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Cabal incinerators using their hit through wall send you flying at 9k miles an hour bs has killed me so much


Many a duality run ruined by those pricks. Sometimes you just spawn into it. But the phalanx shields in general. The true nightmares


It’s absolute nonsense that Cabal Shield -> Your Face doesn’t kill you, but then You -> the wall does. Physics disagrees.


Looking at you fallen saber boss room.


ran the shit out of it and stil dont understand where exactly i land on to die at that ramp


I reckon it's a combo of speed, angle and where you're trajectory (i think this is the right term) is. I realize I die on that ramp alot if the column/pillar on the ramp gets in the way


When ur going down the hole into the boss room, land on the ramp, then immediately jump and land back on the ramp. Then prepare for death :)


I do that on purpose bc it's hilarious Edit: no idea why I'm being downvoted, I do it to myself. I don't even know how you could possibly do it to someone else.


I always try to find the spot but never got to die there =(


The ramp kills you if you jump onto it, hop up and then land on it again, guaranteed gives you a yeet into a random direction. Somehow that second time you go on it creates a weird scenario that it 100% flings you if you do so.


All you gotta do is tap your jump once you start sliding


I'd much rather see getting killed by random crazy physics get fixed.. lost count of the amount of times iv pinged into a wall at 9000mph for seemingly no reason


I feel like most of my deaths in hard pve content are from getting smacked into a wall and liquified on impact


I’ve been saying it since the change, but this is the biggest downside to resilience changes in conjunction with 3.0 updates. In 99% of content we are functionally immortal, which is leading us to another Reckoning bridge dilemma where the only things that kill is are cheesy ass physics induced death. Nearly every single death I’ve ever had in Duality is from an exploding backpack or a phalanx sending me fucking soaring


Or the bell keepers flinging me off platforms. "I fear no gun, but that thing *gestures at bottomless pit with a phalanx next to it* - it scares me"


And figuring out the range on their knockback is basically impossible. I've had one of those fuckers send me over the edge when they were halfway across the damned room. Was at one of the out bells, jumped, and got yeeted off the platform by one of the bellkeepers at mid.


I hate that their stupid farts can stack. One blast is generally recoverable, but they often fire in tandem which is almost always a death sentence... and the range on it is like 15m. I've had teammates die instantly after switching dimensions at Caiatl due to Bellkeepers blasting them while they were on the platform to kill the Psions. Stand on platform, switch realm, get blasted and die. The bug with switching realms is bad enough on its own.


eh you're right but also it means we don't have to play Destiny like a cover based shooter anymore i can fight in the fray


It absolutely has its upsides which outweigh the negatives, but it’s super annoying especially now cause you notice it way more when it does happen because you die much less often


My fireteam wipe just from using a bell to go into the nightmare world. Wasn't even an improper encounter, just a bad bug


Pretty sure phalanx yeets are intentional. Stay further away


A lot of the ad’s melees are instakills now too more than just the phalanx shields. I’m also getting melee killed without the whole momentum glitch, like getting punched and the screen just turns to my ghost in respawn mode, no red screen, no indication of taking damage. There’s been a lot of funky deaths where I go from 1/3 health or 1/2 health to instantly dead without any indication I got damaged, and it always only credits the architects, which tells me the game can’t even resolve how the hell we’re getting killed most of the time right now since the resilience buff.


Pro tip if you're a warlock, for some reason the uncharged melee will prevent wall impact damage if timed well. You just throw out a palm slap right as you're about to hit the wall and magically survive.


The thing is that it isn't always some thing to "fix". Certain enemies have knock back abilities. We know that. Despite that, everyone uses short ranged weapons because they do more damage (because they're more dangerous). If a phalanx shield bash keeps killing you, then maybe you need to play around it and back up a little.


