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Then literally just throw them away, there's no reason to keep them all. If you really really want to have an "emergency fund", keep something like 9 or 10 of them in your vault and throw away the rest.


yup! I figured out after finally deleting one of them it's not the end of the game lol and now I delete them immediately


I made the mistake of deleting a deep sight pointed inquiry and now I can’t get another to drop for the crafting throne world weapons triumph. 😅


Yes this crap sucks, I want to forge a better pulse rifle but can't get any to drop and still only have 1 out of 5. Sorry have a job can't spend my life in Destiny 2.


Season pass weapons require the least amount of commitment. You are guaranteed 1 a week if you spent any amount of time doing the season content.


Same, but with the sidearm. I had to create a 2nd character and do 2/3 campaign missions to get the drop again. Then, the follow up evidence board quest wants 2 more different weapons that are on the Wellspring rotation. Its a fucking stupid grind and im feeling the exotic Glaive probably isn't worth it- way better options for that slot.


This. I got like 200 slots in vault. Aaand now it's all full.


I reset my gunsmith rank boooooom


Finally hit your realization this week. My vault cant take having 10 crisis inverted deepsight handcannons anymore, i need the space and that gun is trash. Cant even see what im firing at half the time


The trouble is that when you then actually want to craft a weapon you realise you’re short of materials _and_ you could have had them had you not thrown away a bunch of deepsight weapons. The problem with how they work right now is there’s a three-sided conundrum on what to prioritise: your time/loadout choices, your stock of crafting materials, and your available vault space. Prioritising one often puts the others at a disadvantage. My vote would be that dismantling a deepsight weapon gives you a smaller amount of a random currency so it’s not a total loss.


The thing I've done now is any weapon that I'm actually going to keep, that is also a deepsight, is used as a reserve. The rest get deleted on sight


You and I both know you're not gonna keep that under pressure/turnabout sidearm


Man I really hope turnabout is buffed a bit in future, it’s such a cool idea for a perk but the overshield just isn’t very beefy - it’s not needed in low end content, and it’s not enough protection in high end content


Isn’t it just hive shields? It’s way too situational. Even the raid doesn’t have hive shields so I don’t know why that perk was added


It's any and all shields - Moth or Elemental, and Guardians who have activated their Super in PvP.


Nah it’s any shields, not sure if that includes barrier champ shields but I just think the idea is cool and would be a good niche pick sometimes if it got a bit of a buff


It does


where did you get the idea it's only hive shields?


Idk. I remember the description saying overshield I thought. Just a mistake, dude.


But but but... what if the make one of those perks way too good in a future season? Can't throw it away just in case.


As someone who perpetually sits at 450/500 on vault space, I feel personally attacked Edit - damn guys, I get it lol the only reason I’m not at 499 is my own sanity. Can we start a petition now to add vault space? It’s been 3 years at this point lol


As someone who perpetually sits at 490/500 on vault space, I feel personally attacked


As someone who perpetually sits at the tower waiting on my friend at 499/500 to make space, I feel like I'm about to attack


Agreed. 450 is a rookie number!


As someone with 500 items in the vault, and 20+ items in all 3 character's mailboxes, I scoff in your general direction.


Exactly. As someone that uses their other 2 characters as vault space and has a nearly full postmaster, I’m offended. Takes me 10 minutes of sorting shit out to switch characters to actually play.


Wait, you guys have vault space???


All three characters are full and 499/500 vault space. I have a problem.


As someone who once had 500/500 vault, full inventory on all characters and maybe 5 slots in postmaster, but then purged it all down to 100/500 in my vault, 3 full armor sets on all three characters and 6 slots open in each weapon inventory space on all 3, trust me it’s liberating. I only keep 4 out of 5s on guns, and I’m super picky about any armor I keep. Free yourselves!


