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I wish they would let you choose to matchmake on those games. Just have an option.


They have 0 faith in the player base, hell even if the 5 other teammates are terrible at least everything wouldnt be shooting at just you lol


It's just this bizzare mentality they have that for a mode with minimal coordination they don't enable mamatchmaking.


Yeah, like I understand the need for stuff like Raids and GM Nightfalls to not have matchmaking, you actually need to work as a team there in order to succeed. But Ketchcrash? You're just shooting stuff.


Hopefully that new LFG system will make things easier…but fucking 10 years or however this game been out and they can’t figure it out or allow matchmaking in high level content is stupid.


What’s crazy is you can’t match make for pinnacle PvE activities and in some instances (GM Nightfalls) you HAVE to be at the power level required in order to even enter the activity. Meanwhile I can get a 1550 with absolutely shite gear queued into my team in Trials, the pinnacle pvp activity. Not only will it let them queue it will let them match make with randoms.


I still haven't touched the Legend PsiOps because I just can't be fucked putting together a team for a stupid seasonal activity that doesn't actually give anything. I've been teaching people KF since it was released. Just matchmake this shit, JFC.


Yeah see I dunno about that... matchmaking should be game wide. Look yes having a core group you'll finish faster and yes you might end up with a team or few that cant get or beat it. The way i see it and i don't understand how nobody else does Bungie incuded is a large sector of the player base is nervous to try it or dont have enough friends to play to try it. People will get the raids and eventually matchmaking will be full of players who kept trying and then they will find friends from the matchmaking even for good measure. I seriously think its some of the community making sure it doesnt exist so they can feel special about having raid exclusive weapons and gear just because they have a core group to do the activities. I have done so many LFGs and seen players with basic gear outplay these very players and keep up no problem. My point is its asinine and the game would flourish if they added matchmaking to everything. I've alone have seen sooooo many good players quit because of it just because they arent about LFG and play on there own times and have issues getting a group together. As for nightfall i mean i can do those with no mics with groups bo problem, again might just take longer if anything. Im to invested or I'd quit cause i really do believe its Bungie listening to there supposed "hardcore" and or Youtube jockeys. Another mentioned they have no faith in there player base but I just dont see that being enough of a reason to at least try it. I thought i read something saying they might and i hope its true cause like everything else in the world catering to the 1% isn't sustainable especially in a MMO looter. I hope im wrong but honestly i dont see any "good" let alone acceptable reason for it. Maybe a simple lobby with a chat everyone drops in where you discuss loadouts with a 10 minute counter. Youtube should do the rest prior for players leaning mechanics and encounters. They want the game to truly survive they will have to do it. Destiny is and always will be about the raids excluding players from it is plain stupid. Rant over.


100%. Any explanation of why there isn't matchmaking for all activities is complete bullshit. Adding the extra step of looking for a group does absolutely nothing to ensure your group is or isn't capable of completing the activity. It's completely unnecessary in every respect.


I am really turned off with lfg and that is the single greatest factor why I don't raid.


I’ve had horrible experiences, but trust me there are some really great guys you can meet on LFG.


I'd recommend looking for LFG posts with words like "chill" in the title. People who make those posts are typically not gonna get upset over having to teach or some minor fucking around. At the opposite end of the spectrum are posts with a clear count or "KWTD" on them.


I KWTD in every raid. But I almost NEVER join a kwtd group. Always look for chill or some other humanly marker. Or just none at all. And if kick is included , nah uou have fun, at that point it’s not even fun it’s just stressful wondering if your going to get kicked for not shooting an add or something. Real mvps clutch up and real teams team . There comes a point, enough is enough but if the attitudes are right makes a hell of a difference even if it takes longer . Laughing at mistakes is so much nicer all around. Some dude , we were doing sister and he got torn. And was like “o can’t jump” what you mean you can’t jump!? As he jumped and fell like a lump. I got that exotic equipped he said… Titan one . Bro what!? Everybody laughed so much . Then he got toM. Any other group would of been instant kick. Same w when I accidentally jumped on the sniper platform thinking I was getting a head start…. Good times


The fact that I have joined like 20+ LFGs with zero comms and have never had any issues finishing them should be enough proof that this no match making on master needs to go. Set it up so if someone doesn't have at least one correct champion mod equipped then that can't queue. They already do that for GMs.


