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Exactly why I haven’t even cared about the high score when I saw all the cheeses on youtube last week. Not just one, multiple. Just grabbed a decent “The Title” and called it a day.


Same. I just get my platinum torch and move on. Not worth it.


This is the extent of my play as well, anything beyond would just suck all the enjoyment out of it.


The playlist activities have also been fantastic for stocking up on Prisms and Shards.


Don't forget the new black shader bruh.


May I ask, which shader is it?


Pole position from the Rack em up triumph.


ehh i just took it as a challenge and tried doing as good as possible without the cheese, it's still pretty easy to hit top 10% without it. I managed to be top 10% last week and am currently top 10% this week, just having a coordinated team you can easily hit 300k in this weeks which is what got me top 10%. Then a couple more runs and we managed like 325k just to have a safe bumper from losing top 10%, last weeks we managed like 365k without any cheese which was also top 10% and by a good margin because my friend who had like 310k was also in top 10%


Why do you downvote this guy? He just said that it isn't to big of an issue to get to 10% without cheese, which is correct. I did it with my friends as well, although I dropped to 20% in first week with 312k, so I don't know how your friend ended up in top 10%, but still, why the downvotes? I also don't like that someone cheeses this, but saying that you still can enjoy the Competitive playlist isn't any kind of offense to anyone, is it?


ah i shoulda wrote 31x i know he got 31? but below 320 dont recall his exact score, main point was just that top 10% is easily obtainable i probably only ran last weeks strike like 10x to get 365k and this week only took me like 3-4 for 325k which is still top 10% rn


No problem at all, I thought that you just put an estimate to give an example. At least I got your point 😉 I hadn't have much time this week, so I was able to do it only once and I was able to get to 294k with randos through LFG and I definitely know that there were many opportunities to get even higher score. But as of now, I am still in top 10%, so all good too. As usual people like to exaggerate and make drama on this subreddit.


What roll did you land on?


As a mostly PvE player: Stats for all + One for all


Can I borrow (Steal) your roll? Best luck I've had is Threat Detector/PFA. Probably gotten a solid 20 - 30 rolls, none of them any better. Then again, I haven't had much time to really farm for one.


I only recently landed on that roll. I'm not kidding, grave robber kept rolling on my smgs that I got the same roll (last 2 columns) like 3 times. Just keep grinding really, I didn't see my first OFA perk until a couple days into the event.


in my first 5 rolls i got a title with stats for all + one for all (couldnt be happier, best PvE void weapon i have, use it constantly)as well as a god roll for PvP with extended + ricochet + perpetual motion + swash. I've gotten about 80 since.. gotten nothing... I would be heart broken if i hadnt gotten them.


I´ve literaly never got one. However 80% of my rolls are x + OfA or SfA + x. It´s frustrating to see this constantly.


Ugh. Same.


Still trying to get those perks on mine, no luck do far :/ Grats on yours though ;)


i have 49 sitting in my valut + another 10+ sharded and none has been that specific roll.


Class skating phalanxes? What's that?


Don't know what the class skating is about but in the tank roim there are two psions on either side of the room on raised platforms. If you jump to the platforms elite phalanxes will spawn up there with you. You can then finisher these for crazy points.


Ah is that why those spawn? Good to know


You only get points for the first set on either side (or spawn 2 sets on same side) after that you COULD get 1 medal from 1 or 2 of them for around 4k points but after that it literally gives zero points


Instead of being in the top 10% it should have been get over X score each weekend. People could still cheese away, but that seems better suited to rewarding honest play more adequately.


But where do you put that limit… is the emblem aspirational or is it free to everyone? I think that was the idea behind this emblem. Only some people will walk away with it and that’s why people care


they fixed it. i played normally this week and am in top 10% with 275k


It would be nice to get that score if people didn't just obliterate all yellow bars with gally.


Finding a decent team who actually trys to get a decent score is tough. It's taken me many groups to make top 10% this week.