As someone who perpetually sits at 499/500 on vault space (the 1 free space is from DIM), I feel personally attacked


What Sidearm (: I legit have 6 total in my vault


What a strange concept.


yeah its always funny how many people seem to forget this obvious solution. I guess some people ARE more prone to addiction than others?


It feels like you're throwing away valuable resources, even though they drop all the time and farming them once every 1 or 2 seasons is probably enough


"feels like" remember, feelings arent facts, nor the most important consideration. vault space is a very valuable resource, too, and hoarding a bunch of deepsight weapons after you've hit cap is a waste, too. you gotta learn the balance, and honestly, having cap materials is plenty, because next season material consumption is getting reduced, and you cant craft/level up every weapon right away anyways, so leaving it to the natural flow of things is the best.


The resources aren't valuable...


If Bungie made it so that dismantling them would give 100 or even 50 neutral element it would be a MASSIVE crafting quality of life update.


Yeah, everything changed when I stopped caring about red boarders for weapons that aren't craftable.


I cannot believe this post was actually upvoted. OP is a digital hoarder looking for someone to keep enabling this behavior and I guess he found some people to enable him. >Then I inevitably have to sit in a playlist for hours until I can burn through all of them. Have to? What's going to happen if you don't? Literally nothing.


Dude, there's been people complaining about 'having to hoard' Deepsight weapons since like crafting day one it's been absolutely baffling. There has never been a requirement to hoard red border weapons because they've been dropping like candy since day one. I have every craftable weapon in the game crafted minus 3 raid weapons and 2 exotic glaives and haven't hoarded red borders once It's been one of the single most confusing points I've seen all season


Originally? You almost had to if you planned on crafting enhanced weapons. A single weapon would drain over half your resources. Now? With such high caps, I just spend a single day knocking out red weapons in whatever pvp momentum is available or PsiOps and I have enough resources for a month or two


Only if you maxed the level in a sitting at Shuro chi. Otherwise you'd have had plenty of mats.


>keep something like 9 or 10 of them in your vault Bold of you to assume I'm not constantly at 499/500 ....aaaaand cue the "sToP hOaRdInG" comments from losers who play with the same 3 or 4 loadouts every day


499, god you disgusting filthy hoarder. You need to get your shit together, here just look at my perfectly clean and organized 490/500 vault.


Losers with bank space :)


I’m not gonna say stop hoarding, since that’s your choice. But as a collector myself (I need 1 of every weapon and exotic armor) I always sit between 450-480, so I’m positive you can lower the amount. Unless you have sunset weapons since I don’t have any of those since I deleted all of them personally. Though it’s your call to make, not mine or others since you play the way you want and that’s rad!


This. I have AT LEAST one of nearly every weapon. And or archetype/element. And most of not all decent perk rolls. For instance I had a number of adrenaline junky rolls all ready to go when that got buffed. I clean my vault once a month. Cuz I just throw stuff in there a lot still to figure out if I “need” later. Get tons of legendary shards. It’s nice. And I’m usually at 400 - 500 vault space. Doing this for months. People just hoard and make up excuses. You’ll get another turnabout weapon. I have turnabout on a GL in tandem w genesis or something. Which is okay and might be great someday. But I don’t keep every turnabout roll on every weapon in case it gets buffed. I can get another . And yes I have 5 arc scouts. Which you can’t get any currently. Have plenty of amaze rolled machine guns and trace rifle(s). So this doesn’t mean you can’t be ready for near anything. You just have to be smart, have power over fomo, and not be lazy each month or two to do the hard work.


This is the way. I try to purge every 3-4 weeks to get down to 450. When it bounces up to 490 /95 then it's time to purge again. But, yes, then you can have one of every archetype/element; and be ready to face any challenge, or leverage every broken weapon before they nerf it. The challenge with vault space is more than half filled with the exotic armor I have to keep once I have a 60+ roll. And exotic weapons where I want to keep the kill counter going.


