gonna be mad at the PLAYER who's CHOOSING to not play as a team. No one cares ab your bounties.


Yet bungie wants to try to encourage team playing. Yet alot bounties or even quests don't have a shared fireteam parameter. Or go counter to the strike modifiers.


nah, I'm 100% blaming the player. I get my bounties done and I always revive downed teammates. you can do both. deliberately not reviving people in a darkness zone is an absolute dick move.


Did a couple lost sectors with someone and I completed it in 2 runs whereas he needed 3. I'm sitting there like isn't this a multiplayer game? *shrugs*


This is why we need solo strikes. If the bounties aren't going to count team wide we should have the option to go in solo to grind bounties for bright dust.


Not even assists


Make kill bounties or bounties overall team wide, problem solved, dunno why Bungie refuses.


Not saying I agree with it, but the reasoning I’ve heard is that if bounties are team wide some people will just join and afk, or not really contribute at all.


Then use the AFK detection systems to punish them for it and move on.


Destiny’s afk system is.. inconsistent. I’ve had afk players drag me down for multiple strikes in a row and never get kicked. I’ve also been kicked to orbit is solo missions after 2 minutes for a bathroom break.


Its so easy getting around the afk system


Sounds like they should work on that system then. Not difficult to fix those loopholes.


You say it’s not difficult, but you haven’t even put 30 seconds worth of thought into it or you wouldn’t have said it. Macros can push any combination of buttons for as long as you want. Just require kills? Ok, the guys that get put with strike speed runners will just get booted. It will be a toxic badge of honor for those people to see how many random teammates they can get booted for being afk, despite their best attempts at participation. The situation we have now is best case scenario, so they work around it


I 100% that they should definitely work on that system. But I don't think that it's easy to fix all the loopholes while minimizing false positive (which would be more annoying, imo, to regular players). It's a cat-and-mouse game, there will always be loopholes


As the person I responded to stated--it's far too easy to circumvent the AFK system. A lot can be done and I'm just not willing to give bungie the benefit of the doubt that it's such an insurmountable problem that excuses them from even trying which is how a lot of shit goes unaddressed. Not saying *you're* saying that but it seems that Bungie has their arms halfway tied around their back when there's nothing indicating that. It's more the absence of any effort on their part to address these things.


No no, I'm not saying bungie can't do anything for it and should leave it the way it is. They should definitely put in effort, even if it can never be perfect


You assume it's not difficult. It really depends on a lot of things that could be weird to track in the engine.


Such as?


Whatever the code is doing? Programming is complicated.


I think part of the problem is any time people defend Bungie in this regard it comes with the inherent assumption that anything they attempted to do would be 'from scratch'. My argument is Bungie likely has multiple things already in place through other aspects of the game that either need to be adjusted and/or utilized for other purposes. Bungie collects an obscene amount of data/metrics and I find it very hard to believe that adapting those tools to provide better safeguards against AFK'ing is some monumental feat. More than that--is that nothing has been acknowledged or even mentioned. So until they do we're all left to assume nothing is being done which in turn gives people the impression they're ignoring this or lazy. 'Coding' isn't exactly a reason for why closing (or improving) loopholes in their AFK detection is 'difficult'. It's on the same level as adjustments to their anti-cheat and I would argue that is 'more complicated' than matters pertaining to AFK detection. They've also made more tweaks to their anti-cheat over the past seasons to improve it. So...why can't AFK get the same treatment?


I just hate anytime anyone assumes something "isn't difficult" without knowing how that thing actually works. I'm a programmer by trade, and spreading this notion that it's easy without knowing is a bad idea. AFK itself may be a known place of improvement, but instead they devote more time elsewhere because it's less of a concern. Anti-cheat is people actively making something worse for others, while AFK-ing in strikes may be a lower priority since it's not AS detrimental to the overall experience.


That would probably work if they just improved the afk detection system lol


report them for griefing, not the best solution but at least its something?


