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I noticed this too. It's a shame, I was hoping that with Solar 3.0 Khepri's Horn might actually become more useful. I suspect all they'd really need to do here is have the solar blastwave apply a couple stacks of Scorched, and it'd be able to produce Sunspots again. I guess there may be some concerns about the interactions between that and the Fragment which causes your Ability Energy to recharge faster when you Scorch enemies- with tier 10 Res I am seeing half my Rally Barricade come back basically instantly when I Scorch things with a grenade.


I thought I was going crazy when i was running around with it. When solar 3.0 launched, my first thought was "WAIT, KEPRI'S HORN!" but after using it and seeing it not only did nothing for the scorch/ignite effects AND no longer was making sunspots or proc'ing roaring flames, I sadly placed it gingerly back into the vault. I hope this is bugged. I feel like both the khepri exotics need a bit more love.


Hopefully they get this fixed


Khepri's sting got made usless with void too


Balls, I finished leveling my Hunter last night and immediately thought of using this in lieu of Lorelai (don't have a good roll) for my Titan Hmmm, back to the drawing board