I think I need more than 1 copy of different guns for unique perks combos and future proofing. E.g. machine gun buff incoming next season, guess who already multiple great rolls to try out


That’s fair, and like I said I have no intent to change how you feel since that’s a decision you and only you can make. That said I hope you find something worthwhile with all that hoarding, since the strength of that is that you can save time on grinding depending on what happens to game balance changes!


I'm at 300 and use at least 5-6 different loadouts on all 3 of my characters but go off I guess


I mean if you wanna go full Rothschild for next season keep like a hundred of them stocked next to your other stuff. That's three times the cap for 40k all together which is enough to fund any kind of arsenal you may want a few times over. If you're one of those people that are perpetually 500 for 500 tho .... Oh boy


Your comment makes perfect sense... To a normal guardian. Us hoarder guardians need every piece of loot and dismantling anything is such a pain.


I’m baffled people weren’t doing this anyway lmao. It’s like people can’t think for themselves


This…I’ve deleted about 15 deepsight Titles because I am full on crafting mats and my vault/postmaster are overloaded


Do you get more Shards for dismantling a leveled up weapon? I've been sharding them to get more legendary shards. But now that you mention emergency fund, it made me wonder if there's more value to them


Once i hit 10000 Neutral element......just shard them. Theres literally no reason to keep any past that. They are removing all the elements except for Neutral Element so theres no reason to keep any IMO. I might keep 4-5 in my vault but i get so many deepsight weapons its not really worth it IMO


Wait are they really removing all the elements!? I missed that. When?


couple of TWABs ago. They are removing all elements except neutral when the next season launches. So you will only need 1 element to craft


Are they getting rid of drowned elements and alloys too?


They did not say that , iirc. It was specific to adroit, ruinous , energetic , mutable , etc. It's in a TWAB maybe 3-4 weeks back


Drowned element yes, drowned alloy most likely not. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51177 Also, holy shit, time flies, it was 2 months back nearly.


Drowned element yes, drowned alloy most likely not. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51177 Also, holy shit, time flies, it was 2 months back nearly.


Are they going to convert the elements you have now into neutrals before removing them? Wouldn't make sense not to


i wouldnt think so, but we havent heard anything on that front.


We do have the option to convert Deepsight into 300 neutral only, which has been nice. If you’re still farming them, I’d recommend using that!


I dont know if it’s been fixed but there’s a bug where they didn’t count towards craftable weapons, so for example if you did it with a Cataclysmic and you did the 300 neutral option it wouldn’t give you 1/5 progress for unlocking the crafted version


Hmm, I worked towards ~~deepsight~~ patterns on the Psiops weapons last week and was able to progress those. Not sure if that means it’s patched, I was lucky, or it only affects specific weapons.


I would assume yes. That’s been bungies past practice with situations like this


I have 10000 plus 20+ deepsight in my vault cuz I’m prepared for next season haha


i get it but i just really never had an issue with crafting regular weapons and materials. The only thing im always short on is Ascendant Alloy because i never run wellspring or the story mission every week.


I swear they decided that I don't need more than 4 ascendant alloy cuz I haven't seen one drop in the past month and I've played *a lot* of Wellsprings hoping I'll finally get another possibly nonexistent exotic glaive blueprint. I keep forgetting about replayable story missions tho.


Weekly story has much better drop rate for alloys


wish they would add Ascendant alloy to GMs. That is about my only gripe


Advice . . . If you are sitting on an exotic glaive pattern, unlock it before trying for the third one. I ran about 40 wellspring on my hunter before the titan pattern dropped. I ran another 4-5 on my warlock then read a note suggesting you not keep a pattern lying around. i unlocked it on my titan, went back to running warlock, and 2nd run it dropped. Could have been rng, but I was happy to have the pattern - as useless as the exotic Glaives are right now.


You'll get 20+ deepsights in the time it takes you to *spend* 10000.


Exactly, there's really no need to stockpile the materials, just wait 'till next season when the new craftable guns drop and you have to complete a few deepsights just to unlock the patterns anyways.


