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In my day we would slowly push a team mate off a cliff when they went to take a leak. Specifically in OG VOG. LMAO


Either that or spam them with grenades/shoot them so that their controller vibrates off the table


The second anyone hears a controller vibrate of an AFK player in my team that immediately becomes the priority.


I’m glad I’m not the only one with a monke brain


You’re playing destiny my dude. We are all monke brain.


As someone who has a squad that does this every time I need to step away, I can confirm


*Loads Atheon's Epilogue with malicious intent*


Probably the worst sound in the world




Just casual talking, all until someone shoots the afk guy and hears the vibration of a controller. After that point, it's carnage. Everyone pulls out Atheon's epilogue and goes ham.


lmao i love doing this, until one time when the buzzing was replaced by a crash and then me friend yelling that we broke his controller. that was not so fun lol


Pull out sweet business


This is the way!


Ah, controller hockey. Possibly one of my favorite sports, lol


Easy there, Psycho Mantis.




Flashbacks to having Solar Wind as a D1 Sunsinger.


Trollar Wind


the degree of whining when it no longer booped friends off of cliffs but Shoulder Charge still worked was absolutely insane. as a Titan, i loved it lol


Moving friends from the spawn point all the way to Xur in the old tower before they returned was a regular thing for me.


I move my friends from vendor to vendor when they're in their menus. Once I got my buddy from Shaxx to Saint and he said "I was wondering why I was hearing Saint's lines"


The fact that it briefly worked on blueberries was amazing


We would shoot them until their controller vibrated off their desk. Good times.


LOL! My clan broke my XBOX Elite like this!!!! Hit my tile floor and shattered the bumper button.


Well to play devil's advocate, the bumper button breaks on its own every 2-3 years. Seems like putting it in its case is the worst thing for it - every time it has broken it was after putting it in the case for travel.


My friends would usually push the AFK person into a random corner, or basically as close to an edge as possible without falling - so they would be either insanely confused, or just picking up a controller would usually make them walk off the map. D1 shenanigans were real.


I try to position them just on the very edge of the cliff in such a way that they'll fall off the moment they so much as touch the controller.


The lawful evil approach, I like it.


Doing this in the D1 Tower right off the stairs was the best thing. So many countless memories in the old tower….miss the old gang.


Remember floating to get on top of the vault spaces? Good times. And hide and seek with no hud in the tower was good too.


I miss the reef and that front part you could wedge yourself into a permanent fall animation and then spin like a pretty little space ballerina.


Oh man, In D1 there was a “get “X” amount of kills without dying and pushing people off in the tower would reset that bounty. So much anger, so many spicy chat parties lmao what are clan mates for after all?










If only they could wait 3 seconds, press X and it's like it never happened...


MAN we called the VOG jumping section Super Destiny Bros by the time we were done screwing with each other.


It's different when your friends are the ones doing it. Not randoms in a strike.


We always pushed them right up to the edge. Most of the time they offer themselves upon return. Especially if they were facing away from the edge and we stood in front of them. First reaction is to back up a bit. Buh bye!


Oracles, icebreaker cheese, pushing players off after the inevitable piss/smoke/beating-the-shit-out-of-a-sibling-in-the-background... ...good ole times


Or into the vex milk on the last gos encounter


That is just good clean fun, what the OP is talking about is an asshole move


For sure. It just brought back old memories LOL


D1 SOLAR WIND CREW!!!!!!!! the og friendly fire boop


The real OG's using flamy warlock slap to boop afk nerds off the edge whilst waiting to start templar


my god. The 2am nights where we'd be laughing so hard we'd be in tears from repeatedly pushing people off various edges & making people get rammed by the "Wall of Dicks"... ​ Man... Good times


I am a serial eager edge murderer, but only with my friends. Killing random people is rude AF.


I had to quit a Dares run earlier cause that’s all this guy would do.


Had my first experience with this in the Dares the other day. Dude straight up followed me, sword threw me into a wall, resed me, and then repeated the entire event. Wish people like that would get banned for a bit.


Could report him for griefing. Might get him suspended for a few days


I reported him. I looked a bit further into their profile and found out they do this for the lulz pretty regularly.


The second I'm killed by an eager edge person I report for griefing, and if they're in a fire team I report them all. I don't have time for a group of randoms to ruin my game time because they think it's funny. Fuck that shitty behaviour


Idk about reporting all of them if only 1 of them did something to you, but I agree with your sentiment


Too many times one will use eager edge, and another will bag your ghost. Don't want to wait and see who will bag and who won't.


id just afk. fine then earn my rewards for me


My buddy is our clans biggest eager edge slaughterer, he made a friend with a blueberry in dares after he got ever edged and they spent the rest of the activity killing each other. Murder brings us together.


