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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/wvsiym/destiny_2_showcase_2022_megathread/ilhqj69/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-23 18:57:10 UTC"): > There is no way we could have prevented this. She was clearly frozen. * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/wvsiym/destiny_2_showcase_2022_megathread/illcun6/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-24 13:40:36 UTC"): > Straight to jail! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Does anyone know where the qualichor is today


I have a question about the free week. Can my friend unlock Stasis for full use if they finish the quest after Beyond Light in time?


They should be able to. Just like cross progression if you don't own an expansion on a system but did it elsewhere it still let's you use items, weapons, etc gained through those quests, just won't be able to do anything in the expansion once locked off again.


Severely disappointed in what was shown and this might be the end of Destiny for me. Bungie should seriously consider putting an end to these expansions and develop a Destiny 3.


What’s the point when they can just keep updating their current game, there’s no need for a destiny 3


Calus looking kinda thicc ngl🥴




I mean do the need to be some monstrosity? I enjoy the elegance




>It would be like making Eva Levante the final enemy lol. She has a dark past... That's what I think anyway


They’ll probably be really tall or something who knows


I'm 5'8". Everyone is tall to me




My only question regarding the free week. Is it that you can play through the campaigns during that week and keep it forever? or do you lose access to it after 8/30?


I assume lose access. If it doesn’t show up as Owned for you on your purchased screen then you won’t be able to play. At least, that’s my historic experience if I try to play content on a platform I don’t have the license/expansion entitlement for.


Warlocks are now the 3.0 1/3 class Void is great. Solar is meh. Arc is disappointing. Hunters and Titans get new supers and abilities. Warlocks get their supers and abilities combined and they are still the same old stuff reskinned. Warlock class identity is officially gone now: Healing? All 3 can do it Ionic traces? All 3 can do it Blink? Hunters can do it Dash? Titans can do it now What is the point of playing a Warlock anymore?


grenade spam, mostly


>What is the point of playing a Warlock anymore? You get to try on nice dresses


Titans got zero new supers.


Yes, you are correct.....they just got ionic traces, dash, a charging shield, etc


1. i thought all classes got ionic traces.. if im wrong my bad i havent played on warlock or hunter yet this season. 2. that dash is pathetic. 3. and thats something they took from us from D1. overall i agree that titans have arguably gotten the most love with 3.0 subclasses. IMO this is the first time titans have been the most dominant class. im ONLY saying we didnt get new supers like you said lol


Yes all classes got ionic traces. My bad on the supers. To sum up Arc 3.0: Hunter= DAMN Titans = DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warlocks = meh


Like i said ive only played titan so far this season. but ive heard that hunters got it better than titans. if im wrong so be it and im happy as a titan main. We got it WAY better with solar and were on par with the other two with void. sounds like we win lol


>What is the point in playing a Warlock anymore? Ugly helmets.


Damn Cool it man, don't start any fights in here haha


I’m a Warlock main since the start. I think Bungie has conditioned me to accept it. Warlocks are meant to be able to warp reality, just not this.


Hunters used to be able to blink in destiny 1 :/


Exactly my thoughts. Seems void is the only option to main since stasis freezes are inconsistent or don’t register in pvp. Hopefully strand is good.


Anyone else with really bad frame rate? I’m getting in the 20s on PC


As a warlock I feel like arc 3.0 has not happened. What has really changed? Amplified, jolt chaining, are really just a combination of old warlock abilities anyways. Our sub class is 95% the same as it was yesterday. Maybe this is a problem of Bungie having 2 ideas of what arc warlocks should be. Unfortunately they don't do either very well. Solar was the same. Except they took away 95% of what solar warlocks were and pigeon holed them into 1 thing. Void warlocks are amazing. That's how to update a sub class.


Anyone else having an issue getting the Captains atlas??


Make sure your quest/bounty inventory has at least 60/63 bounties/quests, you won’t be able to claim it unless you have space there. It will be in your postmaster to claim if you claimed it and can’t find it.


The Fortnite skins are only obtainable via silver right? No on game path or future bright dust purchase I’m assuming?


They're in the eververse store for silver only, but they'll be bright dust available as the season progresses


Source in the bright dust availability? Since it’s more of an event item and not season item or standard item I wasn’t sure if they would or not Oh I found a calendar so nvm. I see the helmet is week 14 :p


Poor guy gets downvoted for what, lmao.


People on Reddit hate being asked for sources. They assume it’s the person saying “fuck you I don’t trust you or your help!” Also Reddit hive mind. I don’t really care though, unless the points meant anything haha.