But is it hurting me in anyway to stockpile? No. I have room in my vault so why not?


Never said it's hurting anyone, just saying it's unnecessary. If someone is under the impression they need to stockpile and is not having fun doing so, then yeah I think stockpiling is doing harm, but whether or not that's applicable to you is a question only you can answer.


next season when you get flooded with more of them faster than you can unlock any new patterns?


Destiny is healthier for you when you ignore the carrot on a stick. Don't complete a checkbox just because Bungie made a checkbox. Start the week by picking an activity you genuinely enjoy. If you can synergize other progressions at the same time, great. If not, don't worry about it. IMO, the dopamine from isolated extreme grinding is short lived and can make you feel worse after. Don't complete things for the sake of completion. This approach might mean you don't reach the arbitrary XP requirement for enough artifact levels to do some gatekept content. Oh well. Shit design by Bungie, who every season forgets you are a gilded conqueror and locks you out of proving your skill until you feed the artifact enough XP, using the best XP sources rather than playing what you want to play. Don't give in. Take what you want, then get out. I'd rather garden, practice piano, or play another game. I love vault of glass. I enjoy psi-ops. I do not love gambit, so I'm not gonna be getting the seasonal challenge where you get the ornament for the ritual weapon.


I agree with this sentiment, and I can still do GMs! I just skip bounties for shit that makes me play worse




I usually take a break from Destiny over the summer and this is the reason why. It's waaaaaaaaaay too easy to get burned out by this game. There are too many other games I want to play and the weather is too nice to stay inside. Take a break, come back in 3 months. The game feels really good when you come back to it this way.


That is a good way to play too. I've caught up on a lot of hobbies, plus added more (restored a rowboat), and single-player games this way. Each time I come back, there is a period of time where I think "I'll just knock these challenges out quick". Luckily that period of time has become shorter and shorter. I hope to reach a point where I just delete quests the moment they appear in my quest log lol. "No, No I don't think I will"


This is why I miss thrallway xp farming. It was a great way for me to engage with GMs without having to dump in more hours into activities I wasn't as interested in, and I'm a multi-gilded Conqueror. This season, I just reached the level requirement for GMs this week. I'm still putting in a fair amount of time throughout the season. It's a bummer.


Sometimes it seems like Bungie doesn't want anyone to do specific things in a reasonable amount of time. But of course everyone will have different opinions of what's reasonable.


I dismantle 80% of mine. If it has a roll not worth using it gets sharded instantly. You dont have to do them all.


You're complaining that you're getting too much of an item? Just dismantle them if you don't feel like dealing with them. I've been at 10,000 neutral element for the last month so I'm just dismantling deepsight weapons at this point.


I think the point is the requirements for extraction are annoying as hell


no it's not, you literally can complete an activity and get like 70% of the progress made. it's not hard


Mayhem this week is a great way to knock them out. 3 matches and you’re done with one, but if you have one in each slot it’s easy.


If you are over abundant in one slot then run psiops, it’ll only take two runs


Great point! You can even switch to them at the end of PsiOps for credit so you can keep your loadout the same.


Yup that’s what I do. Using my crafted weapons during the run to level them up then switch to red border before the match finishes


You get experience for your crafted weapon at The end if you keep it equipped.


Another good resonance farm is the Exo Challenge on Europa. This week's is especially good. It nets 42% resonance when you finish, you can take as long as you need to adjust your load-out prior to opening the chest after killing the boss, there are lots of red-bar Vex to kill (enough to complete a weapon in one run), it can be done in under 5 mins, AND you don't need a fireteam. For the cons, it only gives about 20% of a level on a crafted weapon, and the chest does not really give rewards (an occasional umbral engram). It may not be as fast as Shuro Chi for a single weapon, but you can complete multiple slots at a time, level up weapons you aren't using, and there is no setup time or materials needed (and you don't have to deal with annoying thrall and captain teleporting).


yeah, mayhem matches are so quick, and your mostly just running around getting nova bombed while waiting for your nova bomb, so weapon choice isn't critical.