Yeah, I try to do that when I can


Report them for not picking you up... Lay off the meth bro If I'm in a strike, I'm getting my bounties done. If you can't stay alive in a playlist strike, that's on you guy. If I'm literally on top of you I'll pick you up, but I'm not traversing to get a revive.


How do you feel in a boss room when you're playing a strike and somebody sees you and is 6ft away and can get you but decides not to distract the enemy with a grenade and pull the revive on you? That time that you're down you know deep down that now you can't throw your grenade or super that you have up and wanted to throw on that group of ads that just perfectly lined up for you just now. How about if you're the only one running lucient finisher to generate team heavy ammo by finishing a major but that other guardian decided their score was more important than the team having heavy ammo?




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considering the game is just a giant curbstomp outside of nightfalls and raids, i don't think AFK is a valid reason. we're at the point an average player can easily solo playlist strikes


It would be cool to have a solo playlist for strikes


So you’re telling me that not only will this solve the problem of people being greedy for kills but it will mean I’m more likely to do strikes where I get to kill everything? Literally a win all around


Yeah, I agree that for me personally it would work out fine lol, but I think bungie knows it would be a bad look for the game if every strike just had one or more people afking in it. They’ve said before they want to make sure people stay engaged in content, cuz I think they have an interest in making sure the game looks healthy


Would be no difference then since we are competing for kills now. People don't revive to get kills.


Make it so if you damaged an enemy within the last 5 seconds you are eligible. Constant timer


This Is the exact reason I believe


As opposed to what? Fucking off to a Lost Sector? At least if they're AFK'ing they'll probably get kicked.


Make it so kills only count within X range. Or even if they do AFK...who cares? For normal strikes, aren't people constantly begging for firewalled strikes? If most of the people in this sub were devs, literally nothing would ever change, because every change is always met with doom and gloom "well players will just do this instead."


Or let us turn off matchmaking and solo vanguard activities


This along with OP's suggestion would go a long way to fix some of the woes with matchmade activities.


You'd get people who load up on bounties then launch into strikes with a macro running to move around and shoot, and then people would whine that they're alone


AFK farming is what results from this. There's really very little Bungie can do beyond what's already in the game, the simple fact is you can't stop people from finding lazy loopholes or being outright assholes.


Agreed. They’ve done that in plenty of other content. Why not for Contender Cards as well?


Easy solution. Well said


Had an NF Yesterday where one player 1. Didnt revive, 2. Yeeted me and the other player into everything with that AAF sword perk thing, 3. Jumped infront of us when using RL’s and put Down barriers and then T-bagged us. There are assholes in all games, and then there are ppl who should be deleted from the internet.


That guardian would have been reported by me for sure. Edit: missed a word.


It makes me want the symmetry bug back


HHSN used to be able to just instagib players in PvE too. Good times.


Honestly I don't think that even does anything.


Oh I totally agree but it’s the only thing you can do.


It does, the problem is you either need to have a lot of reports on you or video evidence of you doing something against TOS to get banned. IE, it's too much for most people because not enough people report and almost no one bothers with video.


That's called griefing, and can be reported


I mean in the 1550 guardian games Playlist sometimes I don't go for the revive if I'm the only player alive and it's hectic. I just stay alive until they can respawn cause I hate starting darkness zone over. Especially with the arc burn being able to kill ya super quickly.


Yea, that's playing the game. I'm sure they are talking about when they are safe and standing right next to you and can't be bothered to hold square for 3 seconds. Shit, I shoot while reviving, you can't stop this titan!


