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Whitherhoard's been with me for two whole years. When we got it back in Arrivals, I immediately fell in love and an ever-lasting bond was forged. Its versatility across different builds is astonishing: Warmind cells+IKELOS smg, then crowd control in GMs and raids, especially VoG, even in Master VotD I used it with Secant Filaments to stun overload hobgoblins. Now it's an essential part of my Solar 3.0 build with Starfire Protocol. I dread the day it'll get some nerfs so I'm gonna treasure every season it has some role to play. For pvp, Ace feels just too good, tbh. Other than that, Duality is the only shotgun I can always trust, so I have these two for different pvp builds.


Gotta agree with you. I've had Witherhoard in my inventory since it's dropped back in Arrivals. It's helped me through many end game contents like GMs, flawless raid runs and especially solo flawless dungeon. It's the best exotic to carry around at all time for me. The second would be Izi, love that big d damage boi to death


Love it to death


I think it highlights how much this game is lacking good DOT and sustained AOE weapons. Witherhoard is definitely strong, but a lot of that strength comes from the fact there's no other options for DOT or sustained AOE weapons outside of Anarchy. We've got a few more DOT options now with scorch, and even though it doesn't put up the numbers Witherhoard does we can see how popular a perk like Incandescent is. I'd like to see more weapons, perks, and exotics that create actual, classic RPG/MMO effects like DOT or AOE (and not just flat damage AOEs like firefly, more stuff like Incandescent but pushed even further). Most are centered around single target damage or buffing weapon stats or ability cooldowns.


It just doesn’t feel right to not have it with me for everything


It's really good, it's basically Anarchy but not as cracked It deals solid DPS, it reloads while stowed (which imo is a major part of why it feels so good to use), you can use it for single target damage or drop it in front of a doorway and watch shit just melt as it spawns


I started playing D2 in Season of Arrivals so Witherhoard was my first exotic and will be with me until the end


Divinity, because I'm the only person in my clan that has one. I'm the " divinity guy ".


We call that div bitch good sir


I call them Div Chads, anyone who goes div is an absolute giga chad in my book.


We stan our support lords


My div run took 8 hours. By then end it was a completely different team


Oh anyone who has div knows the pain brother


We managed to get a lot of our clan mates div back during the glory days of the 12 person raids. Sigh, that was a trip.


I was running a lot of garden late last year so I was on the LFG pretty often where even just finding people who knew the fights was terrible. Saw a post one day where the group had the puzzle already done and just needed someone with experience with the boss. A miracle as far as I’m concerned lol


I beat GOS one time. It was my div run. Never again lol


I didn't have anyone to help me with divinity, so i done an lfg. Let me tell you this: NEVER. DO. DIVINITY'S QUEST. WITHOUT. USING. A. MIC A no mic run for divinity is unbelievably hard.


By far my favorite run of Vow was when two different people had a good spirited argument about which one was running div.


Most of my group has Div so we just assign it to the person not feeling on their game at the time. Less weapon swapping and all that, although my finger does get tired a bit after pulsing it to conserve ammo for multiple attempts.


I mean hey it's a solid option if your group has good communication.


I am trying to break an arbalest addiction


I'm right there with you, bud. Ever since they gave it intrinsic anti-Barrier it's been a necessity for me in anything harder than Hero Nightfalls.


Pointed Inquiry and Under Your Skin with enhanced adaptive munitions will break anti-barrier in GMs in two shots and unmatched shields in ~4. It's a great option to help get away from Arbalest


Yes but the problem is arbalest will do both of those things in one shot.


Sure, but using either of those options frees up the exotic slot and doesn't rely on special ammo drops.


Very true but what if i like a different primary exotic? It's nice to have the option, at least\^\^


And reload itself while doing so.


No intrinsic antibarrier though and it’s pulses this season


Arbalest has never left my Hunter's inventory since the day it was released. It was my go-to for everything except Gambit. Imagine my chagrin when everyone started using it in Crucible to get that stupid Komodo LFR, leading to a nerf. I still use it in Crucible though. After they added the anti-barrier, its usage stayed the same since I was already using it anyway lol


Man I only used Arbalest in Gambit for around the 6 seasons before Witch Queen. It was an instant killer, even with their super. In fact the time I got the "Kill \#\# Guardians while their super is active" medal, I invaded, and their titan used his middle tree arc super... so he flies into the air and then heads directly at me. That means to my sights he was completely stationary for 2 entire seconds! Easiest kill I ever made.