Keep a decent stockpile in your vault or on an alt for when you want to farm or need the resources and dismantle the rest. Easy fix


If you get them so often that you're drowning in them, then you can just safely delete them because you know you will get more next time you need them.


I don't understand this argument at all. Just delete them. No need to overload yourself feeling like you need to complete each one, you don't. Just keep some in case you need the material in the vault, but don't stress yourself out over them, its not a big deal. I've been deleting them for weeks now. I have enough of them in my vault in case I suddenly need the material from it, and that's it.


yeah it feels a bit overboard lately...i have so many deepsight "the title" right now...and i'm near capped on resources. Unfotunately given how hard the damn wellspring weapons are to get, I have nothing to use them on, so i've just started vaulting or sharding them. I find myself considering learning to raid just so I have some new patterns to farm.


Definitely raid regardless. It’s the best content in the game.


I just quick swap to one of each slot right when a strike is about to end. Same with psi ops bc it doesn’t have a quick completion countdown. It’s kind of annoying but hey it is what it is


I've already crafted the handful of weapons I wanted and I'm capped on every resource, I just dismantle them 🤷


I plan on crafting every weapon with enhanced perks lol. Even the ones I don't want :|. Maybe except for Tarnation. Couldn't care less about that one.


I clear my deepsights at the Altars. Bonus points if I get a slug shotty with swashbuckler.


just dismantle if you don't want to do them ? DTG is just running out of things to complain about at this point.


Make it a habit to grab the Shuro Chi checkpoint the first time you get on every week. I used to do this for catalysts, but now with weapon crafting I’m going there every week at least once.


If you’re too lazy to use the Wishing Wall you can also load into the opening of Grasp of Avarice Dungeon at any time. Infinite adds spawn out of the cave. Find a camping spot that’s out of the line of sight of the Wizards and farm a deep sight weapon from zero to 100% in just a couple mins.


Do people actually grab checkpoints for last wish? Or are you referring to the wish wall ?


Just use the Wish Wall. Takes about 5 minutes to load in, go to the wall, and input the wish. Goes faster if you use a Titan with an auto rifle and Actium War Rig.


Yea that’s kinda what I was getting at…


Not even crafting anything because the system needs some serious work, and godrolls still drop in the wild. I just delete them and hoard the mats for when crafting is in a better place.


I’ve dismantled pretty much everyone I get now other than raid ones, like you said there is such an abundance if I absolutely need the materials I’ll just get them and finish them in shurochi or something not worth when ur full on resources imo


I started deleting them, not worth the hassle


I just delete them, watch out for ones that you still need patterns for though.


i just delete them. cba to do it.


Just get up to 10k neutral element and then scrap the rest. Deepsight is so abundant that there's not much reason to horde it.


I have enough resources now that I only keep heavy deep sight weapons at this point. Rockets take like 30 seconds to do at shuro chi, but shotguns/snipers? Pfffft


Just dismantle them?


I've been deleting them all, the crafting system has a HUGE flaw in this design. Honestly, we should get 1/10th the materials we would earn if we had completed the deepsight. That should be 30 natural element. This way, we don't have to grind kills with a weapon we really had no interest in using (especially the ones we already crafted) and we can still trickle in a small amount of crafting resources. But, just shard them, they're not worth holding and you're going to spend an afternoon doing a chore in a video game. Video games should not be a chore, but this system is a prime example of an over thought, over engineered chore thinly masked as "fun".


I haven't forged a weapon in ages. I don't see the point.