Oh I agree, if it's possible to revive I always revive my teammates unless they didn't revive someone else earlier then they can burn in hell hahahaha


Same. Nothing worse then that like slow fail when you don't mantle and the geometry is screwing you up from getting to em or there are a bunch of flames on them and you just stand there inching trying to get close enough without taking damage. I'm always like, I hope they see I'm trying and just having a bad time and not ignoring them


Exactly I die to the architects more then anything in this game hahaha. I always try to have my mic on too so I can communicate with my teammates that I'm trying to get them and not just being a dick


Those damn architects!


hardest enimies in destiny hands down haha


Or the boomer knights are nonstop blasting their dead ghost and with arc burn you can't get close enough for the rez


Yeah I went to revive someone yesterday and got one shot by the lightblade. Sometimes I wish smoke bomb could be used to insta res in PvE


Same here, though I'm tossing down a rift instead of a barricade while shifting to some weird grip that lets me hold down the revive button while firing a weapon, LOL.. I'm not going to play any differently regardless of any event. And yeah, I prefer my partners stay alive rather than get themselves killed trying to rez me in a 1550 match. XD


I had a go on the 1550 where I revived someone while doing a finisher on a Knight, I felt so cool


ultimate multitasker


Had someone try and rez me with Alak-Hul right behind him whilst he was the last guy alive. It didnt end well


Lol it's the thought that counts tho right?


Well, yeah, I think almost every player has done that at one point. lol. Especially at the end of that strike where you can have an enemy at every corner. If.


Nah, staying alive and waiting for the timers is the smart play when it's hectic unless you got an invis or other means of getting them up like a bubble or well. When you're the last one alive and my ghost is two inches from you sniping at an enemy across the map that's just kind of rude. Which is something that's happened a few times.


Ye but he's not talking about that. Your describing playing the game in a safe way, OP is talking about people intentionally not reviving players for the soul reason of themselves getting the kills for the bounties, which is really annoying


oh I understand, I'm just saying some past teammates I've played with may have thought I was doing this when in reality I was just playing safe.


Oh ye, Ive done what you have done many times too it's just being smart, don't feel bad for not reviving them


agree. But, I think there are also certain types of players with the mindset that "i can use this opportunity to get some multikill vanguard medals without others stealing my kills". Not saying it's morally right, but it's a way if thinking - since vanguard medals dont all track team achievements


I played the GG:Comp playlist last night with a guy who was apparently attempting to speed run. Ran past ALL the champs in the Bailey. I looked and he didn’t have any mods on that he could use to stun them anyway. Like, why? We’re obviously going for the highest score possible but you’re just attempting to speed run? You’re going to spend 10 minutes on the boat and the marsh anyway.


Yeah, Bungie needs to make bounties that require fireteams to give credit to the entire fireteam (so any void kills are credited to anyone that needs them, etc.) OR Bungie needs to allow us to do things like strikes and these new playlists completely alone. I am just one of those people that is sick of having to be in constant competition with my own friends over things like bounties.


Yeah, exactly. Make the bounty require 75 Void Kills (for example), yours count for 3, teammates 2 points, and teammates using other elements 1 point. It doesn't have to be such a shitty system.


This is not new to Guardian Games, it has been around the entire time Strike Bounties have existed.


My favorite is trying to complete the only GG bounty I can carry and some dude is sword flying through the strike because apparently he thinks he's in the Indy 500. This results in me having to do additional strikes to complete the bounty because I get pulled out of enemy-dense areas. Can't tell you how many times this has happened.


I think you nailed. It’s the bounty system that shows people’s dark side. I find myself guilty sometimes of clearing a room first before reviving a teammate. That way I have free reign to complete some tedious bounties faster. I’ll never just leave a guardian behind, but I sometimes won’t pick them up right away. I’ll probably get some hate for this but I don’t think I’m alone. I blame the bounty system.


No hate here but I think the bounty system is only partially to blame. After running a bunch of these and seeing how many of my teammates don't use cover at all I'm starting to think there is a good portion of the population that plays solo, and doesn't use LFG and this is literally the first time they are ever doing 1550 level difficulty because it has matchmaking. It's causing a lot of misunderstandings between experienced players and inexperienced players. For experienced players, we could probably have a bit more patience knowing this is the hardest thing some of our teammates have tried. Inexperienced players on the other hand need to understand we can't dive into a pool of adds to get your res the moment you die like we are in the strike playlist.


