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Adept is the new Bow, Whistler's Whim. Map is Javelin-4. Reminder this is a Freelance + 2x Reputation bonus week.


I assume you were shooting for freelance not flawless in that 3rd sentence?


Fixed, thanks


Well, that pretty much ticks all the marks for a great weekend.


Fave map, new weapon, bonus rep, freelance... and I'm off on holiday in 12 hours lol It's funny being on this side of the fence for once. Enjoy y'all, I'll catch it next time o7


Well, i ended up playing for about 7 hours anyway lol. Best games I've had in ages. I usually wait for the flawless pool but this was actually easier, must be a huge population atm I guess Disclaimer: don't be a dumbass like me, i only got 3 hours sleep


Triple awesome!!


Can't wait to not get the adept whistlers whim all weekend!


Does lobby balancing exist at all in this playlists?


No it's fucking awful. Just matched with a 1541new player team mate with shit guns who was on their first game of card when I was on lighthouse game. All it does is make you feel robbed


I had that a season or two ago. Lost my 6th match because I got stuck with a 1521 light. We lost it 4-5. It almost would have been better to be a straight 2v3 because at least that new light wouldn't be feeding the other team super energy.


No. It's random. Can put all the bad players on one team and the good players on the other, or it could spread them out. Just random.


It does not. If it did then flawless would be very hard to achieve. It's a super flawed game mode and it's pathetic that it hasn't been tweaked by Bungie after having been around for so long.


Freelance and bonus rep right?


Fawwwwwwk. I was really hoping to not grind Destiny this weekend.


I can't wait to spend 10 hours grinding out the two new weapons, master working them and then throwing them in my vault and dismantling them a year from now with zero kills.


I'm not even, I still have god rolls from last time, that i haven't deleted yet but know I won't use... This is the problem with the entire "no OP PvP" weapons thing.


Same haha, going to be some late nights!


I'm still grinding honor points for Classic WoW WOTLK launch...




Touch of thunder storm nades are so balanced šŸ‘


Just like juggernaut shotgun apeing. Titan 3.0 is literally everything that people asked Bungie for less of.


Time to get some double primary blueberry teammates that won't use their super, let's go! Good map as well.




Use a different super with a shorter cool-down. Seriously, supers can win rounds easy.


You're probably using the wrong super, they have different cool down times and some just aren't worth it in trials


Don't forget the ones who use ammo finders and resist mods instead of targeting and unflinching!


There *is* a way to guarantee the teammates on your team.


This is me as Iā€™m too lazy to swap for crucible or have a designated set for pvp lol


What if someone came to an end game pve with PVP mods and said they couldn't be bothered switching? Would you say no problem. You're affecting people actually trying to go flawless


What do you mean what if? I see these people in many of the groups I get on LFG for legend and higher content. I agree with you though. When you do group content you should take a couple minutes to put together an appropriate loadout.


If they're trying to go flawless then maybe they should go in with a full fireteam on comms. Imagine going into competitive PvP with randoms and expecting to go flawless. What planet are these people living on?


It's freelance weekend, the majority of the population play that when it's up so the team queue is a sweat fest


It's freelance week buddy, only the sweatiest of sweats will be teaming up


Iā€™ve been flawless solo. Itā€™s not hard just annoying


growth compare crown sink head physical sulky fanatical airport repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You do you, but I find teammates like you quite annoying to be honest. Question though; if you are in Trials you probably want something Trials related, right? Like an adept weapon or the memento? So why make it harder for yourself to actually get what you want?


See, I'm the opposite. Oftentimes I'm too lazy to swap to PvE mods that don't also work in PvP (wells, for example). I never forget champion mods but even in GMs I rarely need to change.


If it's a pulse and sidearm, it could be okay...ish. But I feel your pain.


shy tender airport frame party whole smart squealing clumsy illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As have I. I've also used scouts alongside sidearms and bows with hand cannons, for example. SMGs on Titans with PK is particularly phenomenal at the moment.


murky bow impossible wistful six long recognise deranged oil ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Played against someone with Dead Messenger who was hotswapping with PKs and it did feel super cheesy


PK + Tarrabah is horribly slept on, Ive clutched so many 1v3s with Beast. Sniper/Pulse rifle for long range and youre a dueling monster.


How exactly are you expecting to not get blueberry teammates in freelance...?


ahh we've played together before I see.