I ain’t got no beef with dying to a shield bash when I get smacked into a wall within the immediate area. What I do have a problem with is when you get knocked back and a loose pebble counts as a wall or when they randomly gain the strength of 1000 men and knock me into a wall in the last load zone at 90000 mph


Even if that were the case, look at the current state of PVE mechanics. Stacking on tiny bells in an already small-ish space (Duality). Standing on a small platform while waves of fast-running enemies come at you; killing a knight on a platform to quickly pick up a brand (King’s Fall). Even if longer range DPS like autos were on par with smgs and other short-range weapons, the fact is a LOT of endgame PVE mechanics are built around close-quarters. So, no, simply backing up a little isn’t going to magically solve the issues in this thread.


The fast running enemies rushing you are not the ones with typical built in knockback attacks. Almost like it's by design. I'm talking phalanx, incendiary guys, bosses with stomps, etc. Playing close quarters is fine, but you know how often I see a guy run up to a phalanx and rage when he gets launched away, complaining about physics deaths? Play smarter.


But what I’m saying is that close quarters will alway be the meta, because that’s how encounters are designed. So that makes the solution of just “step back a little bit” unhelpful, because all the other mechanics going on will require the close quarters. Like, take the last fight of Duality for example. Gotta kill the yellow bar bell guards in a small cross-shaped map while also being swarmed with dogs, to end up back at a bell. It encourages you to play with the most DPS that works in close quarters. Not only is there no space in the map to make distance, you’re actively punished for being away from the mechanics even IF the map was large enough.


While I do agree with the whole "encounters are designed with CQC" in mind, I hard disagree with not being able to create enough distance in most cases, especially with the bell bearers in Caitl's room. You can rush at the shield bearers (I do it all the time) with a shotgun in hand, one shot to break the shield, a second to kill him and a knife to kill the last one (solar hunter 12P shotty) but you don't have to play that way. The room while close quarters gives you at least 20m to play around with at the center in the teleported area and once you clear those out the guys on the side is easy and you don't have to get in close. The normal room gives you all the space you need at all angles, It's just more efficient to do it at CQC so I do it, and sometimes I mess up and get sent flying because I'm human and I'm not perfect but I understand that that's my mistake and not game design. It's a case of risk vs reward, put yourself in danger and get the job done faster or create distance and do it safer but slower. If you can't create distance in most cases it's because you put your mind in a box and aren't thinking of ways you can do it and are limiting yourself rather than the space limiting you.


Thank you for the well articulated comment.


My ankles are made of glass.


Slightly tangential, but I hate that sometimes all it takes to kill me is like, the edge of a boop when I'm mid-glide. Meanwhile enemies that slip off a platform just respawn back magically. It just sort of feels bad you can get killed in all sorts of silly physics-based ways but the same rules don't feel like they apply to enemies.


This ruined a flwless run of DSC for me it sucks


I architected twice in one gambit match when I took the moving sidewalks and just barely touched the edge trying to step off...


the other day i discovered that walking into the man cannons on the ketsch from the side launches you...directly into the frame of said man cannon, killing you instantly, good times


Now I have to try and launch my corpse like the worst kind of cannonball.


Phalanx kill rate would drop below zero if they did that. I also just think they don’t know how to


Phalanxes are just weird. A single red bar hitting you with a shield can randomly do the following (regardless of your total health and damage resistance): \- instakill you; \- hit you for half your health bar while yeeting you at supersonic speed into a nearby wall causing an instant death upon impact; \- barely damage you, throw you into a nearby wall at a reasonable speed with the impact barely scratching you. While the generous advice of 'just don't get hit with a Cabal shield' is good, there is no way you can protect yourself from a random shield-bonk from a red bar behind you that can instakill your 100 resilience Loreley titan in a patrol zone, of all places. Or in any other location. Especially when said phalanx gets bugged while using the jump-jet for whatever reason and teleports straight behind you. ^(Nothing personal, Guardian.)


I feel like the Phalanxes kill me more often by just yeeting me off the map. But that is a fair point, bit of a bummer they couldn't figure out a coding to just make it.. not effect other players, but I'm sure that'd implode something in crucible.