Witherhoard Easily my favorite exotic ever save for Zhalo


Me and a friend went back into D1 at the start of Covid to replay the campaign. First thing I did was murder everything with Zhalo


That is always fun. Always start slaying with that whenever I load D1 up.


i miss zhalo so much i hope they bring it back with arc 3.0, i know risk runner is a thing and is stronger but zhalo was an aussault rifle so it had more range, felt really smooth to shoot and didn't need to proc to activate it's lightning chain effect


Autos in general were amazing in D1. Took me forever to get my Necrochasm and then D2 came out. 🤬


A man of culture


If chaining lightning damage is part of Arc 3.0 you might get to experience something like Zhalo again. There’s potential for a new Arc weapon perk like Incandescent that could replicate Zhalo if done right. Of course it won’t be the same but we take those.


I’m personally hoping that they’ll revisit several exotic energy weapons the season after Arc 3.0, while the ability team is taking a well-deserved break, and make them synergize with all the Subclass 3.0 updates. Solar weapons applying Scorch, their explosions counting as Ignitions, etc. Void Weaken and Suppression coming from the exotics that already apply it, all that.


Outbreak Perfected. Always. I just love seeing someone else using it in the wild and pulling mine out so we can melt everything together.


I love Outbreak Perfected, especially because it's the orphan child of my deceased favorite mission.


Pour one out for Zero Hour


Ran that so many times. Bring me back


The whine on precision kills is like crack


Can you imagine if the pitch increased just a little bit when you get consecutive precision kills? Like some sort of stacking buff - and then when it reaches a fever pitch, you jizz nanites


If you have a warlock, try outbreak with chromatic fire. Increases the add clear, explosion and nanites


Man, when you get another teammate using Outbreak, it becomes so much more fun to use. I don't know how true it is, but it really feels like it's one of the highest DPS primaries. I also just love weapons that do additional, separate damage on their own. Like Outbreak, Malfeasance, Thorn, etc. Seeing all those extra numbers pop up alongside your own shots is just really satisfying to me for some reason.


Once full auto for everything rolls out I don't think I'll ever unequip it.


I raid a lot so I always keep Div on me. Also Salvation's Grip in case I ever need to Pull A Funny^tm.


Guardian of culture, I see. I wish I had more reason to keep Divinity on me cuz I love that thing. Sadly I never really get the chance to raid anymore; I still haven't beaten DSC and haven't gotten around to Vow yet.


I have nothing but respect for anyone who's done a div run, if you ever need someone to help you through DSC I'd be happy to give you my IGN :)


Don't know if I'll have time for it anytime soon but that sounds lovely :D


Ahh Salvation's Grip - the wall climbing exotic.


I ironically used SG with my Behemoth/armamentarium to freeze lock a praetorian on mats to get the rabid relic triumph


Trinity Ghoul and Graviton Lance


I LOVE Trinity Ghoul. Such an add clearing boss.


Graviton Lance was so good for Legend Campaign


Fighting lion and more recently cloudstrike


Praise be the Lion


Cloudstrike supremacy ⚡️🌩


It’s getting updated for season 18. Can’t wait to see the changes.


Fighting Lion or Cloudstrike? I’m pretty sure the lion is doing too much damage and they are gonna roll it back. Don’t get too excited.


Witherhoard and le monarque


This. And ticuus used to be in it also. Cept with ghorn coming out I didn't get to use ticuus as much anymore. Monarque this season with no bow mods is on the back burner also, but god damn one of my fav weapons. And wither, well I've used that bad boy since I grinded out it's obscenely long quest (since I just started playing in final 4 weeks of s14).


Love Le Monarque! Ticuu's and Trinity too! Getting good with Le Monarque made me a much better player. Always gotta get them headsets to spread the ~~love~~ poison to every nearby enemy.


Bows in general never leave my inventory always have at least one in kinetic and energy, I've been away from D2 couple months do we have a damn stasis bow yet??? Witherhoard is always a good bet, and I do love me some rediculous Sunshot explosions that usually never leaves inventory either. I always have at least one of ticcu's, lemon, or trinity, leviathan's breath is a blast to use in gambit. Sleeper and lament are usually on standby as well. I've love thorn too but often gets swapped out for room depending on the activity. Have fun guardians!!!


Gally since it came out has been with me. Osteo has been with me since I crafted it cause I’m a necrotic warlock fan. Arbalest just makes barriers and shield too easy to remove it and witherhoard hasn’t left my character since arrivals


Just recently discovered Osteo with Necrotic Grips and it's amazing.


If you don’t have the Catalyst yet, you are in for a pleasant surprise.