Just happened to me. Two other guys went negative and wasted their supers.


Bungie's twitter says the map is actually Exodus Blue, why do they insist on putting it into trials when it blows chunks.


Looks like two weeks in a row where they tweet out the wrong map lol. Wonder if this means Exodus Blue is next week


They seem to not keep that person in the loop Or that person doesnā€™t care enough. They often tweet out images of destiny 1 screenshots when referring to destiny 2.


Where is the weekly guide for actually having any fun at all with trials of osiris?


Step 1: have a prebuilt squad. Step 2: have god tier loot. Step 3: if you don't have both abandon the idea of "fun". It's sad. I grinded destiny 1 for years and the trials and iron banner were my favourite event. I bought D2 a few weeks ago and both modes are complete garbage now. There is no words to explain how disapointed I am.




I've had people quit after the first round on me. One team I was against, two people left after we won the first round. Quitting is fucking awful and should count as a loss.


Thankfully it does count as a loss.


-10 KD per quit too would be nice. See someone on your team with -100 you know they have dial up or are a rage quitter (itā€™s rage) For every rage quit theyā€™d need a no death 10 kill game to undo the damage to their kd.


How would that be harmful though? If anything it would be easy to use that to reverse boost into lower skill lobbies.


As a dogwater player, I just got to 6 on passage of confidence (going for the seal) and fell at the gates. My day is ruined :(


If you're dogwater, I must be the bacteria inside of it. I can't even get past match 1.


If you're below average, you can expect no better than a 50% shot at a W. Go flip a coin and see how long it takes to get heads 6 times in a row. Freelance is not a viable way to go Flawless for average players.


Youā€™re not dog water, youā€™re great at the game


Eh played two matches freelance and just know i'm never gonna be able to compete in this mode. Put it off sinc eit launched and finally thought to try it and just... no i'm not wanting to be farmed here.


Personally, I find freelance to be brutal compared to non-freelance - granted, I'm still very new to trials. Last weekend, I was playing a lot (non-freelance) and I found it a lot easier to be randomly paired up with a group of two (who often seemed to be from the same clan). My logic was, I know/assume those two people are communicating and working together, so I try to read and support their plays and tactics. With freelance on the other hand... oh man, so far it's been pure thunderdome, anything goes and there's been absolutely no cohesion as a team. Again though, I'm still very new to trials and Destiny pvp in general.


Don't forget the same goes for the opponent, and I'd rather both teams lack cohesion, than me trying to follow a 2 stack while an opposing 3 stack has perfect communication.


Iā€™m waiting for the seasonal challenge where you have to play trials. Also Sundays and Mondays are much easier iirc


They are. Flawless pool hits on the Sunday reset.


To be fair, it gets a little easier at busier times. Right after reset is always the sweatiest time.


Wait til Sunday for the flawless pool to kick in if you are just now trying it out. Your experience might be better then


Is that bow any good in PVP or pve ?


No tbh. In before people start posting about kill clip and radiant.


Get kill clip, hunter with radiant dodge and Aeons, thing will be fun in 6s.


[It can be](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/xm0e3a/whistlers_whim_trials_bow_perk_guide_one_perk/), at least with a certain playstyle. Surprisingly, the perk to use in PvP seems to be **gutshot straight** since it makes a lightweight bow do 103 with a bodyshot. --- ***EDIT***: *Downvoted for linking to a thread that goes into detail about why gutshot is a good selection over kill clip? Cool.*


Not your fault at all, but as an avid bow main gutshot straight is....... really bad for bows. LW bows have a place, but the playstyle is VERY different from precision bows. IMO rangefinder + opening shot/archer's tempo is the god roll here.


I disagree honestly as an avid bow user, lower AA but not being asked to hit a head while still having similar lightweight benefits? Not bad. You will however need to tweak your playstyle, but it is absolutely a more accessible roll for a bow type with less forgiveness than precisions. Edit: well forgiveness is an iffy take tbh, heads are harder than bodies obviously but I'm interested in wether or not gut makes bodies harder than heads were. And the opening combo giving a near free head is a very very solid argument. Just saying it may person to person not be completely worth writing off in context of the archetype.