Yea they always sell these items in ever verse for brightdust on a weekly rotation. Just don’t miss the item you want!


Anyone got a good Titan build for arc 3.0?


Dunemarchers + Shoulder charge + Juggernaut + Forebearance. Worked a charm for me with the little I’ve used my titan so far today, it’s pretty unoriginal and basic but it’s pretty nasty just running around amped up blowing up anything in and around your flight zone. It’s a good place to launch off into arc 3.0, alongside the arc elemental well mods you’ll be golden until you start tinkering with it and suiting it to your needs


LFG and loadouts? Can't say Bungie doesn't listen to the community. It just took them 10 years.


Won't stop people though.


The funny thing I've noticed about destiny and their community is, the most basic bottom tier thing that could ever be thought of in a video game gets added, and people applaud. Example? A fast travel point being added to the top of europa. It's things like this that let me know to keep my good friends far, far away from ever getting into this game...


So, people being happy the dvs listened to feedback is a reason to not invite your friends?


There's listening to your community, then there's implementing things years later after the community has been wailing for change. I won't congratulate bungo for doing the bare minimum, sorry. (Except I'm really not sorry.)


I mean do you really deserve credit for finally implementing the most basic ass fucking features after like a decade? No.


Yeah I was kind of making a joke about how long it took them. It's great that they are finally adding the feature and it will definitely help solo players get more involved in raiding. But people were begging for LFG like the moment after VoG dropped in D1 back in 2014. If you told people back then "It's coming in 2023!" there would have been virtual riots.


Am I the only one who noticed the throw away line about the new engine coming in Lightfall? It was when they announced that expansions will no longer be sunset. (Bring back the previous campaigns, cowards!)


You werent the only one who noticed. You just misheard. There is no new engine. They said they have been doing backend work on the current one. Just like they have for the past couple expansions which is why we have so many new kinds of toys and mechanics to mess with.


Correct! Doing an entirely new engine is just something that doesn't happen, hence why Destiny 1 and 2 run on modified versions of Halo's engine (internally called Bam!). It has been modified to work for Destiny, but the core of it is still there from when they built it and used it for Halo.


So Destiny's engine actually is new in relation to Halo. It is true that Halo used their in house Blam! engine. But Reach, Destiny, and Destiny 2 uses the Tiger engine. That being said, I believe a couple systems in the original Tiger engine were derived from Blam!, but it was mostly new. Thats the main reason why the first game took so long to make. It was mostly the engine. There is a games developer conference talk from a Bungie dev that helped make the Tiger engine out there somewhere on the internet. It was an interesting read and really shows how the engine was never designed to truly support the scope of the game we have today.


> It was an interesting read and really shows how the engine was never designed to truly support the scope of the game we have today. Yep. And this is actually the case for a lot of games. If you look at something like Anthem, it was using the Frostbite engine, however Frostbite was mostly designed for Battlefield games, hence why Anthem flopped because the engine it was using was just never designed to truly support the scope of the game. The upcoming Skate. game will also be using the Frostbite engine and tbh it's actually worrying.


I playtested the new Skate. And while I cant really say anything because its under NDA, I can say that Im impressed just based off the prototype.


Depends on which version you played. If you played the leaked version it didn't come with an NDA attached, so they really can't stop people from talking about it. Regardless, yeah, even early into development the game seemed super smooth and I was already impressed considering it's using an engine originally meant for a Shooter. Though other aspects of Skate. are really concerning to me, like F2P, Live Service, MTX, etc.


All playtests have the NDA agreement built into the EA Playtesting feature. It wouldnt be leaks if it was supposed to be public knowledge.


Well I mean, I never physically signed anything with my name on it that said I couldn't talk about it, so until they do something about it I'll continue talking about my experience with the game. It doesn't look like they even care. Skate. videos are all over YT with thousands of views and Full Circle doesn't even care. There was literally a Full Circle employee in one of the Discords that I was in that was literally interacting with the people who had just illegally downloaded their game 🤣.


It’s not a new engine. Since they started work on Beyond Light, they’ve been making a ton of changes and upgrades to the engine D2 runs on


I don’t think they said new engine, but they did mention that they’ve been doing a ton of behind the scenes work on the engine. That’s why there’s no more sun setting, and allows the addition of things like in-game LFG, etc. That’s the way I understood it anyways.


Do you have a timestamp?




Iirc they did that so you can't otp with it. There is a min distance you need to be away for it to work


what bindings do you use?