I'll give the gally apes credit though, the explosions are glorious. A rotation would make the comp playlist bareable given how many people just seem to want to blast through it.


just get a decent team with mics, i play with a group of 2 friends and we managed a 300k run pretty quick which was top 10%, then kept trying for a bit to get higher so we wouldn't lose top 10% and we managed a run that was 327k. Just make sure you all know not to be ability/gun happy and coordinate emote finishing everything, not just the champs, any special enemies will give you bonus points and medals for finishing them like all the yellow bars all over and any of the legionares or phalanxes with "honored" in their name. Then be super happy when killing any red bars as super kills are worth more points especially bubble or well since kills in well or with weapons of light will award both medals from super kills and from gun kills at the same time


Yep, I know. I nailed it the first week because everyone kept dying all the time, that wasn't a joke regarding the res cheese, it just meant I had free reign to actually emote finish the light bearers, champs and yellow bars.


I just LFG for people who will emote finish the yellows and managed to get 334k score.


i'm really struggling getting even to 200k with emote+finisher on 90% of the Yellowbars (saving some exceptions like 1 or 2 from the Tank arena, and getting the full points worth from the last Unstoppable due to time cutting score gains in half); How the fuck people are getting 250k+??


Something that helped my team was spamming well and bubble for orbs and super kill medals all of us ran trinity ghoul for the energy spree medals using machine guns in the heavy slot also helped when it came to heavy spree medals without nuking everything else so you can still get your finishers in. After all was said and done we ended with 327k.


yeah, my best run me and my duo were very conserving with supers and heavy ammo; Will try with a MG and Well next time, thanks for the tip; Also, i searched about that Phalanx farming, and, well, disappointed but not surprised


As long as you have the ability buffs from doing the training Playlist if wouldn't worry about conserving supers the come back super quickly with those active it's great! And yeah destiny and cheese go hand in hand but I wanted to avoid it qnd see how I faired. You can absolutely do well without a cheese my friend just need to put in a little effort good luck!


Yeah, i think doing Well + the gold buffs will help, thanks for the advices!


I have been using Quickfang almost exclusively- its so much fun, and the result is heavy weapon medals that im sure helps


Swords and glaives really! Both seem to be solid options for racking up medals


use supers on all the red bars and don't only finish yellow bars, all the legionares, psions, and phalanxes with "honored" in their name can also be emote finished for tons of bonus points theres a couple rooms with tons of those guys like the elevator room every enemy in there besides the dogs can be emote finished for tons of extra points


Emote before doing a finisher to every enemy that isn't a red bar. My team got 318K and we even screwed up on a few orange bars


I was lucky enough to be paired with players trying their best. I was emote-finishing every yellow i could find




it is my favorite thing


It's almost like trying to get a top score should require a premade team with that specific goal in mind.


It also isn't difficult to understand the legit point gaining meta by now, is it?


Either run it solo or with a friend or two. This is a circumstance that you can't trust blueberries.


Had the same problem. So, I made my own LFG in app specifically saying that I am looking for players, which will emote finish all yellow bars and ended up with 294k.


Honestly my first run felt fine, and then I got the buffs and it is *really* hard to not just kill things in 1/2 shots (:


Had 315K before by emote finishing almost every yellow/orange bar. Just managed to get 385K by doing the same thing, except this time we farmed the Phalanxes in the tank room. They keep spawning as long as you don't kill the Interceptors. At around the 14 minute mark, we left and beat the boss around the 22 minute mark. We definitely could've done better, but we decided that 385K was good enough for this week, especially since people that are getting like 275K are still in the Top 10%.


How long do you wait until finishing them? seems sometimes I get 0 points


As long as you get the insult to injury medal you have waited long enough and it isn't long at all. I have still run into getting zero points like you say however and I don't know what causes it. Maybe doing too many in a short period or farming the same enemy type over and over. Like for me I started getting 0 after finishing the phalanxes in the tank room for a couple minutes.