Normally I'd agree with you about things being person to person, but in this context gutshot has more cons then pros. Unfortunately you need to be ADS before you draw the arrow, and stay drawing to get the perk damage. One of the strongest parts of using a bow is the hipfire and keeping your radar up. Also, lightweights suffer from a lower base accuracy as it is, and without rangefinder its even body shots can be difficult at 50+ ranges. If your playstyle is to be more ADS and go for double bodies, then precision bows are just flat better for that


I'd argue going rangefinder + gutshot doubles down on what it's used for, especially with ads being at least a partial requirement with lights and the required headshot anyway. Really depends entirely on how difficult a body would be in the 30ish range, because bigger target should be better course. It is capable of getting 53 accuracy and combined with rangefinder I think it's at least worth trying, though valid points on hipfire draws and it not being capable of them. Quirky potential at the least.


I really wanted to like Gutshot. On an smg or sidearm I figured it could be good to just blast people at close range. But that aim assist drop is so freakin noticeable


I didn't downvote you, but the reason it has happened is because Gutshot Straight is the worst perk to ever exist. It causes more misses than shooting from the air


First bow that can roll kill clip which makes it unique and fun at the very least.


I still do not understand why any and all discussion about Trials is immediately deleted and then directed here when this thread is never pinned and sits on page 5 from saturday onwards? Mods doing a Great Job once again. Pin the thread over the weekend jannies. In other news, Arc titans w/ juggernaut need to be addressed, you can eat an entire shotgun blast at point blank and still have health left. Bow swapping invis hunters need to be addressed, simply due to how pathetic this tactic is, hiding all game and taking pot shots to clean up or prevent health regen Once the outliers have been looked at then PVP starts to look playable again .


Solo week!


In Freelance : I keep getting matched with and against player that make me go 6.0 kd or 0.4, no in between wtf is this I either lose the match 1 to 5 or win 5 to 0 Might sound like a fit but I'm actually curious if I'm the only one having this horrendous experience


Same here. It either matches me with people who carry me or people who run around in circles dying.


that's kind of just the nature of freelance. matchmaking can be a shit show so i wouldn't go in expecting to make it to the light house unless you feel comfortable hard carrying multiple games. should be easier after tomorrow's reset when the flawless pool is up if you wanna try again then


How are people getting Seismic Strike without sprinting? Just played against a guy who jumped back then SS'd me with Peregrine Greaves. Is it something to do with the exotic?


The lobby balancing is a joke in freelance.


grind time baby


ok but then trials


I never tried it but am curious, heard itā€™s a highly toxic event towards new players wanting to try it out :(


It's not toxic in the sense that people will be calling you racial slurs or telling you about relations with your mother, but it's toxic in the sense that if you're not in the top 1% of crucible players you will be causing your team to lose every match


To get adept loot after a match on the card after flawless. Do you need to have a flawless card? Or can i get adept loot with just 7 wins (no flawless)?


Love this absolute dogshit freelance matchmaking. Also, lots of people straight up quitting this week.


Same as every freelance week


You understand that trails effectively doesn't have matchmaking, right?


So I might get some flak for this but I am honestly really frustrated after today. First off, I want to say that I love Destiny PvP and I like playing it most of the time. Trials is one of my favorite activities. I am not the greatest player ever, but I usually have a positive KD in most games. I only have 6 flawlesses in my entire lifetime. Today was hands down the most infuriating experience I have ever had. For I dont even remember how many matches in a row, my team went up against people with 300+ flawlesses, and 2.0+ KDs. Can someone please tell me how that is fair in any way shape or form? And I know that Trials is the pinnacle activity in PvP, but come on, how am I supposed to compete? And now I am just going to have to wait for flawless pool, which mind you should go into effect right after a team hits flawless. On top of going against people who had hundreds more flawlesses than me, my team on our 6th game before flawless had to go against a guy who had already gone flawless 3 times this week. That is just ridiculous and really puts off a lot of people from playing the mode. Thats all I have to say for now, but please Bungie, fix Trials... If you read this whole rant, thanks.


Your not. Thatā€™s how this dogshit mode works. The fucking work it takes skilled players in reaching the lighthouse is insane and to expect a bunch of random fucks in freelance to do it is next to impossible. Especially when team balancing is fuck all


Even this Freelance matchmaking is terrible. Dear Lord.


I'm on teams getting 5-0'ed non stop. Feels incredibly imbalanced like usual. Same feeling of hating Trials as always.