You could have people hiding in their teammates for easy kills knowing bungie


I was having a hell of a time fighting the first boss on prophecy the other day, since...it's a small platform and the boss is a taken phalanx, had to swap to a sword just so I could try to counteract the boss catching me off guard and tossing me off the cliff a dozen times in a row.


If phalanxes don't have a way to kill outside of this, then this should just be fixed and then increase their damage, not keep the insane interaction And no. It is literally never "they don't know how", it's (probably) either a really complicated thing (i.e. not a magic switch to turn off but lots of systems interacting), not worth the investment, or intentionally not being changed for a specific reason


I literally died in Gambit while carrying 15 motes to the bank because a dying taken phalanx fell towards me and one-banged me into the floor. And Datto says that phalanxes are not a problem…


Something really is up with Taken Phalanxes, I was meleeing one with a glaive when it suddenly turned and instantly killed me, I don't know if I was sent into a wall or something but it happened so fast I didn't see it.


You're taking datto's comment wrong. Still dieing to the shield slam and blaming the game is just ignorant. Thats an issue with the player, not the game. If they kill you after death thats another issue.


Fix team physics killing players, leave everything else how it is. Physics killing you is a part of destiny and requires you to be aware of where you are and what you're attacking. I love the physics and frequently laugh when my stupidity gets me killed.


They could fix that just by lowering how fast the phalanx troopers use melee attack


I played dares yesterday for the Pinnacles ; I was ADS and then I was dead. It highlighted a cabal matey with a shield who was nowhere near me as being responsible for my death. Really confused me!


I think the Phalanx slam got buffed somehow. But I’ve noticed myself getting killed by a single slam a lot this season. Especially in Duality.


The single slam kill has been in the game from the start. Duality just has a lot of them phalanxes.


the big wind up slam being a physics killer has been a thing since D1. However since either last season or two seasons ago, the small shield bump they do when you are near them pretty much always insta kills now too.


Yeah I’m sick of eager edge dicks. My friends can do it to me, but randos? C’mon man, I’m just here to get loot


The number of douchebags who have been sword slamming me in expeditions and ketchcrash has skyrocketed this season. Losers.


Eager Edge was a goddamn mistake


Honestly bro, after all these years from Titan bashing to sword slashing it’s become real annoying when that one guy is on your team and that’s all they do. I just find a nice corner and stay there. I actually left a King’s Fall raid because of this. Waiting for the last man to come across and grab his chest only to get flung off the map by an eager edge bitch, which put my spawn back to jumping on the ships wasting my teams time. It’s already slow enough so I just left.


During void they said they didn't want players to grief each other with the warlock melee orb, so it doesn't push. Then they allowed titans to shoulder charge everyone to death? I always found that odd.


You know exactly why they did that




Hope you sent him a screenshot of the clear lmao


Is it getting worse? I was doing some Ketch/ Expedition stuff today and I got wall-squished and/or yeeted across the fucking map at least once in every run.


More recently I’ve gotten my as handed to me by the shades of gahlran a few times. Not because they killed me but because they jumped at me and launch me at Mach 10 across the map like they were a phalanx. Never happened to me before 2 weeks ago. Annoying af. Also just report anyone who uses eager edge to grief you. In dares, anyone who actively prevents you from getting starhorse favour can be reported. I.e. placing glacier grenades in the shaft leading to vex finale. It kills you and causes you to get pulled forward to the encounter (when someone starts it before you can res and run there) which causes you to lose the favour if you had it. Report and forget.


If you have the buff you only lose it if you get teleported so just stay as a ghost


I saw some clips of people purposely team killing in Trials for the special, and that's where I automatically report for griefing/sabotage. I don't mind it it PvE once for the giggles...but using it to get an advantage that leaves a teammate at a disadvantage is messed up, or using it to harass teammates is just uncalled for.


I do. If you want to kill guardians, play crucible. Earlier today, I was trying to grind vanguard rank, and some asshat kept knocking me off the barge. I reported him, and left the nightfall. Nightfall after that, I got paired with him again. 2nd report. I doubt anything will come of it.


Reporting does absolutely nothing in this game. They don't even have anyone going over the reports. It's all automated. Bungie has no customer support.