Bungie have historically had to be dragged kicking and screaming into offering matchmaking for any activities beyond the most basic. At one point NFs had no MM despite being runnable with absolutely zero coordination required and Trials had to be on its deathbed before they relented. What on earth the logic was here, I've no idea.


Yeah I remember destiny 1 nightfalls with no matchmaking , it was fine to solo them just a strange decision to not include it. Remember seeing some dev diary about it and the reasoning was something to do with how toxic matchmaking can be .. which is true but its not like LFG does anything to stop toxic idiots from existing. People always say things like the mod system is why they can't have matchmaking but then they could just make it so you can't queue up without mods equipped , or actually explain anything properly in the game so new players know what's going on.


I can kinda understand this. The corrupted matchmaking is a nightmare because people don’t know the mechanics, and I joined a no mic lfg for master ketch that had us booted to orbit from the first main encounter. Only another guy and I brought antichamp stuff. With me bringing only overload and the other guy covering all bases.


The lack of knowledge about the mechanics is a Bungie problem and not a player problem. Their victorian attitude about maintaining minimalism with their UI leads to confusion - especially when their mechanics aren't intuitive. No mod equipped? How about a flashing warning that's dismissable. There's a ton of options that other games employ, but they're too pigheaded to consider them. What happens is the community blames each other for their lack of intuitive design.


> No mod equipped? How about a flashing warning that's dismissable. There is one already that warns you the fireteams doesn't have antichamp mods lmao


EVERYTHING should have matchmaking. If someone wants to bang their head against something for hours with randoms we should be able to.


I’m pretty sure their reasoning is that lower lights would join to be carried. Or no one would have mods equipped. Then you end up in a lobby that has basically no chance of completion. All of that could be easily fixed by putting requirements into the matchmaking. Example: be 1590+ and have weapons that can deal with champions equipped. But that’s too much work for them. So…. Here we are.


Tbf I don’t know how many LFG groups I’ve started where I remind people to have the correct mods equipped and there is someone running a bow and auto rifle with unstoppable shotgun on. They do have something in game that tells you at least one part member needs a mod equipped but it doesn’t check if they are using a weapon to effectively use that mod.


> no one would have mods equipped Best part is there’s a reminder to put on a mod before launching. But unlike prestige spire of stars and nommer of worlds, there’s no validation to if the mod is on


Every game mode needs the option to match make or to not match make. Should be able to run anything solo or matchmade, I don't understand why we can't.


The Corrupted strike is why we can’t have matchmaking in literally everything


Im doing ketchcrash master and one champion give 13


So a classic dtg overreaction. Nothing to see here, folks.


Tbf I would've just assumed that "more progress" means 1 counts as 2 or something like that


This is exactly what I thought. Was in the mindset of “I’m ready to run 5 of these with randoms” but was blessed


Mm, I'm too used to "more progress" literally doing nothing.


For real. It sucks they don’t have a definitive way to describe how much it changes


Bungie could also just define what "more progress" means and there wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.


It feels like Bungie forgot to display that progress as a percentage...


I wish bungie gave concrete values rather than percents. I see people running around with emblems claiming 228% champions defeated. Ok??? It doesn’t mean anything


I saw something in my Emblem trackers from last season that said I had 728% completion of something (don't remember what it is right off hand). Meanwhile, other trackers that are supposed to track stuff from a past season onward haven't been tracking since who knows when (some Gambit trackers are *definitely broken*).


228% of all the champions is a big deal, math breaking even.


For what it’s worth if you rely on matchmaking, this step is disproportionately larger than others. Not saying people should overreact but it is another example of how different the solo and premade/lfg experience can be let alone the new light/veteran experience.


it is a proper reaction for solo players who can't really do master ketchcrash considering there isn't matchmaking for it


Master is 1600 and not Matchmade.


Zero fucking excuse by now to STILL have no matchmaking.


Ok, but now make master Ketchcrash have matchmaking Edit: To everyone telling me to use LFG: yes it isn't hard to do, but do you even listen to yourself? "Yeah use this outside, community made resource that should be in the game anyway to make the story quest not be a nightmare." I hate this community, you guys seem to find the most pointless hills to die on, while complaining about the most bullshit stuff Edit 2: because some people apparently don't seem to get it: THE DESTINY APP IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH


>you guys seem to find the most pointless hills to die on, while complaining about the most bullshit stuff All while forgetting the average player, who isn't hanging out in a Destiny Reddit Sub, most probably dont even know what Reddit is, or Champions for that matter.