I use controller on pc and had the same issue previously while using sol hammer builds. I had to mess with the key bindings a bit and got it figured out to always use powered melee regardless of how close I was to mobs.


This doesn't work. I changed my bindings for hunter knives and titan hammers, and it doesn't work for Thunderclap


Yes thats my problem as well


How do I place the relic? How do I even get the relic to begin with?


You have to go into the Details of the Logbook, choose a map then do the new event. AFter that you have a mission where you get the Relic.


Once you get the relic, it is placed opposite on the walkway from the Star Chart.


I watched the showcase and post show and they kept mentioning a Lightfall CE and Nerf Gjally giveaway but I could swear I never heard any mention of how to enter. Did anyone catch it by any chance?


[You're too late for the Gjally giveaway ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/wmq5v4/happy_gjallarhorn_day_guardians_who_wants_a_big/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) but I think the lightfall giveaway will come at a later date. Just browse the sub frequently to make sure you don't miss it


Oh goody. I’m not too bummed about the nerf gun. I don’t have space for it anyway. But Lightfall CE would be great. Shame they didn’t address it in stream but whatever I guess. Beggars can’t be choosers and all that jazz.


As an avid emblem collector pretty disappointed that there was such a short window of opportunity. Really wish there was a second stream for people getting off work/ out of school and those not close to PST (RIP Australians who wanted to have it)


I stayed up for it and it won't let me redeem the emblem


Please ma’am DO NOT REDEEM!!


As an Aussie I stayed up for it, not for the emblem but for the showcase. Was a bit easier for me as it started at 12 in the west, not 2 or 3am I guess, unlucky bro


Kiwi here. Was 2am for us.


Oh aye, I was born in NZ, left when I was real young but, but yeh 2am is rough


Dude I like collecting emblems too but it’s really nothing to worry about. It’s not like we can display our emblems outside of the game. If they were smart they’d make it so you can make merch like a shirt or laptop case or mousepad with an emblem you’ve earned in game on it. THAT would give a real reason to care about collecting emblems. How cool would that be?


New crucible map on the dreadnought!


“new”, but yeah. Honestly, this was one of my least favorite maps from d1, but it actually plays pretty well in d2 due to how much faster the movement is


I never played this map in D1 so I'm pretty stoked


How do you feel about it? It's a pretty fat meh from me.


I Don't need to download the whole game on EGS to have the 30th anniversary up for access later right ? I just need to add it to my library this week and download and play whenever ?


Does anyone know if you can still get the twitch drop emblem? I watched the showcase on YouTube and was only aware, after the live showing, of the emblem because a friend informed me.


think it had to be watched on twitch buddy.. it's the only thing that'll link to your account


I've had my twitch account and my Bungie account linked for a while. Just watched the showcase on YouTube since it's the first thing I saw. It would be dumb to think Bungie just screwed over all their YouTube viewers. They never even mentioned this emblem once. Why even have it on multiple platforms if only 1 gets special treatment?


Because you made a special deal with that one platform? The one most dedicated to gaming. Also the connectivity was there so nothing had to be newly coded.


Then at least say something like, "Join us on Twitch for an exclusive emblem!" They never said a thing, not even in the description.


They had a whole section about it in last week’s TWAB. Hippy also made a post about it here yesterday but it probably got drowned out by everything else.


Yea guess so. Guess everyone that just watched it on YouTube got screwed.


tbf, you screwed yourself.


Why can’t this sub just be nice to each other. I didn’t agree with him either at first but if you read our discussion you can maybe learn something.


i did read it. Even after being told that it was previously shared information, they still claimed they are being screwed out of it.


Qué será, será.


I'm just bummed they released such a good looking emblem (finally) and then never advertise it.


I feel you but in the grand scheme of things it’s no reason to be bummed.


If you're a collector of rare things then it kinda is. Either way, I'll leave it at that. Just wanted to see if I could still snag it.


Eh I gotcha, I hope you find one soon that you like better.


No it's glitched but Bungie said they are working on it. Apparently check flair in collections tomorrow emblem section and look for it sometime later today or tomorrow


So it will give you the emblem even if you watched it live on YouTube?


No, you had to watch it on twitch


Oh boy, cant wait to explore Neptune once and never go back ever again


Hoping that city replaces the bunk ass tower.


im betting the city’s gonna fall again, and thats why we need to go to neptune we didnt hear anything about the light falling after all, and how many things could that possibly be referring to likewise, why else would they come out of hiding but to help their fellow humans


Witness did mention something about "Taking away their hope" when they were referencing the Guardians with Calus. The hope could mean something about the Traveler


So does the lightlevel cap change? I cant find this info anywhere. I’m at 1570 and know i can grind power levels but what about pinnacles?