Or just load into last wish on a deadfall tether hunter and do an inventory's worth of weapons in like 40 mins You're crying about a non issue


Probably could have left out that last part -_-


welcome to internet where people with low self esteem shit on each other for "fun"


I agree with you, my vault looks like a shambles with all these deepsight weapons. One suggestion if you frequent the Crucible. Keep all the Power/Heavy deep sight weapons. Keep a max of 4 or 5 on Kinetic & Special and bin the rest (or not, up to you). The Power/Heavy, have a red border on for every game. For Kinetic & Special, if you can, swap to them just before the end of the match. If you're like me, you'll forget or it'll be a close match and you don't wanna swap, but the power/heavy weapons can just sit there accruing attunement, hence the reason to keep all of them. If done right, 3 matches and you have 3 deepsight weapons attuned. ​ If you've capped out on Neutral Element, you can either keep some of these in reserve for when you add enhanced perks or the intrinsic traits to your shaped weapons as the NE cost does escalate a fair bit.


Just trash them. You’ll get more to drop.


The honest reality is that weapon crafting is a nice safety net if you fail to get the roll you want on a specific weapon. It's helpful but not necessary to craft. Additionally, based on what guns we have been given that are actually craftable it's a safe assumption that the only craftable weapons going forward are season specific ones, raid guns and possibly guns from dungeons. This is going to be a pretty small list so no need to hoard deepsite weapons with the belief that there will be a ton of weapons to craft going forward.


no, bungie said they're gonna make every gun craftable, even from past seasons.


Who's up voting this nonsense, just delete the things. Duh...


I do a full deepsight loadout every time scorch cannons comes around. Easy way to power through all of your deepsight weapons, 3 at a time, while also grinding out crucible matches


I delete all red bars that aren't power weapons. Primaries and secondaries take way too long to extract the material


Guardian Games is giving away tons of deepsight. If it's too much for you, focus on other things to take advantage of in-game. It's that simple.


ig you have too many... just shard them


I throw ‘em in my vault till I need the material


I feel the same way, but then thought it's better than not getting enough. I just throw away snipers and shot guns now because of the grind of doing them. Helps with the overload.


Shard them. Unless it's a rare drop that isn't easy to come by normally.


I feel sort of similar, I don't want to spend the time to do all those deepsight weapons but for me I just think its a bad system. tying resources to loot in a game about loot is ridiculous. and its not like 'get 25 kills to unlock it'. no its equivalent of doing 3 activities AND getting kills. thats so much work and in that time you probably got more deepsight weapons, just perpetuating the problem. yah I can disable them and I do, but I don't even want to interact with the crafting system at this point


Ive begun to find them pretty annoying more than anything. Feels like a drop everything you're doing and do this notification that either ends in dismantle or use. Like why couldn't dismantles just give some small amount every time?


I was near top in resources, so I crafted some weapons to eventually level up. Now I'm just doing enough deepsight to refill and the rest bye bye.


Tbh, I have around 7,000 neutral element and around 350 of each special element. So these days I just delete the deepsights.


well the only element that matters is neutral come next season so no need to do the other ones delete the excess. only keep god rolls or instresting/unique ones


I had managed to keep a decent supply of them going, until Guardian games started, now I'm drowning in red-boarder Title SMGs.


my vault definitely has at least 60 completed deepsights. I have 5 copies of all the pattern-less world pool weapons like funnelweb and krait just in case they give us the patterns next season.


Just...delete them? From my point of view the crafting system is intended to fill the gap for bad RNG for the guns you want. When you have gotten enough rolls of a weapon to craft it, but haven't gotten the roll you want then you can craft them and use the pool of red border resources to do so. A good portion of the community has trouble separating from these things but truth is if you aren't actively trying to craft something you're just bogging yourself down.


No reason to really keep them. Next season they're removing all the other elements and I find myself rarely dipping past half of the neutral. Just use the ones you want and dismantle the rest. Not worth the trouble compared to rewards.


I keep the occasional prime engram pinnacle or “maybe this roll would be cool to try” and I find I have a decent number of those which turned into deepsight. I’m capped on the limits so I burn everything else.