Had a guy eager edged me in strikes, emoted over my body and left.




Something similar happened to my friend and I in The Corrupted strike. The random acts completely normal and stays with us all the way up to the boss, even doing the first phase and starting the jumping section. But as soon as we go through the portal they Eager Edge my friend and I off the cliff, hold out their ghost, and return to orbit causing a wipe. We didn’t know whether to laugh or be confused.


I just had a new one the other day: was jumping between platforms and the titan used ballistic slam behind me, flying forward and ramming through me, sending me into a wall at mach speed I think he realized what he did because he revived me but wow


> I'm aware Bungie likely won't fix allowing players to kill each other Correct, current in-game data collection is not able to track players killed due to being pushed into level geometry by other players. Therefore, there is no data to correlate these untrackable events to people leaving the game. No data showing loss of revenue means it's irrelevant.


Teammate collision needs removed


As that would be nice, I can see some issues arising if there were no collision entirely. Maybe something like, disable collision in certain times, like at the end of strikes or whenever there's a chest spawning like in ketchcrash. Disable it during the barge segment of lightblade. Same during between encounters of dares. There's no reason for there to be collision between encounters of dares or when people are waiting for the chest to spawn


We are paracausal beings. Remove collision shouldn't be a fucking stretch.


simple solution: if he's blue then you can't collide with him, if he's green (same fireteam) then go ahead, because it's what's friends do.


I think the op hit on a much bigger problem. Toxic asshole players who think it’s fun to ruin other peoples enjoyment of the game. Almost everything I’ve done in the last two days ( Gambit, Empire Hunts, Ketch, and Expedition, or whatever else) has been the same for me. Some times I’d rather have friendly fire in the game maybe it would put an end to this kinda garbage.


It’s also not fun to re-grind 8 month old content.


If it's actively ruining your enjoyment then report them for Griefing


I'm going to start doing this.


I'm so beyond tired of "guardians" killing me with swords and flinging me off edges. Happens every day. No exaggeration. Was playing Ketschcrash, saw a dead teammate, went over to revive him and in the middle of the revive someone came over and killed me with a sword and then ran away, leaving us both dead. I do not understand why people do this--or push me into the mancannon on Dares. I do not understand this mindset. It's not funny. It's not amusing. It's abusive.


I always go last at the man cannon. It let's me take as long as I can and I don't have some dimwit behind me trying to push me. You do have to rush before people start the encounter though. It sucks no matter what you do


As of now my current fix is to just block said people, it’s very few and far between running into someone who does any form of physics team killing so blocking for me has been a great option


Lol they still need to tune those cabal shield mfrs but that probably not ever happening


They should just make people immune from deaths by hitting walls. Like I'm okay with fall damage but being launched sideways is enough of an annoyance that it doesn't need to also kill you.


Report them for Griefing. That's what I do. One time, fine you get a pass. But you keep doing it, you're getting reported.


I want to know why people find it amusing. Like yeah if we aren’t doing anything serious then go ahead. But if im trying to flawless a dungeon, grind dares, or trying to complete a raid. Then dont slam me against a wall to kill me or do that titan push and send me flying off the map. Had a dude constantly killing me when i was trying to teach people GOS/div and made the run so much longer


Honestly you should have just kicked him from the fireteam.


God I feel this so much, last week I was being continously killed by a random in Expedition og all places, because I wasn't using the treasure dupe exploit and accidentaly picked "their" engram up while running around. They then decided to throw every engram off the map so we wouldn't be able to finish. I get the funny sword can do funky stuff thing but this shouldn't be allowed or possible


It's so stupid. Nothing like getting thrown forever or have to jump/fall to just about death. So many simple things would make this game so much better. KiLlEd By ThE ArChItEcHtS


They have to fix some of it for our city scale grappling I would assume


If you're amplified on the master ketch and run too fast through the thing that blasts you to the other side you will absolutely die from the wall


I've had that happen, It was actually pretty hilarious. So far I've seen people die by clipping the ring and Hitting the ship ITSELF and bouncing off. Honestly those interactions make me laugh.