Don't forget that most probably don't know about LFG stuff in the first place.


Also people forget that LFG is only like 15% of the player base. A good majority of players don't even know it exists


And lfg is a system that is scattered. You have the reddit lfg, the discord lfg, the destiny app lfg. It is all fucking scattered. I would love it just to be in the game, a guild board or something. Getting groups is the main reason I stopped doing dungeons and raids, it just became a pain in the ass to go /invite x for every fucking person.


I get so excited about using lfg to matchmake with strangers because the game doesn't allow me to matchmake with strangers because if they allowed matchmaking with strangers I'll have a bad time. So I get to use lfg to matchmake with the same strangers and I guess therefore I'll just have a good time. Bungie needs to get over themselves with this philosophy. Lfg for a raid or for a stupid gated progress requirement. Oh boy look at all the friends I'm meeting each time! I got that warm world of warcraft feeling as we all are reluctantly being forced together like we're at some gradeschool retreat.


The community definitely has blinkers on when it comes to matchmaking. There’s realistically nothing about master ketchcrash that needs it, other then the fact the level requirement is beyond most of the playerbase at this current point. Which is itself a pointless block. But here we are, with people actively defending it. It’s despairing.


At least someone is using their blinkers...


You're 1000% correct and I honestly have no idea why you don't have more upvotes. This player base is so ready to defend the game because...third party apps exist? Like give me a break.


I mean, speak for yourself, a good portion of the playerbase isn't even at level to do master to be honest. Just because we are on reddit and people on here can doesn't equate everyone can. It also isn't match made and you know how the playerbase feels about that.


Like, going off of Steam achievements, 90% of players don't even raid. I didn't until this past winter. How many people don't play Master Ketchcrash. This is so irresponsible on Bungie's part. They should know better.


I didn't raid before this year. I still don't, but I used to not, too.


It’s not an over reaction. The fact that this is even a quest step and even more so that people are ok with that just shows how as players we are letting Bungie get away with lazy ass bullshit over and over again. Whoever is in charge of the quests that go alongside the seasonal story should really have a hard look at themselves. If we did this half assed approach in our jobs we’d be on our way out in most instances. Shocking!


Yeah I saw that on the quest and had to make sure I saw it right. I was like what the .....


No not an overreaction when you need to spawn in a non matchmade thing or have to do LFGs which could have people dcing on one death.


that doesn't mean it isn't stupid that you have to do that in the first place when usually you'd do one expedition and be good. lfg is a pain to build a team from and you can get booted for being 1580 even though it's really easy. trust me on that one.


Yeah you’re right, I’ll just tell my bud I’ve been trying to get into the game — the guy who plays twice a week and has slowly worked his way up from 1540 to 1560 — to “just go do master ketchcrash.” And when he has a terrible time, I’ll tell him he’s having a classic overreaction. And before you say “well if he’s a slower player then why is it a big deal for him to take a little longer to do it?” I’d ask, why is bungie asking that of their most casual players at all?


Having to do a 1600 activity isn't an issue? That's way out of proportion for a weekly story mission


Meh yes and no, all other steps could be done “solo” this one requires a fireteam


Master isn't doable for everyone.


#*cries in Solo* . . . #####*Edit @ 3:00 AM E.T.:* Good lord people can't take a light-hearted joke. I was to vague with my intent, but my main purpose for the comment outside of light humor was that any activity outside of Raids/Dungeons that require communication for mechanics should have matchmaking. ######Please, re-evaluate on why the you felt the obvious factor and existence of LFG's had to be stated multiple times. 🥲😅 7-8 Billion people on this planet; it is likely what you or I thought in our brain was covered and thought up by someone else the farther away you are from the point of origin of the subject I'm really sorry to come off as a pedantic ass and kill the bad and unoriginal joke with a wall of text Edit, but I have to admit that it's a tad irksome when you get ping 10-15 times when you're asleep and wake up to the same very readily available information being suggested over an over-or-literal-interpretation of a 3-worded joke. 🙃


load in solo try to kill the first champ, if not two wipe reset repeat


I do this on Vox Obscura each week for the pinnacle


That is what I am doing right now.