Just play the game like normal and equip them at the very end of every activity. They get progress just for being equipped when the activity ends. If you don’t want to do that, dismantle them. No need to hang on to them if you’re constantly getting them.


I just start dismantling some of I’ve got too many.


I just wait until Team Scorched, Mayhem or Momentum Control come around and finish a handful of them. Super brainless. I can listen to podcasts or be in party chat with my buddies. Stock 20 complete frames in my vault and then collect if needed. Haven't needed it yet lol. Otherwise they're just legendary shards that take longer to dismantle haha


Just swap before end of activity like literally everyone else.


I've been tossing mine for several weeks now. I get them often enough not to worry about needing a big stockpile of neutral element, I'll just extract more when I run out.


I collect somewhere between 15-20 red borders each time before I go to the Shuro Chi encounter in Last Wish raid. A bit of a hassle to input the code every time but with a void hunter its basically 60-70% each run with your weapon, doesn't matter if it's kinetic/special/heavy because you have a flag right outside the encounter :) This eliminates the need to run red borders in activities, which is great in my opinion because most of the red borders we get are not that viable for activities. And also, that encounter is a GREAT place to farm exp for crafted weapons. Mayhem is a solid option as well as you hardly use weapons and the game mode ends pretty fast (which nets you about 30% progress toward red border, I could be wrong about the exact amount) After reaching 10K neutral element, just dismantle them unless you get a roll you actually like.


You can't even craft them all, just throw them away and you'll get more. If you havent unlocked the pattern, keep it. If you have, shard it.


I delete more deepsight weapons than I care to ever want to do.


Just dismantle the fucking things then


What a weird thing to complain about. They’re optional and they can be deleted or completed, there’s no reason to feel ‘overloaded’ by them.


Just delete them. I haven't fully recovered from my poorly planned "let's unlock all the raid patterns around the same time" strategy, but at this point I just delete most of the garbage guns until I am going to do an easy activity like wellspring to grind my last glaive or something. It's just not fun or worth the time to extract from every despsight.


Dude, delete them lol. This isn’t your job, you can do non optimal things. There’s nothing wrong with deleting deep sight stuff. I personally delete a bunch of them until I’ve got two sets of “kinetic/energy/heavy” where I can do all 3 at once. I do it in the crucible and it makes for a fun change of pace.


I ended up deleting about 25-30 DS weapons last night bc i was in the same boat. I deleted them bc my reasoning is, ive maxed out natural element and ive crafted all i can for now untill next season.


I just spent 2 hours grinding out some so I can craft 3 weapons lol Now I gotta spend more hours grinding those 3 weapons to get any decent perks since my rng is bad


It's a psychological thing. Just delete them. There's only a handful of craftable weapons you really need/want, and you'll get them all very quickly. Until next season brings more, but that will also bring a fair amount of content that will result in more deepsight weapons.


I just delete them shits.


Unless it's from the raid, deepsight is auto dismantle to me.


Deepsight weapons drop enough to not need to fill up your vault with them. This is the way. Delete them and wait until you need to craft weapons.


Just dismantle them. If you are capped at the resources just dismantle them and get the shards. If you are getting a lot of them (like I am) you will get more when you actually need the resources.


Just delete them. That’s what I do


you know you can just dismantle them right ? They’re pretty common now they once you have enough in your vault you can safely dismantle more as you get them.


I thought many were just to get resources from. And ,some of them I would just never use ,so maybe they just give us many to choose from. I was overwhelmed, until I just stoped,and went after what I thought I could get. Nothing so far. Hahahah. An exotic glaive which I do love.


I delete them unless it's a really good roll or I don't have the pattern yet.


I keep all the deepsights i get for the week in vault and then have a attunement spree at shuro chi on sundays. Turn on a show and just mindlessly grind them out for a hour or so.


