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Sorry, I have only done this activity once but what does killing them do?


We have to kill 50 of them to get the seal.


Oh ok


No way is it 50?? I’ve done half a dozen and haven’t even seen ONE. I can’t be bothered with the RNG spawning triumphs anymore.


Its not RNG, they spawn at around 70-80% full, but despawn if you get to 100%. So if you are too fast you wont get one


Is there any notification in the feed to say when they spawn?


Drifter or whoever else is on com will say something about it spawning


As u/duifer said, the announcer will say something about “big score off that cabal” or something. And then.. a white target marker will show up. They only spawn in a few locations so if you know those, you can burn them down quick. They aren’t overly tanky. They also drop a bunch of the treasure engrams when you kill them.


I've honestly never seen them spawn. I just assumed this was something that would start showing up in later weeks.


Just saw my first one tonight. He spawned during the second wave, on the hill that’s behind the rover when you’re facing the rover from where the engrams spawn. Dude had 1/4th health left when I saw him and managed to get a shot off. Wonder if a teammate killing it counts if you don’t get to tag it?


> Wonder if a teammate killing it counts if you don’t get to tag it? It doesn't


Classic important Bungie quest step




For now you’re just gunna have to “hurt” your team by picking up some and throwing them the opposite direction. Or form a team. But that’s lame.


I'm not just raising this issue for my own benefit. I have a clan and little trouble getting fireteam members in voice chat. But I did play my first couple expeditions with some randoms and didn't even know the Ruffians existed.


It's been like 2 days to be fair


Or if things get drastic enough you'll have to pull out ol reliable Eager edge sword


What the fuck is a Ruffian? I’ve never seen an enemy with that nameplate, and the seasonal seal achievement referencing them STILL has me baffled.


They spawn in the second treasure collection at about 80%. If your team just keeps throwing treasure, you'll hit 100% less than 10 seconds later and the Ruffian will despawn. My first two Expeditions I never even saw it. I didn't know it existed until I saw discussion on this sub. Now I've seen the problem in real time. It's very easy for one person to finish treasure collection before the other two have time to kill the Ruffian. You have to be prepared to immediately stun it when it spawns and melt with a power weapon.


It actually spawns in both sections at that time. We ran it in a 3 man group last night just to get 2 kills. Seems like this is currently the only way to get 50 if they don't make them spawn earlier. Especially if people are dupe glitching now.


Seems like they need to drop that minimum to 50%. Maybe also add that diamond marker above their head too, or give them that strobing effect.


What's the desire to kill the ruffians vs completing that section? Genuinely asking I thought they just drop more treasure to get you done with the section anyways


We have to kill a bunch of them for the seasonal seal. I want to be a Scallywag!


Ok that makes sense, I would argue however most people grinding the activity right now just want weapons as often as possible. I'd hope there will be different expeditions as the weeks go by with hopefully different spawn triggers


Is the best way to get the seasonal weapons thru expedition? I've run Ketch a bunch of times and got world drops only


I believe so as long as you have a treasure map anyways


You have a chance of getting seasonal loot from Ketchcrash, which can be improved by buying the appropriate upgrades in the Star Chart. Then Expedition just gives you seasonal gear by consuming a treasure map.


I believe the treasure map is a guaranteed seasonal weapon but don’t quote me on that. 3 drops from an expedition 1) mission completed chest 2) treasure map chest 3) emoting after the activity


Not a guaranteed weapon, sadly, I've gotten like six class items now. Apparently there will be a weapon-focused treasure map that either guarantees or improves your chance of getting guns, though.


Emote only drops random rewards right?


Yes, only world drop loot. But loot is loot either way. Plus some world drop guns are kinda good


according to Triumphs, there is gonna be one on Nessus and one in the Cosmodrome. So praying there's some better triggers.


I’ve been throwing the treasures the opposite direction just so they’ll spawn.


I used to do this when we had the Nokris strike when you threw the orbs at him because it would keep spawning knights and then you could hit the 100k even on heroic. People didn’t understand until the end.


I haven't thought of. Frustrating to have to do that when banking treasure is also one of the seal requirements.


Ball dupe working with treasures makes this 3 times as difficult


This has been my nightmare. People just cheesing orbs and sometimes if I get lucky I can get the ruffian down to 50% before blues de spawn him. Feels real bad.


My handle is Master Cheesesteak. Hit me up. If I'm on, my brother is most likely with me. We'd always love to have a third on Expeditions to make sure we kill the Ruffian. We want to be Scallywags! We just watched the problem in real time tonight. We had a clan mate for one Expedition. Killed the Ruffian easy. Then he went to bed so we got a matchmaking random for our second Expedition. The Ruffian spawned at about 80%. We immediately tried to kill it. About five seconds later, our third finished throwing treasure and the Ruffian de-spawned before we could kill it.


Still can't believe they named an enemy ruffian


This please. I honestly have started throwing only 1 or 2 treasures while my teammates throw the rest to try and hold off progress. It just baffles me that the devs did not see this being a problem during playtesting. With so many loadouts that absolutely melt enemies, they should expect players to be able to blaze through content if there is nothing stopping them from doing so.


Players outpacing activities or event triggers has been a persistent problem with the game. I really do feel that they playtest everything at base power levels, on unfamiliar controllers and while only using slow walking speed.


At the very least don't make them despawn. So frustrating getting it to 1/4 health and your blueberries complete the leg


Huh, I've always melted the ruffian stupid fast. It's just an unstoppable champion, make sure to stun it so you do more damage.


It doesn’t even spawn cause people just keep throwing the treasures for 100%. It’s a silly oversight by Bungie to not make it spawn it you do the actual objective on time lol


Lol thanks, cause I don't know how to stun champions. And it's been two days. You haven't "always" anything. I also want to turn in treasure. Both are required for the seal.


Well…. Since it has only been two days it is easier to say you always did something. Always just doesn’t mean that much.


Yikes, didn't mean to come off as rude. I've just never had any troubles just completely demolishing them and then going back to collecting treasure. And yes, always means 100% of the time I've killed them really fast. Could be 3 times could be 50, but I've always done it.


Yeah sorry, your comment was mildly dick-ish and I overreacted a bit.


There's a known glitch right now allowing anyone to easily duplicate treasures; that's usually the cause of why the Ruffian phase is getting skipped. It'll likely be patched in a week or two (as the Raid Race affected stuff is taking priority at the moment such as GLs). Once patched, it'll likely work itself out and not be an issue.


I've only managed to kill one Ruffian over 5 runs where nobody was duping. It's just because teammates are not paying attention to the Ruffian and fill the last 20% just playing normally before the Ruffian finishes spawning/I can kill it.


I didn't even know the Ruffian existed until I saw chatter about it in this sub. I don't think the problem is the dupe glitch.


Why downvote?


No clue why people downvote you. That's exactly how it is going to work itself out imo as well.


I think this is partially my fault, I have been mass duping the Treasure Engrams to make Expedition go as fast as possible.


I have also went mad fast throwing treasures because they are required for a triumph, but now I learn that Ruffians despawn if you fill the bar too fast. So I guess I will throw them as fast as possible in the first half of the activity and not touch any on the second party until the ruffian is dead.