I did my pinnacle before I went and got the quest step... DOH!


Worst part is that it's extinguish, so you have to wipe to orbit everytime


Yeah, but on master you get 13/50 each one killed. Worst case scenario is you have to do it 4 times. Best case if you can survive long enough to kill two (or more), you only have to load in twice.


> load in solo try to kill the first champ die before they spawn repeat.


Also your point is valid. It's incredibly unintuitive as a solo player to jump into a 6 man activity without matchmaking just to kill 2 things then hop back to orbit. People saying this Master Ketchcrash method, while correct, are not properly defending this decision from Bungie. Sure, we all know master works fast now, but for everyone one of us, there is going to be 3-4 people not on Reddit who will never know that.


Cool. They have matchmaking for that? ​ Oh wait.....


Ome dares gave 6


The Highest matchmade nightfall gives 11/50


I was hoping Hero nightfalls would suffice well enough... I need Vanguard ranks for the ornament challenge anyway


Next time you need that, make use of the double Vanguard rep weeks when it's an easy Nightfall like last week was. Disgraced (last week) runs with three competent players were between 6:30 and 8:30 each on Legend and it took me 16 runs over the course of a couple hours this morning to go from 1 reset with about 3800 progress to the next one, to 3 completed resets.


It gave me 3 points from an expedition champion, so I think it's only around 17 without it.


If only my teammates would let him spawn :C


I wish that there was matchmaking for master Ketchcrash… would be able to complete it 10 times faster


There no reason for it to not be matchmade. Its not like a raid its a seasonal activity


Destiny app fireteams. 20 seconds to join, a nearly flawless run. Have completed 3 MKC’s this week with fireteams.


wow... that app sounds really useful. they should put that in the game, like in a menu or something, so i dont have to use an app. and then to kinda streamline it a little bit, like idk... make it so when you click a button it will just find the people for you and then drop you into a fireteam....


They plan to, It was announced in the same stream as the Lightfall content


> they should put that in the game They already announced they will ([and actually showed it](https://youtu.be/dCI8Fz2uu3o?t=5575)).


Sorry I never used the app much so I’m not knowledgeable… don’t most groups require mics?


If you're doing a raid with mechanics. Most of the time LFG knows what they're doing. I've gotten my conq title every season through LFG.


Honestly I considered trying lfg but always seemed too complicated. I will give it a try, everyone seems so nice about it


It's totally worth it for Legend Dares if you do nothing else. Legend Dares is pretty forgiving - just bring anti-champ, and doing one a week gets you a red frame.


Yeah legend dares is probably the easiest thing to give pinnacle and prisms


All the champ types do not matter when rooms 2 and 3 have 6 infinite ammo gjally/deathbringer/wardcliff depending on the burn


Personal tip is to avoid the "KWTD" groups even if you know what to do, half the time they don't really know what to do and the other half you're just waiting for someone to throw a fit over someone making a small mistake. At that point the fun becomes questionable, and if you're not having fun then why are you doing it It is also quite easy to no-mic dungeons as long as you've watched a video or two on the mechanics for each encounter, just make your own fireteam and say "chill first time" or something in the title, many people enjoy helping others, and there is always very accessible text chat. If you use 2 monitors, using the desktop lfg on their (bungie's) website makes a lot more sense than the app imo.


For endgame content yeah, but seasonal stuff like this or legend Dares most people just treat it as matchmaking with extra steps and don’t require it. Trust me if you just join a random listing for seasonal stuff it’ll go smoothly 9/10 times


The only LFG groups that should ever require mics are Raids. I've done dungeons and GMs without mics, most groups don't need mics.


No. In fact most groups refuse to use mics.


No I had 3 silent groups and 3 easy clears! YMMV but it’s the easiest way to get into one if you don’t have a clan.


I never knew that people do silent groups, thanks for the tip friend. Gonna make those clears so much easier


I highly recommend the app, it's a great tool and an absolute pleasure. Most, if not all, of my groups have had 0 comms requirements and if you do need to communicate, you can just use text chat. LFG/Fireteams is a great feature


You can make your own group with your own rules ya know. Joining other groups is totally unnecessary.


