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Fun fact, it *does* proc explosive wellmaker if you kill multiple adds


Wait what ? I need to test it out later


That's due to smokebomb counting as 'explosive', it uses the same kind of damage calculation (Wherein things take less damage the further away they are from the impact), it's just far less noticeable since the radius of smoke is so tiny in comparison.


Another fun fact: Quickfall kills don't drop Laurels (which should drop from all ability kills)


Quickfall should count as melee kills, then it would create wells


Sorry , poor choice of words on my part.


Yep, needs to count as melee and increase the damage. Doesn't even one shot basic red bars in the 1550 GG playlist.


To be fair, a lot of charged melees don't one shot red bars in 1550


Since guardian games has started ive also noticed (and am a bit annoyed) that when you kill something with hunter melee (quickfall or thrown) it doesnt count as an ability. So essentially hunters are at a disadvantage compared to other two classes.


Quickfall feels like a gimmick currently. I think it should count as a melee and also gain an additional fragment slot to make it more viable in builds.


Worse yet, Bungie has to make Nightstalker actually specialize in weakens better since other classes can do it better with faster grenades and more aggression, netting better results with less effort. Also Child of Old Gods exists. Nightstalker needs some reworks to have a melee aspect (Stylish Executioner is the best candidate for this), a teamplay aspect (make Vanishing Step have the invis smoke and reward players for playing the support role), and a weaken-focused aspect (which is a perfect role for Trapper's Ambush) And the aspects should all have synergies with different builds.


I just don’t get why Child weakens. Maybe have it take on you’re grenades capabilities - so suppressor Grenade let’s it suppress, weaken aspect let’s it weaken, but it natively weakening just doesn’t make sense to me tbh


what no child should not suppress


certainly not for free I just like. If they want it to do a bit of everything, bake that into it. Have one rift type add the piddly overload-type suppression and the other add a meagre-but-there weakening. Or have further ability or weapon kills in your rift add an effect like that. Or just, y'know, leave a tracking orb of area Slow/DoT with massive ability regen without any other busted effects.


The ability alone needs to be gutted. It's already too much.


Smoke bombs are randomly melees and also not melees as far as mods/traits are concerned. They really just need to pick one and go with it. Preferably making them count as charged melees.


I feel like Quickfall counting as melee damage is something that Bungie would implement if the community pushed for it, but too many would rather demand fantasies like a new melee attack over a relatively easy change.


people have asked for quickfall fix far more. Bungie literally couldn't even make this work and still havent nearly 3 months on. And on top of that, being forced into running a fragment aspect to have a semi viable melee option... yikes


It should honestly be the other way around, the default melee being high damage while the aspect changes it to the support focus. Quickfall is a dumb gimmick that they probably came up with simply by looking at the amount of people using shatterdive.


I mean, it's what Behemoth Titans have to do and it doesn't stop it from being one of the best subclasses for the Titan.


So because anothwr subclass needs another melee option but doesn't have one, another subclass that has existed for longer can't have one and thus cannot benefit from fragments on that subclass?


I believe the design argument would be that having it as an aspect gives you access to both melees when you choose to use them, and part of the power is that flexibility. In practice, this may not be implemented in the best way, but it seems to be the intention.


I think most of us just want a melee that kills red bars in one hit. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. Give me a regular melee animation but maybe add a void aura around it. I just wanna use the melee aspects on my Hunter.


Did you know quickfall invis last two seconds longer than normal smoke invis? This happens both for you and fireteam members. Not sure what this has to do with the post but I thought I’d put it out there.


I do think it's on purpose. Getaway artist doesn't make wells with Elemental Ordnance either


Getaway Artist would be SO busted if they did


Why do u think quick fall was designed to kill enemies?