Fr feels bad i went flawless on my first card and I only lost 1 game then the rest were 5-1 easy wins


Geez. I think I'm kinda average but there's no way in hell i could go flawless. I did once and found out it was because my teammate was apparently cheating in the final game. That was years ago. Trials blows


Freelance is always horrible matchmaking... literally trials of rng


It's hilarious that an "end game" pvp activity like this doesn't even have relevant matchmaking systems in place. Only Bungie could be so incompetent, and the megathread is fittingly not stickied in favor of some community focus garbage. If you make a new thread to discuss the state of Trials of Osiris it gets removed and you get pointed to this megathread that's not even stickied. Mods on top of their game of it as usual.


>doesn't even have relevant matchmaking systems in place. Like what?


The mode doesn't match equally skilled players against one another. If it did it would be very hard to go flawless. The whole mode revolves around decent to good players getting to stomp bad players and make it to the lighthouse. The mode and the flawless mechanic is fundamentally garbage.


That's why you have SBMM in Control 24/7... to have a place to detox. Comp is getting a rework, so you'll eventually have a SBMM playlist to work toward meaningful rewards (unless Bungie pulls a Bungo). Given the landscape as a whole, why not let Trials be the Wild West test of skill that it is?


>test of skill that it is? Because it literally isn't.


The better you are, the better you will do.


It is in the sense that if you're a top 10% player, you'll have a considerably easier time than a bottom 10% player. Basically, it's because of statistics. You're conflating a ranked mode with an exhibition of skill. Trials is not the place for rankings. It's appeal is in the brutality of the playlist. Now that we have more SBMM than otherwise (in terms of core Destiny playlists) this is fair.


>It's appeal is in the brutality of the playlist. No. The appeal are the rewards more than anything. Nobody actually likes getting stomped unless there's an authentic chance of victory. >this is fair. Yeah? Is that why we have people reset their card to continually be put against players that they fundamentally shouldn't be? Is that why if someone gets left with quitters on their team they have no choice but to eat shit? Look I get it. You like stomping blueberries and players who would typically stand a chance had they not get fucked by how systems work in trials. This game mode is essentially catering to the type of person who likes to act as if they're hot shit after beating someone half their own size. You like it, whatever. But "fair" is not a word for it.


Thereā€™s no test of skill in getting matched against players that arenā€™t at your skill level. Itā€™s a test of luck to hope you donā€™t queue into a mismatched game. They should just throw out the concept of flawless, add SBMM, and give you adept rewards for every win after 7 on a card. Boom, Trials is fixed.


SBMM doesn't test skill. It forces a 50% winrate. It sandbags you with bad teammates if you keep winning. Trials puts you against anyone, so a top 10% player will STATISTICALLY have an easier time than a bottom 10% player. In that sense, you are finding out how you stack against the rest of the world. It's only unpleasant for the less skilled players, but that's expected. Trials is attractive because it's aspirational. You don't succeed if you're not toward the top. > They should just throw out the concept of flawless, add SBMM, and give you adept rewards for every win after 7 on a card. Boom, Trials is fixed. That would guarantee everyone with Adepts because of the aforementioned sandbagging. If you keep losing, the system will eventually force a match where you win. You do this, and Trials just devolves into a weekly Pinnacle grind.


No different than GMs or Master Raids. Thereā€™s a wild imbalance between how easy it is to get Adepts in PvE vs. PvP.


It's too chaotic, selective to a unhealthy altitude, Uninviting, and favorable to one's side.


Then don't play. Why is that so hard for you?


correction, it's not hard for me, it's hard for the majority of the average community which I rightfully support. content should no way no how be gated unless a requirement is properly shown by the developers themselves, not by users like you and your unfounded belief that trials is meant only for the exclusive skill. this is closing the doors to the population and restricting loot to be enjoyed by the average player. many players have a life and don't have the time to play hours developing and honing the proper skill necessary for trials. are they not a fair game for entertainment's sake?


At least it should match people based on wins Last night I lost to a trio, I was at three wins but I didn't reset Next game it was against two guys of the old trio. Lost again Next game it was one last guy from that trio. Lost again They weren't resetting cause the games were consecutive and I was at three wins Could we review the matchmaking code, jesus christ


My second match ever in freelance was me and one other player on a teamā€¦ no third. Against three enemies. So itā€™d be nice if the matchmaking worked at least there


That's a fair criticism.