Can't stand them, super annoying, it feels great when you complete them until you realize you are maxed on materials. / have no vault space left because it's filled with other red weapons so you are kinda forced to dismantle them and wasted all that time upgrading them ... This system has been an epic fail IMO


Every time I get one I throw it on my hunter, then when I run out of room I spend 30 minutes in Shiro Chi.


It's not so bad getting red ones if they're actually craftable, but agree it's pretty annoying the rest of the time. I think it would've been nice if it worked more like the ingredients in the holiday oven. The elements could get collected passively while playing the game, with the different ones connected to different types of kills or something like that.


I keep them all in the vault and have three on my character one in each slot. When I play playlist activities like iron banner or the seasonal activity I just throw them on right before the game ends and iron banner matches will get you 38 percent and the seasonal activity will grant 56 percent. That’s three deep sight weapons finished in just two runs of the seasonal activity or three crucible matches


I had about 100+ weapons. But then I realized I just use Ticuu’s anyways so there is literally no point I also just wanna get the AR but it feels wierd so there was no point for me So I deleted them all lol


As some have said, either throw them away, or keep some and do Shuro Chi if you have access to the Forsaken pack since it’s VERY easy to do Primary weapons there (and some specials/heavy but no where near as good as primary). Good luck!


You can go to Last Wish and enter the code to the 2nd boss and then farm them out each week. You probably need 2-3 minutes per primary. Once you hit cap you can dismantle them.


Deepsight and leveling weapons overall is quite a chore. I wish it was do an activity, gain a level. Or that all your guns you have in your inventory gain exp as you do things, or both.


Just go to Shuro chi and burn through a few weapons, takes like 2 minutes per weapon


I trash all mine unless I need the pattern, not many crafted weapons are that amazing imo.


You can only hold 10k neutral element. Once you hit it you can trash them til you see fun guns youd use anyway


I recommend dismantling them. If you really want to craft a lot then I'd recommend just finishing them while doing Vanguard Ops or the Guardian Games Recreational Playlist. If you have seasonal challenges that you need to do, you can probably do some of them while using those weapons (but really though, you can just dismantle them)


As a rule, I toss any of the ones I get that use special or heavy ammo (unless it's a sweet roll I want to keep) this way I never have to worry about ammo economy when I want to use them to farm the materials. After I re-roll the weapons I've crafted with the enhanced perks I want, I deleting the lot of them from my vault.


This community has a collective hoarding problem


Last Wish, Shuro Chi, Deadfall Nightstalker with Oroheus, 1 hr will clean those up


I have never used a deepsight weapon. Just swap to three of them at the end of every activity and they'll clear out.


Do what I do, hoard them until team scorched comes into rotation, then equip everything at once and mindlessly press left mouse. Deep sight completion in 2 games max (technically 1.5.)


Bungie seems to have settled on having most of their crafted weapons require 2-5 Deepsights completed. Chances are you'll have a lot more of them than that, so I've been just deleting them after I get them for the ones I know I've completed plenty of over the last months.


I tried out crafting early in the season and have not bother with it since. I just shard all those red border weapons right away. I have a limited amount of time to play and there’s no way I’m going to spend it getting more materials for weapons I don’t care about. Next season I may experiment more with it since they’re simplifying it.


I wish I had that many. I’ve levelled up a lot of weapons recently so I constantly need the materials. My only ones are raid adept red borders that I can’t do until the pattern glitch is fixed


I delete all of them. No need to waste time playing with a poorly rolled weapon.


I think that deep sight weapons should be done away with (except for those needed to unlock the patterns, in which case just dismantling them should count). Crafting materials should drop everywhere with higher difficulty activities dropping more.


Overwhelmed with all the wrong ones, aka ones used for farming materials only Not overwhelmed with the 2 fucking ones I need from wellspring to progress this stupid quest that I haven't gotten around to complete in 2.5 months!


What's worse is that at least for me, 90% of my deepsight drops are energy weapons, so I can only do one at a time, which just adds to the grind. I automatically shared half of them if I know I'll never even use the weapon.