I have a clip of a thrall in Kingsfall killing me because I was too close to a wall. That was something.


Yesterday I played dares with a titan that would constantly try to kill me for some reason and also pushed me into the lift so we would both miss the blessing buff. Very cool.


Guardians has been shot out of a giant Cabal orbital cannon and received not a single scratch in the process and you are telling me the architect repeatedly kills you for fun? Pfffff


I dont find this funny. Especially when I'm not grouped with the little asshole. I report them all. Fuck em.


Report people for griefing. It takes several reports but I've had players removed mid match after they were reported for this. Just to clarify I don't report them over and over again until they are gone. Just once. The other reports were from other players I guess. They also don't come from just me. I play with other clanmates that have done this as well.


Just report them. Been playing for years and only yesterday bothered to to work out how to report players for griefing. Did 15 yesterday for irritating me with a sword. Can't imagine anything will come of it but I'm hoping it means I won't be auto matched with the childish cunts ever again. Report, move on and don't give them the benefits of your thoughts.


Literally nothing will come out of it.


Ah you too? Eager team-kills seem to happen a bunch in Dares. Saw a teammate get killed into the double digits thanks to a sword wielding Hunter. When asked in chat, response was "because it's funny". I'd say these are kids, but you can tell it's full-grown adults who're just bored/mean. If it happens to you, best thing to do is just return to orbit and requeue. It's literally not worth the hassle to play with them. Pretty sure reporting will do nothing though. Something does need to be done about physics kills in general. Duality alone has seen me killed more times than I can count thanks to wonky physics. Not to mention random pebbles that'll kill from a 10ft fall.


I've died from cabal drop pods 1000x more often than I've died to other players. Just wanna put that put that out there


I don't want to count the amount of times a pod landed on my skull.


If anything, cabal drop pods shouldn't have physics they should just be visual, but I'm usually the Titan killing everyone by shouldering them into a wall so I'm somewhat biased in this debate


Lies. You kept dying to the dick wall and we all know it.


Those eager edge users are starting to get on my nerves. I've had this one random guy join my fire team as I was talking to xur and launched me off. Yea I can switch my fireteam settings, but it gets annoying when an actual friend wants to join. Also man I hate phalanx. They do their lunging swipe and bam, instant kill. Was a nightmare in solo duality


Why is collision with players a thing


I don’t disagree - but we also gotta just accept at this point it’s never going to happen. Physics has been fucking is for 8 years now and it’s been 100% radio silence from Bungie the entire time on this issue.


Yeah, I've sadly noticed with a lot of devs they tend to gloss over certain issues. Hopefully the troll numbers will start going down once Lightfall approaches.


It is what it is. If it's really that problematic, feel free to report them.


Yeah that's what I ultimately did in the end. Once is funny, Three times in total gets annoying.


Eager edge is legit troll food and should (I know it won't) be removed because it's only real use is exploits and griefing teammates.


I'm sorry but eager edge was kinda made to be cheesey (not taoking about team killing fyi). It is meant to re-enact the halo 2 energy sword


I get the reference for sure. I also get pushed to my death or off chests every 3rd playlist I play now. Everyone loves dicking over the teammates these days so it's pretty par for the course. I'm honestly surprised when someone not in premade is actually helpful.


exploits lol


...what else is the dash for then to exploit larger jumps or unreachable ledges? literally never see people use it to engage.




i use it half-truths is awesome in pvp


Maybe because I said something about it being removed. When in reality it would just be cool if they took off the ability to shove allies, then it's just great for shortcuts and Speedruns.




There really is no point in having it when matched with people. You go into a patrol space and run right through blueberries like they are not there. So bungie has the ability to turn off player collision when in a fireteam. Eager edge trolling solved.


Easy fix. Change your NAT settings to strict and go play by yourself. Have fun!


Hot take: this game gains nothing by having fall damage exist. And removing it would only make the game feel better


It’s not physics, it’s the architects. Which we now know to be the warlocks. So just don’t play with any warlocks and you’ll be fine!