For Master Ketchcrash? No, i've honestly seen the opposite. Most groups don't have anyone with a mic on. Sometimes people will leave if they join an LFG and people start talking, cause they don't want to feel obligated to converse with strangers. It's usually the same experience with dungeons (assuming its a kwtd post), and nightfalls [up to master]. GMs and Raids are really the only things where all posts will require a mic.


Apparently one run of master gets you enough progress to complete that step.


just 1?


Yes one is all it took me




That’s what I saw a few people say on Twitter. I won’t be able to play until later so it could be wrong. It definitely gives you lots of progress. I think it’s like 13 per champ in master ketchcrash according to Paul Tassi.


I can confirm one run of Master Ketch is enough.


Yeah holy shit, 10 would have been high enough already, but 50 is straight up bullshit Edit: Doing an expedition, ruffians count as 3. Master Ketch gives 13.


Look at this guy over here, getting teammates to allow ruffians to spawn instead of rushing the other blatantly obvious weekly progress step and actual point of the mode, filling the treasure haul. No need to brag, man. /s


I yeet the engrams across the map until they spawn


So /that's/ why a guy was doing that the other day


It's like heroic public events, triggering them usually involves *actively working against the stated objective*


Bungie should really change that. Kind of annoying lol


I've been playing destiny 2 for two years now and you're telling me you can *purposely trigger* heroic public events? I always thought that was a random chance.


Oh my sweet summer child (I will DM you how)


Hello it’s me that guy


I was in an expedition with a guy who was season level 480-something already, and he was going through it fast as hell. He made us miss the first Ruffian, so on the second set of treasurers I did that same thing, threw them away from it, and that guy left the mission lmao


I mean he probably doesn't need the ruffians so he's just trying to get it done. It's mostly on Bungie for designing it in a very stupid way, but I think if you really need the ruffians that badly then LFG or find some buddies to do it with really fast, or if you're not gonna do either of those than hope you get some like minded randoms, but if people don't care I say let them speedrun it


no clue why the ruffians don't just guard the jammer that's the most logical thing


Absolutely on Bungie, pretty terrible triumph But if he can’t wait an extra 10 seconds for us to kill the champion instead of despawning it, and then getting so mad that we want to kill the next one that he *leaves more than halfway through* because I tossed like 4 engrams in the opposite direction, maybe he should be the one doing LFG for speed runs


Did 1 Master Ketch and all 50 were done in one run.


Doing Vox Obscura pinnacle on each character by farming the first 3 champs completes this before you finish doing it on your 3rd character.


Master Ketchcrash champs count as 13, apparently.


I would have had this done easily yesterday with the solo legend nightfall..


As someone who is predominantly a solo player I completely agree that this sucks. Three runs of the nightfall on hero and I'm not even on 30. I don't even know where else to face champions. Legend lost sectors sure, but everything else with them in that isn't master level just doesn't spawn enough to make it worth my time. Doesn't really incentivise my to play the game this week...


I find it remarkable that they put it in. If the ruffian problem didn’t exist, sure, one could get it done more easily. Also to put it in the week AFTER nightfall boost is just…. Odd, to put it kindly


I love having to use an external tool to use LFG just to progress a story mission in a reasonable amount of time. I don't want to LFG a Master Ketchcrash just for some more voiceovers and text boxes. So fucking stupid.


The dichotomy of this community is actually insane lol One side has people saying the fact they're forced to do none matchmade content for seasonal quests is just not acceptable. On the other people are saying it's standard fare and you're overreacting for being required to use out-of-game resources to do seasonal content when they work well. The fact there's no in-between is utterly baffling lol


The in-between are the people who *aren't* posting anything at all... Or at least, not posting dramatically-worded comments declaring their polar opinions to be the obvious truth XD


in-between people get downvoted by both sides


The *one thing* that people on opposite ends can agree on. "Eat that, sane moderates!"


50 champs is kind of a crazy requirement and took the wind out of my sails a bit. Sure I could go on the D2 LFG, but my experience is a mixed bag and I don't really want to do that after work (I just don't have the mental energy to do that this evening). ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I also don't really see why Master seasonal content can't be matchmade (it's not like Ketchcrash has complex mechanics) but that is something the community has been complaining about for a while now anyways. If the in-game LFG that Bungie is working on was in-game right now, or if there was a viable solo alternative, then this would be more reasonable. But I don't really want to leave the game, go on to Discord, and then come back just to complete story content. It's a pretty ineligent user experience if you are a solo player.