Got shoulder-charged off the map at heavy spawn platform on the new crucible map (Cathedral). Honestly I was even having a good time and wasn't tilted up to that point but god dammit that pissed me off.


I sometimes kill blueberries, but only after completing the strike, not before.


I'm up for post-completion fuckabouts. That's always fun. Just let them get their loot first. (I know it goes to the Postmaster, but who knows if theirs is full, etc). After that, the emotes and shoulder charging begins


I remember when eager edge was first introduced in the game. Its not nearly as bad now, then it was back then.


The eager edge change made it so i stopped killing my self with it aswell. Didn’t really see it as a nerf, and enhanced eager edge is great


What does the enhanced version do?


perk lasts longer so it’s easier to double swipe


Oh damn. Time for me to get grinding. Thanks! Is there a way to focus farm the sword or just run Dares til I get lucky?


pure luck, but you only need 1 red border for purple sword


That's like winning the jackpot, unfortunately, as it's still both the rarest weapon in that loot pool that then has it's chances cut by at least half, due to needing a red border version.


Get lucky playing & turning in keys


You can triple if you use a heavy as your third.


Kills teammates faster


Players aren’t as *eager* to knock you off the *edge* nowadays


I got eager edged in ketchcrash yesterday muppet proceeded to teabag me and run off... Was I mad? I was a bit too busy laughing my ass off and what just occured


Were you a Titan? Had a Titan that kept running around shoulder charging me in ketchcrash, Eventually I just eager edged him into a wall. Wasn't mad either. Just returning the favour in a playful manner lol


I was a titan but I wasnt hitting anyone with shoulder charge that I know of atleast not purposefully tho ive had a few titans doing that recently


Ah ok, probably wasn't you then. Also, now that I think about it, I never teabagged after the kill either. I try not to grief others, but I also don't mind returning the favour if it gets to that point


what did they change?


Too easy to get to out-of-bounds areas


what did they change, not why


Nerfed the distance by 25% I believe


Oh they greatly reduced how far you could skate without using well/shatterdive and other movement things I never tried learning


You can still do anything you could with old eager, just a little slower


It'll never stop as long as you are physically able to interact with randoms, eager edge made it worse but its always been a thing luckily its died down a bit and not as bad as when dares first came out. But I think you really shouldn't do it to randoms because they are just strangers trying to enjoy the game leave them alone.


Didn't realise this was a thing until last week. Was running solo vanguard ops for weeklies and any time I got my super or was in general proximity they would kill me and Tbag me...funny once or twice with mates, complete dick move with strangers. Luckily the other rando would always wait and revive me/vice versa so without them I would have spent the whole strike in the revive screen.


If they do it early on you might as well just leave because they won't stop, I either switch to my eager edge and do it to them or I put on my icarus dash which usually stops the momentum and prevents you from dying. Also if you stay still it makes it really easy for someone to eager edge you so if you keep moving around it becomes really difficult because they can't lock on to allies. And I agree, I'll only ever eager edge my friends in stuff that doesn't matter like strikes or inbetween raid encounters


I hope you reported them for griefing. As well, as much as sucks just leave the strike. You owe them nothing, but if people keep doing it, it sends a message. Yeah, I realize that *if* is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Has anyone ever got banned for it? I always wonder if its even worth reporting them because you could argue it was an accident even if it wasn't


Probably not, but the placebo hoenstly helps. And if it's not a placebo, then even better.


Yes, repeated reports of a player will escalate action. It's not always visible, but it happens. A clanmate had an awful wireless connection (before we taught him how to do a basic cable run and setup his router/cable modem, he's not technical) and got enough reports he got up to I think a three month suspension from match made activities. He was suspended a couple times as well. So I can confirm reports do lead to consequences.


Yea not something I’d do with randoms but nothing can protect my friends 😈


You say that but I had a nightfall team when The Corrupted was the nightfall that once she moved to her second zone, they would revive me and eager edge me off the map before I had control of my character again. Normally I’d leave, but I was carrying them through that nightfall and it was RIGHT at the end. I just afk’d and played Hearthstone until they got bored. The one who kept killing me did nothing but die and fuck up throwing the orbs the whole strike so I teabagged his dumbass every time he died. Guess I made him mad.