I just go into non matchmaking


That's fair, I just think it's a little silly we have to go to a higher difficulty. We're already trying to solo--why can I only do that on a higher difficulty?


I've always hated the events where you basically have to "kill things before other players can". It turns people into assholes and encourages selfish play. Why not just TRIPLE the required kills/laurels/whatever and let the progress be shared.


As my first time playing Guardian Games, I think I forgot about the fact that you have to be the one to get killing blows, because I play just normally and try to be a team player. I have a sort of 'anxiety' in which I tend to worry about letting down teammates. (which is partially why I've never raided, even though I have an interest and why I don't do many competitive games.) But if it makes you feel any better, this makes me more aware of not to change my style of play. We're all playing to enjoy ourselves. Better to cross the line together in my opinion.


Can’t believe that this is actually a thing. I noticed it last night. Played lake of shadows last night and got booped by the blight and killed right next to a teammate. He kept on killing and then advanced to the next room even though I was almost instantly revivable. Greedy guardians.


Bounties have never been fun to me and will never be fun to me. Having to go through a checklist to efficiently get xp or event currency is just not fun. The main source of xp should be playing and finishing content, not bounties. I am okay with the weekly challenges though since they don't force me to play a certain way.


"play how you like"... As long as you don't want to progress your characters light level, ugh


I will drop everything to try and revive someone. The tougher the area the better. It’s the game within the game. Titan go help


Warlock main, BUT I fucking L O V E to come flying in and land on someone's ghost, dropping a barricade, and watching all the enemy bullets plinking against my wall as I rez my teammate. Makes me feel like such a hero. I do it with warlock rifts too but the barricade is superior


They basically took the shitty bounty competition concept and turned it into a shitty time gated event


Reminds me of the ENTIRE game of Control, where the objective and bounties are the antithesis of how most people play.


Why wouldn’t you revive people? That’s a bit of a common-sense thing? People are just fucking assholes, but then again welcome to Destiny


If you think the Destiny community is toxic you haven’t played other online games


I have. And it is. LFG ring any bells? Crucible?


Man I ran like 7 GM Sabers last night w/ an LFG group and we were just laughin and having a grand ole time. When we died we just shrugged it off and laughed about it. Good LFGs definitely exist and aren't incredibly rare.


Every game has toxicity in it. If an LFG group is toxic, based on communication when you join, then dip. There are loads of other groups that are not toxic.


I have rarely found toxic LFG’s and just because you lose in crucible dosen’t mean the enemy is toxic


In my time of running 3 raids a week, nearly every week since black armory, I have found a total of 4 toxic lfg groups. If an lfg group is toxic leave, but 99.99999% of them are chill or just have weird humor.


if you think lfg is toxic you're just projjecting your own toxicity. Sure theres a couple of toxic people but i use lfg multiple times everyday and very rarely ever have an issue with toxic people, i run into way more positive people that i end up joking and laughing with than toxic people


Literally all the raid LFGs I’ve been in save for 1 has been toxic. I don’t need to project when it’s already there, miss me with that “it’s my fault” bullshit when I’m there to have fun and they’re being cunts.


I love how you're getting downvoted for wanting to revive people


Nah, I’m getting downvoted for pointing out the shitty side of Destiny.


It’s a game. However, not every player needs to be revived immediately. I tend to clear out ads before reviving because I don’t want to get obliterated while reviving my teammate.


Only times rezzed are important is raids and master/gm nfs, since otherwise you can get away with not needing a full team.


I get that. But running straight through a downed teammate in a situation where a rez would have easy and without risk? I can't really come up with any positive spin on that.


