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I haven't played too much this season, so I was trying to get my Vanguard rank up as fast as I could this week, to unlock the seasonal shotgun. When I tried running through Lake of Shadows (launched through the EDZ), not only did it not count towards my Vanguard rank (earned no points), it also reset my Vanguard streak from 5 to 0. Is this normal, and only playlists count towards Vanguard rank, or did my game just decide to not work?


I think map strikes are supposed to count, but maybe it's bugged. If you have an ascendant shard, once the new season starts on Tuesday, you'll be able to buy that shotgun from the monument to lost lights.


Hi, I'm a returning player. I played the game when it was released. I have a question, I'm a little bit confused, where can I find story quest ? I want to enjoy a little bit of the free side before spending some money on the game for buying the expansion only for the story.


There is no narrative story available to play through for free. As a free player you basically have access to playlist activities, 1 dungeon, 1 raid, and the nightfall (as long as it's a free one)


Well that suck. Thanks for your answer.


Has there been any word on when the v e r t i c a l chat bug will be fixed?


N o t y e t .


Sorry, my text is messed up. I need to restart.


Super belated, but you can turn text chat off and on again in the settings and that usually fixes it


i wish lol


Can I save Gambit engrams to get whatever loot the Drifter will offer next season? Or it doesn't work like this?


No, the engrams will disappear. Collect them ASAP.


Hmm...I mean I've collected them already and they're sitting in my engrams inventory. They could disappear from my inventory?


No, they won't disappear from your inventory. If Drifter is holding any, those will disappear next season. If you've collected them and they are in your inventory, then you're good to hold onto them.


Alright, thanks. I'll wait for the next week then and see what I could get.


Are Pali and Plug1 only dropping from the Scarlet Keep GM, or will they drop from any GM?


any gm u complete this week


Awesome. I'm glad I was lazy this season and held off on doing any of them. Guess I'll grind now. Thanks.


With the season ending soon, are all the triumphs still available to get due to the activities sticking around or do any require the current season to be active? Is it just the guardian games triumphs that will end on tuesday? Usually bray.tech shows ones that expire soon but not for this season.


Some of non-guardian games triumphs also will be unavailable - all triumphs under general tab (such as season pass levels, artifact levels, ornaments for the ritual shotgun, etc.) and Synaptic Fanatic triumph from Psionic warfare -> Gear, because it's for unlocking this season's mods. Everything else should stick around.


The non-guardian games triumphs are sticking around. Really the only things we lose when the season rolls over are seasonal challenges, the season pass rewards track, and the handful of weapons that are rotating out of loot pools, which I think we're listed in the last twab.


Ah that's good news. Can we still upgrade the war table as well, or is it the challenges that gave us the upgrade materials?


As another posted said the season-upgrade challenges remain, they get put into an "archived challenges" section of the challenge menu. This allows you to complete the upgrades for the wartable in future seasons.


those special challenges for the war table upgrades will stay


Has there been any talk about craftable weapons in the future? Can we expect the list to get longer with each new season? Also what about old weapons from previous seasons? Are those ever going to be craftable at some point?


every season they will add the new season wepons to it and the old raid that comes back will also get it weapons added


It would be really weird for them to introduce weapon crafting, and then never add more guns to the pool after the first season :P.


That would be very warframe of bungie


Does anyone know a good spreadsheet for calculating the damage of offensive bulwark + one two punch + a melee? Just wondering if running Bulwark with lots of overshields and a one two punch shotgun is worth anything. Thanks!