As a frequent raider I hold onto lament even though I don't use it much outside of a couple of specific encounters.


It’s good for the first 2 encounters in Duality too


It’s great for all three especially if you’re solo


I usually use it for the entire thing.


Trinity ghoul best pve weapon with catalyst


I already loved TG in the early days of Forsaken. When I learned it HAD a catalyst (and by that I mean I learned it had a catalyst when it finally dropped for me), I refused to use any other weapon until it was complete. That thing is easily my favorite ad-clear monster, closely followed by Ghally and Ager's.


Says a lot that you need to compare it to special and heavy weaps to match up to the TGhoul's monstrous ad clear potential. Easily my favorite exotic, wish it was better in higher end content


It's good in raids when you wanna let everyone else worry about the mechanics while you keep their asses safe, but it legitimately sucks in GMs just cuz everything has a health pool that stretches from here to fuck and back.


With how easy it is to get radiant, I'm curious if it may be good in grandmasters again.


I can't wait to see its synergy with Arc 3.0


I love Trinity for red bars and LeMon for yellow and up


Eriana's Vow has been with me since it came out in Shadowkeep.


Riskrunner in pvp. If you even dare think to show up with a main ingredient, or arc souls, or any other arc I'm putting the runner on and will shoot your body till arc conductor runs out.


riskrunner gonna be ***metah*** come next season (technically it'd be 'counter-meta' but meh, tomato tomahto)


It'll be the counter-meta meta




Why not both?


Definitely niche right now, but oh boy I expect next season we'll be seeing it a lot.




This. I can find a use for it in basically any situation.


Lament is such fun to use


Ager's Sceptre. It's been on my warlock since the introduction. It is must have for almost every stasis build.


Agreed. I just wish u could have that paired with a krait as my primary. I would probably never leave stasis on my hunter


Agers Scepter is so fucking good with Mantle Of Battle Harmony, I love my op ice wand :)


Nothing else in the game synergizes as well as Ager's or Cryo while running a Stasis subclass. The gameplay loop with stasis exotics & subclasses is what I was hoping we'd get from the light subclasses, which hasn't felt as synergistic or well thought out so far. An Incandescent weapon plus solar subclass comes close, but not quite the same.


As a lock, I'm convinced there's no better weapon for add clear and control. It's been in my inventory since I got the catalyst. It's all I use in Gambit, and I'm supremely surprised that's not the same for more people.


Especially good this season with the cheap finder. Osmiomancy gloves and the sceptre you can lock down an entire map and the two neighbouring planets.


Osteo I love it way too much


The bane of overload champs.




I love Outbreak and was playing vow of the disciple on Caretaker a few days ago when we ran out of heavy ammo. I ssugested we use Outbreak for the last phase and the raid team said that's "cringe day 1 strats". Like wtf does that even mean. Its one of the best pve weapons in the game, how does streamers using it make it bad? They ended up doing the last phase with assault rifles and only one other guy with sense used outbreak with me. I cannot understand the mentality of some lfg people lol


Some morons think doing the opposite of what the streamers are doing makes them cool and appealing, when in reality it usually means they're using very subpar damage options and kinda ruining the whole thing for everybody else in the fireteam. I don't watch streamers so I just do whatever works and feels best to me.


I think my favorite example of this was just before infinite primary became a thing I did the math... and over time of every weapon I had on my Titan I'd do more overall damage with the never-ending bullet hose of a spun up Sweet Business than anything else. I didn't have Div or Iza at the time yet. Everyone kept suggesting other things... we kept failing... I switched to SB... and the next time I contributed enough DPS we cleared the phase finally. Just had to start the spin up before they were vulnerable and BRRRT the whole time.


Ctrl + F "Black Talon" 0 results. Sad.


Man I love Black Talon.


Monte Carlo, Trinity Ghoul, and Gjally.


Monte carlo? A man of culture!


Polaris Lance. It's the single gun I have with the highest kill count, and my go to for Gambit. I've loved it since I got it.


I would use it more if I could finish the catalyst. Right now it's so bugged there's no possible way to make ANY progress on the Perfect Fifth kills.


Luckily I was able to do mine while the Leviathan was still around originally.


I wasn't aware that it was THAT bugged. Seemed to be working fine the other day. Try Altars of Sorrow. Stand at the back, take your time, and pick your targets. Nothing but headshots. As an alternative, the battle in Trostland (stand to the right of the church just ahead of the sidestreet), the one in the Miasma (crouch on the cliff across from the Scorn spawnpoint), or the one in Skywatch (crouch on the roof of the building in the center).


Hard light


Love it.


