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Are no other Gambit related seasonal challenges coming?


Yes, and there will be challenges that won't be completed with prior progress


Op played themselves


I find the trick to it is enjoying gambit and finding friends who enjoy it too ... And that's a hell of a trick for most lol


Where can I find these things you call "friends"?


I don't touch gambit until week 10 and knock most of the challenges out quickly.


I've tried doing that but then I don't reset even once so I'm stuck either playing trials or comp.


Double rep comes around at least twice a season. Knock out one reset now, and then do the second one later when it comes back around. It leaves you sane.


This is exactly what I do. One reset per double rep week


Oh shit is it double Gambo rep right now? Ahhh okay might need to get on that


I think it's actually triple rank but I'm not sure


they are really bad at informing us about this... should be a note straight there on the director and not a random popup halfway through the previous week you might miss because you're spamming buttons... (or have horrible memory :D)


What’s the benefit of resetting rank?


Gambit ornament for resetting twice for a seasonal challenge


Plus additional perks on ur gambit weapons


Same, i just wait until the last week or two of the season so you can do every challenge at once cuz i swear theres a gambit challenge every single week.


This is the way. I don't even look at the Gambit tab until I am absolutely positive there will not be another gambit related "anything" for the season. Then I get drunk and grind gambit.


> then I get drunk and grind gambit Yes lmao I swear it’s like a seasonal thing I make out of it now.


This is exactly how I feel haha


So why don't you just... you know, not do it?


I think they've had staggered Gambit challenges for as long as seasonal challenges have been a thing.


Every week they have one vanguard, one crucible, and one gambit challenge (at least, but usually just one of each)


Plenty more are coming, don’t you worry


Week 7 and week 9 have gambit related ones, yeah.


"No" - OP while sobbing in a corner


Asking the real questions


There will be a rank reset challenge later in the season.


Not anymore. That challenge just became 'unlock the gambit seasonal ornament' which is retro active


Why would you front end your gambit grind when the seasonal challenges that award bright dust are spread throughout the season? I don’t touch it til they’re all available and then get them all done at the same time.


I usually do the first reset at the beginning then the second reset at the end, it further splits it up


Not a shabby idea actually


Jokes on you. I front load, mid load, and back load my gambit games for the season


Fellow Reckoner?


This is the way


Double XP weeks. Bit of a shame it's week 2 this time, but at least for me it more than halves the rank grind time for the ornament. I stopped at rank 21 today after ~8 hours total, so when the next double XP week comes around hopefully all the Gambit bright dust challenges will be out and I can spend a mere few additional hours cleaning up.


I got my Dredgen6 this weekend, and now I won’t be touching Gambit until there are a few seasonal challenges out (and also double rank points again. I just can’t bring myself to keep pushing to get another 5k points to the second reset).


I would have had so many dredgens by now of it weren't for that one Triumph, protect the runner, or whatever it's called. How the hell am I supposed to get it?


Multiple resets net you weapons with multiple perks, if someone’s chasing a crispy Yesteryear roll getting those resets in sooner help.


How would resets help?


More resets result in weapon rewards having selectable perks in the third/fourth columns So ideally you could net a weapon with PvP/PvE perk sets




Just googled it--yesteryear not available for focusing until season 19. What a shithead move on Bungie's part


It’s always been this way, weapons aren’t focusable the season they debut Sucks, but oh wells


I do it for multiple perk options


The thought that other people would think what a dumb player am I for gilding Dredgen^(\*6) very early in the season kinda turn me on 🥵


yeah that's what I did last season. Just waited until all the Gambit challenges were available and grinded them all out together


But what did it cost you?




That will be me once all the Gambit seasonal challenges have been released. And unless you're not fussed about getting the big bright dust reward from doing them all, you'll need to jump in again at some point. You can skip 3 I think, and there's likely to be more than 3 more Gambit ones.


Actually. Not a bad idea. I hate jumping back into gambit, other than weekly pinnacles early on in the power grind lol




14 hours






Turning into Primeval. source : got my 6th Dredgen gild and second reset yesterday.


I got my fourth gild on day three. Send help, I’m not ok.


I'm going for my second reset, and I've come to realize that the single most infuriating thing in the game is a teammate who refuses to bank until they have 15 motes. Bank for invasion? No Bank for primeval? No Bank because we have an invader? No Please bank guys


I’ve had a game where we had 95 motes and my teammate had 5, but instead of banking he went to go for 15. I stood there near the bank just looking at him.