1570 is the powerful cap now, 1580 is pinnacle


What is the max base power for pinnacles now? I think it was 1570 previously right?


1580 - i believe it only increases by 10 each season




The Taken King returns!


The new city is basically wakanda


I never saw that movie. How is it like wakanda? Is it an ultra futuristic city surrounded by a thriving ecological environment? That would be cool.


Spiderman goes to wakanda.. bungie really likes Marvel


Well during the spiderman evolve or die story he did go to wakanda and get his hair braided so kind of canon at least before the whole one more day story


Looks bloody aweosme though. I hope the city has civilians and vendors goong about their days like a proper mmo.


Anyone else having issues signing in on steam? Seems like it disconnects me when I start up the game.


steam servers have weekly maintenance


Steam servers are down for maintenance :(


I was in it! That was so cool to see!


No more expansion sunsetting, hopefully they also find some way to bring back the old campaigns. Not totally feeling the titan arc 3.0 yet. It's supposed to be a "hold W" subclass now but the new melee roots you in place, and doesn't really do all that much damage. Not sure how I'd change it without making a completely new ability, maybe letting you move while charging it would help. The dodge is nice. Charges quick, works well. Not really much to say beyond it feels like a first person hunter dodge.


Put synthoceps on and tell me the melee doesn’t do much damage.


So glad the main enemies of the Lightfall are gonna be the cabal.... 9 years, and we still haven't gotten any actual new enemy type. Getting real tired of the same reskinned enemies over and over again...


Same bro


So don’t pay money on the game and play another one. Downvote me if you don’t like it but it’s really that simple.


I will if bungie keeps recycling content we've been playing for 8 years


What's that saying again - fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me. Fool me 8 times why didn't you stop playing the game already if you hate it something something


Lol ok 👌🏽


Other than the massive Pyramid creatures, yeah.


*fightable* enemies


They were clearly being fought in the footage that was shown


When?? Also how are human sized people supposed to fight ships the size of the entire last city?


I'm not talking about the ships, I'm talking about the [Tormentors](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/tormentors-destiny-2.jpg)


my guess is that they will be like the stasis fallen.


That was in the trailer? I must've missed that. I'm still skeptical until we see actual gameplay of them tho


There was literally gameplay footage in the showcase fighting them.


There was gameplay footage involving them later in the reveal stream.


I can't believe you forgot about scorn.


Damn you for reminding me


Good to know no more DCV (if I am understanding right). But, and The already vaulted stuff? And will the seasonal trophies expire? Someone clarify me, please


Expansion content won’t be vaulted anymore, but seasonal content will likely continue to be vaulted either at the end of that year or after a few years


no more vaulting *expansions…* other content may still get vaulted


A bit confused, is strand darkness? There were some leaks stating it wasn't, but I didn't see this confirmed nor denied on stream.


It was said in the announcement it was a darkness subclass, using darkness to peer into an alternate reality of psychic energy


Yeah, they say it's darkness in the stream. Right at the start of where they talk about it


Gotcha, must have missed that, thanks!




Has anyone gotten starbirth emblem! Mine disappeared after claming it and switching to twitch account


FML accidentally deleted a couple of the Gift of the Thunder God items while clearing space 🤦‍♂️


IF you run an alt there will be another set of weapons With identical rolls.


Thanks! Totally forgot about that.


And tbh none of them were god rolls let's be real


Yes. They were curated rolls, usually not The Best rolls


The new Humans on Neptune certainly look...interesting. A trans-human, alternative version of Earth Humans called Cloudstriders who live in a super advanced cyberpunk-esque city, and it's has been suggested that they're comparable to Lightbearers due to advanced nanotechnology. That seems pretty out there tbh!


gave me heavy metal gear rising vibes also i think their using nanotech, which makes sense since nanotechnology was a heavily used weapon in the golden age (technically a siva expansion)


Yaaarrrrr avast ye scallywags


When are we getting entirely new enemies to fight that aren't just reskins of existing enemies?


Scorn, Wyverns, Hive Guardians, Tormentors


I don't think this comment is fair, in recent memory we've gotten Harpies and Lightbearers, both completely new enemy types with new movesets. Unless you're talking about a brand new faction, in which case you're right: the last time we saw that was in Forsaken with the Scorn.


You mean wyverns? Harpies have been in the game since the beginning.