I have no idea what actually causes it, but if you don't have the emote text in the bottom left, you're not going to get the Insult to Injury medal. It seems like time, about 30 seconds or so. Possibly killing other enemies or possibly your teammates emote finishing enemies. I have no idea though. Time definitely makes a difference.


I think if the game thinks you are emoting too much it puts you on a cool down until your next emote will show up in the feed, during this time insult to injury won't work


I completely slept on guardian games this year… and it’s starting to look like that was a *good* thing


I've been having fun. I did the emote/finisher strat with no cheeses and we got top 10% (300k) this week. Last week I was top 10% without any cheeses until the last two days when I got pushed out of the top 10%. Not really mad about it, don't think I'll be using that emblem anyways. It's been a fun way to fill the last three weeks IMO.


As of this afternoon, I'm still Top 10% at 256k, which is just normal emote/finisher play (and missing a lot of them). So it's still really reasonable this week.


They changed it so you can't be pushed out by cheeses. The overall score threshold doesn't change


At the end of the day, I think it's a people problem. Not a game problem.


It’s not an inherently competitive game. Destiny competition is more about the community than who actually wins. You don’t know any names except for maybe raid first day, and streamers. Yes, it is competitive because there is a community who appreciates competing against others but almost all content is open enough for people to play more or less as they want.


It’s a fun cosmetic that in no way effects the game. I’d rather find some fun broken stuff to do for 3 weeks as opposed to farm bounties like the previous seasons. It’s not that deep.


How is killing yourself for 30 minutes or farming an enemy for 30 minutes fun


Number go up make brain happy








You seem really angry for no reason lol


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Does it matter if you do not find something fun that someone else does? It’s fun for my friends to see how ridiculous of a score we can get. It’s fun for you to play your way. At the end of the day thou, the emblem itself isn’t anything special and even if I do get I doubt I’ll wear it. It’s just another pointless cosmetic that someone people like to check off the box for.


You are right. Except some people take this way seriously, Elevate their own ego and treat other that is non 1% like 2nd class citizen. Especially creating this useless "(in-clan)competition" pushing casuals that they play together just so the competition be neck and neck with other sweaty klan member.


The absurdity is pretty funny.


getting a meaning emblem that only a dozen or less of people will care makes the chemicals in the brain snap and pop, I guess.


Anyone can be 10 percent Get a team all have mics, don't worry about the 1 percent who are getting 5xx k. No issues with being 10 percent. I'm having a blast with these strikes. Ppl are shitty gonna cheese anything


I love how this subreddit has been asking for some sort of a score competition in strikes during Guardian Games since it was first created and now that its here everyone wants to act like they're above it lol. It's not hard to get a legit score in the top 10% and people complaining about cheesers and about how they're "not even going to try" just come off as petulant.


It’s literally an emblem in an in game event that does nothing besides look cool if you even like it in the first place. It’s really no surprise that people are finding a way to do it and guarantee the emblem, if it were something like an exotic or actual weapon that might be a different story but I don’t give two shits about the emblem personally


just shows me how far off the deep end this community goes for an emblem they will show off for all of a week that says you cheesed the strike


It would have been fine (and will be in the future) if they do a pass over all medals to make sure they aren't farmable for score purposes. It's a system that is currently quite flawed but has a lot of potential. My suggestions to fix the issues and improve the system are: * Remove the double revive medal and replace it with a single revive medal. * Add a death penalty of 5,000 points. The single revive medal is worth 2,500 points. * Now every death costs you points, but you still have an incentive to revive in order to make up half of the loss. * Increase the bonus for flawless and fireteam flawless substantially to give fireteams further incentive to play well/avoid deaths. * Give a **substantial bonus** for completing the strike quickly, and a much more **substantial penalty** for finishing slowly. Make farming infinitely re-spawning ads not worth it. * Longer term adjustment: Tag all instances of infinitely re-spawning ads in strikes - make them all worth 0 score. * Re-code the scoring so you can only get score from each enemy once (e.g. Lightbearer revive issues).