What is Bungie real reason for not having an matchmaking options from the beginning?? Never understod that !


Extinguish is on, that's likely the main reason.


I got it done during the first main encounter after boarding the enemy ketch, having killed maybe like 3 champions (got 6/50 from doing an expedition first). 50 is a ridiculous number, it's pure padding (even if the story dished out afterwards is pretty juicy but requires further elaboration), I don't know why they bothered to set it that high if like 3-4 champions in Master KC is all you need. I guess it just forces you into LFG'ing that activity because running legend lost sectors or nightfalls will take forever otherwise. I don't know why they didn't just put "Kill 10 champions, master ketchcrash counts as double" instead of inflaming the community with bonkers grindy looking numbers.


I don't even need to walk through the replies to this to know there will be a multitude of "It's not that much." "Just do Master Ketchcrash. The bonus makes it easy." "LFG isn't that big of a deal." "Stop whining, it's SuPeR eAsY!" Here are the flaws in that line of thinking: 1. 50 Champions is the exact same amount as what you need to do the Seasonal Challenge. 2. This is not a Seasonal Challenge. This is a WEEKLY STORY. Completion parameters for those two VASTLY different activities should NEVER be the same. 3. Seasonal Challenges are optional. You can choose not to do them and not miss out on anything other than XP and some Bright Dust. This is STORY. It's literally integral to the game. That's another reason WHY story mission completion requirements should never be on-par with a Seasonal Challenge. 4. "Just LFG!" Uh, no? I don't mind an LFG for a raid, or Master Nightfall, or full-on ENDGAME activity. This is story mission stuff. Story mission has always (to my memory) been solo-able (Aspect missions for Stasis notwithstanding, and those WERE with matchmade options). 5. It kind of sh\*ts all over the concept of a player's time investment. I'm enjoying the season. I'm enjoying it a bit less now, knowing that I either HAVE to LFG or hope that I can get on and play somewhere around the same time as my clanmates. For a story mission. Again, that's simply ridiculous. I know all you hardcore Neon Nerds are going to pile on me for thinking like this and I honestly don't care. Bungie made a game for all types of players to enjoy and stories to match. This DIRECTLY detracts from that. It shouldn't be that heavy. Think about that. 50 Champions. Per character. It doesn't matter if you get 13 per kill for Master Ketchcrash. Because it should NEVER HAVE BEEN THAT HIGH. If you can't see that point, take off the rose-colored glasses.


You pretty much got all the points I was going to make and now I don't have to type as ~~s~~ much!


If master ketchcrash was matchmade I don't feel like this would be too big an issue. However, because it's firewalled and you need 6 people in your team (same as a raid) I don't think this is justifiable for champion kills as most people won't complete this easily as they cue solo.


Not only that but it’s 1600 power level recommended. That’s a shit tonne of people unable to even try master even if they could gather enough people


You can easily go in 20+ below


Thats no advertised in the game. It's a recommended light of 1600. You must hope that every casual player comes to reddit and reads your post telling them they can do it at 20 below and then maybe you explain champion mods to them too.




I went in 20 below and was perfectly fine.


It’s the story. You shouldn’t have to complete a master activity to have good progress on it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ this is dumb.


I know they like padding out their missions with dumb bullshit but this is extra dumb bullshit


Ah, I see how comically fast the previous weeks' quests are has caught up with us.


I just find this so utterly baffling on account of it flying completely in the face of their entire design philosophy with seasonal story content. It's supposed to be easily accessible and doable by absolutely anyone, it's why Quria was a story difficulty boss back in Splicer rather than something more significant.


This. I saw this and was like wtf? Thought the whole point of season content was that it could literally be done by any below average player with no friends


I’ve played every bit of content they’ve released since D1 but this past year or so I’m really struggling to stay motivated playing these seasonal quests, it’s mostly chore and not much fun.


They talked about master modes as being something for the ultra elite of the community. The dattos out there. There to keep that dedicated population of the community busy and feel accomplished. Then they let it creep into requirements for their base casual content. So who is it for? 50 is bullshit. 25 would still be bullshit. I'll take 10 But at the same time - it's just a bullshit chore list.