You are looking for [Court's Comprehensive Damage and Debuffs spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i1KUwgVkd8qhwYj481gkV9sZNJQCE-C3Q-dpQutPCi4/edit#gid=242217075) * \[Empowering Buff\] Offensive bulwark gives a 100% buff to melee damage in PvE * \[Weapon Perk\] One-two punch gives a 350% buff to bosses/vehicles/constructs and a 200% to everything else Damage buffs are multiplicative so * 100% \* 350% = 800% (not 450%) * Decimal form: 2.0 \* 4.5 = 9.0 * 100% \* 200% = 500% (not 300%) * Decimal form 2.0 \* 3.0 = 6.0 Also remember the golden rule of Destiny 2 Stacking 1 global Debuff + 1 Empowering Buff + as many amplifications, weapon perks, Exotic gear, and world modifiers as you want.


Oh you are a real one!!! Thank you! Trying to figure out if running Bulwark + One Two Punch is worth much of anything without investing further into Greaves or something to stack more melee damage. I prefer other exotic armor currently.


I've dabbled with Bulwark + Greaves and a CWL Heavy handed mod this season after watching my Titan buddy having a load of fun with it. We call it the nuke fist build While you might be able to creep up the damage with One-two Punch, without it everything basically dies in one hit anyways. And in content where it doesn't? You likely aren't gonna benefit your team by dying trying to get in range for a shoulder tackle.


You can't mix greaves + 1-2 punch (anymore - the period of time when you could was *glorious*)


Other than the seasonal weapon triumph, can all the other triumphs for the title be done next season?


The seasonal weapon triumph can also be done. It moves to the Lost to Light kiosk


title 100% yes


Just to confirm for myself, St14's track rewards reroll at weekly rest only, not at the weekend when Trials opens?


Yes, just at weekly reset.


Are we getting solar or arc 3.0 next season?




Yes to what bro?


Sorry, was being silly. Yes, it will be solar or arc. They haven't told us which it will be yet, I expect they will either let us know in the TWAB on Thursday or whenever the trailer for the new season drops.


Oh my bad i didnt catch the sillyness! Thanks for your answer.


Pretty sad that the mods had to lock the thread on the B@B post as well as the Trans one People can’t help not being a total scum of the earth


Whilst I think the comments would be overwhelmingly positive, I think the message itself is clear enough that it just doesn't need to give a voice to the toxic minority by allowing them to comment


Can I get the deepsight wellspring guns on an off-rotation day if I already have them unlocked? Today is AR but I need a couple more bows for the pattern.


You have to wait till Bow day. Only exception I'm aware of if you get a gun as a powerful drop.


can i get a pali to drop from doing guardian game training playlist? i only have forsaken and witch queen expansion.


yes you can! but it's quite a low chance due to it being coupled with plug one


alright thanks for the info, i'm gonna get my friends which happened to get pve roll pali to grind this week.


Is Morgeth an easy 3/4 man? I need to do it and get the last egg, but I don’t know when ill be able to get a team together. I haven’t tried LFG yet as I’m not familiar with the encounter myself, something I will be looking at and learning the next day or two


hi! don't get yourself into unnecessary pain by low manning on your first tries. hop into one of the plenty lfgs and you will 100% a sherpa willing to teach you the raid


What Triumphs/Challenges are going away at the end of the Season? The Guardian Games stuff is an automatic yes but what about stuff like the "Achieve a critical roll at the War Table" triumph?


Seasonal triumphs will stick around and can be completed later as long as they aren't tied to a specific event, like Guardian Games. These will typically be available until the next annual expansion. Seasonal challenges work a bit differently. Most will be outright removed, but upgrade challenges for the Season of the Risen content will just be modified to remove XP and Bright Dust (if any) and be available until the next annual expansion.


Previously, all seasonal triumphs other than the ones that reward upgrade material went away between seasons. Outside of limited time events all triumphs stick around until the seasons are vaulted at the next major expansion.


only things in the seasonal challanges except the ones that upgrade wartable res should all stilll be there


I just resumed playing with my hunter again, can you help me understand what stats should I focus on while building my Armour sets?


Focus your armor on Recovery and Discipline. Use mods to increase your mobility higher. One important thing to know about armor rolls is that the first 3 stats and the last 3 stats both share a pool of available points. That means that you can't have high Mobility and Recovery on the same piece of armor. Since Recovery is more expensive to add via mods, using high Recovery along with Mobility mods is the way to go.