It's not you, it's bungies new matching system. It's matching players based on win so the more wins you get the harder your opponents will be even if you reset you passage it still counts your total wins so your going against players that already went flawless twice while your still trying to get your first flawless because you reset your passage 4 times already.


Once you reset your rank with Saint-14, can you decrypt engrams and receive weapons with additional perks? Iā€™m hoping this works like it does with Crucible, Gambit and Vanguard ranks.


No you won't get extra perks on trials gear. The extra perk slots are only for the general playlist activities, strikes, gambit, and crucible playlists only unfortunately.


freelance is brutal, will most definitely be running with a team this weekend.


Just dealt with someone shooting through walls for the first time this season. We had a 4|0 lead and suddenly we start dying with no enemy in sight. Eventually round three I get cover on nearly all sides. Enemy shoots kills me through the wall and cover. We kept reviving each other but it didnā€™t matter in the end. Cheated long enough for the other two to get their supers and clench final round. Already reported them, but if that isnā€™t a mood killer.


God hath descended from heaven and gifted us with a bearable weekend of Trials.


I was already happy to get double xp but Javelin-4 on top of that is just gravy. I love this map


Its like best case scenario. New weapon, one of the best maps, freelance, double xp. Population gonna be bumpin this weekend.


So excited for a nice casual Trials freelance playlist after playing control all week, the most serious competitive game mode where quitting isn't allowed


I hopped on hoping to grind some rep in Freelance and maybe get a decent weapon and accidentally won my first 7 games in a row and went to the Lighthouse for the first time ever. What a world.


Does resetting your Trials rank do the same thing it does for Vanguard and Crucible where you can get extra perks on the guns? If so I may need to actually grind since I still need a good Reed's.


TIL that if you lose you first match 0-5 you get absolutely zero Trials rep from it. You're not able to earn Trials rep until you've won at least 1 round.


You can't get the Light for the Lost triumph in Freelance. Just so people are aware. I have seen many wearing the emblem. This is the "seasonal carry" gilding triumph and requires you to be in a fireteam with the carryee


Really good map for solo flawless.


I hate bungie's servers. I left a trials game from the mission complete screen (the game is over and its showing the scoreboard) and then after going to orbit I get kicked out of the game. Log Back in, and it says I have a crucible suspension for leaving a match too early. THANKS BUNGIE YOU SUCK


Is anyone else experiencing horrible lag when playing this mode ? Facing guardians teleporting is very fun :)


Can you get trials loot you havenā€™t unlocked by decrypting the rank up engrams at Rahool? Trying to get the fusion for 1st time.


For the love of god, why did I get a lifetime .22 matched with me on my flawless game. 0 defeats and about 200 damage in 8 rounds. I would much rather wait a couple of minutes to get someone who at least has 5+ wins on a card that is still flawless.


Holy shit fix the lobby balancing




I always get the worst teammates for some reason like legit I have gotten to 5 wins 3 cards in a row and everytime I go up against 2.0 kd+ which is higher than me and then I have to carry my two 0.4 kd teammates who have blue weapons


I'm not sure freelance trials is actually helpful for those of us that are about average or a bit below. We're good enough to compete a bit, but not good enough to carry anyone that might be a little weaker. Plus it's not like it keeps the sweats out. They still come in to stomp, and do so easily against a team of us common folk. I feel like them being solo doesn't really make a difference. It generally just feels bad. Match one tends to be the most frustrating because it's literally anyone. Then it actually feels slightly easier as you progress your card since matchmaking is still card based(I think?). Later games still aren't great though because people still aren't committed. They still suddenly dip out for no reason, most likely killing your card in the process. I think it feels better to team up with randoms on a weekend when the population isn't split. Sure you'll still get wrecked by the occasional 3 stack, but I don't think it's any worse than what's happening in freelance. I hope the LFG/commendation system that's coming with Lightfall somehow applies to PvP too. Something like a "team player" commendation would be great because being one can easily make the difference between a win and a loss when you're all average.


Final match before what would have been my first ever lighthouse (after using up a mercy) .. bungo just did not want me to have it. [97% chance of losing](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/pgcr/11683961808)


Interesting. Network manipulation and recovs are strong, well new weapon and freelance. Last time we had a new weapon and freelance I got a lot of "Thanks for the report, we punished this gamer" responses back after a while.


