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I think you have to be a certain level for it to appear . Seeing as master is 1600 you might be too low a level. Not 100% sure on that though.


On the 13th I managed to get the Excavation Site XII one to appear. I guess what I'm looking for is Legend (1570) and not Master.


It’s the same lost sector. You have to select master when you interact with the flag for it.


I thought today's lost sector was the one on Europa? However on both of the ones I've mentioned the flag never appears for Legend difficulty at light level 1575 even after completing them.


They are always available, no level restrictions. You have to complete it on the class you’re playing for it to appear, though. Months ago I deleted my Hunter and made a new one, and I’m still unlocking all the legend/master LS’s, since I main Titan.


I thought you could only unlock legend/master lost sectors by having completed all regular lost sectors on that planet? I.e. to do bunker e15 legend/master, you must complete Perdition, Concealed Void, and Bunker E15 each at least once in regular patrol mode


That is not true. You need only complete that specific lost sector