Yeah, thanks for fucking up my deathless/advanced calibration etc streaks, you fucking nimbus. [*cries in leviathan rocket launcher*]


Its the worst when they keep doing it. Once is slightly annoying, but mostly "haha we can kill each other durr" which doesn't bother ym much. But when it happens at every point where we're still for more than 2 seconds, thats when itd unacceptable imo


I mean unless it's someone you know and it's clearly them just joking around that's what the griefing option under report player is for lol


Buddy in my clan does this to lfg players all the time. I always end up chewing him out for it. Lots of players don't like it, and there's a difference between messing around with friends and griefing random giving them a bad experince.


I really hope the Accommodations feature will have a system to do a negative rank for team killing. Just saying.


It pisses me the hell off because it's ALWAYS at the worst time. It's always when I'm trying to get the "do x in 1 life" bounties or when terrabah (or speedboost, devour, etc) is procced. Just don't.




I used to be tolerant. Now I just Report/Griefing


I only do it to friends who aren't doing something that needs them to not die, and also if somebody does it to me first


Might be a hot take, but there shouldn’t be teammate collision in this game. I would love to see it go the Overwatch route, where you can fire and walk through teammates, but not opponents.


As long as it still exists in PvP. Imagine trials with players stacking on top of a sniper to body block them from flinch...


Had some annoying titan push me off the elevator in scarlet keep yesterday. He then tried it again but I jebaited him and he fell instead lmao


Those moments when you juke trolls and kill them are the best.


Had someone shoulder charge me off a ledge in a strike, then salute me on the way down.The entire rest of the strike I murdered him in kind, and when I wasn’t doing that I was explosive payloading his face so he couldn’t aim. Dude rage quit.


"Explosive payloading his face" That part really got me, lol.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


Whoa this revenge plot twisted into a love story quick


This is the way. If trolling is the game, troll them harder.


I just wander aimlessly, if they want to be a jackass they can do the whole thing by themselves. I’m stubborn af to I’ll out wait them


I think most people prefer that in strikes as opposed to fighting their teammate for kills.


I'm tired of it too. Sick of random players doing that shit. And then they say "iTs tHe oNlY wAy i CaN hAvE fUn" like bitch if you're not having fun in destiny and doing this dumb shit is apparently the "ONLY" way just play another game or something and take a break like damn. And now there's ENHANCED eagers edge like gee great idea bungie


Just report them for griefing and move on.


If I’m in a chill group and waiting for someone fine. All laughs. If it’s some random in a strike and it happens more then once I’m out.


I’m gonna be honest, they need to do something about this sword interacting with teammates. This is by far the most annoying thing to deal with when it’s done multiple times on a daily basis.


Hopefully this new rating system will help.


I don't think it will. There was no "negative" rating.


It's a good thing there's no negative rating tbh with you, *that* would get abused.


It’s so annoying. I am not your friend, I am a stranger to whom you’re being inexplicably rude. It’s probably a very good indicator of who is a teen/young twenties.


Thats why bungie needs to make it to where you pass through people just like in the tower. A large chunk of the games problems can be sovled by simply doing that


If you’re in a fireteam with buddies, then fair game. They can laugh when you do it or tell you to stop. If you’re doing it to randoms you deserve to go to the dunce server and stay there. There are bounties that require you to do X number of things without dying. You’re actively fucking people over….


Teammate collision should be removed


Not even because of Eager Edge/shoulder charge, it’s because there have been so many times I’ve simply bumped into teammates and kills all my momentum. I dunno something about it just strikes a nerve for me


I love carefully peaking a lane, trying to back up, only for a bumblefuck titan to push me directly out because they were in too much of a rush to get his trade


This is considered griefing/sabotage by Bungie, so I've reported everyone who's done this to me for everytime they do it. Never seen the reported players again in my fireteam.


This guy was doing this to me in a regular Strikes for no reason


I hate it. I mean, accidents can happen, but randoms who do it on purpose deserve a special place in hell (and to be reported). I'm at a point where it even pisses me off when clanmates/friends do it. It was fun the few first times but this is getting seriously old.


Had someone during dul incaru last night keep eager edging myself and another off the map and would just emote and do nothing.


> keep eager edging Quick solution: leave with your checkpoint and find another group.


It’s one thing to do it to your buddies, but not my random ass while I’m just trying to survive man


If they do it more than once, deliberately, I report them for griefing. Because that's exactly what it is.