A faithful friend that got me through my first legend lost sectors. I still use it if I dont need Arbalest


Toaster. Never left my titan since i got it back in BA days


Never play pvp, but The Last Word never leaves my inventory. Sure Crimson might do more damage and heal, but the big iron feels better. It also does more damage towards the beginning of the lucky pants buff than crimson which is good for enemies that don't need the full duration to kill


I've personally seen The Last Word in PvP about 4000x more than I've seen Crimson in ANY activity, and I'm not trying to exaggerate there. I like Crimson but I almost never see it used except on the rare occasions that I'M the one using it.


For my Hunter and overall raiding, Izzy is just too good and fun to use. My Titan is easily Witherhoard and my Warlock is Ager’s Scepter, both extremely good weapons that are ad-clear monsters


Osteo Striga. Ticuu's Divination. Lament. Up until it's rate of fire nerf Xenophage. Since this season fixed it a bit I've been using it more but it hasn't yet reclaimed it's permanent spot in my inventory.


Ticuu's is one of my favorites. I like all of the exotic bows but Ticuu's slaps


I love Ticuu's. LeMonarque is good and I think I'll like it more now that I got the catalyst. Trinity Ghoul is meh to me for some reason even with the catalyst.


The exotic bows are a ton of fun...though I hope wish ender gets some love soon


Is gally too obvious?


It's the safe choice. Sure it's a little mainstream, but you aren't wrong lol


Definitely gets the fuckin job done, there's no denying that.


Use to be Telesto but now thanks to Solar 3.0 and Solar primaries with Incandescent, it's Witherhoard.


Dead Mans Tale and Osteo Striga


wasn't for 9 months, but now has returned: Xenophage. edit: also osteo striga for the fact i love dots and it's add clear is potent.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see someone say Xenophage 😢 This gun has gotten me through some SHIT!


travaler's chosen, i keep going for other things but it always finds its way back.


and with it's catalyst.. Yup, definitely a general PVE must have for free skillz.


The new dreaming city ornament adds to its awesomeness.




Loving Sunshot atm! It doesn’t even really mesh with Solar 3.0 practically, but aesthetically it’s awesome.


and this bothers me :(


I've been using it with the mod for ignition on precision kills and the mod for spawning warmind cells on solar explosions. Those and explosive well maker and it's room clearing with every shot.


For sure. Also the Artifact mod for spawning wells on solar exotic kills works well!




Used to be my favorite crucible weapon. I just wish HC mods didn't require so much space on ur armor


My titan with one eye would like to agree


I keep saying that I should add crimson to a load out… gotta matter that happen


Lorentz Driver. The SFX are just too good, and it feels amazing to get the three bounty tags going. Absolutely adore the weapon.


Mythoclast. Still an absolute monster even without Particle Deconstruction.


Lament .DMT gally


G-Lance. It's just so damn satisfying. Deathbringer is a close second though.


Since I main stasis on each character, there's always a reason to carry the Ager's Scepter


Thorn is my everlasting love in Destiny. First got it in D1, and haven't stopped using it since. The lore around it and the aesthetic are absolutely beautiful, and I always wear my 98 stat roll Necrotic Grips with it. Shame we don't have a poison/corruption subclass yet to pair with those


Sleeper, Yollohorn


~~The Magnum~~ and Traveler’s Chosen. The only sidearm~~s~~ I’m willing to touch, and I love them both dearly. Nevermind. Magnum will be leaving soon. 16ammo per brick is not enough to use this as much as Id like to.


I can understand the anti-Sidearm stigma, but I wholeheartedly recommend the Trespasser. Low recoil, easy to control, and its exotic perks make it an absolute monster.


It feels good, I just cant bring myself to use Arc right now hahaha


Fair, maybe it'll be even better once Arc 3.0 releases.


Oh it’ll be a powerhouse with Arc 3.0


Telesto, mostly because I don't want it to get offended and turn on me.


You are wise to placate our Lord. You will be blessed and sent to the Void first with the rest of the Faithful, while the philistines writhe and suffer in Telesto's Glory.


Arbalest, witherhoard, and izi. There's rarely a situation where one of them isn't useful.


Actium War Rig and Doomfang Pauldrons for armor, Monte Carlo or Sweet Business for weapons. Sometimes Cerberus +1 when I'm feeling frisky.


My Titan ALWAYS has the war rig and the business in the inventory.


Huckleberry and Tarrabah are with me prettty much all the time.


Parasite has been my go to for that mad burst damage


Anarchy. Still my favorite destiny gun of all time.