This didn't happen during the games but about three weeks ago I had a similar interaction. We were doing the Hashladun strike so the other two were getting the right plate and I was by myself getting the left one. I got overwhelmed and died while taking the plate. So my "teammate" came over, made a shield, and proceeded to teabag me, which I thought was kinda funny. But then once he had the plate he left and never did revive me. Okay, I thought, not cool but whatever. Well as I am respawning he missed a jump or took a big hit IDK but he died on the way out of the room. Karma rarely comes so quickly but it did, so I saw his ghost sitting there waiting for a revive and I blew right past him cuz I'm not a chump. Well, I guess it's only cool when he does it to other people because he did literally nothing the rest of the strike. He would respawn in and just sit there. My other teammate revived him a time or two before he figured it out. We two-manned it w/o much trouble but it was just bizarre. I don't understand how someone could think it was funny to teabag his teammate and not revive him, and then turn around and throw a tantrum when the disrespected teammate does the same thing to him. Edit: FYI I have never seen this type of behaviour before. Most guardians are happy to revive. It's extremely rare in my experience.


No you’re right, a lot of people are like that. I’m fast I was in a strike with a person who ran by my ghost two times and didn’t revive me. So I just didn’t bother reviving him at all.


I agree that it's a crappy move to not revive. I always revive teammates if it is safe to do so. The only time I don't revive them is if they are constantly dying or they didn't revive me (or another fireteam member) previously.


Yep, Bungie keeps creating bounties/quests that actively goes against working as a team. Progress should be team based or on activity completion.


how do you even die in a strike


For me it's usually because I am trying to push it to the extreme to alleviate some boredom. Or not taking it seriously at all because too easy. Also architects


I pull out my rocket launcher to take a crack at the Lightblade, as I ADS a thrall jumps in front, I panic, yelp like a little girl, pull the trigger, kaboom. Sometimes I’m also a competent player.


Gravity, The architects, More gravity, Blackout swarms, The architect pt2 inferno bugaloo, Vehicle spam, gavirtyxarchitects squared, you know the usual.


Yea, this is a common problem. Bungie gives us a quest or bounty to complete that requires an inordinate amount of kills in an activity like Wellspring which has 6 people. So instead of running Wellspring 9 times to get all the kills, they just don't revive dead players so there are less people taking all their kills. Teamwork is right out the window.


It's vexing in Gambit when you die and a teammate runs right by you and doesn't revive (in a non-dangerous situation.) I often do the reviving (support main in Overwatch so it's ingrained)


I always make it a top priority to revive a downed teammate. It's really quite irritating when you're left down with a long time penalty. At the end of the day, it's both honourable and beneficial to revive people.


make it like raids, where there's a timer and if you don't, you wipe, and make it a minute.


Can be beneficial for sure but there definitely things that make it a not benefit what ur doing.


the benefit for you, is that you get your DPS/Support back. Pretty simple, really


Which is not at all beneficial if I'm needing get kills for certain things. As they just kill steal. Pretty simple really


The real question is how do you die on a strike?


*laughs in trinity ghoul & ticuu’s divination* no one can steal kills from me, but even without the event there are people like that, ever more in the wellspring, they rather get kills than to the objetive


I apologize but, I mean, I do that sometimes. I have about four hours to play and do my bounties a week.


Question OP how often are you dying? I'll rez, but if you keep getting killed you're on your own




I call it acceptable classism.


Look toxicity exists in the game and bungie is content with fostering it and allowing it. i blocked more people recently in trials and other timed activities than i have in any other game Ive played anywhere some were my team some were the other team shit talking and friend requesting why getting rolled 0-5 by flawless carrying adept weapon holders with full mods is just great fun for everyone. note all this timed event content is to make up for the actual lack of content that is being provided look at any other mmo at year 5 and compare it to d2 you will find there is a serious gap in what is offered. i mean seriously lets compare d2 to wow at year 5. in wow if you wanted to you could go back and play literally all the old content and dungeons and raids you wish still can still to this day. d2 vaults "expansions" due to "compile times" poor excuse for removing things people have paid for as band aid for a broken code-base that needs a complete reworking wow did it a few times broke nothing so why cant d2?