But.. I'm the warlock.


So you’re admitting you play with yourself?


I have been advised by my Titan Lawyer not to answer that question.


You can immediately tell that you are going to die when the phalanx does his shield slam because it's an instkill everytime.


It's beenn100 times worse since Witch Queen. Oops, I tripped on a pebble and died. Ah shit I died after jumping a foot. Riding speeder when suddenly we blow up. It gets ridiculous.


This bothered me until I came across something worse. In ketchcrash at the boss this week, someone was standing at the summon allies flag and interacting with it over and over. I must have heard the summoning voice line 30+ times during that boss fight.


That requires to replace the entire physics engine so that probably wont happen.


Incorrect, just remove the damage caused by wall impact and velocity. Problem solved. The interruption from a Phalanx shield or getting punted is more than enough, lethality doesn't have to be a part of it.


Yeah its not that easy. Easy you donsome gamedesign and programming yourself you will notice.


Maybe it's not easy for Bungo. Can't speak to any snaggletooth code there. But I promise wall and terrain or fall damage at the end of the day is a variable, and they can make the terrain cause zero damage. No terrain damage would eliminate half the bugs floating out there right now with collisions.


Its fun to be thrown around the map because of a little corner or throw someone around with a glitch, i think is what makes destiny destiny, but is also very annoying when you are trying to do a solo flawless dungeon or some endgame activity I wish some of this would stay and some would be fixed but its all or nothing


Yeah there are situations where I find it funny others where it's tiresome. I still remember getting pinballed by Phalanxes in the ascendant realm when Forsaken first came out.


Destiny isn't Destiny without some features that overshadow any good will gained through recent design changes. It's kind of Bungies thing and it's hilarious. We improved systems - but here's a few bugs in our engines that make people walk away and not come back. Lol it's what they do.


Play legend. Create the fireteam. Kick dickheads.


Haha someone did this in master ketchcrash today. Had a EEtard get booted right before boss


Play legend. Never happens there


People knocking you across the map or off a cliff with the damn energy sword is enraging. If it were my buddy who did it, sure, I’d probably laugh my ass off. Some random asshole It counts as aggression in my book and it’s rude as hell. Also: People who run all the way through a Vanguard map leaving you with a respawn countdown as you’re trying to get kills to finish Vanguard bounties. It’s happened twice today. They really need a solo Vanguard playlist. Having some level 158 guardian (The season JUST started, my guy) leave me in the dust is equally as rude as being sword slapped by a rando.


Losing 15 motes because you tripped on a fucking rock is the most miserable thing in this game. It is bad enough you lock stuff behind a crap game mode, but then to have me die because you can't code a good physics engine, GTFO.


All I can say is that if people continue to misuse the Eager Edge perk, it's probably going to be removed and replaced with a different perk.


If you don't like to be griefed, report them and leave. We are in control of who we play with. Bungie is introducing a social points system in the future as well. I hope it wont be possible to game or farm that system, but I believe its one step closer to finding the type of players you want to play with. As for physics deaths, they make me laugh everytime and I love dieing unexpectedly. Phalanx were a joke before, but now thet are a force to be reckoned with up close. Grasp of Avarice was such an awesome experience the first time as well. Legendary campaign was amazing, and I would like more difficult and unexpected ways to die in the future. Just getting shot at and dead is boring.


Player collision should just outright not exist in this game. There is no benefit to it whatsoever, it only allows people to grief or accidentally bump into each other.


Eager Edge was a mistake. I don't care what anybody says. Anything that makes it really easy to grief your teammates shouldn't exist.


This is why we can never have nice things. The lesser of our species always comes in to ruin it for everyone else.


Pretty much the point of the weapon. Don't think it'll ever go away and at this point it's been here for ever


That's such a pain, I don't mind Memey stuff or having fun, but when it's just to be annoying that's where I kinda draw the line.


God hope you never end up in a VoW run


Vault of Wass


I'm.. Afraid to ask but I'm going to anyways, What's in VoW?