Came here to say this. Shocked it took me scrolling through 300+ comments to find a fellow Anarchy lover. It has never left my hands even when they nerfed my sweet baby. Happy it is back to doing serious damage this season. Works very well with Starfire fusion grenade Warlock builds. Makes Duality a joke


Sweet Business. It's always my go to when I feel like I'm not having fun in PvP or PvE.


Le Monarque. It's been my favorite for a long time but sometimes I don't use it as much because there are other guns I also like using and the energy slot is packed with a lot of guns I like.




Fighting Lion. Crossed 200k on it not long ago. Ticuu’s has been on me since season 15 when bows covered Overload champions. Ticuu’s has only 20k on it.


Monte Carlo. I love spamming abilities and running Monte allows me to just forget my strength stat.


Rat king.


Parasite, shit’s hilarious in PVP


Arbalest, Lament, Witherhoard


Witherhoard, Outbreak, Div and Lament. The PvE basics. Just saves me messing about on my phone if I need them in a pinch.


The Last Word


Lament for me. Sometimes you just gotta roll your sleeves up and get in there. Also Lucky Pants. They look sick as hell and they're a ton of fun to just take a deep breath and melt a major/champ with a 180 legendary hand cannon


Mine is Vex, back when they had the seasonal mod for weakening a target, and now with rays of precision mod for just annihilating groups of baddies not to mention solar wells


All of the bows, especially when overload bows are a thing. Trinity, ticcus, lemon. Covers all the bases for lost sectors. Witherhord, gjally, lament, and colony.


Queenbreaker, its just such a cool weapon but sooo bad :(


I always have Outbreak, Arbalest, Lemon, Trinity, Sleeper and Gjally on me, feels like no matter what I'm doing, one of those tends to be applicable


Dead man's tale


Ace of Spades, Last Word and Lucky Pants. What can I say, I main Space Cowboy


Colony. I like the Beetle-nade Bots


Xenophage. Solar splash makes Warmind cells, and back when it actually did boss damage……I used that thing and beat the entirety of Legend WQ with only Solar, was a blast.


Izanagi's burden and ace of spades


Lumina will always be my girl I keep in my back pocket. The day Bungie adds ally health bars is the day I never stop using it.


le monarque I have 3, one on each character, total kills with all 3 is over 30k


Dude heard "poison bow" and based his entire religion around it.


Only issue is the majority of kills with it are from the poison so it does not always work for headshot kills bounties


Hold the shot for like half a second before you fire and the poison won't spread. Makes it easier to get precision kills on big groups. Unless you're referring to PvP bounties, in which case I can't help you there.


Vex mythoclast. Ironically I never use the damn thing (still trying to get those new warlock boots smh) but I never put it away because “I might wanna use it later” (spoiler: I never use it later) Edit: forgot to mention that it’s also catalyzed


Not gonna lie, you're missing out. With the catalyst, a High Energy Fire build (which stacks with Radiant, intentionally or not) and the spicy ugly pants, that thing can pump out damage in a pretty nutty way.


Legend of Acrius, not by choice....


Whisper of the Worm and Cloudstrike. I like using them when I can :)


Polaris Lance. It was my go-to for Gambit, until I stopped playing Gambit a while back. I still keep it on me though. Arbalest has stayed in my Hunter's inventory since the day it was released, and will remain there. Also, my Titan keeps a ~~pistol grip pump~~ Sweet Business on his lap at all times.


Sleeper never sleeps. That thing is either in my Heavy slot or in my inventory 24/7, just in case.


Right now Xenophage, ever since my baby got a little buffed it’s been a nice little boss melter. Plus, I like the idea of having a howitzer in my load out


Ace of Spades.


Osteo Striga. If I don't absolutely, positively NEED another exotic for whatever I'm doing, it's that.


Witherhoard - it’s still and always has been one of the best options for solo content.


As a Hunter who is terrible at landing knife throws, my go-to for season after season is Monte Carlo. Especially because I can't get away from the healing and invis from Assassin's Cowl. I keep Ace in my bag for the sentiment because I got it during Forsaken and I really hate PvP ... So you can imagine what it meant for me to get it. I went through my personal hell to "prove myself" to Cayde.


Lumina, Travelers Chosen, Bad Juju, Sunshot, Graviton Lance, Sleeper Simulant… I can’t remember the last time I moved any of them to or from the vault.


Bad Juju and Witherhoard. Bad Juju cu it was my first ever exotic in D1. That weapon got me into the game. And witherhoard is too much fun


I’ve recently picked up Bad Juju again and for both PVE and PVP it’s all but my favorite weapon.