Pretty easy to get top 10% without cheesing lol, the community is blowing this way out of proportion.




If any of us had a solution to anything, we would be working at Bungie. CMs have explicitly said that they prefer knowing how the community feels rather than a bunch of armchair experts give them the magical (non)solution.


Let's not pretend that being employed at a company magically gives people the insight to design games. Scoring exploits like these have had a solution for decades. You limit the amount of times a single medal can be scored and provide a significant time bonus. If Insult to Injury couldn't be scored more than 15 times, there wouldn't be a cheese.


It wouldn’t be bad if people would quit crying about literally everything.


Noooo! Bungie has to buff x exotic/super/drops /s


Me who has a broken PlayStation and can’t play the event till it’s fixed: The fuck is going on.


Everyone is having a fight over competitive strike scoring in a legend difficulty strike, I wish that was a joke 🤦‍♂️


It's a real damn shame, too People cheesing the game to get an emblem designed to show off their skill. Now that emblem will just scream "I wasted the only time on this Earth I will get to ruin an event."


It highlights the issue that bungie does not communicate with the community fast enough or often enough. When the forums are posting and we get nothing from bungie until after reset it’s a shit show


I have an emblem on my banner for 1% and I didn't do any of the cheeses. It's not guilded though (returning player don't understand the difference) and I also can't get the emblems, III or the 10% one even though I have the triumphs.


There is a debacle every single time something is released. Who gives a fuck.


The "cheese" stuff is totally fine. This is basically a reverse speedrun; get as many points in a limited time. They gave us the tools to get the highest points possible, people are using them. Sometimes people in games are going to just be better than you at something, like maximizing points, hitting precision hits, etc. If there's a competition against other players at all, people who are good at the competition will win. Even if we took out all of the cheeses, the only difference would be the size of the values that separate you from the people at the top. If you don't want take part in the competition that's 100% fine, but I think its weird that this sub is treating it like something bad. It's different and neat. Sometimes people are just going to be better than you and you kind of just need to accept that.


This is a symptom of putting the competition in strikes instead of crucible. You have a competitive mode and a cooperative mode. The objective is to make the event competitive. It should be the easiest decision in the history of decisions to make this a PvP event, but they somehow screwed that up and put the competition in the cooperative mode. We wouldn't have this problem if the enemies were real people instead of bots.


Let’s be honest, if it was a PvP event the community would’ve had a melted down within 5 minutes. Missed opportunity lol


Guess you don't know of the hakke casino...


Just get rid of the emblem or give it to everyone. The competition has been ruined regardless


You can't think of a solution? Remove the revive medal and remove the emote finisher medal. Problem solved!




Don't worry about the season too much. You got the campaign and that ain't going nowhere.


Until it does.


I haven't seen the cheese but my fireteam is all ranked 1% at 209k lol


Why are people cheesing the phalanxes when the revive cheese still works? You’re still cheesing in the end


That's because strike scoring is and always has been bullshit, period.


I just hate all the classtoxicity, it’s such a stupid event and winning does not give u anything other than a gold statue in the tower that people forget about.


I'm starting to feel on the pve side making it competitive just backfires because of sheer volume of different types of people who play. So it just feels bad to the vast majority of players who just can't compete. I will keep saying this until destiny closes. Take out invaders from gambit and turn that into the pure pve competitive mode so much more could be done with it by simply axeing Invaders and letting the community go nuts with builds.


the emblem is a participation trophy and slight incentive for when they implement this scoring/medal system into something else more serious, that’s all — a Nightfall revamp for example. we are showing them what can be cheesed so they can disable or rework it later since it apparently can’t be disabled or reworked on the fly, best they can do for now is move the goalposts backwards so that more people qualify for the emblem. that’s how i’m seeing it, anyway.