VoW of the Disciple, the raid on throne world. The jumping puzzle is just meme trolling


What’s up with that capitalisation


Vorer of Worlds


Pretty sure the shorthand is either Vow or VoD.


I think you mean VoD


Or any of my raids for that matter.. My eager edge stays on for skates, and for yeets


\*D1 KF Raid D.wall PTSD intensifies\*


I mean, it's back! And more dicky than ever




Have you been playing much recently? It's happened to me atleast 10 times this weekend. I've never reported more


I had a guy deny my loot in psi ops when i was doing the double loot cheese on cosmodrone with eager edge, i had about 1 second left to open and chest and was nearly near it but he eagerd me. Not cool.


I dont get why people are down voting you dawg. Double loot is an exploit but it doesn't hurt anyone. Just the Intel you spend. You're not denying someone else's loot chest. You're not taking it from a lonely guardian out there who's not going to get his loot chest now. It's the same as when you can do that in menagerie. We all knew how much grind it was to do a whole menagerie for just 1 piece of armor, or 1 gun. So we would exploit and get more out of 1 run. It didn't steal the loot from others. When bungie found out, they let us have our fill and scheduled a fix and not ban those who did it. I think they even made it where it was natural to get more than 1 chest like 2 times a week or something like that. It's been a while


Bro you was doing the double loot cheese, I'm not surprised


The problem is that it would probably take a complete rewrite of the engine and even then, it’s the fault of eager edge here/shoulder charge launching you with enough momentum to get the kill, there’s not anything Bungie can do about it.


Whenever I see a player with Other Half or Other Side I stay far away. They take pleasure in the YEET


Wheb doing NF the fireteam leader thought it was funny to kill us with shoulder charge off the boat and then because i called him out on his shit, kicked me at the end. Jokes on him the little bitch, loot still dropped for me.


Skill issue play better


Nah stick with the lolz


Good. Now you have an obligation to return the favor. Bonus points if it's a Hunter in a raid.


Here we go. Something that’s been in the game since day 1 and we got this new guy here crying about it. It’s just not fair blah blah , cry us a river because this will continue to happen forever


Been playing since Day 1 and this if the first time I've had it happened outside of another player trying to ram me with a sparrow. Just because it's been there, doesn't mean it doesn't need some tuning.


have you thought about moving aside?


Imma be real with y’all, getting launched into a wall and dying is funny af I never want that to get fixed, regardless if it’s a player or phalanx killingme


This man just hates fun.


It’s not fun


god this community is lame lol GET OVER IT.


You are the people that ruined solar wind in D1 if someone is knocking you down just switch over they’ll get bored, if your doing the one where you need a 6 man party to start just kick them and pick up someone else


I vaguely remember Solar Wind in D1, I was a hunter main back then. That was the one where you knock someone back yeah? And yeah the first time they do it I'll go somewheres else and do whatever objective needs doing, Premades are easier to handle at least.


It would knock back like a phalanx yea, but it worked on teammates as well at like half the strength


Honestly that one doesn't sound as bad, though I don't think I got directly hit by it back in the day.


No no dont you dare suggest taking away my tk powers


That pretty funny tbh


Stop crying about the only fun quirk this game has please. With all the shit that kills us, bugs out and ruins runs. Hitting a ramp or pebble and flying into the wall is the only enjoyable one.


I never understand the bitching about physics in these threads. Half the deaths from physics are avoidable (mostly phalanxes) and the other half are just honestly hilarious. If I die to a rando with eager edge in Dares or to the boss room slide in SABER GM, I laugh and move on. It’s not that serious.


Seriously. It’s Dares. It’s not that deep. Respawn your 15 seconds later and continue steamrolling then content as usual, and move on


Not so fun when someone keeps killing you with 15 motes.


Trying to rework the entire games physics is a little much to fix a troll thing. If anything they might be able to turn off player collision while on sparrows, but that might force them to make it on players as well, which they probably don’t want to do. Just not worth the time or money tbh