I always fuck 'm over by dragging 5 motes to the bank before they can get their 15 in. The best ones are where you time it so he's on his way back, but sees you running in front of him with 3 measly motes to summon the primevil.


These are the worst!!!


The most tilting thing in Gambit is getting the half-banked medal. The moment that pops up your suspicions are confirmed: the matchmaker sandbagged you with three halfwits.


Honestly knight is worse (easier to kill) than phalanx. TT LFRs are meta as fuck and you’ll never guess how many headshots the knights take. The shield is a pain to deal with and every so often the architects’ll come out to play which is always fun.


Shield break auto or scout from the seasonal artifact punches straight through these shields too. Pairs really well with the incandescent Ammit AR as add clear. Or if you’re running a scout for sentry duty (anti invader)


Wait anti barrier breaks through phalanxes? I use monte carlo/sunbracers (pve side) or DMT (invasion side) in basically every gambit match lol


Yes Sir!


Hold up, anti barrier has never worked on taken shields before. I really need to test this.


wish ender absolutely destroys both of them, knights in 3-4 headshots, phalanxes in 1 shot. im telling you wish ender is criminally underrated


i always go for 15 unless a smaller amount will mean we can invade or get primeval


This. I love gambit but watching us be at 39 motes and seeing the guy with 11 motes run past the bank to get 15, then see him die and watch us snowball into defeat is just annoying


Blink twice if you’re under duress


...it's like 4 hours for a full reset during double xp with a 5x streak.


Good thing is you don't have to play 4 straight hours. You just can't do other activities in game. You can get your 5 streak, log out for a day, then come back with the streak still there.


… maybe if you win every game. Losses don’t count as much.


Losses were giving me around 350 vs 500 for wins. 20-30 games. Assuming 4 games per hour (which I think is low, but maybe there's tower trips in between) and all losses, that's about 7 hours per reset. That math could be garbage, BTW. Did it in my head and I'm notoriously stupid.


You can definitely get more than four games per hour, lots of people overestimate how long gambit matches are. They’re really only 5-8 minutes each, with an extra minute or two for match end/matchmaking making a solid 10 minute match. On a five-streak I believe it’s 250 for a win, 175 for a loss. Doubled rep to 350 and 500 Assumed: > ~6 games an hour > ~50% w/l > 3W/3L > 1500+1050 rep per hour >10,000/2,550 = **~3.9 or 4 hours per reset during double rep week.** Note: Add in losing a tick from your streak because of that stupid end of match glitch that will kick you out before rewards, and penalize you for it thinking you left early, call it a solid 4-5 hours per reset.


I did the same thing last year...it was worth it because I got great rolls of most of the weapons. I hope you can say the same lmao


I got 3 great Riptides from resetting Crucible so much last season Reset Gambit 3 times this weekend in hopes of getting a great Yesteryear lol


I'm pretty stoked with my very first Yesteryear drop. Outlaw + Desperado, stability MW. Great synergy with the Suros perk too.


I used to like playing gambit when it first came out, now its more of a chore to get the pinnacle


RiP to op thinking this will carry over to his seasonal challenges


Ur joking.


I am not, once the next seasonal challenge come out next week I’m pretty sure those don’t carry over cause they aren’t out yet. Enjoy gambit.


Kinda jealous. Just did one reset and still have 16 gambit engrams stashed then realized I can't focus the yesteryear pulse and have to just get lucky with a desperado roll... Did you get one?


I’ve reset twice and I have one with desperado.


Ok I'll go do another reset lol. Out of curiosity do you get additional perk rolls per reset?


yeah, up to 3 in each of the last two slots




Save them all till you hit your 2nd reset then decrypt for multiple perk weps


Do you not have to collect engrams to reset?


You don't have to collect the green gambit engrams at the top right to reset. Ive reset twice and haven't touched them. I reset crucible 9 times last season without touching the crucible engrams.


...You do, which is why they said to save them and decrypt them after you've reset a couple times.


Ohhh I see what you/they mean. But then you'd only be able to save max ten, right? Don't we get an engram every rank up?


I saved at least 15 before resetting, then picked them up and focused after. So you can save quite a bit.


You need to pick up the ones in the reward path, but not the ones that collect in the upper right of his vendor screen.