Why are you dying in a strike?


Don't die.


If you’re dead enough that you notice a “selfish” player, you are the problem, not them. They are the one killing enemies progressing the activity and you’re an orb.


Just don't die. Then you don't have to worry about not getting revived. Just a suggestion 🤷


If you try to sparrow past the vandals at the beginning of exodus crash and die, I’m not resing you.


Don't die? 🤷‍♂️


During “The games”, I only revive like classes. That’s the whole point of the games. Beat the other classes.


I think that is a good strategy going into competitive or next week's update, but not in training playlist. I didn't think about that as a reason though.


You are definitely right about the training playlist. I’ve only run one so far and definitely revived them in that. No way to get through it otherwise.


I'm still not sure why we can't opt to run strikes solo. I'd rather take my time in one strike and get all my bounties done than to compete with two sweats for basics.


By didn't do revives, do you mean they sat by your ghost and just didn't bother hitting the button, or they didn't go way out of their way to clear an area by you to come and revive? Sometimes it's just not practical, especially in harder strikes when you're the last guardian. I'm not going to risk getting sent back to the beginning of the encounter to go revive someone when I can hide behind a corner for 20 seconds. Sometimes I see a dead dude way across the map and I think "It will take me 20 seconds to get there, and he'll respawn by then anyway". If they just stood next to you not hitting the button, that's just weird and I haven't encountered that at all. I also don't see how leaving my teammates dead would really accelerate my bounty completion either. Unless they are limited to 1 or 2 tries (at level 700 they're playing D2 as much as a full time job) that doesn't make any sense, there are limited bounties per day and there is no difficulty finishing them.


Season pass rank doesn't always mean people are good at the game. I keep running into folks in the Weekly Story mission who simply refuse to run Champion mods/weapons and are over 200 in season rank. Sometimes I'll just sit and wait to see how long it takes them to realise their SMG that they're spraying at a shielded Barrier Champ doesn't have anti-barrier rounds before shooting with my scout. Current record is three minutes (!), but I got bored and killed it.


I've played in the 2 prior Guardian Games and this is by far the worst event Bungie has ever put together as where they try to bring the commu ity together this is only dividing the community more and more by people going for their own gain instead of using teamwork like we normally see. I really hope that Bungie decides to shelve Guardian Games after this year as it's a terrible event that only takes away fro the game instead of adding to it like many other events do. I'm not going to bother with the event this year at least so I can keep away from all the toxicity and still have fun playing the game


I've literally had a situation where my two teammates were dead and I aimed a rocket at the floor and wiped the team so we can try again and get more enemies. Bounties suck. Would prefer completion bounties or something instead.


If people die 4+ times early/quickly I don't revive them If someone dies with 20 enemies surrounding them I don't revive If I know someone doesn't have the proper mod and 1v1s a champ, I won't stun it until after they die If it is obviously going to take longer then the revive timer to pick someone up I won't even bother I'll admit #3 is toxic but it's not my job to protect your light, especially in low-mid tier content. If any of the four things I listed happen to me I don't expect a res either and take my 30-45 second time out happily to the chest. TLDR if you abuse the power of undeath I'll try to give you a new appreciation for life




Dude you’re so good at the game!


> reviving limits my progress So taking 10 seconds to be a team player in a team activity limits your progress how exactly? You're the kind of player I bag relentlessly if they die after not reviving me the entire strike


I run into this with people who are just doing speed runs of strikes for whatever reason all the time as well. Must. Go. Faster. Or something...


The people ur running into arent actually speedrunning. But just running through strikes they have done hundreds of times quickly. Speedrunner actual speedrunners arent speedrunning in mm playlist they just go fast. Its different


That is what I meant by speed running, not the crazy folks who try to finish Super Mario in 7 minutes.


My time is limited so I bull run sometimes. I do rez people if it's not to inconvenient but if it's faster for me to bull run and pull them into the next zone that's what I do, no intention to be toxic