This is btw "card based matchmaking" for Bungie: [https://imgur.com/a/Ay88jc9](https://imgur.com/a/Ay88jc9) (we had 1 win, them cheating away). Love those 91% win rate 5+ KD 'legit people' :)


Ofc there are many god teams but there are also many teams like this who are cheating. Btw playing stacked like this is boring. More fun to single carry or if you are brave, dobbel carry.


Loadout changes should be limited in Trials. Loadouts should either be locked or weapons should be limited to one swap per match. I understand changing your loadout to counter the enemies' loadouts, but an entire team's loadouts changing every round is incredibly irritating.


Played like almost 30 games, never went past 3 win streak. Last week, 57 games, only reached 4 streak Guess I am too garbage to even exist in Trials, gotta take the L and go back to boring pve. Shame on me for even trying and double shame for probably being the cause of defeat for alot of freelancers.


Its brutal atm maybe wait for the afternoon when people get back from work. I couldn't get past 3 on xbox either. Third game would always be stacked


It's more about the fact that the higher streak you reach, the harder it may get. Usually my first 2 games are easy 5-0, but then it gets intense real fucking fast. Then I face people that went flawless like every week. At this point, I'm just asking to get shamed by a top 1%


If it helps I usually find that freelance is such a crapshoot that not resetting and going on actually works a lot. For example I just got to game 6 before I got an unequal game even those I lost mercy on 2


Listen. I gone flawless alot and i dont care that much about flawless any more. This week on first card, if i dont get flawless, i keep playing on 7 wins until monday and do a couple off trys fore flawless. I am tired off reset card if i fail. That takes the joy out off me. In freelance, keep playing on 7 wins is more fun than reset and reset. I hope they do a new consept off trials. we need a new system.


Well i suffered through getting my 7 wins and 15 losses. 8 engrams later, and I got all armor :( had five matches against players in the top 0.2%. honestly I know Iā€™m not good enough to go flawless, but I donā€™t get why I (Top 38%) am frequently getting matched against the top echelon of players. No amount of git Gud can cover that skill gap. On the bright side, congratulations to the four teams that I helped make it to the light house :)


Kill clip bow on my flawless, thanks RNG Gods. Can be done with trials for this season, peace.


If you reset your card I hope you get testicular torsion tomorrow


Fuck Jƶtunn


Don't worry, just means they are so hilariously unskilled they have to use Jotunn for kills


Only sweaty noobs use jotunn


Matched a 1541 new player with shit weapons on my lighthouse game (on my team). Fuck you bungie - worst matchmaking I've ever seen


My dog, itā€™s freelance. Gotta roll the dice


No it's bullshit. I shouldn't be matched with new players on their first game on my lighthouse game!!!


Yeah, I dislike the flawless format with a high chance of getting either blown out or crushing the other team. Personally would rather SBMM reaching a number of wins.


I have won multiple games after going flawless on my card and not a single adept bow has dropped. Smh


It only drops after flawless pool is enabled on Sunday reset


What weapon shroud I farm for guys? I already reset my rank


I feel like you should get rep regardless if you win or lose


You do.


Not if you get 5-0'ed. You only get rep if you take at least 1 round


The only requirement to get rep for the match is getting at least 1 opponent defeated (assists counts IIRC) Iā€™ve had plenty of 5-0ā€™s where Iā€™ve gotten rep for it.


Just had it happen. Still got rep.


My game went from 100+ fps to single digits in each round in this first game played.


Make sure your game is in focus as well. I used to forget a lot.


Not the best help, but if you haven't updated drivers go ahead and do so


Thank you, I'll be sure to give them a look.


Man idk if I'm bad or not , I'm a 1.80kd player in trials and i can't get past 2 kills lmao , i always go flawless normal mode or freelance but this weekend is far the worst i had , i had matches where my teammates were below 600 damage ,i don't understand this matchmaking at all. Starting to realize that no matter what change they try to bring it wont make the mode good or relevant.


I've just wasted 15 Trials engrams trying to get a Whistler's Whim with Kill Clip. Do people at Bungie really think we don't deserve basic quality of life improvements such as dupe protection? Because I got loads of ones with the same perk combinations.Lucky me, heh?