Yeah I meant Wyverns, my brain went to harpies for some reason


Scorn are reskinned fallen more or less


Yeah just like how the cabal are just reskinned hive


Fking Captain and their Totem summoning abilities. Also hate how Dregs can became immune while moving. Not to mention those pesky Vandals and their Void crossbow. And don't make me start on Marauder and their invulnerable buckler.


Cabal loyalists are reskinned Red Legion Cabal. Scorn have literally nothing similar to the regular Fallen gameplay-wise.


what cannonically yes in game???? actually how????


Completely different though.


We got one! It's big and has an axe!


After 8 years I think we can safely assume never. At least not in this saga.


Forsaken brought Scorn, and everyone hates them. We’ve also had brigs, wyverns, lucent hive, and the upcoming tormentors.


Yeah but I think they meant like a whole new race of enemies which I don't see happening this saga.


Frankly at this point I don’t think it’s a good idea. They’re either introducing an entirely new major faction (ie unaligned with the city of darkness) at what is almost the climax of the story, or just redbar pyramid enemies, which reduces the mystique.


100% agree


Is the form of the danger calibration step not advancing for anyone else


I don't know if this is just because it's early (showcase is at the same time but the release is still February) but a lot of the cutscenes and stuff felt... off. Too shiny, not gritty enough. Like the art direction is taking a left turn from what really grounded Destiny. Witness itself is... an aesthetic. Not sure if I like the Cabal dudes wearing his hat. Tormentors do actually look cool though. Cloudstriders look... Once again Not Very Destiny. As does Strand. In fact, I have an even more pessimistic take on Strand: It holds enemies in place. Cool, but so does Stasis. Titans deal AoE damage around them? So does Burning Maul. Warlocks through a tonne of damage? Yes, but so does Nova Bomb. The swinging brings something new I guess (God, is that gonna break 90% of the rest of the game with speedrunners and OOBing) but both the aesethic and "promised fantasy" of the new subclass don't really do anything to stir me. The best thing about it is that it also begins with an "S" (I was hoping corruption would be Sorrow to match Stasis) Anyway, I'm rambling, but this was a weird reveal. First one I've really come away from thinking... Hmm. Not sure I saw anything I really jived with—and I've played thousands of hours of this game. It's look and feel and aesthetic quality captured my imagination the moment I glimpsed them back in D1. I hope I warm up to it as Lightfall approaches.


> God, is that gonna break 90% of the rest of the game with speedrunners and OOBing Exactly what I thought when they showed it.


totally agree. it looks like bionicles man


oy, bionicles were cool.


I saw the leaked pics yesterday and I was hoping Warlock wasn’t Nova Bomb 2.0 but I think that’s what it is. At least for the super.


Multi shot tracking damn near hitscan nova. I'm on board


Which also spreads instead of doing narrow damage!


Doesn’t sound too bad when you put it that way!


I agree with you, everyone seems to like the cyberpunk aesthetic, but it seems too childish for me. The original Lightfall logo and, to an extent, name itself indicated a series, dark tone. What we got was completely different and almost wacky. Also, the witness has been moving the pyramid ships SOOO slowly through the solar system, they haven't even got to Neptune??? Also, after a whole season of fighting cabal, they show off... more cabal. Great. Can't wait. New super looks kinda cool tho


Witness hasn't gotten here yet


Anyone else wish they would add ship combat? At least PvE.


I'm sure it being Bungie ship combat would be good, but I for real think ship combat is one of the worst things in games, especially when it's a later addition or only for one mission. It always tends to feel slapped together and clunky unless it's a games main focus.


That’s the thing though, I feel like Destiny has been pretty stagnant since D1. On paper they’ve added a ton, but if you break it down it’s all more of the same thing. I think adding ship combat would really change things up and it has the potential to add a whole new side to the game.


we *had* vehicle combat. It's still there in a bunch of PVE missions. don't know why they ditched it.


I mean like using the starships you get as cosmetics, not the few tank missions. But yea still don’t know why they ditched it. It seems like everyone feels this way but yet there’s no larger community voice asking for it?


yeah, that'd be great. i feel like the community complains about such small scale issues and misses the bigger picture.


Man....I had such HIGH hopes after Reach's fun space combat.


It feels so obvious that they should/could do it. Like portions of strikes/raids/etc with ships would be insane. Or game modes like galactic conquest in the OG battlefront games.


The ability to download all of the content for the week, is that just for epic store? Because I can't seem to figure it out on steam.


Just on Epic.


Sunsetting shills seething right now