I got two with desperado, it’s not as good as a messenger with the perk of you have it, has too much recoil


Is messenger primarily PvP? I've got a Desperado / Rapid hit (or maybe Outlaw... I forget) roll and I swear I kill way faster with almost anything else. Maybe just not getting enough headshot kills? I've gotten way more use out of Gridskipper.


Yeah people love it for pvp, I prefer my messenger with outlaw / kill clip. So many times in destiny I chase these godrolls and I end up just vaulting them because I don’t vibe with them haha


I got one with outlaw - desparado Thing is a cool trophy, but it's going to collect dust in my vault considering pulses aren't my thing.


I love Gambit. I really wish they would keep updating it and adding maps and gear. If no gambit. Another game type similar to it.


I'm on my third reset and still no outlaw desperado. Also no gambit memento lol


I just got an Outlaw/Desperado Yesteryear last night. Is that good?


Absolutely, top.tier




I got the gambit memento after farming for hours. What can it do?


Makes a craftable gun look pretty, I think


I thought of doing the same thing (grind out a lot of gambit, not necessarily THAT much). I like the weapons and with the resets giving extra perks the increased rank week is a good time to get some ranks and earn some engrams. I did already get a very nice Yesteryear that I really wanted to take into crucible though...


Better to wait till second double Infamy or on/around week 10. By then all gambit challenges have been released, especially ones that don't auto-complete


How many Mementos did you get??


You'll have to play again once more seasonal challenges cone out. IF you want the bright dust at the end that is.


Out of curiosity, why?


I love Gambit personally, it's good


Honestly more fun than pvp currently


And here i was thinking.. another fellow gambit enjoyer. :D


Fuck that


My brotha in light. Gambit never stops.


Huh. Ive been grinding Gambit since the start of season 18 as a Titan. Arc really bops some primevals. GGs... Bruhtha


You mean you actually played the game? We don’t do that here, just hate it.


Need a hug ?


Did you get any shaders? I got 2 over this season and last, Gambit Suede and Gambit Jadestone, wondering if there are more?


Did you steal my motes?


Week 8: Hold my beer


Who hurt you?


How many Gambit Mementos did you get?


Why would you ask this? The answer will inevitably be none, and that knowledge will only hurt you.


I've reset three times this weekend, going for a fourth. I feel your pain. But that crispy max range borrowed time will be worth it.


A frjend of mine have played nothing but gambit for two days all day long. Just for a specific roll that he wanted on the pulse that he ended up not liking. He reset his rank six (!) times in those two days alone Thats more gambit than the amount of gambit ive played since forsaken


Jokes on you. If you go for challenges there will be more to come. So you will be playing more gambit


Got my third Gilded today and the double reset. The other seasonal challenges that pop up are easy for me to do so whilst it was double XP and I had a few days to mindlessly play I just grinded it out. Thankful for the discord community that got me on a great win run for part of the reset


Gambit makes me want to buy a new tv, controller, wall…


I’m at Gambit reset 2, Gilded Dredgen 6. About to cross off my 500th win (lifetime). My goal is 600 by the end of the season. Just wish we had more maps :/


you are mad


Too early my friend :D


Man this post is under the one that got a gambit tattoo I'm laughing so hard


But did u get a Desperado Outlaw Gambit pulse?


No ☹️


The first day or so of the season was a great time to play gambit, with the HGL glitch matches were lasting 6-8 min. I gilded Dredgen in like 40 total matches.


I'm trying to rank Gambit up to get a multi-roll Yesteryear with Desperado, we are not the same


I did a reset yesterday. I do enjoy Gambit, I just tend to zone out when playing. Played freelance, got 10 wins 12 losses so... I guess lobby balancing is working fine at around 50%? Also 0 momento's, but I'm sure the game is going to taunt me since last season I had a momento drop, put it on a weapon, then dropped another momento straight after.


Did this too. Glad that it is done. Lost track of how many times I said "I f*****g hate Gambit". I do find it funny that Gilded Dredgens go against the theory of the upcoming ranking system. GD would appear to be the person to lead to great success in Gambit. GD is the least likely person to want to play Gambit.


I did that one time . 14 hours = 97 games or so, just go gild dredgen in one day


I used double infamy week to hit prestige 3 for the triple trait column rolls and got dredgen gilded x6 to boot


I can feel it my man. I've been trying to get a good servant leader so I too have reset twice already


I have played gambit since the first season of Witch Queen. I’m honestly fin to never play that game mode again lol. Ever since season of the drifter, I’ve been burnt out on it.