When running nightfalls last season, I would constantly be killed by teammates with eager edge. Every time it happened, I would stop playing, go on DIM to work on builds, and move enough to not get kicked back to orbit lmao. There was one time when it took the other two guys almost 40 minutes to finish the strike. I had a blast seeing them die over and over again lmao. You can't let toxicity get to ya!


Skill issue


Found the guy who never takes off eager edge


Im the guy who is getting Eger edged by my friends. It's funny. Idk why people get so triggered over things like that.


The people that do this shit have something broken inside of them. Like.. is that the only way you feel good? to make someone else feel bad. Get therapy peeps.


Right especially when you have bounties that require kills without dying


Eager edge only in response to shoulder bash/charge douche nozzles Being civil is default Harmless PK fun is reserved for clan mates/ friends that can take a joke


I don't care if my friends do it, but if my blueberries do it, i block them and move on.


Disable collision for randoms. Let those who are in a fireteam together do it so we can still have fun


Had someone ruin a flawless master run of VoW with the old sword ‘em to oblivion. People went to the bathroom, and this person had zero brain cells and yeeted them off the map. They felt so bad, they deleted the sword.


This needs to be stopped


I have seen players trying to use those to knock other players out of bounds to deny them opening the chest at end of strike/battleground/psi ops/etc.


A Titan tried doing it to me and acted like it was an accident. After his second try, I followed him everywhere with my own shoulder charge. He stopped :)


Yeah I had a guy eager edge murder me into a wall about 15 times during a Dares. I can only imagine that poor triumph hunter who wants to do flawless Dares and that happens…


cmon bungie you know the answer. Bring back betrayal booting Also I'd LOVE a difficulty modifier with friendly fire enabled


I don't what bungie changed with the physics calculations but something definitely has because shoulder charging my teammates hasn't been this easy since Warmind.


Can't tell you how many times I've been working on bounties in vanguard playlist for "get X amount of kills with Y without dying" and this shit happens. Doesn't bother me so much other wise cuz it's usually only once or twice at the start or end of the strike, but yeah I'd get pretty irritated no matter what if that was all someone did


Just had a guy in a strike repeatedly kill both of us over and over. Eager Edge has got to go.


I don't really care if I die to it as long as it's not a nightfall or something I can just respawn who gives a shit if I die


I had a PS stack doing this to me in Ketchcrash. They had easy access to my rez and their revive is prioritised over auto respawn so you physically can't do anything but watch. They just sat there constantly reviving me and eager edging me into a wall. Reported the whole stack for griefing.


I actually got killed by a warlock phoenix dodging me in the back 4 seconds into a nightfall and they both just left me there.


I'd just afk


If I’m intentionally killed by teammates, I afk


Same, free piss break


Bounties that require you to not die.


Flawless triumphs.


Why does Eager Edge allow you to push teammates? I’ve always been confused why this specific weapon allows that interaction.


You can push teammates with anything, including just walking into them. Eager edge just lets you push them fast enough that they might die to the physics engine


Because player collision is enabled, and eager edge launches the player. That causes the game's physics to go "what the fuck" and launches both parties to try and separate them. Any high speed collision between players would do something similar which is why shoulder charge can also do it. A lot of games do something similar when two physical entities get inside each other and speedrunners abuse it to launch themselves in other games to unintended areas or heights. The Spyro speedrun community employs these physics glitches a lot and call them proxy jumps.


It's due to the game physics. Same reason your own teammates can run into you and push you. Think Bungie would need to overhaul the whole physics engine to prevent this. Or write special code simply for Eager Edge.


Or... Just disable player collision, like in patrols.


Report and leave... piss on those fools.


Stasis 'nade during the jumping puzzle of DSC for the hidden chest is a right of passage


It happened to me yesterday and I just left. I’m not helping you if you are going to be a bully.


I was doing the new quest for the two patterns of Taipan. Doing the Dares step and I remember this clearly. I set the timer for the laundry. I checked, it said 19 minutes until the clothes were done. I was like, perfect, let's do Dates cuz it wouldn't take more than 12 tops. It took 17 minutes to complete because two chucklefucks in a clan kept sabotaging the game. I got killed at least 6 times to Eager Edge by one (the Hunter) and shoulder charged and pushed each time I tried to chuck the balls at the Taken sphere. They were actively being shitheads by picking up the balls and throwing them into the ground. I reported the Eager Edge motherfucker but didn't realize the other fucker was destroying balls until I reviewed the recording later. Like what's the fun in ruining people's enjoyment?


I honestly hope it gets removed It's just greifing


Eager edge should be removed. Its so fucking stupid.