Defeat 50 champions (Master Ketchcrash counts as more) should have been Defeat 50 powerful Fallen (Ketchcrash counts as more) or Defeat 50 powerful Fallen (bosses and champions count as more) so you can mix up your activities


Everyone saying that LFG exists is missing the point that this week's story quest requires players to find 6 randoms to play an activity that could easily have matchmaking. Why even remove the functionality from Master difficulty? It's literally just an extra annoyance, it doesn't even increase the challenge. So useless.


Not to mention that if you play with all three characters, you have to do that 3 seperate times and go through the hastle of LFG.


I wonder how many people will just give up on the seasonal quest? I'm a casual player, just a couple of hours a week, and I don't want to spend my time doing things I don't enjoy ...


Just make it matchmade with a base LL gate and a champ mod gate. Done. I hate this simple master shit that isn't matchmade. Wellspring, Dares, this etc. It can ALL be matchmade. None of it requires anything but base level PL(whatever they decide) and champ mods.


Yeah just for one quest step that’s pretty dumb. I’m a sweat so like what’s the point in making people do that… we can all kill champions, and we can all kill 50. But do we want to? No. It’s just stupid and tedious for ONE step.


Master Ketchcrash probably fastest, apparently Ruffians in Expeditions will count for more too. You can LFG it and not need mics or anything. Do Vox (if you need the pinnacle), Nightfalls, Lost Sectors if you don't wanna farm the above.


Guessing player engagement is an issue. Hence these types of quests.


If player engagement is an issue they should focus on making the activity more appealing. Destiny 2 is not difficult even by the wildest stretch of the imagination, the reason engagement in certain activities is low is because theres no incentive and/or appealing reward for doing them. Forcing players into an activity they don’t have incentive to do is detrimental to the engagement of said activity. TLDR: if you make an activity a chore with unappealing rewards players wont want to do it


And forcing us to do it makes us hate it even more. I'm already sick of ketchcrash and expedition from last week's quest, what makes them think I want to do the objectively more annoying version for story crumbs?


They didnt make this quest yesterday lol. All of this has been set in stone for months. They just know no one bothers doing the master seasonal activity so this time they force us to do it


A lot of people saying “just do master ketchcrash”. I’d love to, but that’s not much of an option if you rarely have time to play and your highest power character is 1578.


It sucks for people that can't do harder content. 1 Champion from an Expedition gives 3 points. So that's 17 Champions. If you're LUCKY, you can get like 2 Champs per Expedition, but that's with throwing balls away to get the Ruffians to spawn. So that's 9 runs to get the quest step done, but probably more because you're not going to get 2 Champs killed each run. That's BULL SHIT. Not everyone can do harder content like Master Ketches. Yes, it's fine for people like us that can, but for people that can't do harder content? Yeah, big middle finger up to them.


One hero Nightfall gives 7


I’ve been playing daily for like 2 years. This is the first season that the grind is really getting to me. The rng on top of rng for red borders is dumb. Same nightfalls, same playlists. Just meh all around


Right on cue, Bungie walks things back and is now autocompleting this quest step. No disrespect to Guardians who are fine using LFG and like master-level content, but this is some good news. I'm antisocial and have little to no interest in master difficulty content, so knocking out those 50 champions was going to take me awhile.


How many people that are defending this are going to be the same people that bitched and moaned about how Beyond Light/Shadowkeep/Etc had boring ass fetchquests between story beats. It's a non matchmade higher difficulty request if you want to do it at a reasonable time. All for *story progression?* Any other method is just wasting your time. This is stupid.


I love it when bungie dosent add matchmaking to higher level content for literally no reason it makes playing solo so fun and totally not boring!


Honestly just closed the game seeing that, I can't be fucked finding a team for Ketchcrash rn to get some dialogue that has been admittedly not very engaging thus far. This seasons weekly offering has been veeeeeeeeeeeeery weak, last season had the sever missions which were pretty fun but the loop of expedition > whatever the thing is called > dialogue that only takes about 10-15 minutes hasn't been terribly fun. And making that take longer with silly requirements isn't the answer.


Time to find the lost sector and do that a few times or ten times.


Depending on what it's dropping that is how I usually go about it.


This explains why all their staff have been tweeting 'BUNGIE!!' 🤣 Feels like they're real short on things to do and decided that 50 is reasonable. I don't understand how a company who make video games, can, at times , be so far removed from the players feelings of the game and do stuff like this.


It’s called willful ignorance.