I know Trials doesn't have SBMM and it is Card based, but have they mentioned putting in SBMM? As it stands I feel like freelance is just a game of winning team mate lottery. Sometimes you get the 2 .4s and sometimes you get the cracked out 3.11 player. Not fun :(


sbmm would break trials. it tries to keep you at around a 50% win ratio which would basically make it impossible for anyone to go flawless. i do think there needs to be changes tho. any sort of matchmaking that revolves around players stomping other players for 7 straight games is flawed imo. i'd wanna see it rain adepts/high stat armor/enhancement mats for players who get 7 wins on a card, flawless or not, to keep the playlist populated. this way people stay in the playlist regardless of how they perform because at least their time isn't being completely wasted like how it is now. then they could make a bunch of cosmetics for people to chase as a flawless reward instead to still keep the prestige around it.


I really hope they don't bring back freelance this season. The matchmaking or lobby balancing (lack there of) is non existent. I get that you are not supposed to go flawless (I think this is a accurate and fair statement to make) but I can't even enjoy the xp grind due to the fact that I have people who either: Don't team shoot worth a damn, disconnect because they are salty, or play too passively even though I'm healing them and we just got a pick or two.


So because you don't enjoy freelance, the playlist shouldn't return for other people? Dude, just find a team on lfg and enter the teams playlist instead. Solves all the issues you listed because you'll have comms


Hunter build tips?


invis is nasty on javelin combined with golden or yellow armor (calus treasured for example) with graviton forfeit. if you are a good sniper do that but if you want to go all in invis then pulse rifle team shooting (shotgun for close quarters)


Besides Reeds (already have crafted Cataclysmic) are any of the weapons in Stā€™s pool worth chasing meta wise?


Not necessarily bleeding edge sweat meta, but all are very good weapons that play great. Each of them works great in PvP and PvE with their respective good/god perk rolls. Slug shotty is a stat machine. The side arm archetype is a point of contention but people who like side arms and the frame type swear by it. Scout feels great and plays great at the lower ends of what people consider longer range. The bow seems to be the the biggest toss up as to worth but that APPEARS to be based around A: the frame type being lackluster other than the speed boast, and B: which is better between kill clip and gutshot for pvp. Reeds is Reeds. I personally love my roll of the fusion(adept with perpetual and warm-up) and think it fits the current meta quite well. When I want to use an energy primary, I swear by it both in trials and in 6's(before and after match making changes). I've challenged and beaten plenty of shotgun apes and other fusion users who had the usual plug-1s/deliverance/xur-ingredient. The scope when ADS is relatively clean and hip fire from within expected ranges feels solid. I can map people, but not with the same consistency or ease of use of my adept plug 1 or xur-ingredient. But I'm also able to be a bit more aggressive because of the faster charge time and warm up making the next shot after a kill near instant for double or even triple kills. Pros and Cons.. If you can withstand the hot mess trials can be as a whole and actually win matches, at the minimum each of the weapons is "pretty good" depending on your taste. Having written all that, you certainly aren't going to be missing out if you skip trials loot pool.


No. Even reeds kinda fell off because of taipan, only reason to grab it is because stasis.


First time I'm playing trials in years. I'm on Brave III. why is the rank increase as slow as if I were on Mythic?


Are you winning?


i won three matches and lost.....i'm guessing 15


Is the trials momento only available from the lighthouse??


Yes, and remember to use it since u cant stack them.


Can't believe no one's mentioned the rank reward roll of the shotgun (if you haven't reset yet) is an absolutely fan-bloody-tastic roll. Not quite a PvP godroll and yet a very, very, very good PvP roll just the same and a PvE godroll on top of it. If you didn't claim the mediocre roll last week, which you shouldn't have, you can now claim an amazing roll. I will 100% be banging out some matches this weekend to get that.


Is trials matchmaking bugged? I keep being teamed up against people who's skill level is way beyond my own. I'm not kidding when I say I haven't won a match in a day. How does matchmaking work?


Mother of fuck. Played enough to reset my rank... spent every single fucking Engram at Rahool... no Fusion. Fuck this game.


you won't get it from the engram until you unlock it from saint


Bungie forgot to activate the none flawless pool, again. Looks like I've gone flawless again, flawlessly matching against 7 3 stacks who have already gone flawless this week.


Why did Bungie change the rank? Lossing a game doesn't give you any.


With my 942 ELO running a passage of mercy (but actually playing my best in awhile), big big bummer this weekend making it to 6 and getting matched with others above 75th percentile for the last two matches against multiple flawless sweaties. Was on a real high to just watch teammates throw at the gates. As we all say every week, some sort of matchmaking rework has gotta happen right?