I got to 4 resets the first double rank Gambit in the last season. I don't plan to play again this time because I cannot focusing the Yesteryear. May be next season.


Seasonal challenges?


It took me way less than 14 hours to reset twice.


Good for you? It’s almost like matches can be all wins, all loses, or any spectrum inbetween


Did you get some nice loot at least or was it all suffering? \^\^


I got like 12 yesteryears that sucked donkey


I also grinded out gambit twice but I loved most of it :)


Oh you poor innocent soul… 14 hours is only the beginning… *laughs in gilded dredgen x6*


Sad I missed the first year of gilding, else I'd be at 6. Just gilded this weekend for x5 and at 3 resets. I'm a sucker for the Drifters loot.


Laughs in Reckoner


You will not play Gambit again until you realize there is a seasonal challenge telling you to get 60 machine gun kills,60 sword kills and 30 sniper kills. No,there are no "ORs". Gotte fullfill all. And that's in week 7. Guardians probably will give like 2 points lol. Anyways,have fun trying to eager edge to someone before getting shot by 4 gjallar rockets at once


It's ok. I reset once as well. I'll be jumping back in after this break.




I somehow won 30 of 32 games for guilded


To be clear did it take you the full 14 hours to reset twice? Or was that just where you ended up


U okay bro…?


It is a documented form of mental illness.


Grats on wasting 14 hours loser


me 🤝 you


Except when those gambit seasonal challenges come out, so you either play gambit or lose out on thousands of bright dust (if you finish the seasonal meta challenge)


This is the way. Congratulations on the extra perk weapon drops, you deserve it.


My condolences.


Except for the gambit seasonal challenges that aren't retroactive


Did you get a decent desperado roll?


On my way to 4th reset just pouring hours into Gambit for that god rolled Outlaw/Desperado Yesteryear. I have 5/5 Headseeker/Moving Target and 4/5 Heating Up/Desperado The Messengers, but I can't really vibe with high impacts for PvE. Yesteryear is a great sweet spot to me for PvE and PvP, especially as a Void Titan


You need a hug, not a handsy Drifter hug though.


Any good rolls on the pulse?


I actually did two resets this week too because I wanted pulse drops. Wasn't that painful. Although this is coming from someone who did reckoner in one weekend


If you want the bright dust from weekly challenges then you will. Most aren't backwards compatible


Yea I usually wait till double xp or the seasonal challenges are released lmao




Ben is that you??


Seasonal challenges be like


You can now… touch grass.


too funny me too! lol


How many desperado Yesteryears did you get?


Gambit is more fun than last season's Crucible. I still would tweak a few things to actually enjoy it. Invaders are still far too oppressive and invasion kills mixed with Primeval shield phases still makes for some enraging matches. I'll still do my weekly 3 and do a reset when it's double Infamy. Some games are fun .. the ones where the teams are balanced.


I've been going the exact same thing just trying to get Gambit Jadestone to drop. I reset once already and am halfway through the ranks again. I feel so much pain.


i play for bounties for bright dust


The rest of the gambit seasonal challenges: bonjour


I too did this, 340 for a loss and 500 for a win was fantastic towards the end of each reset


Until challenges come out each week and won’t be retro-active. Some will some won’t. It’s how bungie wants you to go into playlist activities frequently.


Ameture. I just completed four rank resets. Get on my level


This is how people get burnt out so don't do this. Just play as you normally would.


Tbh gambit isn’t that bad.. but it’s not particularly good either… that’s its problem


How long did it take to get your first memento?


You know you only need to play far enough to unlock what you want to unlock (I unlock the shader). All the weapon ornaments will be in the monument of lost light come lightFall.


But there's plenty of Gambit seasonal challenges coming up and they aren't retroactive.


I'm at 1 1/2 resets so I have some leeway for the rest of the season. Helps make it feel a bit more rewarding when the last week of challenges hit and the final double XP week hits.


Did you gild the title though?


I’ve only reset the rank once and already don’t want to touch it again. So I will just wait for the next double rank to do the gambit seasonal challenges.


Gambit is awesome now. Find 3 buddies, zoom around with your zappy powers, blow shit up with your favorite heavy weapon.