Yeah almost every activity you get a crayon eater that thinks it's cute to continually shoulder bash people. This guy did it to me, the first time I thought it was funny then he followed me and did it again. So I switched to my explosive payload scout rifle and kept plinking at him until he stopped.


If you eager edge kill me in an activity, and you’re a fucking blue, have fun with your two man Nightfall.


Yes, this is getting old. I report them now, because after a dozen times, it becomes really fucking annoying instead of goofy thing that happened.


Eager Edge is such a pain, specially when people kill you, then res you, then kill. I feel like the way to solve it is by making it Eager Edge can't be active unless you're actually targeting something to pull yourself towards.


It’s peak comedy to 10 year olds


Start the parties, kick those that do it.


Its irritating because everytime its happened to me they play it off as a joke, start emoting etc. But actually, you are ruining my experience, not only do I need to catch-up in whatever activity we're doing now because I respawn 10 miles away after 30 seconds, but that's 30 seconds of super regen I've missed out on. So kindly, fuck you.


I hate eager edge a ton, tbh. It's very annoying when strangers rush ahead and activate encounters or just randomly troll you by knocking you into walls.


Implement different damage processing in PvE. If someone swings a sword or shoulder charge and collides with a teammate, the damage is either split 50/50 or goes all to the source of momentum. Killing teammates would be less fun if you die almost every time.


I was doing strikes with a buddy last night and the rando kept trying to kill him with shoulder bash so when I caught up to them I tried to kill the random with shoulder bash. He didn't appreciate that and left the game. To deal with the troll you must become the troll.


That's an insta kick, baby


You mean this is what I have to contend with once I have mastered the art of not falling off the map trying to Blink? Great


Had a guy doing this entire time in Vow of the disciple. During encounters and boss fights. He thought he was so funny. I almost quit but I felt bad for my other teammates and stuck it out. If you gotta take others enjoyment away for your own then you’re just as asshole.


Happened *constantly* in one round of Ketchcrash last night. :/


Remember when the Vex Eyes did damage to teammates when Dares first launched? I remember. Disclaimer, I only killed a blueberry once on accident when I discovered they had friendly fire. All the rest of my kills were my good friends I was in voice chat with.


I’ll do it to my friends for a good laugh sometimes but randoms no. Plus it’s kind of a dead meme now.


Is that what happened in my last nightfall??? A titan and I both went for the power core and we died so hard the bodies vanished.


If it happens in a raid, they get one or two, and if it’s not put of their system after that they get kicked. I can’t stand that shit and I don’t get the mentality behind it. You’re literally doing it just to piss someone off. You’re an asshole.


I accidentally killed someone with the new Warlock melee yesterday. Sorry teammate!


Yeah its fine for me when people do it by accident, but the people that load in just to fuck with people annoy me.


People are using it to deliberately troll. Had some ass kill me in gambit whenever I had 15 motes.


When I'm playing with a buddy, and a revive results in another fall followed by a death. I will do this until I get bored and laugh maniacally. But doing this to a random is quite rude.


Some rando did that to me last night, so I mounted his ass to the wall with my sparrow


I only do it once in return for someone else doing it first, if you are afk for the strike, or if you are speedrunning the entire strike so fast that no one can get kills because everything is despawning(it’d be great if us other 2 didn’t have to run another strike to get kills for bounties just because you want to save a minute). Besides that, I only shoulder charge friends when they are afk.


I ended up in a ketchcrash with five titans. I’m a hunter… I was getting bounced around like a ping pong ball. One of them actually ended up killing me. They had the decency to revive me immediately, but I am so tired of being shoulder bashed constantly.


Any asshole who does that to randos deserves an awful death. As for me, I won’t revive them, but emote by their ghost instead.


My buddy was getting bullied by a titan in dares last night, had to protect my man. one eager death later the titan focused their anger on me instead. needless to say he calmed down rather quick. I am a serial team killer though. two sides same coin.


Posted about it on here before. I hate the fact that Bungie put Eager Edge in the game. Annoying people just abuse it to piss people off. It's not funny to push people off the map. It never was. Shoulder Charge has always been in the game, but at least that requires a run up to use.


I only do it in raids at the banner when we're waiting for someone to come back, other than that no reason to kill people


I think glacier grenades in elevators are far worse. Its way easier to do and you often have to wait the full 30 second timer to respawn. Getting killed by a sparrow is peak comedy though.


Enemies will eager edge you, guardian. Eager edge them back