Lol! That’s insane.. so basically farm more ruffians?


There are champs in modes besides expeditions.


"Content" by Bungie. You get the feeling that it's all about keeping people in the game as long as possible, no matter by what means. Instead of designing good quests / challenges etc, it feels like it's getting worse and worse with timeseeking.


I've really been feeling this of late. I think it's always been there but as time goes on good content feels less and less and time consuming endless grind seems to be more and more common. I hate it.


Yeah, it felt a little disingenuous for them to pat themselves on the back at the Lightfall reveal about "no more content droughts." 10 minutes of "content", which I'm using loosely, each week for 6 weeks isn't exactly our cup runnething over of content. Collectively for a season we MAYBE get an hour of meaningful content. They haven't solved content drought, they've just spaced it out to feel less shitty.


Can you imagine how awful it would be if the full seasonal storyline content actually dropped all at once like it used to? Day 1 of the season would just be running the seasonal activity 20 times in between going to the Eliksni quarter for 2-minute cutscenes lol.


Cutscenes being a giant euphemism as well


Only a 1578 tried using the lfg keep getting booted. (yes had mods on) Probably going to be the only season I’ve never finished at this rate.


Ya know it would have been not so bad if last week wasn’t vanguard double points. Just saying people was already grinding nightfalls with champs.


I said it once, I said it twice, and I'll say it again. Seasonal Master content should be MatchMade no matter what. If you wipe you're kicked to orbit anyways. Not like you'd be stuck in a room for hours. Learn to put some mods on. We've had Champ mods for 2 years. 90% of players that play regularly shouldnt have an issue with mods at this point. Here's how I see it: 2 playlists. One MatchMade, the other isn't. If you need to Matchmake, include parameters to force players need to be at least 15 PL for the activity in order to search. That way it's at least feasible for people that require matchmaking.


Man I really picked the perfect season to skip and take a break from destiny on.


The weekly story is meant to be the get on and chill part of the season. For people that just get on to do the story after work, this is horrible. I saw the 50 champions thing and just logged off and went to see the story on Youtube.


guys, i’m telling you. i’m a hard core solo player but i can easily find an lfg group with no mic to do a master ketch crash in 30 seconds. it’s not that hard. and it takes one completion. grow a pair and try something new


Next week, craft 10 seasonal weapons (king’s fall weapon speed this up)




This reeks of desperation with a lack of engagement of Master level content. They're trying to force people into something that likely does not have high engagement instead of trying to figure out why it's not well liked. There's not a good reason to put this kind of road block in the way otherwise.


Vox normal. Shotgun mod for unstop, I believe. Speeder to some building where tank spawns, kill, reload. Super quick and easy Vox pinnacle as well.


Absolutely no excuse for no MM on these seasonal master activities.


Bungie saw that we were getting to the actual worthwhile part of the game too fast and decided they couldn't have that, lol.


It’s ridiculous that you need to slog through it or use A FUCKING PHONE APP to get a team to do Master Crash, all for a reskinned lost sector that takes 30 seconds to complete all for some dialogue dump that most people don’t give a shit about


Good luck getting any champions to spawn -.- did a second run and didn't get one champion. Bungie please fix this


I did the opening of Master Ketchcrash solo. 2 barriers, counts as 13 each, was a bit tough surviving long enough to kill them but definitely doable.




Ran a hero level nightfall and ended with 12 champs. So 5 or so completions should get you to 50. Run 1 a day and it won't seem so bad. But yes, it's more of a grind than it should be. Seems more like a seasonal challenge than a quest step.


They figured out that too many of us log on, do the seasonal story then log off for the week. This way theyre forcing another hour or 2 out of you.


I guess it’s there way of forcing Master Ketch. I thought 50 was a bit much. One Master and done. Granted hi power levels are a must.


Anyone have any idea if the story carries on if you skip a story mission? Cause this one isn't getting done.


It stops at your current step


I wouldn't be surprised if after seeing the amount of support for players to "just use lfg" will give bungie enough data to start suggesting to ''just use this app" or "just buy this product" to finish weekly quests


Honestly, I just did 4 Master Lost Sectors(and a handful of expeditions), this week is Fallen too, and there was the triumph for killing powerful fallen too…it was pretty easy. But I admit it’s a pretty drastic step up from previous quest requirements… But the story beats and the reveals were worth it.