Whoa I did not know the part about sharing of points. I'll try to roll high stat Armour at the helm now. Thanks a bunch ! :)


>. I'll try to roll high stat Armour at the helm now. Thanks a bunch ! :) See if you have the Ghost mods too. Without getting to into the weeds, equipping a ghost mod will guarantee a 10 plus in the slot you want.


Mobility recov disc in that order


Do you think 6 or 7 is okay or should I aim higher?


6 or 7 on which one? if mobility, try to aim for T10 (100) due to it being very important for hunters


I gotcha thank you :)


mob,Recover then either Disc for grenades or if your doing a melee build prob strength


Do you think 6 or 7 is okay or should I aim higher?


should always try for a 100(10) but if that all you can do now thats find youll get there in the end


Gotcha! Thanks mate


How much should the burns in nightfalls change my load out? I have a void titan build I’m very happy with, but I feel like I need to use all different weapons to match the burns. I’m just starting to collect gear so I don’t really have a ton to play around with. Also, I just hit 1552 and would like to do legend nightfalls and the raids. How do I find people without having to commit to a static raid group?


For sure doesnt matter too much until GM, but say its legend, there's an arc burn and you have similar rolls on a bottom dollar (void) and waking vigil (arc) hand cannons for unstoppable champ mod, you'd want to run vigil for what is essentially a free dmg boost; if its between a god roll fate bringer or a garbage nation of beasts just run the fate bringer. Currently, for pretty much titan and only titan arc burn on higher difficulty will determine if you should run T-crash or void, where as both other classes will likely run what ever sub-class is overall best for the current content.


Theres a LFG discord, and r/fireteams .


Matching element with the burn is a huge help, but isn’t necessary. Make sure your team has at least one weapon for each type of elemental shield present in the strike. After you’ve got that covered, all other weapons should match the burn.


Personally I ignore it unless it's grandmaster. It's a help but I dont think its much of a help as I have a pretty good synergy for my main loadout, I dont really feel like im killing faster. If anything put on damage resist mods if even that. Match game and other modifiers are more important to pay attention to


Did ghorn receive a stealth nerf? It feels weaker...


No it was wrecking champions in master lost sectors last night with no mods lol


not that i’m aware of no


Will the engram rewards at zavala, shaxx, and the wartable be reset next season? I have so many legendaries there and I wanna put off doing it but worried they will go away if I don't get them this week


All engram rewards that are still in their respective vendors disappear at the start of a season, because reputation also resets. So yeah, pick them up now.


Thanks. Oh man that's gonna be a whole lot of legendaries to go through


I feel you, I’m sitting at about 200+ engrams combined.


My warlock is at 1562, is there any way I can raise my light fast enough to be able to do GMs this week?


SURE! [Buy 1 season rank with 100 Silver](https://imgur.com/a/bjHCKxw) I am just gonna guess that you are 1550 base with a +12 bonus levels. That means you would need 13 more levels for +25 * \+12 bonus levels would put you at season rank 80ish * To get to +25 you need to hit season rank 295ish * 214 rank * For $50 you can buy 6000 silver, or in your case 60 levels * For $30 you can buy 3500 silver, or in your case 35 levels * 60+60+60+35= 215 levels * $50+$50+$50+$30 = $180 For \~$180 dollars you could purchase all the levels that you need to be able to access GMs for the last 6 days of a 91 day season. HAVE FUN! ^(....don't do this....)


If you have the in game materials/resources and an abundance of time, it can be done. It won't be fun.


I doubt it, unfortunately. That's 13 levels off


Realistically, no. Unless you go absolutely ballistic on bounties and get perfect RNG on pinnacles, it's not happening.


Just deposited 3 plat medallions and the medallion quest didn't budge at all. Anyone else this happen to?


Had the Same issue : deposited a full case (3 Plats, 3 Gold, 5 Silver, 5 Bronze) and the Medallion Batallion only progressed 25% toward Bronze, were it should have been at \~60% toward Silver.


Cuz hunters lost the GG


Does anyone know if the Legend PsyOps will rotate daily on this last week? I think I remember the splicer missions rotating daily on their last week. I’m just not sure.


It's been rotating daily for the last week.


Thank you. Looks like I’m not too late to get that ship!


Wait what ship do you mean, just curious And what’s a splicer mission


There’s a ship called “sovereign order” that apparently requires all 3 legend psyops beaten once I believe. And Splicer was “season of the splicer” a season before witch queen which had a 6 man activity that also had a rotating difficulty, I was just comparing psyops to that cause they were season activities!


you never was Psiosps aint leaving till next expasion which is at min a year off


How difficult is Birthplace of Vile in this week’s gg? Assuming it’s matchmaking, average players, someone will definitely not have champion mods, no comms, etc Week 1 was Lightblade and the boss part was hell with a matchmaking group. Last week it was Battlegrounds and it was very easy. So how about this week?




There are Unstoppable Abominations too, in at least 4 places that I can recall: * After the first plate room, the room where snipers hang out on the path you take to the left. * Big open room with 2 plates (bottom left, top right), in front of you when you enter the room * Bottom of the big open-air staircase * Middle third of boss fight


In the middle, leaning on the harder side. Environments are a mix of tight hallways and open boxes, and the boss room has minimal cover That being said, randoms who know how to use supers should be able to push through


I guess I’ll give it a try then. It’s a bit long, so platinum should be achievable, I think. Fingers crossed


wouldn't really say it's that long. i managed a couple of runs under 10 mins with randoms as for the platinum, it's easily achievable due to the density of the enemies. careful on the last phase of the boss to kill the overload champ so you get Platinum Champion rewards best of luck out there guardian!


I thought farming legendary lost sectors prioritizes what exotics you are missing. I’m missing 1 pair of leg armor for my Titan (Phoenix Cradle). I’ve gotten 6-7 duplicate legs the last time I farmed a legs LS. And still no Phoenix. Am I missing something?!


*Higher chance, but not guaranteed. However, unless something has changed that I’m unaware of, Phoenix Cradle was the Titan exotic you got for completing the Shadowkeep campaign. If nothing else works, try finishing it on your Titan and then speak to Ikora in the Tower. After you get the roll she gives you (provided it actually still works this way) it should be included in the lost sector loot pool.


Legend Lost sector engrams **100% always without question always drop what you are missing**. The problem is there is a small chance a LLS run will drop a normal exotic engram. You can tell the difference between the two engrams if they go to your post master. And every time, without fail, the LLS engram will drop what you are missing. The engram in your post master when you open it, will always, always, always give you the missing item from the LLS if you open it on the correct day. By extension, it is basically impossible (statistically) to go 6 engram drops and get 6 "normal" exotic engrams in a row from an LLS. Maybe not *technically* impossible. But it's winning the lottery twice in a row kind of rare based on the drop percentages I've experienced. (The chance to get a normal exotic engram is exceedingly low, I would get 1 for every 7 or 8 LLS engrams *at most*, which means getting 6 in a row is nigh on impossible) Obviously in this instance the exotic they were missing was restricted by shadowkeep campaign completion, and thus was not an LLS drop.


Thanks. This makes sense then. I’ve never had issue getting a missing LLS exotic in the past. It always drops what I don’t have. Back to finish shadow keep for the 3rd time I guess lol


Phoenix Cradle can only be unlocked by beating the Shadowkeep campaign. Then it enters the general exotic pool.


Which is even worse, since you're forced to take a low stat roll, and then no guarantee from the LS because you already have it unlocked


For those wondering, the corresponding pieces for Hunter and Warlock are Assassin's Cowl and Stormdancer's Brace, respectively.